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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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it seems here to have whittled down democracy and this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the the problem. so robin, you're watching the how does it renews on line from headquarters? here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes, these are the falls is target homes in ross, or in southern gauze or killing. at least old people, emergency work sites. the volume is maybe trump onto the rubble. there are trucks on the other side waiting to get in with desperate material that people need and it's absolutely vital we get those crossings over 10 trucks of 8. and the goal is that via us to build a p a. the white house admits it's not enough. land across things are more efficient and it's really just strikes the janine refugee
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camp in the occupied westbank, killing a senior member of a palestinian group. plus they buys ation from the age of $25.00 ukraine levels. the conscription age as russian troops put pressure on the northeast and the khaki region. the welcome to the news that we begin in southern garza where the is really strikes on homes and rough have killed at least 4 people. emergency work is all struggling to reach the area because of his right the drains. a number of injured have been taken to the quite the hospital which is on the evacuation orders. it's also when the eyes of critical supplies. meanwhile, face bottles underway between his vanity troops and palestinian fighters on the outskirts of rough up on thursday as well as defense minister announced additional ground troops will be deployed to southern gossip, us moles,
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and 630000 people have now fled as well as expended assault on rough or i'm not. the 100000 have escaped from those and garza honey. my mood is in the forest in central cause. outside the i likes a hospice. let's just begin with the fighting that's been going in and around the rough area. the yes, well we're back for the past 10 days or so since the beginning of the military operations and the but okay, can pine forest is are pushing deeper in the city robot. turned from a large lea, a roof, a refuge for the 1500000 displaced allison into a war zone right now is really military is advancing it 6, a ground forces on the ground pushing the birth of the central part of the city under he be coverage of, of airs, tribes, then attack and drones and,
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and those are quite cap that there are chasing people of from one neighborhood to another. just giving them as little as a few minutes to it do evacuated, their residential homes at the centre part of the city. all the way through the vicinity of the kuwaiti hospital along with this is of course big coupled with a heavy artillery showing overnight attacks. they targeted more residential homes by this time at the centre part, overall by city. and this is the 2nd time we've seen this deliberate direct attack on the center part of the city and what seems to be it is really military expansion of its military maneuvers in the city of robot. forcing more people in to enforce displacements to people are reported. killed it from one family that's double has your family residence, all but a very rough as you camp inside the central part of robust city. other people are reported with different injuries to uh, transferred to the community hospital. what's really difficult right now is the vicinity of the community hospital,
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not only the hospital right now is operating at the, at a very low capacity, barely operational right now. it given the intensity of the bombing campaign around that vicinity, across the street from the main gate of the hospital, a house was targeted and destroyed, causing a great deal of damage to the gate of the hospital and the buildings that is across it from the target it's a house, it doesn't have the capacity to intervene and it provides a medical necessity. and if proper intervention to save the life of cause, wallace bombardment continues the false to move. been to all the civilians from rasa to these evacuation zones. it's fault with danger. yes, absolutely. and on the more was seeing a storage in the tax and the the do the, the deeper the occupying forces on the ground,
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the center. but more people are forced into what looks like right now is more of an in force displacement because people here are fleeing their homes because they are caught in the line of fires. they are being in the streets by a drones and i quite copper. these are the type of drugs that keeps finding. i didn't quite intimidating situation. so not only the ongoing air strikes the the, the fact that people are leaving their residential home with little bit of time. and they are being chased by, by a talk. a drones is a quite dangerous and intimidating, just causing a great deal of may have and, and panic for people. or really we look at 640000 people have if lead rough behind the horror of the unpredictable bonds and our killers, selling all the way to the evacuation zone in other mosley, that's a western part of upon you. and is which, by the way, is not safe at all. it was targeted repeatedly within the past months and, and that's why more people are importing into the central area and mainly integrated by the city right now. that is absolutely running out of
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a space being all very crowded. and in terms of infrastructure and basic necessities, the city doesn't have the capacity to accommodate this large number of people. it was already over crowded from people who evacuated from the northern part and gaza city and find you and as, as now we look at how new and it's a more of a waste land is not a city anymore. other calls that result in guidance. and in and around the i likes the hospital what mode we know about this as well in each passing day. so i always seeing more people are coming in to the court yard of along the hospitals. so to reduce the number, not only double it's ripples, and for the past couple of days, and it's increasing on daily basis right now with more people at the vicinity of the hospital, just one assigned that it at the the number of people has a triple. those are displaced families, the number of tents that being set up at the courtyard of the hospital. this right of from the point where i'm reporting it from, within the past hour i seen
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a least 10 cents just being set up for more displace families had arrived here and this morning that of course put the board pressure on the hospital and it's the abilities and its resources in terms of, of a fuel the hospital needs to sustain its operations. but right now it's resorting for the most part through the use of solar panels. those are the roof, top of the building right now is just to operate low level departments and save on the fuel that is necessarily needed for dicey. you afford the operation rules, but as we were told by hospital official, we're like 48 hours that we have from a the hospital, a running away from from if you live, there is no supply with fuel is coming in any time soon. the situation is there are dire corridors, the hospital are full of patients and injuries, and evacuated inside the hospital. honey must move the force and the balance. thank you. of the shipments of a defensive gauze of already floating pear built by the us. the 10 trucks of supplies were taken by the way to the world food program warehouses in the butler.
