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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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yes, these are quite a crisis or planted revolutionary financials, 0 the and is really as trying on a residential building and northern gauze i kills at least 28 people. palestinians are searching through the rubble of the victims, news hello there and install, gf. hey, this is out of their life from the also coming from the south strikes continued to pound rough on hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians have flooded the 10s of thousands of rally in london. cooling for an end to israel's war. on garza, hutton is destroyed and at least 50 people dead enough kind of started off to
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severe flooding caused by even more heavy rain. the holy begin in northern gauze, away just hours ago. a series of attacks have targeted palestinians, at least 28 people were killed in a strike on a residential block. you know, they come out on one hospital in the north, many more injured west of giovanni, a is rarely on 10, or we struck a group of people chewing for water coming 8, including women and children, axles on a triple. oh, wow. this is the aftermath of the news rarely air attack and your body on a residential block posted to come out at one so spilled no red b as gets really bombs. rained down and buildings sheltering palestinians trying to escape the carnage. rescuer scramble to help. but they have little to work with the piano. an entire residential block was boomed by
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israel. we play the children out of the rubble, the different families who are under the rubble, most of them are inside the homes, and they have displaced people. here's the house of the eldest families, where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the homes. in felicia, west of jamalia, women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. posting is to risk their lives every day, trying to get the basic necessities of life. and it seems a very good display to the felicia area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and suddenly this place was sold by 3 is really showing the children women and the young people to a motto. we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint the injury to arrive in waves and the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injuries. and unfortunately some of them died
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upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication. the medical stuff out of the woods, there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to allow the hospital situation remains. dia, in the dropbox, a car traveling to central gaza was struck by a drone, killing some insight and wounding gutters. since israel's military, we ordered them to evacuate southern gaza last week. palestinians trying to leave say, they're still targets excell sandwich. how does their i was there as much i'll tell you, which was up to come all as one hospital shortly off to the attack and he sent us this report held residential house has been targeted and destroyed by the forces here at the end of a sentence about the account we have to come on, the whole block has been destroyed. dozens has been killed in thousands
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got injured. as you can see, civility altering to reach the under cover civilians who have been killed, at least on the run down the one that speak to a correspondent on the ground how cowboys are. and he's in darrow bala in central garza target attack seems to be escalating and giovanni, what have you been hearing the? well, as we've been hearing from a residence on the ground with the value of earthly g. com that was widely targeted to tell you since the 80 hours of this morning they're talking about at least 28. how students have been killed while at least 30 others being moved to the tax. and so targeted people who were looking for what's out there was a gathering the palestinians,
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searching for water sources and know that to get water to drink. they have been shipped with joe and attacked in a new job neighborhood in evaluate refuge account. they have been saying that they are witnessing a systematic met, it treat campaign that aims to wipe out the entire time that as bustles are ranging from inside the hot beating areas of the valley along site the director of come on at one hospital has been saying that many to quite cool drones have been opening for you on the vicinity of come on edge one hospital, which is the only hospital that's operating at the north of this trip and not receiving the injuries that resulted from the ongoing get tax in value. and at the same time, they've been saying that the medical capacity once be even enough in order to keep receiving new injuries are due to the unprecedented this caleb attacks being carried out by the east valley fight to jets. now we also get confirmation from the civil defense cruise on the ground on his books passing on. this civil defense and
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emergency work is being confirming that at least 300 house have been here since the beginning of the military encouraging of value. the manager has been describing operations to jamalia to sound completely complicated as palestinian on troops continued to confront the menu or bring troops, launching different romans. a short range messiah's motor shows, impromptu tank. messiah of identity is very maneuvering. turns out. so just kind of use of the same time is valuable. those is that continue to raise agriculture land and the eastern side of devalue refugee camp to this very moment, just as you try a couple of assume that with a very nice as far as from the ground from the central parts of the gaza strip, where we can hear that is really drone or the head. thank you tired. well, meanwhile, tens of thousands of demonstrations have gathered in central london and all the major cities in thousands of countries or, and solidarity. it was palestinians and gaza. didn't logging in to israel's war on garza have looked at some of these pictures from london to protest as that also
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come embracing the 76th anniversary of the knocked by an arabic quad. needing catastrophe and refers to the force displacements of nearly 7 150000 palestinians from historic palestine and 1948, which then led to the establishment of his room. obviously was hardly full as it was at that time and station in london and spoke with a protest of the and i'm showing here by one of the protest is near me when going interest. see, thank you very much for joining us. i'd say the crowd spinning out now that there was continued momentum is a lot of entities doing this in this course. yes indeed these, these are process of being growing bigger and they got out there was more massive loans in the early stages. but they've said we've been having tens of thousands every single time. there's a large demonstration in central london, and i'm here for the umpteenth time. i've lost accounts to be honest. i don't know if i can show you a view is this, but i made this called back in october last 8 months. i still needs to carry it
