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tv   101 East Reviving Indias Red Pandas  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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says mets which come us representatives they did not use the meeting to urge come us to release the hostages. to stop targeting is there any civilians to seize, using human chance to seize operating from levine and nearby hospitals, you and facilities and other protected sites. they are parsing mates to discuss their continued campaign against each room in the courts and on the ground. mister president, members of the court. stuff i'll think of is not interested in the truth, nor is it interested in law or justice. once again, it is explained in the court and it's a 40 to issue provision of the measures. it is in no rush to reach the merits of this case. we need to have to substantiate it's based based. let's planes with
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evidence that simply does not exist. is room for each part of showing nothing but respect for did you decent process and for that no more generally the quotes wouldn't be cool. on 28th. april 2024 is read, provided the courts with a length reports detailing inter, out of the numerous tips. but these are the activities and effectively taken to address the monitor and situation integrates. a strict consistent with the court's previous orders rather than 1st responding to is or is report. south africa rushed to submit yet another request for provisional measures. it's for, for fear the come us is not significant, strong, cold, with phone how much sense has repeatedly rejected every offered for a ceasefire. on 25th,
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april 202418 states called the phone from us, released immediately. the hostages, still being held in guys. a visa and a quotes. we emphasize the deal on the table to release the hostages. would you bring an immediate end for long? says fire in guys. that would facilitate a search of additional necessary money during assisting assistants to be delivered throughout the gaza. and leads to the credible end of a pussy like this 4 days ago on 13 may 2024. the united states national security advisor noted in the same vein that they quote, there could be a ceasefire tomorrow, if not simply released women. one did internally hostages. israel
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put a forward leaning proposal on the table. the warranty should be calling on from us to come back to the table and accept the south africa spoke yesterday about rebuilding a viable palestinian society. yet. stuff because actions speak louder. they need to be towards bites, actions is cleared up, suffolk, or wishes to see some us remain in control of the palestinians in gaza and testing them to missouri. it is, is around the patients to see a different future to was wondering which one is damian's and these are, these can both leave in peace. come us, the genocide of the terrorist organization. we stop to nothing to prevent that is the president, members of the court. this brings me to the 4th fact that the courts must not lose
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sight of as is the case with an old armed conflicts, incidents involving a legend. violations of the rules regulating the conduct of affinities made a cor just reality is not so unique to each other. and, you know, states is infallible. is there as independent and robust? think of the system addresses all negations of misconduct, including in the car. and so still it is they must not be thrown before this court in the form of fact and conclusions. and that's evidence of something they are not complete is not a single name for genocide. so it's not frequent mentions, some individual incidents reported in the media, and that seems to present them as evidence of on lots of policies. yet exceptionally incidents are just that's exception. they do not the evidence
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policy of illegal behavior, let alone the policy of genocide and then also cannot be cited as fact until the appropriate examination is carried out. not every media reports reflects facts or incidents correctly or in their phone context. israel has been and remains committed to i've seen in accordance with its international legal obligations, including those under international new monetary law and the genocide convention. these are in the housing place, the necessary mechanisms to examine and investigate allegations of wrongdoing bites, military forces, and to ensure accountability for violations of the law. information about these make a nuisance and their activities since the commencement of a state. these has been provided by ease, read in both of the reports of 26,
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february 2024, and the report of 28 to april 2024. as its bears are existing before the quote today. but since the beginning of they are still at these 55 criminal investigations hubs have been opened by the military, look at gender run with respect to incidents that raise prima facie reasonable suspicion of criminal misconduct. in addition, the fact finding and assessments and they can using permanent, independent and professional and making these in, in charge of examining the exception of these incidents is in the process of addressing hundreds of incidents from the current conflict. with respect to various public statements. as i stressed in january before the court, these really he got the system knows how to draw a line between statements that are troubling and even of the scene. but still the
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phone within the rights of freedom of speech, in a democratic society. and those statements which go beyond this death, right, is there as reports have also outlined the steps taken by is roads, law enforcement agencies? because i'm in dozens of statements made in the context of the current facilities in order to at 13 whether legal steps are warranted. it was recently decided that some cases justified the promotion of criminal proceedings. at the same time seems to the outset of these proceedings. south africa is consistently shared with big statements or taking others out of context in an attempt to attribute to each room. the intent to commit genocide. taking advantage of the low event for threshold at the provision of the major stage. it does so in the present to request those when i attribute to israel elated, you know,
