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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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they don't to biomedical research. this black mockery treat not only indeed just was probably made populations, but boots public health at risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the is there any strikes across cause a mold in 10 palestinians are killed in an apartment block may come out at one hospital. is where the alternative shells talk is a group of people king for was killing at least states the beloved so many watching all just every last headquarters here in the also coming up a funeral as hell to be
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occupied. westbank for a senior palestinian sides of kill after it is right each at talk to the janine refugee camp in the occupied west spine, plus civilized nation to the age of $25.00, you claim low as the conscription age. as the russian troops put pressure on the northeast and the khaki for each and the welcome to the probably but we'd be getting done. so what you poly got in the notes on the rough uh, in the south. i've seen some of the fastest battles in weeks. he's really a tax and the past you was a killed thousands of palestinians across the street. but at least 10 people were killed in australia called a residential block near come all out of the hospital in the know many more reports it to be in. just west of jamalia is really altering the refund. talk to the group of people queuing full to women and children of for, to be amongst the dad and in southern garza,
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is re the forces of bubbling residential areas in rough or at least one person has been killed in the attack on a car. and the other 2 were killed over nights when the ami targeted a home mood is indeed obama in central gauze. outside i likes the hospital a honey. just bring us up to speed. what we know about these most recent attacks within the last hour the yes, the how we are looking at the one of the most rapid mass killing of civilians across the guys district since the initial weeks of the genocidal war. we just got confirmed a report of the number of people killed at the vicinity of colored one hospital has rise into 14 people, including women and children. for in that residential blog just to give a bit of a context. this has been a residential walk across the street from one of the gates of colored one hospital, which explains why the hospital just went into the berrydunn during the darkest
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smoke of, of both of degrees and sharp nose are flying in from their residential lock when it was targeted the recording done. i wouldn't have describing guys, it's a massive explosion that took place after multiple ears strikes, targeting this residential or black. we're looking at 14 people have been confirmed skills as well as multiple other injures old transferring inside the hospital. that is suffering from major lack major lack of, of medical supplies and basic necessities. and this whole facility particular facility has been stormed repeatedly by. it is really military to the point. it was pushed out of service and just getting back on track with some basic medical services. unable right now to provide any medical intervention or save life at these particular situations on a separate a talked, is really military and what seems to be an intensifying or intense bombing campaign
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across the refugee camp. near a rough and evacuation center, as people were trying to leave and get back to their homes. as these ready military withdrew from the areas the were targeted by an air strikes, a coupled with artillery, shipping for 10 to 15 people to work at for non skilled right at the spot with several other injuries, but with no medical facilities. uh, a around the area as the risk of seeing more people being killed and then people who are injuries at losing their life is a quite high right now. the closest health facility is come out on hospitals, but with what's going on at the city of the hospital, the hebrew presence of the a is really time to an army, the vehicle and occupying the ground forces underground in prevent civil defense the crew permit. it's a front taking these injures or from the center of giovanni, or you can all the way to the hospital. there is another. 5 health facility, a small one, but it's
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a large the only prepared for this large number of injuries coming to it. so the only option available is coming out one hospital. but no way to get to this area where the hospital is located, honey must be that for us in did and about i would that update, thanks very much. honey. funeral has been held and the oxide westbank for a senior palestinian commander killed in an overnight. right in jeanine, the moon is covered the body of his long kenesha through the streets of the refugee camp is ready for us. is that a target at the home of the janine brigade, commander a to other people were also in just in the a time called correspondence saying this for obvious in ramallah with more or less attack. did you need refugee camp in the occupied west bank to see more military operations than anywhere else? for years now? and last night, the military air strike, a manned aircraft, targeted a house in the center of this very population dense area. they hit this house and
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their target seemed to be one fighter. in particular, this one commissioned a 26 year old leader in the janine battalion, the military wing of islamic jihad, a number of other people were wounded, is rarely forced to say everyone in the house was suspected of being a posting and resistance fighter. in a statement, they accused a commission of carrying out a shooting attack, and it was a settler was killed in may of last year. now jeanine is observing a period of morning ahead of the funeral of this post and your resistance fighters . shops and businesses are close. this is at least the 3rd time the fighter aircraft have been used to create an air stripe in the occupied west by specifically, engine in the use of aircraft. the use of drones is something that has gone up since the escalation of military operations in the occupied westbank since the war on gaza began. more and more drones have been in use as well as part of ongoing ground excursions in ground operations that the military has been carrying out so
