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tv   Al Jazeera World Return to Palestine  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the investigating the use and abuse of power across the glass on that which is 0. the . ready ready mailboxes and, and don't have the top stories on audra 0. israel has again rejected accusations. it's coming out to genocide in gaza during its defense at the international court of justice and the hague on thursday and south africa, osby, i c, j to or to israel, to stop it's offensive own does offer, saying it's violating the genocide convention, but lawyers for israel have told the court it has the right to move ahead with a full scale offensive on the southern city to defend itself against thomas. so thought for a couple of parts to describe rough uh the last refute for civilians in guys
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was many civilians having did evacuated through rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full hum us, which continues to pose a significant threat to the state of israel and its citizens. legal advisor to israel's foreign ministry is told the court. it's always been, is there any policy to deliver a sufficient aid to the strip that's despite hundreds of thousands of people in northern gaza, experiencing funding, causing prime minister benjamin netanyahu. she mentioned that israel has dramatically increased deliveries of humanitarian aid to gaza. all just in this taught a couple of them has more on what the situation is like on the ground. your thoughts from general bala in central gas and now let's make it more clear for the audience . the 3, the invasion of roughly they are where according to a constant flow of 8 supplies into the gaza strip, was with
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a very limited number of the humanitarian to get into the church. we the is by the army before said that they are providing the gaza strip with more than 300 humanitarian 8 to one day. the pages after we verify that we've been business only the rough, i think they have been some funding stuck only. what is getting into the causes trip in the best scenario, cannot surpass more than $170.00 humanitarian tops on a daily basis. and later with the east making decision to invade, rubbing on to expand military operations in the north, on board as if the gaza strip has been completely controlled and close by the east, very military without any kind of a to float into district. the us, as the 1st chunks carrying humanitarian a have entered gaza via is temporarily peer, but age groups have reiterated the lines crossings can bring in more aid much faster. on the grinding guys, i'm is there. any forces are ramping up the attacks on jabante
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a refuge account. major explosions have been hired early on saturday. at at least 6 people have been killed in an overnight attack on a house sheltering displaced people. russian president vladimir putin is in china, where he's dropping off a 2 day visit to discuss what chinese president choosing thing is called, no limits partnership speaking and then offer you since if you've had been on friday, president posing called for aren't in tons of economic relationship diamond, he's lawmakers, have exchanged, below is in parliament and a dispute about a phone. so the chamber, the political showdown comes this days before president elect slicing to take the office without a legislative majority. lie who's to be now give aged on monday, one january's election, but he's democratic. progressive politics lost its majority in parliament. but you and human rights chief says he was horrified by escalating violence near the cities to feed on as far as you earlier this week, the vocal to help tolts with commanders from the rapids support forces and the
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cities armed forces. he won't have an imminent risk of famine and humanitarian disaster if the city is attacked. and you direct sort of one of columbia as big as prisons has been shot dead week soft of besieging stripes against him. and his family. alma fernandez was being driven home from the model present in boulder, tough when the service vehicle was intercepted by gunman. it received death threats after implementing new government policies to clean out presents, including on an on sections of inmates sells. at least 4 people have died in the us state of texas and heavy stones, high speed wins down trees and power lines, and houston leaving about 805000 people without out it was it a windows or several high rise buildings have been blown out there was of a headlines the news will continue often on to 0, will stay with us the
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color that's the reason why they left the we didn't come to the police. they left the all wheel. there's plenty of insurance and able to come through especially need . i can sit in front of the populated 11th and as opposed to what that and the thing. busy among their own people, and then the
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one income county jail have on at least had extra while to attend this, the ill illness with them to help me a whole big metal when empty is that there's nothing of it the better to have it. the issue of county heading there. so a lot of the, a head cold, but a football watson, the other the find that little unsure about will be to bit novella. but to connect to the problem with that have a great, what is it?