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sidle ends in facts based on statements theory, calling for victory over mass and for its destruction. of israel as made repeatedly clear that the policy and instructions for conducting the will still it is stand from the decisions of the minister and committee on national security affairs. and that will copy notes in knots from various social media accounts or interviews. as me steps on towards your mind, i will explain the decision of these really cabinets and their implementation on the ground. you've no doubt that south africa's allegations regarding genocide, completely and utterly baseless is law enforcement authorities also asked to come through, is there any protest, protesters who built the transfers sites that will fade from either end to guys, a user,
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any police secures coordinated convoys during their process your needs with with respect to the incidents of may 13 during which brought the stores cause damage to age trucks. these riley police is prioritizing they think the station which was assigned to a special investigation unit. and as of right, it is out that in the investigation of several of the suspects and witnesses, you know, thirties are opting in disregard and will continue to act in order to investigate and prosecute if appropriate. and to ensure the continued the effective and efficient transfer of you money during the age as part of the lessons learned process and improve and make these in was adopted by the police. and the idea is to ensure the safety of the convers finally, to even during the stay with this, the door of these rooms, high court of justice,
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certain from peeler or freezer as robust and independent click on system are open to those will 6 to challenge the actions of either as governments, this includes non governmental organizations and jewels, and individuals who are not is there any citizens and residents if they are potentially affected by such actions? in fact, is there as high court of justice is currently reviewing that petition submitted by a number or if is there any angles concerning the many turn situation and they've got to sweep the court is reviewing the compliance of these ready governments policy with both international humanitarian law, and is there any look in its response to the petition? the states have submitted extensive, bruce and us participated in 2 public or an hearings before a senior 3 judge funding. it does present that in detail, the effort it is undertaking to alleviate the many fair and situation and be sure
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on statement would be submitted to the court within the next few days. concerning inter arlia. the operation in rough as i stated before, the score in january 2024. even when that conference or in gaza, the law is not silent either as legal system and it's domestic mechanisms or testament to this mister president, members of the quote, let me know say something about the weakness of south africa's allegations it's counseling. but right. it is early yesterday for casting aspersions. what is the cause? credible information provided by suffolk but the sub trophies that's, that's africa sites. hateful. the social media accounts and unsubstantiated news
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reports and supports of each clings. surely this cannot. the bus. and edition of flowing disregard is so soft because heavy reliance on documents prepared by 3rd parties or under the auspices of the united nations. when this cannot be said to constitute sufficient evidence for reliable quality. indeed, the court has it says, had the occasion to observe that you and reports may only be of such quality. i quote, to the extent that they are or probative value and are corroborated if necessary, by other credit been sources. the courts more over stated that, and they quotes the precise evidence you value according to any reports, including those produced by united nations entities also depends on the methodology
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. and the amount of research underlines it's preparation. it is important to practice the choreography. israel does not under estimate the reports of the u. n. and other sources. we studied them, drew conclusions and lessons in the appropriate cases. however, statements from such reports should not be accepted automatically, especially in a complex combat reality. these wards of caution are of particular significance in the present case. as the materials cited by so thoughtful, have been prepared without access to relevant and necessary information, including you that's headed by easily and often without any attempt to access such information to the frequency rely on how much sources or in those subject to come
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us intimidation. one striking example would you give serious cause for alarm is the even you an auction, which has so far power outage power to the information generated by mastering agencies in gaza regarding fatalities has recently started to accept that the information coming out of that is flawed. it highlight data that's more than 10 thousands of the for so if i thought it is declared by some us or i named in dance and verifiable concurrently, it's revised dramatically. the number of very 5 of fatalities of women and children fatalities to approximately half been, was previously presented and stopped by roasting the basis, claim that 70 percent of because you and these are women and children. it turns out
