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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest, the is ready strikes, devastate northern garza, at least 6 palestinian sheltering jabante, a refugee kind of being killed the other on the clock. this is out there in life and also coming out of the international court of justice is real game project calculation to genocide indulgence south africa as well as the i c j to or to israel to voltage. so we've got to get those ground crossings as land cross open as soon as possible. it's like
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appear on gallons. this case receives a shipments for the 1st time. for the see me, a us official tells out to 0, it might be enough to meet the needs of meetings, kind of thing. and chime races for another wave of refugees has thousands of civilians, fleet escalate, combined with neighbors. the, all right, let's don to northern garza, where is relative the current r u. s. strikes target team that you brought a refugee camp, overnighted tax that killed at least 6 people in a house of sheltering displays, palestinians. and that a february is ready, forces withdrew from north and gaza, saying it had destroyed him mass battalions. but his forces have re enter the area i'd have resumed their attacks honey, my mood can talk of, of the,
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in the crowded value refugee count, palestinians have very little of food or water, no medical services, and nowhere else to go and is really bond keep falling here many civil defense workers have been killed, injured or arrested. those left here is try go to reach the one that they say is really were planes, vonda house, where 30 people were taking shelter. they could fully recover, 2 wounded people and 6 bodies. the rest, like thousands of other palestinians remain buried under rubble, children or among them. best now do i do popped up? i mean, i mean, after we were safe in this house, we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children here. we all know thomas or football, all positive islamic jihad, there were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose the safe place. and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then we'll say right refuge account,
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this is the daily struggle as a life it brings in you the car news of the night before all to come inside of the children, parents and relatives in morning, as the number of dead has been rising every one of the last 224 days and there is by law. another classroom was hit inside a you and run school. displaced people from the north brennan central garza had been sold during their palestinians, say those who survive have to keep moving as one place after another comes under attack. what equip ensure to staff hospitals including a loss of my loved ones and the way the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients whose condition is miserable? because the, the quito is because is a target is worthless. but then we understand where the thing is. in spite of the
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shortage of the administrator, the need because it's possible to the foil and the cause of the closure of nicholas gates, we are completing the muscles the short daniel. these indications, this really mandatory is control of all the crossings into garza means little or no . a can get in the us space. it has been able to deliver some the through. it's the new floating peer, but that nowhere near enough for more than 2000000 palestinians, it's prob, tier, suffering, continue, it's been bargemen. how do you my mode data? there is the palestine willis, rails military says it's recovered the bodies of 3 captives from the gaza strip space press and daniel gary says the 3 were killed on october. the 7th and the bodies with been taken by, i must fight to our hearts, go out to them to the families. at this difficult time,
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we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. that's enough for him and run con, who's got more from the jordanian capital of remember is relative shut down houses here as operations in israel. so we're reporting from outside the country. that quote is actually been named by these really all these spikes, when he says they called it's like a get a run to meet a boost keela and shiny lords. honey lord is actually a jewel jim and, and is radius. and he goes on say that the bodies were recovered, an overnight operation carried out by the military and sion but so this was likely to be an intelligence lead authoration as well. now we've also had a statement from the prime minister of israel, but even then, you know who he says, we will return all of our hostages, the living and the deceased. i like, but we've also had a response from the bring them home campaign to bring them home campaign of the
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umbrella organization that represents the families of the captive. they say the return of the bodies is a painful and clear of mind to me. we must return all the brothers and sisters living for rehabilitation and the motive for burial from the bitter and cruel captivity as quickly as possible to bring them home. campaign has been incredibly critical, all the problems to benjamin netanyahu and his whole government. they say he simply hasn't done enough that you could have bought these caps his rights far sooner that he refuses to do so, because it's politically expedient for him. once again and run con is covering the story from him on because he's run his band out 0 and we have to report from outside the country and us state department space person says 17 american doctors have been evacuated from jobs that they were able to leave through the cut them episode them crossing with help from us officials or assembly c team traveled to the crossing to receive the adult. just
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a 3 daughters chose not to leave. despite being told them, she may not be able to get them out again. the 1st shipment of a defensive gauze, so using a new flight to pay a built by the us ministry. the says 90 truck load today will be delivered using the temporary installation, enabling $500.00 tons to enter the strip in the coming days. this is where the payers located this further south and originally planned. and that's because last month he's ready on me off for it to be moved closer to one of his major check points. united nations is to coordinate the distribution of data offered. so i'm loaded in inspect to the game by, is there any forces, but it says if it's real, continues to prevent the entry a few into this trip, there will be no way for it to be distributed. and despite the new maritime cardo line remains the most effective way for a to reach palestinians to stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of gaza. and for
