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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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versus the race diversity. one is for palestinian. right? you're suspended. you're investigated. you're shut down the palestine exception. when does he you know, the color that i'm just off the attain? this is a news our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes and is really strike on a residential building and northern gauze. it kills at least 28 people, palestinians all searching through the rubble for victims. meanwhile, in the south as strikes continue to pound drop off, hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians, a flat, the 10s of thousands rally in london
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cooling for an end to israel's war. i'm goss problems destroyed, and at least 50 people said. and that's kind of started off to severe flooding caused by more heavy rain on far as small with this forest, we look ahead to the final day of the english prairie league season leaders. manchester city look to seal a 4th, a title in a row, while arsenal cling on to help of winning the championship for the 1st time. and to jackie, the one it's $1500.00 g n t it. that's 6 o'clock in the evening, and garza and they are nearing the end of another day of relent. this is randy attacks and the noise is really showing had a group of civilians near jamalia. they were cheering for water, women and children were among the 8 killed the and all the 12 people died and an attack on a library. at least 28 people were killed in a strike on residential block and you have a come out odd one, hospital,
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10 women and 10 children we understand are among the dead guy, the man and we were sitting safely and suddenly we were attacked. they're all released to despite families living in each house that was said, no less than 200 people live in this neighborhood. we're now looking for survivors . let's get the latest from the scene of that attack. now last i'll clued, sent us this report from jamalia near. come out, one hospital held residential house has been targeted and destroyed whether is waiting for us here at the end of a sentence about it. can we have to come out of the home? the have been destroyed, dozens had been killed in thousands, got injured. as you can see, civility altering to reach the cover civilians who have been killed. i've lived on the run down the
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hall. we can now speak to our correspondents on the ground tower cowboys there and he is in darrow bhalla and central gaza talk. i want to start with what we're seeing happen in the north. obviously, there's been a huge offensive and jamal if at some multiple days now. what are you hearing the, the yes, in fact, what we do know is that these really made it tree strikes from devalue refugee camp since the early hours of this morning have tools at least 28 palestinians while at least 30 others who owns it. now this very densely populated area has been the since and the main c a tell the operations by the use of any army as the attacks have included a targeting people who were looking for route to in a pollutant neighborhoods in the eastern portion of devalue town. long sight that they have been coursing trading too much in the military rates on the vicinity of come out at one hospital as eye witnesses from instantly,
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this medical compound has been have been confirming that the is very minute treat what hope to drones have been opening for ya, inside the odds of the hospital, its not only, you know that the military has been of racing and the compet sofa. they have been attacking medical facilities. um. it's the 2nd time that they use, wait a minute treat has how has been completely operating into value refugee come. we've been hearing from the spokesperson of the civil defense in the news of this trip saying that at least $300.00 the houses in value refuge account have been completely destroyed. it seems that the is very many trees at trying to what out this come, which is a really back to means that it's houses, streets are completely and even being under the east, very bombardments in the course of the past couple of days as by tools that describe to be the hardest and the most violent in terms of the unprecedented intensity of use of funding power by the east, by the side, while the palestinians,
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um, troops continued to confront us. i'm sorry, we've lost our correspondence. our a couple is there. they will try to get them back for you to bring your overlays just from the gaza strip. let's move on now. the to a funeral has been held in the occupied westbank for a senior palestinian colanda who is killed in an overnight raid. and jeanine mourners carried the money is done come i say through the streets of the refuge account is really full. so say they target at the home. the come on to the janine but gave 8 people we understand. also ended saying is, robbie has more from romano in the occupied westbank to the janine refugee camp. se more is really military operations than anywhere else in the occupied westbank. and that has been the case for years now. what we saw on friday night with an is really
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aircraft demand is really aircraft, carry out a missile strike on a house in the center of the janine refugee camp in a very densely populated area. now these airstrikes, these types of strikes are rare. they're stopped the 1st time, but it is not common. and we've seen an escalation the use of air strikes and drones during these operations carried out by the israeli military. the target of the strike on friday night was, is slum how may say a 26 year old leader in the janine battalion. the military wing of islamic jihad is really forces have accused him of being involved and attack on a settler that killed a settler in may of last year his funeral headed was funeral on saturday. there was a morning period being observed, engineered businesses and shops were closed as part of a general strike. now this is at least the 3rd time since the war and gaza began that aircraft like this has been used to carry out a striking the ox card westbank. the last time this happened was in october, engineering, and drones of course,
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has been used to more and more as part of even the ground exp, incursions, providing cover for is really sold as a carrier ground operations in camps and towns and villages over the occupied westbank and since the war began at least 505 people have been killed in these military operations in the occupied westbank, the highest number of debts were in jeanine. same bus route, the oldest hero ramallah, the occupied west bank of palestine of, of thousands of demonstrations gathering in central london and all the major cities and thousands of countries in solidarity with palestinians and garza demanding an end to israel's war and gaza. have a look, these are some of the pictures from london, the protest as that are also commemoration. the 76th anniversary of enough thoughts and arabic. well meaning catastrophe. it refers to the force displacement of nearly 7 150000 palestinians from historic palestine in 1948, but then led to the establishment of his wrong will that speak to a correspondent how he feels that he's in central london with demonstrations have
