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tv   Al Jazeera World Return to Palestine  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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real strong, this back is us precedent. you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line hello, i'm around and why is the and don't let just a quick reminder of the main stories. the sour israel has carried out and you as strikes targeting that your body, a refugee camp in northern uganda has been fish fighting and bombardment around that area of and i attacks killed several people in house sheltering displays. palestinians have been seeking safety victims on flooding into the come all at one hospital near the can any of these ready on the shelves, homes near the hospital itself? the facility is facing severe shortages with almost no medical aid coming into the strip. to provide release says that i know you're working with minimal supplies to
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provide health services. i'd come all on one hospital and this is a result of the siege and post on the health system. we have appealed and continued to appeal to the international community to supply us with the necessary fuel. but what we have been sent is a very small amount of fuel barely enough for a few days. well, the fuzz treatments of a defensive gauze and using a new floating pay a bill by the us military, us as $90.00 truckloads, a day will be delivered using the temporary installation, enabling $500.00 tons to enter the strip in the coming days. but despite the new maritime cargo, the un and all the agencies are saying that the line routes would be much more effective as a way to get a in to gaza. is there any minute? she says it's found the bodies of 3 is right. the captives in gaza ami says they were killed in october with that bodies taken into the strip. it's not clear where they were found, but around $250.00. capt is the taken that launch daily,
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half of them freed in november ceasefire. israel says about 100 captives and the remains of fuzzy of is being held inside gaza. our hearts go out to them to the families. at this difficult time. we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything you know, the power to find the hostages and bring them home late a grunt maneuver for we legal representative was heckled as she told the international court of justice that the situation in gaza is a tragic war. north genocide, south africa is asking the court to or the israel to immediately stop its mitre operation and rough on so thought for a couple of parts to describe rough uh the last refute for civilians and guys
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it was many civilians have indeed evacuated to rough us over the past few months, the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as the military, strong, cold, full hum us, which continues to pose a significant threats to the state of israel and its citizens. a cortez given israel until saturday to demonstrate that how it would ensure the safety of policy and sling from rough uh to the so called se sense can easily provide information about the existing human editor in conditions in the designated evacuation zones in particular. and my wasi and how it would ensure a safe passage to these phones as well as the provision of shelter, food, water, and other human nature and aiden assistance to all executives that and can be
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expected to arrive in the songs. meanwhile, his writing forces have killed one person and injured a all those and as strike on the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank house was at targeting a commander of the janine brigades of policy and goods. gina's infrequent raid, since israel's will and gauze have begun and are all the headlines rushes present. latina fusions as moscow has no plans to capture harkey of ukraine's 2nd city. this comes off, the russian troops advanced 10 kilometers in the region during the past week. speaking in china, present, pres, inside russia is causing out a buffer zone in east and ukraine to for tex, it's regions near the board. yeah. what is the headlines? the news continues hair off to ouch. is there a wild the the
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the the color that i did left,
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we didn't come to them. they left so the all wheel, plenty of insurance and able to come through especially need i consider that part of the population does all support 11th and as opposed to what the and the things are, the social that i'm on their own people. and i'm not the
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one i can get county self. yvonne and alyssa takes a while to attend. does this the ill illness, the dentist lehman? the old but nettles when empty is that there's nothing of it the better to have it . the issue of county heading there, so a lot will be a head cold, but a football, lots and the other, the little unsure about will be if it's never been to connect with it that all been that have a great what is it?
