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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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as well as the is there any forces, talk to haven dresser in southern gaza? could i at least 4 people, several more of these to be trumped under the rubble the hello. so robert, this is all just their life. and the also coming up there are trucks on the other side, waiting to get in with desperate material that people need. and it's absolutely vital we get those crossings over at least 10 a truck. so seen engine garza via us builds p a. but the wide town submits it's not enough, and sidelines crossings are more efficient. the best way to
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judge strikes the janine, but the g company occupied westbank getting a scene event of a palestinian um, sanction plus liberalization. from the age of 25 ukraine levels. the conscription ages russian troops put pressure on the northeast and the khaki reaching the welcome to the product. we're beginning garzo edge, bali and an old and rasa in the south saw seeing some of the faces bottles in weeks in the southern bay city and is very strongly called a home in rafa has killed at least 4 people, emergency workers all struggling to reach the area because of his right, he drives at the number of injured have been taken to the quite hospital which is on the evacuation orders and running out of critical supplies. bottles continue between is ready. treason, tyler, city and sciences. on the outskirts of rafa on thursday. israel's defense minister announced additional ground forces will be deployed to southern garza. now this
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video, the displacement displacements of people following v is ready talking of a clinic in jabante, a refugee camp in the knolls. elsewhere in the camp and the tunnel color library killed 12 others. honey, my mood is indeed a valid in central gauze outside the i likes the hospital and we all focusing our attention right now of jamalia in the no, it's not the situation is developing to yes so highly just within the past hour. devastating reports of from jabante or the cameras. these really military targeted and evacuation center, right. the gate of they evacuated in center is freeze schools. honor was school the have turned into shoulders for the past 7 months for hundreds of displays. families, as is really military withdrew in what seems to be a tactical withdrawal of from the area. and as soon as people came out of the gate of the, of the valuation center,
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that's the school the i've been shouldering in for the past couple weeks. and since the intensive buying of the tax on your body, or if you kept the words targeted relentlessly by an erie strikes 15 people reported killed right away at the gates of the evacuation center with several other injuries, but would know where to take them. no hospitalized operation of the close the health center to the refugee cabinet. intel is not that. and in order to get that done dissolved, or you have to go through the areas where they really military is going full and is and have a, it's military arm of the vehicle as well as the tank this station in that area a little on the trails of devastation costs of the area that is increasing the risk of casualties the highway expecting the number to go high. in fact, initially the number was reported at the 3 people were killed. but within a few minutes, the number increased right into 15 people right now and several other injures. meanwhile,
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a car was this truck on the western part of robust city as it was moving it from around the central area. on the close, the road was targeted by a drone, one people, one person reported killed, and other passengers reported with severe injuries. well, that call would have been one of the many cars moving through those fullest evacuations of people from rossa to the a powered safe areas that the is raised to or talking about the rigidity, as you say, is fraught with danger. for those travelling in vehicles, and those travelling by foot right on not right now is not just a vacuum wishing those designated byte is really military being on being large the on save for the past 7 months. and more recently as more a top took place at these very particular designated areas that's face area. but right now, people as the arch moving it from robot force into this in force displacement out
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of robust city all the way through western part of hon. units on last, evacuations on or the central air they're being targeted on their way to these evacuation. so, and so, so far with the pattern that we're seeing, some people are being killed within hours of their arrival. sometimes within days of their arrivals to new shoulders in the central area or han units and right now on their way of a journey that is full of danger. quite risky right now, and when people is safe, when a frustrating way that there is no safe place, there isn't any anything safe. including taking the journey of being forced into evacuation into the central area. they are quite the quiet correct about that because what we're seeing now is a repeated patterns of people being attack no matter what, whether they are staying inside the rough city or they are on their way to these evacuation zones. highly. my main force, the in the thank you to this, the shipment, solve 8,
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have not entered gauze of already floating pier built by the us at least 10 trucks with the intake and by road to the well food program warehouses in the area of the us. and those 90 truck loads today would be delivered by the p a. u, and says at least 500 trucks, so they don't need it in garza every day. my colleague, the sounds, gets a spoken to the wife has national security communications advisors drunk, have a chance to him how the a delivery using the p. it has progressed so far so good. we've got about 300 pallets of food in today. we're hoping in coming days to be able to almost triple that quantity and we had to be for, for the 1st, for the 1st day, we just wanted to make sure things worked well. so we were trying to not be too overly ambitious, but we are trying to get to get that 8 increased over the next 72 hours or so. and we hope to be able to do that. we've had terrific cooperation across the board. i mean, this is a real multinational and multi lateral effort. it starts in cyprus,