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that we need access by land. now basically the bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other side of rough, a crossing the main land route to get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen, all of the crossing points into gaza, all of the land crossing points into casa, and to allow unfettered and unrestricted access. what am i calling this tanya tate? i spoke with the white house national security communications advisor as john cubby, and he says that it's vital that line crossing since it goes or must also be opened to meet you monetary needs. you only use really military to open up these ground crossings. i mean, the, the, the z is rarely is, can, can do that without
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a significant military footprint at each crossing. i recognize there's an inspection regime that has to occur and all that's necessary. um, but uh, but i, i don't, i don't want to speak for these really military, but the support and assistance that they've given to the temporary peer by no means makes it impossible for them to also open rasa and also open casual and also get arrest work and all that can be done simultaneously. as a matter of fact, i would go so far as to say, it's vital that it does happen simultaneously because it's pure alone is just not going to be able to meet the capacity and meet the need that has been very public concerns that this, this flirting pet is a destruction of thoughts that it gives as well a father excuse to delay the flow of it across land crossings. how would you respond to those concerns? no, it doesn't offer anybody excuse in any way whatsoever. it is additive, not an alternative to ground crossings. it can add, it can give us another way of getting in just like when we're doing air drops. you
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know, you can't do that in great volume, but it's an additive opportunity. it's another chance to give something to people who, who desperately need it. but it is not a replacement for, nor should it be considered that and it doesn't give anybody a pass, not these rarely is not us, not our partners, not 8 organizations. nobody gets a pass here in terms of not, not me or not having to put any energy to getting those ground crossings open. they've got to get open. it's absolutely vital. i do want to austria, i don't know how the president 5 and has said that a ground defensive and russell without a career in protection. time for civilians was a red line for him. that offensive we've been watching. it has been ongoing now. so over a week, so let me also when you talk about protecting civilians and making shall aid for instance, is getting across the board. what would it take for the us to hold weapons deliveries to israel, not just 2000 pound bombs, but all the weapons deliveries and every line that you've done and assigned with israel has pretty much been cross. that's why i think i'd take
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a little issue with the premise of the question about lines in the sand being cross . and i won't get into hypothetical situations. i can only point you to what the president has said himself that you know, if we don't see better decisions in different decisions made by his really counterparts then, you know, we'll have to make decisions of our own about, about our support. but hopefully won't come to that. we don't want it to come to that israel has every right to eliminate the homos threat. we've never said they can't go in the, in, in the rafa and, and deal with homeless terrace. of course, they can do that. they shouldn't do that. what we said is, there's better ways to do it, then smashing in there with large ground forces and dropping bombs from the air. there are that, that are not precise. there are ways to get him off stairs ways, in fact, that we've learned through our own bitter experience from iraq and afghanistan that we want to share with them and alternatives we want to provide to them so that they can do it in a way that doesn't put those 1000000 people greater risk. is there any such lives in the occupied westbank set? find to in
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a truck heading to gaza is ready all me said it's intervene to protect the driver. 3 is ready. so just to stay mind the injuries off to scuffles with the attack is, comes off to protest is tried to stop a ton boy of a trucks to cause a just a few days ago. now, israel has told the international court of justice in the hague. what's happening in garza is a tragic bull, not genocide. it says the military operation in reference necessary to eliminate him as finances. south africa has also quotes the water additional provisional measures against israel, saying this would be the last challenge for the court to rescue. what is left of garza steadfast and reports now from the as well as the final submission aware interruption at the u. s. highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stopped. it's life transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are
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running high, that sound close israel's presentation for an hour and a half is routes. legal advisors try to describe it's south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys, specifically in the fall for the last step and the destruction of gaza and palestinian people. so thought for a couple of parts to describe the rough or the last refute for civilians in guys was many civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of, for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full hum us with less than half the team present as far as the lawyer said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year is trial has or it's the court to drop the matter even by it's very name the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of
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genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality? it is a given rise to stuff off because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention. the south african delegation says as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we had today was not really, i mean, gauge went up the facts, some engagement of the facts, but not nearly the busing. what? so that's a good thing to us that i'm us. after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops and showed the safety of people. and what is ralph calls, evacuation zones. south africa had described them as extermination zones. the court will make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has
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changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel. step 5, some ellison sierra take is a still a head hearing out 0 new kind of daily picking up the pieces of the days of writing by pro the hello effects that need another shortage of all, some sunshine across smart silvo straight a little bit of cloud down towards the south east possible spec link of shadow flat just around tasmania. so we will see a little bit of wet weather here, but we call i pressure in the bytes not to balls is fine,
