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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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all the the other on the clock. this isn't use on line for me to coming up in the next 60 minutes. dozens of palestinians have been killed and it's really striking a residential building. northern guns, the united nation says 800000 palestinians half now flipped the city of rafa, as is ready, as tribes continued to hit the south with the guns, a strip this unity and these really cabinet ready guns threatens to leave benjamin netanyahu. his government over the future of guns, the 10s of thousands, riley in london, other european cities quoting for an end to israel's pool. and who was destroyed
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and at least 50 people dead, enough gun that's done to severe flooding caused by more than sports fire laboratories and make german football history. the champions become the 1st several teams to go in entire peninsula good season without defeat. the so in northern guns is really forces of launched a series of attacks targeting palestinian homes, at least 28 people were killed in a strike on a residential block near a commode, one hospital in the north with many more injured west that you probably a is rarely all tillery struck a group of people queuing for volta. 8 people were killed, the women and children among the dead target. i've assumed reports now from casa. so this is the often mass of can easily turn into a value
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a residential play close to the come on it one hospital now work to as is really bums rained down in buildings shouldering palestinians drawing to escape the con it the rescue is scrambled to help but they have little to acquits upon him. an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we play the children out of the rubble, the different families who are under the rubble. most of them are inside the homes, and they have displaced people in the bed. here's the house of the eldest family where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the homes. in philadelphia, west of devalue women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life . and it seems a very good displace to the felicia area, west of jabante account,
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which is considered a safe area. and suddenly this place was sold by 3 is really selling children, women and young people. and lots of we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint the end. it are white in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication the medical stuff out of the woods. there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to allow the hospital situation remains. dia, in rough, a co traveling to central garza was struck by a true killing some and solely to. and one thing of is, the one says that 800000 palestinians have been forced to flee a rough i since being ordered to evacuate when the is really military,
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intensified its attacks last week by the areas many ends up a lot of water food filter was sending the human a terrier crisis, topic up as the l g 0. there is that i had a story. i, let's get the latest from the scene to be talking to them. doesn't know when i talk to lute. send this report from jamalia. now come out at one hospital, a residential house has been targeted and destroyed whether it's where the forces here at the end of a sentence about it can they have to come on a whole block have been destroyed. thousands have been killed in thousands got injured. as you can see, civilities here, i'm trying to reach the under the cover civilians who have been killed at the lift on the the
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when a group of international doctors who a trump himself and going to be evacuated, thought this. we are part of a medical mission at the european hospital next on unit 17 americans with the team or able to leave through the current was 11 crossing with the health of the us embassy. 3 adults has chose not to leave, despite being told by the us diplomats that they may not have another opportunity to get out. there. also 3 british thoughts as among the group evacuated from rafa. and one of them is taught to him a to here who's a search and with the front just scientific. he joined us earlier from occupied history, some and i began by asking him about the evacuation leaving because it was a very difficult process. i understand that we were in effect stock for a period of time. however, because of the welfare. so my colleagues, our leadership acted to evacuate those individuals. um, primarily because of concerns for the, for from the families but also from themselves to personally i actually didn't
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mind being the uh for longer and some parts of me which is that i never left the tool. the situation in regards to is very difficult. the health care system is on its knees. they need medical professionals that they need surgeon's name, doctor's name, this is um and we were providing a critical service and i worry about them. i worry about us not being the worry about the people because i don't worry about my colleagues that have been suffering . so a 7 months having to deal with an assault on the, on the people, people being killed named engine on a daily basis with no risk by no time threatened to, to relax, no time to recuperate. it's ongoing, it's an onslaught we wave, actuated with it. you know, by all the concepts of both american and the british, i'm grateful to the british embassy for the,
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for the actions and the warm welcome they gave us. however, my heart is still very much in gauze, and my mind is still is still very much and goes up. my pay for much to my colleagues are still there who are still working tirelessly. and i, you know, i am trying actively to go back as soon as possible, even as adult to a used to seeing difficult things. this must be beyond anything you ever imagined that you would see. for the last 7 months, we had seen many things on uh, on our phones. i mean, i, i'm sure, or your audience can, uh, can you know, i understand this sentiment really of sleepless nights work here. you know, waking up, looking at your phone, 1st thing in the morning, seeing more children, more women, more innocent men elderly being injured. and you see the victims. i mean, at the beginning of the, of the side of a, of a kill child was almost unacceptable. towards the end it became the no.
