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tv   Witness Desert Smugglers  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the many boxes on the top stories and i would just say, right, is there any attacks in the past few hours of code, at least 40 percent of things across the cause. this trip 14 people were killed in a strong kind of residential block. nick about antoine, hospital level remove were injured, but without colored. send this update from the scene. if that's a tech hold, residential house has been targeted and destroyed by the forces here at the end of a sentence about the account. they have to come out of the home who are going to
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have been destroyed. thousands had been killed in thousands, got injured as it gets, the civilians here i'm trying to reach the cover civilians who have been killed. i've lived on the run down the and west of jabante are, is really all totally fine talking to the group of people to him for women and children are among the age killed 12, others died and showing targeting people outside of displacement shelton and in southern guns or was there any forces of bombing residential areas in rough, or at least one person has been killed and then attack on a car that as the white house admits a floating peer, the us build of gaza is not a fix tool. that says land crossings for humanitarian aid, a desperately need 10 truck loads of supplies were taken to weld food program warehouses and darrow bottle. on friday,
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the us announced 90 shipments of day would be delivered using the p. u. m says at least 500 trucks of age are needed and gaza every day. it's not enough. it's not enough stuff getting in right now period. and the peer itself is temporary . peer will not be enough all on its own to get the kind of food water medicine let the post and he's living in garza so desperately need. we got to get those ground crossings as land crossings opened as soon as possible. when i said there's really been support of, i mean, of the temporary peer, they have been very supportive for their role in terms of helping get the material from the trucks and the causeway onto the marshalling area there. sure. but clearly, not enough is being done to open up the crossing drop the account shalom up for further north. these crossings are still, as you rightly said, largely close. that's just not acceptable if you know is being held in the occupied westbank for
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a senior product and you come on the killed in an overnight raid in jeanine. one is carry the body of some committee saying through the streets. so if the refugee camp is ready for us is say they targeted the home of the janine brigades come on to 8 other people who also injured in the attack. and the amount of thousands of people have been displaced by fighting and rocking state between rebel groups. and the jump to our account. i mean one of the groups fighting the ministry order, the evacuation of a town of old and 55000 people. thousands of buildings was set on fire. the gunmen have killed at least 6 people, including 3 spanish nationals in central left kind of stuff. they've been 5 and a tourist area and bottom. yeah. and province. another for, for it is we injured in the attack of kind of hard to say for suspects were arrested at the scene. and at least 50 people have been killed in flood waters that have swept through west and i've kind of stun. if he sees no rain settle,
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flash floods across the country, destroying buildings, agricultural land, and leaving thousands homeless maybe 10000 people have been forced to leave homes and ukraine's northeast and hockey region. russian forces were advancing towards the cc, which is ukraine, 2nd largest ukraine. new officials say the situation is under control. but president zalinski as was this could be the 1st wave and a major offensive the suspect charged for the attempted assassination of slow vice prime minister robert feet. so has appeared in court. he was seen arriving at the hearing of heavily on the police calling for the courts deciding whether to hold him in pre trial detention. the 71 year old is accused of firing 5 shots that robot feed. so on wednesday feed. so he's in the stable but serious condition and hospital. okay, there's a headline. so this continues here and i'll just sarah of to witness to go way
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the . ready of
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the is agent of service. i mean yes.
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the the of the yeah. yeah. have the at a very she is a god. sorry, i mean batesman might even have sending us nothing. so then i can see my father since 7
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the 7 a to you kind of jenny say i shouldn't really missed what a if you haven't. yeah man. if you haven't asked me to guess, i told him, well let me, let me just blame. you can send this over to the cafeteria to see me on investment . you can look at the beauty music 2nd. so you have the trash or you just can be, it is about what this why that of this computer stuff instead of the product video of, of the stuff and i was trying to send them to the gym. i any
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the welcome to the kind of go around the 2nd in between not able to know the 7 mat to stop by now that i give
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a little bit to get blue because i had never had the book sydney sometimes checking, checking has our method there so are you in know, checked to different on how to sub domain with the hyatt but sometimes the best of in of a mesh the the to say
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a disabled individual. is it gonna have to have it caused some sort of the answer to the tests and everything. but what about the evidence of the the
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the the the, the looms and energy and the energy costs the
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over the phone with the other $1.00 big enough to have you out of a full set of 70 percent should be on the plugin. so just to see what you do have just a few things that make sense. s. as in sierra, s k,
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e ha, ha, ha,
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ha ha, showing as t y the the it will be telling you what it means about it. and i don't want to just, i want to know will that get that into now?
