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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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to our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are read, present, and remember to cut purifies wells and increases systems costs on red chris the famous bottles in northern, gaza. what is right, the forces of intensified their attacks on the jabante of refuge account. the policy this is alex, is here a life from dell. so we gotta get those ground crossings as land cross open as soon as possible. a floating pair on gauze as coast receives a shipments for the 1st time, but a senior us official tells algae 0. it won't be enough to meet the needs of
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millions of how to send you. the tech goes to israel's legal representative. she tells them, well, quote the situation and cause it is a tragic knowledge. genocide. meanwhile, is writing sources, retrieve parties of 3 captive strong concept with imagery saying they were killed during the how much attack in on the for all we begin this, our northern gauze. israel is carried out new and intensified as strikes targeting the giovanni a refugee camp. there has been fish fighting and bump, augmenting the area overnight attacks that killed several people in a house sheltering, displace palestinians has been seeking safety victims of flooding into the come all at one hospital now that your body
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a refugee camp. any of these righty on the shells, homes near the hospital itself. the facility is facing severe shortages with almost no medical aid coming into this trip to provide relief for the bid. i know you're working with minimal supplies to provide health services, come all on one hospital, and this is a result of the siege imposed on the health system. we have appealed and continued to appeal to the international community to supply us with the necessary fuel. but what we have been sent is a very small amount of fuel. barely enough for a few days. in february is reading force has been drew from northern causes, saying a destroyed him ass battalions that but his forces have re enter the area now and resume their attacks. giovanni a is gauze as launches refuge account, which is now but destroyed. correspondent, heidi my mood reports to us from darrell butler in central, gaza as the in the
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crowd, a devalue refugee count. palestinians have very little of food or water, no medical services, and nowhere else to go and is really bond keep falling here. many civil defense workers have been killed, injured or arrested. those left here is trego to reach. the one that they say is really we're planes, vonda house, where 30 people were taken shelter. they could fully recover. 2 wounded people and 6 bodies. the rest, like thousands of other palestinians remain buried under rubble. children are among them. best now do i do popped up. i mean to you. i mean, after we was safe in this house, we did not have any strangers with us. there were only women and children, here we all know thomas or fata, all parts of islamic jihad, there were only civilians um children in this house. they told us to move to the suppose the safe place. and all of a sudden the house falls on top of buttons. and then we'll say right,
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refuge account. this is the daily struggle as a life it brings in you the car news of the night before. all to come inside of the children's parents and relatives in morning, as the number of debt has been rising every one of the last 224 days and there's about another classroom was hit inside a you and run the school displaced people from the node went on central garza had been sold during their palestinians, say those who survive have to keep moving as one place after another comes under a task. when equip ensure to staff hospitals including a loss of my loved ones and the way the hospitals are struggling with the high number of patients whose condition is miserable because it is going to it's because it's a actually, it was with, with a we are the thing and it's in spite of the shortage over there,
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but it seems to be because it's possible to the point. and uh, because of the close on nicholas gates, we are completing the must of the short thing of these indications. this really monitor is control of all across things, into gauze. i mean little or no a can get in the us space. it has been able to deliver some the through. it's a new floating peer, but that nowhere near enough for more than 2000000 palestinians. a tribe here, suffering, continue as bombardment, honey my mode data. there is the palestine in the south as fields fighting between his writing forces and palestinian fighters on the outskirts of rafa. and this is on during the summer gates released this video, showing that force is targeting several of his right vehicles in eastern rasa on
