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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 2:30am-3:01am AST

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main challenge for us is removing the floods settlements. the entire land is covered with stones and what was the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land, or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of aid. katia lopez all again now is you're not charged with the attempted assassination of still have prime minister. all that fits so has been ordered to remain behind balls after a court hearing. he was as close as from a court bind on the police conroy prosecute to set. they see it, the suspect with legal carry outside the crimes, a set free 71 year old man is accused of firing 5 shots of the prime minister on wednesday street. so is in a stable but serious condition in hospital one will pass has been killed in the french pacific territory of new caledonia. taking the death toll from protest spot by proposed voting or forms to at least 6 statement logins. the also remains in
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place. thousands of the people from the indigenous kind of community have been protesting against changes to local election rules, which critics say favors french nationals. hundreds of police patrolling the streets of the capital mass, and reinforcements have been deployed to support them. rights groups continues are a saying that freedoms in the country are threatened. under the rule of president chi side, i organized a riley in the capital follows the rest of 10 people, including lawyers, active as journalist members of civil society groups. this month, i say authorities, middle fabric and country are using the judiciary and the police to punish the opposition. mean why that is $23.00 microns and missing off the starting off in a boat from some easier towards italy. the national guard says it has deployed rescue teams and informed the navy to help in the search sneezes. coastline is less than a 150 kilometers from need. having the island of land produced to become a 9 to punch a point from la quinta, attempting to cross the mediterranean to europe in south africa as one of the
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present. jacob's numerous opponents to create jobs and tackle crime as he launched as newly formed and k bossy. and so went to he's it challenging his former policy, the african national congress, and general election at the end of the month. 2018 zoom, a step down on the pressure from the policy of a corruption obligations is you to stand trial next year on charges, accepting bribes linked to a multi $1000000.00 alms deal that was done before his time in office. so that's it for me for now, but to the bottom line is the program coming up next? that would be more news in about 25 minutes time. i'll see you. of course we'll bring it all the latest on what's been happening in gaza. some 800000 people have now been forcibly displaced due to the on counting the cost of india's income inequality gap his wife makes. so how can
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poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to boost global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production products? counting the cost on how to 0. hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question. is real, doesn't want a permanency expire in gaza then what does it really want? let's get to the bottom line, the israel's leaders and see if they won't accept the permanency speier and they're, we're on gaza and they've intensified their attack on rasa. that town is the last refuge for more than a 1000000 palestinians who been pushed there as israel expenses warren gaza, with no end in sight. us president joe biden said that israel's plans to attack proper quote just wrong and he paused the shipment of weapons to israel. but how wheel are the tensions between israel and its biggest sponsor, the united states and can, is real, continue with war and gods with impunity?
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well into the future today we're talking daniel levy, president of the us middle east project and former advisor to the is really government. daniel, thank you so much for talking with us today. we just go right to the news president biden has put a pause on the shipment of arms and weapons and 2000 bond pound bonds is real. do you see this is a serious inflection point in the relationship, or is this just a minor speed bump? steve, it all depends on whether he's willing to sustain and expand this. well, we haven't been told last fall is that stuff and all events being revisited and will be sent to the time b. steve, i to show you at all i and many people watching will question well that, how were they doing still sending to 1000 pound balls on a heck of
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a lot of other ordinance to is route love seem to what we quite clearly see. easy to have a staging stitch. ready ration where he's read, there's no big targeting with precision. we see north poles all the latin through re i program being you see the highest court in the well being to national court of justice issue provisional measures. while the south african initiative regarding violation of the genocide which k provisional ledges to prevent irreparable damage to the palestinian civilian population. yes, maam, soft of that decision to us will still sending the ship. what's the price of a bite and very possibly acknowledged to things in not seeing an interview for us but, but then they would have been both crimes can be used. 2000 pounds balls and secondly, the arms involved always the way for it. okay. put that aside for a 2nd. the real questions going for or will these ministration tell
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us that as each row begins to go into iraq. but right now we rarely say it's a limited operation. washington is a guest image operation. the nothing young busy, no hurry, and this feels like precisely the beginnings of something divided administration has said don't to as back continues as we still don't see the entry of the kind of humanitarian assistance that is and that's not. sonya says down the prices and says, we have to weapons, we're continuing shame on you for challenging us this way. and that's we hear that echo chamber inside the us go off to the press. will the president begin to muddy the waters and say of cold sees rose boil goals of somebody?