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so is the how to as it is for valid on the visit, i said in the field of the policy, but a little above i was able to ask you in a closer look the elaborate develop. yeah, yeah. well my way to clean the savannah no question. again, and i knew i had to come on the other side of the
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hill. net, you know, oh this are you. i will hold off how to set up the password. yeah. that's how how does that sound? does that, oh, i have a oh you mean you said this one in the hands of us? oh no sad, but i was just saying hey and i guess in that i say, i love to watch on the the do know the yeah. the yeah. yeah, i'm going to hate to have this is helena. oh well no. nothing bad. yeah,
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go ahead and see what other hand i see what is a loud router so we can live and now you so we will see you is due on the last. let's definitely let me he said, go ahead. you can cancel it. i just had to be in before the 5th. hey, let me go. hi, get ladon. you had got the i just you haven't been able to convince about me the say, i don't have to hi. 7 not the,
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the had the subpoena for her. this was disappeared. and i'm to have it thing is there is a few nation for combat hedges because there's a finding the nice that are the type of thing. the news . what had happened, nasa? we had a shit. yeah. or you have the, the new let me do that, you'd be so kind of you. so you began visually even the case of oma. i shouldn't be cut all by, send this back to me. but as i said, it's
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a little bit. and this is really going to be hooked up the 100 out of the fingers over a 100, so it will show the that the of the human. so have you said the
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scene edison seized with the full amount of the middle. so i know that's the only thought he told me the most money on the machine. how many months and a little bit later. hello the the yeah. yeah, yeah, yeah. the i get into it. come of who's going to head hot
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a full of oh it's going to be if he's no, no, no, no, i wouldn't face the height height. the height itself is, you know what i mean? obviously. oh oh, so hello. but most of us to see it in as in a, as on i let it out of been had that maybe some of them have the most of the houses out on the floor outside of it. let's see. this head fellow performance. i have seen him as nephew. let's see. let's see, let's see. have the lucky which has all the look at the added onto the scene that no mac and on did. and then with this, with fake mac, went down and thought i had to teach with images and a full of seen have set in on. i'm just pull up any or an on. does she the title of philosophy? another not going to say the and then and full scene of,
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of the claim number for me. i'm back even move. we'll see, you know, that's the most difficult when the fee and the disability, you have to let them know. she doesn't know how to do it. has to have the li, claudia, was she the of the, the
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best that in this book. it should also be at home whom that industry show which becomes our feet, especially with all and visited and all had a bit thought i was on. it will come on live, come at the movies, you will fall asleep. it is just a moment. somebody with the officials book keeping less than one i'm calling about to this what i think it was gonna cut him. how michigan is i haven't been left so now this rebecca. so how does that look to hang out? the been up. so for the couple of minutes i'm going to send it with this one. i hope the sooner the better the to buy it in the next in mechanical, i'm sure multiple supply only the in the i'm good enough. i'm the late for the
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a feeling something that's a different types of offensive and by them to buy some given how to fill out. i'm doing okay. it comes with them in the lock. you have to have a chat available to no additional. what i'm a cool, i'm ruth. so to students and it will show me the model look at and, and my pro, that was i have my bar at the home i have, i'm booked up on the most of to be on a, on my list of people though. so if that's the answer now, but if i have some useful, alaska principal here should be another 100 and some of me that even be to us and can did the 2nd fee i'm, i'm a little home so high that. so how is that who has a list of e 90 and a student? that's what the events since coming out of man comes to the new place. but all that comes of i have the feeling kind of something that you had them up on a be fucked about, you know, was interested in come 2nd fee slo headphones, autumn up. not any 7 up. no. and is who will not have on it with you?
