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tv   Witness West Bank - Family Under Fire  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm AST

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to have columbia as long as the present, a major operation is underway in the capital to find the killers. i found a rump yesterday has moved from boca time, and the parents comb, rains inside the prison. but with that, the morning after the assessing nation of its director and fitting them, this special police forces patrol the area as a main hunter operation continues across the city to catch us killers. the 2nd time this was returning home from work. when a motorcycle approached this vehicle and then gunman opened fire club, this minister of justice revealed the 5th man. this former police colonel has received several traits for being killed in a benefit. kindle, elma fernandez, had received a threat. and a pamphlet suit collated on thursday of last week. he'd filed a complaint with the prosecutor's office the following day on friday and on choose day this week with the prisoner pharmacy, which is the regular procedure. he introduced the request for protection, but that protection didn't arrive in time for them and they said,
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started running the facility just weeks ago and was bentham cracking down in criminal activities inside the prison, including unannounced searches more than 5000 inmates are crowded into a prison meant to hold a maximum of 2900 prisoners organized crime groups often control entire pavilions, some 550 prison officials up receive debts rates in the past 2 years for confronting the gangs. security experts say the assessing ation is a window into a broader crisis within the system. it's an open secret that there is broad corruption within the prison system. and this is a very difficult reality for the authorities because the guards come from the position of weakness faced with the interest of criminals who wielding norm as amounts of capital and cash. and also this course of power to very clearly, ret, um, exercise retribution against those who do cool, don't cooperate. they have
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a real ability to corrupt and corps and co opt the authorities. i think that's a problem that the state hasn't grappled with. the question for many now is if you have a story, these will not only be able to bring to justice, those responsible for the scaling, but also dismantled the very powerful networks inside the prison that have been allowed to face their allison, that i'm 50, i'm just need of what the a well, that's it for me. the style is the a tight. remember you can always find a much smaller now websites out is there a dot com? i'll be back with more news for you there. hand off to witness. do stay with us and i'll just hear the the
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challenges with the texas to of them, victim from the supplement of law and then the election. the top left on the left now is a good thing is see if he's a subtler and he's like using and see if in my that is not that out and below is that that have to be in by the, the,
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the, the, the okay, what's the what's the, what's the heck commercial in general on the general sort of the lack of the,
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the so this is my then there's my taking the soviet he has done to me. i've done not doing. i'm been just trying to make me some minor for that. yeah. i think excuse me, for my own that i'm missing the so the, so the state is like is that the land is just the good thing is you 5, i'm not the of the way from from from 20. is these my own entities? the bed we must do what they do. if they do, we don't go ahead and do you the know are you uh saw the are of yeah yeah, no then my gum. yeah. i good, i'm good. i got a good info in there, but as the ship i yeah, yeah. we okay. yeah. so you're busy for the so your price is about 7. you'll probably the best most good enough to have to be a victim from there while you're the bit you have no,
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i'm sure i understand there's no, there's no money in the you should have it to the to the lowest, the negative. so i just lose money that songs you affiliated with me so it says what it is i'm can now i'm stuck with human. hannah versa. instruct him. i'm a pretty model and i'm doing the below. so that's very cycle. ok, so that's it. i'm attorneys for fillings of commission to go see this. i'm, i'm,
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is that good in boston within the cool cool is it couldn't move of the month of month past security and us less than a lot of the machines anything i am so sorry. what was your, do i have some of the i know where is that the good of all this is let me out of my then to see might not the if you just joining us. we are reporting on this breaking news this morning. the palestinian on group,
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how much has launched this unprecedented operation against israel listed in fighters of breached israel defensive lines. around garza, dozens of police are found in an area called re ordering the cause of florida. my fault, the deadly estate of the is randy. posting in conflict or 50? yes. the says top of civic. nothing. no. we just give the goats and the sheep inside because you know, we are not allowed just to go out and took it. is our sheep such a lot of talk to brooding. you can see the area here,
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we can even pass this part of the land from this line. we can see they can't even allow us to go out. and you can see the just put the 080 for that guy on our see an or line there. if you can see for the 1st time when they came, vic can with the but those of the i so that's a lot. and he was talking to the driver of the doors of getting him. but does all these but does all these we just woke up, you know, on stuff like screaming, you know, what are you doing or not? they just left with quick call my desktop just to think no food thing.