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and haven't been that i haven't witness with my own eyes, the kidding of children. and the not asian of a people. um it's uh, was very shocking. i mean i, i had a moment where i saw as a person who was killed literally arrived in to the emergency department in pieces . he was not recognizable as a human being docked him having to have that. now tons of waste is probably off across the goal is a strip contaminate the voice of polluting the air and spreading disease. hundreds of thousands of displace palestinians, the sheltering and make shift housing. and now more i see in solving does a full to live alongside growing piles of rubbish. and as michael awful reports, his making a humanitarian situation even worse, the l. milwaukee has become a sea of tens, hundreds of thousands of palestinians or sheltering. yeah. but something else is
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beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste. today, all municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish. just continue to grow. like many other palestinians faults the no show any has been display several times. she says living conditions in the so called safe zone, or a breeding ground for disease. now go to know your b is really has told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insects, supplies, and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly. have the united nations development program calls the sanitation crisis. a silence threat to people in gaza. a thousands of tons of and collected
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rubbish is contaminating water sources spreading diseases, polluting the air and providing a breeding ground for mosquitoes. and other pests like rats and snakes i've seen and um, i've been caught sleep because of the insects and the snakes that get into outside . and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumped to worst thing and already unbearable situation. you can't live in such conditions, the level of the madison, not mohammad, which is our cells, whatever you can to make a living. i spent a long side mountains of waste administrators. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets, seeing no other choice, we left immediately. this is no laughing matter, nor is it a game. we were not able to find any decent place to live. we have to settle here near wast dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi
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a safe humanitarian zone. is it bum, bob's rough palestinians here? say it's neither safe. no 2 main mike level, i'll do. there is really minute tree says it's recovered the body of another captive from garza. it says the remains of wrong been human being returned to israel for burial. the mob protest as have gathered in tel aviv cody, on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose government to secure the release of his ready concerts from johns of thousands of protests have been running every week to denounce netanyahu's handling of the wool. slow pressure is also mounts, you know, netanyahu from, within his own government. these ready will cabinet minister benny guns publicly demanding the prime minister outlined a strategy for the war. let's customer have a jump, juniors live in the jordanian capital of amman. and he's that because benjamin recognized government has shut down out just to resolve versions of israel, so close for reporting from outside the country at se mohammed as the protest build
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. so do the divisions, it seems in these ran a government and we have these threats from any guns that's ripening cancer coming out quite forcefully. earlier this evening at a press conference in tel aviv demanding that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu present a 6 point plan for the governance of guys going forward and the conflict in gaza. and that, that plan be presented by june. 8th or any gaps will resign from the unity government that he and his party joined in the wake of october 7th. the 2nd listen to a little bit more of what counts had to say at that pressure. the leadership must actually identify the risks and seize the opportunities and develop a nationwide strategy, a modern nationwide strategy in order for us to fight side by side and shoulder to
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shoulder. the more cabinet must, by the 8th of june, develop an action plan. a nick, this is not the only time in the past few days that the divisions, the growing, the deepening divisions and the work cabinets have been laid bare because just a few nights ago you had the defense ministry. you're good lot. he gave a press conference and tel aviv as well in that press conference. he said that there should be no is really military rule in gaza once the conflict is over. and he urged prime minister netanyahu to endorse that idea to back that plan. also a lot express frustration with the fact that there has been no plan for a post war scenario in gaza that has been agreed to as of yet. well, not too long after the lot made those remarks really exposing this deepening rift in the work cabinet. you had mentioned y'all were essentially rebuking the defense
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minister saying that there would be no plan put in place until how about his defeated look, all of this really just going to show how much argument there is at the top levels of government at such a crucial time again, really just link there are these divisions. we've known that these tensions have been growing for some time, but it is quite remarkable that within the span of a few days, you have 2 members of the war cabinet that have essentially come up very publicly criticizing nets and yahoo and demanding that he do more to showcase what the plan will be for kaiser going forward neck. but how, thanks for that. and just to remind you, the reason why that happens reporting from the georgia in a couple of them on for us is because benjamin that, you know, he's cognitive find out is here in israel. so we are reporting from outside the country. so let's take this whole thing on the akiva elder is a political on less than could contribute to it to her. it's a newspaper who joins us now from tel aviv. akiva is how much of a problem all guns is remarks full benjamin netanyahu,
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especially in the lights of those coming as we've just been hearing from a habit and those coming from the transmitter. so you have to load just a couple of days ago is actually folks still able to repose from to the even the hopefully i will be able to just keep talking to you nick in the future. but i am afraid that a gun has uh a blank page in his head. it is it, but it's gotten to the heads of smith audio politico the since uh, video cannot say yes to those demands. uh, as well as he couldn't say yes to the message that was coming from minnesota of defense guidelines. because um, you know, he has got several very shoals blanket to cover his collision. and on one side just