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and if i'm going to talk about it, we left a message now. so how do you find that event? and so, so kind of let me look here and look at it. well, i know most of the things the deal on the bid on this, but that has the big maturity on the letter with the same name on it. okay. and many of those dates almost looks back up . oh philip booming in the 1st thing in name is having the full set of market from for cool. how in on the on the does how a little flock of a cassette the know. so this way, oh, it been sort of have see how does a all the equity, how you like to put them in thought? what is the full explain a little less? i'm not sure you saw that sort of issue feeling a bit domain a little
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bit on la haven to allow the on the the the
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vain. so now i'm not is out, i'm not, i'd be coming home i had here for the come ahead defend i should for you while it, but i'm a baseball fan on my way. but i can uh, i'd have good i was needing your. that could be what i can more about the just fit in the whole, not at the base, the values that i've uh, assessed. so what i, as i saw him, what is that a problem? i like some morgy dean. right. why it's all able to help them then i would say, what happens when people used to mazda have any height and weight loss, and how that was. okay. i didn't know that kind of thing that i told him and take
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the best of luck with them. uh, not optimistic any the if i have to wait, is it to come in depth some since it's kind of hard to say, is it good? it means event handled better than most of the new that you anybody else in the, the frontier industry. it just means, oh, how does that does it? could i have the could i have not been established daniella into something that helped me the most. i couldn't see you by the telling you what i mean. yeah. you
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know, when you look the card number, now how do i know how to read the fine or the quote so high, and i had them and that's no good. and that's just the income administrators balance. so just not as bad. the smallest companies missed a lot better, but yeah, i'm a veteran, but yeah, i know the other thing is, i know the end of the side of me. i'm wondering about the, the balance and difficulties. let me know when the 2nd annual. how about going to have the unlimited on that? yeah, the good hello. hello. hello. hello. i don't see any by the way. her name is joe, i'm a sophomore. shes modified if i yes. this is nathan with it on okay
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. hello. booking is looking to ship my you know, a little bit of a fee for that to ship. okay. i want to, she is a can see sort of the national specialist. what i mean is that the honeypot must be study of it and you should send it to them and then it. and it's, can i let me what is that gonna ship all we? i wouldn't if you don't know if i cut off the saudi to or the madness and alaska shop and the like the easy to say like a we can to keep increment that go the doctor will have to launch it the case with the little bottle of coke, the
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best. somebody for sick my head by little message i thought it, it's the energy by the spoiler philistine. look them, i'm gonna do it. i'm. i haven't got that many motor valley on the shelf back the little message. i flooded it in the side of mile, but they said my enemies did it, but just did with the i just and i'm in love with thought a mess with z and then also be in follows to me in and they also have an outcome level of i'm only a doctor, which i just thought i'm a little as if this mean. what i'm going to know is i'm and let advance another and i'll give you a call about ha. but i was that i live now and i love which is, but i was made by them to know. uh, i looked into that we as a, as in see us maybe the
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cool painted. oh, you're fine. you've had a cool, very good, very nervous items in a next week. okay. jada. nick? good. how are you? i'm good. i have uh, can i go with tv? cuz in the vic? no single in the house. okay, we are off and assuming, even though the only one of these out if i was paying high 60 is not gonna slice me exactly, but hopefully uh $59.00. okay. i have some um, some of the the
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income is what i liked cuz i couldn't see this lady by the name of 60. huh. she said that this handled the foundation the and the subject of this american doctor is you know, can, can too much the, the,
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and come to find a way or does it kind of way. yeah. like really like for me when i am i bad. yeah. my eyes are not. can you see? yeah. oh, well i head on stage and i was kind of funny above the father steve. i need them to look forward to any other follow seeing who is that god? the other 2nd is my feeling. k. a 2nd telephone with us on line one to phillip nan alonza and then i'm both on it and then that isn't. it's enough,
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as thoughtful i've seen, and that it was supposed to be today through generations with, with the state and the not feel a lot of them. and i live now in the day for the this is a front line where there is little life after more than half a year of hostilities that began when hezbollah opened up a front to help. it's like from us in casa, we are traveling with members of the united nations peacekeeping force, their own patrol with lebanon's army. we are here to support them and these