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gathered? how are you? i understand that organizes are saying something like a quarter of a 1000000 people are out today to consider what you've been saying. and that's the idea that the process has now officially ended. but as you can see, there's too many people here that is the number that for testers, the organizes claims that doesn't always accord with police estimates of to be of a big set. me. there was a real crush of people here in wide hole in the hearts of the british governmental operators. and as you say, it was bows to mock of the just to cut a few days off to be $76.00 out of us. 3 of the not, but what kind of things go with catastrophe or force displacement resulting from the creation the state of israel. in 1948, it was also to repeat the calls for an end to finish on sales to israel during the course of this war, which again people were calling for an end. so i'm showing here by one of the
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protest is near me when born. interesting. thank you very much for joining us on either side of the crowd spinning out now, but that was continued by men. so there's a lot of entities doing this in this course. yes indeed these, these, this process of being growing bigger and they got that was more massive on the early stages. but since that we've been having tens of thousands, every single time. there's a large demonstration in central london. i'm here for the i'm seeing sign, i've lost accounts. to be honest, i don't is, i can show you a view is this, but i made this called buck in october 8 months. i still needs to carry it around that this slow so has to end. and it's an ongoing file. that's why so many people continue to mobilize. and as you unplug god makes clear your part of the jewish block. there are a number of issues who are concerned both in terms of safety about being in central london, but also some of the, the messages being a spouse to the, the ads designers messages which many people in that community feel is holding for
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not just the ends of the world but and then to the state of israel, i mean what, what is your position on all of that? no, i think that's a considerable amounts of on, justified see are being with so among jews. and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to see whole rooms that's, you know, talk the killings and the illumination of whole communities in russia. ukraine cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep c c trauma. in jewish people, i'm not afraid. apologies for design is state for israel. really play own box. they with the song quite deliberately. so the idea that we've been told him that these are hate small churches and that's none. denise, those are the know, goes those jews because there are lots of people waving palestinian flags on the system feeling through. and it's very unhelpful. and it's very divisive as well.
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what they tend to do is to pull trays and ma, she's just really don't wanna lose them and put them on the on to solicit. neither of these things is true. it's one to see divers to today is people who do not wish to see a continuing slow, so of enough know what happens on october. the 7th, i deserve some kind of response easily, but to respond with over whelming full against the civilian population. its collective punishment is illegal. war crimes have been commission on the monthly scale. and that's why we hear in the jewish bull is a conglomeration of different jewish groups who take a range of views that they all united in saying not email name, message. and we'll say, obviously a british citizen will just across the road from downing street as being a lot of pressure from the policy. they may not position bodies for the government to release its legal advice as to whether it should be continuing to supply or at
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least allow us to be sold to israel. british government is so far, refusing to move on, that it continues with its policy saying that it reviews it every 6 weeks. what's your, what's your reaction to that? all? i'm a poll. those thoughts that the government has taken right from the 1st it was, we started with this rail. i'm pretty welding coverage in less than yahoo use. the stream is not as smooth as century governments do, whatever we she wished on. story said that she believed the policy has been much best, so they should be clearly calling for the government to end on sales to israel while this complex is going on. because until we get to a fair exchange of hostages in gaza with the many, many pundits imprisoned as the israel has continued site in the west bank every month. you know, we can, we can't possibly have a, adjust the resolution of this complex. but let me thank you very much for joining since the sticking around. really appreciate it. and so this is the 2nd here. now
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then as people start to disperse that this is the full team, such major protest in central london and indications off they'll be more to come as long as this war continues high for sent that keeping an eye on that protest for us in london today. thank you. hi. the whole, the us state department says 70 and american doctors who attract in does the southern city of ross. i have now been evacuated. he's doctors, we understand deposit and medical mission at the european hospital and they have fun, eunice. they were able to leave through the car and we saw them crossing with the help of the us embassy in west teresa. but 3 other doctors chose not to leave. well, let's speak to him also. and also he's the ceo of the fudge of scientific group. the group that was not doing some of those international doctors on the admission and also he joins us now from occupied east joyce. and most of when you, when i last spoke you was sitting in new york in hospital in the gaza strip. the attorney telling me about the bottom this morning. not far away from what your team
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was supposed to be safe to now, and i'll keep my destroy some focus through what's happened since then. thank you for having the palm basically. um, our mission and guys uh uh, started on april 29 and was supposed to end on may 13. and we came under the umbrella show. after may 13, of course, before may 13, the invasion of rough started, but we continued our work has never been in business as usual, especially at the time where most of the local staff had to evacuate the hospital. i mean, go to, in the last the, what's the new in this with their families to settle and find a tens my shelter for them and their families. so federal, scientific, did. it's best to try seems to be hospital functioning. despite the fact it had leslie ellison. mm hm. us a number. i'll blow some stuff that then comes in may 13 the our mission has
