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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Anwar Ibrahim  Al Jazeera  May 18, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am AST

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the p is the cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems. cost on red chris the malaysia stands in the house of agent and as much as one of the most vocal on the console as this rel intensifies, it strikes the world, is watching, especially what's referred to as the global south. the roles of global pounds around the scrutiny, the actions, or lack of the united states and other nations of sponsored debate. how they fostering piece of fueling to how does malays your view the international response?
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while many seek solutions beyond politics, focusing on humanity, in a global sconce against what is increasing the use of genocide. we hear from the malaysian prime minister on whatever he talks to bounties here, the relation prime minister on what abraham. thank you for talking. so i'll just here in september, you spoke of the politics of dispossession when you were addressing the un general assembly. do you believe his royal is currently trying to estimate cli, cleanse the west bank and gaza, or if palestinians to look into the fix and the disaster disasters the consequences in gus on no one means that i might include denying the fact that the design, it's an a cleansing gross of science or general sign. clearly it does come to that . you mentioned genocide, and i'm sure you're aware that in march the 26 the you in special reco tool on
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palestine said there are reasonable grounds to believe israel is committing genocide. do you agree, do you see that as early as committing genocide? yes, of course, of the good look at the casualties and diverse station and giving no unfortunately the default anyone, children and women in the of the leave to survive. what other terms can be applicable? you know, prime minister when people in the global south here that the thing that comes to mind is they remember what the us president side on december, the 12th that israel was conducting indiscriminate bombings in garza. and then on may the 8th, when he said that the us bombs have been used in the killing civilians. and i think for many people in the global south, i wonder why doesn't the us stop sending weapons if they know is being used to kill civilians indiscriminately. do you quote on the us to stop the transfer of weapons
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to? well, i think the international community admin, very clear abundantly clear that the a sort of these and governments including united states should what we can 1st just skim sufficient or foster these and, and stop the cool the wall. and whereas the in a day a such a tonic describing some of the times. but the action seems to be on the contrary, is what i see sometimes. most countries in the west seems to be quite to bulk of the code between the electors on human rights and democracy. at the same time condoning, even though tolerating this uh, this atrocities against the in this and population. so do you think the us should stop transferring the life and so my visual, we're doing what is necessary just to stop there, hosted this. do you think that includes the ending of what's inside,
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what's not only weapons, but also they have the influence of mechanism and the, the prevent excuse at all combined to be able to force. i mean, you just possible. imagine that one man within the hour can dictate the face of the world. international human rights groups like amnesty international on january, the 262024 human rights watch. december. the 8th 2023 states in the us is risking complicity in these really atrocities by continuing to supply weapons and diplomatic cover. do you agree with that? do you think the us is complicit in the war crimes that these international organizations are talking about? i'm in no position to to deny that because the fix that is evident, that of knowing it to us, it is been committed. whether it's your line, your friend, no nation, that's a complete, you have
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a nexus with you. you cannot control this. otherwise you have no model stitcher was pending in the world to talk about the new international relations and says she many t o even um all the inhuman lights. i'm curious, 5 minutes to do you convey that message to us officials and if so, what kind of response to get when you say it's undeniable, you cannot deny that you'll complicit in want international human rights organizations are cooling all crimes. what kind of, how do they respond to northern to us, your community? the me has expressed jeanette through united nations to bella to a month to let them i can isms i remember during the epic conference in san francisco. i did a pin to the not just this, um, particularly in front of the president joe biden, who this did this and very and that at that is really up to my expression. brushing
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that call, a video of the respond. no, it was no response, but the was, it was addressing me as a friend, as, as an inputting of a lot of, of, of militia. but it's been, you know, a net present for, for, for decades. how does that make you feel? well, i was kind of the name that i'm feeling the said that this is a point to know that the interest of my present position and melissa, but because you can better see the d b. i trust that this inflicted upon this booming that you've done. it just pushes as people, many people in this region know the conflict, didn't begin on october. the 7th and many international human rights groups including even is writing human rights groups like they'd sell them. i have said in