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around that this also has to and, and it's an ongoing, that's why that's why so many people continue to mobilize. and as you unplug god makes clear you are part of the jewish block. there are a number of issues who are concerned both in terms of safety about being in central london, but also some of the, the messages being espoused to the the ads design is messages which many people in that community feel is holding for. well, just it ends with a little bit and then to the state of israel, i mean what, what is your position on, on all of that? no, i think there's a considerable amount of on just the flights here. so among jews, and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to sleep, hope roams about, you know, talk, killing the illumination of whole communities in russia. ukraine cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep c c trauma. in jewish people, i'm not afraid. apologies,
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full design is state for israel. really play own box. they with the some points as it relates to the idea that we've been told here that these are hate, small churches. i'm not long denise has been know goes over to jews because there are lots of people away from palestinian flags on the system feelings. a very unhelpful one is very divisive as well. what they tend to do is to pull trays and not lose them and put them in the on system. is that neither of these things is true. it's one to see diagnoses today is people who do not wish to see a continuing slow so of know what happens on october. the 7th is of some kind of responsive via slate, but to respond with over whelming full against the civilian population. its collective punishment is the legal war. crimes have been commission on the monthly scale, and that's why we're here. and the jewish blog is
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a conglomeration of different jewish groups who take a range of views that they all united in saying not seen on name thousands of demonstrations also gathered in paris to demands in immediate c site. and garza, the protest as there are also quoting for boy scouts of companies that support as well. and are linked to what's were on casa. they were also purchased in berlin and vienna courting for this war to end on purchase are expected in israel to in the coming hours pulling on prime minister benjamin us and young, whose government to secure the release of his really captives from gaza. thousands of protesters have been rallying in tel aviv every week to denounce an engineer who is handling the war on friday as well as on me announced that the bodies of 3 captives had been retrieved from gaza. israel says about a 100 captives all still being held in the strip along with the remains of an of a sassy. well, let's go back to rome, cory, a senior fellow at the american university. if every teacher ends us again,
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here and under ha studio romeo, i've been really interested in the poll numbers that have been coming out of israel . we've seen that there has been continued support for the war, but more questions being raised, especially around how the war is being carried out. what does that actually translate to when we talk about political pressure in terms of national? so it's very complicated because the coalition that they put together, which is running the war from the most right wing coalition. and israel's history seems to still have the majority support and israel, and the war itself has a lot of support. 7080 percent of now at least supportive. but people are also aware and this real now after almost 8 months of the war is not doing well. the victory is not insight, as he says, how massive is not going to be a radical, that even the american officials are saying this. and they're focusing on the, on the hostages. they just want the hostages back. some of the money around are
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alive. they're not, the demonstrators are not talking about peace with palestine or get out of gas or for permanency or whatever they're talking about just to make a deal, get the hostages. but interesting, a lot of those groups that have been driving those. there's campaigns around bringing the captives home, have now joined what all political protests against nursing, yahoo, i understand. that's right. so they, they want to, they want to pressure him to do a deal, get the hostages back. and then they expect that he'll be thrown out of office. they'll be a new election there. there's even talk yesterday there was talk about the a 3 man war cabinet um, having friction, maybe maybe breaking up by any chance. one of the members are supposed to give a speech shut around 8 30 pm a. when i started a $130.00 p, m, and israel
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a. so we should hear about it any any moment now. and we don't know what is going to say, but there's a, there this are not normal coalition government, this is a very unusual. we have heard about divisions within the will cabinet for some time the. and now we're seeing what appeared to be 2 major offensive concurrently, both in the south and rafa. and. and then olson, jamalia, that's we were just saying earlier is what had said that they've kids and it was so obviously as we were also saying they haven't fulfilled then military goals. is that what's causing the friction? what does it go beyond that? whether it's just the fact that the hostages are still there and there is no progress being made to, to exchange them for published and then prisoners. the conduct of the war is, has not changed a lot really in 8 months they, they is rarely just keep destroying and killing them. but they haven't achieved any of their 3 major goals. and it's pretty obvious that they're not going to actually use them fully. so they have to find a way to make some kind of a compromise whenever something uh happens, like they released they've,
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they've free of charge a chapter or 2. then you know, nothing. yeah. has poll numbers go up a little bit, but he's very vulnerable. he's not though very well, like right now you speak about trying to achieve some of these goals and that includes getting these captives back where all we got in terms of, of talks around any kind of a deal. they seem to be some progressing that all seems to have gone away in the last couple of weeks. well, you can assume the, the points that they agreed on are probably still there. there are on the shelf they've, they've agreed. there's points that have not been agreed on. there is a critical ones that have delayed there's the main one is that the palestinians are how mass wants the agreement to include a total cessation of the for that these rarely get out of gas a completely and they stop attacking garza in return for which so how much would do