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ended effectively, but we continue to work then on may, 13th may, 14th, 15th 16th. but in the meantime, we were very much, uh uh, inform communication and coordination with the w. i show that we needed to get our stuff out. especially some of our staff members actually were volunteers, were, were, were state and others needed to go back to their, their jobs if it could be, were not a typical emergency team. we come in as a well, we rotate officer one or 2 weeks with another room. that's how we would do a rotation or 2 at the time o um the w i show, i tried very hard to get us out of the house at this time. but the point of contention on the neighbouring policies and opening the closing the border and all that did not go anywhere so day after day until today, effectively unfortunate the, the local or the international stuff and the international here's we're not allowed . and,
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and so we have uh requested uh through the w h o then that they are okay with us leaving. if we seek help from our representative and this is right, especially families back home in the us and the u. k. were putting a lot of pressure on us as the leadership outside of scientific said they needed their families back, especially the bombing was very slow as to the to the hospital. so we've decided to, with the agreements that we did not leave burning on the bridges with anyone, everyone you that we are leaving, but not through the coordination of all of the double got show. and then you an archer, we've decided to board in 8th, our exit with the american embassy in the state department. so it has been department only on the 16th the morning, or actually the 16th of may saying that we can, we can get you out of guys. uh uh, within the next 48 hours a day, which you wish to choose. i mean, most of the service really all are just to pick up on, on what you were saying that. um you said if you choose to live,
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we understand some doctors have actually chosen to stay. what is the situation now for them? are they able to leave when they decide if they want to and, and clearly i was hearing from one of your doctors just the other day. how traumatic its been, it must have been a very, very powerful decision for them to choose to remain in the gaza strip. and so i just want to be clear that 2 organizations decided to evacuate their, their uh volunteers. one of them is as us and another organization, us organization, but i cannot mention, i leave it to them to show i talked about their decision. but for us it was a clear decision based on discussions with all the parties involved, including our volunteers. what are the, the, the pros and cons of all of us stay in groups just leaving an off for consultation with the state department with the us embassy in jerusalem with the usa. uh, with the, with the w at show at the end, we realized that it is actually better,
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better to take that offer. then station garza, we have the exact the ways our 12 us citizens volunteers with center signed it. thanks. so we don't have any us citizens lifting. uh huh. and, and then uh, coordinating the same exits with the british embassy, right, intel, of the, to change the remaining 3 british citizen. so we left from fisher scientific 15. um, most of the numbers, 12 american and 3 brands. and then if i give it back the way to the, i'm relieved to hear that that your team is safe and that they manage to get out when they chose to evacuate. can i ask what the situation is now on the ground at the european hospital? obviously, the security situation has been to tear raising it as you and your colleagues were telling me. and now that there is few local stuff that have also evacuated in your stuff as evacuated, what is the situation in an around con, eunice for the civilian population? uh, honestly,
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nothing has uh or nothing has changed. uh we still have 2 of our volunteers. uh, remaining got that you were being hospital um, but we have a team ready to deploy as soon as they're outside the border opened or as soon as we find an entry point together. so we're not leaving guys up for good, it's just rotating our team because they have jobs, gap, families, somewhere sick. we had to make this tough decision to protect our volunteers and to allow others to come in as soon as the border opens. situation on the ground has not really changed. you know, the people of an event still need our help. we will be back as soon as the border opened. they are being hosted on the car and see effectively a total of i believe 5 international volunteers at least from about, from my organization and the other organization that i cannot name at this point. sure. uh, and it's running basically with the local stuff with the, with the minimum supplies that they have um and, and many of the local stuff had to, i had to go to almost exactly the most importantly, i believe they're still facing
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a challenge with the, with the fuel to keep the hospitals running state you need the i see we are, we are hearing that from multiple medical facilities all through the gaza strip, especially with the close of the roof across the most. i'm not so the the c o 5. just scientific. thank you so much for joining us again on how to 0. so hope there are protests. meanwhile, expected in israel in the next couple of hours. calling on 5 minutes to benjamin doesn't know who's government to do more to get is really captives out of gaza. and these are all parts of weekly demonstrations, intel aviv, against ignition yahoos, governments handling of the war. this follows news from israel on friday that the bodies of 3 captives had been retrieved from gaza. israel's, as about a 100 captives all spelled being held in the strip along with the remains of a novice. that d r a we had from the found the european office for hostages, done some of it. he says, these really government needs to do more to get these captives released of the desired. so these negotiations and they're not easy. and they have uh,
