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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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and it overflows the what comes to that, how is this the problem in that robi has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill settled next. people's beeping in near the narrow be down say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford the the flow on the bulk of this is the do use our license though, coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 15 palestinians are killed in australia, tax on giovanni, a refugee camp, and gaza. more than 10 killed in the striking me come on odd one hospital. there are trucks on the other side waiting to get in with desperate material that people need. and it's absolutely vital we get those crossings over at least 10 a truck so seen entering gaza via us. bill pits for the white house admits it's not
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enough in size lum crossings. how much more efficient the funeral is? have and the occupied westbank for senior palestinian sites, a code and an overnight is there any rate plus $9010000.00 people are evacuated from ukraine's hockey region in the face of a russian on. so the president says he thinks he's certainly the 1st wave of a tax on his full goals. world number one goes from mug shot since he shops having been arrested at the start of the page i championship, 2nd dates the shuttle it finished it essentially. so the thanks for joining us is 10 o'clock g m t does 1 pm in gaza where it's really attacks in the past few hours of code,
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dozens of palestinians across the gaza strip. many in the north, at least 15 displaced palestinians were killed in jabante, a refugee camp. and in this way, the attack on a library, when they were sheltering and at least 10 people died in show the showing of a residential bulk need to come out at one hospital. also in the north, the u. n says at least a 100000 people in flight, the fighting and then all of the sofa and the southern gaza is ready for what is the foaming residential areas in russia. at least one person has been killed in the attack on cough 2 others were killed over night when the ami targeted a home honey, my mood is in darrow, by the in central, gaza outside the o x a hospital. so honey, to attacks in northern gauze or let's start with, come on, antoine, what more do you know in the world, perhaps? what were you looking at within the past hour? one of the most devastating attacks and on the body of refugee camp and right just
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uh, the vicinity of come out of the one hospital just across the street from one of a gates, a residential lock being carpet bond by relentless air is twice coupled with artillery. showing heavy artillery, showing that we looked at some of the most, a graphics of footage and images of people is on the, on the, on the ground. and then being collected by civil defense, the crew members and paramedics, and those who, who will survive the attacks, literally running industries a quite a key artic situations where people are covered by blankets or white shoes by the paramedics a. so far we're looking at close to 10 people are being killed right away was the wrong injuries a door transferred inside the hospital, but the hospital is that very critical situations right now the talk was very close thread a debris is a trap though the cloud, the darkest smoke just entered the hospital and already exhausted it and it would
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no capacity whatsoever to intervene on to provide the proper medical intervention. the hospital was formed several times since the initial weeks of this genocide, the worst of lars. the unprepared for this kind of a talk, then the so now means of injuries pouring into the hospital. and that's why we're expecting the number to increase within the coming hours, given that the hospital is running at the lowest couple of capacity and major departments inside the hospital or non operational for the past several months. given that there was a storm several times and its facilities were largely destroyed and severely damaged by these really military and hunting. meanwhile, 15 dads, the jabante refugee camp of the house, of course being targeted multiple times during this conflict. what's the latest that this is? will this talk, this evacuation center team right after these really military in what seemed to be
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a tactical withdrawal from the area and, and at the vicinity of its free evacuation center. these evacuation centers are on or was schools or management operated by the united nations for policy and refugees were hundreds of display of families have been children inside for the past 2 weeks . and since it's really military, intensify their attacks on devalue refuge account. as soon as people have started to come out of the gate of the hospital or near to a book store that is near the gate that has to do were attacked by an ears try as well as a couple of artillery selling 50 people were for now killed right on the spot of the attack. several other injuries were reported as well. the problem with this, the people that have no place to go, no health facilities in the area, the only hospital that they were hoping to get to us before mallard was hospitalized. but it came under attack as well, just leaving people, particularly critical injuries at the risk right now losing their life as there is
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no health facility whatsoever. the number keeps increasing. and just before coming to this report, we heard that the number of the 3 more people who died right within the past 3 hours. they lost their life as they were bleeding severely. as there is no medical intervention to save their lives. and not a talking specifically about hospitals, you'll outside the l x. so hospital, how is it coping with the influx of people? and of course, the lack of supplies as well . right now we're looking at quite a dire situation. the people are not dying of donald predictable funding bonds to die because of the lack of basic necessities inside the hospitality. or it's all very crowded. it's running out of space as well as infrastructure, and mainly the lifeline of the hospital is almost running out right now. we're talking about if fuels that hasn't arrived is within the past few days, the only amount that is available right now does not sustain the hospital to