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the same, and every prisoners will be free to touch on these rarely so i'm not prepared to do that. um there. so it's possible they might be pressured into do and, but we, we don't know. we don't know if the us is gonna come in with any new ideas. i'm unable to new a pressure itself as manager. oh, continue, watching. very tries to see how this all plays out around the corner. thank you for joining. joining me again. thank you. as a funeral has been held in the occupied westbank for a senior postilion colonda who was killed in an overnight rate and jeanine won his carriage at the body of it's done. can i stay through the streets of the wreckage? you can. is there any forces say they talk is, is the home of the janine brigades come on, the 8th of the people we understand the engine in the time. i'll still ahead for you here on. i'll just wind spread, destruction and power outages across the us stage of houston. and even more about
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where that is coming the have that let's look to south asian. it's a divided story. we've got lots of hot and dry weather across the north paste like pakistan and india. but down in the south will the rain will continue to full now for lack of so up to a 100 millimeters full in central and southern areas. and you can see on sunday we still got back intense rain, and the rain is gonna fall heavy as to close the southern parts of india like carol a and tell them not do. that's where we have the red warnings in the days ahead for thunderstorms. as well as a chance of lightning, some stronger wins as well as not stria across the north. not necessarily for the northeast. the show was continue here, but for the north, west is red warnings out very high temperatures in the days ahead of places like
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rock just on daily, as well as northern areas of pockets done. and if we look at the 3 day full a whole we're going to be touching up into the mid forties. well above the average that very hot and dry on choose day. and we've seen a lot of heats and settled weather across east asia, but things have changed. we've got some very wet weather moving its way across the north, east of china, some very heavy rain coming into southern parts of japan and the bad news. the southern areas of china was thunder. storms and heavy rain day on monday. now let me tell you almost suffice. equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here. like coming here sits on within large stairs,
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faced with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the the the, the not to watching knowledge a 0. let's remind you of on top stories this out. a series of is really strikes and northern garza has killed dozens of palestinians in the past few hours. at least $28.00 times in an attack on a residential block to come out on hospital in the north. 20 of them all women and children. meanwhile, west of jamalia is really on trying to refine here's a group of people queuing for women. and children will also cause us health
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ministry says at least $83.00 people have died across the street. in the past 24 hours. tens of thousands of demonstrations gathered in central london in solidarity with palestinians and garza. the protest as it was a multiple, not fond of catastrophe in english, which refers to the force displacements of nearly 750000 palestinians from historic palestine. in 1958, the whole nearly 10000 people have been forced to free their homes in ukraine's northeastern concave region. russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is ukraine, 2nd largest russians. defense ministry says troops captured another village on saturday. ukrainian official say the situation though is under control, the president let him use lensky. has warned, this could be the 1st wave of a major offensive on the on saturday to new legislation comes into effect in
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ukraine. changing the rules on globalization and lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 as well, and it's shoring off with the police it and aging armed forces don't hold that. it has moved from keith line sites is in gray hair. it's a lot to the middle you still, i mean, you crying trying to keep russian forces, if by you, every judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us. 28. i mean, you case the to one to meet throw is 44 back from the front. he says, in some ways, having all the troops has positive look to what, what everyone's motivated was sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop. so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity in the full. this is a crucial young can be reckless, but it can only be upside. we went to a recruitment center as of forgot to ask them which idea of soldiers they prefer
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them for. tiffany: if we need every one older people because they're more experience in their specialty, but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete our basic training course and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the ukraine, you know me relatively old in pop because the countries conscription i, even off the recent reduction remains high at 25. rushes is 18, it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hollow out. it's already smooth supply of young demand. just to look at the country's population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the un start to keeping records a. it's a huge problem to the army. aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to
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join up draft buildings an issue, we will hold them in and leaving their families to go and fight demetrius only off the front line. now, because his leg was blown off. what is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son, the face still wants to go back and his wife navea will be reluctantly seasoned a medicine which this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules, the answer to that question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home and i would just say to keep enough kind of thought of flood waters of killed at least 50 people in the central province of cool agencies. a people desperately need help. this follows a heavy flooding that killed more than 300 people last week. no of enough chemist on katia lopez. what are you on reports the flash floods have left many people here homeless thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan