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we're grateful to the leaders there in cyprus that of allowed shift to come in there with aid and assistance all the way, getting it to the peer. and then all the way in is rarely have been very supportive of this. and it's a multi lateral effort across the united states government with united states military building, the peer of course. but usa id really taking the lead in terms of how the aide is, is getting to the peer and, and being managed over that causeway. so there's been a lot of teamwork here again, so far, so good. uh, we're excited about the possibilities. i do want to address one thing that you sort of alluded to before coming to me and that's, it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period and the peer itself is temporary. peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine that the, that the post and he's living in garza so desperately need. we got to get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. you say that we need to get land crossings open as soon as possible, and there's hardly anything coming through them right now. rough as close kind of
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be southern is old, but the, as you've said, this is randy is a being very supportive secretary clinton and present 5 in of said time and time again that it has been us pressure that was getting a scaled up. so what's stopping that from happening now? well, when i said is rose, have been supportive, i mean, of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway onto the marshalling area there. sure. but clearly, not enough is being done to open up the crossing drop the accounts alone up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable. everyone comments following those developments from the jordanian capital. it's the most visible example of the lack of options the americans have when it comes to putting pressure on israel, about humanitarian aid, they had to build a floating pip, a floating pit that they say might be able to get 90 trucks in
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a day. that's no way that was needed everybody, every single agency has thrown that has the most open, visible frustration, say that all land crossing is available. you can just open those up and bring 500 trucks in a day room before october. the 7th. it was trade note aid, and it was sometimes 6700 trucks coming in, those land crossings work. yet these writings have shut them down and the americans of how to build this floating pill. it's almost a sign of failure of america, american diplomacy in terms of putting pressure on israel. israel is very good at saying no to the americans despite the fact that you americans are the biggest suppose us this is where the forces have killed a palestinian and injured another agent of the asteroid called the janine refugee company, occupied westbank. the army says it talk to the house. they come
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into all the janine gates and homes palestinian sanction this funeral has not been held on. correspondent st. astronomy as in ramallah with more on the strike. well, it is safe to say that for years now, do you mean refugee camp has seen more as rarely, military operations than anywhere else in the occupied westbank. and last night we saw an air strike carried out on a house in the center of the refugee camp. in a very population dense area, the target was a swamp. how may say a 26 year old leader in the janine battalion, that is the military wing of the political group islamic jihad. there's really forces issued a state and accusing him of carrying out a shooting attack. it with the settler was killed in may of last year. jeanine is now observing a period of morning, shots and businesses are closed as part of a general strike. now this is not the 1st time the fighter aircraft have been used since the war began in the occupied westbank. it has been use several times. the use of drones has also gone up the last time. an air strike like this was carried out, engineering was in october and what we see is
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a consistent escalation and the use of this kind of method of air strikes and grows in these raids in the occupied westbank. and janine, of course, as i said, has experienced the largest number of raids also since the war began on october 7th, at least 505 people have died in the occupied westbank in these military rates, most of them in the janine refugee camp. so these really ministry says it sound the bodies of 3 captives in the goal is to strip it says that they were killed during hamas is october. the 7th attacks and the bodies were taken to casa, it's not clear where the remains were found. the most sponsors killed $1339.00 people in its assault on the southern israel and took another $250.00 captain murphy hall for free during a c 5 in november. and these were all sizes about 100 captives. so still being held in the strip, along with the remains of up to another 30, our hearts go out to them to the families. at this difficult time,
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we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. this lady said pleasantly occupied westbank and set fire to an a truck heading to gaza. these are the ami sided intervenes to protect the drive that 3 soldiers sustained to mind. the injuries in the confrontations with the attack is protest as of a tank. several, a truck's heading to gauze in recent veins. still head here on out. is there a stage of disaster in houston, texas west stones of calls widespread destruction killing at least 7 people that story up to the bank? the have a lot of that is lots of fine and settled whether to be found across australia with
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head down on the, in just a moment, the fuss to southeast asia. and it's a very wet situation across large areas. certainly for indo china with thunder storms for the likes of thailand, the width of weather continuing for the malay peninsula into western pots of sumatra in indonesia. borneo will continue to the west to weather through to sunday and some heavy falls of rain are expected for the band of islands as well as pep, one new guinea on monday. but it's much dwyer across the north of australia for much over the country. high pressure remains in charge, keeping things fine and dry, with temperatures are still sitting high for past 28 degrees the on sunday. and we've seen something of a cool down for the se, thanks to a cold front. that's for a bit of a wintry and what bloss to tasmania and southern parts of victoria that will be some recovery to the temperatures here. sidney sing 20 degrees celsius the on monday. and this whole wintery weather is set to sweep into the south island of new
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zealand. you can see it there, across small central areas. will see some heavier rain coming into the north of the north island, the open sink sunshine at 18 degrees celsius. on monday the the . ringback the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the back you watching old is that with me. so rahman in doha, reminder of all the top stories. is there any war planes i've talked to the home in rockford and southern guns are getting at least 4 people. another 12 were killed in a strike on a library sheltering displaced families in giovanni, a refugee camp. in northern cancer. at least 10 truckloads of age was seen entering gauze the via the us built here. when fully operational the us as it could be able to handle 90 truckloads of age a day. he's really falls of killed a palestinian in an s strong. they'll keep pod westbank they say to commend the jeanine brigades and on palestinian section post the targets. the