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operate for the coming days. the old, the, the hospital resorts right now into using get solar panel at the rooftop of the building and they're, they're, all the use to operate is smaller and minor departments across the hospice are not suitable enough for, for dies. the you are not suitable for the operation rooms, but the central area as large, particularly the velocity would 1000 of more people poured into the city from rough i from han. you and is that through turn into i wasteland. are running out of everything right now because they have no public facility, no basic supplies, mainly water source is the depleted in the area. but the fact that that people are you're setting up their tents everywhere. it's an indication of how ovary crowded the city has become. since there's really military intensify, it's a top on dropbox. it sounds like it's operating under extreme pressure, honey. mood. the in general by many thanks to the update for the white house admits the floating point built of cars that are is not a fixed old line crossing. so
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a to desperately need. 10 truck loads of 8 were taken to weld food program warehouses in darrow ballad. on friday, early of the us and as 90 shipments today will be delivered to using this p you and says at least 500 trucks of age i needed gaza. every day us will pay is located below garza city. it's for the south originally planned because these are the army us for it to be moved close to to a major check point. the pay is near this is right, even if he road which the all me close. the nets are in. colorado is named after a form of illegal is ready. settlement almost a major line crossing seem to gauze a still closed handful of trunks entering through the curb. abu selim, crossing agency, se overland routes would be a far more effective way for a to reach power students. it's not enough. not enough stuff. getting in right now
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period and the peer itself is temporary, peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food, water medicine that the, that the post, and he's living in garza so desperately need. we gotta get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. when i said there's always have been support of, i mean of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway uh, onto the marshalling area there. sure. but clearly, not enough is being done uh to open up the crossing drop the accounts alone up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable. benjamin netanyahu, whose government has found out his ear is operations inside israel. so our report is a covering stories from amman and jordan in run con joins us now from the a name, ron so truck. so started arriving by, of course this us build spear will pontoon, the americans admit is spelled enough. although i understand the quick to say these
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various of being supportive of this approach as well, that's absolutely right, but this is the most visible example of the failure of american diplomacy when it comes to israel and humanitarian aid is nowhere near enough. let's take a look at some of the numbers before october. the 7th trade, no aid was coming in between about 500 to 600 trucks. the day we're not even getting anywhere close to that it's floating pit might be able to get something like 90 tons of a in. but even the merican this, you just had john covey that marshall securities place for that it isn't enough, but it's the only thing that they could have done. the 8 agencies. i'll put my hands almost physically up in the air saying that all these land crossing several of the we can get a into cause a very easily these ratings simply don't want to happen. so things this floating pay is really about the lack of options that the americans have when it comes to
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putting pressure on is rope. it's a floating pair, but it isn't doing anything to alleviate the needs of the people of cause and the americans keeps hanging. the people of cause are important. yeah, there's nothing they can do that will force these ratings to take down a boat and run and focus specifically about the needs of the people and goals. and we know jake sullivan, you especially security advisory is heading to both saudi arabia and israel. what does this mean? do we think in terms of getting more age into gaza? of course any of us come from as well. jake solomon's visit to is riley is going to be about one very specific thing is going to be about the rough operation. now these writing these publicly said privately have a show that the americans, but before his visit, they were going to go in with a massive ground incursion into rough. i'll just take a look at my colleague honeys, reporting that you just uh uh, the uh, the entire south of uh, garza is being pretty much obliterated. it's
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a very harrowing saying that he's been reporting for us quite bravely. so what pressure come the americans puts and they keep saying that we are giving them options. we're given these ready options that will not require them to have this massive ground force and these right is keeps. i know this is our will. i won't get a fight to the way we choose to fight it. now, don't cubby, who is the national security spikes and actually spiked out 0. about 24 hours ago. he said we are giving them these options. if they don't take these options on board, then we will have to recalculate our approach to these raise. but once again, what options do the americans have? they still committed to israel. they still supplying is ro, we've weapons will, that they have slowed some of those weapons shipments. that weapon shipments are still coming through. money is still floating to israel and run many sites, the update. and we're on con, that in a month, just to remind you of course, we have been banned by this where the government from reporting in israel,