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no, going to the linux, the world. so most it didn't come to the idea had the why the kind of could he give you cause he has to continue almost as a kind of work. so hold on a 2nd. how's your idea of what the didn't end up in the issue just either typically issues are these, these are the 2 issues here. i didn't know the the,
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the the, the the money is image. it was the discovery okay . of the,
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the, the
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the least for those of you that uh, the color of the roof, then it should be the same as the push to get a total 100
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a month is the center. they do not need lash lane, loveless as much so. so you know what, lucy ills. what else look good going to handle the committees for him as well. so i thought i'd say good lord. know the when to his mother was at each game of a few somebody named you know, took them a while. we get him of civil tow. see or is there a good and the window will just simply do is the 2nd the and if we go be seen goes from move the go with the cobra, show it. oh,
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it should be finished. especially with the fact that i just really interested in. i mean, i'm seeing as of 10 us of the shipping a lot of the way you can fit in the price of 700 on the inside of the street. and there's gonna play the games where the government go control things outside of that sort of of the,
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of the large was a, uh no, but items the inside of really i'm missing now will the do you need to come to the restaurant? oh, so i'm actually on the site a sensitive to somebody, the human will it make the whole good something that i'm going to show the going to tell me what the issue comes of additional
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how do i sound but i'm concerned about how much is each other and this is this get done that can be shown is so low. so if you have, if it's just visual denny dish to look and the of them to them instead of them 30 minutes. so now i'm gonna shut it up to how many shuttles see messages?
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what minimum got? can i ask who i'm sending out? the sentiment. deacon. c r. and that's what us on spanish says one cannot be the shop children, seal should have sent a check be the other some of the she i'm going with the other part. i don't want a lot of big legacy to the kitchen. so we've got
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a metal with the the, the, the month. that's what the holdup someone has said around the issue is that i am excited to be able to, you know, he says that i think my wife conditionally can stop and restart the shower. she said she uses
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the health dish and m as in mary, missing the last we had separated from new items. so could i am putting the dental center on this and have a good 2nd step right away. you know,
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she said it was literally the vision has never had the illness seen emissions side of things. not sure. i've heard of the culture over the dish over the button on the stand to me. i just want to, i just want them nearby to know, make johnny as wanted and let him know that i just wanna, i wanna know if i'm thinking the wireless. if this is what i get in
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the cell for the soonest episode of the missouri, the initial show on the subject of the cartridge, i mean to be used as the i r c suffered casualties, we have not suffered fatalities. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said,
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all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era. so we news of eunice goes world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza. when does the recipients outages? here is guys a bureau chief, why i do send a message of appreciation. he says palestinian journalist and guys i need justice and protection is white. children and other relatives were killed by his really bumps before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist had been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalists covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to us
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specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable of the, on the boat from the top stories. and i would just say right, is there any attacks in the past few hours of code, thousands of palestinians across the gaza strip. at least 22 people were killed and the striking a residential block, they have come out one hospital in the north anymore. we injured us, how colored said this update from the scene of that the tech world residential house has been targeted and destroyed by the forces here. and that was sent off to by the cab via to come home to have been destroyed. thousands
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had been killed in thousands got injured. as you can see, civility altering to reach the under cover civilians who have been killed as the lift on the the west of jabante, a is really artillery fire targeted a group of people queuing for women and children. among the inc kills 12, others died and shouting, targeting people outside of displacement, shelter and then southern goes always ready for us is a bombing residential areas. in rafa, at least one person has been killed and an attack on a kava. the white house advanced a floating peer to us as bills of cars or is not a fix oil and says land crossings for humanitarian aid of desperately needed. 10 truckloads of supplies would take him to weld food program warehouses in darrow
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bottle on friday. any of us and as 90 shipments a day would be delivered using the p. u. m says at least 500 trucks of 8 and needed in gaza every day. a gunman have killed at least 6 people, including 3 spanish nationals in central afghanistan. they had been fired, a tourist area and by me on provence. and other for foreigners were injured in the attack. kind of far to say for such specs for the rest of the sea, maybe 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's northeast and hockey region. russian forces advancing towards the city which is your crime. second largest oscar says its troops captured another village on saturday. create an official save the situation is under control. over presence, the lensky has warrant. this could be the 1st wave and a major defensive pursuing. because on the monday you upstate, those of the headlines,
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the news continue see on objects era of to witness the the the, the funny important but definitely in the something that's actually public that is hopeless news. no mad extra is a baby, but still tears of up in the the,
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the problems show this when the just are there to daughter involved with the some of the, the, the well the, the,
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the the, the, the little who because the industries and we're starting to run
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a started back on the model and the governors doing sort of the 5 a and the so there's this article for that you will definitely be able to follow be able to dodge the other. what about excessive by the, by the rules that go to the thought he gave me instead of them is a um, goes to a restaurant, then how do i the code and stuff like this cuz i know that is offered to us as well. we moved at $800.00 in the system. i live in shifting and saw you with us just about most of the,
