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tv   Dying Earth The Last Shark  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm AST

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stings to the touch, which you will see here is a catch of muscles or in spanish making you on this or these. and that's what gives this town it's name. the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here and there boats. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day, even 2 days to be able to bring back as much is this because it's the only way that they can bring back a product that's not contaminated. they say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water, including mercury and the town has one of the highest cancer rates into the. for me, not only by this is convinced that her 16 year old daughter is 5 really tumors and auto immune disease, with a result of her having a large amount of local shellfish which she was pregnant. like allow with border the doctor asked me if i leave the machine is no wonder he said, and the air and the will to contaminate to you in the machine. but it's difficult
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to prove and even harder to demand compensation. cold is being phased out to reduce to these carbon footprint. but the industry is responsible for the damage that's already been done or not the liable because they didn't violate environmental standards at the time they were built. making eunice is one of julie's 5 thermo electric centers. nick named sacrifice owens t i s b a b as belong to industrial, which provide a lion's share of employment. so people think twice before containing that defect environment and that has and given the shortage of alternative work here, the people of making units are left with a few good choices to see and human al jazeera, mickey, eunice, jimmy, a scientist at the university of western australia everybody's reference of a deep sea squid,
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catch it earlier this month. this is the moment the squared wrapped his tentacles around the camera mistaken for prey on a remotely operated underwater vehicle. at bryant's by luminescent lights used to stifle prey, could be seen on the i'm unable, as it approaches a camera. it was a film that, that's of just over coloma to the, one to columbus, a deep and an area of the south pacific. cool d simone. passage. incredible stuff. and that's it from a clock label on a website out 0 talk. com. got maria news coming up here and out 0. quite often. die. yes, the legs the interrogate. the narrative is the u. s. has contains corporate israel affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes, they look the correct but so in the international community,
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can we also say that deals the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic approach upfront. what, how does the, the diving is, is just an incredible thing for me. i want to be under water. it's
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a magical event. it's a mystical event. the most of the time it's meditation. it puts you in a state of mind that you know peace. you have to wait, you have to be patients. sometimes they don't come but when you encounter these animals, when you see the shark, so you see the turtles, it's just cashing pulling all over it. i really can't describe it. we need these eco systems to be resilient. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. and these echo systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change. and we need to adapt. and it seems to be that humanity is working really, really hard. so the oceans will not have that resilience. and that's the sad part.
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we gotta get these changes done. we must save these animals, the color icon. i work with many young people putting all the science together so that one we can create a new marine protected area and to so that we can improve the management of these areas. grandma. so new year we started studying the movements of bull sharks, the movements of mount to raise the movements of hawks build turtles and try to provide the authorities with the best scientific evidence possible. so if they could come up with a reasonable manner, said plans, where should we fish, when should we fish? where should, with the marine protected areas be what it was. you know, the place many those that as a get the always, you know, so there was this almost have done to the and then this, this any model is moving in to find out what is the level s young some present
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doesn't go study. gus is plaza and i see us, that's what the saw on us in the plans that this goes into the kilometer is by noon by cell 3 equal cycle system make us buy something per ton best. and that's what i'm at the bottom based on the phone that i showed you into the gutter stuff. so in this product that is most flip and we did put a phonetic soon as i'm a nickel gallup, at any time, especially as i used to, i mean the, there's a concept when we're setting ecology that says that bio diversity generates by diversity. the, the thought that we need to have that diversity because if not, we're going to hurt our own capacity to keep on using the ocean. the
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then at the bottom of the stab. and there isn't as much as much as there's a new in the present. the doing with the much of this political stem of the me a better keep it as it need it. so what do you mean the other kind of them in the, the, we tied these animals with little acoustic tags. it's a little cylinder about this one. it admits a sound every 60 seconds. in order to to listen to this, we have to install listening stations. whenever a tag dynamo swims by one of our listening stations, the listening stations can hear the tag, and then we get a hit the so every 4 or 5 months, we have to go to our listening stations that are under water. we dialed all the information and that will tell us every time one of our tad shirts swam within a 500 meter range of that receiver. so we have the date, the time, and the specific number, the little cousin will say is little kind of money because
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acoustic us both the model listed at the u. k. display assistance, most of us have it on, but i, but i'm going to use the most closest for them is, is it is to use a set of got a designs, you have plastic going. so if any model is it gets sent to me in the a and then look for us you on it then? yes, we will go to the see say cynthia, just like you did i totally for my son cameras. click the lymphoma. sheila 90 sounds, you know somebody's island parmesan lane, but it's almost, it's almost a community guideline. yes, that meant that the closing difficult comment in the back is but that's not going to create any change. the change is going to occur when you turn
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that science in the policy. this is not a trivial problem. this is not a shock problem. there's an over fishing problem, and we got to solve it. of this fishing and coastal waters didn't really start until the seventy's 5 families came from spain in the fifty's to develop trump towing in costa rica. and during the following decades there was a bonanza. but then they were already noticing or vision problems. and they started getting concerned every now and then we would have dozens of turtles, washington on the beaches and it was a mystery like wine. and it didn't take long to figure out that it was the shrimp trousers, initial problems. but tell me, randal, we know it is a problem. we know we have to work and help protect these turtles, but you're ignoring the long line industry. the song sent us the answer. last kilometers. i mean, when i log in, it's almost like dining design,
