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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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the, the, the noise is really attract some jobs. a southern region of us are killed at least 2 palestinians, emergency workers say others may be trumped under the rubble the enrollment center. this is all, it does have a life and they'll have also coming up. there are trucks on the other side waiting to get in with desperate material that people need and it's absolutely vital we get those crossings on the 1st 8 shipments delivered via us build pier entered garza, but the white house acknowledges the land crossings blocked by israel on more efficient, the senior member of
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a potter standing on groups killed. and then is there any error striking there's you name that could you account for the occupied westbank plus your trans continue to evacuate? the coffee buzz rushing since blood pressure in the northeast. expanding the conflicts front lines, the so we're going to begin and southern gaza whether it is rarely striking a home in rafa is killed. at least 2 people. emergency workers are struggling to reach the area because of his really drones. a number of injured people had been taken to the cities kuwait hospital, stuff and patients have been told to lead by is waiting forces. it's running out of fuel, water and medicine. balls, health organizations, such as teams and gaza, haven't received any medical supplies since may. the 6th, meanwhile fears bottles that underway between these many troops and palestinian fighters and the outskirts of rough on
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the the, on the way of homelessness released this video, which it says it shows as far as targeting. is there any vehicles in easton that off on the 1st trip and surveyed of entered guys avaya floating po, built by the us. this applies were taken by road to world food program warehouses in downtown butler, us. it says 90 truckloads a day. i'm going to be delivered, but the number could go up to a 150, at least 502600 trucks of data needed in gaza every day. or the piers located below garza city is far the size from originally planned because these really ami asked for it to be moved closer to a major check point. the peer is near this is really military road which the army calls the net subbing corner door. it's named after a former illegal and visitor any settlement. almost all major land crossings into garza are still closed. a handful of trucks of entering through the kind of booster land crossing agencies. se overland routes would be
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a far more effective way for 8 to reach palestinians hunting. welcome to joining the not from data about in the central guys or some of the aid has been taken off this peer. what do we know about how it's being distributed? and how much of a difference of any it's going to make a yes, well, we have a confirmation of about 90 trucks sold with the desperately need human, a tree and aids including medical supplies, water and food supplies had been loaded on the floating docks. that the temporary peer constructed by the us military at the shores of, of the western part of garza city. that's the southern western part of the city. these a trucks made their way to honor what a united nations a store, a stores store, houses and warehouses inside the city of there, but has going to be a combined efforts between the united nations as well as the world for the program
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in terms of distribution the priority is given to evacuation centers across the central area, including their velocity as well as hon. eunice included on last evacuation zones, as well as hospitals remaining operational hospital in the central part, as well as the southern part of the stream including rubber. however, this will require high level of ford, the nation as well is being pounded by this very military at the very heavy level right now. now this is, has been par saved as an important step. it's likely to relieve some of the a wide spread suffering and is our vision going on. however, it should not be a replacement at by a ford all the land crossing the, according to all chet spokesperson, who describe the maritime career to should not be a replacement for the lender crossing those. then the crossings are much more important and are very critical, right? now to have them operational and get back on track, they are more equipped,
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more effective, more efficient. they are prepared and equipped to receive a 1000 it trucks per day, which is something that is very important right now to allocate the suffering across the strip and some something to get rid of the spread of famine, 90 trucks every day is not nearly enough to feed and to respond to the needs of to more than 2 millions at then too many of displays, palestinians in the central part of the strip as well as the southern part of, of the gaza strip. right now, we're seeing it. the number is likely to increase to a 150 and still that is not nowhere near enough to respond to the already constrained a humanitarian aid that is already over. as for adults, the, the efforts for the past the months have been over stretched, but unable to respond to the dire need that is spreading everywhere we landed. 7 things are much more effective according to what these folks person for or jeff has
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described. i know you mentioned, mentioned there just briefly the, the latest attack. so the, these are, these are gonna be going on. just bring this up to date with what's happening there . or is all these really military is still act in aggressive lee, an operating with the largest scale of those air strikes and attacks in both the northern part of this for that, including the value of refuge account, where the main battle is going on is really military repeatedly claimed that hamas and other fighting groups indic run of regrouping their take, their rebuilding their infrastructure. this is something that is large, the perceived by people as a way to just defy the, the sheer level of destruction to both those single major parts of value and the refugee counts and the destruction of infrastructure. despite the fact that there are reports of fears and battles going on between palestinian finding grooves as part of resisting the occupying forces on the ground. as well as the is really rich
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. how the ations 2 of these fighting rules by causing a great deal of destruction. to old means of life, they are more people is still a trapped inside. the evacuation centers unable to leave and they have been in the trap for the past 7 days in a row right now with no food supplies, no water, no medical supply whatsoever for the past 7 days, just increasing the risk of the spread of families. and i know really the traumatized and, and difficult situation traumatizing and difficult situations in the northern part . meanwhile, in dropbox city, that is really military is pushing deeper to the central part of the city. and as of overnight of tax the on the residential homes go to it. busy in to residential, for instance, ro, rough i city, those are from barbara refuge account that the center part of the city. this is largely seen as a, as a development in the tax on roof. a hand is, is also part steve as a, a new way of expanding the tax all the way to the western part of the city,