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got the miss janik gym that is adding up to the 16 for majority in the college to and know the other hand, he has got the guns and he's part of the the magic gym that uh you know, um doesn't make waves the difference politically for him, he can survive with our them before october 7. any can survive them today. but the thing is that uh these reading public is try it out and it ends up though, is it escalation inside the government. nathaniel has got the majority in the message, but the surgery has won't cabinet. he is completely isolated. it same against the 2 ministers from the center about the headed by guns and guy, the eyes and go. and even if his father from the court,
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the government is standing obligation, right? so all the money is as far as nothing yahoo is concerned. it is the far right the lives of much friction at been given who say they will pull out of the coalition. if nothing, yahoo does not go into raw for it. and that is what it to, not the all who is perceived to be the biggest threat. a jackie and i got all the wherever, when he put forward his ultimatum. it's, you know, tomato was a deadline and he knew what he was doing in knew that the would have to make the choice between the him and bang rent. and he knew that the bandwidth is politically much stronger than he is. because uh the good is the natural powder of begley is faulty and vice versa. um, i think that he behaved his way out of the collision since he looks at the poles
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this weekend. and he could see that uh his uh, popularity is diminishing. and uh, the bought the ship, where's the mail? which looks like very popular because after the tragedy of october, 7th, the, is there any property which was very desperate? was looking for unity to make it so strong good that we are all together. but right now it looks like it's a political burden. i enjoyed the one with the most to patients today. and when they heard the news about the, the stage when there was a big out fine shade, guns step out, know, ultimate, then we can't wait. right. and then monday, the total is going to be a big rally, calling the interest of don't rise, it talking about those prices very briefly. if you would give
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a at what about those protests on the streets? they seemed to be building. could they reach a point to which at benjamin that you all who will actually have to listen to what they say or is it just use it to me like it comes with growing pressure from the united states, from egypt, the economy is starting to pay the price for the isolation, and we have to mention also what's happening right now in the hey, and i think that we have to take into consideration that the guns knew that he may find himself in uh under the same in the same condition as that. then you know, where is uh, uh, functions from the international community and from the international court of justice. so i think that we will see what's happening monday, but the is going to be valued on the phone. great. and the book testers that uh,
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were. busy busy in the military service after october, 7th, those who you saw on the street in mass numbers. uh, where is the judicial reform back know through the streets. and you're going to see um some kind of uh, escalation between these really supportive of nathaniel and the people that you saw in the strange engage additional reform. okay. i keep i'll, that will leave with the thanks for joining us from television. thanks me. or tens of thousands of demonstrators have gathered in central london another major cities in dozens of countries in solidarity with palestinians. and garza that demanding an end to israel's foreign garza. and these are pictures from london, just as will say, commemorating the 76 anniversary of the night pro. that's an arabic word which means catastrophe. and it refers to the force displacement of 975-0000 palestinians
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from historic palestine in 1948, which then led to the establishment of israel houses. there was high false. it was that the demonstration in london and spoke with a protest of the i'm joined here by one of the protest is near me when born. interesting. thank you very much for joining us. i'm sorry, the crowd spinning out now, but there was continued them and so there's a lot of energy still in this in this course. yes indeed these, these are process have been growing vega and they got there was one massive wall in the early stages. but sir said we've been having tens of thousands every single time. there's a large demonstration in central london and i'm here for the time. i've lost accounts to be honest, i don't know if i can show your view is this, but i made this black cards back in october 8 months late, so i still needs to carry it around that this slow so has to end. and it's an ongoing that's about about twice so many people continue to mobilize. and as you
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talk, god makes clear your part of the jewish block. there are a number of issues who are concerned both in terms of safety about being in central london, but also some of the, the messages being espoused to the the ad design is messages which many people in that community feel is, is cooling fan motor's to the ends of the world, but events of the state of israel. i mean what, what is your position on, on all of that? no, i think there's a considerable amount of on, justified see are being with talk among jews. and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to see the whole grow the illumination of whole communities in russia, ukraine, postings in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep c c trauma. in jewish people, i'm not afraid. apologies for design is state for israel. really play own, but they with the song quite deliberately. so the idea that we've been told me in
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on that these are hate, small churches. and that's non denise. this of the know goes those to jews because there are lots of people waiting palestinians lives on this, this is simply on for, and it's very unhelpful. and it's very divisive as well. what they tend to do is to pull trays and ma, she's just flip, it moves them and put them in the answers to music. and neither of these things is true. it's one to see diversity today is people who do not wish to see a continuing slow task of enough. know what happens on october. the 7th is of some kind of responsive via slate. but to respond with over whelming full against the civilian population, its collective punishments if illegal war crimes have been committed on the monthly scale. and that's why we here and the jewish blog is a conglomeration of different jewish groups who take a range of views that they all united in saying no email name.
