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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the, the base initial agents to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant . the there is a tragic war going on, but there is no genocide. israel ok is this case on the un top coal west of africa as calling for israel's military to lead southern garza, south africa. and these really representative is had cooled up to saying garza has been flooded with humanitarian aid. the console robin. you want to, i'll just live in life,
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my headquarters here in the also coming up for us as the 1st drugs carrying humanitarian. a rolling off a floating tier hung gauze coast. but the inside is moving a bi line. the sites are faster and more efficient. meanwhile buckles right, john and northern garza fighting continues in giovanni. a 6 people have been killed in the latest is by any strikes plus the welcome to the frank. and we begin in the hey as well. has again rejected accusations. it's carrying out genocide in garza but lawyer as the israel of told the international court of justice. it has the right to move ahead with a full scale offensive on rasa to defend itself against almost very unfair as a south africa, as the cold or the israel to stop is offensive on the city saying is violating the genocide convention for the as so thought for
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a couple of parts to describe the process. the last, refute for civilians in guys was many civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full hum us, which continues to pose a significant threats to the state of israel and its citizens. that boston joins us now alive from the hague. this is the full time now that israel has not to what might say defend itself from the south african a petition. what else did they have to say? well, the arguments hasn't changed much indeed. so 4 times the main argument as follows. bringing today was that to the fact that if i said that if south africa says that there is no a please, not enough. humanitarian a is coming in to about 5 is basic to get a lie. according to israel,
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they say they're doing everything they can to provide humanitarian aid and the south africa saying that these border crossings in the guys a close to is also untrue, according to israel. so they say they are spending millions of dollars to make sure that all these 8, it's reaching the people in gaza. and also they said that south africa's claim that's how far is this last refuge for the people in gaza is on through. they say they acknowledge that there are a lot of civilians there, but they also say it's a how much stronghold and they have to continue this military operation. so basically rejecting south africa's request of for a to the core to order as well to stop. it's military offensive and rough uh, and also withdrawal from guys altogether. it was an interesting hearing this time because in the beginning israel sat, it didn't have enough time to prepare that. it was so far to short notice that we're only to speak us compared to
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a lot bigger team in january. and then also at the end of the hearing, a lot of the judge is a german judge. but basically as an additional question, which is also unusual, asking israel to explain what is happening in the so called evacuation zone, once a, specifically of my wattsey. is there any safety there and how will people get there? so the court has no order as well to respond to this specific question tomorrow, saturday by 6 pm. of course, i will continue, continue to follow that line of the story as we go for the next step by step take. thank you. stuff. is there a queue sounds i forget the pricing on behalf of how i'm us. so thought a couple of parts to come before you get again as the guardian of humanity. in fact, it has a clear interior motive. we need to ask you to order is ready to stay away from
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your office and to with 0 or the troops from does. it does so in order to obtain military advantage for a spotlight from us, which it does not wish to see the feet. it's for me to build a possible reaction from john his book we've just also heard from south africa's international relations director general zoned angle and responding to that. he said it's completely false and that israel is trying to cost political as versions on on. so that's because case at the i c j. so that's like a has maintained from the beginning of its arguments. and even when it large this case of december that this is a real human rights issue. and so that for kate in no way is representing home us at the i c j. and ultimately it's about protecting the people of cause a protecting their rights and ensuring that people are not killed. and that is why it is returns to the i c j, because that has continued uninstalled africa's words the killing of people has
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continued at an alarming rate. and it's also responding to some of those arguments . it's pointed to evidence around why it's the based on the number of mass graves that have been found. again, the number of people that have been killed, the number of schools and hospitals and medical facilities that have been attacked and lift palestinians. people in garza, in a bundle position, and also that given the latest military operation in rough us, specifically people, they would have no way to go given what's already happened in the north. so this is really why so that's because it's the and ultimately aside from its allegations of genocide wanting a ceasefire, one thing an end to israel's mother, to operations in gaza. otherwise i to israel's foreign ministry has told the quote is always seen is really policy to deliver a sufficient today to the strip. and that's despite hundreds of thousands of people in northern goals are experiencing simon creating prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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to maintain that as well. has dramatically increased deliveries of humanitarian aid to gaza from the beginning of the wars my fullest, that was you have to provide the basic you money to be an aide that is required by international law. but in the last 6 weeks, we actually changed it. not only to providing basic humanitarian aid, but flooding. got the we've seen many tyree an aid. the old, the grounding gauze is ready for the run thing that the tax on the jamalia refugee can. major explosions were had early, almost not today. and at least 6 people were killed and move and i have to tackle the house sheltering, displaced people lot. so they just coming from giovanni. let's close over to our correspondence, however, covers the vision data by and central gaza. you know, while a lot hearing was happening in the hague lodge black plumes of smoke,
