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tv   Counting the Cost  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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is no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular, i say to all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era the color i made her instead of getting them. this is counting the cost on al jazeera, you'll, we can look at the world business and economics this week. india is booming, but millions of its people are benefiting from the economic growth, the income. and of course the gap is off topic dominates international elections. the u. s. as the world's biggest, don't of foreign aid, but to american people know where the tax money is. go, it's also funding helped to boost global stability and faced with an unprecedented
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climate crisis, zambia hopes charcoal production permits the many zambian say the move will apply for them if the only source of energy india is the fastest growing major economy in the world. but the benefits of india is growth on trickling down to poor people. the richest one percent of the population owns 40 percent of the countries wealth. the inequality gap is wipe and sharply on deployment and stuff and remote these decades in power. that's according to the world in a policy lab, and it's now flash points in the countries national elections. hot topics include inheritance, tax and wealth redistribution. but the ruling brought to the out john auto policy. it will be j. p and the opposition congress policy are presenting themselves as champions of the common man. just a reminder that the indian government hasn't gone to the visas to out to 0 as john list. so we're covering the election from outside the country over consumption of a triple. it's in
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e as in asia is which as man location bonnie sped, no expense that his youngest son's pre wedding bash. in march, i just reported the cost of a $150000000.00. it made international news. the industrial is with a network of nearly a 100. $12000000000.00 is not the countries. so we've been in a india seen a rise in billing as in recent years. with $94.00 added this year. it's become an electronic issue in the own gluten free elections. the appointment has been rained to moody is seeking a search to. the opposition has accused the governing bgp of say, bring the rich to come recess if elected it will conduct a national cost census to address growing in the quantities between income and valves on there. the b g. b has waved off the debts of $22.00 businessmen, but we will be transforming the lives of millions of people and their families.
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from this, the movie says the congress plans to redistribute the countries well are better than what it is that a god of. they said muslims have the 1st right of in the nation's wealth. this means they will collect peoples wells and distributes it to whom to those who have more children. to the info try to is india is both in equality, has widened on the move. these 10 you the, which is one percent of the population on 40 percent of the countries wealth. the, according to data from folds. industrial is go to madonna's network, the roads from nearly $7000000000.20, to nearly 82000000000 this year. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to vote in india as general elections that conclude on june. first, for many, rising unemployment and inflation is a major concern. we're not always a good idea. they keep saying they'll eradicate poverty, but it seems stable, eradicate the paul j. well, they may, i did,
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the issues are rising prices and unemployment. there is no work. children are roaming around aimless and jobless. india is among the fastest growing economies in the world, but many tuned up to vote say this from noon to find a stable income of consumption grief on to see the counting, the cost. another factor believe to be holding equality in india package, the cost system of hierarchy based on one's bus. the concept divides hindus by this time of these place in society discrimination against people from certain cost is officially illegal in india. but activists say that it's still because there were laws in place to ensure spots and jobs and universities for so called shed your cost citizens. but rights groups say, they don't go far enough. one of the things holding fact, these assets is i'm pre a data on how many people belong to which cost opposition politicians are pushing
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for a more complete census, but have faced resistance from the beach ape government. the journey it's not from new delhi in india is out in coma and economist, an author of the book, the monitors that monetize ation of the black economy. good to have you with a set so. so why have the benefits of india is rapid economic growth been so unevenly distributed? to change to be not true, because the more any closer than most other economy. so it depends on the system. what country part of your system, via phone or the system in which i would lodge an organized victor, which employed in 94 percent of the watch was, is daunting. amazing. and then you have the income, you have to be saving. so the more income you have, the more savings you have, and therefore what's happening is the incomes are concentrated in the hands of cheap percent of the population. just saving a lot. so the growth that developed is increasing, but down to the 94 percent of the 200000000 people who you stood on a 14 set up by the government for these people and 90 percent reported earnings
