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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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which lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression, and you get to cations for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity. when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when does he, you know, the how does rainy as strike on a residential building in northern dawson kills at least 20 a people. policy means all searching through the roof and civic center that i'm associated, hey, this is alter their life from dawn. also coming in the south strikes, continue to pound rocks on 800000 palestinians have now said the city h shipments and to gaza via pin built by the us. but the one says it's not enough
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and laundry. it's a far more effective the 10s of thousands. meanwhile, bonnie and i'm calling for an end to israel. is war ongoing. the hobby begin in northern garza way is right. the forces of launched a series of attacks targeting palestinian homes, at least 28 people were killed in a strike on a residential blog. you have to come out on one hospital in the north with many more injured west of jabante and is rarely on. hillary struck a group of people who curing for war to 8 people were killed with women and children too, among the dead, as so long as a triple. wow, this is the aftermath of the news really air attack and your body residential block chose to come out at one so spilled no red b as gets really bombs rained down and buildings shell,
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the rank palestinians trying to escape the carnage. the rescuer scramble to help, but they have little to work with pulling up, an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we pay the children out of the rubble, the different families who are under the rubble, most of them i inside the homes, and they have displaced people. here's the house of the eldest families where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the home. in felicia, west of jamalia, women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. posting is to risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life. then it seems a very good displaced to the felicia area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and southern this place was sold by 3 is really show children women and the young people a multitude. we do not know where to go, and no one feels i'll paint the injured arriving waves and the few hospitals that
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are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injuries, and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medications. the medical stuff out of the woods, there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to allow the hospital situation remains dia. in the drop off, a car traveling to central gaza was struck by a drone, killing some insight and wounding gutters. since israel's military, we ordered them to evacuate southern guys the last week. palestinians trying to leave say, they're still targets axels. i'm which how does their let's get the latest from the scene of that attack in northern cause. now north l cleared, send this report from jamalia near the come out one hospital. a residential house
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has been targeted and destroyed. mother's waiting courses here was sent off to you by the cab via to come on hold. hold on, let me go to lloyd dozens has been killed in thousands. got injured. as you can see, civility antoine, to reach the under the cover civilians who have been killed at the lift on the run down the well, that's being taught correspondents on the ground tower. a couple is there and he's in darrow bella and central goal is to force target attacks. do seem to be escalating the area around the body. what have you been hearing the yes cavellia is the main area that they use. wait a minute tree has been bouncing since the early hours of this morning. but the read
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them of the attacks are completely escalating in every single hour and i'll be hearing from eye witnesses in devalue confirming that they have been witnessing mount. why does k u a military attacks by the intent 3 and by is also the flight to just that continues to have up to about yeah, in the north of district where at least since the early hours of this morning, 28th palestinians have been killed while at least 30 others being wounded as me f that's being made by thomas pretty impressed too. as an emergency workers in order to recover the injuries from under the dip rates of the destroyed buildings. yet they are unable to reach to some certain areas because of the east, very existence in hot beating areas of devalue refugee camp. and then the last couple of hours we've been hearing and receiving more information from medics inside, come out at one hospital saying best military, quite cool to trends, continue to open fire on slowly the facility of the commodities. one hospital and
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the internal and yards of this because to send it to you in which the is many minutes rehab invaded before i'm turn it into a graveyard for palestinians bought the situation here. it will, the humanitarian level is deteriorating as people today. what targeted as they were looking for water in the north of the jabante, a refuge account at the same time. they are also struggling to get fluids as more than $100000.00 palestinians, have flipped from jamalia to the western side of gauze, a city which also had become under the east valley bombardments since the hours of this morning. the stars you take just in the last hour or so the united nations, as all sir said, with 800000 people have now fled, rasa in the south. what is the situation like that now in the south, with israel's ongoing offensive? well this now is a back to a zone that way and from us bytes is and the east, very ami isaac. similarly that the roof or
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a place where the military has continue to going through heavy losses in terms of the numbers of soldiers being killed and painted in that area. specifically in the eastern part of rough as the palestinian groups have been adopting different defense mechanisms represented and attacking the maneuvering troops just to push them back from the main areas that they are trying to take full military and security control over. and we have also hearing back in the past hour that the east valley fund to just have target to a residential building in the central areas of brooklyn. in particular in, you know, refuge account where 3 palestinians at least have been killed while a number of palestinians also were wounded. they have been transferred to escalate to hospital to get medical treatment. also early as strong as trying to get closer to areas of confrontation in roughly they have been subjected to quite hope to drones, attacks on even fire, which forced them to return back to the vicinity out of the way to hospital to