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which is why we are approaching from outside the country. it's really settled, isn't the occupied westbank of step 5 to an a truck heading to cause a history of the army set. it intervene to protect the driver. 3 soldiers sustained minus injuries and compensations with the attackers. the testers have attack several, a truck's heading to cause a recent days which are the military. he says it's found the bodies of 3 count service in the gaza strip. it says they were killed during our mass is october. the 7th attacks and their bodies were taken into gauze. it is not clear where the remains were found of the must fights has killed 1139 people. and it's a salt on southern israel and took another $250.00 captive roughly hoffer freed during a c spot in november, as fast as about a 100 captives a being held in this trip. along with the remains of another 30, our hearts go out to them to the families. at this difficult time,
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we will leave no stone unturned. we will do everything in our power to find the hostages and bring them home. on now joined by john silver, sees the founder of the european office for hostages. he's also a former advisor to the vice president of the commission. he joins me life from brussels. many thanks for joining us. so you'd be liaising with the families of his rated kansas, and there appears to be huge amounts of anger and frustration about the failure to see them released, the failure to bring them home. what did they feel as obstructing meaningful progress? mr. sort of it's, can you, can you hear me, we seem to have a problem with the, with the line. yes, i can hear you now. the question, yes,
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i will repeat the question for you. so as i said, you be liaising with many of the captives families. there is a tremendous amount of anger and frustration that to the captives of not being allowed so far to return home that they remain in gaza. what do these family members believe is the main thing, obstructing the return of their loved ones that produce sides to the questions and they're not easy. and they have uh, a terrorist organization on one side, which has been extremely brutal and cruel, and it's october 7th attacks. there's an unpopular government and israel on the other side. and then it just seem to define then agreements that we have seen that they managed to make some progress in early on in the war and very some of the hostages. they're not managing to do it. now. i would say the popularity of, of the war is decreasing. it, it seems that it was,
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it was way to justify it in 3 days. it's a just, this is dropping and you're thing also um, any demonstrations across this really towns calling to reach an agreement as soon as possible at any cost. so i think part of it is real major parts of it. you know, as a society is a part of rise these days. but i would say that the major parts of is really just trying to see the return of the hostages as the primary most important objective before anything else, any practical solution for the hostages. if that, of course is the priority amongst many israelis, and of course the kept his family members from what you've seen so far. this conflict isn't your sense that nothing, you know, is prioritizing the release of the remaining captive and gaza. you believe from us and read about hostages back um i'm not convinced that the 2 can go on hand in hand. and i've been calling out since october 7th because
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solution to, to this. but in the end, neither side is going to get what they want. they will not be a day after, from us empower and gaza. israel will never allow it to happen and it will send it out to happen because it may be, is there any, is need to make sure that it's oversight. and again, with some awesome power and guys, but it really is, will not state safely if not the same time a political solution, also means that israel will not be in casa, it needs to be a political force in gaza, which is neither israel nor, uh, from us, or the proxies where the government's recognizing that as well, we strong administer guidance of the defense, basically saying that she understands that that will not be a permanent. is there any present in guys that despise us? what some other factions of the governments may have wished, and it's something that perhaps that's what they on october 7th, basically ruined any chance for them to remain in gauze. why? because they have limited any glimpse of budget. the mistake about the they have
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left and is randy or international eyes. so if they want us to be sure to find the space, okay, which is neither. okay, so you say that there is strong a public sense of mentioned, of course, as well as political sentiments to see my mouse completely eradicated in garza. but of course, the release of the captives remains from us or prior to for the family members. i just wonder what the sentiment is around the huge palestinian civilian death toll in gaza. and part of this we have a connection problem and i can hardly hear the question. i hope that you get the question. yeah we, we will persevere. well, we can let me ask you the question again. what 2 hostages, the captives families think of the kind of war the mister netanyahu is waging can cause a substantial,
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significant major humanitarian crisis and civilian desktop. is this a war that needs to happen at all? costs for the ratification of from us. is that worth it? based on your best families or the hostages or, or supportive of, of the war. and i would say that many of them are, are not, they would say for us to find an agreement and then continue with the war and finish with some us. so it's a question, a bit of priorities. even if you believe that the, from this as a 3rd, they're going to just the problem about but also the or it's a, i'm afraid, the done sort of it's found to you. if you and office for hostages, we have been let down by the line that but some thank you very much. what we heard was very important to hear. thank you. okay. one of the occupied westbank of funeral has been held for a senior posting and come onto killed him. janine and an overnight raid