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dry and sunny and pleasantly warm for some as well as that. what's the weather east in pots of new south wales, east. and there was a victoria for a time bill plus 3 there across tasmania, about where to weather is making his way to was new zealand so tiny decidedly unsettled the dry process. guys trying to come back to behind protest maggie, but noticed few showers lingering across victoria as we go through sunday multiples . stay fine and try. we have plenty of sunshine and that is the case too. as we go on into the new a working wake may want a fab at a sunny weather to it, and all the posit china and to the korean peninsula, one sunshine that into japan, getting close to 30 celsius, the air intake. yeah, we're about to you. the full basing, but further south, well, i'm afraid there is more rain in the full cost that will run its way across southern parts of china, saturate to ground here still, of course, and i think this will close by the flooding. the kind of widespread that what the weather is, as it drives is wife of ace was. and so what to whether to,
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to was the find ne, the interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric. yes. the correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that deals? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the the
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other again, you're watching out 0 and $1.00 of our top stories is uh and it tends baffles of taking place between is really forces posting in on groups and you finally in northern goals, or at least 31 percent of students killed across the street. since the united states, as the 1st trucks turn humanitarian, a defensive, gone, suffice temporary peer. everyday groups to reiterate to that land crossings can bring a more ate much faster as well as a gain rejected accusations. it's carrie of genocide in kansas, but the international justice is legal representative say it has the right to move ahead with a full scale attack on some of this would be a reference to defend itself against how much at least 3 people have been killed and several injured in the latest is rarely attack on targets in southern lebanon, and a separate attack, a mass official was killed, and then his rainy drain attacking in lebanon's border with syria. and this alley hash and report. pensions on the border have escalated significantly in recent day
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. i. the is where it has been intensifying its attacks deep inside to live in. at least 3 people were killed and multiple strikes, the other city of side. and the mass official died after and is really drone targeted his call close to lebanon's bordeaux. celia has almost said it's retaliated by launching dozens of rockets to works. is really ministry positions and occupied. sylvia and golden ha, confrontation between the 2 sides has taken and used i mention over at recent days because we'll lock claimed responsibility for on the tax. 33 kilometers from the board. the that's the deepest into israel. since the 8th of october, when the been these groups started talking is really me to treat targets as well. lots been using drones since the beginning of the war. but in this attack on an is
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really ministry position in mental law. the group used to drone equipped with rockets for the 1st time, the s 5 rock, it's a launched, and then the drone itself hits the target a d l e a has will. last said, it's a docked insensitive is really ministry facility in the lower gallery with an exclusive joan in the is really ministry confirmed the attack and said it's fight. the jets responded by striking targets belonging to the group in north, east and 11 on why the tit for tat continues. hopes to contain the fighting of fading has velocity to the reiterated recently that there will be no end to the violence along the easiest way. the board, the on to is read some of the tree operations in the gaza strip. come to an end. what is radio officials continue to stress? that would be no end to the conflict on to his beloved pulls. it's forces back
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behind the lead time. the river, which lives roughly 30 kilometer from the border of the hash, and i just see it all. the french just dismissed. it says it can be no dialogue with pro independence protested. and you kind of data and less writing stops. state of emergency is in place of to demonstrations, against changes to local election rules, favoring french nationals. you kind of dynamic as an island chart tree that lies between australia and fiji, and was colonized by the french in the late 19th century under simmons. as this report of the, off the miles of another noise of unrest in the capital knew may uh, there may be less violence than previous days. but the effects of this week's riots on now clearer than ever. cues of people looking for food and basic goods. and the costs to the economy, heading beyond $200000000.00. the french government has flown in hundreds of police reinforcements along with food and medicine. let's talk of dialogue with pro
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independence punches, but it's over written by some french leaders. the justice minister is taking a hard line just put, you know, given there can be no dialogue with little take no dialogue with the salt and violets. we will consider transferring criminal swear, reminded in custody to mainland products. this will be done to avoid impressing federal mines, but also to guarantee of the security of prisons. new caledonia is a french territory. it's always had strong pro independence groups led by the indigenous cadillac. they believe a proposed new law or to allow more french nationals to take part in elections is about colonization. and it will, we could live voices, bill. so we're losing the connect uniqueness that we've had over this island for the past 3000 years. we welcomes people here with open arms and now our voice is being drowned out. the french government has accused as a body jones move,
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stirring tensions in new caledonia from supported as a, by sean snable, a media in a territorial dispute. the let to conflict between the 2 countries. as a vi, john's government rejects the obligations. however, last year it invited representatives from french territories including new caledonia, to as a by jones capital. by cool. the result was the formation of the crew initiative group. it's a pulse, empty colonialist movements. andrew simmons houses 0. see you in human rights chief says he's horrified with the escalating violence near the suits in the city of al fisher. agencies in china of bracy for new ways of refugees is pointing into. don continues, view in the united nations estimates that conflicts on things from all the media that's created, the world's largest displacement crisis of about 9000000 people will start with these and try to expect the number of suited needs refugees in the country to rise
