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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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its services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as new seals dying or the last shock. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm about this and this is the news our life from don't coming up in the next 60 minutes. there is a tragic war going on, but there is no genocide and humans top court. here's israel's response to a case brought by south africa seeking any emergency. holt: so it's offensive and rough on the ground to buffalo spray john and northern gas are. is there any forces target, another refugee camping, giovanni plus. an easy tom is. troops arrived from funds towards overseas charter
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tray of new caledonia, chat, braces for thousands of refugees, free violent incidents in support of wells. number one, going for scope to shifflett, has been detained by police. he's going to do everything that you do about the american failed to follow the police instructions as he drove into the venue hosting the ongoing, pga champ, the . so we're going to begin in the hey to israel has again, rejected accusations is coming out genocide in gaza. but lawyers for israel have told the international court of justice. it has the rights to move ahead with a full scale offensive on rafa to defend itself against us on thursday, south africa, off the court to order israel to stop it's offensive in the city saying it's
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violating the genocide convention. so thought for a couple of parts to describe the process or the last refute for civilians. and guys why the many civilians have indeed evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as the military, strong, cold, full hum us, which continues to pose a significant threat to the state of israel and its citizens. the court has given israel until saturday to demonstrate how the culture of the court, how to ensure the safety of palestinians saying from rough on to the so called safe . so it's kind of israel provide information about the existing unitarian conditions in the designated evacuations zones in particular. and my wasi and how it would ensure
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a safe passage to these phones as well as the provision of shelter, food, water, and other human nature and aid and assistance to all executives that and can be expected to arrive in the songs. step boston reports from the hey is doing a one and a half hour presentation here. read the highest un court. israel's main argument was that there is humanitarian 8 going to of alpha, and that the accusation south africa brought to the court were false. that there was a block age of a human to terry in a they set the border crossings in gaza are not close as south africa headset, but they are still open and when they were closed, as well as because how much was attacking them. also, south africa has a accusations that the of alpha is the last refuge for civilians in gaza. according to his role is not true, they said about is instead also
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a stronghold of how miles and that's why the military operation, according to them, needs to continue. and of course of africa has asked the court on thursday to order israel to stop this military operation. saying this is part of an ends game that israel has in mind to wipe the palestinians in garza from the map of once and for all of the probably urgent requests of from south africa. because in january, the court had decided not to ask and not to order israel to stop its military operations. and so therefore it has had us the core of the same thing. now south africa assess, the situation has changed. it has very deteriorated, so it is urgent request has now been brought to the court again. and we hope to hear in the few weeks the decision by the 16 charges on this very urgent request steps. last in elgin sierra, take a while, as well as a q south africa of operating on behalf of homeless south africa for parts to come
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before you get again as the guardian of humanity. in fact, it has a clear anterior motive. we need to ask you to order is ready to stay away from where i fall into with 0 or the troops from doesn't as it does so, in order to obtain military advantage for the spotlight, how much which it does not wish to see the feet. it's from it, the mother has more from johannesburg. south africa has responded to israel's arguments at the international court of justice way as well. a choose south africa, of acting as an ally of a mos acting on behalf of the organizations that africa has said. that is completely false. the international relations department, it's director general st on goal has said that. so that because intention at the core to is to bring to the full t international crimes and it's arguments on thursday. it pointed to various
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evidence, including the discovery of mass graves and gaza, the attack on hospitals and other health facilities, as well as the number of people that have continued to be killed since it last appeared before the icy j saying the situation day is worsening. and calling it a genocidal campaign, and also of africa has maintained the stones since it 1st appeared at the i c j saying that this is a human rights issue. and this is a position that to some extent has been supported by human rights watch. and amnesty international with those organizations talk about the difficulty in aids getting into gaza and the difficulties people are experiencing the compromise position they're in and how their lives are threatened by extension extension. a now south africa,
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again has denied the accusations of by israel and as said that the international court of justice should use its position to bring an end to monitor your operations in gaza and read them a lot. ultra 0 to his book, a legal advisor to israel's foreign ministry. it's told the court, it's always been his ready policy to deliver a sufficient age to the strip. and that's despite hundreds of thousands of people in northern garza experiencing from and quoting 5 minutes have benjamin netanyahu. she said israel has dramatically increase deliveries of humanitarian aid to gossip from the beginning of the warren. my fullest. that was, you have to provide the basic humanitarian aid that is required by international law. but in the last 6 weeks, we actually changed it. not only to providing basic humanitarian aid, but flooding guys that we've seen many tyree an aid. molly's in on isn't
