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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the the kind of there i missed of the attain. this isn't use life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. more deadly is really strikes on the gaza strip. at least that's the true palestinians have been killed in the last 24 hours. we got to get those ground crossings as land cross open as soon as possible. i 1st impair on gauze coast receives 8 shipments. the 1st time, but a senior us official tells down to 0, it will not be enough to meet the needs of millions of published in israel projects,
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more accusations that it's committing genocide and costs that have the international court of justice. and as russian forces advance on khaki, ukrainian troops evacuate residents from the country, 2nd largest town and sport the world's number. one goal for scottish shuffler has made a steady start up the championship just hours after being arrested by police. editing that you knew about the american was charged with 4 offences after he allegedly failed to follow police instructions. the o israel has carried out new strikes on the gaza strip. at least the c 2 people we understand have been killed in the past 24 hours. the devali, a refugee camp in the north, was hit it farther than, overnight strikes that it kills at least 6 people in a house sheltering displaced,
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palestinians, you were cold. back in early february is really forces withdrew from northern garza saying that it had destroyed hospitality in there, but its forces have since re enter the area and resumed federal tax or some of them debate begins are coverage in the crowd which evaluated refugee camp palestinians have very little food award to no medical services, nowhere else to go and is ready. bombs, keep falling here. many civil defense workers have been killed, wounded, arrested, those dest struggle to reach the wounded. as there are no lights or even street that are left. the thing is really well things beyond the house with 30 people were taken shelter. think it only took over 200 people and 6 buddies. the rest like thousands of, of the palestinians. they mean better than the rubber children among them. best now
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do i do popped up. i mean you, i mean, after we was safe in this house, we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children. here we all know thomas or fata, well parts of islamic jihad, they were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose that safe place. and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then to say it off to refugee camp . this is the daily struggle as daylight brings into view the cottage of the night before all to come in sight of children, parents and relatives in the morning as the number of that has been rising. everyone of the last 224 days in data block into the classroom because it inside the human run school space, people from northern and century daughter had been children care palestinian said those as arrived. we'll have to keep moving as one place after another comes into attack. he'll equipped in short staffed hospitals including alexa,
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come on with one employee. the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients. and physician is miserable because it is always, always because it's a actually, it was with an we are still working in it in spite of the shortage over the admissions to the because the supports of, of the for him and the, because of the close on nicholas gates, we are completing most of these one thing of these cases. these really minute disclosure of false crossings into cause. that means literally couldn't get in the us as it was able to deliver some through its new floating pit. but that's fall from enough for 2000000 palestinians trapped in the strip under continues, but some of them jobby houses there. will that speak to a correspondence on the ground honey? enough money to. he joins us now from daryl bell on the central part of the gaza. strip, he said just outside the city's main health center, the locks the hospital. honey,
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let's start with what's going on in javala. you've been telling us about an offensive that that appears to be escalating. tell us about what's been happening and the ongoing rescue assets that we're hearing about yes, well within the past few hours there seems to be an instance of buying a tox across the refuge account, but with a tragedy right now with civil defense, the crew members on the ground not only did find it very difficult to get to targeted areas and help and save those bio might have been able to be saved. but the tragedy is with those who were attacked early, are in houses, residential homes and public facilities. then they are still under their levels particular a residential home that was bonded. earlier hours did 830 people estimated the number of field or shouldering inside this house. and only a 6 people were recovered from the the, the bomb to house. we're doing about 6 bodies removed. 11,
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did the remaining numbers still under the levels and that is increasing the likelihood of the number to increase within the coming hours as it has been quite difficult for the civil defense recruitment member to operate in these areas. the value of refuge account has been relentlessly bombarded within the past months and just within the past 6 days, not only air attacks and our killers ending, but there are few applying forces on the ground is really military pushed deeper into the center part of the refuge account including areas where the hundreds of, of how it displays how the spinning and the family inside evacuation centers and are trying do if lead from there is but with no, no, not succeeding so far. giving the intensity of the bombing campaign going on. and honey, i understand the israel is, meanwhile, that's happening in the north, but is, was also expanding its operations there in the south around rafa. what do we know about about how that's moving?