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we still back. we don't really see rough uh as being uh, having cross a tipping point cause have must have still to blame for the fact. there's no deal even though i said yes, control step now will be see that marching all will receive the president say to he's ready, prime minister. i'm the super power here. you are undermining us. these all potential violations, but we cannot be pops all, and we are not going to send you the weapons because from day one of these complex true to weeks and the months is roku daughter sustained this without that not just political diplomatic casa, but that very concrete american military support. i'm the key point, right? the if the ministration isn't capable of sustaining this for a period of probably several weeks, then nothing yahoo will carry on and he will fail. he has the measure of the
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pressed estate. nothing you know has a problem. we could all pre decide relief because the war will have to wind down. that's the question i want to ask you about an article you wrote, i commend our audience to read it called seeing gaza clearly. and in this, in this article, you talk about the struggle of really jewish identity, both within is real but also among american jews. and the divides that, that you were seeing generationally. ok. and you also go to the question of a, a in party jewish core at the basis of many of these college protests we just discussed. and i'd love to know from you what you think gaza in this crisis is doing to jewishness in america to is really identity at home. how, how are things being worked? we have said this protest movement as we get from what we are
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reading here. reading, seeing the church contingent as a, as a cult may well be the 2nd largest alongside palestinians, arab americans, that's a significant thing. and we saw the president in what we're double weiss of being a relatively standard and the pull speech on all the calls from edwards. but he said something that that had alarm bells ringing for me. which was he takes now about design is a be anti semitic about these protests be anti semitic. he doesn't talk about the attacks on that to students by some of these real sports. but les paul you know, of course i can understand that the palestinians design,
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this is the us with the display sleep, the ethnic cleansing, a history of the denial that writes. i don't know how you can most not be opposed to design as a, as a palestinian, but in the jewish space, you know, those are people we pride ourselves on constantly grappling with packs of doing debating on show that stuff unique to the jewish there is a strand of jewish culture also talk see which sees the existence will design the state of israel as coal street to the reading of jewish text that you call have jewish sovereignty. absent the coming of the messiah, that's that you will have a cohort of jewish people who see actual existing design. that's just what has
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happened in the 75 plus years. what it is meant as an upfront, to better understanding of the cold. 5, use the cool epic they and we derives from our belonging to a jewish people and a jewish history and a universe style, etc. all of that, never again. so nobody mind dates that all jews who maybe don't. how do i do have those positions? look, this is very practical way and say the, you know, the id ology. what was that interesting to page? but is this real doing? was written on the, to israel baking the world, a safer place for re jews as to what use on the outside. by going down this ever more stream journey to a place where it's, it's in the top of the international criminal court. i've been special court of justice. let's just have a pragmatic conversation is disloyalty. so the idea that you can create this before
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the end is of is an acceptable form of contemporary jewish expression. that is a top down full full place for a political debate to be and for a president today to be. and it says insults to many jews into jewish history. and it's the thing we have to recognize these people don't get a home. it's not going to hold because was on the table today, and this is fascinating. it's not, you know, they're out. they say the dispute settlement is going to fall. the idea that actually existing design is, is working. that's what some of the like for so i'm really important as well as what having not do, but i would urge because there's nothing more legitimate. i would argue nothing. mobile, jewish protesting against crimes and genocide and inhumanity. but
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i would urge people to make sure that purchase exist for pete. ready to traverse, but there is a way to the jewish people until people who beside density. so the issue with this router has been so central, i can understand that when i'm very anti semitism, the phrase but i insisted ethridge but when people have do so much of their identity around this affiliation with this, well, it comes feel like you're doing very sensitive being is under so as people question that we need to make sure that we're bridges for people to say ok, this is hard for the how do i join you in the hall and then the heat of the moment . i know that's difficult. but that has to be that way of, of reaching it out. it has been a full 10, happy jewish friday night's jewish policy. and i think it's going to be really