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necessarily peace activist, are you joining us now? i'm from verona and it's a good to have you with a so on all to 0. do you think that this, any ruling by the international community course of justice is actually going to make any difference to what is happening in gaza and the west bank for from the 7 just after losing my voice parents, my mom and father in losing so many of my childhood friends and the parents, their children, many lucky enough to realize that a i was calling phoning dimension. i think the engine and the already 7 and that mazda is bus. and the vision is big matter we. so 1st i was, i am respecting which is always back the decision and the day i send you. but it's not enough. it's not enough. and i want to uh of this to try and bring a new approach for what's happening to is ready then. but then you and this
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approach shouldn't be based on the future. no one is offering us a better future. and why didn't donation of a community? you'd be, find it in photo while we only dig around, all i've seen in the news based activities are looking to create a better future. and this is why i'm hearing bill enough as well there yet the, the fullest the bible quantities. and this is exactly are included. and so they both to sit both our f o seem to come see ation all efforts. the last thing they not just to argue and debate it while they go with the situation because it's very clear that they call this situation cannot continue. it cannot continue, we must have thought they will and we must stop building a new future. you say it's important to get the community involved because
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palestinians might say that they've been involved in this for years. and of course there's varies like yourself for lost people on october. the 7th. also have people held captive in guys that might say that they're involved as well. who else can get involved if they are already taking part as best they can on either side of the international community to go by what you're saying is stalled. again i so i think they, i, i think g was the phone the after the 2nd will do. and as same as you and we made to inform them of the full, the nation of institution, not to come and it and it and try to the end. it will, but we've been the war. this is exactly the we, we are human. sure. the force of the leaders or the sake or there's, we made the mission of the info in the image of them is that you not to stop, they will,
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but preventing was. and what's happening here in my region when the sea is almost so me thing here, beside tv for the other countries down the road and just sit there and facing this in costly the same problem. and the same issues and the world is, is going to add their home, be that they long things belong direction and we want what fair humanity in the world and you bit best to peace and best. so we're going to the agent. i understand that you're there for a conference here there to discuss the ways of, of moving forward and finding peace, not just between israel and palestine, but around the world. having said that, in order to get that kind of piece anywhere, it's necessary to take action. what do you and your colleagues and those who are talking to him tend to actually do to try to find some sort of solution when the
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leaders of israel, the leaders of the us, leaders are hom, us to, to a degree and r l squared around the world seemed unable to find some sort of common ground. and so we found between the israelis and palestinians based activities. we find the common wrong. we found as a frenzy by the full and it shows the future that the based on the conciliation and dignity show the acknowledgement and recognition, security and safety. the quality, of course, and life and election you after the 2nd level, the glen there was a few blended future. oh, you're not the euro. and in one that there was a plan, but we're going to see the issue. and it all in the north ireland, eh, when enclosing that last that full century, that was ended also based on international invasion welding with this the business,
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but the working with the piece activities. so we are on the ground. the thing is i will convince them. yeah, but as long as what the region is receiving is mean it's a call the we'd be continuing on the wall, but they've put a dispute conciliation. we basically we replace the ship the future and jennifer fired and we'd be able to achieve this. and there won't be the best thing, not so much and they will. so in minnesota, so there is no just ensuring they will. unfortunately, we continue and we have a pointing that will be there for change of the policy to change the strategy and be the future future that i mean both sides of the benefits in front of india. and there is so much in common between us. so much and, and we needed to make this future and do we added mazda and we appreciate you being with us, and i'll just say, no, sir,
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thank you very much indeed. to the right size. the 1st trucks carries humanitarian aid event. a guy's avaya is temporarily peer a groups of reiterated the land crossings can bring in more a much faster cable amazon to the parts of the un headquarters in new york. the united states says the floating dock is now anchored near gaza and ready to receive maritime 8 shipments for the united nations to distribute the un on thursday said it is still finalizing operational plans. how to do so, but reiterated that land crossings can bring in more aid, all right, much faster, to stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of casa, and for that we need access by land. now, the un says right now, the main land crossings and guides are remain either closed, unsafe or not logistically viable. and even if a drug skit in the lack fuel to get to places to distribute it. basically the