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yes, well, and drop out what's going on right now, not older. we're seeing more people are forced to flee rough. uh they were looking at $630000.00 people have already is forced into if leaving the city in the central part of the trip. but it is really military and still controlling the too many crossings. that's that card mobile, solomon crossing their commercial trucks as well as well by crossing for humanitarian a. so for the past will be none of these do crossing have operator, and none of the aid has made it to the gaza strip, mainly in the southern part. but what's really going on right now is these really military statements at talked about the, the how they are controlling effective the right now half the distance of philadelphia core. adored that stuff including grew up. i crossing and they're only about a 5 kilometers a wave from the coastal road that that means it will include an expansion of the military operations or maneuvers will include the western part of the city where
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we're there. there are a 1000 of palestinians displaced. families are the shouldering there since the initial weeks of this world, which means we're going to be seeing way more of waves of more people if leading the western part of the city they're being forced into more in force displacement of the central area mainly in there and by city honey, my lunch at that with the very latest for us from the ground from darrell while on the central part of the goals district. thank you hon. meanwhile, the fest shipments of 8 have entered gauze that using a new floating pin built by the us military. us says some 90 truck codes the day will be delivered using this temporary installation, enabling $5000.00 tons to enter the strip in the coming days. let's show you where that pit is located. it is. 6 the south then originally patent, and that's because last month, these really on the also that be moved closer to one of its major check points. the united nations is to coordinate the distribution of the 8 after it's been unloaded
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and inspected again by is there any forces? but it says if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the strip, they'll actually be no way for it to be distributed. despite this new maritime carter land remains the most effective way of a to reach palestinians to stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of casa, and for that we need access by land. now basically the bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rough, a crossing the main land route to get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen, all of the crossing points into gaza,
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all of the land crossing points into gaza and to allow unfettered unrestricted access area. i spoke with john cubby, he's the white house national security communications adviser. he says, land crossings must be opened to meet your monetary needs and 5 calls you only use really military to open up these ground crossings. i mean the, the, the z is rarely is, can, can do that without a significant military footprint at each crossing. i recognize there's an inspection regime that has to occur and all that's necessary. um, but uh, but i, i don't, i don't want to speak for these really military, but the support and assistance that they've given to the temporary peer by no means makes it impossible for them to also open rasa and also open casual and also get arrest work and all that can be done simultaneously. as a matter of fact, i would go so far as to say, it's vital that it does happen simultaneously because it's pure alone is just not going to be able to meet the capacity and meet the need that has been very public
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concerns that this, this flirting pet is a disruption of thoughts that it gives as well a father excuse to delay the flow of age across land crossings. how would you respond to those concerns? no, it doesn't offer anybody excuse in any way whatsoever. it is added to not an alternative to ground crossings. it can add, it can give us another way of getting in just like when we're doing air drops. you know, you can't do that in great volume, but it's an additive opportunity. it's another chance to give something to people who, who desperately need it, but it is not a replacement for, nor should it be considered that. and it doesn't give anybody a pass, not. these rarely is not us, not our partner's, not 8 organizations, nobody gets a pass here in terms of not, not me are not having to put any energy to getting those ground crossings open. they've got to get open. it's absolutely vital. i do want to austria, i don't know how the president 5 and has said that a ground defensive and russel without a career in protection. time for civilians was a red line for him. that offensive we've been watching. it has been ongoing now. so
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over a week, so let me also when you talk about protecting civilians and making shall aid for instance, is getting across the board. what would it take for the us to hold weapons deliveries to israel, not just 2000 pound bombs, but all the weapons deliveries and every line that you've done and assigned with israel has pretty much been crossed. that's why i think i'd take a little issue with the premise of the question about lines in the sand being cross . and i won't get into hypothetical situations. i can only point you to what the president has said himself that you know, if we don't see better decisions in different decisions made by his really counterparts then, you know, we'll have to make decisions of our own about, about our support. but hopefully won't come to that. we don't want it to come to that israel has every right to eliminate the homos threat. we've never said they can't go in the, in, in the rafa and, and deal with homeless terrace. of course, they can do that. they shouldn't do that. what we said is, there's better ways to do it, then smashing in there with large ground forces and dropping bombs from the air.
