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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like just is free to you believe i guess is a lifestyle one of your just makes modern pleads the kind of there on the clock. this isn't use life, you know, coming up the next 60 minute, dozens of killed across scouts or is, is really forces intensifying that strikes and you follow up with as being fist fighting with kind of sticking. we've got to get those ground crossings as land cross open as soon as possible. a fighting pair on dogs is case receives 8 shipments for the 1st time. but a senior us official tells down to 0 wouldn't be enough to meet the needs of
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millions of promise to meet israel rejects more accusations that it's committing genocide and gaza at the international court of justice and lot of my page and says he's not planning to capture keith, as russian forces adults on ukraine's 2nd city. and in sport goals, world number one scottish shuffler was arrested, released and charge just hours before computing up pj hasn't shipped. americans finished in the 2nd round. 66 after returning to the course and calling has arrest a huge misunderstanding, the stopped in northern cause where israel has turned out new strikes. targeting that you probably a refugee come overnighted tanks that it killed in the 6 people in the house sheltering displays, palestinians and natalie, february is ready, forces withdrew from northern garza saying it had destroyed
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a mass battalions that but its forces. i have now re enter the area and have resumed her attacks. how does my mood, pickens or coverage the the in the crowd to devalue refuge account? palestinians have very little of food or water, no medical services. and nowhere else to go and is really bombed, keep falling here. many civil defense workers have been killed, injured or arrested. those left here is trego to reach. the one that, or the say is really were planes vonda house where 30 people were taking shelter. they could fully recover, 2 wounded people and 6 bodies. the rest, like thousands of other palestinians, remain buried under rubble. children or among them. best now do i do popped up? i mean, you, i mean, i think we were safe in this house. we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children. here. we all know thomas or football,
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all positive islamic jihad, there were only civilians on children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose the safe place and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then we'll say right refuge account . this is the daily struggle as a life it brings in you the car news of the night before all to come inside of the children's parents and relatives in morning, as the number of dead has been rising every one of the last $224.00 days and there is by law, another classroom was hit inside a you and run school. displaced people from the north brennan, central garza had been sold during their palestinians. say those who survive have to keep moving as one place after another comes under a task where the equip ensure to staff hospitals including a loss of my loved ones and the way the hospitals are struggling with the high
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number of patients. the condition is miserable because it is always, always because is a truly most within we honest and i would think and in spite of the shortage over there, but it seems to be because it's possible to the foil and the cause of the closure of nicholas gates we are completing the muscles the short daniel. this communication is really mandatory is control of all the crossings into garza means little or no a can get in the us space. it has been a able to deliver some through. it's a new floating peer, but that's nowhere near enough for more than 2000000 palestinians. it's prob, tier, suffering continue, it's been bargemen. how do you my mode data? there is the palestine or the shipments of aide have vented going. so using a new floating pit built by the us military, us says 90 truckloads
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a day will be delivered using the temporary installation, enabling $500.00 tons to enter this trip in the coming days. here's where the parents located. it is actually for the south and originally planned. that's because last month, these ready on the last it to be moved closer to one of his major check point. the united nations is to coordinate the distribution of the 8 office. i'm located in space to be gained by his reading forces that says if israel continues to prevent the entry of fuel into the gulf and strip and it will be no way for it to be distributed in despite the new maritime cardo land remains the most effective way for 8 to reach palestinians to stave off the horrors of famine, we must use the fastest and most obvious route to reach the people of gaza. and for that we need access by land. now basically the bottom line is it's only small amounts of food are getting in and, and in terms of fuel the fuel imports have, for all practical purposes stopped, we desperately need more fuel. there are hundreds of trucks waiting on the other
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side of rough, a crossing the main land route to get that, that previously we were getting aid into gaza. and, you know, filled with fluid filled with medical supplies and they're not being allowed through. what we need is for israel to reopen, all of the crossing points into gaza, all of the land crossing points into gaza and to allow unfettered unrestricted access. early my colleague this dante spoke with the white house national security communications advisor john cubby, and she asked him for his assessment of how the 1st day delivery went. and so far so good. we've got about 300 pallets of food in today. we're hoping in coming days to be able to almost triple that quantity and we had to be for, for the 1st, for the 1st day, we just wanted to make sure things worked well. so we were trying to not be too overly ambitious, but we are trying to get to get that 8 increased over the next 72 hours or so. and we hope to be able to do that. we've had terrific cooperation across the board. i
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mean, this is a real multinational and multi lateral effort. it starts in cyprus, we're grateful to the leaders there in cyprus, that of allowed shift to come in there with aid and assistance all the way, getting it to the peer. and then all the way in is really have been very supportive of this. and it's a multilateral effort across the united states government with united states military building, the peer of course. but usa id really taking the lead in terms of how the aide is, is getting to the peer and, and being managed over that causeway. so there's been a lot of teamwork here again, so far, so good. uh, we're excited about the possibilities. i do want to address one thing that you sort of alluded to before coming to me and that it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine that the, that the post, and he's living in garza so desperately need. we gotta get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. you say that we need to get land