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bottom line is some only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel humanitarian organizations. echo the sentiments of the un that land nazi should be the focus. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rock or crossing the mainland route to get that that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled up medical supplies, and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen all of the crossing points into gaza, all of the land cross their points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. he's really openly hostile to the un, even killing a un security officer and wounding another in rough of this week. this causing the question how safely the un could deliver aid. united nations in a very difficult situation where they're being expected to provide for example,
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this humanitarian supports the people gaza at the same time. and they have to provide for the security and safety of their staff members. even when you have the opening of the support, even as you have more a come in, even if you have the fuel and the ability to distribute it, you still have this critical issue that is really, really prevalent on the ground. and goals are right now, which is, you know, the communication with the is really military and the ability to safely deliver this in. and that is the real problem with the un faces right now. rushing to come up with a plan on how to safely deliver aid from a loading dock. it didn't build, didn't request and doesn't even think is an ideal way to get a into gaza and could be nothing more than a costly distraction gabriel's onto. i would use it at united nations in new york of spain, as an artist, a will not a lot of ships carrying arms for israel to duncan. its ports on thursday,
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madrid refused permission for the ship abundance. israel reportedly carrying explosive materials to dock at the southeast port of call to hang up. spain has halted weapons export licenses to andro since october, when the country launched as war on gaza to, to northern gauze. and now what israel has conducted renewed air strikes and there's a volume of refugee camp. and this fall as an overnight attack for at least 6 people were killed in the striking the house of sheltering displaced palestinians. natalie february is very forces withdrew from northern gaza, saying they have destroyed harmless battalions fair. but these rarely metal trade re enter the area on monday and resume shilling some of innovative reports. in the crowded jamalia refugee camp, palestinians have been looking for the water. no medical services and nobody else to go in his regular palms keep falling here. many civil defense workers have been killed, wounded,
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arrested. those deft struggled to reach the wounded as there are no lights or even streets that are left. this is really will things, one house with 30 people were taking shelter. they could only to cover 200 people in 6 parties. the rest like thousands of other kind of simians mean better than the rubber children among them. best. now, booth i do popped up. i mean, you, i mean, i think we were safe in this house. we did most have any strangers with us. there were only women and children. here. we all know thomas or fata, or parts of islamic jihad, there were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose the safe place, and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then to say it all to a few decals. this is the daily struggle as daylight brings into view the cottage of the night before and all to come in sight of children, parents and relatives in morning. as the number of that has been rising,
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every one of the last 224 days in the to the end of the classroom was hit inside the human run school to displace people from northern and cindy dawes had been children, care palestinians say those as arrived, we'll have to keep moving as one place after another comes into attack. high equipped in short staffed hospitals including alexa, come on with one employee. the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients whose condition is miserable because it is going to always because it's a 21 question with a we honest and i would think and it's in spite of the shortage over the benefit of the meaning of the sports of what it says that for him and the cause of the close on nicholas gates, we are completing the must of the short thing of these medications. these really minute disclosure of fold crossings into gauze that means lift late can get in the
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us as it was able to deliver some through its new floating pit. but that's fall from enough for 2000000 palestinians trapped into strip under continues. but some of them jobby as they're talking about closing down about in central guys i've side all ok, so hospital um honey about 20 minutes ago or so. we were watching some pictures coming off agencies here and with the large explosions happening in the northern parts of gauze. it just took us through what you know about the latest attacks there. of the yes, well days really military can choose to pound across the valley a refuge account since her early hours of this morning destroyed more of the residential buildings and on the ground occupying forces. not only causing a great deal of damage to public facility, the remaining residential homes where they are stationed, but as soon as they move it from one location to another, is that this set these of locations on fire just further damaging,
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more residential buildings, as well as remaining public facilities including evacuation centers that at some point we're filtering thousands of people and displaced families if league of, from the northern part then part so of the surrounding area of, of, of the refuge account itself. the fact that this very military is causing this is old feeding into one conclusion, making the northern part including dogs, a city quite uninhabitable by eliminating all social services and pushing people into more in force displacement and eventually into its explosion from the, the gaza strip. so far were looking at, at least according to a statement made by the civil defense, the crew members on the ground, they were able, within the past 24 hours to collect $93.00 bodies if from the streets. uh, and the a, the, the, our ways of the rack, the cabin jamalia and they are saying they are still more bodies in areas that they