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what is the theme carrying the body of islam familiar? yes. through the streets. so the refugee camp is ready for the se they target at the home of the janine brigades come on, the paid all the people so injured in the attack. our correspondence, the 2nd best for avi, is in ramada with more amount of tech. did you need refugee kept me occupied westbank to see more military operations than anywhere else? for years now, and last night, the military air strike, a manned aircraft, targeted a house in the center of this very population dense area. they hit this house and their target seemed to be one fighter. in particular, this one commissioned a 26 year old leader in the janine battalion, the military wing of islamic jihad, a number of other people were wounded, is rarely forced to say everyone in the house was suspected of being a posting and resistance fighter. in a statement, they accused a commission of carrying out a shooting attack in which
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a settler was killed in may of last year. now jeanine is observing a period of morning, a head of the funeral of this post in your resistance fighters. shops and businesses are closed, this is at least the 3rd time the fighter aircraft have been used to carry out an air stripe in the occupied westbank, specifically, engine in the use of aircraft. the use of drones is something that has gone up since the escalation of military operations in the occupied westbank since the war on gaza began. more and more drones have been in use as well as part of ongoing the ground excursions and ground operations of the military has been carrying out so far since the war began at least 505 people have died in the occupied westbank during these military rates, the highest number of debts have occurred in jeanine zane before i'll be i'll just hear a remote load the occupied westbank palestine produced security companies as a panama flight oil tank. it has been a times of the coast of human was supposedly hit by a missile out about 18 kilometers from the red sea port of monica. and when the
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reports of casualties, whose effects, assuming you haven't been attacking ships, they say a link to israel because of it's wrong cause a the has done some of the world news now and then beyond mos thousands of people have been displaced and fighting and rocking states between our account on the militia, mazda is on so forth, is they are kind of on a, on of the militia groups fighting june to force is old. the evacuation of a town of more than 55000 people. thousands of buildings was set on fine. we tony chang joins us live from thing called cloud with more in this. and so tony, tony was thing violence between the a forces and the military jump to what more do we know about these latest classes? the data and that violence is increasingly saying a people to the right hand just asked make minority calls in the middle we
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understand from residence in both the dogs. this town in northern were kind state, they were told by the american army, they had to evacuate the houses in the city by 10 am on saturday. instead, we understand the, the, the soldiers from 5, this american army came in about 7 30 pm last night started moving people out. this is a relatively small town, but they're a very large number. we're hinge it. who would that, who, being sheltering from fighting in other parts of her kind state. so we think there were about a 100000 people that they were then forced out to the outskirts of the city, many sheltered by the prison, others on the road among the another large town on the what on the way to the coast and fires had been sent in the town, we understand they've not been able to go back. the funds have been burning over nights. it's on clear this stage who set those 5, but this is
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a town with eric and ami had pretty much taken almost total control. those one military base that as a still hadn't comforted but that was slightly outside the town. at this stage the situation seems pretty desperate for those who are being forced out of the city, they left all the possessions behind environmental food and shelter. and many of them just stuck in the rice fields. and this particular town is just part of a, a white, a picture of a conflict that cause the fight to go spend to multiple townships and rock on state . what does this of course mean for the civilian population at large the well, i think this is the, the, this was one of the sentries that they were going to when fighting was, was in other areas that had been a room is of a c 5 between the erica and me and the military gentle last week, but i heard in the last few days that as being discounted. increasingly the renter
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i think of being cold between the 2 sides is the fighting becomes more basic. they are economic has actually had an enormous amount of success, and there is a feeling that it may be the 1st of the launch ethnic comm is to be able to claim it stays situated. the state capital is still being photo but pretty viciously, but they have control most of the areas and certainly in northern america and southern were kind of still seeing a lot of compet but, but civilians and particularly the road hit ranger a being caught in the middle there are deep ethnic tensions in this part of being uh, we saw the genocide against the red german 2017, when a 1000000 people with forced across the border into bangladesh. i think there's a real concern now that with the current conflict, stepping up to another level, the revenge will once again be cold in the middle. yeah, cool. in the middle in the tiny chiang life has in bangkok. thank you. come and have killed at least 6 people,
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including 3 spanish nationals in central afghanistan. open 5 and a tourist area. and by me on provence and other full phone isn't 3 off guns were interested in the attack. i've got also hard to say for suspects for the rest of the scene. and at least 50 people have been killed in flood waters but who swept through west enough kind of stuff. heavy seasonal rain settle, flash lines across the country, killing more than 300 people were leaving thousands homeless. so without, is there a still a head, a privatization from age of $25.00? ukraine low as the conscription age, as russian troops pressure on the hockey region. and as for 3 finals and i days will hear from the german football team on the brink of a regular breaking season, the