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crossings open as soon as possible. i mean, there's hardly anything coming through them right now. rough as close kind. let me tell them it's old, but the, as you've said to this, these ratings are being very supportive century blinking and present 5. and i've said time and time again that it has been us pressure that was getting a scaled up. so what's stopping not from happening now? well, when i said, is we always have been supportive, i mean, of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway onto the marshalling area. there sure, but clearly not enough is being done to open up the crossing drop the accounts alone up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable. so us state department space person says 17 american doctors have been evacuated from jobs that they were able to leave through the cut them boost 11. crossing with help from us officials. a us embassy team traveled through the crossing to receive adults as 3 adults as chose not to
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leave. despite being told that this could be the only chance to get out. it was military sizes, recovered the bodies of 3 captives from the gaza strip, springs passed and done. no regard. says the 3 were killed on october. the 7th and their bodies were then taken by how much fine since our hearts go out to them to the families at this difficult time, we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. that's enough for him and run con, who has more from the jordanian and comparative amana. that's because it's really shut down downstairs operations in israel. and so we're reporting from outside the country. well, it's actually been named by these really all these spikes, when he says they called it's like a get a run to meet bas keela and shiny lords. honey look is actually a jewel gym and,
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and is radius. and he goes on say that the bodies were recovered, an overnight operation carried out by the military and sion but so this was likely to be an intelligence lead authoration as well. now we've also had a statement from the prime minister of israel, but even then, you know who he says, we will return all of our hostages, the living and the deceased. i like, but we've also had a response from the bring them home campaign to bring them home campaign of the umbrella organization that represents the families of the captive. they say the return of the bodies is a painful and clear. remind to me we must return all of their brothers and sisters living for rehabilitation and the motive for burial from the bitter and cruel captivity as quickly as possible to bring them home. campaign has been incredibly critical, all the problems to benjamin netanyahu and his whole government. they say he simply hasn't done enough that you could have bought these caps his rights far sooner that
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he refuses to do so because it's politically expedient for him. and again, brian con is covering the story from him on because israel has gone down to 0 and we are reporting from outside the country as well as told the international court of justice in the hague. what's happening again sir, was a tragic bull, not genocide. it says the military operation rougher is necessary to eliminate termite sciences. so half occurs also quote, 2 additional provisional measures against israel saying this would be the last chance for the quote to rescue what is left of gulzar steadfast and reports now from the hague. for you as well as the final submission aware interruption at the you ends highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stopped. it's life transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are running high, that sound close israel's presentation for an hour and
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a half. as ralph legal advisors try to describe it's south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys, specifically in how far are the last step and the destruction of gaza and fellows pinion people. so thought for a couple of parts to describe the rough uh the last refute for civilians and guys was many civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full time us. with less than half the team present as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as well as urge the court to drop the matter even by its very name, the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality?
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it has given rise to stuff off because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention. the south african delegation says as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we ahead today was not really, i mean, gauge meant the facts, some engagement, the facts, but not nearly the busing. what? so that's a good thing to us that and us, after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops and showed the safety of people. and what is ralph calls, evacuation zones. south africa had described them as extermination zones. the court will make a decision on possible additional measures and the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has
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changed in gaza and that israel should not only be order to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel. step 5, some ellison sierra fake. alright, let's take this on. we can speak to toby type been, who is an international human rights. lauren specialist in the field of all crimes, joins us live now from london. welcome tony. we've had the testimonies from both sides. is it? well, how do you read the balance of things? thank you to. so i think once again, we had a very powerful, impassioned, and evidence based presentation by the side african gallagher ation. as, as we, as we have the opportunity to listen to on the 1st day went through in some detail
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of expressing festival. how the situation has changed. i'm a critical situation is and bravo. and how is ro has failed to implement the provisional measures already? whole, already set by, by the quote. and by contrast, what we heard was, what many times as how they hit appropriate response from his ro for my subtracting, besides african delegation, and what we have heard subsequent to the, to the hearing. and so that way from, for at least one minister in his role. so i'm referring to, to the south african legal delegation as, as the lead on all the terrorist organizations. so we can say that the, there are, there are real contrasts between the 2. i think it's going to be very difficult for the quote to, to,