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are unable to reach the old. so it made it clear that there is the quite difficulty and its challenges on the ground for them to reach to areas where there's really military but have fun. so it's the grass of lease, and more people are still remaining under the rebels of these destroyed buildings and public facilities. meanwhile, these really military continues to strike in the southern part of this trip, mainly and rough city. pushing deeper into the centered part in an area better known as a service refugee camp. that's further the western part of the central area of rough city. at least 4 people are reported with critical injuries, but now the extent of dar tillery center, you can go as far as it beyond the central area, overreaching the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital in the western part of the city. forcing more people into enforce displacement and according to you honor what
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statement we're looking at. now at least 630000 people have led rough. i unplugged the horror of the ongoing the genocide, the war across the city. honey, thank you very much indeed, honey. my good talking to us from they're all buttoned. assigned for the weather known here's car as hello the. let's have a look at the weather across the south america. and from the satellite image, you can see whether from providing a dividing line between some very hot conditions across northern parts of the content. much cooler conditions down in the south. and it's been chilly in chile santiago's as seen as cold, as may in about 70 years. with some snow and very low temperatures. now that trend continues in the days ahead, not just for chilly, but also for pots of origin, tina uruguay and paraguay as well. it's much hot to around coastal areas of brazil, west to, to the south of that for areas that have seen the flooding. that is more rain to come here and is gonna be smo rain pouring into the north for sewer and on. and the
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guy on his way, we have seen exception the high temperature, some record breaking temperatures here. they will be coming down slightly in the days ahead, but the heat will be building for central america. and the camera being for northern parts of mexico's temperatures, in places like monterey, continuing to pick up, is a very hot and dry story for much of the country. the weather's weather, putting into guatemala and el salvador is looking dry across the caribbean with a few showers in cuba in the days ahead. the still ahead on all the 0 in sport space. so with a twist, had a subsidies distort heavy weight type of price. the, the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized, let's say we're also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people
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have access to a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hoss of the story house send you the officials photo to 0. that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs cops. i'm reaching of mine's the tragedy for me, of a democratic solved effort there. it's how quickly we sort of adopted the very told re global, know the intertwining of money and politics campaigner andrew fine state and photographer shock you do on, on active is under crisis and gone. so what is happening today is happening on our watch. the news from now there will be people asking, how did you left it have to the studio will be on scripted part one on, on disease news
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. the what you will just need a reminder about top stories of this are intense bottles that taking place between is there any forces in palestinian on groups in jamalia then northern gossip. at least 31 palestinians have been killed across the strip in the past 24 hours. israel has again rejected accusations as carrying on genocide in gaza at the international court of justice. but lawyer say it has the rights to move ahead with a full scale attack on the southern pacific, a platform to defend itself against us. i just need a senior political on those mobile the shot of joins us here in the studio when we were listening to the proceedings of the international court of justice. a few hours ago, one of the main sources of israel's defense was the fact that it was supplying humanitarian aid on a significant scale into gaza. and yet we are consistently getting reports from you
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and, and other agencies. plus, of course, our report is on the ground. but that simply isn't the case for what you're saying is that not flooding garza was a, that was the phrase that she is that that is there was flooding garza with a thing is and i think we definitely have to be cautious with our reporting on is there as role in blocking days and so on, so forth, but certainly making sure at least that aspect of that they're trying to convey that they are aden garza. nothing daughter is there as going to gossip is right, is not contributing to the age of god. so everything is coming from the outside from the outside world or there's even sometimes criticism is media. it says about why are we how think that people in gaza is a, is doing nothing. 0 is that it's not done to the people because what you would have
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expected them to do is i low shipments and allows the trucks in. and these are not. is there any trucks and on them is not? is there any medicine or is there any goods the out of it part of the middle east and international communities attempt at helping the palestinians as is, are continues to bound. gus, so even in terms of is a occupying power that actually has an obligation to aid meaning to protect and to make sure that the people in gaza as an occupied people. it does. it have certainly something to uh, to live on. like, is there a refuse to do any of that? and if anything, what is the attempts or long husbands to block or is coming to guys uh from around the world. mm. one of the statements for thomas kaplan, a totally bon, who's the principal,