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hello there. let's get to where the full cost for europe over the weekend. and it is a pretty rainy situation across much of the continent, especially across from the central areas where we've had some very heavy rain that's caused flooding west and germany on the north east of france. so on saturday, it's still a very shall re picture for western parts of your red warnings. remain full pots of germany and frogs, and amber lights house for luxembourg, full that heavy rain. but the shell re, situation stretches off across france, down into northern parts of spain. and portugal, some of that rain folding across britain and the island of island. we'll see some mackey mornings that some sunshine later in the day and sunshine on several conditions of the story for much of scandinavia, it will start to warm up even more in places like was no way with temperatures off fitting, very high on the system. the story across more eastern areas. so rain coming into the southeast for the balkans and the heavier rain on sunday,
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across the pots of italy. if we have a look at the 3 day for room, you can see that rain up till monday. but the heat is continuing to build its cooler across the iberian potential up. but out east, we've seen that heat to continue through to sunday of the 2 of us didn't even customs with their families smuggling undocumented workers for us and making the festive occupied with bart to witness their incredible stories. over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to examine is being proactive. today's headlines, i wish i had the word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's
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discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic and a supporter of care international film makers and will cross journalist bring programs to inform and inspire you to options a way to the immediate future climate crisis or climate revolution. on alger 0, the golgi, i'll just say right, here's a reminder about top stories this hour. at least 15 displaced, palestinians have been killed into body of refugee camp and gaza. and this ready attack on the library where they were sheltering. at least 10 people died in
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shutting off a residential block. they had come out antoine hospital in the northern region of state law truck loads of age of being seen entering gauze or via us built here. when fully operational, the us says it should able be able to handle like the truckloads of a day. and then they'll find west by the funeral house being held for senior posting and come onto the code in geneva. an overnight rage, each of the pieces is full, so in okay, well let's look into some advice. recent developments now with i've done that already and he joins me here in the studio. he's an associate professor of history at georgetown university in cops. i, thanks for your time. let's start with this pond to no peer that the americans have built because one of the reasons they say they built it was to quote, avoid putting us boots on the ground. why would that be a complication within the context of providing aid to people who desperately need it? well, for a couple of reasons, i think on the one hand that this disappear is actually more of
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a testament to the fact that the us has been unwilling to actually forces real to do what's necessary in terms of allowing, you know, all of the crossings to be open to allow obviously all of the necessary aid coming in, you know, the us is doing everything except to stopping this genocide. i think this is really what, what is standing out most of people. and so also the idea of having us intervene directly through its own a soldier is given the level of, of this trust that exist from palestinians, particularly given again the us role in terms of the kind of unequivocal support that it's provided as well from the very beginning is, is there another reason that it's probably taking the position of not wanting to actually be directly implicated or involved in the a delivery itself. so we know the pay can handle about $90.00 trucks a day agency say because it needs at least $500.00. we know, of course the keyboard crossings are closed for interesting developments and that the, it's really domestic intelligence agency agency. it shouldn't but say that they have aust, egypt to show the operation of the roof of border crossing. egypt said no,
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given the pressure that civilians under, in gaza. why if they done that? well, i think again this is, this is showing kind of the breakdown in the situation, especially given the most recent incursion and start off by the is really forced as having given assurances both to the americans and also to the egyptians that they would not be conducting the scale of operation that we're currently seeing unfolding the level of devastation. the fact that over 600000 more palestinians are now being displaced many of them or for the 2nd 3rd or 4th time. seeing the relationship fracture between these really in the junction side, given that junctions had faithfully played their part, essentially in maintaining the closing of the border. and essentially being kind of an outsourced uh, you know, security force for, as rarely as a. now because of this, this kind of breakdown and that relationship egyptians are, are basically saying they're not willing to play that same role going forward, at least as long as this operation continues. what does that breakdown in that
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relationship meaningful, wider, regional stability. if you say, well, i think we've seen it all along, which is the, the breakdown is certainly in terms of the negotiations, right? so this also is coming on the heels of egypt and thought of both having gotten the palestinian side to agree to a cease fire whose terms were dictated largely by the israelis and the americans only to dempsey is your reject. the very terms that they had suggested earlier. and so given that i think we're seeing certainly an inability to reach any kind of a political agreement. and instead we're just seeing more escalation militarily. and of course the, the devastating consequences for palestinians here talking about more escalation, we have seen in recent days, 5 is rarely soldiers killed, 7 injured in the north. the bodies, as we know of 3, is ready to captives returned to israel, putting it on groups seem to be able to operate rather effectively in certain parts of cause. i mean, what does this say about nothing y'all, who's aims of eradicating have mass unframed, the remaining captives?