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to do anything but root and fav favorite south africa because of the way that the conflict has, has panda and what we actually say. it's very, very clear what the intent is. i can tell you st. louis to save how, how would that manifest itself, or they look like well, effectively was south africa is, is seeking is what it, what it was taking in, in the 1st request for the individual for visual measures, which was the 65. which as we know that the, the. ready to go the order is given by the court. well, strong, so sure of that fundamental question that was being off the situation now is quite different. and we, we have the benefit of the last few weeks to demonstrate what happening and what the intention is, right? i'm going to court different types of actually just going to jump in that what difference does it make? the given israel so far was ignored. everything that's the entered as community is
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said and is indeed right now, reinforcing the strings run rough in the water is what it is going to. i mean we, we have to wait, see, 1st of all what the court rules and certainly what rules not only in terms of, well it won't face. so to set of requests a c king, but also what they do in terms of israel's complete disregard and failure to implement the previous provisional measures. and then obviously the task of a time within the insightful court of justice takes the position that, that israel is just disregarding i'm acting with complete impurity and that has to be consequences. to that. we know that the court doesn't have an executive power, but we can also see that the, the, the support agent from its strongest allies is diminishing by the day. so i think things are changing and i think what, what we've seen in the response,
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we see the size of the delegation that was spent. there is clearly a sense that there is a real, real worry coming from these ready site to the losing support and fos be coming up or i stage, which is i think what, what we're heading towards. all right, tell me we'll leave with that. thanks so much the for that perspective type of catherine international human rights law. thank you. thank you. get some uh, breaking news coming in from the occupied. westbank is ready, forces have killed one person and they've injured 8 others and asked dry, come, did you need refugee come to strike the house in the camera? fortunately, targeting a leader of the janine brigade, oh which is it? a palestinian on group? let's get more on this as much as we kind of who's in best robbie who's in remodeler and saying, what are you hearing or well, we began seeing very dramatic footage from the scene from the aftermath of one
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single strike, one single missile breaking the quiet over janine camp this evening, well before the israeli military confirmed that they had carried out the strike, the target appears to be an armed fighter. we know that at least one person was killed. there are 8 others insured. the target appears to be as identified by locals in the area residents identifying a fighter from the janine battalion. as if slum how may come a say. he was a fighter in the janine battalion, the military wing of this war mixture had and was wanted 5 years really military. the house that was said was in the center of this very densely populated camp. all those inside or talk to have been posting in the resistance fighters videos, show ambulances rushing to the scene, people being brought to the hospital and they do show the deceased on a gurney as well. now this is not the 1st time that air strikes like this. have been carried out on refugee camps. drones and jets have been used increasingly as
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part of the israel's military operations in the occupied westbank. who janine was hit in march of the last time it was said, it was good in march from the drunk strike. kid, a car to him, at least 3 people who've seen similar strikes and use drones and other camps. now that you need refugee camp has seen more, is really military rage and more is really military operations than anywhere else. and you have to fight what's make. this is at least the 3rd air strike. in the last several months, there was also wondering october and janine york, the g cam did you need area has the highest number so far as power students killed in the occupied westbank 505 since the war and gaza began. and since the escalation is military operations by the israeli military, in the occupied west bank. alright saying thanks for that same buzz robbie, speaking from ramada more than that stores we get at least 3 people have been killed and several injured in the lights is rarely attack on targets in southern
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lebanon and a separate attack, a mass official was killed and then as really drug and attack near lebanon's board with syria. and is that a hash them now reports pensions on the border have escalated significantly in recent days. the is where it has been intensifying its attacks. deep insides living at least 3 people were killed and multiple strikes the other city all side. and the mass official died after and he's really drone targeted. his call close to lebanon's border with celia has almost said it's retaliated by launching dozens of rockets to works. is really ministry positions and occupied sylvia and golden cox. the confrontation between the 2 sides has taken and used i mention over at recent days because we'll lock claimed responsibility for on the tax. 33 kilometers from the border. that's the
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deepest into israel. since the 8th of october, when did live in these groups thought through the talking is really ministry targets has will last been using drone since the beginning of the war. but in this attack on an is really ministry position in mental law. the group used a drone equipped with rockets for the 1st time, the s 5 rock, it's a launched and then the drone itself hits the target a d l e a has will. last said, it's a talked insensitive is really ministry facility and the lower galilee with an exclusive don't in the is really minutes. we confirmed the attack and said it's flight. the jets responded by striking targets belonging to the group in north, east and 11 on why the tit for tat continues. hopes to contain the fighting of fading has velocity to reiterate to recently that there will be no end to the violence along the been easiest way the board to on to as well as ministry operations in the gaza strip. come to an end. what is radio officials