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there are that, that are not precise. there are ways to get him off stairs ways, in fact, that we've learned through our own bitter experience from iraq and afghanistan that we want to share with them and alternatives we want to provide to them so that they can do it in a way that doesn't put those 1000000 people greater risk on joining me now in the studio is marianna. he's a fellow at the middle east council on global affairs, and i'll stop by asking you to reflect on what we had there from john covey, especially that line about that we've had from the white house before that disappears meant to be a kind of complementary aid mechanism, but is it the very existence of it? is it a sort of tacit acknowledgments of the us lack of influenced actually get land crossings open up? first of all, thank you for having me. yes, i agree. i mean what john said is correct. it is complimentary, it only brings in, you know, of just a drop in the bucket in terms of what the people have cause a need. and there are 6 other crossings. land crossings with hundreds of trucks waiting outside them to enter. at the same time, it's an indictment of washington,
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of other us, our other is really allies who are, have no problem arming these realism and arming. this is really boring machine, but have a serious problem in terms of exercising any leverage in terms of what they're giving these or at least to force them to allow just a mandatory, an aide into a civilian population that is starving and is, is struggling to survive what we've been hearing about restrictions on the aid and the agencies have been saying that the, well, the principal reason that these really is if and giving is that they need to conduct these checks and all these on board. and so there are these huge delays. we see these huge trees of trucks. now these rate is also turning out checks on this say that's coming in via this new maritime card or so. is there any reason to believe that would be any different? i don't think so. i mean, these realize are doing what they're doing, delaying the aid that's coming in, attacking a core doors, preventing aid from reaching people, attacking humanitarian workers, attacking people that are starving and trying to reach that age. so i think there's an agenda there in order to prevent the aid from reaching the people that need it
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in order to starve out the population. and so whether they're going to treat this a just coming in from the peer differently, there's no reason to believe they will at the same time, this is view s's attempt of getting it in. so maybe they'll act a little more judiciously in that regard. but who knows, one of the early, i guess today was saying that there is a lot of suspicion in gaza from palestinians living and gaza, of the timing of the right thing of this pair. especially given what we're seeing happening right now. in rafa. all those suspicions, why be health? i mean, i think there's no reason maybe to be suspicious just in terms of the coincidence and the timing of israel goes into the alpha seals the border there. it prevents any aid from coming in at the same time, but this disappear has been in the works for a couple of months now. and again, whether the timing their lines up, whether there's anything i can't, i can't really, really reflect on that. but yeah, i mean, i think people are wondering why there is no international intervention here to
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prevent the genocide from taking place. and so of course their minds are going to go to those places. you spoke about this paving, primarily a us initiative. the u. k. is obviously involved as well. it's coming from cyprus, they're talking about all the different countries that are involved. a lot of gulf nations have been very involved in sending aids to cause some of them through ad drops to is the should we expect that aid will also start flowing through this title or does the region views the pay a slightly different me? i'm not quite sure, but i don't think, you know, the, the amount of aid is not the issue. there is plenty of data out there. it's waiting again at the borders at the land roots. it's how it's getting in. and this particular route, the peer only allows for a minimum 90 trucks, i think a maximum, a $150.00 trucks. now that is simply not enough. there is hundreds, hundreds, if not thousands of a trucks every single day to you meet the basic needs of the people there, especially in the conditions in which they are living. now, i'm around
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a seller at the middle east council on global defense. thank you so much for joining us on the houses here and use our push to be all. meanwhile, israel is minute traces. it's recovered at the bodies of 3 captives from the gaza strip. so expressing daniel has already says, the 3 will killed on october 7th, and their bodies within taken by his last fight is our thoughts. go out to them, to the families at this difficult time that we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home from all that speak to our correspondent and wrong con . he's in the jordanian capital, a non reminder, 12 years. israel has shut down out of there is operations best. so we're now reporting from outside israel. let's start with these captives and what more can you tell us about who they are as well? he's ready on these folks and he just heard from the guard as he named them. he
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said they were cold. it's like i gather into, i mean bas gala and shiny lowered, shiny look is actually a jewel national. she's german and is really he also says that the bodies were recovered in overnight operation, hired up by the military and mission, but intelligence agency. so it's likely that the intelligence agencies played a part in this operation. we've also heard from him promise of benjamin netanyahu, who says this a terrible loss is heartbreaking. my wife's star and i agree with the families, all of a haughty with them in that how of heavy. so right. we will return all of the hostages, the living and the deceased alike. but we've also now heard from the bring them home and campaign that c umbrella organization. the represents the families of the captives. they said the return of the bodies is a painful and clear reminder that we must return all our brothers and sisters the living for rehabilitation and the method for burial from that bitter and cruel
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captivity as quickly as possible. the brendan, i'm campaign has been very critical of the problem this way, especially in recent months i, he's simply not doing enough to bring them back the, what he's actually doing is trying to keep his coalition together and stay in power rather than try and do everything you can use power to bring all of those captors, but back whether they're alive or dead. well, m on clearly the pressure is, is building. i'm wondering if that's actually changed the political landscape, the tool that have been some changes within the political landscape. let's take, for example, the war cabinet. you go to the defense minister, your kalonde. and now problem is that benjamin netanyahu, logan heads with each other with each other. but it's very critical of each other, especially when it comes to things like the ceasefire, etc. you've got a growing anti government protest. we've been,