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my cetera. is more focused, alexia, you break up to a new model such as space, is that the 2 guys do it on these thoughts as best as best as christ. i'm a and many of them in the i can be in the 2nd and then the rest of us gigs and based on the able to get a phone on them online both. and we gave them a video camera and his mission was to obtain footage of sea turtles caught on these long lines. he said, oh randall, you got to check out this. and he showed me the same as the footage of the blue shark getting sent on this coast recon online boat. and i think this is one of the 1st evidence ever obtained of live sharpening happening right in front of us. the
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my career made a really important twist. they were here to get shirts for the shark fin industry. in china. shark fin. soup is a delicacy. it's a matter of status. it's to show that you're prosperous. now a key little, oh, sharp friends can go for a 100 to a $150.00. but the meat of the shark only goes for like $0.50 of a dollar for the meat. if you catch one shark at sea and you hack of defense and fill the shark away, you can keep on fishing. so economically it makes total sense. asked i say, can you say i yes, and i sort of bias cities. i like to add it. they'll allow you to go and any money
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close, or you don't have back to customer moment that good budget. but as when i ask a guy lot doing it allows you to analyze the do. it only include that in us. seeing julie as in england, people are going through the electronic that let's do it on this case on kept it on us. do you think of any goodness i left us, the photo might not do it. i had a quick video and i'd like to go to the day or so, so you get on the base, we have to stop killing shirts, i don't care defense are attached or not, otherwise they're going to look go the way of the back trudel, which is practically extinct in the eastern time. the law came to realize very early in my career that who cares about science? we produce the science. we know what needs to be done. and when policy decisions
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have to be made. science goes in the backseat, the media, we had a good sense of how tricky we're losing the out of this tower, right? and every species i to is extinct are, or the population collapses of that species, even if it doesn't cost that you're taking. one of those supports out and you take another one out and you take another one out. and eventually, after you've taken enough sort of the whole thing collapses, we are in 6 plantar extinction. when we hear that there are 1000000 species going
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extinct, we get scared, but it's not only of species, it's important. it's the abundance of by diversity. let's plug it in any time soon to to develop own fully, almost bed means getting into so to get someone up and put it on your bus. how to report that on the list of do this bonus hammerhead populations have declined 95 percent in globally sharp populations is declined. 70 percent of all species and we're still not doing anything about it and you'd be thinking pacifica. city then, and i'll let us do it on this guys because they've got to to the bottom. yeah. if you need to, you haven't and what is going on? his computer is key. generally, this is the best scientific g documented planetary extinction. this is happening microseconds, klein,
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and she has been around 4500000000 years. we humans have only just arrived. maybe we price the object or see ok. and the time it will continue without the protection of our by diversity on land was clearly top of mind for many governments in costa rica. and we have done a pretty good job on that. we have not done a good job with our maureen resource. pacific doesn't face vanity, but also to see if the deal is spelled as a much see what do you guys like to study? the bodies of mental. yes, i meant to think on that as my to what to get presented. suppose you limit this the, this, the easy why he'd forget in this or by you can see it almost. does it so suspicious?
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you put a dentist? nope. i don't mean look into it. of course is money is use what that means, integrate. ok, angle static. i meant the as, by some way, because out of the go, uh, it split the little quizzes. my name's the minute got those and present the vin one, the good, the good deal. and on to suck out, let us do it. honest. as a category, a dispatch, as best as the list. bonita, gomez busy is the best of the deal. the shorts are commercial species and by saying sharks aren't wildlife, they keep on pushing on to extinction. government people are thinking you're bringing deep c charlie back. you can actually call a correction because we have better sites. we have better knowledge and allowing sharks to be considered productive species and not while that is not really wrong. it shows how deeply corrupt the system is. and how
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very specific interests of a few companies that are doing the damage is a demonstration that politicians are looking to the side the i'm a scientist, but i'm very more well known as an active is the victory. but that's because, you know, i just don't stay there with the science. we work with the politicians, we work at the people and when everything else has failed, then we have the door open to go to court. and we can go to court and show the judges that here's the science. this is what needs to be done. and that's where we've had our biggest victories. the in
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2021, the united states. they put costa rica on the i, u. u list, which means the illegal unregulated and then reported fishing the business very bad . took very close to be good to be on this list. and what we did was we got all the information, what is closer we get done to change the situation. the closer we get hasn't done anything we obtained all this information. we wrote a report and we sent it to the united states government. we accused because reek of not following these commitments. and this came out in the paper, boots on the front page of leno ceiling closer because most influential and most read newspaper. and it was right there on the 1st page. this could have very serious repercussions for closer eco, in the form of an economic embargo on long 9 exports. we really don't want to see this in bar, it will happen. but we gotta remember, we have to coaster because the closer because it goes to the conventions and signs
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everything. but then we have the coast rico. we have to deal with here in costa rica, which is completely the opposite. and that's what the outcome was going to because and also meant that they're mean income for you. and this is that those are the only costume that goes with dollars. and it says it does include your 1st ethical child. but that's what i'm at the thing for my son. the next one is government, the renovation i left the spaces seen on or some of those in the, the can. we were able to shut down the ship to all industry. and of course, this created a lot of have locked within the industry and locking down the streets of printer, renters and cars. stop and shop travelers come out and you know, they scream at me, they get in my face, they threaten me. you're