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thursday. israel's defense minutes to announce describe the deployment of ground forces to the city. the army has been intensifying their results in the south as and it's essentially forced evacuation some of the largest hospitals in the area. these are facilities running out of fuel water at the same time facing shortages of routes of food and medicine. the world health organization is saying that it has not received any medical supplies into gaza since may. the 6th alger there is honey . my load is in darrow bala and he brings us this update. now on the is right operations on folding that and drop out. what's going on right now? not older, we're seeing more people are forced to flee a rough. they were looking at 630000 people have already in force into if leaving the city in the central part of the 3rd. but it is really military is still controlling the too many crossings that, that come up with solomon crossing their commercial trucks as well as well by
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crossing for humanitarian a. so for the past will read. none of these do crossing have operator and none of the aid has made it to the gaza strip, mainly in the southern part. but what's really going on right now is these really military statements at talked about the, the, how they are controlling, especially of the right now have the distance of philadelphia core, adored that stuff, including rubber crossing. and they're only about a 5 kilometers a wave from the coastal road that that means it will include an expansion of the military operations or maneuvers will include the western part of the city where we are, there are 1000 of palestinians. display families are the shouldering there since the initial weeks of this word, which means we're going to be seeing way more of waves of more people if leading the western part of the city they're being forced into more in force displacement to the central area, mainly in their in the city. and meanwhile, the fash, treatments of a defensive gauze are using
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a new floating pair built by the us military. us says 90 truck loads a day will be delivered using the temporary installation, enabling $500.00 tons to enter the strip and the coming days. well here's where the peer is located is farther south than originally planned. because last month, these riley on the aust, it moves closer to one of its major check points. the united nations is set to coordinate the distribution of the aid officer. right. so i'm loaded and inspected again by is riley forces. but it says that if israel continues to provide the entry of fuel into the strip, it'll be no way for any of this a to be distributed anyway. first trucks have taken a to of that pier on friday, driving it into causes of a distribution. they are driving along causes coastal road connecting both the north and the south, spite the new maritime cargile view and in various agencies insist that overland routes would be a much more effective way for aids to reach palestinians. i'll just areas might
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kind of has more on the american reaction from the white house. so the white house is the completion of the peer and the 1st aid shipment going across it as a major achievement. but the white house spokesman, john could be agrees that this is simply not enough to meet garz's humanitarian needs. it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period. and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine let the post and he's living in guys so desperately need. we gotta get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. the white house spokesman, welcome, does really help in the project. but at the same time, he says that it does not excuse israel from opening up of the crossings. in fact, he says, this must be done at the same time. if god is humanitarian crisis is to be properly
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addressed. mike, hannah, i'll just sierra washington. i'll just as a chef, i will, i'm are a managed to get close. the u. s. constructed pair is the trucks lined up to collect aid. he sent us this report from warranty, cause smith know what else to find the we have managed to reach the why, because of the area which is as close as we could get, as journalists to cover what is happening on the port and appear that was constructed by the united states, as we speak, the 1st combo way of trucks is getting ready to enter. the peer that was constructed recently and preparations are underway to load these trucks with food that arrived just moments ago to disappear and up at them. and this aid has arrived by see for the 1st time following the closure of the rough and kind of a solemn crossings. and the only 2 crossings through which you mandatory in a and fuel, for hospitals here in the gaza strip or delivered, you know, more about kind of a woodside in that following their occupation of rough or, and the care of a solemn crossings is really forces are preventing the delivery of all humanitarian
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aid to reach the gaza strip and that the humanitarian aid will be distributed to citizens and displays. people in both southern and northern casa. the peer is located in central gaza, which enables the united nations institution to supervise and distribute the food and release aid, which is arriving through the peer. be it to north cause or south cause i shut off a blah, blah. that is just the law where the that is around us, toll the international court of justice in the hey, what's happening in gaza is a tragic wor, no, it's genocide says imagery compression rough as necessary to illuminate a mass fighters. that's off the south africa, off the court, to order israel to hold its operations and rougher set fostering reports now from the hague. as well as final submission aware interruption at the us highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team.