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the still continues to the states to bring them home campaign. uh they were actually in a political move but, but within recent months, they've actually joined the anti government protests. we went to try and pull even more pressure on the government to try and do something. however, none of this is having a real effect when it comes to the prime minister position of the coalition that fall rights. almost, i'm from the races. coalition is still holding it them up and give it and the social security minister and others of his ill, a still within the coalition. so there is still a ruling coalition that's taking place that offers benjamin netanyahu political protection. most like the still an incredibly incredible support amongst in general is where the society for the war in gaza. so it's having an impact on the protest movement. have any impact on the streets, but actually within the cadets itself,
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within the province. that coalition is still holding, and that gives the problem and it's a lot of political cover in mancha, on the, with the very latest on that for us from amman. thank you. and ron. well, a reminder that iran is actually covering this forest from the lawn because as well, has banned out a 0. so when our portion from outside the country, this is what has told the international court of justice and the hague. that was happening in goal is a, is a tragic form and not genocide and says, i'm going to jump ration that. and rafa is necessary to eliminate last fighters. so down for gather, has also call to order additional provisional measures against israel, saying this would be the last chance for the court to rescue what's left of casa step bass and reports from a 12 final submission. we're interruption at the you ends highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stopped. it's life transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the
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genocide case. emotions are running high. that sound close. israel's presentation for an hour and a half is ralph legal advisors. try to describe at south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically and if i fi i the last step and the destruction of gaza and published in young people. so thought for a couple of parts to describe rough uh the last to refute. for civilians and guys was mainly civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full time us. with less than half the team present, as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as well as urge the court to drop the matter, even by its very name. the application of the convention on the prevention and
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punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality as it doesn't even rise to stuff for because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention, the south african delegation says, as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we ahead today was not really, i mean gauge meant them to fax, some engagement on the fax, but not nearly the but thing. what so that if it gets to going to a set and my wife, after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops ensure the safety of people. and what is ralph calls, evacuation zones. south africa had described them as extermination. so the core to make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question
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now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on this route. step 5, some elgin sierra take earlier we spoke to is really peace activists now, as you know, he says hes urgent need facts and not only from the un court, but from the international community as well. from the stevens just after losing my voice parents. my mom and father in losing so many of my childhood friends and their parents, their children, many lucky enough to realize that it, i was calling for an international intervention in the order. it is 7 and a half mazda 5 and the vision is the week. so 1st i want to,
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i am respecting which is always back the decision and there warning loveday i sent you, but it's not enough. it's not enough. and i want to uh to, to try and bring a new approach for what's happening to is ready then. but then you and this approach shouldn't be based on the future. no one is offering us a better future. and why the donation of a community you'd be by there then photo. why are we on the ground? i've seen many of these and it's based activities are working to create a better future. and this is why i'm here in building a. it was a, it the budget. what was the bible quantities and this is exactly are included. and for the boat to sit both our efforts in reconciliation, i left for the for the last thing. and that's just to argue and debate
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it while they go with the situation because it's very clear that they call this situation can not continue. it cannot continue. we must have thought they will, and we must stop building and you'll future the rush as president environment prison says moscow has no plans to capture khaki if you ran 2nd largest se this comes off to russian troops, advanced 10 kilometers in the khaki region over the past week speaking, while he was in china present fusion, said that russia is rather coming out of the office or in an eastern new crime to protect its regions than any of the board. as i say, it's a double play squared the height of the alpha. what's happening around how to keep it is ukraine's volts because they have shelled and unfortunately continue shelling, residential areas of russian border territories, including belgrade. if this continues, we will have to create the safety zone
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a buffer zone. if that is what we do. ask for how to keep, we currently do not have plans to capture the city of ukrainian military. meanwhile, says the front lines have been expanded by nearly 70 kilometers off the russian launched that new push from the north president brought him, his lensky visits engine troops to boost morale. he's described, the situation is extremely difficult. john hallman sentenced this update from khaki in east of ukraine. this is now been more than a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north east and the crying opening up a new front in the fence. if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory there on that border, will be craning government has said that it's now containing and stabilizing the front line so that they're not penetrating any further into the country. but the training heads of the forces said that it was so rushing through a ser,