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the the that when i go to go to the uh oh, or
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the school police to get it on the 17th. it will sit in the southern and you have some sort of that it gets in the message, the bottom of the short list for the set, those hello sounds good fish that. and then i'll go show the loan has said the message. so with the best photo condition you see in the familiar has happened watch. we stay
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playing the i get your thoughts a sudden i had a month ago and now the screws getting lost in the book. sure. unfortunately it's a it's all on the data system. i'll say the sort of, hicks, the, the one that came up on me and then
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one of them was the
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the, the, the, or the themes pennsylvania. i need to get a hold of the on that uh estimate literally the dentist im gonna be on the phone
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them what but can you just if i don't get into the location i can so we're looking at the okay, give me a little little bit let me, let me make sure i have a ceiling to see if we can share remix. come the for the for him. yeah. so month it add. and that's the issue as and wanted to see a must got also what's i've got and that was due to the clement. now, did you have those zillow, though they should a issue the amount of a have you think it had to be good? and i want the guys could easily tell them what the heck daniel the about us of the
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need and of lead to the new had you had. and one of the this is the number you know, i don't know the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the, the, the additional 10 months ago will investigate an academic medical. and i had the thought of going to stream services
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the the all the time the noise of the move on to the
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. 2 the the the, the,
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the record hello or the
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to the how do you get a 2nd is to solve when i was trying to invest the laws of the
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wow the the mess is the the i don't know the semester he was the rest of the heck the heck, the some and some of them will have a gentleman chickens. they usually do the sugar, but having to show it to mush chevrolet, what kind of getting the i'm decision the silver limits are sort of upset with me because there, you mean i thought about how i'm assuming cancel and getting the site to book this . if you want to sikes i out of in front of the, you know, the video concert video and show
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a general sense. i pulled it out there. i show me what my bid that i'm at. and so i'm in much the limited days. will limit limit of the day time as well in the uh. a a the each of them and good. so i'm going to the plus plus you get the, the patch on it, and i hate,
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i'm not sure why the beginning a fish by the, we'll have, given them had the, i'd have, she has the then how do them it starts in modelers, oklahoma, mazda of oklahoma attends arguments well a little fat and then tell me where to shuffle with them. i enjoy life shops instead of let's see. 6th street on here to fishing call from you know what i in the. c c
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c c c c c the, the, the fit the interest more been, they've been on the, on should with the give the zip. the certainly have that would come to the, to the, to the ministry. the
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decision last agent has to just where he says you have in this, i'm on the most of us to the here. so you know, to age the sort of subject to just the or had the good stuff on this show. what is it,
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what were the guys so you guys were still present to show them off. ready yeah, i did do a 2 month of, of the see the budget best of flesh of a base has nothing to do with the slide. these are the things that most of the, of the less the key but that, i mean it's good for you then for the image and i'm up on the 2 bedroom. uh, literally just do a bad question a little because he had a few more moments. okay. let me just a number is more of a fellow can better because he a little at them 6 and the level other than that,
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that'd be the sort of the initial jewish hospital. additional able to do is just as of up cynthia. and as you learn about from sitting in the sits in the community, it's been hed international. we do have bullets, we'll beat them in a didn't have the one that i made that stupid one altogether the the sink. the thing in
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the, in the, in belgium, in maybe the i was just me as a mechanic. oh,
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of the next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the hi lo they, let's get you full cost for south america and southern areas of brazil once again
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see some very heavy rain places like real grunge at the saw and sent to caterina. you can see that very heavy rain that on saturday morning on areas that don't need that because he's had some devastating flooding. the good news is by sunday that rain has started to use and its pulling its way further north. now that front provides the dividing line between much cooler conditions down in the south of the constant spaces like chimney, as well as southern argentina and some very hot conditions across the north and that he will continue to build for an old of the areas of brazil 30 degrees celsius and presented that on sundays 30 as well in caracas. and the heat takes us to central america and the caribbean believes matched its all time high temperature record, which is just broken. last month. the heat continues from much of mexico, monterey, seeing the temperature link in the mid thirty's. we'll see some wet. so whether starting to walk into the south for places like what haka some heavier rain as well
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for western pots of guatemala, for the caribbean though, it's story of sheets with some showers and sunshine on saturday. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track, down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down. the palestine exception does either of the canyon government has forwarded thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that
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down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says. but when a toolbox knows the what comes to that, how is this? the problem in that robi has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill settlement people's beeping in near the know ruby don't say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford the the what i want the bulk of this is the do use our life and go home coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 22 people that kills again. and this really as try it on a residential building. they the come on hardware and hospitals and northern cause of it came on a day or ferocious. this ready ministry strikes on the north. dozens of people were


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