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just been $120.00 per month. so you can imagine begun to save anything, but it's a bit all steve and not so desinik or des, a structural problem, and they can do the economy, ran the unorganized sector ons. they do the all nice sector and especially the ones as businesses beyond much more. so what do you make of the pay that's raging at the moment about wealth re distribution? is that a good idea or a bad idea to put it even be achieved? you know, bank, if you need quarterly, it depends on the incoming warranty. if you reduce the incoming warranty by creating more employment, as your reports suggest, lot number for people under employed or unemployed. therefore they have no income. if you're generate more employment, people have more income and then that the quantity of the decline. so you're going to actually take money from somebody and then view dispute. what, what you're doing is you levy maybe on both drugs or using the kind of new quality
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. and then you have an inheritance tax or across generation. so that the buildings going the bus on there was 2 dogs, siblings, and therefore, you know that he won't be across anderson's decline. so in other words, you know, these are being so history to the international level. there's something called the hicks, i'm as differential of that section receive if you have road, then you are on equal as compared to somebody else. and i just had just an income to read the declaration comes from that and from the able to you to be argument of income taxation. but i can imagine particularly the issue of, of the harrison's tax being quite a politically contentious issue. that's the way we present it, but actually only the top cheapest and have a balance which could be taxed or inheritance which could be taxed is not the give it to 97 percent. but the way it's presented is just getting the last name actually be taxed. so it's suggested that the government would be like a rubbing for. but that's paul from the reality globally. if you look at border in
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beaufort and biggest other rich people in america, they've been seeing that capitalism cannot survive unless they've reached being more taxes. and she said that his secretary ones, maybe you know it's action or what do you ours, be the heart actually finding also prison bite and also said the same thing. so in other words, the rich have to pay more taxes if capitalism is just the why? because the court did use are sorting of the lot, the keys to political and social problems and the economy. and therefore you required to reduce any car deep. and therefore both dark, sushi 1900 and stats are something that can be used to reduce the need warranty. across generations also. so from what you'll say, despite the arguments by many who say that the wealth redistribution would hinder india's economic growth, it would, it would actually do the opposite. the right side, actually, you know this, the party in road is not as if it started. recall is being great. what it means is that the systems are really against the poor. people that more employment,
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it behind the more robust here these 2 are the, comes their best with also brought into a unique warranty. would not be so much. that's why the country has been at any point in much less the 137 frank and book outstanding go because of the chart. largest number of billing is so even germany and japan, which have a but kept income 20 times our deb truck billing is in us. what it means is that almost systems have a new quote, the way the technology dismissal people, the we, the investment factors, or 6 percent of the population go up all night sick to ignore 50 percent of the investment for the 94 percent. you have wanted 20 percent of the investment and put those in agriculture, 46 percent of the work for you only 5 percent investment. so the more investment you have on top of the more of the income, the less the investment. but i've done this thing. so we have the time being balance as in the economy. read the government's policy, the all night sector against the unorganized sector. so that how to change just
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briefly. so what do you make of the private associations? the to the, the congress is arguing when it talks about redistribution wells for taking money from hindus and giving it to muslims. well, that's the election argument of been actually prime minister moore, who started off the, the non comment on the page. and then he was saying that he, that differed you, you've got and these are various things you'll have more than 400 feeds and barnum, man, et cetera. now he's finding that that's not what so that what is going on, a comment on the card varies. you know, saying that it was streams of being favored by the congress, which is not the case. actually the most streams i, one of the most deprived segments in the, in the system there was that important 2006 restricted the are the most deprived is not in good context and do you need something? so what sort of parameters go doing based on that diagnostics? $78.00, seem to prime minister said the student that would be supported. but when you
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support the plot, it doesn't mean you support a community that are and then also what, like from, for instance, the dollars, the other untouchables and people like that. so what the communist manifesto saying is that we have support for them is not just most names are the one called me to deal with the other tradition election strategy that the prime is adopted. even though just to dig back, you said i would not give you the comment card, but you had been using the common card from time to time. really good to talk to somebody. thank some date for being with us on tomorrow. thank you and thank you. american military hardware continues to kill palestinians, the us as the israel, and they have violated humanitarian law using american weapons. and it's war on concept. pressure is growing on president joe binding to end up ministry support is one of the biggest recipients of americans for an age funded mainly by tax payers dollars. many americans without questioning whether washington spends too much money to support its allies. opponents say that funding could be better spent at