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a terrorist organization on one side which has been extremely brutal and cruel in its october 7th attacks. there is an unpopular government and israel on the other side, and they need to seem to find that agreement that we have seen that they manage to make some progress in early on into war and release some of the hostages. they're not managing to do it now. it's a just to determine she is dropping and you're thing also um, and the demonstrations across is really towns calling to reach an agreement as soon as possible at any cost. so i think part of it is real major parts of it. you know, as a society is very ponder eyes these days. but i would say that the major parts of is really just trying to see the return of the hostages as the primary most important objective before anything else, any political solution i've been calling out since october 7th, if vertical solution to do this. but in the ends, neither side is going to get what they want. they will not be at a after,
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from us in power and gaza. this will never allow it to, to happen. and it will send it out to happen because these maybe is there any, is need to make sure that it's oversight. and again, with some awesome power and guys what it really is will not sleep safely at night. the same time a political solution also means that israel will not be in gaza. it needs to be a political force and gaza, which is neither israel nor uh, from us to pull that spring and run me for it. he is a senior fellow at the american university of berry, which he joins me down here and under hoss judy or romeo. the feels like what's been a slow shift perhaps and in public sentiment in israel, around the government, the handling of the. busy bill and especially around the captives issue, we're seeing the pressure building on the nation, yahoo government to the point where they decided to send a delegation. finally, to the cairo talks to, to have this conversation where all those folks, now it feels like it's been a long time since we had about any update from that. something a delegation could be a positive sign, but not necessarily. they've had thoughts for months and months and they only reach
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one agreement. so the 1st time. but there is a lot of pressure on, you know, i'm from about 5 or 65 or 6 different sources within israel. that's his problem. he's trying to balance all these forces and i can't do it. i'm the biggest problem they have is that his war ams are not being achieved. and he's in the, apparently, we don't know if it's real or not in a, in a few it was a united states president of the biggest supporter of israel militarily under, for medically that may or may not be real. it may be just dealing with the fiction but will say, but he's got a very difficult situation on his hand because he can't achieve his war and he can't look weak. and he has to try to keep for fighting and fighting. and he's probably looking at a position now where he thinks he and his right wing partners. if i can drive power, steering is out of gas or just starves, i'm out,
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which is what he's doing. that possibly he can them say ok, we've done one of our main amg undeclared ams, which is to vacate i was time to make room for more as rarely. so that's been designers plan since 1920, the clad and undergrad williams, he was saying we need but he hasn't been reaching the declared warnings either without seeing these to huge offensive one in the north of the strip where they said that actually created him, us and this, this offensive in rafa, which the us is obviously not thrilled about. we've got 2 events is ongoing. i'm wondering, west east find negotiations at all. they actually even taking place anymore, or the, they're probably taking place a slow motion because they have to go through the categories on the egyptians on the americans. so these are very slow and direct processes. if, if it looks like somebody makes a concession and they can reach an agreement, then bill burns will come up. so when bill burns out of it, so yeah, it comes out. that's the signal that something serious is happening. until then.
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it's probably just making your statements taking positions. so should we then regard these 2 large ministry offensives that we've been seeing on fold over the last week or so as, as a major set back and, and presumably especially from what we've been hearing from him as everyone seems to have really gone to ground with depositions, who's your value as a said back because they have said that clear that area and they left and it was safe. but they obviously the roof has not the is necessarily a set back. is this the 1st time they go into or off in the big way with the ground forces? and we don't know how far they're going to go in, but it doesn't matter if they go in on the ground or they bump from the air. the result is the same, life becomes on livable masses of people die and android and some of them start thinking of a flame. so i think she's got a military problem on his hands. but she's got a political problem domestically at home, at diplomatic problem with the united states. and the biggest problem he has is the
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whole world is up in arms to support the palestinians within europe and the us and australia and south africa. it's unbelievable and he doesn't know how to deal with this. well, i wanted to ask you about that. that shifting global public opinion is what we've always facing these huge and, and growing protests across the globe. how much of that is actually affecting government policy to which government is real know on the national golf enough. and they'd dealings with israel. it depends how much the mobilization protests can impact the domestic political process in the united states where i live. and i've followed this very closely as a protest have a link to with political operatives and 7 or 8 states, a democratic party. and they're creating a national coalition of democratic forces who traditionally provide the base for the credit card. and they've told by this, we're not going to boat for you. if you keep this policy going and gather so in the
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us, there is a real chance that it could influence either the election. if he doesn't change, he might not get elected. if he does change, it could be probably due to the pressure that he's been put on. but this the, the point of these martyrs and demonstrations. it's not a one time thing is this have been a cumulative for decades. and now it's because of the genocide and the position of many of the western governments of the us, especially it's getting stronger and stronger and stronger how they channel the energy into political policy. change is what remains to be seen from inquiry from the american university, if they would always great to get your thoughts. thank you for joining me on the news though. thank you. well, still a head view here on out to 0 a political while todd one's leader of the reading amc. so last because jacob's in the hold of riley's for his newly formed arrival kaji, i had a general election for making a david this japanese baseball star,