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deputy legal advisor of administrative foreign affairs. the state of israel was making this morning at the i. c. j was, she said that there had been 10000 units of madison 100 packages of bandages. it was in relation predominantly to actually if a hospital was saying no medical stuff were injured. they're one of the difficulties that both sides have and this is the, the level of information that's coming out of gaza. a report has a during the very best to be able to try and establish what is actually happening on the ground. there's a lot of social media, but israel's part of israel's defense against the allegations made by suffolk. of course all that stuff africa's basing this and social media stuff. and misinterpreting is getting it wrong or misrepresenting it for a 2nd. a way beyond social media and the u. n. has been quite clear about what goes on garza, and to be honest with you, it's not going to take a genius. when you see mass graves being done in gaza when you see all these killed but
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a sydney and some of them with their hands behind type had been the back and so on, so forth being pulled out of those mass graves. it doesn't take a genius to say, well, it's not clear that how mouse has killed its own people. and then uh, you know, done the grave and put them on in it. it's is right. it's just like when the united nations uh car was bomb. they're not technicians are up to the conclusion. it was bumped by a tank, but it will not say home. the hell drives tanks in garza but these rates, right? so there are certain things that aren't too clear, too obvious for us to even, you know, state to be that as it may with the south africans. i forgot if it was provision 3 or 4. the fed asking for in this case as of yesterday saying we need to get to investigate those and we need to get you on observers in we need to get
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the new list in. so in fact, south africa is making the claim that is pending for the city is under the cutting of genocide in the dark. and that it wants people to get in whether they are joined the list observers as also in the shot to thank you very much. indeed fresh bodies have shot and killed a man who set far to a synagogue on the northwest in the city of rome. the volume climbed up the side of the building and threw an object similar to a molotov cocktail, into the main prayer room. the synagogues stuff with extensive damage, but no one was injured. the french interior minister says it was an unacceptable act of anti semitism. hundreds more french troops of arrived and its overseas territory of new color. don't you know to try to end the days of unrest. a state of emergency is in face for 12 days after protest against controversial changes to local election was turned violent. a coffee from 6 pm to 6 am local time is also in
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effect when you kind of do him as an island territory that lies between australia and fiji, colonized by the french and the late 19th century wayne, hey, because of the daytime is the cleaning up the wreckage from the night before the nighttime curfew is in place in new caledonia, but the protests continue. the cost of the economic damage increases by the day estimated to be at least $200000000.00. so far. many supermarkets have been boons looted, leaving long queues for basic supplies. the french government has sent food and medicine along with hundreds of police offices. this interest from you has cut down the situation there remains very tense with looting bryant's fires and a soldiers that are obviously intolerable and unspeakable. i would remind you that the 2 joan dams have dieted as on dime a shelf in the head yesterday. another shown dog died today as a result of a weapon assembly in by of caledonia is a french territory. but as always,
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had strong pro independence groups lead by the indigenous come back, they believe, or propose new law or to allow more french nationals to take part in local elections is about colonize ation, and will weaken their voices. this week, the french parliament voted in favor of the change, which still needs to be ratified by congress. not a bill said specifically, we are losing connect specificities from that we have had over this island for the past 3000 years. we welcome people who with open arms and now voices being drowned out. the french government believes the violence is being fueled by support from as a, by sean tension between paris and bought through has increased in recent years. following francis support for media in a territorial disputes, the as a by showing the government has rejected the allegations. but last year is invited representatives from french territories including new caledonia to box. the result
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was the formation of the bach who initiative group, which supports antique colonialist movements. wayne, hey al jazeera, who is your high is a chief foreign correspondent with french newspaper. the figure o is joining us live from powers. thank you very much indeed for being with us. of course, this is a french territory, but what would most have a funds to send troops all that way to try to calm things in new caledonia a to years so. so they were like you're riots from very young people. it's young. indigenous people like come back people who i'm not too late. so in the kind of a traditional a tribe. ready ready communities with the traditions of the communities and why not either integrated in the like the modem,
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french way of, of, of, of life day between 2 wells and 2 light. and there's a lot of, i'll call. ready and black conceptions and i've been rioting just because they use a new low to a low people who came to work and couldn't do the order. ready from asia and that while living there for more than 10 years, the french citizen, to be able to vote. because i'm the french slow, the rule of low. you cannot discriminate against somebody that is a citizen that believes as it does not maybe living that for all his life. but if he leads that he can vote, i guess it's like it makes it can coming to america being, becoming a american citizen. of course,
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it will be lower to vote. after is being granted american students. it's the same with fonts, but it is a refuse by this indigenous community. you have to remember that there was 3 resign themselves, only 133. we felt adams off on independence of good going. yeah. but these 3 reset agents have been to the democratic charge of the people has been a c times to stay with phones. and there, there is a brain hays report, we're seeing a very strong pro independence screening within new caledonia. do you think that francis taking the opportunity to strengthen its presence? if you're like, i'm on and you color don't, you're given the circumstances that it's using this just to reassert it so far as