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several of the reports that israel is practicing upon, tied to gates, palestinians. do you agree with that? do you see as well as in the pop tide state? well, policies and the actions of pals through the fact that is going be on the site to general site in gaza. but don't forget, westbank is daily atrocity inflicted upon people and they couldn't fault of course, where they should before this round of conflict began 5 bait, sullen by amnesty international by human rights, wants to agree that there was an a pol tied foundation even before this conflict. because long before you, with the knuckle bar, and following that, the continued annexation is zipcode, as this, and how do you expect countries to accept the fact that in this age, for whatever reason, countries have been colonized. and you don't expect of example of an existence with
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the civil i'm going to distance the n c, the audi. i mean, look at all this piece of this countries. people have like to this bone and the mind, independence and freedom in the fight against colonization. what to do assigned talks about this session. so you see as well as a colonial apartheid state. clearly what, how do you explain the of action against the police deviance and the fact that they continue to control lance belong to the police in people to recognize, for example, it's also against international humanitarian, little to attack, to take captive is really children and civilians. and in this, yes, i think really mental system this way. we differ with the, with the west, but we then question, why don't you condemn and do whatever is necessary,
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just top that joseph this against others, is for us pressuring malaysia to try and change it stands on the goals of conflict . you mentioned. i think on the 31st of october, the parliament you'd receive to the marshes. what exactly is the us asking malaysia to do? what we have pick a disrupt position, which i think is very consistent to our independence. the foreign policy stands in defending human rights and the legislature, bit expirations of any country be a will for all positions. these are the the and see in, in the support of the, the monday law. but the big can then inquire, they did the lease, the issue of my engage moves home us and when i'm here the high
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did meet somebody, nea and i didn't much on but they should know what transpired i call upon this. ringback the organization including home us uh to, to try and accommodate support the resolution and the call by add up neighbors and to go up is full resolution a settlement. but of course i have uh, my son. but just because i issue, but joseph, these the sufferings in green, the, of a personal suffering due to the loss of the children and grandchildren and i had to convey my sympathies to step is the us pressuring you to change your policy. and you'll stones, when i'm not to feel blakely but, but because we meant in good relations united states, we continue to do so. i mean, to the left for this to the, i mean of cut off, would the take that position,
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which benefits the international community? if someone has to engage with how much you like it or not, it does so the present, some portions of the policy and then people in gusto and you kind of deny that you'll see to us interested as of history in c condemns so thoroughly. so i'm going to visit my many european countries and that would be the idea of the action from the, from a israel and the supporters of is rose. how can you have engagement with the groups that they see and is categorized in western countries as a tire organization as a group that is criticized by international human rights groups to because of some of its actions or some of its operations towards is ready, the civilians how do you respond to that? i am not here to different any accesses by anyone but this. why does it focus even condemning? uh, i'm us on the 7th of october and muted
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a. so you got to the 60 use the mall of atrocities. it gives a busy season people. so i think therefore, we need to explain that this english one is purely diplomatic political to pursue them to understand the other concerns is of benefit. as the companies have done, even things is killed, the release of what status is to contact. and then this one, you don't need to leave everything that they do. but i think a principle this thompson would help broadening out to why the developments in the region are us treasury, department officials being reported as saying service providers based in malaysia are enabling around to move its oil ave. so with that as being them allegation, but they're not given any evidence to suggest that. so you've not been given any
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evidence by the us. know they was suspecting there's some companies involved in the ship to ship the shipment in the national waters said they will give evidence of that. we, if we do, then we will have to put that on check. because as far as we're concerned, we accept the decision of we and that's not the admissions. but because we do not agree with the union union latrell sanctions imposed by the united states. so our position is sanctions going to be only decided by the united nation and your show that no malaysian entities are engaging in any activity that's banned by un sanctions. if the use evidence to be able to close to stop that because we want to be part of the domestic community that accept the gum rules is the us requesting. and the thing from malaysia at this point, visit the this question of allegations of malaysian entities. no countries what is behind it and the media best thing the in the sessions that we have,
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we let this essentially, but that seems to be more subdued on the end we have given clear undertaking that we do not task this international rules. and if there's evidence we sit in the court of cooperate, there's no question about whether you work with any us requests visit the us unilateral sanctions, you know, the new new let's go. sanctions be difficult because i think countries do not. and jim, and accept that, leave us as in post, i think sanctions on full malaysian companies in december. how will call them for respond to that? when we said that you can impose using your power and assaulted, but you have to give evidence and, and i can assure you that we will give for all the support necessary. but is there any counter measure coming from column pool? you know, we will have to, it will continue to engage the americans as a look, a lift to defend the length of our companies,