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it's in various areas of the gaza strip tyrique, but just bring us up to speed on what we know what was hits and why? the yes, now the valley is witnessing a mass military intense companion of bottom and in the areas of developing the refuge account. now these started from the outskirts of become now pushing the part inside the home p. t. areas for back to its are still on going to now and so these narrow streets that can set it to be a death trap for the east valley. so just as palestinian groups, i've been attacking, i think in terms of those as with different onto tact. ms. tiles more to shows and a short range missiles that were used in confronting the maneuvering troops that who are trying to seek for minute treat control over the densely populated area. now to valley a refuge account from the perspective of the east, very mandatory is
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a strong cold. the most movement for the tax has been carried out, destroyed, incomplete residential neighborhood square. talking about countless damage and civil impress to him that part of the discharge of the strip as people have been leading, escaping from the on getting compartments. i'm a confrontation set to the western side of this week. you know, the late set tax in the past couple of hours have been carried out most the by the, to the units on the drones. me sizes that have been hitting different targets as those of casualties have been transferred to come on at one hospital, which i'm sure it's facility use different kinds of attacks by the use by the altima. now, as we have been hearing from high witnesses to us, so he'll be helping confirming that the value of refuge account huston to be a graveyard for palestinians as this camp has been. the vast majority of its building being attacked by these, by the onto the relieving tides, ways of destruction. the, as there is no, any kind of lit,
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talk to now as opperation is still ongoing and it's 6 days in a row. induct densely populated area, we're palestinian medicaid, the palestinian minister of hills has been holdings for an immediate medical intervention in order to help the know the right parts of the hospital in order to keep operating that as well. when they come out, i do on hospital is the least expensive that is receiving patients and could be only giving them a 1st page. imagine c hill alongside that. they are on able to continue providing advance surgeries in that area which witness kind of on pursuing to this case over at tax since october the 7th time. because the i c j hearing on friday in the hey, we heard from these right? the representative talking about the amount of aid this into the gaza strip. prime minister netanyahu has also set them with quoting the last 6 weeks. his policy has been to flood gaza with aid your on the ground you'll in gaza. most of you seen
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will age when getting into the goals are stretched prior. the rough operation of the expansion of the fighting in the notes of his tripping to value refuge account and best scenarios. at least 170 humanitarian tops were getting into the strip and were handed over to the united nations in order to be later distributed in you and distribution center as well. yet with the expanded of the fighting, with the new imaging reality in a rough off, it was quite difficult for these the humanitarian organizations to operate on the ground in addition to the fact that as well as controlling. now what crushing now the minutes, reparation are roughly how to control the borders of including karma. solomon drop off cursing, now they are completely closed. no college of age is getting into the strip. it means that new palestinians have been allowed to get any kind of emergency help within the past couple of days. and that's absolutely contradictory to the east where the prime minister has been saying in the past couple of days about floating
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garza with how you know what he's getting into the church or only commercial trucks that were getting into the goals, which i think those include the nation with the is really only and they cannot be even be, you know, for the m, it's these of costs population because it has been sold in the palestinian market with various contacting prices. so it will come out to you as much as the day progresses of the moving time to come to resume the floors and then about i think, you know, the us central command says visa shipments of 8 have entered gauze that using the newly built the flexing pair washington says that 90 truckloads today will be delivering, using the 10 people to do it on 500 tons. but then to gauze that in the coming days . here's what the slicing pit. oh, here's where it's located is for the south them was originally planned, and that's because last month, these really i'll be asked for it to be moved closer to one of the major check points. united nations will coordinate the distribution of the 8 after it, some loaded and inspected again by is rarely false is but the un secretary general
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spokesman has will that if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the strip, probably no way for the aid to be distributed, be and also says deliveries by land remained the most effective way to reach palestinians in need of gabriel is on the proposal from you and h q in new york in the united states says the floating dock is now anchored near garza and ready to receive maritime 8 shipments for the united nations to distribute the un on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans. how to do so, but reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster, to stave off the horrors of famine. we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of gaza and for that we need access by land. now, the un says right now the main land crossings and guides are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. and even if a drug skit in the lack of fuel to get to places to distribute it. basically the
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bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel humanitarian organizations. echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rough or crossing the mainland route to get that that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies, and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into casa, all of the land crossing points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. he's really openly hostile to the un, even killing a un security officer and wounding another in rough of this week. this calls into question how safely the un could deliver aid. united nations in