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the us at 90 shipments today would be delivered using the p a. u and says at least 500 truck, so they don't need it. in goal is that every day, while the pay is located below gauze associates for the south and the originally planned because he is right in the army, asked for it to be moved closer to a major check point. the pay is the, this is really minute 3 road which the all me calls the net is that mean colorado base name dr. fulman. legal is rarely settlements all, most old major line crossings into gauze, and i placed a handful of trucks are entering through the kind of boost sullivan crossing agencies, say overland rates will be far more effective to follow that age to reach palestinians . it's not enough enough stuff getting in right now period and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine that the, that the post and he's living in garza so desperately need. we got to get those
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ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. when i said there's always have been support of, i mean of the temporary peer. they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway onto the marshalling area there. sure. but clearly not enough is being done to open up the crossing drop the council up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable drunk. could it be that the wife has special security administrator, that speaking will bring them in? doesn't yahoos. government has banned out as a result, prices inside as well. so i'll report as a covering the story from amman enjoyed and then that's why him on con, joins us now from voting and broad. let's just talk about these trucks that entered the cause, the strip via the p a, the americans very clear, really all the it's just not enough as well. it's the most visible example
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of the lack of options the americans have when it comes to putting pressure on israel, about humanitarian aid, they had to build a floating pip afflicting paper that they say might be able to get 90 trucks in a day. that's no way and it was needed everybody, every single agency has thrown that hands most open, visible frustration, saying that online crossing is available. you can just open those up. i'm bringing 500 trucks in the room before october. the 7th. it was trade note aid, and it was sometimes 6700 trucks coming in, those land crossings work yet these radius of shut them down and the americans of how to build this floating here. it's almost a sign of failure, of american american diplomacy. uh, in terms of putting pressure on israel. israel is very good at saying no to the americans, despite the fact that the americans are the biggest supposed to get to take
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sullivan and the national security advisor arrives in the region in both today. and in the next couple of days he will be heading towards tell a v p. we'll be discussing israel's conduct in the gaza strip and also the solutions to ending this will throw the top of the agenda around the stay on top of the agenda. but let's go back to that lack of options that we were talking about just earlier. now these ratings have been very clear, no escalation in rough or until jake sullivan's visit is over. however, the americans and jig sullivan in particular are delivering every key message. there are other ways of fighting this war rather than going in with at large scale, ground evasion, israel. so it's not, we are going to fight. this. will the weight we see fit. now, don't cubby just 24 hours ago talking to, i'll just say i actually said we are putting pressure on that as well to try and fight this war in a different way than we've seen them do so far. i'm with fear in the way that goes
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to do it. if they don't do that, if they don't make this a much more talked to the operation, then we'll have to retail can make a decision maker options like how that remains to be seen. but it certainly, i think a very frustrating reason is going to take place between department is that all these are all benjamin netanyahu. and the national security advisor of the us takes all of them a little bit more knowledge is from you as and when that happens, it being called forth in the mind in jordan, just to remind you as well that we're reporting from the mining jordan. because uh the nothing yahoo government has done dollars is there a problem as well. so reporting these really lines for that side of his row. that's where the forces have killed a palestinian, an engine another 8th. and an asteroid called the janine refugee company, occupied westbank. the army says it's talk to the house if they can handle that, you need bouquets and on the palestinian faction. loaners are being carrying his body through the streets like this one is following developments from ramallah in
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the occupied west. and we began seeing very dramatic footage from the scene from the aftermath a one single strike, one single missile breaking in the quiet over janine camp this evening. well, before the israeli military confirmed that they had carried out the strike, the target appears to be an armed fighter. we know that at least one person was killed or 8 others injured. the target appears to be as identified by locals in the area of residence, identifying a fighter from the janine battalion, as if from how may come a say he was a fighter, indigent, even battalion, the military wing of his phonics you had and was wanted 5 years really military, the house that was it wasn't the center of this very densely populated camp, all those inside or thought to have been palestinian resistance fighters videos, show ambulances rushing to the scene, people being brought to the hospital and they do show the deceased on
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a gurney as well. now this is not the 1st time that air strikes like this has been carried out on refugee camps. drones and jets have been used increasingly as part of the israel's military operations in the occupied westbank. who janine was hit in march of the last time it was said it was hit in march when the drunk strike. like hit a car to him at least 3 people we've seen similar strikes and use drones and other camps. now that you need refugee camp has seen more, is really military rage and more is really military operations than anywhere else. and you have to buy, let's make this is at least the 3rd air strike in the last several months. there was also one in october and you need us to g can, did you need area has the highest number so far as the palestinians killed in the occupied westbank 505 since the war and gaza began. and since the escalation of military operations by the israeli military in the occupied west bank, this is what makes that leslie occupied westbank because that's fine too. in