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continue to stress? that would be no end to the conflict on his beloved pools, its forces back behind the lease on the river, which lies roughly 30 kilometer from the border of the hashem. jesse and all the russian president vladimir putin says moscow has no plans to come to kalki ukraine, 2nd largest city. this comes off the russian troops of bones, 10 kilometers in the khaki region. during the past week speaking, china, president putin says a rush was coughing, a buffer zone in east and ukraine to protect the regions near the border. it's a place where the height of the alpha, what's happening around how to keep it is ukraine's faults because they have shelled and unfortunately continue shelling, residential areas of russia and board a territories including belgrade. if this continues, we will have to create
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a safety zone, a buffer zone. if that is what we do, ask for how to keep. we currently do not have plans to capture the city. whether you create the military says the front lines of being expanded by nearly 70 kilometers is off. the russia launched a new push from the know a president for them is the landscape visited into troops to these morale. and they describe the situation is extremely difficult to at home and send this update now from khaki in east new cree. this is now been more than a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north east and ukraine . opening up a new front in the fence, if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory there on that board. what the training government is said that it's now containing and stabilizing the front line so that they're not penetrating any further into the country. but the training heads of the forces has said that it was so rushed into a search,
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sending that front line. now send me, it says of and then method to draw ukrainian reserves and reinforcements that, that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outmanned in terms of so just in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive, ukraine said that there was 7 russian soldiers to one ukrainian so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that pool. so how to keep the city itself, why we all thoughts, ukraine, 2nd largest city, it's home to move the 1000000 people that soon. so being a type, fairly constant, they by the, to the point where on the side of the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours, but so long as a regular since the early days of the full scale invasion back in 2022 and russian forces they say a using, especially for the problems they can be dropped by russian planes outside the
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writings of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems, and they can then travel tens of columbia to zip note the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this no face them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive. this point john home and how does data hockey speak to patrick barry, who's a defense and security unless at the university of boss drawing just now from both in the u. k. at patrick, so khaki is not part of president putin's plan. so is that the president should we take that it is face to face value? a good evening was very difficult to say what he says, the face value, because i know he said he wasn't going to invade you, brian, and did you did? so other times he says what he means in terms of, you know, being incredibly, very defined. for example, which is legitimate security interest and that he might do something about it. so
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it's very difficult to understand whether he's lying or not. i'm rather what his intent is. i think there's 2 things that can give indicators here. first of all, the composition of russian forces in the area. uh, we think that they're starting for a trained not well lead and don't have much armor that would suggest that any sort of major offensive would be difficult to conduct in which they, which, you know, we're not going to fight for hurricane. but the volume likely. uh that you know, their ability to, to cause it offered, sorry for that it would be lower. so in that case it looks like we're probably see more of the same. ready just trying to expand a phone line. ready for an exact, the larger correspondence that a longer line in place. so russian strengths in mind, power, low quality, mind power and is also a major challenge for you. brain happens to send more high quality reserve units which are exhausted on my own. these areas which unfortunately weren't for so i'm
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very old and how do you assess things for ukraine? how stretched all day, and how will further shipments of arms help them stretch and they're on the defensive. and there's a lot of the initiative for the, for the moment. and that's because the 3 things that the, and the american aid at the fair to mobilize sooner on the failure to build fortifications quicker. so it's, it's a mixture of their own supp on politics, exit all of that. so what we have at the moment is a window of opportunity under to the russians, which they are trying to explain. and i say this is again, this is about actually that the central gravity that versus trying to do is, is to destroy the you finding our forces right. other than sees monsters and maintenance of territory quickly. they're, they're more likely to grind things age like they didn't have the car recently. right. and i was really briefly, patrick, i guess the key thing as far as the credit is concerned is if they can hold the line over the summer, then it gives them huff johnson where he grew. absolutely. that's it. so
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essentially they need a big training package to, to sort of these mobilize recruits and they need more age. but in the long term things are less bleed because western production will start to is in a major way. in fact about students and the end of this year, but. ready motion economy is produced and started to get into difficulties the results of the war on the sanctions. all right, we'll leave with that. thanks very much indeed for that perspective too. ok, thanks a lot. is a still a head hearing out 0 science is believe they've solved an age old mystery of how some of the egypt permits for bill. we got this phone coming up in 15 minutes. so same things. getting pretty close to get ahead of sight. today's big fight in saudi arabia, details coming up a little bit like the