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a new caledonia of the no, i think there is a to. so the time being, it's a problem. i'll blow on folder that you can have um, in other countries, if you have like riots. you said police, when you have a riots in the american cities, there's some police. uh so it's true that it's far away from the fence. 33, but i guess you've had the riots. you know why the bus, if you got, i don't know the why. the thing that the many bodies would be said that these folks for the time, again, based upon them of law or an old over there and after a little an order is reestablish to possibly uh, but a typical discussions. what will happen again,
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the government funds govern as cold for a political, the discussions between the different parties and the present, the dates of the money or no. here are, we appreciate your being with us and i'll just, you know, giving us the benefit of that analysis. thank you very much. indeed, for your time here, the russian president got to be approved and it says military offensive and ukraine's nor if he's able to create a buffer zone between ukraine and russia and that he has currently no plans to capture the city of hockey's president along those lines he has visited, injured troops to boost morale, is described the situation as extremely difficult. john hallman has placed this phone call can even eastern ukraine. so it's been a tough few days for the so just the ukraine president, the modem is a lensky,
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lumber job. and i want to thank you for all you do. think you for your very what he'll do. he's visiting the hockey region in ne ukraine. after rushing cross border offensive took about 200 square kilometers of territory. ukraine's own sources say they've now slowed it's of bones. fuller, they still fighting in the biggest town in the border area. both chance support the situation extremely difficult. the enemy's digging positions are the streets of the town of, of 10th. another russian push just west is about 7 kilometers in some price based push goes a few moments is more than russian or hillary will be able to show the northern outskirts of here how to keep ukraine 2nd largest city and home to more than a 1000000 people it's already being attacked frequently from the we've russia using especially guided phones. they've wings and
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a gps system release from bomb is come in trouble. more than a 100 kilometers to the target. the heating the front line to say step on please just come off it for a brief and a smoke. in the assume a region, we had a situation where more than 100 guided bombs flew into one of the settlements. in 3 days. they used them all over the place wherever they can. they have unlimited reserves to fight to jets, which could stop the bombs who carry them, along with many of the other weapons promised by ukraine's allies have yet to arrive. although some us alms from a $61000000000.00 us military, a package on now coming in. i mean, well, this country likes troops away from ray. this latest incursion would also mean it's down tomorrow. fuel in the home,
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and i would just say to kind of keep joining us not from the cartridge. i've done. what's the situation now? the thought to be kind of show it to you because there's a government building in the way. so we come point the camera that way, but i'm seeing a big black blue smoke. we heard it coming in about an hour ago. several strikes what the local authorities. a saying, sorry for the desktop. is that too and the amount i've been just people from those strikes for 13 people, we don't know yet. what's been hit if it's fact freeze or if it's residential infrastructure. but we were talking a little bit there in the piece about, di, the buttons which have been used, especially by rushing policies by fluids. the front lines don't serve haul, keep city. and that's so difficult and such a problem for you crime because they haven't yet found a way to stop them that 5 by russian or they dropped by russian bomb is out of range of ukrainian defenses. and really be crime inside that the only way that they
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could stop them is by using f. 16 jets that european allies have promised to give them. but they're still waiting for. they say they might arrive in the next month. then. meanwhile, hall keep city is suffering from strikes as well. so suffering from drugs. yesterday, there was actually 16 in the hall. i was of an air ride look, that's the longest since the saw of the full scale invasion in 2022. so there is a feeling that this region at the moment is being squeezed. john watson crane saying about they what's happening on the coffee region fund line a so after we filed the report that you were saying that the head of the forces in ukraine said that the money to stabilize the situation in terms of the russian troops on kind of tracing any further the any more deeply into crime,
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but also the front line has been extended by russian policies by 70 cologne. that says no. and that is mainly the ukraine, might have to use more of its reserve forces to try and defend that part of the front line. and that's a big problem to this country because already in the mood, the 1000 kilometer frontline that existed before this new offensive and the no face of the country. it was quite heavily out minds about nothing. but in some of the parts, there is a new piece of mobilization legislation that's coming in on start today coming to close, which means that the constriction age and you cry and goes from 27 to 2571 today. but it's recognizing the fact that it's lacking. so just kind of is facing a window in which russian troops are talking move. john, thanks very much of do john holman in khaki. we're going to go to eulu shelf of oliver. now, she's joining us from moscow, where we're seeing some lines the russian president vladimir putin, when it was in,