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government to take control of the situation. but the army is not the dominant force here. has the law has a strong presence even before this latest confrontation, nearly 100000 lebanese have left their homes and livelihoods. it's a similar situation on the other side of the border. this is the cost of, or official se last, that are already in the billions of dollars, although the contract is still large, with contained and confined to the, for the region, has been lost, as the conflict won't end until there's a cease fire in casa, but possibly not even then because isabel is threatening a wider war if border security doesn't improve. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for
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palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does either the so i'm about to send in doha the top. so reason i'll just say that israel has again rejected accusations is carrying on genocide in gaza during his defense of the international court of justice in the hague, on sort of state south africa, off the i, c j to order israel to stop it's offensive on the roof, i'm saying is violating the genocide convention of lawyers for israel have told the court it has the rights to move ahead with the full scale offensive on the southern city to defend itself against commerce. so it's not for a couple of parts to describe rough. the last refute for civilians and guys
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was many civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full hum us, which continues to pose a significant threat to the state of israel and its citizens. legal advisor to israel's foreign ministry is told the court, it's always been is rarely policy to deliver sufficient a to the strip. that's a spite. hundreds of thousands of people in northern garza experiencing from in the us as the 1st trucks county's humanitarian aid have entered gaza via its temporary peer groups have reiterated the land crossings can bring in more aid much faster. on the grounding garza is really forces around picking up attacks and there's a bali, a refugee camp. major explosions have been hired early on saturday. at least 6 people have been killed in an overnight attack on
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a house sheltering displaced people. the russian president vladimir present is in china. weather is wrapping up a 2 day visit to discuss the chinese president. she's insane. is called a no limits partnership. speaking in the northeast in the city of hobbin on friday, president frozen is called for an enhancement that you cannot make relationship. a taiwanese lawmakers have exchanged blows in parliament in a dispute about different forms to the chamber. the political showdown comes just days before our president to lie to lightning to takes office without a legislative majority here on human rights. cheap says who's qualified by escalating violence. here's a suit in the city of al flasher, this week. vocal took hell told so the rapids support forces and facilities armed forces is warning of an imminent risk of firemen and humanitarian disaster. if the cities attacked will be back in about 15 minutes. the
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vic and can you do know any bits by hospital who can one less than a must i don't have to have looked at his house, although i think we still have amazing so as i said, he thought it was, they made me the no, i wouldn't know,
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so it's not that that of 50 since that is less than 50. 50 is my medi, i'm project sort of high 50 the money and the success as these i bought through but was too much back to me know and it says open, you know, i have the i need touchy feely bas mother my. that is the how would then to so how to to send me a new mobile phone when i have a 50 office that i'm almost a so audit that i've mama, mama,
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obviously that my sister has really hard to say. are they 2? hadn't they had $69.00, but that was a us. yeah, i mean that's not whole, not an issue, but he was sent over how does have his bubble and it has it. and she said like she was a and i'm but the mom back if it has to the attack, the idea of the that's what i have and that has a lot of the j left c c. again, this is todd almost off when i use that to tell us about the the
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. 6 the, the on begin uh, what was the, you know, how can i do you have to them and how dilemma is another? oh, somebody is about to like you, i am not the most of the things, but i would look into each of this. not coming on. charlotte. i mean, how did they learn how and how did they love? yeah, sure, no, i understand me another i did. i did as well as not even got me young. i really i have to have a, a lot of charlotte, charlotte, i've done a lot about the board. i know that's the yeah. guy. and you've been that made me
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mad to you. yeah. and as these are the receive up to about about or that is the end of the i don't know what joe, as of the us for them. yeah. look in the it should investigate. so get it. had of. yeah, and i would, joe was miss rippling. edison knew this, i'm not so hello, miss. well, i knew it would be me. yeah, i knew more less on z a whole. and i mean torres, i mean it's a way to live with the machine, but it's not just it went home hardly. i knew this number in the stones and it was a headline view and i love beats the
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best ones, but it has the right. oh uh, in the middle, so i looked up, most people not on the out of it, on the phone on it. so the customer on the phone and see some level of in the summer this a lot of the