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especially if he had another orleans sorrow behalf for status. the had a low the let's get your full cost for south america and southern areas of brazil once again see some very heavy rain places like real grunge at the sole and sunset catch serena, you can see that very heavy rain that on saturday, only on areas that don't need that because he's had some devastating flooding. the good news is by sunday that rain has started to use and it's pulling its way further north. now that front provides a dividing line between much cooler conditions. down in the south of the constant spaces like chimney, as well as southern argentina and some very hot conditions across the north and that he will continue to build for an old of the areas of brazil that you degrees
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celsius and brazil you that on sundays 30 as well in caracas and the heat takes us to central america and the caribbean believes matched. it's all time high temperature record, which is just broken. last month, the heat continues from much of mexico, monterey seeing the temperature linger in the mid thirty's. we'll see some, what's the weather starting to walk into the south for places like what haka some heavier rain as well for western pots of guatemala, for the caribbean, though it's the story of heat with showers and sunshine on saturday. our oceans are on the switch. by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking you'll bring deep sea trolling back global war eating off the choices. these eco systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change, and we need to adapt a marine conservation are in
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a desperate race against troy. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. the latest news as it breaks this year's march. it's a message, not just for the card government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage, millions of pharma. now how rich thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. inside with neighboring identity, a restricted expos of the the
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soccer match watching else or 0. let's remind you about top stories. the found a series of is there any strikes and northern garza has killed thousands of palestinians in the past few hours. at least $28.00 died and an attack on a residential block need to come out aloud. one hospital in the north, 20 of them, a women and children west of giovanni and is really on tele, refined, has a previous people cheering for work that women and children were among those killed that to golf. as house ministry says at least 83 people have died in the past 24 female tens of thousands of demonstrators have gathered in central london and solidarity with palestinians in garza. the protest is also involved with knoxville catastrophe in english, which refers to the force displacement of nearly 7 150000 palestinians from historic palestine in 1948 in afghanistan, floodwaters of hills,
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at least 50 people in the central province of cool agencies. a people desperately need help so far as heavy funding that already killed them more than 300 people last week and move in as kind of a strong culture. lopez hold her. yeah, my poor of the flash floods have left many people here homeless thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire. see the look if it is we got that the have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in these no bolts or breed. we have nothing to give out. children at the witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast leaving money with no time to escape. 8 agencies worn the death toll is expected to find
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at least we were in the house when the floods came in. people have lost everything for their property, cattle and sheep. everything is gone. that's gonna stand is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in this section i would say the white house has been completely destroyed. of last 6 family members and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet the gotten of these one more wheat fields, which i'm now gone. the main challenge for us is removing the flux settlements. the entire land is covered with stones. and what with the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land, or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads. further
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hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again, i'll just here. but i always spoke to christian in south or off. he's an area manager of the united nations development program in ne enough chemist on. he says the agency is coming to assessing the situation there on the ground and allocation funding for emergency services. and as of today we have 214 people that a boat, a 128, jo friends, and more than 200 women and 228 injured and 9 selves in the house. those damaged so far since day one, given the other 2 n edges and low glands. it ashley and yours are on the graphs do the joint assessment so close to what the joint assessment genes are currently conducting the assessment. and depending on the accessibility of the roles, so uh basically from the side uh what would be. ready the immediate response is the,
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uh, cleaning of the database. um, as so, i mean, you know, we, we just all in sales everywhere model is full then houses, infrastructure of sibling for some peace of mind and also stuff. so uh, 1st thing from really the side would be a capital one, reviews mobilizing the hopefully resources including the brings. secondly, setting up the meeting just so that there was a consulting collision and would for the active population. and the 3rd one is access to energy through the dash, the house facilities i o a part of do we have 6 health facilities in bottling programs that are cut off from the energy and they are unfortunately destroyed. so this is something that they really be is going to do as a phase one. also unit b is planning to support. would there be how they shouldn't and the construction of the permanent shoulders for the communities around $300.00 . the houses will be billed for
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the nearly 10000 people have now been forced to leave their homes and ukraine's northeastern khaki region. russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is your kind 2nd largest, precious defense ministry says troops captured another village on san today. ukrainian official, as i said, the situation is under control that presidents the lens, he has warned this could be the fast wave of a major offensive quote. earlier we spoke to a major problem here, or metal. yeah. and who stubs in the ukranian armed forces? he says ukrainians outnumbered on the front line, but that they all united in the fight against russia. basically say we are fighting part of the largest army off one of the biggest in power in zillow. and definitely the house number by them. but i don't see a big problem here. we still fight the ruling o wens of ramblin to get stronger cray and fast and then occupied whole europe.