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causing more people to fleet rough city and push them into more in force displacement in con unit. but more of them into the central area, probably not 100 and dead obama honey. thank you very much indeed. well my colleague nest isaiah tay spoken to the white house national security communications advisor john cubby, and she's asked him how he felt the 1st a deliberate using the peer went so far so good. we've got about 300 pallets of food in today. we're hoping in coming days to be able to almost triple that quantity and we had to be for, for the 1st, for the 1st day, we just wanted to make sure things worked well. so we were trying to not be too overly ambitious, but we are trying to get to get that 8 increased over the next 72 hours or so. and we hope to be able to do that. we've had terrific cooperation across the board. i mean, this is a real multinational and multi lateral effort. it starts in cyprus, we're grateful to the leaders there in cyprus that of allowed shift to come in there with aid and assistance all the way,
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getting it to the peer. and then all the way in is rarely have been very supportive of this. and it's a multi lateral effort across the united states government with united states military building, the peer of course. but usa id really taking the lead in terms of how the aid is, is getting to the peer and, and being managed over that causeway. so there's been a lot of teamwork here again, so far, so good. uh, we're excited about the possibilities. i do want to address one thing that you sort of alluded to before coming to me and that's, it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine that the, that the post and he's living in garza so desperately need. we got to get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. you say that we need to get land costs opened as soon as possible, and there's hardly anything coming through them right now. rough as close kind of be, southern is open, but as you've said to this, these ratings are being very supportive century blinking and present by them have
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said time and time again that it has been us pressure that was getting a scaled up. so what's stopping that from happening now? well, when i said there's really been support of, i mean of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway onto the marshalling area there. sure, but clearly not enough is being done to open up the crossing drop the account for them up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable. alexander siam is ahead of you monitoring policy and advocacy. it save the children, she explains how the lack of a it is affecting young people in gaza. back in march, the u. n. war. and that famine was looming in gaza. and you know, over the last couple of months we have not seen agencies granted the humanitarian access to stave off that farm. and we've seen at least 28 children die of mount
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russian and disease. and we know that this is probably the tip of the iceberg. these are the children that managed to get to medical facilities. and we know that the hospital system and gaza has all but collapsed. i mean, we have pediatricians in field hospitals in gotten worse resubmit, they're seeing cases of mountain attrition. they're seeing. you don't have a tightest jaundice gastron's. right. i mean, these are horrific challenges facing the precinct children and we just do not have the suppliers or enough personality to deal with this. our pediatricians have told us that 75 percent of the injuries that they have seen come through. so one of the field hospitals that they work in, in and velocity has been the injuries due to explosive weapons. i mean, so and, and with the situation in gaza and girlfriends especially intensifying, we think that this is going to get much worse. and of course we have, there is nowhere near the medical supplies or the staffing now to be able to treat
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these children, let alone help them recover from these injuries. is there any such as i'm talking about was bank of set fire to on a truck heading to gaza? there is there any army set it intervene to protect the driver? 3 soldiers sustained minor injuries and confrontations with the attackers. protesters of attack several, a truck's heading to gaza in this, in the days necessarily management says it's find the bodies of 3 captives and the gaza strip. it's as they were killed during the homicide of 12 of the 7th attacks and southern israel and their bodies were taken to go. so it's not clear where they were fund around $250.00 captives were taken in october. nearly half of them were free to join a november seas 5. israel says about a 100 captives on the remains of 13 others are being held in gaza. all thoughts go out to them to the families. at this difficult time. we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power
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to find the hostages and bring them home. is there any forces of killed one person, an injured at least 8. how those in an air strike on the janine refugee camp and the occupied westbank house was head targeting to come on to the visit mean, but the games is a palestinian on group. mono should be marching the streets, carrying his body. janine has seen frequent rain since israel's water and gauze began and these 3 people have been killed and several more are being injured in the latest. is there any attack in southern 11 on, in a separate incident to how much the official was killed by an is randy jones dry? it can be 11 in his folder with sylvia. it's only how she explains tensions have been escalating significantly over the past days. but has multiplying some new weapons. the is where it has been intensifying
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its attacks. deep inside to live in. at least 3 people were killed and multiple strikes, the other city of side. and the muscle official died after and is really drone targeted his call close to lebanon's border with celia has almost said it's retaliated by launching dozens of rockets to works. is really ministry positions and occupied sylvia and golden ha. confrontation between the 2 sides has taken and used i mention over at recent days because we'll lock claimed responsibility for on the tax. 33 kilometers from the board. the that's the deepest into israel. since the 8th of october, when the live in these groups started talking is really me to treat targets as well . lots been using drones since the beginning of the war. but in this attack on an is really ministry position in mitchell law. the group used a drone equipped with rockets for the 1st time, the s 5 rock, it's a launched,