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a truck heading to garza these where the army said it intervene to protect the trolley, the 3 soldiers sustained mine the injuries. and the confrontations with the attackers protested as if it's like several a truck's heading to garza. in recent days of that, i enjoyed you know, on site he's associate professor of history at georgetown university in castle and wants to get through ready today. let's start with the, the, the operate and let's start with the operation in rough. uh, you know, it's on sort of a low keeps, it's pretty sedate, but it's still on the low key until jake sullivan comes and goes, it seems every time the, the american say we want you to do face these really say no. so what one does, what influence america does really have on the nothing you all who government? well, certainly there's no influence that's been exercised. i mean, i think what we've seen so far sir, is, is the kind of full throated support that the us has had for the overall war. even if it might quibble with certain kinds of practices or procedures or of policies or
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things that that is rarely have done, but certainly nothing to the extent of actually changing what's happening on the ground. i think this is really the challenges if we look past kind of the occasional word here and there from us official. well we actually see is complete kind of unconditional support them. this is really weighed much more through the massive arguments shipments that have gone in to israel from the united states. and of course the words of everyone from the president on down. so is sullivan's visit . now going to be to the israelis, what are you going to do next, or is the conversation going to be? this is what we want to see. this is what washington wants to see. are you going to comply? and i think to try and meet in the middle. so how do you think that conversation is going to go? well, i mean, i think the us here is in a sense, is trying to kind of protect israel from itself, right? it's trying to basically create a scenario in which clearly as the world looks on, as we've seen, kind of the mass of protest movements, but also the proceedings that the i c j is we've seen country after country also step up in terms of a increasing their condemnation for what's happening,
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that there's a sense that israel needs to be ruled back. not because the wes believes that this is necessarily the correct decision or a right thing to do, but really more so because it, it believes that this is only going to bring, you know, a kind of a political failing for israel going forward. and so the us, while it might support the war, supports the efforts, supports, obviously all of the, the kind of for risk destruction that's happening. we've seen a lot of defense of that, but certainly doesn't want to see it go any further in terms of, you know, the catastrophic tool that this would take on roughly what we did, the jake sullivan is visiting saudi arabia sized. it seems to be a pivotal stop every time and americans official comes into the region. the americans seem to be the only ones now talking up. there's no allies ation with saudi arabia. the arab countries to be very clear, no, no belies ation until a very defined an accurate to state solution and piece for the palestinians. the please raise on talking about normalization. under this, are you right? we can government, it seems that washington is not reading the room. the room is the middle east high
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. that's right it's, it's been a broken record. i mean, i think everything we've seen so far is that us hasn't shifted tone in the last 7 months that it's basically pursuing the exact same policy that we saw in the late stages of the trump era. at the beginning of the, by the end administer ration that they don't see anything in the middle east, beyond simply starting israel's kind of dominance, not just over palestinians, but over the entire kind of air region more broadly. and in a sense, it's ignoring the unleashing of an entire genocide on palestinians over the last 7 months, and pretending that they can simply go back to business as usual. so there's a failure to read the room, a failure to understand the world as, as it's being kind of re shaped through these kind of brutal, horrific means that we've seen in terms of the war that's been unleashed and, and hoping that it can simply just turn the page and go back to business as usual, which i think is just kind of yet another mark of the failure of, of the, by the administration's policy here. and it's not just about this idea of the, by the administration. there is a failure really in the policy and the strict do you have these, right, the government and the war cabinet there because it was
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a few months ago that we had the defense minister saying that the north is clear, then we've plaited of her boss. it's absolutely fine, not jamalia has filed up again because the new groups have now started to target these res, again with either munitions of an exploded or re grouped. how do you read that situation about these readings? having to go back into the knolls at the street when it was, was supposed to be cleared. right. i mean, in fact, what we've seen in the last couple of days has been that this is actually the most intense fighting that we've seen since the very beginning. at least in terms of, of what they've seen from a policy and opposition. what this says, i think it is that there is no military solution to this. and this is what everyone has who has been watching this kind of observing it from a far has said from the beginning, which is that israel is not going to achieve any kind of a military victory here. all it's really achieved is unleashing and genocide is, is one of the most devastating humanitarian catastrophes that we've seen in the 21st century. we've seen the mass killing of tens of thousands of palestinians,
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the meanings of probably a $100000.00 more. and i mean, this is really, you know, the start of ation policy that this is about kind of the survival of both of the specific government of nathan yahoo. but also the idea of trying to impose a certain degree of violence that's going to be uh, sort of, you know, israel's future going for to be able to assert its dominance over the palestinian people. but this is not a military solution, and certainly there's been no political strategy beyond it, right? that this is just simply a violence almost for its own sake, given them the scale of what we've witnessed. and as a result, i think, you know, it's not surprising that we've seen, you know, the scale of violence that's, that's, you know, been the meeting it in the last day or so. well with a peer with jake sullivan, the arriving. and the ongoing milledgeville peroration across the gaza strip, also moving parts to the story that will come back to you with throughout the day of july. and thanks for joining us. this is where it is facing a saturday deadline to the unions top coat to provide extra information in writing