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if they do not talk this international law or decisions. but do not that missions, but you come to, you know, the same, the be deemed to be bullying smaller states, particularly a loyal friend for a long time. on that point, you're also quoted on march, the 4th, during the 80, and some it is saying malaysia is friendship with the us with europe with a straight is, should not preclude us from being friendly to one of our important neighbors. precisely, china, you've also spoken about how he's spoken of pressure being applied. we do not want to be dictated to by any force these the us trying to dictate to malaysia anything related to its relations with china. so no questions. uh, so we need to explain that the time is an important neighbor. uh we have not had
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any issues with them. and, and um, the thing is i will do t normally municipal cm, to be independent and observe the principle of neutrality and do what is best to focus. so now it cannot make development and therefore in increasing tweet and obviously investments. and that is being due to complete. it is the us costs, can you to downgrade some of your relationship? no, i know we're not open the, i mean, i know there's been, you know, the missives and, but we're not going to respond to that because we see in america cumulative lease to the lawn. just invest the immune this year. and as the new investments coming in, and i think we look at these, the odyssey, there's no bias in fable against any country. talking about the south china sea,
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do feel asian, is failing to negotiate it's code of conduct policy to try and manage tensions that this has been going on for more than 20 years. it is an issue this not to necessarily tens development know for me, one or 2 countries did the lease. some of these concerns. we use bilateral and also we call them monthly little mechanisms to continue to discuss and negotiate. we have published all of our neighbors, i mean, in terms of the position of the, you know, a neighbor that bought this big of a negotiating with them. well, you know, buzzing time then a single pole is a little 9 with indonesia and the sub of and, and the philippines and the but it's not tense just in the civil orderly discussions then positions. and i think this will continue. i mean, i send,
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there's a very strong, queasy, false. if we talk a little bit about some of the domestic developments in malaysia, how do you respond to critics who will say, the economic reforms, the democratic form, that whole drive? it's, it's slowed down. you haven't met the aspirations that you you spoke about before you became prime minister and your opponents. i'm sure you heard from the opposition. as i say, it's part of politicizing is stabilizing. you'll coalition at the expense of not going off to powerful people with corruption investigations. when we have been in charge of the last one, the have years and you want to connect and decades of accesses. it didn't that period does, of course not acceptable. we have seen attempts in the past, you've been doing this and you'd have been experience with countries, you know, the whole about affecting clicked reforms would be disaster. so they could on
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me and the political set up, in our case, the country to this sessions and all expressions. but the position. what is the most important? that is governance. what have we been successful? is to check the views by lead us to the cabinet members from funding wealth, through direct negotiations to messy billions of dollars of send the we have stop that. but you know, the opposition would say, why would charges dropped the gains? for example, the deputy prime minister, your ally, while investigations are continuing against the hot, the mohammed sons a dime saying that the other thing is, is there a politicize ation of the investigative process? no response to the i have explained on the issue of the in, in the, in the,
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on the vice prime minister. and this for the attorney general to explain the, the doing, find the comfortable the fact to support the initial judge, which was initially the foot at the time when the other party was impala. know, then why do we didn't proceed with the investigation after then? and at the collection commission, i mean if you a phone to have a mess, billions of dollars when you empower and the you and the government on deal position. i mean the former parameters this deal on going going to trial. and i'm not here to be pressure to stop. that's why i mean, the jeep is still undergoing major it's, i don't know, on the corruption charges. and the coalition is from his party. but there's no
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pressure on me to stop that. so the, the, the, via the ongoing case now, and then why do you take um, time, again, some members opposition because my, the supports opposite the him did not so, but the position seems to be quite neutral. but they've been case asked investigate that by the end of the color into collapse commission that billions of dollars have been a mess and up to them to investigate. and for the, at the preferred time, if you find a conclusive evidence in for the judiciary to then educate and the site is not for me. you see the problem is i in headed the system. we just also looked at it and sent me the total and controls the duties should e, control, zip was the vision and the investigations and the assume this is a position. this is not a position on media freedom. so i'm sure you know,
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my lazy is dropped, so the full places in reports is without borders. 2024 world press freedom index. all media writes on the stress and malaysia. oh, to get an issue with that. how, how well have realistic i mean generally no. have you been any newspaper? well, the web carry for rest of june list is october 17th, 2023 like yon wong. it was released, i think after 24 hours. but he was investigated the roger and the still being investigated, arrived for sedition. yes, i think that's something you have a positive speaking out against. no i, it's be a again, this edition because of political cases i've been call into christ. got the recall is and is age and there was no charge of the investigations. but when you touch the loyalty, the institutional role t then big and you know, you draw the line. that is, that line our system because there should've been lucky the ruler the full times i