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so is the problem with the how to as it is for valid on the visit, i said in the field of the pulse, the bottom level of the butler, i was able to swear to you in a closer look. still alive as avella. yeah. yeah. one more layer to clean the savannah? no question again, and i knew i had to come on the other side of the
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hill. net bill. oh, this are you. i will hold off how to set up the password. yeah, that's how how does that so know that, oh, i have a oh you may have to send this one in the hands of us. oh no sad, but i was just saying hey, and i guess in that you say i love to watch on the the do know the yeah. the yeah. yeah, i'm going to hate to have this. this is helena. oh well no. i don't want nothing bad. yeah, go ahead and see what other hand i see. what is the how it is so we can live and
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now you so we will see you is due on the last let's definitely let me. he said, i didn't think i said it was time to be in before the 5th and the vehicle hit ladon, me and they had got the i haven't been able to convince some of the the, the most up to high not the the had the subpoena for her this was disappeared
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for them to have it in reserve as a few nice end for comes out hedges, but little cuz they're still finding the high side or the pennsylvania. uh the the what the heck happened, nasa. we had a ship. yeah. or you had the scene you live through that you be so kind of you to eva can validate, and these are the, even the case of oma. i sent it all by send it back to me. but as i said, it's all bad. and this is really going to be hooked up
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the handled out of the fingers. so it will show the, the of the human side of you saw the email on it and say, hey, this is a you upfront on gene edison. cs. what do you pull him up the middle so i know we
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have see it and he thought he told me that much money on the timing of so i could probably month and a little bit later. how was the the vehicle to the yeah yeah yeah. the what else i need to get into it from a who's going to head hot boulevard. oh, unfortunately,
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if he's not, oh oh no, i used to hide. hi. so it's just this young man. oh oh, who showed hello, but most of us to see it in as an a john? i like i didn't have that movie to let them have the most of the houses out on the floor outside of it. let's see, is what's the phone i have seen in front of you? let's see. let's see. let's see. the left, the which have to the knock is added onto the scene that no mac and on did. and then it was with fake mac went down and thought i had to keep this image just and a full of seen have set in on the on just for us any yes or no on. does she with had that full of see another not going to say the and then the full scene of, of the claim number for me. i'm back even more. we'll see we'll,
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let's, let's do the most do. let's see and let me just do this more. when to see the display of see you have to overhaul, let them know. she doesn't know how to, to have the lead clear ones because she's the or the
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said in this the, it should also to be to whom it, in the store wish wish me from soft feet, especially with all and visited and all had a bit thought. i was, i'm it will come on lim, committed the what was your falsely digital woman? somebody based off shall still give been less than one. i'm calling. i'm actually about to this what i think it was sort of cut him how michigan is i haven't been left so not how the show back left. so how does that look? so hanging out the been up. so for the cut them, it's an odd and i'll send it with this one, i hope to sort of the back level to buy it in the next in mechanical, unsure how often will supply only the product i'm good enough to for. ready the life of the a feeling, something that's
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a different types of offensive islands that lie some given how to fill out. i'm doing okay. it comes with them and i'm not able to have that set up, but it'll tip up no additional what? i'm a cool, i'm really so sensitive muschamp, so it doesn't matter. look at it in my product because i have my bar at the bottom i have, i'm booked up on the most. i have to be on a, on my list of people. so if that's the answer now, but if i have, how do you spell alaska? pensacola, initially in the anthem of me that he might be to us and can, did the 2nd fee i'm, i'm a little home. so why is that? so how is that who have the list of e 90? i'm a student, that's what of the email, the events send, somebody all man come to the new place, then i'll have them. so if i have the phone have something that kind of move on a, be fucked up on natalie. it's me come 2nd fee, slow headphones, automatic, not any sub, i don't know any who will not of it. i'll have on it with you and they have on the
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10th i was off the master site map. so how do you find that event and show us that kind of let me look here and look at it with all the things the on the bid on the flip side, the by the big maturity on the travel with the same name on it. okay. and many of the dates homeowners with soccer . oh, phillip blooming in the for the scene in name, they have the full set of mark i from for cool. how and all that with them on the that's how i like the little clock of a cassette the know. so this way, oh, i have been sort of have seen it. how does a all the equity high i left it on? what is the full explain a little? well, that's a lot show you side. that's the issue. feel a bit domain a little