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about how it can guarantee the safety of palestinians in garza's evacuation. size of the petition comes off to south africa as the code to or the israel and holt is operations in rougher set. vast reports from the international court of justice in the hague, as well final submission aware interruption at the us highest court. a woman in the public gallery started shouting at israel's legal team. the court quickly stop, it's live transmission. it's assigned up more than 4 months into the genocide case . emotions are running high. that focus is wells presentation for an hour and a half. is ralph legal advisors? try to describe at south africa's arguments that the military's action and guys are specifically in about fi uh, the last step and the destruction of gaza and palace pinion. people suffer a couple of parts to describe the rough or the last refute for civilians and guys
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why the many civilians have indeed evacuated to rough over the past few months. the fact remains that the safety of for us also serves as a military, strong, cold, full time us. with less than half the team present as far as lawyers said, they were surprised to be summoned to the hague again. since the case began earlier this year, as far has urged a court to drop the matter even by its very name, the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality as it, as a given rise to stuff for because egregious and repeated efforts to bring israel before these courts through the looks of seen exploitation of the most sacred convention. the south african delegation says as well as arguments didn't really
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count or is accusations of genocide. what we had today was not really, i mean, gauge meant the facts, some engagement, the facts, but not really the busing. what so that if it gets going to us that and my wife, after israel had finished its presentation, the judge from germany asked how troops and showed the safety of people and what is wrong. goals, evacuation zones, south africa had described them as extermination. so the core to make a decision on possible additional measures in the next few weeks. the main question now is if a majority of the 16 just accept south africa's argument that the situation has changed in gaza and that israel should not only be ordered to stop its military operation. and rough uh lets withdraw from the strip immediately. although it comp and for such an order, it would be a major step in this case and would increase international pressure on israel step 5, some elgin sierra, they take them and they just probably witnessed us as he can't deny that the us is
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complicity in his way the war crimes and gone, so speaking exclusively to algebra and what abraham called on the us to stop homes transfers to as well in november. so he succeeded next but said as well as engage in the genocide in the making. ibrahim told officer assigned me is that on that he to police as well as committing genocide in gaza, of international human rights groups like amnesty international on january, the 26th, 2024 human rights watch. december. the 8th 2023 states in the us is risk and complicity in his riley atrocities by continuing to supply weapons in diplomatic cover. do you agree with that? do you think the us is complicit in the war crimes that these international organizations are talking about? i'm in a position to, to deny that because the fix that is evident, that the, knowing it to us, it is been committed. whether it's your line, your friend,
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no nation, that's a complete, you have a nexus review. you cannot control this. otherwise you have no model stitcher was pending in the world to talk about the new international relations and humanity, or even um on the and human lights. do you think the us should stop transferring the wife and so maybe they should were doing what is necessary just to stop there, hosted this, this thing that includes the ending of that info. it's not only weapons, but also they have the influence of mechanism and the diplomatic skills all combined to be able to force. i mean, you just possible. imagine that one man within the hour can dictate the face of the world. and you can watch awful and few with the malaysian. the problem is abraham on saturday at 2030 gmc on talk to l. just sarah. i produced security
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company size a panama flagged oil tank. it has been the times of the case to him and it was reports of hits by him. it's all about 18 kilometers from the red sea port of muck, literally, poles that he casualties 85 inches from you haven't been attacking ships. they say are linked to as well because of its full on gas as well. still a head here all the i'll just every news we meet the syrian refugees living in favor. people taishan from 11 on the government that was collecting donald migrants and asylum seekers. plus about hunters underway in columbia after the director of the country's largest prison is assassinated, the hello matches scott an a various basking in some very warm sunshine. lovely, clear sky, save up towards the most eastern corner of yet because this area of high pressure
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is in place is the same one. it's actually blocking off these weather system. so the reason i way in from the atlanta a couple of areas of low pressure here. so this line of cloud just rolling down to most at a saw to somebody's trying to be some live the showers on that. which grassy notion that way for the northwoods and a so so some what the weather around. still some pretty wet weather into know the posit, gemini, i, which was the low countries and still some rather live this house because france dental switch. think mold in areas of if the as well a few showers into northern areas of best, spain and portugal, little tri are on sas, diet lease, across the england. these composites go from the further west into whilst we have got some showers longest bells and frank coming for here for a time sunday was decidedly passive for the most part. whether we some showers, once again, as you can see, just around the netherlands pushing across into northern policy, jimmy gets got finished as go central pos, hope you're up to where you want me to scandinavia into the mid twenties. that's a woman and some of the southern areas of year. meanwhile, across north africa,