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a very difficult situation where they're being expected to provide for example, this humanitarian supports the people gaza at the same time. and they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members. even when you have the opening of the support, even as you have more, a come in, even if you have the few rule and the ability to distribute it, you still have this critical issue that is really, really prevalent on the ground. and goals are right now, which is, you know, the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely deliver this in. and that is the real problem with the un faces right now. rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a loading dock. it didn't build didn't request and doesn't even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza and could be nothing more than a costly distraction. gabriel's on the i would use either at united nations in new york. spain has announced it will not allow ships counting almost as well to don't
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because it's pulse on thursday, my direct refused permission for a ship bounce. israel report for the counting explosive materials to adult, the southeastern poles of good time. you. spain has halted what the next boat licenses to israel since i'll tell you, but when the country launched, as will, i'm gone. so tiny prime minister. so i thought ferguson said on friday that he was deeply saddened by the death of 2 ty, nationals killed in the october 7th attack on as well, and whose bodies were being held by him off these various it'll be sent to late on thursday about it had informed the families of the depth of the 2 men who identified as kidnapped, ty citizens, identity i believe, to be alive in the gaza strip. 17 time nationals held by him us were released and threw him into them. but israel estimates a 132 captives remain in dallas so. so me concierge, i am going to, i'm randall 10. i'm very saddened to announce that the ministry of foreigners,
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this has been foamed by the ty embassy and tell of these that upon consideration of the available evidence and is ready to give them a committee which works on assessing the hosted situation. found that 2 ties who are on the list of hostages, who haven't yet been released have already died there. i believe, to have died at the beginning of the incident in october 2023. the ty government would like to offer as deepest condolences to the families of the deceased. oh, still had held, i'll just ever india's election dilemma will tell you why it's the worlds fastest growing economy plus unemployment is still on the rise. the the latest news rate was so intense, if this is all but it's less people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gossip population of 2300000 people do not have enough prices is escalating and detailed coverage as well as
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prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office on counting, the cost of india is income inequality gap his wife makes. so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to post global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production products? counting the cost on it, which is 0 to a spinning customers smuggling undocumented workers across the next 2 parts west by israel of the witness, their incredible stories, film over 9 years. desert smugglers. with this document on the jersey to
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the the book about what you all just have it with me. so rahman in de la reminder of all the top stories, israel has again rejected accusations as carrying out jet, assigning dollars. that's the international court of justice. but lawyers say it has the right to move ahead with the fulls catatonic on the southern city of rasa, to defend itself against some of the 6 people being killed and is really of time going to have sheltering, displaced people into bodily. a refugee camp is very full. this is a pushing further into the account and the renew defensive in northern governance. the us says the fis, trucks tiring humanitarian, a to event at the costs of our it's time for
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a 2 year to date. groups of reiterate to that land crossings can bring in more aid, much faster demonstrate as a guidance for line because capital columbus and to show solidarity full palestinians in the besieged cause of strip protest as a demanding an end to its trials will. but also the end as has moved from columbus . right now, you've had the them on straight to raving the rain head and colombo and marching on a former public pop towards the u. s. embassy and colombo. and they had several issues that they were raising their voices against one. they wanted the genocide as they called it, to stop and have a sign in gaza. they wanted to call on the united states to stop weapons sales, military corporation with israel, as well as for that country to use it's good offices and relationship with israel to judge a see saw in the age of a sort of gaza area to avoid the further blood said,
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i mean for the people of sri lanka who have seen 1st hand the cost of war having sort of voted for over. 6 25 years. what's happening in gaza is very sort of close to what they went through many years ago. in fact, today's the 15th that diversity since that whole ended. but what they're saying is people, human life needs to protect, be protected, and e's real. mus stop using excuses to try and eliminate the policy and then people rest. impressive. automated peyton is in china anyway. he's wrapping up his 2 day visit to discuss what chinese present changing pink holes. i know limits partnership, president, 13 gold full place that you can look at times between the 2 countries that comes out to she conducted his 1st diplomatic tour in europe in 5 years. time when he's a little bit because of exchanged blows in pilot intent, a dispute type of reforms to the chamber entail succeeds politicians searched around the speakers, sees leaping over tables. feel position wants to get pub in greatest scrutiny
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powers over the government who's to be it'll get based on monday wouldn't january's election, but his democratic progressive party last is majority empowerment of the you and human rights tree says that he's horrified by the escalating violence. they the suit in the city of out of the fashion agencies and shot on pricing for a new wave of refugees. us finding incidental continues. now the country already been hosting around 410000 say to these refugees from the previous. the full cross is creating a shopping creasing fuel and food prices that you and estimates the conflicts ongoing for more than a year and has created the world's largest displacement consist of about $9000000.00 people will forward to using child expect the number of suits in these refugees in the country to rise by about a quarter of a 1000000 to mold and 900005 december. about half a 1000000 cities has now flagged to egypt nearly a 140000 into south sit down. and just over 23000 into the central african
