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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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for the seller and then the dozens of palestinians have been killed in an is randy as probably go to residential building in more than garza the, the cloud. this is alex is here in line for me to also coming up the united nation says 800000 palestinians have now flipped the city of rafa. as is really, as drugs continued to hit the south of the goals and spread the 10s of
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thousands, riley in london and other european cities, calling for an in to israel's foreign cars. and protest is in israel coolant prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure the release of captives from plus homes destroyed. and then these 50 people that enough gun has done also severe flooding close by more heavy rain. the so we begin in northern goes away is really for us as of going to series of attacks targeting palestinian homes, at least $28.00 people were killed in australia on a residential block near come on at one hospital in the north with many more injured west of jabante a is really on secondary, struck a group of people queuing for was 8 people were killed with women and children among with that, talked about the reports now from the bottom. wow. so this is often more so can
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easily turn into a value a residential play close to the come on it one has so now rough as is really bumps rained down in buildings, shouldering palestinians drawing to escape the con it rescue is scrambled to help. but they have little to acquits upon him. an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we play the children out of the rubble, the different families who are under the rubble. most of them are inside the homes, and they have displaced people. here's the house of the eldest families, where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the home. in philadelphia, west of devalue women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life . and it seems a very good display to the village area. west of jamalia. com,
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which is considered a safe area and southern the space was sold by 3 is really show children women and young people. and lots of we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint it or roy in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury. and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication. the medical stuff out of the woods, there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to all over the hospital. the situation remains dia, in rough or co traveling to central garza was struck by a true killing some instantly didn't one thing. others. do you on says that 800000 palestinians have been forced to flee a rough ice since being ordered to evacuate when they use really military intensive
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finally to tax last week. but the areas money ends up, a lot of water so chilled. tough was sending the humanitarian crisis, tara cup as soon elgin's era. jared, that i had a story. well, let's get the latest from the scene of the attack in northern johnson. i'm with a colored sense of this report from giovanni. they come out, 100 residential house has been targeted and destroyed by the forces here and the end of a sentence by the account. they have to come on the whole have been destroyed. dozens have been killed in thousands, got injured. as you can see, civility altering to reach the cover civilians who have been killed, at least on the run down the
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but these really ministry says is recovered the body of another captive in gauze where it says remains of from benjamin have been returned to his real burial. meanwhile, protest as have done that in tel aviv dakota on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government to secure the release of his randy cats has from gaza. thousands of protesters have been running every week to denounce and you know, he's kindly of, for war or pressure is also mounting on next and yahoo! from within his own government is really will cabinet minister benny dunces publicly demanded. the prime minister outlined a strategy for his war. i'm a haven't jump june is live in the jordanian capital. i'm on a remember that benjamin, that you know his government to shut down houses here is operations within israel. so that's why man is reported from outside the country and mohammed at so as the protest build. so you do the divisions in the government and now we have these threats from benny guns. well that's right, and these threats from been against coming just
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a few days after israel's defense minister. your wife kalonde gave a press conference and telling me even which she wanted benjamin. that's. and y'all, how to rule out any military governance of gaza after the war is over. of course, nothing you out did not agree to that. now this evening when there's thousands of people demonstrating in tell of the many of them calling on benjamin, that's now to resign. and many of them also just saying that he needs to do more to ensure the release of those captive still being held in gaza. you have been against coming out of critical member of the war cabin and giving a press conference in tel aviv, in which he demanded that if a 6 point plan for how gaza was going to be handled going forward. and that would include how it would be governed after the war. if that is not agreed to by june 8, then he will pull his party from the unity government that was created after october 7th. best i can listen to more of what benny gaps had to say at that press conference earlier this evening. the leadership must actually identify the risks
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and seize the opportunities and develop a nation wide strategy, a modern nationwide strategy, an order for us to fight side by side and shoulder to shoulder. the more cabinet must, by the 8th of june the, the plan. so next, certainly this is one form of pressure that netanyahu is going to be facing. now also, it's a of note that your la paid the opposition leader and israel was at the demonstration in tel aviv earlier this evening. and he had also called on ben a gas to resign from the war cabinet. if nothing, yahoo doesn't start doing more to secure the release of those captives still being held in gaza. beyond that, you have these demonstrations gathering momentum. i myself was at one just 2 weeks ago and typically when we could still report out of israel, i saw thousands of people coming out there with the anti government demonstrators.