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12 shelves and those amounts area. but the main corporate shy was for west africa. the as universities across the u. s. mobilize to palestine, an unprecedented track down intensified. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. and it does ita hearing this time chart, populations is declined 70 percent and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded
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reporting from the ex whatever happens next to the university have already made history out as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house at the story. the the the book about you watching me all just the reviews with me. so robin and the reminder of all 12 stories is really won't place. i've talked to the human rasa in southern garza getting at least 4 people and several of believe to be trapped under the rubble. the rescue would say is really drains and make it difficult to reach. the area is where the fault is of killed a palestinian into the strong cone or in the occupied westbank. they say
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a commander of the janine brigades and of palestinian faction was the towns. it's the 1st shipments of a time now and have gone through across the floating pia built by the us military. the 10 trucks of supplies were taken by roads, the wells food products on warehouses and dental bella, alias the us said, 90 shipments a day would be to live in the local government and the sweetest city on golfing bag as hoping to pass a little binding the purchase of his right and goods. now he wants to put his well on the list with russia and morocco saying taxpayers shouldn't fund occupying powers full rece reports from golfing book on the friday. i know the goals are well demonstration and go from back as protest as start to feel that voice is a being hud barrier here in order to be fair between the governments change states to an eviction is going in the right direction. but for now,
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it's mainly renting out of the muscle. see some concrete measurements. this violence must have consequences for both of them set out. the thought may now be happening, at least on the local level protests against the war and goals. i have been taking place in golfing book for months. now these people have the cities, politicians, assault, things like that policy as well. that go some books, town whole amazement is on the way to try and ensure the city doesn't procure goods from any occupying power. the governing coalition of parties. here we go, somebody has put forward a proposal that includes the boy costs of goods and services that come from itself and other powers occupying other nations or other states in this case, morocco and russia as well. because we think that the tax payer single somebody does not want to be included in feeding at board machine. it's something that some got some bogus have immediately got behind in the days after it was announced comes
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to the to the suggestion, could be good, all supported anyway, i already don't buy a coca cola so on for the proposal. but it is facing opposition from other policies in the municipality. and it is not that we like sympathies with the palestinian people on the very difficult situation that they are in this moment. but to see that we cannot get involved in for the politics, we need to let the state department manage stuff. i don't think the state of somebody has so much trade with this room at the moment. i think that a very, very few boots see families. major international brands have already faced boy coats by palestinian solidarity support is world wide. dealt him books. council says it is investigating whether it does indeed procure is riley goods. before proceeding further, pull reese out, is there a golf? him back level is intensive. felt like a trunk. donald syrian migrants and refugees. human rights groups are accusing
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authorities of imposing restrictive measures to force them to return home. but the government says it's unable to host the sewing numbers because of the countries west think economic crisis. so the call to, to pull something from the babies. and some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out there increasingly facing a hostile environment. the government's estimates are up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they're seen by many as a threat to jobs and the countries demographics. the 1st of all, um i left as many of, of de la tells us most of the shops in this market are owned by syrians. there's also anger at the authorities. it's all done. and they haven't been looking the, they don't managing the crisis. one day the internal security acts against violators, and then i don't do anything for years. and the latest crack them security forces
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are closing shops, illegally owned by syrians. and they are looking for those without formal residency . nearly 70 percent according to the united nations don't have the proper documents, in part because it's become difficult to obtain an expensive human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review. the united nations refugee agency says it is concerns how the new measures will affect those who need protection and also believes the focus should be on improving living conditions in syria to alleviate pressures on hostile countries. and we will try to pay a message of renewed urgency to find solutions. durable solutions, with conditions as serial that are going to allow for a larger number. so syrians to, to return the west insists on
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a political solution. first, the government into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. and i'm really frustrated . i'm sure you haven't seen my mother and 12 years. how can i return to my country? i wanted for not joining the military. i didn't want to fight my brothers even if i were to now, i would be committing suicide tribunal. hospitalized validates for many. there are few choices, but to live in the shadows. then there elsie to build the the, the ukrainians to do the car keys says at least 3 people were killed and 28 injured . and a russian stronghold from dykes, russian troops of advanced 10 kilometers into the northeastern region. during the