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. probably about a quarter of a 1000000 to more than 900000. by december, i bought a half a 1000000 so nice volts. are free to reach. it's nearly 140000 did to sell. so done . just over 23000. it's a central african republic, there being more than $14000.00 people killed since the conflict began in mid april last year. as the interest reports informal comes the board of tons of today and teen already struggling with the number of refugees arriving mostly from north stuff or 13 months into the conflict. and so then refugees are still causing into china despite tough conditions of the camps. families arrive in the number's 8 agencies say between 2 to 400 people across the border every day. these don't want to add any vision. sometimes they have to cross the chatty and border because people were eating grass grass that is eaten by animals. that's how they get the strength to reach the chevy and border hundreds of thousands of people from the
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city of other generating west at 44 already in the border area off, i'd re, i still waiting for shelter. 8 agents is a struggle to provide even one meal i be. so now the united nation says thousands more offering, fighting in the north, the forest capital m f. i sure it's a suit and he's on his last stronghold in the region and the rapids support forces of makes each to the city for weeks. there is active, wonderfully going on. a temporary attacks by the rapid support forces of evelyn bod minutes by the cities and forces that are leading to mess a new displacements internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem the so you need to get out to say various but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside surround the father of large numbers from sedan crossed into the town of today. it's why the united nations, the station in full trucks, to help the new arrivals. my wife and i sleep on the floor with no food to eat
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and go out every day to look for menial jobs and money to feed my wife and children . they're not the admissions estimates. chad could soon be hosting 1000000 refugees in a country or 42 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. a just to say they've only received a fraction of the funding needed at one, but many refugees were already met. and noticed when they arrived at risk of di, reese, i'll just or in saint petersburg, at least 7 service meeting to be mentioned in the plaza. the military academy ambulances rushed to the academy of communications. after loud explosion was reported the reasons massachusetts was no other than the tag said. the applause was caused by world war 2, munitions. unexpectedly going off the,
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at least 3 people are being killed and $28.00 injured in the russians, drawing to a new crane 2nd largest city of khaki. if, according to this man that says russian president vladimir putin says it must go, has no plans to capture the city. russian troops have advanced 10 kilometers into the khaki region during the pulse we present page instead, rusher is tubby out of buffer zone in east and ukraine to protect its regions near the border. well, the crating and the tree says the front line to be an expanded by nearly 70 kilometers off the russian launched a new push from the north president. for them is lensky visited the engine troops to boost morale. you describe the situation is extremely difficult to on home and send this update from concave in eastern ukraine. this is now been more than a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north east and ukraine . opening up a new front in the fence. if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory there on that board, what the training government is said that it's now containing and stabilizing the
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front line so that they're not penetrating any further into the country. but the training heads of the forces has said that it was so rushed into a ser, extending that front line. now send me, it says of and then method to draw ukrainian reserves and reinforcements that that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outmanned in terms of so just in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive, ukraine said that there was 7 russian soldiers to one ukrainians, so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that. cool. so how to keep the city itself, why we all thoughts? ukraine, 2nd largest city, it's home to move the 1000000 people that soon. so being a type, fairly constant they, by the, at the point when on thursday, the city had an air ride low to move in 16 hours, but so long as a regular,
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since the early days of the full scale invasion back in 2022 and russian forces they say a using, especially for the problems they can be dropped by russian planes outside the range of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems, and they can then travel tens of columbia to zip note the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this no face them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive. this point, john home and how does data hockey? slip back is prime, ministers undergoing another operation that remains in intensive care at a hospital in central to the backend. robert pizza was shot multiple times on wednesday by a 71 year old man who since been charged with attempted murder. patasha brought the reports now from brothers lava, off to visiting robot fits so in the hospital. so if i q is defense minister said
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the prime minister was conscious, but still in a serious condition, often not around the surgery fate. so were shocked in and assassination attempt on wednesday. you know, probably not really, his condition remains very serious. but the surgery was aimed at monitoring and treating the individual, gunshot wounds in the affected area. i think it will be a few more days before we can definitively on this time the direction of his recovery. and yet that's the investigation into the shooting continues. police took the 71 year old man charged with fits, those attempted murder on a search of his home in the central town of livid se. so if i can official say the former security guard and the 3rd acted alone, the members of fits those populace. nationalists coalition including and people, spa saved the liberal opposition, not positively to blame for still king political attentions. of course they didn't sign team, i mean these seem to kill prime minister about these years of brain washing and these items for you of.


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