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hello matches. scott an a various basking in some very warm sunshine. lovely, clear skies here up towards the most east and corner of it. because this area of high pressure is in place as a se one, it's actually blocking off these weather system. so the reason i way in from the atlanta a couple of areas of low pressure here. so this line of cloud just rolling down tools that are used to solve it, somebody's trying to spend some live, you showers on that, which grassy notion that way for the northwoods and a sense of what the weather around. still some pretty wet weather into know the posit jeremy i, which was the low countries and stuff and brought a lot of these houses across the front, down to a switch that modem areas of if the as well a few showers in to northern areas of best spain and portugal, little tri are on sas diet lease across the england, the some pos as girlfriend, but further west into wells. we have got some showers long spells are frank coming for here for a time. sunday was decidedly passive. for the most part, whether we some showers, once again, as you can see,
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just around the netherlands pushing across into northern pasta. jimmy gets got finished as go central pop up. you're up to where you want me to scandinavia into the mid twenties, this woman and some of the southern areas of year. meanwhile, across north africa want to she hasn't. and those amounts area, but the main carpet showers for west africa. the, the, the the kind of game you're watching out 0 remind folks of the storage and intense baffles that taking place between is really forces and kind of thinking on groups. and you probably are in northern cause, at least $31.00 palestinians are being killed across the strips and says that the
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united states as the 1st trucks occurring to military, they defensive goals of violence, temporary peer bits, a groups of research that land crossings can bring in more a much cost and is really striking the haven that you need refugee camp in the occupied westbank killing. a lead that you need brigades announce palestinian group . 8 other people. what inches the french justice minister says the can be no dialogue with pro and dependents. protest as a new kind of doing it in less writing stops instead of emergency is in place of to demonstrations against changes to local electric rules, favoring french nationals. you kind of dania is an island church read that lies between australia and fiji and was calling lives by the french in the late 19th century under simmons. how's this of the day off the miles of another noise of unrest in the capital knew may uh, there may be less violence than previous days. but the effects of this week's riots
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are now clearer than ever. cues of people looking for food and basic goods. and the costs to the economy, heading beyond $200000000.00. the french government has flown in hundreds of police reinforcements along with food and medicine. that's talk of dialogue with pro independence punches, but it's over written by some french leaders. the justice minister is taking a hard line just put, you know, given there can be no dialogue with looting, no dialogue with the salt and violets. we will consider transferring criminals where we bonded in custody to mainland products. this will be done to avoid impressing federal mines, but also to guarantee of the security of prisons. new caledonia is a french territory. it's always had strong pro independence groups led by the indigenous cadillac. they believe a proposed new law or to allow more french nationals to take part in elections is about colonization. and it will weaken that voices. bill. so we're losing the
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connect uniqueness that we've had over this island for the past 3000 years. we welcomes people here with open arms and now our voice is being drowned out. the french government has accused, as the poly jones move, stirring tensions in new caledonia from supported as a vice jones neighbor, a media in a territorial dispute. the let to conflict between the 2 countries. as a vi, jones government rejects the obligations. however, last year it's invited representatives from french territories including new caledonia. so as a bi jones capital by cool, the result was the formation of the bar crew initiative group. it's a pulse, empty colonialist movements. andrew simmons houses era. so let's bring in wayne hay, who's in nearby. i told him that and usually with the lights, his monitoring situation that way. so tell us about the, the security presence increase security presence isn't working. yes. sort of
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certainly increase the loss literally thousands of security forces by the police and military now on the streets of new caledonia in particular of course, the capital of new media, including french marines. on friday, late on friday, we sort incidents on the fault when protest is entered, the wrong way of wanted to me is airports. the police were able to bring the situation under control, but they want those protest is that they didn't disperse than the military was authorized to use legal for. so a clear indication that the security forces are willing to intensify the campaign to bring the situation out to control. the state of emergency does appear to be working right now and throughout the 2nd day of that state of emergency. and each day that has passed this week, not time in particular with most of the violence has taken place. we've seen a slight decrease in activity, but again, no sign that it's going to come to an end and he saw any time soon. some of the
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neighborhoods of new media according to the government, completely out of the control, they're under the control all these protests to so it's certainly a difficult time still a head. right. and does a government know exactly who's behind on this? he's behind on his bonnet as well. there are several pro independence groups in new caledonia, but the government believes there is one main instigator of all the violence on the streets and that translates to the field action coordination. so what c c a t. now that group has issued a statement cooling for a period, all calm for the balance due in so that they can basically regroup and assess the situation. and the best way for when the public prosecute a new caledonia is talking very tough to open an investigation into executive who is behind the violence. and so far we've seen 10 alleged leaders or instigated is all the activity on the streets placed on the house arrest or awaiting thanks.