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past week, almost 10000 people have been evacuated page and says, as troops are creating a buffalo into somebody, a claim from attacking russian territory. but ukraine's president says that he thinks russia is aiming to capture kind of keep lot of it as the landscape also said that he would any except a fat piece deal show many proteins, but a many, you know, against the truce and we are not against the end of the war, so we won't offend to the will, and we are against any choose that plays into the hands of the enemy. that's what we're against. it's clear why. i just don't want to let them take any more about territory. what's holding on to the new legislation comes into effect in ukraine, changing the rules on the blinds. ation unloading the conscription age from 27 to 25. is saying that she'll bring up a depleted an aging ukranian o me john home and has moved from the capital keys. line sites is in gray hair. it's a lot to the middle. i you still,
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i mean you crying trying to keep brushing full season by. you every judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us 28 and the you case, the 21 for the meat throw is 40 full back from the front. he says in some ways having know the truth is positive. look to what to everyone's motivated, but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop so, so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity in the full. this is a crucial young can be reckless, but it can only be upside. we went to a recruitment center for the well known as a brigade to us, them we charge of soldiers. they prefer them for tiffany. if we need every one older people because they're more experience in their specialty, but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition, and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete. our basic training course and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is
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the crime, you know me relatively old in paul because the countries conscription even off the recent reduction remains high. it's 25 rushes. it's a team. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hold a while. it's already smooth supply of young demand. just to look at the country's population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the u. n. started keeping records, and it's a huge problem to the army. aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up draft buildings an issue. meanwhile, fold them in and leaving their families to go and fight demetrius o'neill for the front line. now because his leg was blown off, he's grateful for the child to see his 12 year old. some the face still wants to go back. and his voice navea will be reluctant place, sees the need,
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and that is in which this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules, the answer to that question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home and i would just say to keep somebody is and associates tell it about the royal united services institution joins me from telling the estonian capital good to have you with this on the product, i'm getting the silver body. so the mobilization law was signed into the statute a month ago and not comes into full. so is it too little too late? for me, i think it was the product to the debate of what's going on between the drug screens illusion here. but the idea of creating a $1000000.00 strong ukrainian army and was very clear that the lack of participation from angry finance and the aging nature of the army would be at the office to go towards expanding the armed forces. so it was something that was inevitable. i think that people like solution a for by do seem to den, probably last year earlier time sites is a great thing. do you think this pump should've been done a little bit earlier?
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this is, i think you probably should've been done a little bit earlier than you probably should have been down in tandem with russia's invalidation of partial mobilization. in september of 2022 was very clearly was going well beyond the 200000 forces that they claim they were brand new . and it was really a lot more like a style general organization that was on an ounce as bush. somebody outside of months ago. and st. petersburg, so in russia's, bradley got projections of woodley, the printing issue to fall into. i mean, this is obviously affect degeneration and it does come with its critics. so if it's not a visible, different showed in the, in the military, you might say a tax, the gains, russia enrolled in the military maneuvers presence, whence he's going to be under a lot of pressure. was the from home on the road. yeah, absolutely. yeah, because the don't mind powers like one side of the equation from my point of view is significant because of the description,
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but it's not even the biggest problem of the writing is that the readings have problems with the war material because the air defense system has the artillery shells and the is days where jerry drill by the congressional the obstruction isn't that was going on until just recently. so until the war material issues are resolved until a 16 gen switch. yeah, i've been promised you brain arrive in the front lives and the man power issue is resolved. all 3 of those things has to be done. and that is a result that someone's gate is raising a lot of pressure because there's immense losses of life for very little gain or even marginal lots of territories we're seeing and are given that data. yeah, we also saw blink and arrived. didn't weigh what last week and both he as well as gets at the, the, the opposite of being agreed. all study arriving now and will impact on study the summit, the summer offensive just fine. i mean, one of the many quotes i've been reading with several news articles, a battery is coming from and the list is that the one recruit, for example, admitting that the law was unpopular, but said that there was a bad option,
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which is mobilize ation and a really bad option, not mobilizing a losing everything that we have and to quote the phrase, damned if you do damned if you don't seems to come to mind the authority is really helping left with no choice have a and yeah, maybe the really, it varies or really last with the, the choice of mobilizing and popular way, or basically a accepting more and more charger possessions towards the restaurant. so obviously in his current frame brand mind, zalinski is making mobilization as something of a lesser evil. so i would definitely agree with that characterization. i think the probably also there is some problems about the credibility of authenticity, the head of the armed forces. he's not very popular amongst a rank and file at least compared his illusion. so in order coming from him is probably going to be maybe less well received. then if it was another person, that's another factor to keep in mind or see what happens. certainly whether it does make an impact on funding romani the from the role united services institute.