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score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire, c, they'll look at it is we got that the have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in these no, russo rate. we have nothing to give out. children witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast, leaving many with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house when the plots came in. people have lost everything to their property, cattle and sheep. everything is gone. that's kind of stand is still struggling to deal with lots that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the
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water swept in the section of a say the white house has been completely destroyed of last 6 family members and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet. the reason why my wheat fields, which i'm now gone, the main challenge for us is removing the flux settlements. the entire land is covered with stones. and what with the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads, further hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again, i'll just see here. now at least $23.00. my rooms are missing off assessing off and a boat from 2 nivia towards actually stitching is the national guard says it's destroyed, deployed rest of your teams and from the navy to help in the search. trinity is
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coastline is less than a 150 kilometers from natalia, an island of long producer. it's become a main departure point for migrants attempting to cross the mediterranean to europe . so it off cuz it form the president jacobs during the is holding a rally for his newly formed m k party. and so after i was come painting rump stuff ahead of elections. he's challenging his former policy, the governing african national congress and national polls at the end of the month in 2018 zoom, a step down under pressure from the amc of a corruption allegations. he's juice has done trial next year on charges of accepting bribes that linked to a multi $1000000.00 deal done before his time and office on will be some of mchuga . is this often janice and editor of the national daily newspaper. this western, she says she's unsure if is you my is the right 9 to run on an anti corruption message given has passed a mrs. who might, is a adult pop to lot quite as usually controversial, bigger. so i think most of africans would really look at, you know,
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what you write to say that is a wish list, and actually wonder about the people behind it. so we're talking about a new political party right. launched in december last. yeah. you know, by missed as we might and of course, you know, many people who are not necessarily well known part of the significant political landscape. and so, you know, yes, we know what his views are. you know, when it comes to say, for example, the expectation of land without compensation bands, you know, in total that however, i think the, the big question you know, in many people's minds is, you know, all of this that you listed in your manifesto. why were you not able to do it when you were present for a couple 9 years? i think it's important to, to also just go back and understand that. is it a technicality that's minister, that becomes a way to, you know, to really be explained. so at this point, as we stand, we don't know if this is, mike will indeed be elected to parliament even if he's taught to wins enough votes . and that's really because, you know, you will remember that the, that i receive, which is our elections buddy, followed him from standing for the election simply on the basis of the fact that i
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would law say, is that if you've been a sentence to 12 months in prison, you know, you're not eligible to stand for election. however, his part you obviously took that to court and does now it is kind of legal wrangle about whether or not he is eligible to stand, to begin with. and we're waiting for the constitutional court to really explain that to us. so is he the man to sell that message? i think because, you know, if you look at his record, many people would question, you know, if he is not withstanding the, the manager support that he has, you know, within certain parts of the country. but will he be able to actually stand for the election? you know, into parliament is a legal question that the costs are too short coordinator will answer for us to the death toll from protests, sparkplug proposed version or phones in the french pacific territory of new caledonia has now arisen towards the 6 estates of emergency remains in place, thousands of indigenous kind of people have been protesting against changes to local election rules, which critics say fav of french nationals,
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hundreds of french police. so now patrolling the streets of a capital in the mail and reinforcements have been deployed to support security forces. a cruise in the us city of houston are working to restore power to any 1000000 homes and businesses after storms cause widespread damage. a texas official says some residents could be without power for weeks. how does your castro reports a sudden burst of thunder storm. with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour tore through windows. and how mold the streets of houston, the dilute quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jacket holes in place of windows and a night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to drive from falling trees and another from a crate. it was fierce, it was intense. it was quick. and most use tony's didn't have time
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to place any sales out of harm's white city. officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses that lost power at the storms. peak scientist said this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro alger 0 prison laws are chasing vulgar. tom have announced that at least 10 inmates of being transferred in connection with the killing of the director of columbia as long just prison. a major operation is underway in the capital to find the killers
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out us under up yesterday has moved from boca time. and the parents comb, rains inside them with the present in both the the morning after the assessing nation of its director and fitting them. this special police forces patrol the area as a man hunter. peroration continues across the city to catch us killers. the 2nd time this was returning home from work when a motorcycle approached this vehicle in gunman open fire columbia. as minister of justice revealed the 5th man. this former police colonel has received several traits for being killed in a benefit. kindle elma fernandez, had received the threatened pamphlets collated on thursday of last week. it filed a complaint with the prosecutors office the following day on friday and on choose day this week with the.


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