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government and the swedish city of golden buckets hoping to pass an old binding the purchase of his ready goods. it wants to put the israel on the list along with russia, saying that the taxpayers shouldn't fund occupying powers full rates for pull. so from southern suite to the other friday, i know that those are well demonstration and go some back as protest as spelt to feel that voice is a being hud barrier here in order to be fair and governments change dates to innovate and is going in the right direction, but for now it's mainly rhetoric. we must all see some concrete measures. this violence must have consequences for both of them set out. the thought may now be happening, at least on the local level. protests against the war and goals that have been taking place in golfing, but for months now, these people have the cities politicians assaulting like that pause as well. it goes some books, town whole movement is on the way to try and ensure the city doesn't procure goods
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from any occupying power. the governing coalition of parties here and go from both has put forward a proposal that includes the board costs of goods and services that come from itself and other powers occupying other nations or other states in this case, morocco and russia as well. because we think that the tax payer single somebody does not want to be included in feeding a board machine. it's something that some govern bogus, have immediately got behind in the days after it was announced is done. so the suggestion could be good also thought it anyway, i already done by coca cola, so on for the proposal. but it is facing opposition from other policies in the municipality. it is not that we like sympathies with the palestinian people on the very difficult situation that they are in up this moment. but to see that we cannot get involved in for the politics,
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we need to let the state department by mistake. i don't think the state of somebody has so much trade with this room at the moment. i think that a very, very few good see families. major international brands have already faced boy coats by palestinian solidarity support is world wide. dealt him books. council says it is investigating whether it does indeed procure is rightly goods. before proceeding further. pull, reese out is era golf, him back level is intensifying. good, crack donald syrian migrants and refugees. human rights groups are accusing. will socrates of imposing restrictive measures to force them to return home? but the government says it's unable to host the sol ring numbers because of the countries. what's the economic crisis is then hold a explains from baby rates. in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out there increasingly facing a hostile environment. the government's estimates are up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one, and every 4 people. they're seen by many as
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a threat to jobs and the countries demographics. the 1st of all, um i left as many of, of de la tells us most of the shops in this market are owned by syrians. there's also anger at the authorities. it's all done. and them been looking the managing the crisis. one day, the internal security acts against violators, and then they don't do anything for years. and the latest crackdown security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians. and they are looking for those without formal residency. nearly 70 percent according to the united nations, don't have the proper documents, in part because it's become difficult to obtain an expensive human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often
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without judicial review. the united nations refugee agency says it is concerned how the new measures will affect those who need protection. it also believes the focus should be on improving living conditions in syria to alleviate pressures on hostile countries. we will try to pay a message of renewed urgency to find solutions, durable solutions, with conditions as serial that are going to allow for a larger number. so syrians to, to return the west insists on a political solution. first, the government in damascus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. the all is a while, syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. and i'm really frustrating. i'm sure you haven't seen my mother and 12 years. how can i return to my country? i wanted for not joining the military. i didn't want to fight my brothers,
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even if i were to now, i would be committing suicide for a little high for the, for many, there are few choices, but to live in the shadows center for the lc to build the, the member of the ukrainian city of khaki, it says at least 3 people were killed in 28 injured and the russians drank on friday. russian troops have advanced 10 kilometers into the northeastern region. during the past week, almost 10000 people are being evacuated facing, says his troops are creating a buffalo into stop ukraine from attacking russian tyra troy. but you credit the president says that he thinks russian was, i mean to capture keith. belgium is wency also said that he would only accept a 5 piece deal, show many proteins, but in many we all know against the truth. we are not against the end of the war. so we won't offend to the will, and we are against any choose that plays into the hands of the enemy. that's what
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we're against. it's clear why. i just don't want to let them take any more about territory. what's on site to that new legislation comes into effect in ukraine, changing the rules on a blinds ation. unloading the conscription age from 27 to 25. it's aimed at showing up at depleted and aging ukraine. you know, me felt holder has moved from keith line sites is in gray hair. it's a lot to the middle east telling me and you crying, trying to keep russian forces of pay. you every judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us. 28 and the u. k. the t one for the meat throw is 40 full back from the front. he says in some ways, having over the troops has positive look to what, what everyone's motivated. but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop, so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity,