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bit, a lot. have a whole lot of the on the the, the
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vain. so now ups up not as out. i'm not, i'd be coming home and i had here for the come i had defend, i should for you while it but i'm, i'm a baseball fan on my way. but i can, uh, i'd have good i was needing your that could be able to have that. what i can my buddy. yeah. just fit in the whole not at the base by is out of the saddle. what i, as i saw him, what is that a problem? all right, let's add some movie dean. right? well, it's all able to help from that. i would, a half, when people used to mazda have any height and weight. loss of how that was. okay. i didn't know they've come in that i tell them and take
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the 1st one with them. uh, not optimistic any the if i have to wait is it do have so they've got to the get it means event kind of better than most of the i'm new couldn't that's a new that you and if anybody else in the, the, when to minutes need just 1st name. oh, how does that does it could i have the can i have not had so many established daniella into something they helped me the most. i couldn't see you by that. the one you love and yeah, you know, when you look the card number,
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now how do i know how to read the fine or the quote so high and i have them and that's no good. and that's just the income administrative valid. so just not as bad the company's mission about it, but yeah, on the other thing is, i know the end of a sudden i'm wondering about the, the balance in lieu. when does that mean? yeah. how about going to have done what done right now? yeah, we're based on that. yeah, the good hello. hello. hello. hello. i don't see. didn't know any by the way. her name is joe, i'm a sophomore. she is a mobile ad if i yes. hello,
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this is nathan with an on okay. hello. booking is looking to ship my unit and a bit of a fee for that to ship. okay, i one issue is it can be sort of the national specialist. what i mean is that the honeypot murphy said he should sensitive and disconnect. let me, what is that kind of stuff? i, we, i would nationwide if you don't know if i cut off the, sorry, the, or the madness and alaska shop and the like the easy to say like the, we can to keep increment that go the will have the last that the case with the little by the last code, the
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bus, somebody for 6, my head by the little message, the thought it, it's the energy by the spill out of a philistine looking mamma. thing that i might have with that family might have that lady on the shed back to your message. i sent it in on my side of mild, but they said my and i moved in a bunch of different the address and i'm in love with dudley. that's with z and then also be in full us to me and. and they also have an aka level home or need that come with us that i'm a little us of this mean, but i'm going to know as i'm and let events and that my vehicle will ha, but i was that i live now and i love which is but i was made by them to lo uh, i looked into that we as a as in c as in to be the
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pothole peach. cool. painted. oh, you're fine. you've had a cool, very good, very nervous items in a next week. okay, jada. nick. good, how are you? i'm good. i have uh can i go with you because in the vic? no single in the house. okay. we are off and assuming, even though the only one of these out as well as being the most coolest type in the near me is that i could leave the house. okay. subject. in fact, we may have to mom some of the law
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cuz i couldn't see this lady by the name of the 16. she said that this handled the test. however, the subject of this american doctor is, you know, him can read too much the, the,
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and thought that find a way how does it kind of wayne yeah. love really left for me when i am i babb them as of the can you see yeah. oh, well i had on such a nice the whole front of all the photos theme and then um to look forward to any of your philosophy and who is 2nd. the 2nd is maxine and k to get a telephone with us on line one to phillip nan alonza and that has been on both on it. and then that is it's enough as thoughtful of thing. and that was the
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collective generations with all the state and the knoxville. a lot of them. and i live now in that a for the 2 of us didn't even customs their families smuggling undocumented workers across the mega festive part, west barn, to israel. witness their incredible
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story from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to your wills, the caught a duty in the grove using for the p. use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of on projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. costs on red chris a sort of 10 year journey, which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shade come out. award for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024, starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official