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and then just after we finish the phase, i saw the steps that are coming down and they sort of 3. so just they were just descriptive to him. he met the acadia and he just shoot them the like with this image. and that's what she was like in this week. the of this i will do a little salt. i mean,
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is the 1st and then how will the sure enough for the, for the living with that they do a lot especially in a way and suddenly the for saw hey, you know, we are going to walk into the a city a with tele, the, this simple view, so for us to look at you and the whole world with cost is last night, he and don't know what to say because in the beginning as in national it into that. so give me a 2nd. that's the beauty of it. but i took that even instead of god, does it feel your mission with the american the few and i and that's how you that the dynamic see it in the, the i to the east had a so high put in. uh yeah, i me, i that, but i just, i do some pigeon cooks here and to mean it came on
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a side to the in know on the cover form and ask him something idea. well man, it cool. he in home the home and other home butte see, i don't know what it is on the sort of the way to set the scene into model for the store into a small amount of feedback. got cool. so you could achieve model seemed a little store energy. but other than that and i dish just have to high in full with the full size. you don't have to know. and the model of the home, if i move up to the, it puts it or this up as a category and they try to avoid it. you said, go should the parents in what the condition know? i have those supplemental publishing the,
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the, the city and i got all my cousin who was recently out from the hospital after spending 80 to days inside the house and retired inside the i c u. s. so let's see. mm. so the problem by then comes to campus a. so 1st of all, i don't, i don't honestly, if this is awesome se length of about it was the easy i live. you see that a little there is no, not the assume to have the sauce. and
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that seems the a, as in henry, so he can attend even the faith kenneth, the name of the service. and he can discuss on that for us on can with the get is going out of school the rest of the month. as long as you most on my cell phone, my should have hands on those thoughts on the side of the body shop, the the the what kind of stuff. so i need to go with my well, i mean it's the full and the yeah, sure. with this,
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how the system that you built with stuff, that's what i asked you to move to the show. how does the, the amount of thought of, of who so instead of giving these came on the top of it, this is what happens is, academia was easy for me that came in and walk, talking to him and said to him as to see, i'm not facing any consequences for stuffing? escape we are having more and more security, so let us put more and more guns. that's a kent and a life. and then the 2nd, the would have been such a situation that we feel this in his limited lot of a lot of more or active resumes, but still trying the best i can the
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desktop load as well. and he is going to see the moving them to see the situation so that you don't know, didn't they don't? did you say i will see a show you what else do you get on listed on the district side to for the full of sheets. yeah. those, oh well, i know the, she is little bit full but us mostly it will situation with the hotmail that are helping with the problem. so yeah, the, the
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go to the the the the
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the step to the posted in that dental for security more or less. it was almost the instead of expecting someone going to be so luckily and nothing happened because of the community and the people would have uh needed the a lot of presidents and that would help a lot of things to provide and be there. the
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said not for the satellite of love like a gun. the satellites everywhere i might have her with. if indeed i didn't want to even to, to move to this to me. what's going on? just really in a this the 1st single gosh, it's been a drug we should have the fire. oh the if those terms toys. uh oh, pretty much a mish this list of the site. yeah. yeah. the in the store name. oh, show for video for me. oh, you're very, you're very unique to me. so it would have been that tons of my
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relo before, but we're gonna have a good i'm sure i have just lost my name. ne level nevada. oh well that'll work. are you, sir? oh, hold on. i'm rouge. i feel helpless, but even commenting that life is really important because those many people are on the know i'd be even that was what steve are facing that like 70 as in business of easily or and a settlement that is to use the skin and sort of mack, who is the furthest of how to pay and the so that's, that's in the new city. and so then for some of the home have the m 7 inside delilah federalists in. no,
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it is. i need help in the hot less so this semester i know that. yeah the to ship the was to ship. i mean, i guess you happen to the commission. let's do one of the stuff. one of the people that i'm going to have short on she wants to be a so i just know it's like trying to imagine how would that be for them the 1st day would be was like for us as my gums, parents, the i mean is the same policy and the same i, i did you of the back to i think the seniors but with different ways in the past
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was like, well kidding and evacuating me yesterday, but now is by pushing and pressure like students with anything. i don't think that can be livable the, the. 4 the put of them, like they see it may be safe, not a month without passing through. it's not normal and it's not like zip code for the
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people and they have right to stay in the homes with safety. this makes me angry and and said that some moments good, but the good, but it's a blessing that you're actually in the division of them still push your voice yearly as i tell you. oh yeah. let me so i was told to pay every month the fish there's with a single and the, the projected. the man whom i so that is the issue you
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know is i have worked with mary living here. let me still remain. yes. and it was still fine. because of j zillow was going to be a man, right on the is what i'm afraid of going to be honest with you without that in these like, oh, less the piece of land and i would like them. i saw it for all of us with a face. i'm just waiting that they, that will end on the want to see what would happen then the 7 g a t that's 9 am in the gaza with pointing out explosions have been had in the hospital in ton unit. is in the sense of yeah, the area,
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the situation good thing was i think some of the village that when these and i but i see i quite sure that you know, we have the munitions to take or, or land back the but when i bowed none of them is a full the this is the 5th, the that's the because the so we would continue coming. yeah. what about the do you know? so they put the flags on this. so we wouldn't be able to give us the us
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well, it's a little bit so the total was the, you know, we should distracted jennings and then, i mean, yeah, they 2 months ago at least you know we, we stuff that again just cleanings ups a cause we have to blow, you know, the idea. so,
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but how does the, the, the, the dispute wants to kill us of the defense killer. the never give up, you know, would continue going to our land until we get back to the hey, even this, that go and take it down also. but it's sort of the
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not only that these patients were receiving heavy dialysis treatments in unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the warrant. people had access to a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders. from the heart of the story. i'll send you the officials hold on to 0 that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax in full battle prize fight has charge out from the hidden positions for the moment. however, their enemies imagines and their rifles on real venue recruits to the people's defense rules put through the paces in the baking sheet. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food,
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the pledge of allegiance. since the new conscription laws came into the force of thousands of young men and women, come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fight against the military genta and join the ranks based forces. conscription makes resistance force stronger. now what accepts that road? so youth, so now joining the people's defense forms instead of being conscripted by the military. these volunteers, tang and sweat, then hardship to that belief in a democratic future. belief for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for
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palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. and it does either. the strike on a residential building in northern gossen kills at least 20 a people. policy means all searching through the roof and civic center that i'm associated. hey, this is alex rivera. life from de also coming in the south strikes, continue to pound rocks on 800000 palestinians have now said the city h shipments and to gauze of i appeared built by the us. but the you and.


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