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important. the more people can go on that journey and the future is office to is ray jews again, a hall, but this isn't algeria, you know, plus, once we get beyond the part that the offering has to be here is your place where you will actually be more secure, it was is ready to leave a future dispensation of equality. notice going up some supremacy, but all the quality and i know try to preach to people who are living through a horrendous assault right now by the palestinians themselves. know that this will strategically sub them and they know, i think he's ready to go on going anywhere right from the river to the sea. they are going to be that, but not in this position of privileged organization under equality with utilities
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best. right. daniel, where do you see palestinian identity at this moment? i know you have many palestinian contacts. you've been watching the protest in the united states. and you yourself have been a bridge many, many times between these different factions. what struggles and stresses does the palestinian side of this equation, which is under incredible siege right now, need to go through where, where is that? so as we see this piece movements, is that a challenge? you question people kinds of directions. this incredible proliferation. if people haven't yet seen michael's getting full, i highly recommend it's a co breakthrough. what is happening when you don't have a policy, a national good? it flies the flag, but it doesn't apply the liberation struggle stress. you don't have a move in that can say, hey, this is where we come in. this is where we can be useful. this is what we're offering as off free to chopped up because the, the main stream but through the years also has been co date has been decimated. i
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don't know that yes, this has been, it is re strategy to be backed by america, the west to impose the does to impose the reality, to impose solutions adults policy. and through those years that leadership has lost touch with these people. so this is a mobile where not in the least propitious of circumstances, palestinians are having to grapple with how do they rebuild their own move, but they're of strategies their own visions for the future. and they just don't have given the space to do so. but the wants of a spunky to give to the palestinians, and i would argue by extension that to the possibility of a better future for palestinians in his regular like the worst thing one could do, would be to have this idea of that. you can simply go back to the status quality of freeze. the outside reality choose need is full of the palestinians,
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put some text across some jobs. if people all familiar with the west coast of a sudden columbus toll free. but the fantasies around the saudis guaranteeing a power steering and future the saudis all could afford into this problem. i don't need any way by the way, this notes which will. ready make it harder to get to the cool of you know, what of a process of truth and reconciliation in the future of this i was involved in that i would also piece of it. and the thing that was supposed to speak to is the absolute proof was any attempt to get a truth reconciliation. historic justice adult medium use ready to start, wakes, but it needs to be confront tons and tons with the dump sleep under the carpet. the seminal experience that have students opened up oh dispossession. and that's where the hall seat and i don't know. yes there are. there are petitions going around this is a moment of a great to molten up organizing on the palestinian side,
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but on the really difficult stuff. my question to you in this is who is going to be the agent to help change the game on the palestinian side of this equation? because as i look at it, i don't see any error of states ripping up the abrahamic cords. i don't see jordan egypt saying, hey, our peace treaty is over. i see a lot of consternation. i see a lot of calls for concern. i don't see anyone changing the trajectory that they're on either in the era of world or the broader western us trans atlantic world in this tell me where i'm wrong. one thing the last 7 months to show. ready is the abraham a. ready type lies ation agree, the top clear, you know, that contribution to piece. i don't think that was it. that would be the actual architecture intention, but they have survived. they do that one way of looking at this, where israel conceal relatively relaxed about its equities in the region. but i do think something fundamental this happened,
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which is that the not just those who side globalization. richard in general, a seen a few things, how it is seen a. ringback there is a cost to be too closely associated with a country that can go to the 6th street. they have seen that these rating based of instability has been shot that a lot of the reasons they thought it was love being close up full in terms of ease arouse intel and all the military capacities are far more on the question. they have seen the access of resistance, basically establishing new balance of to tablets. that is not a simple thing. well, that does not translate into the state to your question. is a willingness to say ok, that means we change it with to get a more unified representative policy in leadership because that's the only way we can carry this forward. i think there's full recognition of that in the out over the, the,