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stuff let us take a little how do you mean is that only the high end of the less what i have is no, not as nothing. yeah. have a nice and yadda yadda, yadda, and i'm assuming they are on law. how does that or not? and that is yours, the i think i did send it for is that in my when hi, this is all of this is about the yeah. so it'd be cool them over the next 20 this
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morning. i don't want them to select intended vanessa. what am i gonna see? now i have never had no shipping. i see you on the, on the printer, we let me submit number system. now see if i'm on or some so do you always have to leave it on? yeah, i knew i sent mr. no, let me go. let me let me see if that will see the can see the judy as often i'm going to separate. that hasn't been a good fit there with the now i may have time. i had a high us to say, do i, you know, from the back very negative ivy hoping to not see it putting in our side general
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heavy, heavy, heavy 5 piece 5 piece by piece of amazing i the how has it was how much it is at the uh huh. and then i can, i can now inside the side. and so let me see, man, if these yan from here i'll swim in them and lift up on the bottom and was needing to really need to get a piece of cutting those up in the off when he bit about how is some of the so for the for months to concede, how do i have to pay off? actually it's more like the new investment by the bathroom on the my, the, we do call that one model i'm going to read. you couldn't lift up bits of a how you had that any of it by yourself withdrawal. yeah. and it'll be
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a lot of the limitations have definitely had the full of cleaning it has been via to and is that a, that kind of thing? we're heading to the whole of the, to the had that huh. i can do it. i'm just in the, in a, as in as a whole model. he level huh. on the celebrity, or have the largest of the not in i'm the single the, i'm a high can much as a yes actually the, obviously it had him a kind of law. so it kinda a little surface. mean the montage, little federal government, some instantly the little bit,
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but they had him. how look if a lot of hateful about the thought of just so if i know how to, we shall, can let them know what a lot of background to see the house, the keys. hey, nick. say finally nest. finally, the last and then the
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phone call was to know, can i seen it says this now i'm an old as a 14 new muscle. what does a 4 to on and look forward to dish and then i'm in terms of the should hot. no, no, no no he i'm dish this multiple machine. my home was washington. highly a man who yeah, i me had the the hello the heck. i'm much too much for that, but so i think it was a little bit of the damage of account bit. now what are some where the hey, for the a 4 level i'm on the
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news. i need to know who we are. the who we had, i lost that i found that you know, who is the lead, that in hand. it should have. so now i'm side, so they're gonna have your fellow start up fee. even the items you for, you know, what if i guess, i mean if in 250 if that auction then the you know,
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we made it. yeah. the we didn't do that and didn't even know what i came in. the last lesson. i still had to try to hack in the queue for the and i've been one of law but just kind of issue of of people who was that kind of a head for alonzo shot in that that i suppose right. the
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yeah. the subtle so it's a lot of what i'm a put the low cost level movies the so i'm about looking to bit no fee. so how would it be the size of it? he asked me in monkey. oh the hey mr. hicks, lots of apply level low. so don't know how big the uh the hell i took i'm away from 16
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bit now. who would was that what was in the midst of this, the whole level of our a monthly i allowed to be able to look up the still oh my name and not the feeling on the one that is on my home saturday had to live now. right. after what, how about a minute of i'm a bit to jump in less. i'm usually america matters for how boy willie years. uh well no. i know in know a who was sick do is you can you think i saw a 10 minute. yeah. any can infected it in the back just as little in the middle. yeah. a
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huge ball doing the same house and yeah, my love the most eleanor as say i meant to hold all was the same as intended. libby, i'm the guy i need to know the low level platinum and haven't delivered the
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ada. hey to serena a, as a plus the method, let mathias actually had the had left of you know, that a whole lot more of a sudden a sense had that us the main line. but this had the how much lima f enough sitting the show will kick the high side of do a book. how do all of why don't you? but i mean, i miss one is still the doors. so the inside the other way i knew that if we can have the bedroom. uh then uh, i mean that's an oldest and i go saw people also. i was off in the l as in,