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that that, that, that you any were using and that's left off because was presented to the school as true was wrong. why did the number of over, on fatalities has not changed? the breakdown is crucial. how much has been consuming the number of community tense and it's, and verified least of this thing and casualties? how much as lease also contains, contain persons who died from reasons unrelated to idea if actions such as fire of terrorist organizations can show many irregularities in reported age, gender and id numbers in this way and conflict can easily be portrayed as a genocide as we have stated every civilian, this is
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a tragedy. the morals are over on the fidelity comes during the war or not in and of them says evidence of a know from conduct under international law. once again, the facts matter. so thought franco has not missed an opportunity to make out the industry to use nations against israel. and its 4th request for freezing and majors is retreats with black and distortions and resort presentations . with hard splinters such a trait, just distortions and misrepresentations yesterday as well. perhaps most repugnant is south africa's suggestion the israelites created zones of extermination, evoking terminology remains, and of the systematic explanation of european jews during the holocaust seemingly
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early outragious. you said suffolk, i've seen it kind of tempted to equate is or is action with the genocide of practices that's or bring show how low south africa has to these are like asians live in the is there is these are in our pregnancy, untrue and emphatically, the night like many of the claims in south africa application and to request the like any basis in fact, or little suffolk, a claims that these are a, let's close, critical, broad, it course things into guys. when this is black and clean on true, it does claim that these right let's face to facilitate the provision of fuel for sustaining. do you mind if there are no positions and facilities? this is also on time. me stepped on towards them on we further elaborate on these
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points in a moment as well as on the continuous efforts that these were let's be making to leave a few minutes here and situation in the gaza strip to us concert freezer noted before the courts during the or the hearings on 12 january 2024 est intent on committing genocide would not undertake the operation on any money to earn a ford. such is what has taken is taken to meet the gates civilian harm. you would not have delayed a grunt maneuver for weeks, origin civilians to 6 safer space and in doing so, sacrifice operation, da advantage. it would not be the best. must have resources in facilitating your money theory and age. if anybody should be told that enough is enough, it is 40 subs are present in not is right. what points do we say enough to
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suffer because repeated attempts to expose the provision of the measure procedure of these quotes in such a vile and seem to come on the floor like on wars? is tragic, intolerable for res riley's and but experience and deep as expected. to but human price. but it is not genocide. i can only recall once again, that is what it is made it clear. but if the hostages more released and come us or too late, the only it's arms, they'll see that these woods seize. and that's being engaged intensively in negotiations for that effect. mr. president's members of the court. suffolk, a us be score to order is right, and they quote, sees it submitted to reopen operations in the guise of street, south africa as, as the court to order the succession of military operations. but as well in its
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previous request, the court has not done so. the court is well aware that to do so would mean that $132.00 hostages, it would remain to language in how much is done in time is for sake. and it would mean to come out, so what do we left, an injured and free to continue its effects against these really territory in these ready civilians. which it has stated intention to do it to turn the genocide convention into a sort rather than machines and would sweep is read of its rights under international law. and these are any civilians or fits protection such a situation is both legally and morally attainable. for one of the reasons given in response to set stuff,
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because audio requests for similar provision and measures, the court's rightfully reject itself because previous request, and it would be wholly inappropriate to grant it provision on the measures measure . in such terms. the 2nd of the provision of measures requested by suffolk are repeats earlier request. it doesn't meet either sufficiently covered by the volume . provision of the measures ordered by the court or rejected in previous rounds. south africa has not given sufficient reason why the court should now be vh for or essentially duplicate. it's already are decisions. the 3rd provision of the major requested by south africa, would you require that is what submit an open report to the court on all the measures taken to be effective to v, as in previous proven a provision of measures as they have said, ease rather than gauge 40 and sincerely in these proceedings,
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despite the treasures and labors claims that that'd be living against it. it's submitted to the court to defense reports. if that is being forthcoming about the efforts it is undertaking, as well as the challenges it is dealing with. to leave you a few minutes here in situation guys as it does made clear time. and again, it's on waiver and commitment to its supplications under it's an international it has done this. why the fighting continues and the citizens are still under a tech fabric that has responded with it, but roger requests it is clearly adopted. a strategy of drug is ready to court endlessly regardless of any legal undertakings, but usually in the circumstances. ordering is ready to submit.