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website w. w. w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the, the hello i'm i am the y as in dog with a quick look at 9 stories that were following for you. and is there any will pains of targeted a home in southern gauze as rough as city of the night? can i get these 2 people in trapping several of those under the rubble rescue because they it will be difficult to reach the area because of the presence of his rainy drones. a number of the injured have been taken to the quite the hospital. it's among the facilities under these ready armies, expands and evacuation on the facility is running out of fuel water and medicine. well, health organization says it's not received any medical supplies and causes since may 6. meanwhile, the north has been fish fighting. heavy is ready,
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bombardments and that your body of refuge account at least, that you on palestinians have been killed across the strip since thursday. and then the fuzz treatments of a defensive gauze are using a new floating pair built by the last minute, treat us as 90 truckloads. a day will be delivered using a temporary installation, enabling $500.00 tons to enter the strip and the coming days view and, and all the agencies say that the line routes would be a much more effective way of bringing a into the strip. if israel allows them to be opened with these ready ministry saying that it's found the bodies of 3 captives in the gaza strip, the army says they were killed during your until the 7th attacks with the bodies taken into gaza is not k a where they were found around $250.00 captives were taken in october. nearly half of them free during a seas fight in november, israel's as about 100 captives. i'm the remains of 30 others are still being held inside gaza in the late
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a garage with israel's legal representative was heckled as he told the international court of justice that the situation in gaza is a tragic war. south africa is asking the court to order israel to hold its operation in rough or israel's prison. it's ready forces of killed one person, an injured 8 of those in on a strike on the janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. the house was targeting a come under the janine brigades, which is a palestinian armed group. just one of the headline to bring you a rushes present by team of foods and says that moscow has no plans to capture har keys, says roster is causing out a buffer zone in east and ukraine to protect its regions near the border. those are the headlines, the
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vic and can you do know any bit by harmful who can on less than a bus. i don't have to have looked at his house, although i think we still have an adult said he thought it so they made me cry. i swear i wouldn't know what i would know or so
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as long as it says of $56.00, that is less than 50. 50 is my medi, i'm subject sort of high says the medi i'm on the i'm a sufficient as ease of up to but was too much back to me know and it says open in the the, i need touchy feely, but that is that is the how would then to so how to to send me an email by the phone because when i have a 50 office that i'm almost a so audit that i've mama, mama, obviously that my sister has really hard to say. are they 2?
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hadn't they had civic mom, but that was a us. yeah, i mean it's not whole not an issue that he was sent up with how to separate the bubble and it has it. and she said like she was a and i'm the mom back if it has to the attack the idea of the, of what i have and that has a lot of the j lab. see if he can less time limits it off when i use that to tell us about the the
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. 6 the love seat, a young busy and what was the you know, how can i do you have to them and how to them in another. oh, so but i'm about to like you, i am not the most of the teams, but i would look into each other. there's not going on. charlotte. sean and how do they learn how and how did they love? yeah, sure. i understand me another i did. i did as well as not even got me young. uh i really i just have a a lot of charlotte, sean. look, i've done a lot about the article. gosh, hello sir. no, that's the yeah. guy. and even that made me meant to. yeah. and as these are the
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receive up to about about or that is the end of the i don't the joe as of the us, but i yeah. look in the if it exactly. so get it, had of yeah, and i would joe was miss rippling edison newton. i'm not so hello miss. well, i knew it. i mean yeah, i knew more or less on z o whole and i mean torres, i mean so where the lot with the machine but it's not just it went home hardly. i knew this number in the stones and it was a headline view. listen, i love beats the
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front of a home, but it has the right. oh uh, in the middle. so i looked up. most people not on the out of it, on the phone on it. so the, the customer on the phone, see a, the, some of this, a lot of stuff
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. let's take a little, how do you mean in general they have the height of their less what i have in this matter. not as nothing. yeah. have you been on the item and i'm assuming they are on law. how does that? no. that is yours. the i think i did send it for because that in my when hi, this is the the yeah. so because of the morning this morning,