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and definitely it's a warrant for every opinion and it's on not only for 25 years old and older. i started my service at the armed forces into southern thank you to as an infantry guy via old invited was one goal to fight russians. because we have the stands that there is no other opportunity for us. and when the russia occupies oliver and they say the que would people and take everything from said. so there is a very limited variety, all your other life is defined by the by and definitely re, uh, also holds that as soon as we get enough supplies from the rest, which is a bit postponed on frontier. and uh, typically especially f sixteens. uh, we'll go in different way. last year a rush, i was protecting itself and focused on defensive operations. is this your ceilings,
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the lack of emanation from you create an army as a try to make some consequences, abrasions, but they don't proceeds as well as the cold. so yes, i think right now in craft, through this nation, say, trying to capture volumes, their largest cities and ukraine. bob's a up spark from this is go to hi, georgia's president has vetoed the so called foreign agents spell that was approved by parliament earlier this week. the bill has that to daily protest and the capital to be c. as you officials said, it couldn't cost the country. it's been to join the blog. the bill will now go back to parliament, which will still require a simple majority to override that fee to the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies, though, has enough votes to make that happen. the bill requests and yours and media are receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from overseas to declare themselves as agents of foreign influence. 11 on is intensifying
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a crack down on the syrian migraines and refugees. human rights groups accusing with our to use of imposing restrictive measures to force them to return home. that the government says it's unable to host the soaring numbers because of the countries western economic crisis. second quarter reports now from babies. in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out there increasingly facing a hostile environment. the government's estimates are up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one, and every 4 people. they're seen by many as a threat to jobs and the countries demographics of the i am in the debt. i love it . have to step out of um, i left as many of the above de la tells us most of the shops in this market are owned by syrians. there's also anger at the authorities. it's all done. and them, they're looking the, they aren't managing the crisis one day, the internal security acts against violators. and then they don't do anything for
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years. and the latest crack them security forces are closing shops, illegally owned by syrians. and they are looking for those without formal residency, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents, in part because it's become difficult to obtain an expensive human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country, they include deportations often without judicial review. the united nations refugee agency says it is concerns how the new measures will affect those who need protection and also believes the focus should be on improving living conditions in syria. to alleviate pressures on host countries, we will try to pay a message of renewed urgency to find solutions, terrible solutions with conditions as serial that are going to allow for larger
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numbers will syrians to, to return. the west insists on a political solution. first, the government into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. the all is a while, syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. and i'm really frustrating. i'm sure you haven't seen my mother in 12 years. how can i return to my country? i wanted for not joining the military. i didn't want to fight my brothers even if i were to now, i would be committing suicide from little high for the love validate. for many, there are few choices, but to live in the shadows. then for the electricity to build. so off it goes for my president, jacob was there in the, is holding a raleigh for his newly formed m k party. and so after i was kind of hanging around stuff ahead of elections, he's challenging his full and the policy, the governing african national congress. and national polls at the end of this
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month, in 2018, you must step down on the pressure from the policy. i have a corruption allegations he's due just on trial next to on charges of accepting bribes. thanks to a multi $1000000.00 on sale. that was done before his time and office wanting to be send. the condo is a sub asking janice and also the editor of the national daily newspaper the semester. and she says she's on the shore and through my is the right man to run on an anti corruption message given has passed a mrs. who might, is a adult popular quite as usually controversial, bigger. so i think most of africans would really look at, you know, what you write to say that is a wish list, and actually wonder about the people behind it. so we talking about a new political party, right. launched in december last. yeah. you know, by missed as we might and because you know, many people who are not necessarily well known part of the significant political landscape. and so, you know, yes, we know what his views are. you know, when comes to say, for example, the expectation of land without compensation bands,
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you know, and all of that. however, i think the, the big question you know, in many people's minds is, you know, all of this that you list and you were manifesto. why were you not able to do it when you were present for a couple 9 years? i think it's important to, to also just go back and understand that. is it a technicality that minutes? so that becomes a way to, you know, to really be explained at this point as we stand. we don't know if this is, mike will indeed be elected to parliament even if he's taught to wins in a vote. and that's really because, you know, you will remember that the, that, that i receive, which is our elections buddy, followed him from standing for the election simply on the basis of, of the fact that our law says that if you've been a sentence to 12 months in prison, you know, you're not eligible to stand for election i'll ever just puts you obviously took that to court and does now it is kind of legal wrangle about whether or not he is eligible to stand, to begin with. and we're waiting for the constitutional court to really explain that to us. so is he the man to sell that message?