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far since the war began at least 505 people have died in the occupied westbank during these military rates. the highest number of deaths have occurred in janine zane beside the old is your remo love the occupied westbank palestine. a global day of action is expected to span the cost. hundreds of cities and dozens of countries across 6 continents. the palestine correlation in the united kingdom and coincides with the $76.00 end of the 3 of the night class. so let's close over to have a full set who's in london and how well attended are we expecting this event to be harry? the once again, it's a very high once again, it's the big, strongly sauces and transport them around the country converging here with just place to also street close bbc headquarters here. this box is going to take its way down to y full ending up already close to the entrance to dining
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streets. other lights are on in the opposite. as you say, this box, the policy sucks. nice is very much tied to the events around how it seems to look at the tasks or piece around invitations, the state of israel in 1948. and so you may be able to see that there are many people carrying the symbolic keys, which symbolized the rights of how the city and refugees to return to the previous sides inside. what is now israel to be all the time is fine. so once again, he is very much all the cds. he said this was 76 use i guess i apologize. i said it was celebration of disobedience during that time. as well as some of the controversy surrounding these policies
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have been concerned about some of the song from the river to the see some of the spaces from the main style. talking about the destruction designers, which many people say as a whole. so the destruction of the state of israel, he said that this was about some sort of destruction hall's assistant depression being tiring on for 3 quarters. besides the series. something similar to the structure since the peace process was starting as well. the rest of the very close to a group of people under a banner saying, holocaust survivor defend against the cause of genocide. so there is a jewish representation once again as it has been throughout so many of these boxes . and this was
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a result of the forces until under the causal motor to what goes on with you today . thanks henry gunmen, they've killed at least 6 people, including 3 spanish nationals and central. i've got his phone, but you can find in a tourist. everybody in the province and of the full foreigners were injured in the attack of totalsource, he se full suspects are arrested at the scene. at least 50 people have been killed and flood waters that have swept through west and they've got his phone heavy seasonal rain set all flash floods across the country, killing mold and 300 people leaving thousands mole homeless cushion. it's not at all phase. the area manager for the united nations development program in ne of got his fund and joins us now from the city of can do is good to have you with us on the program. can you just give us an idea of how large the area and the number of people that have been affected by these flood waters? hello everyone. so basically as of today, we have 240 people that include
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a 128 children's and more than 200 women and 228 injures and 9 selves and households damaged so far. so how are you planning now to get help to the people that have survived? because one would have seen that many of the roads, if you can call them roads on the water or badly damaged the right. so since day one, unity along with other 2 ends edges and the strangers are on the ground to do the joint assessment so close to what the joint assessment genes are currently conducting the assessment that depending on the accessibility of the roles. so uh basically from really the side what would be. ready the immediate response is the cleaning of the degrees of so, i mean, you know, we, with the solar cells everywhere and model is full and the houses keeper structure
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simply for some reason for my canals. so stop. so 1st thing from really the side would be careful if you use mobilizing the local resources, including the springs. secondly, the community to adjust so that there was a consultant collision with for the active population. and the 3rd one is access to an energy through the dash facilities i o a courtesy. we have a 6 house facilities in baldwin, robins that are cut off from the energy and they are unfortunately destroyed. so this is something that you will be is going to do as a phase one. also going to be finding to support who they are. we have a vision and the construction of the permanent shelters for the communities around $300.00. the houses will be billed pretty soon. oh no, and that's kind of stand no thing stuck on this one is no stranger to these sol, solved climates as events historically. and you would have planned to have some
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results as in country. and you will still need more results as to come in to help. so what do you have right now and through your assessments, what do you still need in terms of the immediate needs and then the long term needs? exactly. so the phase one going to be a has visa or mention of sided to repurpose the a regular from boss to the, to respond to this uh, disaster. and 2400000 will be immediate. the purpose is to assist, as i said, on the immediate cash injections through the capital 100 east community kitchen house facilities rehabilitation and the shelter and the, the 2nd phase. so we're expect the, the funding to be mobilized by the international donors and partners around a 1000000000. we require at least a mile so that we can restore the lives of those of the population which heavy, i mean, immensely impacted by the specialists. we know that since that has been
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a change in administration, and they've got a strong international donors are few and far between. so in reality, what helps you getting from the ask and administration both locally and from the capital. all they able to help in any way so based on the level, i know that they have be. ready very significant position, members of the cabinet, up visit that the fact that there is the level of what we be assured is that there is no access restrains to any one of the not being. you know, all the partners who are providing the versions, the assistance will be given all permission including when the war cannot be assessments on the ground. so. ready from the local authorities be able to support in terms of like, you know, getting access and no restriction so far so uh, bolted, there will continue the service that is through the local partners on the ground