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i was in the mountains, you know, i left a lot, but we've got, i've got, i really was a into and for the relative machine. me so if i move in that direction. busy a lot of any yeah, no one of my, my of us for kennedy was not sure about him. and how do we must, that i missed my development menache needing to know how is a fidget door of businesses. your settlements spend a lot of rain that the fees are $15.00 plus your best. second, unless you have them and them. yeah, i need the most just one bedrooms can on or no. uh my is your best most updated unless you have the items that have you can buy the most of the home 10. 0 one might have hes in the next mr. when the uh the laughing gas has no. uh no by default. i know a lot of nevada,
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when you add home of the energy fitness activities that go to you know, and i can explain how you can let them go. measure was sort of more labeled on the sign in on a high the month. so let's go cuz most actually was the last sunday. those it just seems to be deep sent on the surface. young the
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and the other? no, no, that's a pass code with joe was his basket. it can lead. i believe it must be in the luminous, and i'm not a funeral going to let you know. i'm not in love yet. this is not, you know, getting up because of that i had a number to an 8 them said pest indicated all of the in my family fitness and the id, beautiful lit sugar chip bebbles. the
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way i've named show is that there's other ship that they knew hold on hold. this was the low list of the hood of a dish. one of the is a z, a r d o man. ok to sure i know the corn hole. and as i live in the block, i the cut out on the bottom. no. but so a heads up and beyond that she had lost, but i knew a let me the issue of us, but i know how does she seem to be they didn't go was sure. yeah, they postpone it. and if you knew to face when my but deepest buffy near his home sobbing movie. and the other thing is jada had to show a lot of nic. the system here is the channel. it needs the
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scenario and the see here. so the give to not allow me just of us to please complete setup and let me know,
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i mean is what has to be in the state. and then we just the administrative vienna that's been been been home environments and to have them paperless think we have a not not we'll have to have, i mean on the screen can they saw me to share that, bobby, i would bond for this, please. bob and bob at the start of the a brutal motors that ignited
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a country and k o l g 0. well goes to government with political schools in the 1980s was settled by assessing. there was a big black hole coming in a battle in which south humans president was positive with deadly gay. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of south him and the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting. a 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera, the had a low the. let's have a look at the weather across the south america. and from the satellite image, you can see whether from providing a dividing line between some very hot conditions across northern parts of the content. much cooler conditions down in the south. and it's been chilly in chile santiago's scene as cold as may in about 70 years, with some snow and very low temperatures. now that trend continues in the days
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ahead, not just for chile, but also for pots of origin, tina uruguay and power required as well. it's much hot to around coastal areas of brazil, west to the south of that for areas that have seen the flooding. that is more rain to come here. and it's gonna be small rain pouring into the north for sewer. and i'm the guy on his way. we have seen exception the high temperature, some record breaking temperatures here. they will be coming down slightly in the days ahead, but the heat will be building for central america. and the camera being for northern parts of mexico's temperatures, in places like monterey, continuing to pick up, is a very hot and dry story for much of the country. the west has weather, putting into guatemala and el salvador is looking dry across the caribbean with a few showers in cuba. and the days ahead. as the one of the biggest selections of 2020 pools in the general election will administer
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now render moody's b t p. increase it through the, across the country. how will economic uncertainty and you've some employment swaying, focused in key states. and will the media be able to cover the vote, reading and fairly ongoing coverage. but in the, as an actions on out is there a read. and so one of the words, wherever screeches numbers are plummeting due to deforestation, culture and climate change indian sites are fighting to protect. one of the most important things to control the species is to maintain their habitats. 101 east reveals the bottle to save and use with our oceans are on to switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government. people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back global war. he's eating off the choices, sees echo systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need
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to adapt. now marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we requires humanity. i'll just us new seals dying of the last shock. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this is the news, our life from bill. hard coming up in the next 60 minutes. there is a tragic war going on, but there is no genocide view on this top court. here's israel's response to a case brought by south africa seeking. i mean emergency. holt: so it's offensive and rough on the ground baffles rage on in northern gas are is


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