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home developing us infrastructure and defending borders in 2022 total us for an a top $70000000000.00 for the 1st time in 70 years. fuel plants, military support, as well as you crane. it's on track to smash through that record in 2024. in april congress approved the $95000000000.00 spending bill. that includes $61000000000.00 for ukraine and $26000000000.00 for is rarely weapons as well as a few minutes in a, in a to palestinians. tools are increasing for the us to use its leverage with israel to force it to hold its war on concept for us. president joe biden has been pushing for more assistance to you. praying for months of hailed the passage of the bill as a winning for american allies. it's going to make a man could save vern. it's going to make the world safer, and it continues america's leadership in the world. and everyone knows, gives vital support to america's partners like so. they can defend themselves
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against the rest of their sovereignty and the lives and freedom of their citizens. and as an investment, our own security. because when our allies are stronger and i want to make this for and again and again, when our allies are stronger, we are stronger, but just weak slice of life and made his strongest condemnation. yes, of his rails was saying that the us would not supply offensive weapons to israel. if it invited rough up. we're moving a 1000000 palestinians have been sheltering civilians have been killed in gaza. consequences on those farms and other ways in which they go after populations. i made it clear that if i go into rough or i haven't gone on rough is yet going a rough or i'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically to deal with profits. however, the us to set to send is where the new weapons package with more than a $1000000000.00, if it's approved by congress. republicans have criticized by it and for conditioning aid israel. and they've also expressed opposition to continued support
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for ukraine. republican house pickup mike johnson, overcame pushed back from his own policy and held the vote, released billions and ministry distributed terry and support. now remember that 80 percent of the ukraine funding will go to the replenishment of american weapons and stocks and our facilities in our operations. it also includes stuff, measures, and sanctions on iran, in russia and china, which most of the american people understand isn't a necessity in a very important thing. i've said it very simply, i'll say it once again. it's an old military adage, but we would rather send bullets to the conflict overseas then our own voice, our troops. the yearly expenditure only amounts to one percent of the total federal budget. although some survey showed that american voters think that a close of the tax dollars go overseas, we spoke to some americans to get the views on foreign aid. i know,
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like i think most americans are aware that like, like 70 to 80 percent of our tax bang is going towards a military funding. i mean, specifically like spending it on like china sides. i think it's important. you know, the us is powerful country. we have a lot of resources, i think. now we should help other countries when they need it. you know, i think it's something like we spend less than one percent of our annual budget and for an age suddenly roughly like that. i'm not sure and for dates effectiveness, or if we should be spending more, we should be doing it in another way. i think it creates a lot of dependencies that aren't healthy for other countries in terms of a the subsidies that we give. but i think overall we should be giving more to a crisis situations like gaza. i mean, i would probably estimate we use, i know we sub contractor for an a lot. so it's not to say the united states coming directly supplying it. but i know that a lot of it came, went to afghanistan and iraq during those years. now i don't think we are not the
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leading contributor for an aide to african countries anymore. now that's china, but they're doing more. oh, well lady with the war is going on. yeah, this is i've been hearing reports of bill is a chosen dollars going to or that's the, you know, hopefully this work and so on. and we get back to normal and provide back to our country. now, over the last 10 years, the us has provided nearly a trillion dollars in foreign assistance, including humanitarian ministry. at economic aid, figures of course, change from year to year with disasters or conflicts. boosting funds to different places, but since the end of world for true, the majority of aid has shifted from rebuilding europe to maintaining influence managing conflicts, and responding to humanitarian crises in the middle east and africa. in 2023, the top 5 or 6 units of usaa will ukraine, israel, ethiopia, jordan, and egypt that followed by afghanistan, somalia, human, congo,
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and parts of syria that are not under the control of damascus. the us increased support that off of the february 2023 of quakes hit the country's northwest. joining us not from sidney is brendan o'connor. he's a professor of us politics and us foreign relations at the university of sydney. go to have you with this brendan. so how much of the us budget actually goes to farm aid and how does that compare to how much other countries spend? well, the us is the largest economy in the world, gives about 9 and a half $1000000000.00 and foreign id. yeah, this is well, but. ready the wrong promise target. ready about one percent of g d p to foreign i united states because about a 0.23 percent of its gd pay, the strongest performers in that regard. the. ready scan. ready in countries. ready white sweden giving closer to the one percent of gd, paid target of japan to slip down considerably in recent years and it's far night