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it works calling on benjamin netanyahu to resign. the saying that he is trying to prolong the war so that he can stay office longer than you had the grieving relatives of those captives that were killed in gaza. and also the captains that are still being held in gaza saying that the government needs to do more to secure the release. beyond that though, nets and yahoo also feeling the most amount of pressure, though, from the far right wing flank of his own governing coalition. i'm talking about far, right, we ministers like national security ministry. it's more than a year and finance minister bits of l smart rich who have 4 months now said that if nothing. yeah, who does not go full force into it off of that they will walk away from the government. that would collapse the coalition. that would mean that the government collab that would mean that there would be elections and that would most certainly mean that nothing. yeah. who would be out of power next. busy having thanks to that, i'm having to empty reporting there. and again, he's reporting from among because benjamin netanyahu is cabinet, has banned down to 0 in israel. so that's why we're reporting from outside the country. the 10s of thousands of demonstrators have done of it in central london
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and other major cities in dozens of countries in solidarity with palestinians and garza, the demanding an end to israel's will. on garza, these are pictures from london, just as we'll say, commemorating the $76.00 anniversary of the night crowd, which is an arabic would meaning catastrophe. it refers to the false displacements of nearly 7 150000 palestinians from historic palestine in 1948, which then led to the establishment of israel high false it as more from the demonstration in central one or the major march through the streets of london. same october as it didn't take place to be saved from b t c. and why is it the rights of ricin? refugees from historic palestine? this one very closely associated with the recent anniversary decided the success of those 3 of the lock box or color sitting in school, which attached to the surrounding the post displacements associated with the race.
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and the state of israel. people here really competing against what they see as an ongoing knock, but especially inside garza, i am here to put a number of reasons. first and most of this is to express solidarity with us in young people against the genocide in general. but beyond that, i am here to protest against the misuse of the of the whole course, particularly by nothin young states. and the design is in general, i think there's a considerable amount of on, justified fear being with so among jews. and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to sleep, hope roams about, you know, talk, killing illumination of whole communities in russia, ukraine, cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's
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very easy to awaken the trauma. in jewish people, i'm not afraid, apologies for design is state for israel really play own box. they with the song quite deliberately. so the idea that we've been told me in on that these are hate small churches. and that's none of the nice things have been. know goes over seduce because there are lots of people waiting, palestinian flags on the system. the on for the march is ascending in whitehall, the heart of the british government, the in the office of the prime minister, the minister defense is across the road. and this is where people have rallied their marketing. they're not say yes, they're calling for an immediate cease fire. they're also totally on the government sales to as well. i'll just hear a lot of houses demonstrate is of altogether and parents to develop that immediate ceasefire and going to protest as are also quoted for boy quotes of companies that
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support is real and then linked to its war on guns and demonstrate is also gathered in the german capital fell into 2 mountain entity conference. jeremy's government has been one of his real staunchest supporters since school began in october. then there was also being protests in the austrian capital of vienna. demonstrators cooled on the government to hold on selves to israel and condemned the ongoing offensive in rough. the . at least 5 people, including children, had been injured in russians drunk from the khaki, nearly 10000 p flipping falls from the homes. and the reason a russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is ukraine, 2nd largest russians, defense ministry says troops come to the another village near its border. on saturday, we created an official say the situation is under control, but the president for them is wednesday as one this could be the 1st wave and
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a major offensive on size of a new legislation comes into effect in ukraine, changing the roles of mobilization and lowering the conscription age from 27 to 25 is also going to sure help the countries depleted and aging on forces on holding as more from keith. the line sites is in grey head. it's a lot to the middle you still, i mean, you crying, trying to keep russian forces of by the average of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us 28 and the u. k. the to one to meet throw is 44 back from the front. he says in some ways having over the troops has positive look to what, what everyone's motivated. but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop. so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity, and the full this is a crucial young can be reckless, but it can only be upside. we went to
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a recruitment center as of the gate to us them. which idea of soldiers they prefer, ma'am for tiffany. if we need every one older people because they're more experience in their specialty, but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition, and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people. young people find it easier to compete. our basic training course and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the crime, you know me relatively old in paul? because the countries conscription i even off the recent reduction remains high, it's 25 rushes is 18. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hollow out. it's already smooth supply of young demand. just look at the country's population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the u. n. started keeping records, it's a huge problem to the army,