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thanks very much for your time. so no government has killed at least 4 people, including 3 spanish nationals in central have gone just on. they've been fine in a tourist area and by me and province of the full foreigners and 3 ask guns also in just a little salt, which is a full suspect. it'd be interested at the scene. at least 50 people are being killed and flood waters that have swept through west and i've done this on heavy seasonal rains. that's all flushed. let's coming at least 300 people leaving thousands more homeless. those career has released images of a new tentacle, ballistic missile being tested. state media says the test took place early on friday and use the new autonomous navigation system. leader can juggling is reported to the seem to be solving launched into the sea of japan and all of the countries nuclear forces to be rapidly strength and there's no policies in buckets all have announced at least 10 inmates of bingo all being transferred in connection
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with the kidding of the director of columbia's largest prison. the major operation is underway in the capital now to find the killer solace under warranty, etc, has moved from boca tom and the parents comb rains inside the prison and both the the morning after the assassination of its director and fitting them. this special police forces patrol the area as a man hunter. peroration continues across the city to catch his killers fitting them. this was returning home from work when a motorcycle approached this vehicle in a government open fire club, this minister of justice repealed the 5th. ma'am, this former police colonel has received several traits for being killed in a benefit kind of elma fernandez, had received the threatened a pamphlet suit collated on thursday of last week. he'd filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office the following day on friday and on choose day this week with the prisoner will pharmacy, which is the regular procedure. he introduced the request for protection,
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but that protection didn't arrive in time for them. and this, that started running the facility just weeks ago and was bentham cracking down and criminal activities inside the prison, including unannounced searches, more than $5000.00 inmates are crowded into a prison, meant to hold a maximum of 2900 prisoners organized crime groups off and control the entire pavilions, some 550 prison officials, up receive debts rates in the past 2 years for confronting the gangs. security experts say the assessing ation is a window into a broader crisis within the system. it's an open secret that there is broad corruption within the prison system. and this is a very difficult reality for the authorities because the guards come from the position of weakness space with the interest of criminals who will the norm as amounts of capital and cash. and also this course of power to very clearly, ret,
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um, exercise retribution against those who do cool, don't cooperate. they have a real ability to corrupt and corps and co opt the authorities. i think that's a problem that the state hasn't grappled with. the question for many now is if you have 30 days will not only be able to bring to justice those responsible for the scaling, but also dismantled the very powerful networks inside the prison that have been allowed to face their allison that i'm 50, i'm just need of of what to look for those president says he's open to restoring ties with mexico weeks for some of the seeing key to it was rated mexico several times with the country off the security forces stormed its diplomatic mission to detain full. but i could already and vice president hold, hey, gloss it twice, being convicted, the corruption by cool. it's gonna include all the countries president says restoring ties would be conditional on mexico, respecting the decisions of its judiciary,
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the coal plants and the nose and a northern should i is due to stops winding down as part of the government plan to say is that a co production in the country in the city of missy on this schools or residents have developed cancer. contamination from the plant is being blamed or locked in america to lucy in human. how's the story? every days the lines swim from their lair to the beach of missy eunice, in northern chevy with the disappearance of their natural prey. these one self sufficient hunters of the sea are becoming akin to beggars, relying on handouts from levels. that's because the cost of making units population, $13000.00 is home to more than 40 industries, including 12 cornfield thermo electric plants. the consequences of industrial pollution are everywhere as, as fishermen and non b a genie. i'm gonna highlight
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a what i got into the crowds are all black underneath the coal, so when you crack them, the meat is all black 2 and that proves there, contaminate one fisherman. jose sanchez tells us the floating waist from a nearby factory stings to the touch, which you will see here is a catch of muscles or in spanish mission eunice or these. and that's what gives this town it's name. the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here and there boats. now we have to go out at least 4 hours, sometimes overnight, a day, even 2 days to be able to bring back as much is this because it's the only way that they can bring back a product that's not contaminated. they say studies show a lower mean levels of heavy metals in the water, including mercury and the town has one of the highest cancer rates into the. to me not only by this is convinced that her 16 year old daughter is sy, really tumors an auto immune disease with a result of her having
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a large amount of local shellfish which she was pregnant. like allow with border, the doctor asked me if i leave the machine is no wonder he said, and the air and the water contaminated even the machine. but it's difficult to prove and even harder to demand compensation. cold is being phased out to reduce to these carbon footprint. but the industry is responsible for the damage that's already been done or not legally liable because they didn't violate environmental standards at the time they were built. making eunice is one of julie's 5 thermo electric centers. nick named sacrifice owens p. b, a b as belong to industrial, which provide a lion's share of employment. so people think twice people complaining that defects, environment and that has and given the shortage of alternative work here, the people of making units are left with
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a few good choices. you see in human al jazeera making, you and this jenny, to tell you this, the guy who writes him through a demanding, the government withdrawing a decree that classify 7 gender identities, including transgender and transvestite identification as mental illnesses protest. as trent it's diversity and also disease as they gathered outside of the ministry of health and the capital lima, the government to present lena blocked a says the measure is intended to improve health cover for the l g b t plus community. still ahead here on the news on india selection dilemma, or it's the world's fastest growing economy, plus unemployment is still on the rise of the states of designs to in houston, texas west stones calls widespread destruction killing at least 7. the why