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as well. so there's, you know, there's a many needs out there in terms of famine, in terms of economic deprivation around the world. but we don't usually count military 8 entirely in fine. 8 and recent times, united states has given $41000000000.00 since february 2022 and. ready then you crying to the started in a slight. ready surprise with the russian invasion, so counting military. ready in foreign height is, is complicated or controversial and this is i suppose. ready ready is in your lead in package talking about israel. this is obviously a very culture. ready issue with this route being a pretty wealthy country via per capita g d p. then spying by then japan. these days 5 and country are come from 0. and so. ready it is a fairly strong economy on a global sense,
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but still receiving around $3.00 to $5.00. ready $1000000000.00 and i blatchley miller, tr. ready died from the united states every year. how much of that but ministry 8 actually come straight back into the u. s. benefits that, that the military industrial complex. yeah. great questionnaire. nearly all of it in most cases of military i, the united states, gets means other nations of buying american technology, american produce weapon rate. but israel has a few exceptions to this is rose. i would spend some of that night on its own in its own military. ready industries within israel did not have partnerships with united states, so it has some degree of freedom a bit. ready more often than other countries in this regard, you probably heard all very unscientific straw poll where we spoke to americans, how to add onto the street. do you think that us taxpayers really know how much of of the tax dollars goes towards providing military assistance rather than
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humanitarian aid is not really. i think it's one of those of skewered issues of this very effective lobby. great. so certain countries and those lovely curts get a lot of support from the congress and then the congress creates a threshold. and then the button to demonstrations or any president reaches up to that threshold. i think that the americans in general and sort of, i. ready believe i can move far night the night there are many americans, like people in a lot of countries, probably with the country. i was looking at the strategy. it doesn't have a to break. so the detailed grass of a lot of details with far to fees in general, americans are in favor of giving money to poor people, but they don't want to pay for it themselves. and that's similar to find that most people are 5 or the idea of humanitarian assistance, particularly. but they don't want to see text prize money used, but for our night sites, that obviously is one of those contradictions. we kind of have one without the other, but we say that pretty consistently of
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a time and surveys. and that's the usaa conditions when it gives the foreign aid. for instance, does it only give 2 countries political objectives and levels of democracy, a similar or a spy? to be like its own. does any of this money end up being misused by autocratic leaders? for example. well, we'll leave all of the above the way you can find pretty a plenty of examples before an age has been. ready use where it's used for very politic wise, which is to die in economic axis and to cite the congo at the moment, which is the base of the largest. ready formation is very valuable, minerals the so the concern and interest about that part of the world, which is at some level genuine that's being caribou. ready it was terrible, did 1000 in the congo, but it was so. ready there are you know, valuable very valuable to the special. ready resources which the united states and
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other countries are very concerned about the site. yeah, there's often a specific reason to give the i, one of the interesting things that the trumpet ministration is that to, to kind of neglect of some of these issues. it continues on during the trump administration because they don't get down to that level of detail. probably a pointing investment is to a lot of countries will take me a long time to. and one of the concerns will be the real sort of levels. ready humanitarian i will. ready elect donald trump, the more active on that front and i people. ready ready or concerned with this of games, giving fire and i, and some of these cuts which we sort of immigration, for instance refugee and then takes them to the united states, will that it will start to with foreign aid. and we'll say 2nd trumpet, ministration professor. it's been great to talk to you, brenda, and thanks very much and thanks for being with us on counting the cost. my pleasure . the president drove by and has ramped up tariffs on the $18000000000.00 worth of
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chinese imports linked to the electric vehicles, advanced batteries. so a sales steel, i'll leave it in a medical equipment, the white house set, the dimensions were in response to unfair policies. and they have to protect american workers, china, oppose the hikes, and said that it would take retaliatory action. and we'll be discussing all of this in a future edition of counting the cost apple as apologize for making a new i ipad commercial that showed at industrial compressor, crushing tools of music and create to the, to the company said it's marketing decision from miss the mock of trip faced a backlash from designers, actors at the office. the scene is a metaphor of how big tank has cashed in on that work. office to worry that artificial intelligence, which can write poetry and create movies, may even take the jobs away prices of culpa. getting red hot on international markets rising recently to a 2 year high on the metals exchange. the metal is important to the green energy