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aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up. dropoff coaching is an issue. we will hold them in and leaving their families to go and fight demetrius on the off the front line. now because his leg was blown off, since he is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son, the still wants to go back. and his wife navea will be reluctant place, sees the name of the medicine which this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules, the answer to that question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home and i would just say to keith, still a head heron out 0. she needs human rights groups warned against the routing freedoms on the president type site. wide spreads destruction and power outages across the us state of texas. but fine weather is coming. the
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hod he came into the use of the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular, i said to call facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy, it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the . ringback the why have american evangelicals become
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israel? strongest backer. is us president. you'll find the right to stand with this really with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the, the, to kind of get you what you know is there a, her mind about top story is this uh, and the series of his readings drawings involving tanza killed dozens of palestinians in the past few hours. at least $28.00 died in an attack on a residential block and they come out of one hospital in the north. 20. the women and children west of giovanni is really on 10 or a 5. it's
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a group of people doing some was when the children were among those killed us health industry says at least 82 people died across the strip. in the past 24, thousands of israelis are protesting to, to mound and vague governments to more to release and catch the celtic jobs. meanwhile, vs rating will cabinet members and the guns demanding a war strategy from net in the office. the funeral is being held in the occupied westbank for senior palace didn't come on to killed in an overnight rate and you need more of those kinds of bodies. then coming through the streets of directors, you come. it's really forced to say they talk to the gates commander, 8 other people will also be attacked at least 23 microns and missing your to city off in a boat from tennis. yeah. for towards the, to me, the scene is in the national guard says it has
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a deployed rescue teams and informed the navy to help in the search that you need east coast time is less than a 150 kilometers from new ton in island of left producer, it's become a main departure point for migrants attempting to cross the mediterranean sea to your rights groups into this you say that freedoms in the country now threatens under the rule of president. ty said, the group say that authorized sees in the north african country use the police to punish those that oppose to easiest route and government to a rights group, ravenous, the international is cool, dental pharmacies to respect freedom of speech. let's, let's take this home. we can speak to him instantly, see who's it to me is an older and political out unless twins now live from paris. i mean good to have you with this. so this set more authoritarian approach if you will, has been happening for some time. but in your view, has the crackdown picked up speed now? hello, thank you for having me. i don't believe it is picking up speed. i think we've
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elected the girl since in the last few years. as um there was no major opposition. that's managed to convince the changing people. well that's what was happening was a shift towards and until we started in the regime. and however, this was made easier by the fact of hi site has put a lot of his opponents in jail. so they were not able to convince the people of what's going on in the country um, when it comes to migrants and when it comes to display to the racism that you are seeing from between isn't government. it has been going on for the last year. we need to remind the people that, let's do it by side adopted the great replacement theory. and so how, how about how there was a plot um, organized in order to alternatives in demographics. this led to a lots of violence towards migrants misled to people being thrown off their houses to people being evicted to people being losing their jobs. and this led to
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thousands of migrants being, being sent to the death search with the internal conditions and many and g o, it was reported that there was at least 23 that okay, well tell us about the degree of all positions decides actions because you have the lawyers have been striking the human rights league and bar association as standing from the labor union itself. that's got more than a 1000000 members at how. how great is the opposition? and can they really do anything to we can only hope that the, the lawyer strikes gonna lead to a more aggressive approach from the union's incentives. yeah, well has been, will have been quite silent in the last years um, towards the regime. um, they adopted the same strategy as well when, when it was under been all these rulings, they adjusted to the, to the target targeting system. and they, uh, they just, they just kept going with this and they criticized. but they did not denounce. they
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did not organize strikes, they were not protesting with us on this, on the streets. so we hope that the fact is that right now, anyone can be arrested. it's not just political opponents, it's not just political parties. anyone who can, who, who criticizes um, a policy can be, can be arrested by the purchase. so maybe the fact that we went from the fact of science was arresting his political opponents to now this redeem is arresting anyone that there is to criticize them. maybe it will lead to a collective and a force that to will be able to, to change things, but we are far from it from the for now. all right, i mean will leave with the for the vitamins. i mean, it's an easy speaking to us. thank you. thank you. the death toll from protest spot by proposed pointing reforms and the french pacific charge of new caledonia has risen to at least 6 the state of emergency, as in place,