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well, for more than 7 months now people have been saying essentially that there is no military solution here, right? that israel's not going to achieve those objectives. the only thing it's achieving is the, the most catastrophic humanitarian disaster that we've seen in the, in the centuries. and so as a result, of course, it's not a surprise to a lot of people watching the fact that the, the, you know, the arm groups are continuing to operate even to this moment despite, you know, the massive incursions of these really forces have made. and that ultimately there's only a political solution here. i think we've seen that certainly deal with the question of the captives and their return. that the only way that that's ever succeeded was in the past through negotiations. and ultimately, i think as the humanitarian disaster escalates, there has to be a global well to bring it to an end. certainly we haven't seen that at least not from the united states, not from the chief sponsors of israel's genocide. and, but we're seeing it with the kind of big, massive of global calls for many governments, but also for millions of people who are protesting for an enter. this war is
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a political solution you think still have boss and all the putting it on groups ultimate a, we've seen in recent days, a more examples of a kind of guerrilla of and we'll fabbing full 5. how much the and other groups, what is their ultimate a? well, i think, i mean a lot of this is really about kind of the preservation of, of any kind of survival within cause. i mean again, when we see the image is coming out, we see the complete destruction of basically the entire civilian living infrastructure. there we're seeing that the humanitarian catastrophe. and so certainly i think the call has always been for a cease fire for some kind of political agreement that would see a full is rarely withdrawal and a commitment to ending the blockade. that's been there, not just for this last 7 months, but that's been there for 17 years. that's. that's cut palestinians, essentially prisons and gaza and seeing a future that would allow them to then rebuild, you know, hopefully with the kind of a massive international support that would be needed. all right. hello, how are you? i'm good to hear your thoughts. thank you. malaysia's 5 minutes to associate con,
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deny is the us is complicit and is ready. war crimes and gaza speaking exclusively to al jazeera and why abraham called on to us to stop transfers to israel and november 36. you and expert said these ro is engaged in a genocide in the making. abraham told alger 0, somebody say then that he to believes israel is committing genocide and garza, the international human rights groups like amnesty international. on january the 26th, 2024 human rights watch december the 8th 2023 states in the us is risking complicity in his riley atrocities by continuing to supply weapons and diplomatic cover. do you agree with that? do you think the us is complicit in the war crimes that these international organizations are talking about? i'm in a position to, to deny that because the fix that is evident, that the knowing it's trusted has been committed. whether it's your line,
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your friend, no nation that's a complete, you have a nexus with you, you cannot control this. otherwise you have no models that you was tending in the world to talk about the new international relations and humanity or even um on the in human lights, do you think the us should stop transferring the wife? and so maybe they should, we're doing what is necessary just to stop there, hosted this, do you think that includes the ending of that info? it's not only weapons, but also they have the influence of mechanism and the diplomatic skills all combined to be able to force and be just possible to imagine that one man within the hour can defeat the face of the world. and you can watch a full interview with malaysian prime minister on what abraham on saturday at 2030
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gmc on top to i'll just so the, the death toll from protests followed by proposed for voting reforms in the french pacific territory of new caledonia has risen to at least 6, the state of emergency is kind of in place. however, 2 people were injured and another night of demonstrations and looting. thousands of people are protesting against changes to local election rules. which critic syfy for french nationals. hundreds of french police patrolling the streets of the capital in the mail, and reinforcements being deployed to support security forces about cs shoshone choices. now he's a professor of public lot of university of new caledonia from where he joins us. i probably will welcome to you. can i start by asking you what the security situation in new caledonia is at the moment?
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mister shaw shaw? can you hear me? let me ask the question again. what is the security situation and you call it? don't you? at the moment, how serious a situation is the island and at the moment, i know it says eunice to make sure it is about riots that we haven't witnessed before. those sit for the fall. the reason behind us to think about this was the decal nice ation process that was hindered by the about the
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us and this situation has deviated, and many use started rioting. the situation where the situation is very challenging. many shops have been completely destroyed and looted lisa the state has declared the state of emergency. i'll see you. it's a long lasting tradition of the french colonies, the shipment. so the airport is completely closed and paralyzed in from the there are no flights to the mainland friends or to a friendship lanesha because you know this, there are other right. so now this time in the north of a new caledonia,
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which is new it sounds like it sounds like mr. shaw chavez. the island has in many ways been paralyzed by this unrest. given how sensitive this whole independence debate is in new caledonia. why did france choose to introduce this electro or form rule? now, knowing that it would heights intentions to let see, to assure the colonial situation in new caledonia, eh, dates go back in history. there were 3 referendums that have been organized. however, that's closer to a few strands or tween it is, has always been not sure and how to deal with this question of self determination.
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the d modular these so they wanted to find a solution the same as the solution that was find in the other colonies to find some sort of a deal and power sharing and like what have or a model that is like the model and use the lender so the indigenous cannot, the population refused the results of the 2nd and 3rd referendum. will she be friends? has considered that every bit everything has been settled and decided to, to recognize the referendum and to give the voting rights to all the settlers and the french, which is a situation that is rejected by the indigenous cannot. because this will encourage the assessors to have more rights than the attendance indigenous cannot use it. that's why oh no agreement has been reached as of yet. and
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what the governments in mainland france has said is that they voted this new electro old body law in the french monument, which has cost the situation. let me ask you this furniture intelligence claims that spoke as about john and potentially took. he may be seeking to exploit the situation by aiding the independence movement because of francis support for armenian claims to break away region. the going to color by how violet are these accusations of all of us very, and possibly turkish interference. and what's happening there. i don't know, most of your friends has regularly accused the search parties for causing problems and use can you call it during the 1st? it was depend and then it was china and then it was restaurant. and today we're
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talking about as are they done? in fact, the reasons are national reasons, the nationalist went to a survey, tend to seek support and they were not alone. there were other separatist from f o in asia. why did they choose as or by john? because the non allied conference took place there, there is no other link then this link. so the separatist of can knock one fair to as our be time duty. yeah. i don't think there's any other reading with the any other issue or us aren't page on. so this is a pretext that's the government of france is using to not assume their responsibility and the current situation. okay, i must say a shot, a pleasure to have you on the program. many thanks for your time.