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know position to the spot. and the time is the same position low and need to be changed where, right and to not do anything comes to the, the, the members of the loyalty. for example, there's a reason why is that a red line? if it's criticism one on the stands, of course in every country defamation libel, laws apply, but criticism itself is an indication that the king is involved in a completely. the plan is to set up a casino, which, you know, really is the sentiments of the people. and, and uh, we just, of course, don't healthy 1st of these is, is that because it's defined much for you is definitely right. and secondly, you thought certainly the solution, the, is no position to defend themselves and factually wrong. i mean, i'm not, i'm being honest, oh, there was not one single proposal to set up a new casino. this is just an example,
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and then you talk about the media freedom. and i agree. but then use your insight list of riots do a lot of it you'll, you'll see a melissa, most of them can be candidates in any lectures where 40 percent on listed, where do you want to throw them? so there's a limit. do they have go to do you have to have lows? it doesn't matter whether we, we are being downgraded but what is important is that cause isms allowed alone. it is. um, i've been abused in every minute and i'm not charged them. that the issue is when you touched, as if example, you know, condemning the lease, condemning regions and you're inviting any such thing as i hit. and we cannot afford this in our country. and mostly that's the members of the loyalty. i'm the name it just the the extent that you con,
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requested the questions and we don't charge them requesting the return of them shouldn't role to be open for valid criticism, but isn't defamatory, should have so fund to have like, should have some right? yes. who's oversee well, the rules do this for me, but she was asked about the king e d o jurisdiction. what was this? it shows, dixon. there was no investigation or charged like when you condemned the king, then the charge final questions. off the all the is. you've had quite a journey being in a position, being an ally of a next prime minister being in opposition to him having gone to jail twice. and now being in power has on what they brought. he changed and whether we use the language of ideas or put on ties more often than before. but the principles of each of these
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issues of fundamental issues like uh, judicial independence and did corruption, good governance, racial colors and minority, right. this i ups up and these of do we fund the mental in the country and they can fix this issue against me because i'm not to compromise on these issues and the stuff you wouldn't be the inclusion to understand my position. i'm but the fear or the dealership was, this is it. is there anything you disappointed about now that you're in power that you feel you would've liked to achieve but you, you feel restrained back on what? to be honest. yes. because so i would have thought that you have a lead to will not take salary, show you the best, the to work hard, and the effect change of the full. and what's the best for the guns, a strong guess? consumption and excesses would be support. the nice thing go from the results of
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the last by elections we have given, i mean be given the support, but i'm a big deal is not supporting, you know, in the anti corruption. yes. the us, when we the launches into collections life to the very rich and famous the billing is, you'll find that many with this crow news and the political appliances, including the opposition using east lubbock by t or the belief party who defend. i'm a to me is horrifying to have people talking about belief supremacy or a slight mcgroon when they condone this squandering premiums on the public bus. or i would have salt, i mean the positive when with easy it's not necessarily full. but do you then go see to compromise because of you have no a belief. finally the wisdom of the messages. but i will reform agenda
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will continue on what abraham relation 5 minutes. so thank you so much for talking 12 to 0. thank you. the, our oceans are under switch by a for rushes, fishing industry, government, people are thinking you'll bring deep sea trolling back. easy off the choices sees that go systems are going to suffer more and more with climate change and we need to adapt. now marine conservationists are in a desperate race against time. the ocean provides services for us that we require as humanity. i'll just see you as lucy is dying of the last shock. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine,
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an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for palestinian right? you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception, and it does either boxed or 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from i'm into the how to rubik language worldwide. shake him out. a word for translation and international understanding. unknown see, is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may . 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m l
12:00 am
g the the other on the clock. this isn't used on line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. dozens of palestinians have been killed and it's really a strike on a residential building. northern guns that united nation says 800000 palestinians have now flipped the city of rafa. as is ready, as tribes continued to hit the south with the gallons of strip. this unity in these rarely cabinet ready guns threatens to leave benjamin netanyahu.


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