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the uh, and yours as yourselves. of course. uh, we appreciate you getting in touch with us because obviously it's very difficult to connect with you and conduce cushion dates that sort of the uh, from the u. n. d p. thanks so much for joining us from. i've got a son. thank you very much. i or well still head here on out as ever in any 10000 feet lower, evacuated from ukraine's khaki regent industry solve a russian on the slopes. the in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages. october 7th and return and i want the
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chilly to stuff inside story on al jazeera, the . ringback the challenges here with the the
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book you want to go just bear with me. so romney the whole reminder of all the top news to res. israel has rammed up his attacks on northern gulls in the recent hours . a strong cold, a live return temporary shelves when giovanni a refuge account has killed at least 15 palestinians, while in a town called a residential block may come out loud, one hospital killed another full t. at least 50 people have been killed. unplugged waters that have swept through west and i've done this some heavy seasonal rain settled, flash floods across the country, killing more than 300 people leaving 1000 small homeless. the death toll from protest spot by proposed voting reforms in the french pacific territory of new caledonia has risen. now to be 6, a state of emergency is in place. thousands of people are protesting against
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changes to low to election rules, which critics say favorite french nationals, hundreds of french police all patrolling the streets of the capital of new amy and reinforcements have been deployed to support security forces. but during the rel is a freelance correspondence of roles from suppress, i'm the mold newspaper. he joins us now from the capital in new college. any good to have you with us, the program. the authorities seem not to be able to quell the violence or calm the tension across the island these past few days. what is the situation like right now of both the unless you choose some good afternoon so the situation remains. so it's a very tense law on the territory. so this was, looks like there was a curfew that was imposed as of 6 pm told her the number we can hear the phone. a
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lot of the noise is coming from the clashes between the low to the policeman and the rioters, the no self concept to the in some neighborhoods, the situation is completely out of control by the and the are, law enforcement are trying to access but cannot access the neighborhood, so i would say that the situation is they are very tense. as you say, there was a cuff, you at 6. if you could obviously confirm that, but would you say then? but during the day, people can go about that business and try to at least get to hospital if they need treatment or do the shopping. but it is when the sun sets that the problems begin that we think the most is indeed a new office. it's, it doesn't have home phone, there's wouldn't be usually, there are some classes in the morning architecture. people that aren't allowed to access still in those areas to the policeman. the access and the roads are
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completely blocked in several sites. so to them, you know, but it's usually a night that the situation becomes very complicated for the policeman and the enforcement. the actual now for the professional push up to, during the day the population can go about their lives. the, the are some shops that are still open own code to come after the majority of the businesses to remain closed. and that the multi sure has only convenience in grocery stores remain open. because the pharmacy, as well as some pharmacies because the field this which is causing a huge lines of people who needs to take something from the problems and get out of it. because as soon as i have a license to go buy those. uh so thank you very much. we know that there is a slight delay in the conversation that we're having through our interpreter. so really appreciate your patience with us. the frame security services have also
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arrived and the full of the military from friends. what sort of impacts are they making on the ground and where if you do though, they basically focusing their attention as of a 50000000. the 1st indeed folksy, so here is there are some, a policeman and other law enforcement officers that arrived on were deployed, new killed. tell me the gun, me that the him for the wage out to a piece. the situation was a bit, but it's very relative. it comes with the lunar, as i told you, there are still summer on several zones and there are still some perceived that on that are still out of access for the policeman. he said nothing to physical socialism. clearly this is all and those, most of the riots and the clashes and confrontations with the police forces are
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taking place in those very zones. well, we'll keep it very close. so please continue to include the those who don't know if it's as a result and those are the sounds and some of the dental person 06. if you think that think that those are the sacrifice scenarios and they're completely abandoned . the people who lived there feels that they are abandoned a those things and they successfully, i think that i'm gonna give you as a result of this situation is particularly challenging and difficult. it's difficult to have access to food to treatment, to pick 10 or to go to the main hospitals. the access remain blogs because the people, the goal is if you could, which is creating a significant challenges before, especially for those who need immediate treatment that we will leave to go to a good picture of exactly what's happened for the payment. and that's right. yeah,
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thanks for joining us from the capital and you called at the end. yeah, thank you sir. i think the spring of the days of an east with nearly 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes and you praise northeast in khaki region. russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is your right and 2nd largest russians. defense industries as troops captured, another village on san today. so you probably need officials say the situation is under control, but presidents lensky as well. and this could be the 1st wave and a major offensive doing well on the side to the new legislation comes into effect in ukraine, changing the rules on liberalization, allowing the conscription age from 27 to 25 is saying that showing up at depleted and aging ukrainian, oh me, john holden, how small from keith line sites is in gray hair. it's a lot to the middle age telling me and you crying, trying to keep russian full zip by you. every judge of soldiers is over full to