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i think because, you know, if you look at his record, many people would question, you know, if he is not with standing, the, the manager support that he has, you know, within certain parts of the country. but will he be able to actually stand for election, you know, into parliament is a legal question that the costs are traditional coordinates and supports the death toll from protest spots by proposed version reforms in the french pacific territory of new caledonia has now risen to at least 6, a state of emergency remains in place. thousands of indigenous kind of people have been protesting against changes to local election laws, which critics say favor french nationals. hundreds of french police are also now patrolling the streets of the capital in the mail. and reinforcements have been deployed to support security forces. the problem mathias jo shots is a progressive public pool at the university of new caledonia. he says, the indigenous cannot population are worried that the voices will be fine. you should buy these new version of them. they will be able to remotely keep each other
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naples so the airport is completely closed and paralyzed. there are no flights to a mainland friends or to a french building issue. the colonial situation in new kelly don't have a dates back in history. there were 3 referendums that have been organized, however, friends is, has always been not sure and how to deal with this question of self determination. so they wanted to find a solution the same as the solution that was find in other colonies to find it, some sort of a deal and power sharing of like what have or a model that is like the model in use. eland, indigenous cannot, the population refused. the results of the 2nd and 3rd referendum, friends has considered that everything has been settled and decided to recognize the referendum and to give the voting rights to all the settlers in the french,
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which is a situation that is rejected by the indigenous cannot. because this will encourage the settlers to have more rights than the indigenous cannot. that's why no agreement has been reached as of yet. what the government in mainland france has said is that they voted this new electoral body law in the french parliament, which has caused the situation to the still ahead here on out of their wide spread destruction and power outages across the us state of houston. but even more about whether it's coming funds in support, gulf wells, number one is targeting a less stressful the pga championship far will be here with that story. the in the brazilian amazon, a star trail of the ongoing tragedy faced by the gentle money people. for years
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they have borne the brunt of the legal mining activities in rivers points and with mercury, rendering water and drinkable and fish inedible. in 2023, pressed and losing us, one of us to send a national task force to expel the invaders from the reserve. more than the year has gone by and nothing has changed or illegal miners return. every day we see their clients coming and going present lula has promised to help deforestation to increase the number of indigenous reserves for self indigenous people here say they've come to realize that having government support is not enough. there's still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the state bill, expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the
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plug it back, it is time for sport and his bar. this as you thank you so much, laboratories and have become the 1st football team in history to go in entire but just like a season and beaten chubby alonzo side that already sealed a title. last month, natalie can celebrate completing the $34.00 match lead campaign without defeats. they accomplish the faith with the 21 victory at home against osburg lab recruits and have the chance to achieve even more glory as they were in the german cup. and you wrote them the expires this sunday is the final day of the premier league season with both manchester city and arsenal in contention to win this title a victory against visitors. west ham will guarantee a 4th a championship in a row for city, regardless of what are small do in their home match against advertising. so they go
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into the final day with a 2 point advantage over the gunners who were looking to win their 1st appeal title under miguel arts had to and the clubs 1st for 20 years out easier. so how now like has been speaking to former of manchester, a sitting player, nicky summer be about what to expect on the final day of the season. and then i'm surprised was how city of on about the season? i think that body over surprises well after what they did last season. all of a sudden when they got themselves going around the christmas period, he felt while they're really upfold it to do it to 3 times. it's been is a, is a must have achievement, but then to do it full times, it's a bright records issued on this except for the old school to plays everything about months to cities, the machine. so we had, so alex ferguson's traveler winning 5. austin vane goes invincible. sweat of this month. if you rank as one of the great premier league teams that whole time, well, right, of a, you know, easy, you blink a bit of best because i think it's a,
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it's the short period what they've done it. you have to look, you look at the little pool in the eighty's, you're always looking at hospitals. you chelsea obviously months is united on the focus and they're all must have achievements and you can try and compare. i don't think he could do that. just this particular time at the moment is months just too much just assist east time. now for those off the phone for watching, is there any glimmer of hope? anything that they can latch on to any reason they should believe that may be west time can do them a favor. others is boeing, firing by one another, fantastic sees and he's on his well could us as well to check on the onset faces? let's not forget as well as david moses last game, and he has done the a great job so they want to finish off with them and they want say, they want to make an impact on. there's no big a place. nobody expects it at all. there's nothing bad them walking into a rain and you can really in the policy now for us know, obviously they've had a very, very good season. nicholas has brought police back to the club. how much does he need this? so people can stop talking about the banking ear and the banking is also about
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think he, i think he got rid of that when he, when the com and always when the, when the challenge you see shield at the style, the season. he's doing a great job, he's got a real special manager then when he just needs that little bit of fucking, just to kick them on any of the time they win the league. as a said, they just come up against the safety. tell you mt at the moment. nobody can seem to budge. and for the 1st like this year is asking chevy is like final takes place later on saturday. if any champions i'll alley is egypt are taking on to and as he has as spans away while we are in the window trophy for a record extending 12 time. spence last one. this title in 20. 19 there at home for this match with the return leg coming up in cairo in 7 days time. red bulls match for stipend equaled air to incentives record of 8 positions in a row when he set the fastest lap, and qualifying ahead of the amelia, remind yet ground free. the triple real champion has not been out qualified since i