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continued covers the so clearly ruffle has been to be a ghost town which it's all the crowded streets. 2 to be soundly empty and the same totally $800000.00 palestinians according to the united nation. how the flood rough, but they are still thousands of people in the middle. and also in the western areas that are adjacent to allow us to believe things that they made it to a ration won't be extend that to reach central. and it was from parts of rough lockbox with multiple nice ation by the military. in terms of the numbers of the brigades, it seems that isabel is trying to push foot with more troops on the ground to go down to grip. it's too tight. it's a grip in a roof, which is from the east. very perspective. one of the strongest strong who of how much movements in the sauce and the south over roof and the, the south of the church. we as well. town a couple of his name with the very latest for us from the ground staff from daryl della and the goal is to strip thank to time well, these really minute g says it's recovered to the body of another captive from garza
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. it says the remains of running benjamin has been returns to israel. seberio. meanwhile, protest as have gathered in israel to call on prime minister benjamin netanyahu as government to secure the release of his ready captains from gaza. thousands of protesters have been routing in tennessee every week to denounce nation yahoo! his handling of the war. on friday, israel's army announced that the bodies of 3 captives had been received from garzon . israel says about a 100 captives are still being held in the strip along with the remains of at least 30. well, that's being talked correspondent about how much andrea and he's in the jordanian capital. a mon, nothing you know whose government has shut down on his ears operations in israel. so we are now reporting from outside the country. now that we're seeing fairly impressive numbers at tonight's protests that it is literally taking place right now to go through what this crowd is going for. ok. so let's start here, typically on these weekly protests on saturday evening,
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you have a mixture of different demonstrators. you have many of them are anti government demonstrators that is a demonstration that starts earlier in the evening. and then they essentially gather with relatives of captives still being held in gods who have a separate demonstration. but in the last couple of months, these demonstrations have started to merge and become more of an anti netanyahu demonstration because the people that come out to these events, they're very angry with the government. they're very critical of then that's an yahoo leadership as far as not doing enough in their words, to try to secure the release of those captive still being held in god's and that's night. what we're seeing, what we're being told is that there are thousands of people already out on the streets in tel aviv that there are thousands in haifa, that there are demonstrators also in right. how about and then also there are demonstrations planned for other parts of the country too, and that's in line with what we've seen. these demonstrations have been gathering momentum of the past few months. i was in one myself just
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a couple of weeks ago in tel aviv when we were still allowed to report out of israel. and i can tell you the level of anger, very much mounting towards the government. now tonight, what's interesting is you're also going to have the participation of yeah, your la p, the opposition leader in israel. he tweeted in the last 2 hours and said israel must change, take a flag and come to caplin today. i'll be there when he refers to cap when he's talking about the highway the road in tell a be where those demonstrations happen. now i should also mention of course, that we're seeing a lot of statements the last few hours, also from these families of the captive still being held in gaza. and they are calling once more on the government to do more. to go back into negotiations to try to enter into a cease fire. they are extremely angry. they are extremely angry with nothing yahoo because they believe that by prolonging the conflict, he is only trying to stay in power longer massage him. and that, as you say, these demonstrations have been taking place weekly,
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all of it actually pushing any significant political pressure on this. and you as they are putting some pressure on nets in yahoo. but the fact of the matter is that nothing yet and feels more pressure from his right flank. those far right wing members of his coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been chavira and finance minister pets allow smart rich. these are the people will continue to say that if nothing, yahoo does not go full force into alpha, but they will walk away from the government, collapse his coalition, and essentially mean that he would be booted out of the prime minister seat. now what's interesting also tonight is that we're expecting in the next half an hour, a member, a key member of the work cabinet began to is also a former defense minister in israel. that he is going to be giving some type of a statement to the press. we don't know exactly what he's going to say. there is speculation throughout these really media landscapes on the speculators saying that they believe that he might resign from the work cabinet. but he is,
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he's unhappy with how netanyahu has prosecuted the war thus far. others are speculating that perhaps he will set conditions onto what needs to happen in order for him to stay with the war cabinet. but these protest certainly gathering momentum of the demonstrators currently showing more and more anger with netanyahu . but the fact of the matter is nothing. yahoo is clearly still just feeling most pressure from the far right wing members of his government. and that is why essentially he is taking the course of actions that he has been doing thus far as dodging. moment try to dream that for us with all the latest. thank you. might as well just to remind them a 100 is reporting from the jordanian capital for us, because now who's cabinet has banned audra 0 in israel. so we are now reporting from outside the country or, or tens of thousands of demonstrations have also gathered in central london and all the major cities and dozens of countries in solidarity with palestinians and garza demanding an end to israel's war. on garza having to get some of these pictures from london. now these protest is also come embracing the 76th and