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the any 5 people, including children, have been injured in russian strikes. and kalki have nearly $10000.00 people being false from the homes, and the reason russian forces are advancing towards the city, which is ukraine. second largest russia's defense ministries has troops come to another village near its border on saturday. the crating and officials say the situation is under control, but president flood immensely, lensky has wants. this could be the 1st wave and a major offensive. the on size of a new legislation comes into effects and ukraine, changing the rules of maybe realization and lowering the conscription age 27 to $25.00. it's aimed at showing up the countries depleted and aging armed forces home and as more from case line sites is in grey hair. it's a lot to the middle east telling me in ukraine trying to keep russian forces,
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if by you, every judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us 28 and the u. k. the t one to meet throw is 44 back from the front. he says in some ways having over the troops has positive look to what to everyone's motivated. but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop . so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity in the full. this is a crucial young can be reckless, but it can only be upside. we went to a recruitment center as a brigade to us them, which idea of soldiers they prefer. for team here, we need everyone older people because they're more experienced and their specialty . but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical conditions and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people, young people, or find it easier to compete our basic training course. and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the crime, you know me relatively old in pop?
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because the countries conscription i even off the recent reduction remains high. it's 25 rushes. it's a team. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hollow out. it's already smooth supply of young demand just to look at the countries population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the u. n. started keeping records. it's a huge problem to the army. aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up draft buildings an issue, i mean was ultimately leaving the families to go and fight demetrius only off the front line. now because his leg was blown off, is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son. the face still wants to go back. and his wife navea, who reluctantly sees the name,
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and that is ignatius. this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules, the answer to that question of who will increasingly be younger? ukrainian, john home and i would just say to keep the head here now does 0 to median rights groups will win against the routing freedoms on the present tie. so you pretty it was full coming up 15 minutes. so another mile settings of this for me to one driver as he matches the old time record for one of the sports biggest legends. details coming up later in the program. the . how are we still have plenty of all the sunshine across the eastern pa solve year . lovely big area of high pressure just nestled in here with us drawing in those wins in from a generally southerly direction go. this area of life pressure was for some very
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heavy rain into a western parts of jeremy across the low countries, eastern areas of the fraud. so it's gonna revolve around in a similar, obviously, going through the next couple of days because it's bumping into that area off high pressure, another one over towards the black sea. and that's keeping it pretty much in play says the particular problem feature, but it's going to be there for awhile and it will bring further outbreaks of whether in, across gemini, dental with the low countries. perhaps they'll see some wet weather. another system does actually make his way across the, by a best guy through northern areas, spain and portugal. so some live use, how is continuing and not just place on the whole. so there's a go on through a monday and some ready. it was a 5 that states just pushing the cross into the western side of the but it's right here. oh, those are north west, not too bad for london. $21.00 degrees celsius and some of the temperature of that fluoride power is $24.00. and also looking at a similar type of just a full plus my best. some will. so if athens could around 2 degrees, well, i'm sunshine to across mountains of north africa futures and to know them out. you
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area with shala's for west africa. the latest news as it breaks this year's march as a message, not just for the car is government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with detailed coverage. millions of pharma. now how rare thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the management of wait am phone from around the world for prizes rose sharply. yeah. inside, when neighboring nigeria restricted, as you will see, the caught a duty in the grove using for p, use a car to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth,
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and increases systems. costs on red chris the the, [000:00:00;00] the other again you what you are mind about tips towards the series of is really strong . some know them jobs are killed, dozens of promise to use in the house. at least $28.00 died inside kind of residential gotten to come out of $120.00 of them of women and children west of jamalia. it's really all to the refund. it's a group of people queuing for both the women and children were among those killed
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jobs. as health industry says at least 83 people have died across the strip. in the fall, $24.00 is ready to be protesting until the beef cooley on the government's do more to secure the release of captives held in garza. meanwhile, war cabinet administer any guns as he will leave to go from the stage when this yahoo does not outlined the police full time full garza to afghanistan where flood waters have killed. at least 68 people in the central problems of girl agency said people desperately need help. it follows heavy flooding. that kills more than 300 people last week and knows enough kind of stuff cause you left us hold in. as this report, a flash floods have left many people here homeless. thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now