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was actually at the end of last year. but clarence oscar p as she will lineup besides her stipend in the 2nd pastries, mclearnen, she made atlanta north 212 weeks ago in miami will start from the 3rd of the month . most of the worlds and number one golf for scotty shuffler has, has had an unforgettable few hours at the p g championship. he began to day 2 of the tournaments in a prison john suit. he finished it and contention to win his 3rd and major title found out how much reports outside of the world of goals. not too many people would normally be following the progress of school to shift the i to major championship getting arrested on his way into the course at the start of day to may well have changed that. i don't really know. i feel like my head still spinning. i can't really explain what happened this morning. and i did spend some time stretching in a jail. so that was a 1st for me. what right now he's going to do. okay,
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here's the bad. none not. well, it's number one today i was arrested off take knowing traffic signals while driving into the vault hollow golf clubs on friday morning. the fateful accidents near the kentucky venue had led to a traffic build up that should flow was trying to avoid you 27 year old american ended up being charged with the 2nd degree. a sold of a police officer and a statement louisville police said the officer involved was a drug to the ground by schifflet's call. you know, i said, i'm sorry, i'm just trying to get to my tea time and outside of that it was then it just things, you know, escalated from there i did. oh, you know, numerous apologies and whatever, but like i said it was, it was chaotic. it's dark, it's raining, you know, there's a lot of stuff going on. they, they just had an accident. i didn't know what it happened at the time. the officer that was directing traffic was maybe not part of the the,
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the traffic detail. and so that's where the communication miscommunication rose and it was eventually released by police and made it back to the venue less than an hour before his tea time. of the reigning mazda of champion, went on to shoot a 5 on the power round of $66.00. it left him just resource of the need and in contention to when he's supposed to 85 on sunday should flu will be going to when he's good major championship. on tuesday, he's to tip hearing court on homeless on the 0 and the and the playoffs. the series between the indiana pacers on in new york next is heading into a game 7. pacers tying up the series in front of their home fans with a 116 to 103 when in game 6. but decisive game 7 will be played on sunday in new york at madison square, so excited to get the opportunity. it's, you know,
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now it's a one game series and, you know, it's for all the marbles and, you know, i think it's kind of where better to, to have a game 7 in the garden. you know, so i'm really excited about it. our groups excited to get the opportunity to compete. a mutual play out the dallas stars are on their way to the western conference final, not just shang boring in double overtime stick as far as pass. colorado avalanche, at least city council has announced that may the 17th will officially be show it was honey j and ellie county. as long as the player stays with a doctor's the jumping superstore mark the inaugural or tiny day with a to run home run. is roger's winning this game against the cincinnati reds. 13 number 17. it is a freak out in a few hours time. tyson siri, and i'll extend to use a fully funding for the undisputed heavyweight boxing title the way in and re add
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ending out becoming something up shopping match a unification contest. like if this hasn't been seen this century, both men are undefeated, going into this context. and that is all your support for now, and this time to get back to you. thanks so much 5. well, before we go, let's bring up today's on what's happening in the city of houston crews. they're working towards full pallets and nearly 1000000 homes and businesses of to storms cause widespread damage. a texas official says some residents couldn't be without pallet for weeks after they resided jo, castro reports a sudden burst of thunder storm with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jagged holes in place of
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windows and a night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to drive from falling trees and another from a crate. it was fierce, it was intense, it was quick. and most of these tony's didn't have time to place any sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly 1000000 homes and businesses that last power at the storms. peak scientist say this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms. to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro algae, 0
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a whole lot set for this new zone. but i'll be back in just a moment to stay with the if you're watching this pre recorded report then al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just stream for be any stray me. when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because what additions thinking here. this decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just, we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be banned by the government that stands indicted for general size. but the national court of justice, the sense that he missed the acadia and he just showed them the price is high for
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a family of palestinian activists. so peacefully protected the community from is really set to expansion in the occupied westbank for decades. they just put that 80 for that, like on. oh, i see this is the story that's i'm trying to see them moving them some of the on the fire on it just so you know, why have american evangelicals become, his real strongest factor is u. s. presidential fight and write this down with his real, with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line examining the impact of today's headlines. i wish i had word word to describe what setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions right now. if you're on campus talking about the site, you are being called anti semitic, and
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a supporter of care international filmmakers and will cost on the list spring programs to enforce and inspire 2 options await us in the immediate future by the prices for climate revolution. on alger 0, the and is really as trying to on a residential building and northern gauze that kills at least 28 people. palestinians are searching through the rubble of the victims, news stones via the hey, this is out of their life and also coming up and this off as strikes continue to pound, rasa. hundreds of thousands of just based palestinians have fled the .


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