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a vast rate of the knock by which is an arabic well meaning catastrophe. it refers to the force displacements of nearly 7 150000 palestinians from historic palestine and 1948, which then led to the establishment of israel high force. it has moved from that demonstration in central london. and so this is the 14th major march through the streets of london since october, as it goes supposed to be saved from the cheese. the lines are the rights of retained refugees from historic palestine. this one very closely associated with the recent anniversary decided the success of those 3 of the lock box or color city in school. the catastrophe surrounding the post displacements associated with the creation of the state of israel. people here really counting against what they see as an ongoing knock, but especially inside jobs. i am here to put a number of reasons. first and most of us is to express solidarity with us in young
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people against the genocide. the general. beyond that, i am here to protest against the misuse of the of the whole course, particularly by nothing young states. and the design is in general, this is defaulting laws. we've held since october. not so much calling for an end to the genocide in and then to all governments complicity. and so painting is rooms auctions about today world. so the memorizing the last couple weeks of memory to know just as a historical catastrophe that took place between 1947 and 9 to let me know. i went over 750000 palestinians, including all of my family with faults to free from their homes. and over $500.00 times, but it is destroyed, but as an ongoing catastrophe. 76 years of total noise ation of dispossession and
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position them on the screen. people have a system of a pop product which would also cite, memorize upon the home going so this is the head of the process. the march is assembled in whitehall. the heart of the british government has heard and the officer department is to the ministry defense is across the road. and this is where people have rallied their marketing. they're not say yes, they're calling for an immediate cease fire. they're also cooling on the government sales to address which is 0 london. well, thousands of demonstrations also gathered in paris to the mountain immediate seas fund and garza the protest, as they're also quoting for boys, lots of companies that support israel and all linked to its war on casa, there were also purchased and berlin and vienna calling for the school to end,
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it's still a head here on our homes, destroyed and at least 50 more people dead enough kind of stone off to severe flooding caused by more heavy rain the a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide, full eyes, and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with a campaigner, andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this and this is upon us. as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on script part 2, on old disease. the
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examining the fact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions, international filmmakers and will cross journalists, bring programs to inform and inspire. financials, sierra the, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the welcome back to watching all 0. let's remind you about top stories. the sound like a series of is really strikes and northern gauze that has killed thousands of palestinians in the past few hours. these 28 died and an attack on a residential block in the cloud, one hospital in the north, 20 of them for women and children. meanwhile, west of giovanni is really on tele refi. here's a group of people chewing for, want to women and children that will so among those killed clauses. health ministry says that these 83 people have died across the street in the past. the 24 hour tens of thousands of demonstrations gathered in central london to quote for a cease fire and golf. the purchase is also launched, but not fond of catastrophe in english, which refers to the force displacements of nearly 750000 palestinians, from historic palestine and 1948. george's president has vito to the so called
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foreign agents bill that was approved by parliament earlier this week. the bill has led to daily protests in the capital tbilisi. as you officials have said, it could cost the country. it's good to join the block. the bill will now go back to parliament where it will require a simple majority to override the veto the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough foods to make that happen. this bill, it requires and years and media receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from overseas to declare themselves. agents of foreign influence. here's the vit today i v to the russian law. this low is russian in its essence and its spirit. it contradicts our constitution and all europeans don the edges. therefore it represents adults that close to are you are p and past from the legal point of view, this b to as no problems. and today dis, veto will be transferred to party and the slow is not subject to any changes and no improvements. and therefore this is a very simple vehicle. this law must be repealed jogan rubbish. but at least really
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is a political analyst on a form, a senior adviser to the national security council of georgia. he joins us now from dc. you'll have this move by the president is a symbolic gesture. we know georgia dream has the majority to override, presumably they will. so why do it despite the georgia dream, having the majority to override the veto, it was timely and principles moved from the presence of rubbish, really, as it puts the hall to the responsibility on georgia in dream. and the manager is there space and ability to maneuver now the ball as in the georgia dream score, the entire week a georgia dream push, the idea of modifying and amending the law one wants. it is the final task which can be regarded as a smoke screen. and that aims to drag out the process and we're out of the way of a process, so present the rightful it highlighted it and it's asked me to dispute it. it's a russian law that contradicts georgia in constitution and contradicts all european
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standards. if i recall the web post test last year about basically the same bill, right? georgia dream withdrew it back then. can you explain? 12 view is what's changed between that and now yes, of course the georgia dream has miscalculated. the party believed they could conduct better, easy formation campaigns, easier to convince more people the need for the russian. well, how, where were these proved to be wrong? for all the only majority of georgia is drifting back into the russians to beautiful influence and undermining jo. just democracy, so brazenly, is a clear red lot. there is also a fundamental shift in the polls. the landscape with the younger generation becoming increasingly involved and politics and the youth is driving force behind this process. so that's the, the huge difference between last year and this year, you called at the russian or the jewelry. how close is georgia dream to moscow? i mean,