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the court quickly stopped. it's live transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are running high that someplace is wells presentation. so for an hour and a half, as well as legal advisors, try to describe at south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically in how far are the last step and the destruction of gaza and published in young people. so i thought for a couple of parts to describe the rough uh the last refute for civilians and guys was mainly civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full time us. with less than half the team present as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as well as, or it's the court to drop the matter even by it's very name the application of the
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convention of the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality? it has given rise to stuff off because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention to solve african delegation. sas as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we ahead today was not really, i mean gauge meant them to fax, some engagement on the fax, but not really the best thing. what? so that's a good thing to us that i'm us. after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops and should the safety of people. and what is ralph calls, evacuation zones. south africa had described them as extermination zones. the court
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will make a decision on possible additional measures and the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately on the account and for such an order. it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel. step 5, some elton sierra take these ready minutes residing is found. the bodies of 3 is really captives and the cause of stress. the army says they were killed during your toe. the 7th attacks with that bodies taken into gaza. it's not k a where they were found around $250.00 captors were taken on october 7th, nearly half of them free during november ceasefire. but as rough as about 100 captives and the remains of fuzzy, all those are still being held inside gaza. our thoughts
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go out to them to the families at this difficult time. we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. we go to the occupied westbank now. is there any forces of killed one person there, an injured 8 of us and an astro icon. the janine refugee camp house was had targeting a leader of the janine brigades of palestinian good. which is a lie from dough on. there is more to bring you after quick break, as well as intensified is attacks deep inside lebanon. so weeks for us to conflict with has all that has reached and you did mention the read. so one of the words with his creatures, numbers,
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a plumber to do to deforestation. culture and climate change indian signed a fighting to protect. one of the most important things to control the species is to maintain that habitat one. 0 one east reveals the bottle to save and use with oh no, just to interrogate the narrative is been us has continued support for israel, affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge. the rhetoric? yes. the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without the news from i'll just say on the go and meet tonight. i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we fix allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at using. is it the, [000:00:00;00] the without, is there a look at the main stories now as been a fist fight to mean heavy phone apartments, and that you bought a refugee camp in northern casa, at least 31 palestinians have been killed across the scripts instead of the israel's legal representative was heckled as she told the international court of justice of
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a situation in gaza is a tragic war notes genocide. south africa results came forward to or the israel default. it's rough operations and then install 11 and at least 3 people have been killed and several injured in the latest is riley attack that in a separate incident, how mazda official was killed in, in his writing drone attack. yeah, lebanon's board with syria, as ali hash. him now reports attentions on the border. they've been escalating significantly over the past few days with has bullet point, some new weapons. this is where it has been intensifying its attacks. deep insides living at least 3 people were killed and multiple strikes. the other city of cider and the mass official, died after and is really drone targeted his call close to lebanon's border with
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celia has almost said it's retaliated by launching dozens of rockets to works. is really ministry positions and occupied sylvia and golden ha. confrontation between the 2 sides has taken and used i mention over at recent days because we'll lock claimed responsibility for on the tax. 33 kilometers from the board. the that's the deepest into israel. since the 8th of october, when the been these groups started talking is really me to treat targets as well. last been using drones since the beginning of the war. but in this attack on an is really ministry position in mental law. the group used to drone equipped with rockets for the 1st time, the s 5 rock, it's a launched, and then the drone itself hits the target a d l e a has will. last said, it's a docked insensitive is really ministry facility in the lower gallery with an exclusive don't. in the is really minutes. we confirmed the attack and said it's
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fight. the jets responded by striking targets belonging to the group in north, east and 11 on why the tit for tat continues. hopes to contain the fighting of fading has velocity to the reiterated recently that there will be no end to the violence along the been easiest way the board. the on to is read some of the tree operations in the gaza strip. come to an end. what is radio officials continue to stress? that would be no end to the conflict on to his beloved pulls. it's forces back behind the lead time, the river, which lives roughly 30 kilometer from the border of the hash. and i was just, you know, that's bringing rich invites, he's a security and defense analyst. as we construct global consultants, he joins us live from washington, the israel and has bull as exchanges remain below the threshold of an all out war. and if so,
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what are the circumstances in which that could change the right. i still think that has the law does not want to engage in a major on consultation with israel at the present time. if they wanted to attack israel, it had several very good opportunities, for example, that could have joined a moss shortly after the october 7th attacks when news rarely, military was caught off guard and would have been more vulnerable. or when the ran a rainy and a government launched drones and this house, they were launched off from it ran, but it would've been much more effective this launch from southern lebanon. but we, we know that did not occur. so my assessment is, has the law as not looking for a confrontation at this point and his best been gradually displaying new capabilities, responding,