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the, the 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's northeastern hockey region. evacuations come as russian forces advance towards the city of hockey along the northeast and board us as defense, ministry says this country was another village. on saturday canyon officials say the situation is under control, but president zalinski is war. this could be the 1st wave of many russian attacks. it all starts with a new legislation comes into effect in ukraine, changing the rules on mobilization and lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 . it's kind of showing up and depleted and aging on forces on home and has more from keith line sites is in grey hair. it's a lot to be midway. you still, i mean, you crying trying to keep russian forces, if by you, every judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us 28 and the u. k.
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the to one to meet throw is 44 back from the front. he says, in some ways, having over the troops has positive look to what, what everyone's motivated, but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop. so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity, and the full, this is a crucial young can be reckless, but it can only be upside. we went to a recruitment center as of the gate to us them, which i do have. so just they prefer them for tiffany if we need every one older people because they're more experience in their specialty. but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete our basic training course and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the crime, you know me relatively old in paul?
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because the countries conscription i even offer a recent reduction remains. hyatt, $25.00 rushes is a team. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hold a while. it's already smooth supply of young demand. just to look at the countries population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the u. n. started keeping records. it's a huge problem to the army. aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up draft buildings an issue, we will hold them in and leaving their families to go and fight demetrius only off the front line. now because his leg was blown off, is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son. the face still wants to go back. and his wife navea will be reluctant place, sees the name, and that is in which this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules,
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the answer to that question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home. and i would just say to keep the suspects charged with the assassination attempt of slovak prime minister robert fee. so as a paid in court, he was seen arriving at the hearing. and i have the police come for the quote ne reprocess law who will decide whether to hold him in preacher on top of trial detention might and identified a 71 year old. you're right. seen somebody is accused a fire in 5 shots, 6 on wednesday. countries health ministers says there's a positive prognosis for the problem in a says, health is condition is classified as stable. but still serious. latasha butler has more from process level of to visiting robot fits so in hospital. so if i q is defense minister said the prime minister was conscious, but still in the serious condition. often nothing around the surgery fits. they
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were shelton and assassination attempt on wednesday. we'll probably, and ideally, his condition remains very serious, but this surgery was aimed at monitoring and treating the individual gunshot wounds in the affected area. i think it will be a few more days before we can definitively on this time the direction of his recovery. and you know that the investigation into the shooting continues, police took the 71 year old man, charged with fits. those attempted murder on a search of his home in the central town of livid se. so if i can official say the former security guard and posed acted alone, the members of fits those populace. nationalists coalition including and people, spa, safe and liberal position, not positively to blame for still king political attentions. of course, they didn't sign team, i mean these seem to kill prime minister about these. he has a brain washing and these items for you, of a hatred against my party in the box you will be sterile, but feet. so it was one of the reason fits those opponents sites,
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the pro russian leaders, policies that are dividing the country. he wants to independent tree a to ukraine, change that your district and scrap the public broad costs. a controversial news this prompted weeks of street protests. some during the se, press freedom is one of many points being who wrote it there. the vision is that the journalist here are not here to criticize the government, but they're here to serve the government. there is this atmosphere in the society where anything you say basic weekend being to refer to it as an attack this assume the atmosphere in the city uncertainty is in. yeah. the attack on the apartment is the deeply shaken people inside, like here with many wondering what will happen now, minutes to say the government's running the country as usual, and a homestead feed, so will fully recover what can be done to kill political decisions is unclear. so that gives you prison says the attack monks a turning point. the things may never be quite the same. many here agree natasha
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butler. i'll just say re process lava as far as tons of support. now his ending thank you so much need for the wells. number one goal for school to shuffle had an unforgettable few hours of the page. a championship a be done day through the tournaments in a prison jumpsuit. he finished it in contention. so when his 3rd major title, snohomish reports outside of the world of gulf, not too many people would normally be following the progress of school to shift the i to major championship. getting arrested on his way into the course at the start of day to may well have changed that i don't really know. i feel like my head still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning and i did spend some time stretching in a jail. so that was a 1st for me. what right now he's going to do. okay. is there any way that you can do that? no, not. well, it's number one. today i was arrested off take knowing traffic signals while