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conditions are dire, so you don't look at it is you guys happy have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in peace. no, russo breed. we have nothing to give out. children at the witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast, leaving many with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house when the floods came in, people have lost everything, their property, cattle, and sheep everything is gone. that's kinda stands still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in the section of a say the white house has been completely destroyed. of last 6 family members and
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a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet in a gun. the reason of my wheat fields, which i'm gone. the main challenge for us is removing the flux settlements. the entire land is covered with stones and what was the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land, or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of 8 katia a little bit. so again, i'll just hear george's presidents has vetoed the so called for an agents bill approved by parliamentary this week. the bill has led to any process into play, see, as you official said, it could cost the country, it's been joined the blog available. they now go back to parliament where it will require a simple majority to a variety of each of the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough
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funds to make that happen at the bill. because engineers and media to see the 20 percent or more of the funding from agencies to declare themselves, agents of for you to do that today, i be to the russian law. this low is russian in its essence and its spirit. it contradicts our constitution and all europe in standard. therefore, it represents an obstacle to our european passed from the legal point of view, this fee to as no problems. and today dis, fetal would be transferred to parliament. the slow is not subject to any changes and no improvements, and therefore, this is a very simple veto. this law must be repealed. let's take this own with as v a as in by a who is a ph. d fellow in international security diplomacy at the flight just school of lauren deployments at tufts university in the us joins us now live from the b, c. z at. so we have this presidential veto at, but the truth is it may delay the bill,
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but it will still go through eventually it has good to do with your yes, the present it has the retail let you had indicated that the retail would be used as a leverage for the benefit of the georgia people issue side. and she believes that there is no point by point discussion necessary to discuss the law as she believes and most as, as is the case, it was most of the george and populace. george's, european american and most partners and allies globally, that this veto is closest possible version to, to this, this law as 1st possible version to the russian law that has essentially killed any trace of russia's civil society and media and, and many other relatively free groups in recent years, so georgia is not the place to play out something similar that has unfortunately destroyed the russian civil side in recent years, right? when the president doesn't like it,
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but the routing policy does say it will still come into low into a 3rd party. has said that it seems like there will be consequences for the ruling party. they proceed with overcoming the veto and the consequences. number one, as they actually has demonstrated on the streets of to please see that across the country or beyond the country be in the country because there were a lot of georgians, 100 of thousands of georgians living abroad, or not all of disliking, but staunchly. oh, so a lot. so they can technically override the presidential veto. but it seems like the georgian people, which the data indicates that are only in their numbers, an effort to oppose the law and broader effort that intends to bring joy to closer to russia, which is george's historic and present time enemy. and there is a 2nd,
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a kind of price that you are getting, the government will pay, which is the price that will be potential sections for restrictions that will come from the american and european sides. that seems to be quite like. and that's the thing, isn't it? because polls of the main shed, joseph dream is still at the most popular party with diminish numbers. but do you think that that could change with the introduction of this floor and potential functions in, you know, the, the chance of the game and getting to be, you know, happening exactly. a lot of the people actually supporting the jordan dream until recent months or until as late as last month, i still believe the georgia dream was not taking georgia towards russia. and it seems like on the 20th 29th of april, the founder and manager, and leader of the georgia dream busy night. and he's really who's the only and most
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powerful, only go in the nation when it's a games against europe, against the united states. these countries are causes historically in the present time, closest allies of georgia and will georgia to approve of them and partnership and alliance with them. and so i think that in the coming which the coming pulse, and i expect that someone who looks at numbers all the time out at the fletcher school and beyond in my practice books is numbers all the time. so see old, you little prove highly likely that to georgia, dream numbers little go down. okay. all right, we'll have to leave it as good to get your perspective, appreciate that. and as we had a, as in by i thank you very much. good to review the man challenge with the attempted assassination of the sleigh back prime. it is a rubber defeat, so has been ordered to remain behind balls after court hearing. following the hearing,