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in china's denying plans to capture the city of khaki. he says that he's linked to russia's current offensive there to the creation of what he's calling uh, a buffer zone. what more do we know about the intentions of russia, particularly in this region as well, let invitation, hasn't been enough. once again, speaking about that so called a buffet, so on the bows out between ukraine's har cave and rushes belgrade regions rushes offensive in the northern har could region begin early may and the russian side says it's been successful novels repeat, and i have explained the necessity for these offensive actions, he called the response to the shining rushes of border regions by the ukrainian army sighing. the things happening in the hall cab direction right now. uh well, rushes uh well actually ukrainian food because ukraine were
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shutting residential areas and rushes boarder regence killing civilians. for example, yesterday a 4 year old boy and his mother will code and rushes bound girls, but we see constant shutting from both sides. right now we see mass of r q ations of local population in ukraine's hall case region. a civilians as always, pay the price here nearly i thank you very much. indeed, your shop of oliver in moscow. whether it is in child or bracing for a new wave of refugees as fighting and sit down, continues. the country had already been hosting about 410 files, uncertainties, refugees from the previous dot for crisis. toby, harvard is the un deputation, monetary, and coordinator for sedan. i speak to people in l. sasha, the capital of the for every day. and the yesterday i spoke to a couple of a couple of people who said that the situation was like l o, where they could lose their lives at any day. there is active funds with going on auction or
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a tax by the rapid support forces of everybody means by the student is the armed forces that are leading to mess a new displacements internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem the so you need to get out to say for areas, but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside surroundings. so no one in anywhere near the region of el paso is safe. we're also getting a more and more reports of people who are in front of food in security, in other parts of data for many of the idp camps. and indeed, refugee camps inside are for all facing really bad levels of food insecurity. we have strong indications of pockets of famine in some of the, of the, of these areas and in the tax, in chad. but again, you mentioned 12 percent are funded for a subsidy. i believe the funding in charge is, is, is less than that. so you can monitor an agency is struggling to get sufficient
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they in so those refugee camps to support those people who have already throughout the country. let's, let's go ahead and i'll do a 0 in sports. the one of these football balls companies having to south america for the 1st time. i'm just going to be here with that story.
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the . the top of the support here is on the thank you so much trouble. the world's number one goal for scottish chestler has been detained by police outside of the page. a jump ship venue. if you're pull to the american, ignore police instructions as he was driving into the file. how across the board
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right now, what right now he's going to do okay. he's going to get and anything that you can do about will that footage film by espn report to jeff darling since the start of dates. these play have been delayed due to a fatal incident near the kentucky venue and its understood shafter was trying to avoid the scene of that incidents when he was stopped by police. louisville police light to put this monk should have shifted all my websites along with a list of charges including 2nd degree is sold to the police officer reckless driving and disregarding traffic signals. the 27 year old has now been released. the reigning mess champion was well placed on for and the power for his opening round on thursday. shifflett has the wrong questions about how it goes and he looks stuck to mix sets of stones. the 2nd round is 2 times in just over 10 minutes. that's what was woke up. anybody's stephen has delayed making
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a decision on whether or not to find his rel, from international matches. the palestinian football association made the proposal at a fee from a thing in thailand. it says israel should be sanction for breaking numerous safer roles. including having teams based in supplements in the occupied westbank, faith president joining funds c, now has ordered a legal review of the issue and says the judgements will be made. before the end of july. i ask you to stand on the light side of your study and both know the stuff i think of middle school and including thousands of football out of this in as much if not know then when next to and had a counselor become teens and take place before the 20th of july of this year. so in the next 2 months to review the results of the legal assessment and to
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take the decisions that are appropriate of all correspond. tony changes be not that say so congress, inborn called for us. there's being a slightly muted atmosphere here at the people of $74.00 annual congress and the tide capital bank called after an impassioned plea from the president of the palestinian football authority that israel banned from faith in his address to the congress. he said, palestine is purple. family had suffered greatly over the last 6 months. he talked about the football is being killed. the facts, it is really clubs a being set up in the occupied territories. and the fact that to stadiums have been used to house and humiliates palestinian prisoners in the defense. these really delegations did up saying it was a deep injustice because they were having to fight for that place in the game. and he says that these issues with nothing to do with pizza or foot 2 delegations stood
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up after those addresses and suppose that the palestinian delegation know to be the joe daniel, who said there was a preston here. and that south africa and russia had both been banned from the game . and the history would be watching the 1st response. but the president of the 1st stood up and addressing the congress of thieves were terribly complicated issues. the thief, a needed to engage legal council, who would speak to both sides results to be announced by the 20th of july. so anything else has 0, bank of we'll see if it did manage to make a decision on the highest nation of the next women's world cup. and the winner is events. he's heading to south america for the very 1st time. brazil basing of june, bid from belgians and other ones in germany, fif is member association starting 119 to 78 in favor of preserve. the country has