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and then the drone itself hits the target a d l e a has will. last said, it's a docked insensitive is really ministry facility in the lower gallery with an exclusive don't. the. the is really ministry confirmed the attack and said it's fight. the jets responded by striking targets belonging to the group in north, east and 11 on why the tit for tat continues. hopes to contain the fighting of fading has velocity to reiterate to recently that there will be no end to the violence along the been easiest way the board the on to as well as ministry operations in the gaza strip. come to an end. what is radio officials continue to stress? that would be no end to the conflict onto his beloved pulls. it's forces back behind the lease on the river, which lies roughly 30 kilometer from the border of the hash and jesse at all. so
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they had an, obviously it online 100 columbia and after the director of the country's biggest prison is assassination. the in depth analysis of the days headlines if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blow to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on out to 0. the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people had access to
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a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the story, palestinian officials photo to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax or the knowledge is here. with the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're what you're going to say it. a reminder of, i told stories, this is where the wall things have targeted
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a home and southern just as rough as city killing. at least 2 people in shopping. several others under the rubble must be working through the presence of his very jones has made it difficult to get to the area. the 1st shipments of aid have entered guys up from a new floating peer built by the us military. us as 90 chuck boats, a day will be delivered using the temporary facility, the number to go up to a 150. is there any forces of killed one person, an injured 8, others in the nearest icons? you mean refugee camp in the occupied westbank houses being heads targeting a commander of the janine brigades. it's upon a stand in on the truth as well as facing a saturday deadline of the unions top quotes to provide information in writing about how we can guarantee the safety of palestinians in garza's evacuation zones. the petition comes off to south africa,
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off the court to all the israel to hold and separations in the rougher set voss and reports from the international court of justice in the hague. this is well final submission aware interruption at the you ends highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at is rouse legal team. the court quickly stop it's life transmission. it's assigned more than 4 months into the genocide case. emotions are running high. that someplace is wells presentation. for an hour and a half. is ralph legal advice has tried to describe at south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically and about fi uh, the last step and the destruction of gaza and published in young people. so thought for a couple of parts to describe rough. uh the last to refute for civilians and guys was mainly civilians having did evacuated to rough over the past few months. the
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fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full time us. with less than half the team present, as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as far as urge the court to drop the matter even by its very name, the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality? as it is a given rise to stuff off because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention, the south african delegation says as well as arguments didn't really count or is accusations of genocide. what we had today was not really, i mean grades went up the facts, some engagement, the facts,
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but let me be busting what so that if it gets trying to assess and my wife, after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops and showed the safety of people and what is wrong, goals, evacuation zones, south africa had described them as extermination. so the core to make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel. step 5, some elgin sierra, they take the movie infinity is it is called coffee says at least 3 people to be killed and
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$28.00 are being injured in a russian strike that says russian president vladimir prisons as moscow has no plans to capture the city. i should troops have advanced 10 kilometers into the coffee region during the past week. president prudence and russia is common, got buffers when an eastern you train to protect its regions near the boulder. john holman ascent as this update from the coffee in eastern new. this is now been more than a week since russian forces crossed over the border and into north east and you crime, opening up a new front in the fence if it's taken about 200 square kilometers of territory there on that board of what the training government is said that it's now containing and stabilizing the front line, so that then not penetrating any further into the country. but the training heads of the school says this said that it was so rushing through a ser,
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extending that front of my mouth. similarly, columbus is of an effort to draw ukrainian reserves and reinforcements that that's a problem to ukraine because it's already being outmanned in terms of soldiers, in parts of the front line, even before this new offensive. ukraine said that there was 7 russians, so just one ukranian. so just so that's going to put fresh pressure on that pool. so how to keep the city itself where we all, that's ukraine, 2nd largest city. it's home to more than 1000000 people that seen. so being a type, fairly constant, they buy the at the point when on thursday, the city had an air ride a lot to move in 16 hours, but so long as a regular since the early days, the full scale invasion back in 2022 and russian full says they say a using, especially for the phones they can be dropped by russian planes outside the range
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of ukrainian defenses. they have wings on. they have such a light and navigation systems. and they can then travel tens of columbus, a zip note the to get to the target. and that is often been buildings here in the city. so the pressure on this, no face them reads them in ukraine, still fairly intensive this point john home. and i'll just say to hockey, the government of killed at least 4 people, including 3 spanish nationals in a central f kind of time. they opened fire and a major tourist and bomb young province. another for foreigners and 3 off guns were also injured. authorities, a 4 suspects of interest of the scene, a beautiful prison authorities in bobo, tom have a nose, the transfer of at least 10 inmates in connection with the killing of l. no, from none. the same as director of the country's largest prison. a large scale operation is underway in the columbia and capital to try to catch the killer.