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extending that front of my mouth. similarly, columbus is of and then method to droll ukraine in reserves and reinforcements that that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outmanned in terms of soldiers, in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive. ukraine said that there was 7 russians. so just one ukranian, so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that pool. so how to keep the city itself where we all, that's ukraine, 2nd largest city. it's home to more than 1000000 people that seem so being attacked fairly constantly by the at the point when on thursday, the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours, but so long as a regular since the early days, the full scale invasion back in 2022 and russian forces they say a using, especially for the problems they can be dropped by russian planes outside the
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writings of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems, and they can then travel tens of columbia to zip note the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this no face them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive. this point john home and i'll just say to hockey, the whole ukrainian drone attack has caused power outages in the city of sylvester, poland, crimea, according to rational star. these satellite images show damaged russian rule planes at the bell back at base, which is nice of us to poll. your current in forces have repeatedly attacked refineries and all the energy facilities inside russian territory. a foster head here on al jazeera police and columbia, lost a search for the gunman who shot dead, a prison chief. new caledonia is picking up the pieces off today is arising by pro independence protests and, and for a face off with
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a twist ahead of the south. dave has started heavyweight title site, the the hello the let slip to the middle east and live. and we've got something of the divide across the region. we've seen west to and when through weather, for places like took here as well as northern areas of iran, where we saw flooding from heavy rain. the rain is still there, but it does. pushed out further east into tuck minnes, done in the days i had leaving behind dry a skies and more in the way it's sunshine, sunshine, and settled. whether it has been the story across the gulf. we are expecting the winds to pick up sack today into sunday. affecting visibility, and causing some hazy sunshine for the likes of casa and southern saudi arabia. if
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you shows a set to come into south west in pots of saudi arabia and west indiana. but for the north of this across the event, it is a very dry picture. we are expecting the winds to pick up on sunday. and that's that some very windy hot, windy weather is pushing its way further east across the be a, into egypt, very high temperatures. for the likes of tripoli, as well as being gauzy in libya, they'll continue to rise as we go in to sunday. behind that however, we think something of a cool down full rocker as some heavy rain stops to pull in here, we are expecting some very heavy rain from northern madagascar. thanks to a tropical storm out to see the if you're watching this prerecorded report then alex is there has been banned in the territory. all is, well, we'll just change to be any stray me when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because what additions thinking here. this
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decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned. my government that stands indicted for general size international court of justice on counting the cost of india's income inequality gap his wife makes. so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding? how to post global stability plus why zambia has band charcoal production products counting the cost on how to 0 of the
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welcome back to watching al jazeera and let's remind you about top stories. the sound, intense baffle is taking place between those really forces and palestinian groups and jamalia in northern gauze. on at least 32 palestinians had been killed across the strip since that day. for us meanwhile, says the fuss trucks counting humanitarian aid have entered gauze of light. it's temporary pan, but age groups have resources that land crossings can bring in much more aid much more quickly. and israel has again rejected accusations as carrying out genocide in gaza at the international court of justice and legal representatives and say it has the right to move ahead with a full scale attack on the south and city of rockland to defend itself against from us or at least one person has been killed and another seriously injured and is
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really struck on a call on eastern 11 on. now this vehicle was hit in an apparent is rarely drones strike in an area, just so about that close to the syrian border law says the man killed in that attack was a member of its organization. joining me now and set is out of here, a journalist ali hash, and he's been re reporting extensively for us from lebanon, very close to that border, and thought that's where we last spoke. i'm allie. let me ask you, cuz this isn't the only is ready to attack. we've seen today. i understand that there was another one. there, then took the tests, attacks across that border since october 7 should be with god. this is any different. well, we're, we're witnessing that kind of a, as well as stuffing up. it's a fox using new weapons. now as role continues to do what has been the since days of october targeting, for example, today this i'm not from us, so officially was killed and the pictures we saw now i go civil to syria, which is very deep until 11 on also there was enough another attack early today and
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close to side doing which is on 50 can read this from the board is it stopped any more about distance now? it's mainly about buckets. so few people were killed at close to side in, in the series of attacks on, on several of the targets. and there's another one who was killed close to the board to see the doctor once a joint attacks. so what's different is hospitalized retaliation? we're seeing his blog using the more join a fox using more complex attacks. so for example, yesterday it was an attack on metal, which is it's out on the board of attack was seen as different because as low as using a drone that was equipped with met with rockets. so we see in the pictures has will last drone. i want to, i think we are seeing right now, launching the rockets from the drone and then attacking the targets with the joint . it's something that one's very complex also, just a couple of days before. one of the most significant the docs around 33 kilometers