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compare that to the us. 28 and the u. k. the t one to meet throw is 44 back from the front. he says, in some ways, having over the troops has positive look to what, what everyone's motivated was sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stuff so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity in the full. this is a crucial young can be reckless, but it can only be upside. we went to a recruitment center as of forgot to ask them which idea of soldiers they prefer. and particularly if we need every one older people because they're more experience in their specialty. but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition, and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete our basic training course and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is
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the crime, you know me relatively old in paul? because the countries conscription even off the recent reduction remains high. it's 25 rushes. it's a team, it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hold a while. it's already smooth supply of young demand. just to look at the country's population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the u. n. started keeping records. it's a huge problem to the army. aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up draft buildings and issue me will fold them in and leaving the families to go and fight demetrius only of the front line. now because his leg was blowing off, what is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son? the face still wants to go back and his voice navea will be reluctant, later season a resignation. this is our homeland. if not us,
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then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules, the answer to that question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home and i would just say to keep somebody romani as an associate fellow at the royal united services institute. he says, a lack of mentor is any one of the many obstacles that presents lensky is facing. as long as it gets was the product to the debate of whats going on between zaleski and solution. and but the idea of creating a 1000000 strong ukranian army. and it was very clear that the lack of participation from angry finance and the nature of the army would be at the office to go towards expanding the armed forces. so it was something that was inevitable. i think that people like solution a whereby just seem to den probably last year earlier. and then you probably should have been down in tandem with rushes uh to get immunization and partial mobilization. in september of 2022 was very clearly was going well beyond the 200000 forces that they said they were brand new. and it was really
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a lot more like a style general edition that was not in that house, especially play outside of moscow and saint petersburg. so in russia, bradley have prescriptions of what lay the financial defaulted. mind powers by one side of the equation from my point of view is significant because of description, but it's not even the biggest problem of the readings that have iranians had problems with the war material. it has the air defense systems, the artillery shells and the dates were just there, drilled by the congressional the obstruction and that was going on until just recently. so until the war material issues are resolved until a 16 gen switch. yeah, i've been promised. do you agree and arrive in the front lines and demand power issues, resolve all 3 of those things has to be there. and that is a result that someone's gate is raising a lot of pressure because there's immense loss of life for very little gain or even marginal lots of territory as we're seeing. and frankly, even though these back a lot safe from me finance hill robin. the push consult with all the stories that
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we're covering by logging on 12 websites of dollars that comes on the dates of trucks that we continue to focus on. the assault on garza throughout on youth bullets is whether it's next and that insights store and take a closer look at the relationship between russia and china to stay with the say on opposite the had low they, after a few a fairly settled days, we all going to see some more heavy rain, return it to pots of east asia suddenly areas don't need it. like southern parts of china. you can see that torrential rain starting to gain speed across gwen g. moving on to glen dong as we go sunday into monday with high 9 island sinks and very heavy rain, sundry showers as well for hong kong. the rain pushes its way further east. we'll
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see the showers continue for taiwan and some very heavy rain that works. his way from southern parts of japan will edge into tokyo as we go into monday, bringing temperatures down. that's how much does it have been sitting very high across the north of china and the korean peninsula. we still got settled weather with sunshine here, a little bit cooler in beijing the on monday, but the heat continuing to build and go yeah. 20 degrees celsius in lumber. tom at the start of the week, and the heat continues from much of south asia, but the spot that we are seeing the monsoon rains across most southern areas, gaining some speed for places like the monkeys, as well as sri lanka, and southern parts of india with heavy rain for carola and tell nadia but it's a divided picture so much west down in the south. but the heat continues up in the north. the 2 of us didn't even cousins with their families smuggling
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undocumented workers across from the west bank to israel. witness their incredible stories from over 9 years. desert smugglers. with this document on the jersey, you held in a new era and different nations that in the tension and change and paying for the show of unity as they come from is grow increasingly dependent on each other. so this of russian presidents, a visit to china, a step towards shaping a new world order. this is inside story, the .


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