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that's wayne. hey, reporting. thank you. hey, this is in china. a bracing for an influx of refugees is violence intensifies into don, stuff or region. do you an estimates a number of suited needs refugees in chad will exceed 900000 by december. and summit address reports informal comes in the board of towns about today, and team already struggling with a number of refugees arriving mostly from nor stuff or 13 months into the conflict. and so then refugees are still causing into china despite tough conditions of the camps. families arrive in the numbers, the agencies say between 2 to 400 people across the board every day. don't want to add any vision. sometimes they have to cross the chad in border because people were eating grass grass that is eaten by animals. that's how they get the strength to reach the chevy and border hundreds of thousands of people from the city of the
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janae language stuff for, for already in the border area off, i'd re, i still waiting for shelter. 8 agents is a struggle to provide even one meal a day. now, the united nation says thousands more offering fighting in the north forest, capital and fi. sure. it's a suit and his armies last stronghold in the region and the rapid support forces of mates each to the city for weeks. there is active, formerly going on a temporary attacks by the rapid support forces of evelyn by means by the cities and forces that are leading to message new displacements, internally within the city. and people are trying to flee a problem the so you seem to get out to say various but a finding that very, very hard to do because of tronic and security in the countryside. surrounding the father of large numbers from sedan crossed into the town of today. it's why the united nations, the stationing 4 trucks to help the new arrivals. my wife and i sleep on the floor
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with no food to eat and go out every day to look for menial jobs and money to feed my wife and children. they're not the admissions estimates. chad could soon be hosting 1000000 refugees in a country or 42 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. a just to say they've only received a fraction of the funding needed at one, but many refugees were already met. and noticed when they arrived at risk of di, reese in the united states, the man who would touch form that house be could not to politeness husband with the hema has been sentenced to such e as in jail. the jury found a 44 year old david did pop the guilty of assault and the attempt to get enough of a federal official to pop broke into the police. he's california home in 2022 and intended to take a hostage. she was in washington at the time of the incident to pass instead of confronted her husband, pull polosa, and clumps him over the head with
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a man as well. scientists have made a discovery which could explain how the addiction impairments were built. an international team of research, it says they used to be a branch of the river nile floating by the pyramid complex and gave them and read or satellite imagery has helped them identify the river that disappeared below me. erica, and this discovery could explain how heavy stone blocks and other materials were transported to the sites. and that's something that archaeologists have been pondering about for centuries. let's pretend suzanne on stain, who's associate professor of egyptology and agent history at the university of memphis results. a co author of their potent joins us live from fargo in north dakota to get to see you that we would love impairment store in this one doesn't disappoint. does it at term is built on a long last branch of another will tell us more. well our, our research initially was just too little for traces of the agent nile. and one of the most clear signs of an ancient river bed happened to stretch from list and the
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south all the way up to use. so our, our research focused on trying to map the extent of this, we didn't do research at usa. and luckily for us, the teams that i've worked at visa for many years already hypothesized about a harbor and done a lot of evidence. we just found the branch leading away from visa that would have brought the material to them. right. so that basically helps us understand how those enormous stone blocks were transported with. this has been a supposition for some time is just that we didn't know exactly where the the most wave was. right. right, exactly. we've been able to map a huge section of those that stretches for uh, for many miles uh, between list and the south and use the north. and this area in particular has 31 pyramids from the old in the middle kingdom. so it's not just use that we're talking about,
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but really these big civil engineering projects that would have required massive amounts of material as well as personnel and food and all the resources necessary to keep these projects going. so this river, as would have been an essential part of any sort of big project between the old kingdom and the middle kingdom. so back in the day, in those days when the premium is being built of the whole area wouldn't be much greener area more time. well yeah, the, the river branch that would have been closer to the pyramids would have meant that on the banks of that it would have been marshland and a whole different kind of ecological zone. much like what denial is today on the banks of it to find all kinds of agriculture and so forth. so this branch would have had a similar sort of eco system along it that would have allowed people to do fishing and catch water, birds and so on. in addition to using it for transportation and what happened to
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the river a well, the river has moved overtime all rivers has a dynamic nature in this way. and so of what we're trying to ascertain in the next phase of our research is exactly how long this branch was active. because it seems very clear that at a certain point it became in filled with wind blown sand. and then eventually, now it's under agricultural land for a great part of the distance of it. and so more research is needed to figure out exactly the history of this branch. but it was probably active between the old and middle kingdoms and possibly even for hundreds of years after that, but at a much lower rate of water flow. so maybe not as useful later on. o. very fascinating stuff as he's i think. so putting some of the pictures on, on,
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seen from the university of memphis. thank you you. as i said i had here now and 0. yeah. can clump blushes out ahead of his final game is livable boss. but again, who, and want to stay here to find out the, these business uptake these voltage by the states back growth part of on the dash before he is the