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from the borders between the one is a and this red and is really a metric target was also attacked by has been long and significant also we, we were seeing as well. i using a guided, misleading hit thing and is really soldier. so we think it's step up into that action. this is what's kind of a lot of me because maybe this is taking things out of control. you say allow me, it sounds like the attacks a certainly more sophisticated and up until this point, i think it's fair to say the response on both sides has been calibrated. obviously there been huge fields of original escalation. everyone seems to be on board to want to avoid that. is that change? well, for the moment we can say so things are contained within ministry pockets. now, on this side, on the, on the other side, there are some civilians. the thought being that we've seen over the past day several civilian schools and 11 on what still everyone is saying that everything is
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contained with the ministry pockets. what to the way this is the big question. especially, we've had a test on the follow the lead off as well last couple of days ago, few days ago saying that this was going to and before the end of the war and guys, and it's the same thought this really officials last dressing that has the law should leave the board to do lots of really funny and if i, which is 30 kilometers, so the, the bottom line of both sides of that really does a really big gap between the both bottom lines. and that's what really alarming as i've been saying, because this could take things out of control more than more than international mediations, friends showing the americans the actually not succeeding in getting people on the table anymore. oh, certainly keep very close eye on that entire region. they have some great to have you in the hall to share those insights. thanks for being with us. thank you. the i'm moving on and the french justice minister says that can be no dialogue with pro
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independence purchased as a new caledonia, unless the writing stops. a state of emergency is currently in place of to demonstrations, against changes to local election rules, favoring french nationals. caledonia is an island territory that lies between australia and fiji and was calling up by the french and the late 19th century. under simmons reports to the off the miles of another noise of unrest in the capital knew mass. there may be less violence than previous days, but the effects of this week's riots on now clearer than ever. cues of people looking for food and basic goods, and the costs to the economy. heading beyond $200000000.00. the french government has flown in hundreds of police reinforcements along with food and medicine. let's talk of dialogue with pro independence punches, but it's over written by some french leaders. the justice minister is taking a hard line. just put, you know, the recipient,
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there can be no dialogue with little take no dialogue with a salt environment. so we will consider transferring criminals where we bonded in custody to mainland products. this will be done to avoid impressing federal mines, but also to guarantee the security of prisons. new caledonia is a french directory. it's always had strong pro independence groups led by the indigenous cadillac. they believe a proposed new law or to allow more french nationals to take part in elections is about colonization. and it will, we could left voices, bill. so we're losing the connect uniqueness that we've had over this island for the past 3000 years. we welcomes people here with open arms and now our voice is being drowned out. the french government has accused as a body, john move, stirring tensions in new caledonia from supported as the bi jones' name media in the territorial dispute that led to conflict between the 2 countries. as a vi,
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john's government rejects the obligations. however, last year it invited representatives from french territories, including new caledonia, to as a by jones capital. by cool. the result was the formation of the crew initiative group. it's a pulse empty colonialist movements. andrew simmons houses era. now the new director of one of columbia is biggest presence has been shot dead in the capital bulk of time 11 and is, was heading home when gunman on a motorcycle intercepted his call. and shelton authorities have offered a reward for information on the path of traitors. out of town to run past 8 reports . and mr. goodman this was killed with a single shot to the head as he sat in the passenger seat of the scar. the former police colonel and director of book with us prison level della was returning home from work on thursday afternoon in the capital book to win a motorcycle approach the vehicle an open fire. last week that meant this had
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received death threats from gang members into prison after launching a crack down and criminal activity inside the detention center. you have no security expert. what farmers car, columbia, as justice minister lamented the killing instead of major police operation was under way to catch the killers. i left immediate goal and if it, and then i want to express one more sort of direction. i'm not the government, i'm the entire nation. so the family of colorado fernandez, i'm tell them address that they are not going to intimidate us unless we will move forward. despite their attacks and insolence. president gustavo peter ordered an emergency security meeting and said on the social media platform, x stuff, and none of this was quote via the murdered a sentence, columbia as most notorious criminals or held in this prison out, sorry to say, organized crime, operates from inside smuggling drugs. and goods, while directing,
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extortion, and other crimes from the opinions century man. this was leaving an operation to separate the gang members columbia as prison, a tory t says other officials are risk. 5 guards have been killed since the beginning of the year. and 6 others have survived the attempts and their life. 550 officials have received that threats in the past 2 years. but the old story, these are playing catch up when we so nanda is, was not issued with an ahmed vehicle because we do not have the capacity to be able to provide ahmed vehicles to everyone. in fact, no director has such protection. the government has declared a prison emergency back in february, promising to increase security for prison officials. but that wasn't enough to save the lives of the director of the country, not just prison. allison but i'll be at the address either. well, let's face alessandra, who joins us from just outside the prison in boca time. oh,
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sandra, how's the 900 going without dorothy? so keeping most of the information on the wraps. what we know is that indeed it has continued throughout the night and throughout the day on a friday that the elite units of the police are running this operation. we also know that there was an early l. peroration early on friday, inside the prison tier that you see behind me and the number 4 and 5 pavilions inside the prison to move a number of gang members that are considered to be the ones that are leaving these uh, networks. uh uh, extortion networks from inside the prison, there was an attempt that on rest while this operation was ongoing, but the police was able essentially to bring it under control. and we also understand that to get these 10 people that are nice, nice relation, well,