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have american evangelicals become, is real strong. as backer is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening and they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy. and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call in police, be confrontational, or actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. of
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the, [000:00:00;00] the book about know, 10 years ago the engine moody problem is to create 250000000 jobs in india if he was elected as the prime minister, as he thinks at the time in the ongoing general elections. unemployment remains a major concerns of the dates as a reminder that the indian government has not granted visas to. i'll just say it was general. i say we're covering the election from both sides of the country when we consume should we for pulse? the moca coach royce spends his own us out on the streets of gold, but the,
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the capital of india is east and state of less than go as late as gig. often jobs and private companies, the graduate from the university of calcutta makes it on $6.00 a day to support his family. so that vehicle, similar to that is a lot of corruption in the old government jobs. you have to pay a huge amount is abroad to get a position in private companies or exploding the situation. millions of young people in india including those will formerly educated or struggling to find stable employment. the full should take up in former jobs that, that temporary and offer no social security benefits. but you under pulled says young people make up nearly 80 percent of the unemployed work force in india. the problem this to move these governing parties says that it's not that's fault. the government does not face the government is $56.00, the case of wrong focus,
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a dinner to be done in one decade. india has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. s and p global rating says its own close to become the total largest by 2013. the reserve bank of india says the indian economy is likely to hit the record growth rate of 7 percent in the next fiscal year. but some economists say, despite signs of progress, india is big economy is still a major problem, unemployment this more time you told me about spin off. perfect. but what tax pick to a footprint heights is the fact that the level of informal work is extremely high. and has been going up often, the mazda attacking is run on october 7th, the country band, palestinians from working inside its territory. these rarely construction sector. the main lead relies on foreign labor, then opened up for indian book. as in january, thousands of men turned up for recruitment twice in the northern state of her diona
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. off to the government, advertise $10000.00 positions for construction bookers in this while there is danger where we live dangers there and israel as well, $1600.00 a month. we can't get that here. neighbor and go to for the indians. most popular states also release some of the advertisement. all that shown that despite the dangers of looking into was thousands of unemployed indians, a willing to risk their lives, to try and make a living. that's, i'm think about it in an economy that supposedly growing it. you know, 67 percent, but yeah. the 6 week low multi phase general elections. and on june, 1st in india and across the country, many voters are saying they want a government that creates table employment on the consumption of these on to 0. a cruise in the us, if he's to the walk into a stall,
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pallets 31000000 homes and businesses of the stones calls widespread damage. a texas official says some residents could be without pot for weeks of service. hi, did you accounts receivables? a sudden burst of thunder storm with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jagat holes in place of windows and a night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to drive from falling trees and another from a crate. it was fierce, it was intense, it was quick. and most use tony's didn't have time to place any sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government
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offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses that lost power at the storms peak. scientist states, this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms. to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro alger 0. the sciences of veda discovery that could explain how egypt permits were built, a team of all feel legit. so using satellites inventories, i really found that remains a branch of the river. now that disappeared fast music at night flight past the pyramid complex. indeed. and foot have transport and transported millions of heavy stone books besides fascination. but the moon use all the other side of the bank to stay with us here on
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the to interrogate the narrative is the us. this contains corporate israel, affecting his global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, they look that correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic pro upfront without
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the . ringback the brian pads that i'm one says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball, because it will make a difference to his daddy like like millions of other people living in the country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world. he wants to bobby's economy to improve physics, replace this and bobby and donna and it's backed by gold reserves and funding cars . commodities such as inputs, you tease, rent and fuel a paid with us dollars. that means and bobby and still have to change the zig told the police to be no racing a legal mind me changes. i'm racing without a license undermining the new car and government. they just want people to change their money back and not many here haven't seen the signature yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years, it's be more stable. that's always money to use the currency,
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doesn't these value wrapped that cooks change? take them into the, the very souls as talking to him in ross, or in southern gauze or killing at least 4 people, several more are believed to be trumped under the trouble. the fellow who robin, this is on their line with headquarters here in the also coming up this way, the jet strong sanctioning refugee camp in the occupied west by killing a scene event of a palestinian comstock. sure. there are trucks on the other side waiting to get in with desperate material that people need and it's absolutely vital we get those


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