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alejandro exempt. yet he has more from vulgar tom and the parents comb raines inside the prison in both the morning after the assassination of its director and fitting them. this special police forces patrol the area as a man hunting peroration continues across the city to catch us killers. the 2nd time this was returning home from work when a motorcycle approached this vehicle in a government open fire club. this minister of justice repealed the 5th ma'am. this former police colonel has received several traits for being killed in a benefit kennel. elma fernandez had received the threatened a pamphlet suit collated on thursday of last week. he'd filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office the following day on friday and on tuesday of this week with the prisoner pharmacy, which is the regular procedure. he introduced the request for protection, but that protection didn't arrive in time for them. and this, that started running the facility just weeks ago and was bentham cracking down and
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criminal activities inside the prison, including unannounced searches, more than $5000.00 inmates are crowded into a prison, meant to hold a maximum of 2900 prisoners organized crime groups off and control the entire pavilions, some 550 prison officials of receive better rates in the past 2 years for confronting the gangs security experts say the assessing ation is a window into a broader crisis within the system. it's an open secret that there is broad corruption within the prison system. and this is a very difficult reality for the authorities because the guards come from the position of weakness space with the interest of criminals who will the norm as amounts of capital and cash. and also this course of power to very clearly, ret, um, exercise retribution against those who do cool, don't cooperate. they have
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a real ability to corrupt and corps and co opt the authorities. i think that's a problem that the state hasn't grappled with. the question for many now is if you have 30 days will not only be able to bring to justice those responsible for the scaling, but also dismantled the very powerful networks inside the prison that have been allowed to fetch their allison that i'm 50. i'm just need of what the scientists have made a discovery which could explain how some of egypt most famous permits were built. an international team of researchers says they used to be a branch of the nile river which flowed close to the complex apartments. in the cairo, a suburb of these radar satellite imagery has helped. the team traced the route to the river, which they say disappeared. a 1000 years ago, for centuries, archaeologists have been mystified about how millions of heavy stone, lots and other materials were transported to the sides. the others next to the inside story is going to take a closer look at the question,
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the president decided me approaching visits. for china, so here around is gonna be here in about 30 minutes with the news, our office and stay with us and noticed the color we have an line of fighting off the showers, running across the black sea into the caspian northern parts of iran, just pushing across towards afghanistan, little bit of snow the over the high ground, and that's the way it's and wintry weather at $53.00, quite watch bright for somebody runs across that mind is still on his breakfast on some shop shouts along. the spells of right through sunday could cause some localized flooding as a result of that, one or 2 shouts to round the southern end of the red sea. and between the 5th of the inside, we have got quite a breezy a couple of days in store a reference the case to across the eastern side,
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off the mediterranean. but it is lossy. dr. posit that the same one to, to show saturday, going on in to sunday. hopefully the wind starts at the ease of the last stage. grace also sing some raw, the live you showers from time to time. it could be one or 2 showers to it, to the final phase of algeria pushing across towards set units. here is hot and tripoli that brisk waiting is coming out of this. a hot or 40 celsius. the for tripoli to north africa. send the ramos a hell temperatures into the forty's notice. good crop of showers, the across the west africa. over the next few days we lost a few more shelves coming into a southern costs of africa. but some very lot. the weather for an automatic ask the, the,
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the holding a new era in different nations that a new content and she's been paying for the honda show of unity as they come from the grow, increasingly dependent on each other. so this of russian presidents, a visit to china, a step towards shaping a new world order. this is inside story, the


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