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these business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football. he is the the get onto this board as far as next. thank you so much. it's been a day that will go down, is one of the most shocking and professional golf history. the world's top rank goal for scottish osler was arrested just hours before he was due to tea off. and the 2nd round of the pga championship in louisville,
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kentucky sweat all the k. l shuffler opened his round. that valhalla golf club with a birdie at the temple american end of the day with a round of $66.00 to shots off the peaks as well right now. what right now he's going to do, okay, here's the internet and i didn't do that. all here is footage from earlier in the day showing the american being hand captain taken for jail, for allegedly, failing to follow police instructions during a pedestrian se tally the investigation. 27 year old chicago trying to enter the golf club when it happened was charged with 4 offences, including the 2nd degree assault of a police officer and reckless driving. he was much shot before being released, shot released as the rest was on a misunderstanding of joining us now from louisville. home to the of a whole lot. golf club is the daily mirrors, neil mclean, man, who's covering the event at neil in all your years covering golf. this has got to
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be up there as one of the most bizarre incidents ever. you want? good evening from. right. and you can fucking up shooting rob, probably ever seen as the well, number one stops. he's a fucking arrested time cost given away from the cost response to the cost. cheese off just off. it's on the clock. saw through the pad even sheets, the 6680. so there's been quite a guy well described twice of reaction and seems over there where you are. when you started to merge that the world's top golf or was arrested, it ever was just it's funny. i think the chick fully because they're going to kind of guide that stuff to ship. there is, is it based off these folks and more of the sky? you said you bought christ, any different tons of gold and 3 weeks off because these topics we thought him like meredith to just give them both the but both charles talking because most policies i think we have to get in trouble with the most. so you see the mug shot to sort,
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the shipment is orange jumpsuit that really falls on. it was quite the size of the everybody was really amazed for the whole die. i. um, what does it say about software that he went back to the course? he's managed to play pretty well, despite all the drama. i think it's a single multiple complexity was he did you came in all through his range and did a very good question really didn't want to speak about the the actual. yeah, absolutely. instead of being bold, it was very tough with this one of these condolences because what happened this morning there was a paper run back to just outside the golf club. but so um the quote electronic kyle suit. you like to say like the incident, but he said he was very nervous and shaking before going out. but to go to my amazing or such a room, smaller section on the 1st. and then when it did, it kept together and he's not would be 3 shots. so the lead on the change, the wind bucks about may just take you to do that would be an extraordinary feats. i mean, we've seen the other players like tiger woods,
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for instance. get in trouble with the law. i'm do you think his image will be tarnished after this to i'll take a while you can little that was very good guy. he said it's, it's a misunderstanding. he's actually explained. the situation is going to get resolved to use these words and he was very, you know, the compression of very modest body shop. he's probably from when he came out to buy. so i think the way this handled the situation and then a one of the maggie's meet them in the next couple of days. but if the situation is resolved, maybe the charges will have to be dropped to be some opportunity to payment to be not so involved in the, humbly the, to ya. sort of like we will see what happens is if you don't have the mountains, you the right to be there. it's up to the new if you will call to 9 am on tuesday morning, but let's see what happens or the weekend. all right, we will definitely be keeping an eye on this story meal meal. nick lehman. thank you so much for your time. that you are current. find your account ernie slot has
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announced that he will be liberal, pulls new manager. once you're getting qual, please find or themselves have confirmed the document manager's exit and posted this video on social media. during his 3 years in charge spot guided the brought it down club to winning the netherlands top division title, and they also took them to be $20.00 to $22.00 your robe, a conference link, final lever pool have not formally confirmed slots appointment. yet my dislike died . then kick and i can confirm the i'd be the coach the next season. well, that's the 1st step. they currently have a coach has done an excellent job and then they have to say good bye to him when they go. so that's probably the reason why the clubs didn't officially announce it yet. not well ahead of your going clubs. funnel game as liverpool manager, he is launched an attack on v a r, the red. so welcome was to add field on sunday which will bring it in to the germans liverpool rain, which began in 2015 following his departure. all 28 p l teams will vote on the future. a video assistant referees, their annual,
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a general meeting next month. liverpool reportedly support the technology, the club has revealed that he'd vote to scrub it in the way they do it. i would vote against it because these people, i'm not able to use it properly. i don't think that be some problem, but the bait b was it is the problem. so if you can't ginger people obviously that's clear you need them. and so then i would say, yeah, i would be, i would vote for scrapping be manchester city. boss pep, guardiola says ceiling. the primary lead title on sunday won't be easy, went against visitors, west ham will guarantee a 4th championship in a row for city, regardless of what are small do in their home match against ever 10 city going to the final day with a 2 point advantage over the gunners and our and beaten in 22 consecutive premier lead mattress will like to be enough to to administer to 0 up by the is not going