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leaving in, i mean, let me said he is in prison. his bullet isn't present to us just as we've been in the school. mr. daniel, this was bad because in which was in his guys's, my message for these fishermen is you're barking up the wrong tree. what you guys really need is a fishery institute to protect your interest that protects the democratic, sustainable development of our nation. no matter what is it cost, okay, but okay, then how much because of these for so long as he has a wireless compliment, thomas is what to do is the suspicious. so the thing that's been as the created either, so you just almost have the input to it, but i come yeah, and that's because the, as some of those we said good again, this design is collapsing,
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the data comes on this is the. busy busy on the other hand, it's encouraging to know that we have had some major policy changes in coast rica that we've, that attain in court. and some of our policy changes have had global impact the . so for the last 20 years, we've been working with the high seas alliance to try and have a high seas treaty that protects bio diversity beyond national jurisdiction. that means the high seas, every country has 200 miles, which is their patrimony on ocean. but everything beyond 200 miles is no man's land . but you can basically do whatever you want out there. these fishing fleets come from different countries and take everything. and there's no international ocean
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police who goes out and stops at the high seas. it's, it's called, we're never governed, essentially, the service at the ocean provides us, is not just a place to go swimming, not a place just to see or unusual species like wales. we rely on them for the function of keeping too much carbon dioxide from building up in the atmosphere. the oceans of getting warmer and the ocean to ability. you absorb carbon dioxide is slowing down a little quiet as a given to scheme of because can assume that all the same kind of his magic corner and this message. what are those, the mess wordpress is the work of sending the soonest when it goes out, except it is a quick deal for them that lays through was on them, which was it less expenses because i'm up to now let's pull up this call and ask one of the pin number. so we've been trying to negotiate this in the u. n. and the
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5 major fishing nations are firmly against any type of control in the high seats. and after 20 years, we finally reached the agreement. ladies and gentlemen, the ship has reached special for the 1st time in history. nations have agreed to begin the very difficult process of negotiating an agreement that is going to manage walters that belong to no it gives me a lot of hope because it tells me that you might, a team is expanding its sense of responsibility around this time. but we'll have to see how government's treat that agreement. it could take decades for them to really get it functionally in place. by the time you get done with it, you don't have the key species which are necessary to maintain the eco system.
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the if you stop there, you get nothing accomplished because conventions by themselves to get anything accomplished. you know, we have congress is we have meetings, we have symposiums, and we talk about this so much. we talk top top top talk. but what do we actually done? like against global warming, we have to stop going to so many meetings and we have to start acting the it's not about the future. and it is possible. we just need to make the choice the
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we should keep judging the value of others, bases on this planet by how much money we can extract from them. that's the whole problem right there. we have to learn somehow how to adjust marble at the other life on this planet that, that is here with us. when you are an economist, you always want to see that graph go up and that just is not sustainable, especially when we're splitting natural resources that are, that are limited that are already endangered. and that graphs just simply can't keep on going, even though the species are going extinct. maybe the graph keeps on going up because the more rigorous species is the more money they're going to pay for it.
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the active for most young values are changes to the closest in mind, just as any mileage you get to the one that's pursuing us punches inc, that is going on because you know, so you lose extra time. i mean, but it does go to some of the this the, as humans are also part of the diversity. we're just another species in this eco system. we're just the naked 8 pier that's very arrogant and think that we're doing things right. and we're actually killing ourselves we have to decide as a species that we care about others before. so we care about other species as well as humanity. the
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one of the main things i told the young scientist to work with me. remember, science ain't going to save anything. the change is going to occur. when you turn that science into policy, you got to go to court and get people in trouble. and you get yourself in trouble many times, but i think they will teach you how to do that in the university. you got to learn that on the road and i try to help them learn this. and i try to teach them this the, the best way i can, unfortunately, the best they move on. and they, they leave me the, you know, that's, i'm completely happy with that when that's to pursue their careers and they can move on the,
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we still have low, you know, we still have 10 percent of the sharks out there. what's really encouraging is to see the new generations go for you guys. we depend on you the the climate probably only is from one of the most bio diverse nations on there. if you're interested in. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and within the cycles of the we're not using our past resources, we using them again and again. if we learn from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen joining us. nothing
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grows forever. the latest news as it breaks this year's march and the message, not just for the card government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage. millions of farmers know how rich thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get a good price because the management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. inside, when neighboring nigeria, restricted, as you will see, caught a duty and a growth using for p, use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems cost on request
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or the is ready strikes, devastate northern gaza, at least $6.00 palestinian sheltering. probably a refugee camp being killed. the on the clock. this is out there in life and also coming out of the international court of justice, israel again, project functions ations of genocide indulgence. so i've advertise on c, i c j to or to israel to voltage. so we've got to get those round crossings as land .


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