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driving into the vault hollow golf club on friday morning. the faithful accidents near the kentucky venue had led to a traffic build up that should flow was trying to avoid you 27 year old american ended up being charged with the 2nd degree, a sold of a police officer and a statement louisville police said the officer involved was a drug to the ground by schifflet's call. you know, i said, i'm sorry, i'm just trying to get to my tea time and outside of that it was then it just things, you know, escalated from there i did. oh, you know, numerous apologies and whatever, but like i said it was, it was chaotic. it's dark, it's raining, you know, there's a lot of stuff going on. they, they just had an accident. i didn't know what it happened at the time. the officer that was directing traffic maybe not part of the the the traffic detail. and so that's where the communication miscommunication rose and it was eventually released by police and made it back to the venue less than an
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hour before his tea time. of the reigning mazda, as champion, went on to shoot a 5 on the power round of $66.00. it left him just results of the need and in contention to when he supposed to 85 he gave me the complex sheet very modest, recently spoken when he came out to buy. so i think the way this handled the situation. and then i went to maggie's meeting the next couple of days, but if the situation is resolved, maybe the charges will have to be dropped to be some opportunity to pay to meet the officer involved in the humbly the p. all sort of like on sunday she flo will be a mean to when he's dead major championship on tuesday. he's due to appear in court . so i know how most of the 0 champions ball of occasion have the chance to become the 1st invincible. same in bundles, league, a history, shelby alone. so i, so i just have to avoid the fates against outspoken the final game of the season,
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like 0 occasion on a season long and bates and run a 50 games they take on f. alonza in the rope lakes on on wednesday, we'll start coming up for them. the gym and cut final against counties are final some 3 days late. so you have in a say we have to find those. but this one is also important. we are not thinking about wednesday, we've only talked about oxford on monday. we will talk about next week. it would be his story to remain on business in the business ego, which will be the 1st thing to do it in the history of the german league. so yes, saturday is our 1st final stuffs. kashana salts is concerned, he will be replacing, you're gonna close that little pool next season. even i live a pool, a spill to make an official announcements during his 3 out 3 years in charge of final slot. when the dutch sleek i'm cup will so i took the aside to a you wrote the conference league final a month of like a died then kick and i can confirm the i'd be the coach the next season. well,
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that's the 1st step. they currently have a coach who's done an excellent job and they have to say good bye to him when they go. so that's probably the reason why the clubs didn't officially announce it yet. and on the last of any sense self during his teams, it's how you coped funnel when a wednesday use a has that fired head coach. mike select great events assigned his behavior was incompatible with that values. it was like 3 seconds. spell out use a is 1st brought 5 lead titles, but he's failed to replicate that success since being re appointed in 2021 in a few hours time defending champions lastly of egypt to types known as soon as he is esperanza. and the 1st like the african champions league, final, honestly, i mean, so when the trophy for our record extending 12 time as perhaps they lost one dishonestly 29. seeing their home for this much for the return. like that's coming up in colorado. it's 7 days time in the n, b, a payoff. the serious between the indiana prices and the new york knicks is heading
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into a game 7 paces, tying up the series in front of the home funds that a 116. so one i, 3, when in game 6 the decisive game 7 will be played on sunday in new york at madison square, where they have excited to get the opportunity. it's, you know, now it's a one game series and, you know, it's for all the marbles and, you know, i think it's kind of where better to, to have a game 7 in the garden. you know, so i'm really excited about it. our groups excited to get the opportunity to compete the the name of the n h l. playoffs. the data stalls are on my way to the wisdom conference for them not to share the screen double. oh, if it's on the to take the stalls past the colorado avalanche, the florida panthers be the boston bruins. she wants to recommend
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a playoff series the pump. this will face the new york ranges, an eastern conference, finals game on coming up on wednesday. los angeles city council has announced that may the 17th will officially be show, hey, tony de la county songs, that price stays the same. japanese superstore more can be and also out sony day with a to run cobra adult. she is running this game against the cincinnati reds, 731, a few. i was tons, tyson fury, and all its on the is it could be fine. seems to be undisputed heavyweight boxing sites all the way in and re add a whole lot of time. something of a shopping much a unification comes to us like this hasn't been seen this century, both man undefeated going into the concepts. all right, well for me in a couple of hours time, but that is how this bolts is looking for that. right? many sites as always on the right. that's it for me, the bulk of this news out of my colleagues, the whole rahman, we'll be back in
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a moment with much more of today's news. thanks and watching out just the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track, down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person. go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities embrace diversity. when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does eat a, a just to read his spend most of his life on the water. he's
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a fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now from when he was a boy in 2022 long days, mcats would declared and endangered species. i'm the one of the family at my job. he's not at school today, he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode, yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that time wants to be, i mean, molnar, calling me about the power while the off i can only logan carnegie. you know, the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is got you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research. this black market treat not only indian
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just was probably made populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the is there any strikes across cause a mold in 10 palestinians are killed in an apartment block may come out at one hospital. is where the alternative shells talk is a group of people king for was killing at least states the beloved so many watching all just every last headquarters here in the also coming up.


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