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and the fullest is a crucial. the young can be reckless, but it con will be upside. we went to a recruitment center for the well known as a brigade to us them, which idea of soldiers they prefer. for team here, we need everyone older people because they're more experience in their specialty. but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete our basic training course, and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the crime, you know me relatively old in paul? because the countries conscription i even offer a recent reduction remains. hyatt $25.00 rushes is a team. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hold a while. it's already smooth supply of young demand just to look at the countries population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is
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a small list since the u. n. started keeping records a. it's a huge problem to the army, aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up draft dodging is an issue. we will hold them in and leaving their families to go and fight demetrius o'neill if the frontline now because his leg was blown off. what is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son? the face still wants to go back. and his voice navea fulfilled reluctantly. seize the ne medicine wished this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules the opposite to the question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home and i would just say to keith, so somebody will romani is an associates. otherwise, the royal united services institute, he says, a lack of manpower is only one of the many obstacles facing presents landscape. as long as he gets was the product to the debate of whats going on between scenes
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losing it. but the idea of creating a $1000000.00 strong ukrainian army and was very clear that the lack of participation from angry finance and the nature of the army would be at the office to go towards expanding the armed forces. so it was something that was inevitable. i think that people like solution a whereby just seem to den probably last year earlier, and then you probably should have been down in tandem with russia's, a invalidation of partial mobilization. in september of 2022 was very clearly was going well beyond the 200000 forces that they claim they were brand new. and it was really a lot more like a sell general organization that was on an ounce, especially play outside of moscow. and saint petersburg, when russia, bradley got projections of woodley, the financial defaulted. manpower is only one side of the equation from my point of view is significant because a description, but it's not even the biggest problem of the readings that have a really is had problems with the war material. it has the air defense systems. they are, jewelry, shells, and the is days were just there,
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drilled by the congressional the obstruction and that was going on until just recently. so until the war material issues are resolved until a 16 chance which i have been promised to you. grand arrive in the front lines and demand power issues, resolve all 3 of those things has to be done. and that is a result that someone's gate is raising a lot of pressure because there's, it has lots of y for very little gain or even marginal lots of territories we're seeing. and frankly, even though these police in the us have arrested at least 8 for testers at the university of pennsylvania during a demonstration against israel as well and gaza students and offices were locked in a stand off protest as won't be university to stop investing in is rated companies now that come to inside the university building and say they won't leave until the demands of met. last week, police arrested 33 people on campus. the government that killed at least 4 people, including 3 spanish nationals and central have gone to stone. they've been fined in a tourist area and by me and province,
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another full foreigners and 3 off guns in good. let's go forward. he say full suspects were arrested f a c. and at least 50 people have been killed in flood waters that have swept through west. it have got a strong, heavy seasonal rain settle, flash floods across the country, getting more than 300 people leaving thousands more homeless crews in the city of houston all working to install pilots in any 1000000 homes on businesses of to stalls calls widespread damage a texas official says some residents could be without possible weeks phones. there was hardly 2 accounts, private thoughts. a sudden burst of thunder storm. with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jagat holes in place of
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windows and the night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to die from falling trees and another from a crate. it was fierce, it was intense, it was quick. and most of these don't is didn't have time to place in sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses that lost power at the storms peak. signed to say this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms to pack this punch,
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unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro alger 0. that kudos president says that he's open to restoring ties with thanks to k weeks off for them the same key to it was rated mexican. it was 7 times that with the country off the security forces stoned its diplomatic mission to detain the full, the ecuadorian vice president, jorge glass. he twice been convicted of corruption by courts and equitable the countries president says restoring ties would be conditional on mexico, respecting the decisions off as judiciary, principal pharmacies and bogota have announced at least 10 inmates all being transferred in connection with the killing of the director of columbia as long as prison, a major operation is under way to find the colors of signs around pnc has moved now from the capital bucket home and the parents comb, rains inside them with the presenting. but with the, the morning after the assassination of its director and fitting them, this special police forces patrol the area as a man hunter,
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peroration continues across the city to cap just killers. the 2nd time this was returning home from work when a motorcycle approached this vehicle in government, open fire club. this minister of justice revealed zip to them. this form of police colonel has received several traits for being killed in a different kind of elma fernandez had received the threatened a pamphlet suit collated on thursday of last week. he'd filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office the following day on friday and on tuesday of this week with the prisoner will pharmacy, which is the regular procedure. he introduced the request for protection, but that protection didn't arrive in time for them. and this, that started running the facility just weeks ago and was bentham cracking down and criminal activities inside the prison,


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