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be transferred to other prisons either later today or tonights of 100, given the suspicions about involvement of people who are currently in prison that and the threats against prison officials. what does all of us tell us about the situation right now inside jail and columbia? this absolutely is a war and we have spoken to experts here on, on the situation, the side prisons in columbia. and they say that this in many ways is seen a sort of secret chrysler. there's something that we don't see that people don't see unless something major happens to. but if you look at the situation from the beginning of the year in which at least 5 guys have been killed, others i've had a time time their lives more than 500 the prison guys, prison officials have been at, strengthens. and the fact that the government has declared an emergency back in
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february, it tells you that there is a major problem, especially when it comes to these big stores in rackets that are able to essentially not only control the smuggling of goods inside the prison, but also criminal activities and major cities across colombia, this is a big, big problem for d, l, target these and a problem that it has been allowed to fester. so the big question now is, and that only if the operators will be able to bring to justice and those who commit to the killing of the director, but also essentially stop these networks from operating thing inside the presence of sound around p. i see that with that update for us from the streets of boca todd, thank you. at us on the french police have shots and killed a man who set fire to a synagogue and the north western city of rome. the man climbed up the side of the building and threw an object similar to a molotov cocktail into the main prairie. the friends here in minnesota says it was an unacceptable active anti semitism. the head here on out is there
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a piece of paradise? we report from chalet sometimes to shut down cold production in fort town. and you're going to call flashes out ahead of his final game as live a full boss. but again, it's to and was stay hits and find out the business. latest is brought to you by the pegasus. i live slowly on one of your this makes modern plates. the
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business latest is free for you, i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes model inflates the back. it is times this point and his bar, this dot ca, thank you so much. the world's number one goal for scottish officer is making steady progress. and the 2nd round with the pga championship just hours after being
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arrested by police in the united states. right now, what right now are you going to do? okay, here's the internet and i didn't do that. a footage, it shows the american being hand typed and taken to jail for allegedly, failing to follow police instructions. during the pedestrian states holiday investigation, the 27 year old who was trying to enter the about how a golf club when it happened, was charged with 4 defences, including secondary assault of a police officer and reckless driving. the software made the statements after his release was a very chaotic situation, understandably so, considering the tragic accident that occurred earlier. and there was a big misunderstanding of what i thought i was being asked to do. i never intended to disregard any of the instructions. i'm hopeful to put this to the side and focus on golf today. current fire nord co journey slot has announced that he will be liberal, pulls a new manager once you're going cloth. lee's fine or themselves have confirmed the
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dutch managers at exit and posted this video on social media. during his 3 years in charge slot guided the brought it down, clap to winning the netherlands top division title, and he also took them to the 2022 year robot conference. lead final lever pool have not formally confirmed slots appointment yet about the flag type. then kick and i can confirm the i'd be the coach the next season. well, that's the 1st day that they currently have a coach who's done an excellent job, anything. and they have to say good bye to him. you want to go. so that's probably the reason why the club didn't officially announce it yet, and don't. well ahead of you were gonna call this final game. as liberal matter, jerry is launched, an attack on v a r, the red se welcome was to an field on sunday which will bring to an end the germans livable rain, which began back in 2015. following his departure, all $28.00 field teams will vote on the future video system, referees that their annual general meeting next month. the report reportedly
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support the technology, but clock has revealed that he'd vote to scrap it or in the way they do it. i would vote against it because these people, i'm not able to use it properly. i don't think that be some problem, but to bait b was it is the problem. so if you can change people, obviously that's clear you need them. and so then i would say, yeah, i would be, i would vote for scrapping be manchester city, boss pep, cordial is side of the ceiling. the primary lead title on sunday won't be easy. a win against visitors, west ham. we'll guarantee a 4th championship in a row for city regardless of what our small do in their home match against everton . so do you go into the final day with a 2 point advantage over the gunners and are on beaten in 22 consecutive primarily matches. we would like to be enough to, to administer 0 up, but these not going to happen is not going to happen. i saw enough games is 3 or 4
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days with them in a few months ago, a few weeks ago and the last game. and they have a few scenes, you have to control it, otherwise would be difficult or stall are looking to win their 1st prime really title for 2 decades. last season's runners. i have 115 of their last 17 games and take on everton knowing that their fate is out of their hands. i think 60000 people all this stuff. so this is time coaches to sell them to find the lives of behind the phone. so i think it's in a hope all is world everything. body sci fi has delayed making a decision on whether or not to ban israel from international matches. the palestinian football association made the proposal at a fif and meeting. and thailand says israel should be sanction for breaking numerous v for rules including having teams based and settlements in the occupied westbank. these are president john infant tino has ordered