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i didn't want to come to connecting sent in gwinnett for a mazda 6. now i have never had no shipping. i see you on the, on the printer, we let me submit number system. now see if i'm on or some so do you always have really been done? yeah, i knew that a ship. mr. no, let me go. let me see. let me see if that will see the can see the judy is up in court this afternoon. if that hasn't been a good fit. yeah. what's the name of the now i may have time. i had a high us to say, do i use the bad that very to revise the
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see saw general have you have you have a 5 piece 5 piece by piece of amazing i the how you has the. uh huh. and then i can, i can now inside the size and so let me see man, if these are all in some he also i'm in them and lift up on the bottom and it's been a few. but really i need a kind of piece of cutting those up in the off when he bit about how is how i'm supposed to them. i'm a product with all of the for months and see how do i have to pay off. actually it's more like the new investment by the bathroom on the my, the did you call that one model i'm going to read, you couldn't lift up bits of a how you had that database by yourself or to you in a little bit. a lot of the limitations have definitely had the full of sleep. it
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touches i'm in the to and is that a that kind of thing? the the, [000:00:00;00] the whole of the, to the had that huh. i can do it. i'm just in the, in a, as in as a whole model of the level. huh. well, i'm gonna select the, the, or have the, i'm not allowed just somebody to log in. i'm, i'm gonna send all the hype. can much as that. yes, actually the, obviously it had him a candle. uh some kinda a little surface. mean the montage little side of the outcome is the main sunday.
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the little bit. but they kind of looking for a lot of head full of the bottom just so if i know how to we still can let them know 11 of the background to see the house, the keys. hey, nick. finally,
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this finally over the phone over to now can, i mean it says this, now i'm an old as a 14 new muscle. what does a 4 to in and look forward to addition, then i'm at a time the launch of hon. no, no, no, no, he says multiple machines. i'm on washington . highly a man who yeah, i knew had the the heck i'm interested. but for that, but then he can also look at the idea of account bit. now, what are some of that is a for the,
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a 4 level of the family, you know, who, you know, who, you know, set up for that, you know, who is the lead that in hand. it should have. so now inside sales, i'm gonna have you had another set of fi here in the items you for, you know, what if i guess with a different 255 boxes then the
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you know, we made it. yeah. a lot of people. 1 do we didn't do that and we didn't even know what i came into the velocity of the lesson, i still had to try to hacky on the people the and every one of law. but the zip code of issue of, of people who was that kind of a head full allowances. yeah. in that car space way
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the yeah, the sort of water. so there's a lot of what i'm up the that will cause live on movies. the sort of like a little bit and the visa, how the key, the size of it, he has mean lumpkin or the medium hit, the apply level low. so don't know how big the weather the hell i took
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a long way from 16 bit now who would was that? what was in the, that's the, that's the whole level of our pay, the monthly i allowed the cut off and you still owe my name and not the feeling on the one that is old, you know, 70 had to live now. 3 right after. well, how about even with of i'm and vision less on these young medical matters for how boy really yours will know. i know in know a who were sick usually giving you thinking a sort of 10
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a can infected in regards to the yes mother he's proud on the same house and the yeah, my love the most eleanor as the all was the same using the guy i need to know the low level platinum and i have
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a delivery the recipient of a as a plus the met the d. s o n. uh huh. now that a whole lot more of a sudden my and my son had that as the main line. but this had the him, i why ma, 7 of sitting the show will kick the high side of doable. how do all of water should be? i mean, a miss one, a studio is the inside. the other way. i knew that if we can have a bathroom, uh then uh, i mean that's an oldest and i go saw people also i was off in the l as in,
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i was in the mountains, you know, i left a lot, but we've got, we got i really was a into and felt the lives in the machine. me so that my mind. yeah, let's do that. so. busy yeah, no, no my, my of us for kennedy was not sure i'm not even had. i'm not that i missed my development midnight funding and the noise of fidget doors and balls of businesses. your settlements spend a lot of rain that the fees are $15.00 plus your best. second, unless you have them and them. yeah, i need the most just one bedrooms, can i or no? uh my is your best most updated unless you have the items that have you can buy the most of the home 10. 0 one might have hes in on this is for when the uh from