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transition and the manufacturing of electric vehicles, power grids and wind turbines. the price riley is fueled by lack of investment in new mines supply risk and the prospect of, of growing demand for such metals. as i'm want to kind of sold all flights and rounded the planes off to the line went bankrupt. thousands of passengers were stranded in the small pacific island nation of and want to the island, the airline. while that has been struggling with labor shortages, rising operating costs and weather related issues and recent years. tourism accounts for 48 percent of the nation's g. d. p. a business owners feel effective about the front of the airlines grounding to zambia as customer. this stopping charcoal from being produced in several districts and is to say the move is needed to fight climate change, but many people rely on it to cook food and for their livelihoods. and so they have no alternative source of energy. i'll just say it was kind of a task that reports
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a drought in zambia means the cuba, hydro power station can generate enough electricity. a lot more families are using chocolate for fuel because of routing blackouts. it's cheaper to buy than gas or petrol for getting right is but the government has banned the production of taco in some areas, saying the practice is kidding the environment and needs to stop. samuel 20 they can sell a bag of chocolate for $6.00 at the market number to $96.00 to $7.00. i was born and 962770 and i have been making and selling chuck or since i was a small boy. it's all my 5 that is these families. it's how i have been providing for my wife and children. chuckle is made by shoveling swell onto a kiln, the wooden sidebands with little oxygen leaving the black, copper residues for other people. again, find a taco is a lifeline full half that money. she's one of thousands in the capital. the 2nd who can afford to always buy electricity. oh my gosh, i do. most of my i use chuckle to cook beans and food for my children. i also boil
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water, so my children can, but this button will be bid for us. but the government stays, the destruction of trees is contributing to climate change and government leaders say a bad non charcoal is necessary to protect what's left of the country as far as. and the current drought brought on by the el nino with this the dominant is being made, was by deforestation. and the degradation of land investigation is going to be the true one committees wanted to make a statement there that yeah, my background check will be in that area. there will be no trouble getting a chuckle. production is an age old cultural practice in zambia, passed on from one generation to another. is to just translate policy induction. that means we have seen won't be that it means only for an additional capacity technology under surface to go. and not only just a make people aware,
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but ties in with us to transition to get to change. is that something you different families sometimes make additional cashed by southern cops to grow in the fields, but it lack of rain the season has wiped out the harvest. and the say the government's ban on top of production is adding to the hutch or when they are already struggling to cope with that to be a drought. and the rising cost of living. how did with us out of the, for counting the cost. and that's our show for this week. if you'd like to comment on anything that you've seen, i'm at a finnegan on x trying to remember to use the hash tag a j, c t c. or you could drop us a line counting the cost of our 0. don't net is our email address, as always, has plenty more few online. but how does 0 dot com slash c t c? that takes you straight to a page and then you'll find individual reports, links, an entire additions for you to catch up on that is it for this edition of counting the cost i made for you instead of going from the team here. and so how, thanks for being with us for the use on, i'll just be around this. next one
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is the biggest elections of 2020 pools in the general election. will administer now render movies be taking increase its food across the country. how will economic uncertainty and use some employment suede boots as in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote reading? i'm fairly ongoing coverage. the in the as the next is on. i'll just be around the challenges here with the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have to say and any of the medical workforce has been so undervalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest,
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connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, us, as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track, down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right. you're suspended, you're investigated. you're shut down. the palestine exception on a. does he you know, the challenges with
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the is there any forces talk to have been rougher in southern guns? are kidding. at least 4 people. several more of these to be trumped under the rubble, the hello. so robert, this is all just their life. and the also coming up there are trucks on the other side waiting to get in with desperate material that people need. and it's absolutely vital we get those crossings over at least 10 a truck so seen engine gone so far it.


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