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he was escorted from the court by an almond police conroy prosecutor said they fit that the suspect would flee or carry out further crimes if it free of the 71 year old man is accused of firing 5 shots of the prime minister on wednesday it so is in a stable but serious condition in hospital for got of order. after a brief conversation with the medical staff and with the director of the roosevelt hospital, we can tell you that this morning's medical board has assessed that the prime minister's health is stable. nevertheless, the medical condition is still serious and it must be said that yesterday's surgery which lasted 2 hours contributed to a positive problem. notices for the prime minister's health to us here at least $23.00 microns and missing off to city. often a bait from gene is here to will generally, in early may, the migrants have been missing for the past 2 weeks. they set off from the city of nebraska in northeast and she is here, a beach and as a national guard says, such as a currently underway. jean, this is coach line is less than 150 kilometers from the time in. i'm into plan producer and this become
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a main to punch point for michael to attempt to use across the mediterranean sea into your as i write scripts tension is you say that freedoms in the country, a threatening done to the rule of president ty, so he'd write scripts, so here's the deal for it is and then they'll have, can country, here's a police to punish those that oppose 2 minutes is routing governments. thousands of lawyers in the country are also on strike due to a police raid on the headquarters of the bar association. human rights group, obviously international has cooled on authorities to respect freedom speech. earlier we spoke to a maintenance new c is that units in author and political unless it says that she needs, you know, throw things, arrest anyone who criticizes government policy. we can only hope that the, the lawyer strikes gonna lead to a more aggressive approach from the union's engineers. yeah, well has been, will have been quite silent in the last years um,
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towards the regime. but they adopted the same strategy as well when it, when it was under, been all these rulings, they adjusted to the, to the alternative targeting system. and they, uh, they just, they just kept going with this and they criticized, but they did not denounce. they did not organize strikes, they were not protesting with us on this, on the streets. so we hope that the fact that right now, anyone can be arrested. it's not just political opponents, it's not just political parties. anyone who can, who, who criticizes a policy can be, can be arrested by the 4 inches. so may be the fact that we went from the fact of apply science was arresting his political opponents to now this regina is arresting anyone that there is to criticize them. maybe it will lead to a collective and a force that to will be able to, to change things. but we are far from it. from that for now. a lebanon is
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intensifying and cracked down in syria and migrants and refugees to human rights groups are accusing authorities of imposing restrictive measures to force them to return home. the government says it's unable to host the soaring numbers because of the countries with any economic crisis. so in order reports now from bay route and some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out there increasingly facing a hostile environment. the government's estimates, they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one in every 4 people. they're seen by many as a threat to jobs and the countries demographics. the debt oliver i left as many of the above de la, tells us most of the shops in this market are owned by syrians. there's also anger at the authorities just hold on. and the can, the managing the crisis, one day, the internal security acts against violators. and then i don't do anything for
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years. and the latest crest them security forces are closing shops, illegally owned by syrians. and they are looking for those without form of residency. nearly 70 percent according to the united nations don't have the proper documents, in part because it's become difficult to obtain an expensive human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review. the united nations refugee agency says it is concerns how the new measures will affect those who need protection and also believes the focus should be on improving living conditions in syria to alleviate pressures on hostile countries. and we will try to pay a message of renewed urgency to find solutions. durable solutions, with conditions as serial that are going to allow for
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a larger number. so syrians to, to return the west insists on a political solution. first, the government into boskus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. and i'm really frustrating . i'm sure you haven't seen my mother and 12 years. how can i return to my country? i wanted for not joining the military. i didn't want to fight my brothers even if i were to now, i would be committing suicide tribunal. hospitalized validates for many. there are 2 choices, but to live in the shadows, then there was just the to build as they may and most thousands of people have been displaced by fighting in a right kind states between the rebel groups and the agenda. they are kind of the ami a one of the groups fighting. the ministry ordered the evacuation of
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a ton of more than 55000 people. thousands of building was set on fire. tiny chang has more from bangkok and neighboring thailand. we understand from residence in both the dogs, this town and northern were kind state. they were told by the american army they had to evacuate the houses in the city by 10 am on saturday. instead, we understand that the soldiers from finance american army came in about 7 30 pm last night started moving people out. this is a relatively small town, but they're a very large number of friends who was that who was being sheltering from fighting in other parts of her current state. so we think there were about a 100000 people and they were then forced out to the outskirts of the city, many sheltered by the prison, others on the road to among the another large town on the way on the way to the coast. and far as being said in the town said they not being able to go back. the