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a legal review of the issue and says a judgement will be made before the end of july. i ask you to stand on the light side of your study and both know that self funding of millions, including thousands of football hours, is in as much if not know, then when an extraordinary fee for counsel it'd be convenient and take place before the 20th of july of this year. so in the next 2 months to review the results of the legal assessment and to take the decisions that are appropriate the i'm the playoff series between the minnesota timber williams and the denver nuggets is going to a deciding again 7. anthony edwards, for 27 points. the symbol was avoided, elimination by winning games 615 to 70. the encounter for spots and the western
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conference finals is in denver on sunday. in the on each row playoffs. a legal from j t miller gave the vancouver canucks. the 32 victory over the edmonton oilers result puts a cannot, one went away from the western conference final matchers happens. it looks to have a few issues in 1st practice at the 1000000 romani and chrome pre in italy, the 3 time world shop use only 5th, fastest or shopping dudley, the seasons title, race but finish 2nd behind mclelland's lender. notice the last race in miami for a shows the clara was quickest in this opening session. as a traditional vase off ahead of the heavy weights of fight between tyson's fury and alexander was sick. he came to twist for once. terry refused to look his rob in the eyes. the winner will be crowned the divisions 1st undisputed champion this century. both men run defeated going into saturdays find. exactly right. yeah. i want to talk to sec for
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time and open challenge you made and that's about it. thank you to all the funds they traveled over to support me because i know it's tough times on the moment. so okay, that is all used for now. back to massage. yeah, thanks so much for now. a copeland in northern sheila is due to start winding down as part of the government plan to phase not cold production in the country. in the city as me on is scores of residents are suffering from it's on stages of cancer juice or contamination from the plants. 15 human reports every day. see line swim from their lair to the beach of mickey units in northern chevy with the disappearance of their natural prey. these one self sufficient hunters of the sea are becoming akin to beggars line on handouts from locals. that's because the coast of mickey units, population, 13000, is home to more than 40 industries,
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including 12 cornfield thermo electric plants. the consequences of industrial pollution are everywhere. irises, fishermen, and non b. a genie. i'm gonna highlight a what again to the crops are all black underneath the coal, so when you crack them, the meat is all black too, and that proves there, contaminate one fisherman. jose sanchez tells us the floating waist from a nearby factory stings to the touch, which you will see here is a catch of muscles or in spanish mission eunice or these. and that's what gives this town it's name. the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here and there boats. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day, even 2 days to be able to bring back as much as this. because it's the only way that they can bring back a product that's not contaminated. they say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water,
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including mercury. and that town has one of the highest cancer rates into the me not only by this is convinced that who has 16 year old daughter. so i really tumors an auto immune disease with the result of her having a large amount of local shellfish which she was pregnant. like allow for. the doctor asked me if i leave the mfc logo and is no wonder he said, and the air and the water contaminated with the machine. but it's difficult to prove and even harder to demand compensation. cold is being phased out to reduced to these carbon footprint. but the industry is responsible for the damage that's already been done or not the the li, liable because they didn't violate environmental standards at the time they were built. making eunice is one of chillies, 5 thermal electric centers, nickname, sacrifice, others. c, b a has belonged to industries which provide
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a lion's share of employment. so people think twice before containing that defect environment and that has and given the shortage of alternative work here, the people of making units are left with a few good choices to see and human al jazeera making units. jimmy. the scientists at the university of western australia and have released red footage of a deep sea squids capture out of this month have a like, this is the moment the squared wrapped. it's arms around the camera that it is mistaken for. pray on a remote to the operators as underwashed the vehicle. you see the bright, violent human as light which is used to stifle praise and see it the on to the animals tentacles. as it approaches the camera, so films at a depth of just over one, columbus a and an area of the south pacific called the samoan passage. remember, you can always find much more on our website, al jazeera dot com,
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that is info for me to start paying for this new zone. and the clock will be in the chat with much more for you. and just to say, what about the the latest news wave was so intense that this is all that is left. people are digging through debris and twisted metal to find anyone left alive in depth reports the entire gaza. population of 2300000 people do not have enough prices, escalating and detailed coverage as well as prime minister relies on foreign ministers to stay in power. they want the raft results to go ahead, define them, and then you know, who could be out of office. our oceans are under swift. by a for rufus fishing industry, government, people are thinking of bring deep sea trolling back global war. he's eating off the choices, sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change,
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and we need to adapt. now. marine conservation is, are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying. the last shock, palestinians who are expelled from there and then in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built 20 houses here a world goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera you will cekada a duty and a grove using for p use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost
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on the web presence. and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the is rarely strikes. debbie state, northern girl is at least 6, palestinian sheltering, and finally a refugee camp is being killed. the 11 o'clock this is l 0. life and also coming up at the international court of justice is relegating rejects on keys, ations of genocide and gaza. so i've africa resolved, c i c j to or the israel to hold it some time on roughly we've got to get those ground crossings when cross open as soon as possible reflecting peer on guns. this
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case receives aid shipments for the 1st time receiving a us official towels out is there wouldn't be enough to meet the needs.


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