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laughing gas has no antibiotic for animal water from nevada. when you actually have a model, energy fitness, excuse me, zip code. oh. and i can explain how you can let them go measure with some more label on it. know on the high the most so lets go cuz most actually was the last
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sunday. is it just seems to be the and the other? no, no, that's a pass code with joe was his background. it's good lead. i've been to live in muscle, the, in the living and i'm, i'm not a few and i'm going to let you, and i'm not in love yet. this is not, you know, didn't be kinda that i had a number to an 8 them suited test indicating the following in my family in this, in the i the beautiful starlette. so going to
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babble subway ibm show it this other ship that the new home home this was the the low list of the hood of a dish. one moment the is your z a r d o man. ok, sure. under the corn hole, as i live in the block, i don't cut out about me no less the heads up and beyond that she had lost, but i knew a money, dirty arm issue of us, but i know how does she seem to be they didn't go was sure, yeah, they postpone it and if you need a face when my but the bus supposed to be near his home, sobbing really, and the other thing is, is jada had to show a lot of nick, a system here is the channel. it needs the
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scenario and the see here. so the
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do not allow me just about 15 to 12 and let me know, i mean is what has to be in the scene. and then we just need to get out of the vienna that's been been been home environments and to have them paperless think we have a not not we'll have to have, i mean it's on the screen can. so i'm going to share that. but i mean, i would bond for the study in 5 minutes already yet. so i'm going to start the
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fruitful motors to take 9 to the country and the k o l g 0. well, goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s was 2nd by assessing. there was a big black hole coming battle in which south humans, president was part of a deadly game. i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of self human, the politicians during a routine cabinet victory. a 1986, an estimate of an assessment nation on al jazeera, hundreds of officers closing in on the area where the students have been protesting against s rails for them guys for almost 2 weeks. they also want the university to stop investing in companies. they say profit from east wales war, some of the students tried to prevent the police from entering the university, one by one, they were arrested. the police then rated hamilton hall and their objective to detain. the students who had fabricated themselves inside. they broke a window and to view the 1st floor scales rope,
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capital capital. the students were evicted from the whole. dozens were arrested. even the students that was obtained, nobody is resting, and we will not stop until columbia and columbia university is a place that inspired a movement across the united states to demand an end to the world. got how many of the students would have spoken to are saying that whatever happens next, the students of columbia university have already made history. the, the welcome to look at the international full costs on outlook and get some live. how's clearing away from the se in cold all to us this little lever account here? so as i say to harry, i have low pressure that is facing as, as it moves out into the open water is still some should i was there around the east disabled just looking back to was the florida panhandle for a time as we go through sas stay nice system showers to the central parts of canada
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. there's more of the west guy right. just rolling off the rockies as well. i'm much cooler than that has been recently up to what was the north west is right. a little bit of snowy mountain snow coming in from the rockies. so we have got to winfrey, mix moving across the mountain, states of the us, a few showers cropping up once again. it's a central pos, as we go through sunday, and that's what was the se, just around the south carolina moving parts of georgia. you could still see a shadow to most of that. not too bad. 20 celsius to new york half a day. so not as long as it has been recently, but at least a try with some sunshine for i am sorry to across the good parts of the carrot bay and we've had some welcome showers, said to trinidad and tobago, race and list of a few of those showers cropping up the best parts of the week. endless drive by the 2nd hall as evaluate whether to tip central america.
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the challenges with the small as strikes target homes in rough uh as thousands of palestinians flee israel's assaults. the hello, i am i am to margie. this is alger 0. life from dough halls are coming up on the program. we got to get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. a floating pair on gauze as close received a shipment for the 1st time, but
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a senior us official tells allergies there it won't be enough to meet the needs of


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