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funds have been burning over nights. it's on clear this stage who set those 5, but this is a town with eric and ami had pretty much taken almost total control. those one military base this i still hadn't comforted, but that was slightly outside the town. this states situation seems pretty desperate for those who are being forced out of the city, they left all the possessions behind the very little food and shelter. and many of them just stuck in the rice fields, the head here and on the 0 widespread destruction and power outages across the us state of texas. and we'll find whether it's coming goes for the premier league season on culture, dramatic funding with each of the . so we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize, were announced
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a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza. when does the recipients out? does he have his guys a bureau chief, why i do send a message of appreciation. he says palestinian terrorist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bumps before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the terminal is to us specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable on
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the the top of the quote. now, as for nick, thank you so much, let recuz's and have it come. the 1st football team in history to go and entire but just like a season on beating, try me. alonzo side had already sealed the title last month. now we can celebrate completing the 34 match lead campaign without the feats they accomplish the feasibility to one victory at home against osburg laboratories and have the chance to achieve even more glory as they are in the german cap. annual police final sunday is the final day of the premier league season with both manchester city and arsenal in contention to win the title of victory against visitors. west ham. we'll guarantee a 4th of championship in a row for city,
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regardless of what arsenal do in their home match against everton. city. go into the funnel day with a to point advantage over the gunners who were looking to win their 1st atl title under mchale arts. how to i'm the clubs 1st for 20 years. i'll just say we're so how malik has been speaking to a former manchester city player in the case our be about what to expect the final day of the season. and i'm surprised was how steve on about that? well, this is nothing but body odor surprises well after what they did last season. all of a sudden when they got themselves going around the christmas period, you felt while they're really up for it to do it to 3 times is been is a, is a must have achievement, but then to do it 4 times, it's a bright record to issued on this except for the old school to plays everything about months to cities, the machine. so we had so alex ferguson's traveler winning 5. austin vegas invincible sweat of this month. if you rank as one of the great premier league teams and all the time over, i don't wanna, you know, easy, like you blink
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a bit of best because i think it's a, it's a short period what they've done it. you have to look, you look at the little pool in the eighty's, you're obviously looking at hospitals. you chelsea obviously months as united on the focus and they're all must have achievements and you can try and compare. i don't think you could do that. just this particular time, but the moment is months institute not just assessed east time. now for those off the phone for watching, is there any glimmer of hope? anything that they can latch on to any reason they should believe that maybe west time can do them a favor. others is boeing, climbing by one another, fantastic sees and he's on his well could just as well to check on the onset faces . that smells like as well as david moses last game, and he has done the a great job so they want to finish off with them and they want, so they want to make an impact. and there's no big a place. nobody expects it at all. there's nothing bad them walking into a reading and you can really in the fancy now for us know, obviously they've had a very, very good season. nicholas has brought police back to the club. how much does he
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need this? so people can stop talking about the bank that year, and the bank is also about think he, i think he got rid of that when he, when the com and always when the, when the challenge you see shield at the style, the season. he's done a great job. you've got a real special manager then when he just needs that little bit of fucking just to kick them on any of the time they win the league. as i said, they just come up against the safety. tell you mind at the moment that nobody can seem to budge, then the 1st flag of the african champions league final ended in a goal, a strong neither defending chevy is l ali or home side esperanza could get on the score sheet. all we are aiming to win the trophy for a record extending at 12 times as france last one. this title in 2019. the return leg is coming up in cairo in 7 days to red bulls max for stopping equals air to incentives all time record of 8 consecutive pull positions when he said the fastest slap and qualifying ahead of the amelia romani at ground. pre the triple
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world champion has not been outs qualified to establish abbey at the end of last year. clarence oscar pastry who finished 2nd was given a free place in grid. trump for impeding this teammate. landowners will start in seconds on fridays, charles for claire will move up to serve. yeah, it's been tough, but we kept on working, kept on trying to improve. and uh, luckily when we went into qualifying it all just came together a bit more and i felt more comfortable in the car. and then we were finding full again. so yeah, great, great turn around, but now does the latest from the p g championship in louisville? kentucky and irish, many shane lowery, his match, the lowest round and major gulf history. lowering the 9 birdies and no bogus to finish the day. 3 with a 62 women's 10 as well. number one, industry on tag a beach. the 2nd rang serena several blankets when the italian opened final wholly