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but not as severely as these railways have. i'm less certain about israel policy making. i think that for now the israelis probably would want to concentrate on getting more control over guys uh at least finishing the rasa campaign. but after that, i think they might entertain more escrow to where i auctions, because the hezbollah presidents in southern lebanon. and though perhaps accepted before october, 7th in the new security environment, no longer is does israel as failure to weaken, or at least to dismantle a mass of to 7 months of devastation in gaza? combined with its failure to eliminate the threat posed by his ball on his northern border, perhaps on the mine then its ability to launch another wall further
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down the line. i i, what did you make such a generalization? and i think that the challenges in both cases are specific. i mean, how much has this massive network of tunnels, very close proximity to israel has the law is shielded by, you know, and fun of a nominally lebanese government, or only so many civilians. that wouldn't be in the way of any major confrontation. so i think that that is really as case by case. and i wouldn't necessarily say that israel would have the same problems that's been happening in, in guys say, what have new problem is. we saw that evidence last time use railways, intervene very deeply until up and on. but so far they've been fairly effective. they're kidding targets and it's not the, not just, it's interesting. you mentioned the last time they were active in, in southern lebanon. i suppose. the 20066 war roles that kind of shot to
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perceptions of israel as inevitable victory. and any such conflict in the region. well, partly, but again, it's we, it's difficult to generalize. we saw a, someone of no effect, a response to these riley's when in ran, attacked recently with their limited for size most low stripe. i, you know, if i were, has the policy maker, i would be very concerned about the inc. antagonizing these are it ways too much? and of course it says a belie where to initiate the conflict in the views of washington. there is a major american naval force nearby and might very well intervene at least a field d as rarely population for some of the test bars and assaults which invite. thank you very much. thank you. of rushes present. legitimate person says moscow has no plans to capture har keys. ukraine's 2nd largest city comes off,
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the russian troops advanced 10 kilometers in the harkey region. in the past week. speaking in china, present pritchens at rusher is coming out of buffer zone in east and ukraine to protect its regions near the border prison authorities in bogota. i have announced the transfer of at least 10 inmates who could have been involved in the killing of colonel elma fernandez. the director of the country's largest prison, a major operations on the way and the columbia and capital to catch the killers of sandra. and he actually has more of this now from boca tom and the parents comb rains inside the prison in both the morning after the assassination of its director and fitting them. this special police forces patrol the area as a man hunter peroration continues across the city to catch his killers fitting them . this was returning home from work when a motorcycle approached this vehicle in gunman open fire club. this minister of justice revealed the 5th man. this former police colonel has received several
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traits for being killed in a benefit. kindle, elma fernandez, had received a threat. and a pamphlet suit collated on thursday of last week. he'd filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office the following day on friday and on choose day of this week with the prisoner will pharmacy, which is the regular procedure. he introduced the request for protection, but that protection didn't arrive in time for them and they said, started running the facility just weeks ago and was bentham cracking down and criminal activities inside the prison, including unannounced searches more than 5000 inmates are crowded into a prison meant to hold a maximum of 2900 prisoners organized crime groups often control entire pavilions, some 550 prison officials up receive debts rates in the past 2 years for confronting the gangs. security experts say the assessing ation is a window into a broader crisis within the system. it's an open secret that there is broad
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corruption within the prison system. and this is a very difficult reality for the authorities because the guards come from the position of weakness space with the interest of criminals who wielding norm as amounts of capital and cash. and also his course of power to very clearly, ret, um, exercise retribution against those who do cool, don't cooperate. they have a real ability to corrupt and corps and co opt the authorities. i think that's a problem that the state hasn't grappled with. the question for many now is if you have a story, these will not only be able to bring to justice, those responsible for the scaling, but also dismantled the very powerful networks inside the prison that have been allowed to fetch their allison, that i'm 50. i'm just need to just enough time to bring you this scientists at university of western australia, of release footage of
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a deep sea squid captured earlier this month. it says the moment is squared, right? it's tentacles around. a camera had mistaken for prey on a remotely operated on the water vehicle. you wouldn't, you wouldn't want to be its prey. that's it for me, but i'll see you have a nice long stay with us. the, the color, the skies have opened up nice the now across the korean peninsula and across japan, this little circulation that swelling away moving away from northern parts of japan, brought to scholars coming back in behind. and the balloons spring sunshine will continue to stretch its way through the korean peninsula center in northern parts of china. certainly very much on the will be from a whole side to, to celsius. the inviting notice a little bit of where to weather,
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to the north of that beijing and they to some very went by down to was the 5 south west as well. and that will gather that will move across southern areas as we go through the next day. or so as a clouding over into central parts ahead of that it's dry and sunny, shining car, $27.00 celsius. so with the temperature, the full right to keep the same line of cloud and rain looks its way back so we will see some what the weather coming into some parts of japan over the next couple of days on the face of china. also i see some wet weather now that weather that makes its way across southern areas of china that's very much in evidence to request a good pos of indo china. plenty of showers seen to the philippines now for the most part, temperatures never where they should be. penny a shout travels across much of southeast asia, had a good crop of showers to across the good parts of india. with mostly and right now showing the hands inter lanka, the
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palestinians who were expelled from there and then in the neck of 1948. still don't have the rights of return. that is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on al jazeera, held in a new era and different nations that in the tension and change and paying for the show of unity as a country is grow increasingly dependent on each other. so this of russian presidents, a visit to china, a step towards shaping a new world order. this is inside story,
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