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it's replicates the russian law even. it's not in the think it was still in the process of a not passing below n georgia dream knowledge lead. because the now there was, it was organized and organized, orchestrated campaign against the protestors against the civil act. it was so no numbers calling them and threatening with their lives. there people work ambushed and beaten in near their homes. and it was like a chatter campaign basically. so you know, it's rep the case, the russian methods. the slaw will isolate georgia from the west or from the west. it will be possible to become the manager of nato. and you and basically to look at, if you look at the georgia skillful skill location, there's only one country that could, you know, exploit and, and use the saw. and this is the russian federation, which is the neck of the central craft to georgia because isolated by solution as we usually place favor to moscow. you'll hear everything. rubbish,
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billy. they're political list and full. i'm a senior advisor to the national security council of georgia. thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera. thanks for the privilege is now nearly 10000 people have been forced to leave their homes and ukraine's ne and concave region. russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is ukraine's 2nd largest process. depends. ministry says troops captured another village on south today. ukrainian officials say the situation is under control. the president brought him, his lensky has warned. this could be the fast wave of a major offensive man charged with the attempted. assassination of started back, prime minister brought the speaker, has been ordered to remain behind bob's office at court hearing. following the hearing, he was escorted from the court on, on the police. conroy prosecute has said that they fear the suspect would flee or carry out the crimes if he was set free. the 71 year old man is accused of firing 5
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shots at the prime minister on wednesday. fico is in a stable, that serious condition and hospital for the after a brief conversation with the medical staff and with the director of the roosevelt hospital, we can tell you that this morning's medical board has assessed that the prime minister's health is stable. nevertheless, the medical condition is still serious and it must be said that yesterday's surgery which lasted 2 hours contributed to a positive prognosis for the prime minister's health to us. and these $23.00 migrant for missing off dispatching off in a boat from tennessee a towards italy. the turn of the national guard says it has deployed rescue teams uninformed to the navy to, to help them massage. disease. coastline is less than a 150 kilometers from the italian island of long producer. so it's become a main departure point from migrants attempting to cross the mediterranean to europe. not enough, got us down to flood horses, have killed at least 50 people in the central province of cool agencies. a people
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desperately need help as far as heavy flooding that killed them over 300 people last week in northern i found this done calculus, henry on the 4. as the flash floods have left many people here, homeless, thousands of shops and homes are now submerged enough can ascend score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire. so the look of did is we got that the have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in these no bolts or breed. we have nothing to give out. children at the witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast leaving money with no time to escape. 8 agencies worn the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house when the floods came in. people have lost everything for their property,
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cattle and sheep. everything is gone. that's gonna stand is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in this section i would say the white house has been completely destroyed, of last 6 family members and a friend. and how much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country. and they don't know how to make ends meet the gotten of these one more wheat fields, which i'm gone. the main challenge for us is removing the floods settlements. the entire land is covered with stones. and what with the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again,
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i'll just hear well that's it for me and associates. i remember you can always find much more on a website that's out of here a dot com next inside story takes a look at south africa's latest appeal to the u. n's top course to order a hold on as well as assault on ruffin to stay with us. i'll be back with the news our off to that the the had low that let's look to the middle east and there's lots of dry and settled whether to be found across much of the region with temperatures, climbing in the days ahead of things to drive up nicely across the north of iran, still a few showers here in the summer recovery to the temperature in toronto at 25 degrees celsius. that on sunday. now we've seen 40 degrees in baghdad, iraq, on sunday,
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in the system of the trend across the gulf. as we go into monday at 40 degrees celsius, maximum height and mecca, and re add $41.00 degrees celsius. here in dough ha, that is largely fine and dried largely fine and dry occlusal event, with the numbers pushing up here on the hot picture, continues for the north east of africa with some blustery hot wins picking up the chance of since that sand storms. well, north west, however, it is where the story for pots of morocco temperature coming down in we're back to 19 degrees celsius. so what's the weather as well? effects in west and parts of africa before the intense rains. we have to had the, the so it will be moving areas of madagascar and the se shelves that see whether thanks to a tropical storm out to see that will throw some showers to northern areas of mozambique before the south of this. it's hot and dry. the,
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the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized, let's say we're also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people had access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the story pro, send you the officials, photo to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct to the funds directly from custom scott's us top course. he is arguments about as well as the military campaigns and office as real estate that has the right to defend itself against him. off south africa says the offensive is aimed wiping out palestinians, but could any ordered by the world's post office? well, this is inside story. the


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