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star dominated her opponent from the start winning in straight sets to claim her 3rd title in rome. the victory makes should be on tech. this favorite at the french open, where she'll be aiming for a 3rd straight rolling girls pounds on her 4th overall. the 22 year old also extends her winning streets 12 matches and becomes the 1st woman to win the major and admirable open back to back. since serena williams in 2013 even though the school i'm a little bit like it went one way, it wasn't easy. so i'm happy that i was probably playing my best tennis throughout the whole tournament. and the final was really, i just enjoyed it. and i wasn't, you know, doing much pressure or stress, i just wanted to play as best as possible and, and helping. so i'm having in the i'm, the playoffs varies between the indiana pacers and in new york. next is heading into a game 7 lasers, tying up the series in front of their whole fans with a 116 to 103. when in 6,
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the decisive game 7 will be played on sunday in new york at madison square. excited to get the opportunity it's, you know, now it's a one game series and, you know, it's for all the marbles and, you know, i think it's kind of where better to, to have a game 7 in the garden. you know, so i'm really excited about it. our groups excited to get the opportunity to compete in the i need to play off the dallas stars are on their way to the western conference finals. not dition scoring in double overtime. to take stars pass colorado avalanche. i look forward a panther is being the boston bruins to one to ramp up their playoff series. panthers will face new york rangers and the eastern conference funnel with game one coming out on wednesday and around 800 people. some 58 countries took part in the 1st great well china marathon since 2019 on saturday. the event which was 1st
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health and 1999, had been on height, is due to the cove of 19 pandemic. participants ran along a section of the iconic wall. the route includes a climb of $5164.00 steps. okay, and that is all used for print out next back to you far. thank you very much. thanks for that. no, it's not. advocates for president j consumer is holding a rally for, for new the phone them k party and so as to is campaigning, rams off the head of elections is challenging as former policy, the governing african national congress and national polls. at the end of the month, the 2019 c misstep done under pressure from the policy. i have a corruption, navigation is to to stand trial and that share on challenges if except to bribes being to a multi $1000000.00 homes you've done before his time and offers the death toll from prior to a spot by propose vacancy reforms in the french pacific territory of you kind of dirty isn't totally 6. the state of emergency is in place. thousands of inducements
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connect people have been protesting against changes to local election rules, recruiting se favorite french nationals, hundreds of french police patrolling the streets of the capital of nuclear. and reinforcements have been deployed to support security forces crews in the us city of houston. they're working to restore power to many, 1000000 homes and businesses of the storms calls widespread damage. the texas official says some residents could be without power for weeks. on the zeros hi. did you a customer, has this of a sudden burst of thunder storm. with winds picking at 160 kilometers an hour, tore through windows and humbled the streets of houston. the delusion quickly came and went, leaving a scene of destruction downtown skyscrapers hawks with jagged holes in place of windows and a night club. now missing a wall. the storm killed, at least for people to drive from falling trees and another from
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a crate. it was fierce, it was intense, it was quick. and most use tony's didn't have time to place in sales out of harm's white city officials close to schools and government offices and caution people to stay home on friday. we are going to have to talk about this disaster in weeks, not days. crews are clearing down trees and crushed vehicles and restoring electricity to the nearly $1000000.00 homes and businesses that lost power at the storms. peak scientist say this level of destruction is normally caused by hurricane. but the earth warming climate is enabling mere thunderstorms. to pack this punch, unleashing their concentrated violence with little warning. hydro castro algae, 0. well, that's it for me to close this these up and i'll be back in the notes and i'll have both of those,
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these. the people free stories. i'm a former president, united states, how the content of move without charged for 12 years place to have put so essentially leaving fries and around the wealth. pine is tackling climate change. children living through the groundbreaking sounds from award winning. so make his witness on out his era a chance to read his spend most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now for when he was a boy in 2022 long days,
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mcgarr would declared and endangered species from the family at the school. today he's taking us to the band. so the only stop leak in central den bode. yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that that wants to be, i mean, like me about the power while the off. i can only logan carnegie the monkeys are frightened for good reason traffic to his doctor and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research. this black market creed, not only indeed just was probably me populations,
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but puts public health at risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of that engine free. the, [000:00:00;00] the, i'm, it's not. this is a nissan life. coming up the next 60 minutes. israel's comment jim guns or at least 60 full palestinians have been killed in a series of attacks on the risk of g terms from the north and the southern city, a rough israel's prime minister, backed into a corner of thousands,


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