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thousands of indigenous connect people protesting changes to local elections and switch. critics, a favorite french nationals, hundreds of french police have patrolling the streets of capital of new mia and reinforcements have been deployed to support and security forces of george's president as vito, the so called for an agents bill approved by parliament earlier this week. the bill has led to the daily protests and to places you officials said it could cost the country, it's been joined the block. the bill will now go back to apartments where it will require a simple majority to write the v to the routing georgia dream policy is allies have enough space to make that happen to build requests and using media receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from agencies to declare themselves agents for an influence to have gun as done where a foot board is killed and these 50 people in the central problem to go. agency said people desperately need help before those heavy flooding that killed more than
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300 people last week in northern afghanistan because he left us what do you as us? so flash floods have left many people here homeless. thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions or dire c they'll look at it is we got a copy of the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in peace. no, russo a breed. we have nothing to give out. children at the witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast, leaving many with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house when the floods came in, people have lost everything, their property, cattle,
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and sheep everything is gone. that's gonna stand is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in the section of a say the white house has been completely destroyed of last 6 family members and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet the reason of my wheat fields, which i'm gone. the main challenge for us is removing the floods settlements. the entire land is covered with stones and what the us food agency says. many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of aid katia lopez all
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again. i'll just see here. south africa's fuller president, jacob zoom a has held the riley for the newly formed and k policy. and so whether it was campaigning, rams off the head of elections, whose trilogy has full, the policy, the governing african national congress in national polls at the end of the month, in 2018. so you must step down under pressure from the policy of corruption. navigation is due to stand trial and next year on charges of accepting bribes thinks a multi $1000000.00 um, deals done before. is timing office crews in the us city, if used to working through were still pallets and then the 1000000 homes and businesses of the stones called widespread damage. a texas official says some residents could be without path weeks, auditors high. did you a customer, let's just of a sudden burst of thunder storm with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the
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delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction. downtown skyscrapers hawks with jacket holes in place of windows and a night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to drive from falling trees and another from a crate. it was fierce, it was intense. it was quick. and most of these tony's didn't have time to place any sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks. not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly 1000000 homes and businesses that last power at the storms. peak scientist say this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is
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enabling mere thunderstorms to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro algae 0. that's it for now. come on, use. tell me up in hoffman on the totes, well, does it the hello welcome to the get the international full costs. you say something about a winfrey bras just around the southeast of us friday, particularly since it has many a little bit of snow here over the high ground. but similar, the shell is still in place just around at least the sort of new south wales they will continue to pull away. but one or 2 showers grasp the feeding the way into victoria. and they will be robert blustery as well, with high pressure across the bites and into much of all just looking fine and try
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for the most part of the world. sunshine. when there improvements, such a full south east, 20 i and path again. not too bad, but what's the weather into the southeast that will persist before drifting out into the tasman eventually pushing a little bit of wet weather in tennessee and and again with a little bit a slight wave of the high ground of the south island for a time but it will grasp the cheer up here, staying pretty cherry across eastern parts of china. right over the next couple of days. little bit more of the way it went to whether towards the final phase to china, smoking the head on those type of just that the beijing for example, down to was the south. this is where we have got another round, a very heavy right coming to places that will bring more flooding into the south of charlotte. no to southern parts of japan also saying some wet weather as we go through monday with that right, stretching all the way across home, she the, you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on requested and remember to copy revise wells and increases systems cost on red chris the malaysia stands in the house of agent and as much as one of the most vocal on the console. as this rel intensifies it strikes the world is watching, especially what's referred to as the global south. the roles of global pounds on the scrutiny, the actions will lack of the united states and other nations of sponsored debate. all the fostering piece of fueling to how does the laser view the international response.


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