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previously hosted amends will come in 19502014 grey feeling for us to both such as like a woodcock and a half of the 1st woodcock. we lose woodcock review and supplemented a we are proud of that and i'm sure that it's sort of in some is going to expire. lots of deals today for the board to keep improving. now the m b a playoff series between the minnesota and symbols and the denver nuggets. he's going into it this side in game 7. anthony edwards school 27 points as the temples avoided, elimination by winning game 6. 157 c in counselor for a spot in the western conference finals. that's in denver on sunday. in the initial playoffs, a late goal from j t miller gave the vancouver canucks a 32 victory over the edmonton oilers. there's also the canucks,
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one went away from the western conference finals stuff and left some a few issues in 1st practice at the media. ramona roper and they tell you the free time will champion on 5th class space stuff and those lead this season for life. but any 2nd, the f bomb occurrence alondo norris of the last race in miami. charlotte class, which is in this opening session on the corporate comp, make traditional faceoff ahead of the the white fight between tyson ferry and alexander as it came. the bit of a twist. once you're re refuse to look is relevant in the winter. when he'll be crowned the divisions 1st undisputed champion this century bozeman undefeated. going into south nice thoughts, this taking place in saudi right. i want to talk to sac for time and open challenge you make and that's about it. thank you to all the problems are troubled over to support me because i know it's those times on the moment. so i are. all right, that is nice for is looking for an hour of the day. thank you very much indeed. well,
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it's couples and timelines. parliament have broken out between members of the 2 largest political parties, neither of which has an outright to majority and comes as days ahead of you know, relation to ty wants. new presidents. falafel has more members of taiwan, parliament exchange more than just woods during a sitting on friday at the hot to the cans. is paula mean? to refuse the opposition? put him in tongue came tea party once to pos legislation criminalizing lying and problem. and it, once the increased oversight of the government moved to a museum, the city who is a democratic progressive party keeps trying to block the voting process. these couples will happen again. so we call on the president to tell the d p caucus not to use violence at every turn. members of the democratic progressive party or the p p,
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seemed willing to put their lives on the line to stop the changes from being cost. me, i was older by team team. we have to tell the people why we oppose these legal initiatives, and we need to discuss them as well. we contact the country have just one voice and it became t do whatever they want you up in january the p. p. candidate lighting to one the presidential election. but the party lost its parliamentary majority and the speakers seats to the came to the general. everyone should discuss and consults me. i called on the president of parliament's to be the president of parliament for all of taiwan, and not just for the k empty party, i hope to speak. it can be a bridge of communication. so the chaos in parliament comes a hit of lies in organization next week. his administration is already facing balancing pressure from beijing, which is labeled the president elect a dangerous separatist,
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facing considered as self govern taiwan as part of its territory and says it's willing to use force to unify the island with mainland china as well. type pay has been pursuing as a closer ties with washington. at a time of growing us, china rivalry aging will be scrutinizing the lives in organizations, speech, everything that said, and what's not like level of desert. hundreds of people living near and interrupting volcano in eastern and indonesia have been told to leave their homes on the forward his rates and alerts jesus to its highest level . as a matter of ok now, spearing ashton smoke 5 kilometers into the sky. residents and tourists are being told to say out of exclusions on which extends up to 7 kilometers, have also been told to where face masks, in case of folding. ash i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes more and all the stores know about us. stay with us and i'll just
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the in full battle fry fights has charge out from the hidden positions. for the moment, however, their enemies imagines and their rifles on real venue recruits to the people's defense fools. put through the paces in the baking heats. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance. since the new conscription laws came into force, thousands of young men and women come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fights against the ministry jen to join that rex based forces. conscription makes resistant, force stronger. now what accepts that road? so you, so now joining the people's defense forms instead of being constricted by the
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military. these volunteers, tang and sweat, then a hardship to that belief in a democratic future. i believe for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. unique perspective, why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so under valued by the british government for such some time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells?
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the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the research roderick war going on. but there is no genocide, as real argues as case of the international court of justice or south africa is calling on judges to order its ministry out of southern garza, south africa interest. and it's really representative as i called up to sing troops up to a tax cut off on on that israel is flooding gaza with humanitarian aid. the


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