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to up is not going to happen. i saw enough games is 3 or 4 days. that was, i'm in the few months ago a few weeks ago and the last game and they have a few things you have to control it, otherwise would be difficult. the arsenal are looking to win their 1st primarily title for 2 decades. by seasons runners, i have $115.00 of their last 17 games and take on everton, knowing that their fate is out of their hands. i think 60000 people all this stuff, the assistant coaches gross the find the lives of behind the phone. so i think it's enough of thomas to cool has confirmed he'll be leaving barn munich after their final game of the season against hoffman home on saturday. an agreement had initially been reached in february for him to leave the club at the end of the season. but despite that, the 50 year old has been in discussions about expanding his stay new agreement
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couldn't be reached. however, there's been speculation in the media that matches to united are interested in replacing it. eric 10 hug with the german for ari shows, declares at pace and both practice sessions ahead of the e mail, yet vermani on the ground. pre laclare finished had him clarence oscar, p as tree while you keys to note m r b s. one was a surprising search. it was a disappointing dave raining while champion match 7. after finishing 50 in the morning session. he could only manage 7th in the afternoon, his rental teammate sergio perez was just not really feeling comfortable in the car moving around the law. sorry to lose the car and say a few things that we have to look at because today the yeah. but just by, i mean the, it's not comfortable, so we'll sort along with most of it really bad. so yeah, definitely a few things that we have to improve if you want to be competitive tomorrow. and things got pretty heated at the way in ahead of tysons here in alexander,
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to 6 showdown in saudi arabia. and the pre fight event turned it to somewhat of a male, a very, a peer to a chavez, ukrainian opponents. the winner will be crowned heavy weight, a boxing 1st undisputed champion this century. both men are undefeated, go in to saturdays fights and re out. okay, and that is all your support for now. back to you, nick bar. thank you for that. thanks very much. now a copeland to northern sheila is judith start winding down as part of a government plan to phase out co production in the country in the city of may. eunice school is a resident, so suffering from advanced stages of cancer due to the contamination from the prompts. you shouldn't even has this every day see lined, swim from their lair to the beach of mickey units in northern chevy with the disappearance of their natural prey. these one self sufficient hunters of the sea
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are becoming akin to beggars, relying on handouts from locals. that's because the coast of mickey units, population, 13000, is home to more than 40 industries, including 12 cornfield thermo electric plants. the consequences of industrial pollution are everywhere, since fishermen and non b a genie are gonna highlight a what again to the crops are all black underneath the coal. so when you crack them, the meat is all black too. and that proves there, contaminate one fisherman. jose sanchez tells us the floating waste from a nearby factory stings to the touch, which you will see here is a catch of muscles or in spanish mission eunice or these. and that's what gives this town it's name. the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here and there are boats. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day,
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even 2 days to be able to bring back as much as this. because it's the only way that they can bring back a product that's not contaminated. they say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water, including mercury. and the town has one of the highest cancer rates into the. as for me, not only by this is convinced that her 16 year old daughter is sy, really tumors an auto immune disease with the result of her having a large amount of local shellfish which she was pregnant. like allow with border, the doctor asked me if i leave the machine is no wonder he said, and the air and the water contaminated even the machine. but it's difficult to prove and even harder to demand compensation. cold is being phased out to reduce to these carbon footprint. but the industry is responsible for the damage that's already been done or not the, the reliable, because they didn't violate environmental standards at the time they were built.
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making eunice is one of julie's 5 thermo electric centers. nick named sacrifice owens p. b, a b as belong to industrial, which provide a lion's share of employment. so people think twice before containing that defect environment and that has and given the shortage of alternative work here, the people of making units are left, which few good choices will see in human al jazeera, making eunice jimmy scientists at the university of western australia have released refuge of a deep sea squid catcher early this month. this is a moment the squid of wrapped his arms around a camera mistaken for prey on remotely operated underwater. vehicle. bright, by a luminous lights used to startle prey. it can be seen on 2 of the animals tentacles, as it approaches the camera. remarkable stuff. that's it for me for this new
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job, but i will be back in a couple minutes and i'll have another for the user input. the if you're watching this pre recorded report, then al jazeera has been banned in the territory all as well. well, it's a shame to be any stray me when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because ition sooner being came here, this decision puts other networks where it came in. the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted we, i thought it was 0. we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size at the national court of justice. on counting, the cost of india's income inequality gap is whitening. so how can poor people get
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the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to boost global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production products? counting the cost on i, which is 02 of us didn't even customs their families smuggling undocumented work for us and make excessive hardware sparks to witness their incredible story from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to here's from, i'll just here on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the of the the, the cloud cuz this is a nissan light coming up. the next 60 minutes fis baffles. in northern gauze way is ready for assistive intensive funds or a tax on that you probably are refugee. is there any forces retrieve the bodies of 3 captives from gaza? the minute treat, say they were killed during the how much of talking about the just.


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