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another report is unwarranted. mister president, that concludes my statement. i ask that you not invites, we stepped on towards him on to the po to you. i think be cool agent officer. and i'll miss them on the plan. the pool. yeah, before the mr. president, members of the court, it is an honor to appear before you on behalf of the state of israel. as did just heard is really is to under attack. we are still counting more and more of our that and attending to chosen more who are on wounded no less than 132 children,
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women and men are a student hostage in imaginable condition space from us and under a students will attend and got some tens of thousands of is really citizens are internally displaced. most of them have not been through homes in over 7 months. many have no homes to return to a very grave aspect of the risk must secure of 7 october continued to ripple through our people. and communities who must not be forgotten. they, to a war seat of international laws, protection means the president, members of the court. i drove particular attention to the women, still held stage in guest me. so i make stuff now.
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was held captive and gas. i buy some us for 55 days. that's beside the recently, but she was physically abused, beaten up and chained to bed, threatened at gunpoint, and forced to perform factual act on her cups. her mouth refuses to release these women and old, the otto all suggest its hold. each presently refuses to leave the you money to iran, suffering. the news for his wrote to own consent on both sides. he just turned down numerous proposals for his to far. and it continues to favor this and destruction of a strategy. we heard nothing about that yesterday.
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in fact, both those are free type of south africa. many, many outrageous follow statements yesterday. perhaps most striking was what it did not say. we have hardly heard the world come us, even though it is how much that is abroad. above all the suffering and pain that we are witnessing the suffering of is raleigh's. and for the students like, or instead we start to at least sent to examine the situations to language that is so hateful. so out of touch with reality, that it was difficult to believe we are in a court of law. mister president, members of the court. there is no doubt that this war is tragic
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and has coast great suffering on both sides. again, this is a message doing south africa provides an account that is not only and in credible and incredibly partial, it is also distorted. but to apply the law properly to impart justice, surely the fact must matter effect cannot but show that israel is seeking consistent, free to abide by the law and the extricating circumstances. a 4 for thomas has deliberately created a blatant misrepresentation. we heard yesterday cannot alter that. for a start. folks, africa claims that is one has shut down. the 2 mainland crossing to reach aid
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enters into augusta. this being the rough 5 and 10 am shalom crescent. and that is run has cut off from all unitarian medical and otto supplies. this is payton, please. on truth, the truth is that israel and los and facilities as it has been for months, the provision of more and more humanitarian aid to the civilian population throughout the guy, the script. it does so through a number of crossing on a daily basis. and i refer the court to the map that is now on the screen before you and also a type of 5 of your folders contribute to south africa codes claim. the kevin sion long cross think has been in continuous operation since
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december 2023. we have one recent exception between the 5th and 8th of may. when it was closed of those come us fire, it's kept them shut them. even the fire continued on 81011, 12 may and several times even yesterday, the crossing remained open. a line allowing more and more a to flow in this crossing has been the central entry point for ad for months. i know that south africa has not only wrongly alleged, the kevin shall, i'm crossing has been shut down. it's also requested that is relevant, increase control over it. i hardly need to say much about this request. given that kill him. shalom is situated on foreign is rarely to return for
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the rough across. think to say that israel closed this cross think is an accurate best. it's a probation was disrupted on may 6th. and since then, israel has they think active measures and has been in intensive discussions with egypt supported by our international operators in an effort to review the flow of aid in the meantime. and in keeping with it's consistent efforts is ran, has taken immediate measures to ensure that the alternative paths are available for the continued increase. and it's provision of human, a chevy and assistance to the got a script in this context, the prime minister of israel, convinced to high level meetings, to ensure it continues with continued the 1st response to the humanitarian situation.


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