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republic. that will be more than $14000.00 people kills as the conflict began in mid april. last, the take the holidays, the u. n. deputies, humanitarian. cool. today to a full suit on. it must be to people in no fashion, the capital of build up for every day and the yesterday i spoke to a couple of a couple of people who said that the situation was like l o, where they could lose their lives at any day. there is active, wonderfully going on, a temporary attack by the rapid support forces of everybody moves by the cities and forces that are leading to message new displacements, internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem the so you seem to get out to say various but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside surroundings. so no one in any way, any other reason of el paso is safe. we're also getting
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a more and more reports of people who are in front of food in the security, in other parts of data for the many of the idp caps and indeed refugee camps inside doc for all space and really bad levels of food and security. we have strong indications of pockets of famine in some of the, of all of these areas and the tax in chad. but again, you mentioned 12 percent are funded for a subsidy. i believe the funding in charge is, is, is less than that humanitarian agency is struggling to get sufficient they in so those refugee camps to support those people who have already throughout the country 10 years ago and promoting problem is to create 250000000 jobs in india, he was elected as the prime minister. now as the 6 they said time in the ongoing general elections, unemployment rebates, a major concerns insights. as a reminder that the indian government has not granted visas to, i'll just, there is just less so that we're covering the election from outside of the country
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. so we consume sharika polls of the most negotiable, who spends no hours on the streets of coal cut to the capital of india's eastern state of westbound gold. his late escape of the jobs in private companies, the graduate from coke at the university makes it on $6.00 a day to support his family for the vehicle. similar to that is a lot of corruption in all government jobs. you have to pay a huge amount is abroad to get a position. and private companies are exploding the situation. millions of young people in india, including those will formerly educated, are struggling to find stable employment. the folks to take up in form of jobs that, that temporary and offer no social security benefits. so you under both says young people make up nearly 80 percent of the unemployed work force in india. the prime minister movies governing potty says that it's not that fault. the government has not faith. the government is $56.00 the case of wrong focus in order to be done
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in one decade. india has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. s and p global rating says its own close to become the 3rd largest by 2013. the reserve bank of india says the indian economy is likely to hit the record growth rate of 7 percent in the next fiscal year. but some economists say, despite signs of progress, india is big economy is still a major problem. unemployment, this will tell you tony about spin off perfect, but what tax but big to a footprint heights is the fact that the level of informal what is extremely high and has been going up. often the mazda attacking is run on october 7th, the country band, palestinians, from working inside its territory. these rarely construction sector. the main lead relies and foreign labor then opened up for indian book, as in january,
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thousands of men turned up for recruitment flies in the melvin state of how do you all know of to the government, advertise 10000 positions for construction workers in this room. there is danger where we live. danger is there in israel as well, $1600.00 a month. we can't get that here. neighbor and go to for the indians. most pop in the states also released a similar advertisement. all that shown that despite the dangers of looking into was thousands of unemployed indians, a willing to risk their lives, to try and make a living that's, i'm think i'm pulling in economy that supposedly growing dental's 67 percent. but yeah, the 6 week, low multi phase general elections. and on june, 1st in india and across the country, many voters are saying they want a government that creates table employment on the consumption grief on just 0.
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so that's all just bear with me for the baby. it's the brothers. next. that old inside story will examine the fun televised debates between the us presidents advice and donald trump. with a they'll make a real difference in the race to the white house to stay with us here on the the hello, then let's have a look at the weather for east asian. we've seen some very settled and sunny weather conditions dominating for japan as well as the korean peninsula and large areas of china, especially down in the south where we saw that devastating funding. but the bad news is, is that we are going to see more wet weather starting to push its way east on saturday. so pace is like one g as well as glenn don't expecting to see that heavy rain once again saturday into sunday. some heavy rain as well will start to edge
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its way into southern parts of japan. can you show and hon. shoot, seeing west of that on sunday, but much t y a and fine up in the north. and the green financial that manages to cling onto that settled weather with sunshine on sunday. beijing still seeing the big is a sit very high temperature wise. it's a similar story for shanghai with plenty of sunshine and high temperatures. all the story for south asia also got some very what, whether the pre monsoon range floating heaviest in carola, we've got amber warning, thoughtful possible strong winds as well as thunder storms. here tell me will not do as well and she will anchor, but the north is that it is a very hot story. we'll see the temperature hit 45 degrees celsius. and you denny, on saturday as the palestinians who were expelled from there. and then in the neck of 1948,
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still don't have the rights of return. that is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with the young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on, i'll just 0. setting the stage for the us presidential election. donald trump accepts the challenge to face off against president joe divided into tv debate spots. will they actually take place? and what difference could they make and the race to the white house? this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on them breaking tradition in several ways. us present job item has challenges pre to assess that to, to televised debates ahead of the.


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