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some of the global south that is really leading to this question and recent thoughts, whether it's africa with south africa or in the lead weather in south america with, with posit asia where it would seem to need or that leisure step up in important ways. but i think the surrounding countries are still not playing the front lines stateful. they are facing the real concerns from their own public. what's doing the same social media videos as we are. and they are trying to navigate that traditional, those who are in close relations with america, that traditional relationship lease, um clubs, sending over relations with these rel. i'm this recognition that this is what i'm, what we do with the policy as the default is you go back to those same policy and structures which inherently title deliver what is needed. and where that brings me to save is to file number one just bought out installed. try to see
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the structures on policies give promised. dig into the space that very rarely happens. it is an actual politics, but it's really needed. now we need to bring together not just the factions, but civil society and the trade unions of women's movements and use movements and the business tribute that shouldn't be allowed to happen. i'm not saying, well, the 2nd thing that i think it points to is maybe the result for some in the region, but some of these outside state to have an affinity for reconciliation tools and who are perhaps a little less publish. whether it's the south africa, with the liberation movement, experience, whether it's obviously or in this space to eventually i hope we need to how the palestinians find that space to reinvent their own politics. because that's going to be so crucial going forward. let me just ask you finally, daniel, about the recent by the administration's efforts and also car par in egypt to get
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to a cease fire agreement with hamas. how mos accepted that is real rejected it. is there any scenario that you can see where is real and the different players in the region reset and withdraw from gaza, or is the essentially the i and i elation of gaza. the only future we're going to see it has up to the, the, the way into a sustainable com. sustainable ceasefire is the 1st, what is role still has hostages, that there's a public has about those hostages, the government and the prime minister at least have to sometimes give the impression that they can't. or i say that not to be flipped but, but i think at this stage it's really hard to imagine that that's a priority folder. but that, that there's a possible deal with those were still live on the hostage. so i can get out that's the way into a ceasefire. this is ro withdraws from casa. adams won't be games
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to rebuild the devastation that already exist. ringback yep, also is likely to be further dilated by say that with a heavy hawk, the destruction ready for structure, schools, hospital skilled glasses. okay. and that's by the way, one of the pieces like campus is used car so much. so there's this idea of the one could get nothing y'all politic, not just idea logic so politic. ready is concerned that when he asked before he faces the music, what happens on october 7th, as of the military will reside, will he resign a logic protest, the types the streets, he's not finished, but he is sub bite, will continue. therefore, it will take a combination of domestic pressure and international pressure for 8 to
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be more politically risky and costly for him to continue the will rather than ends . if the us once before, the agent is going to have to be willing to maintain a scandal with these ready prime minister to get to that outcome. and this is the trajectory we have been on for several months, extra directory. we continue on. unfortunately at the moment all the calls will. ready continue to salsa. east route is not going to eliminate, come off that's assigned to see. israel will continue to be in this region. will continue to be all the nightstands. we haven't spoken about this, steve, but there is the, uh, the escalation recently with it wrong. there was a continuing situation between israel has the law that these board you have to both see move and you have the voltage of the highest of shop to militias in rock.
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you're not going to get a copy of the region wildly stubs on that you cannot really break goes to a call. if you are willing to read it to that calculation of these right. prime minister . he's also off doing publications in the west bank and east jerusalem. so it's a change that yeah, the probably base the blindly ministration. it all comes back to that. we're getting this wrong. pre ok. so the step baber, on this fairy tale vision, the, this is the, this is jake, something. this is the quietest period individual leaves that we can just clint biology, rating our students situation. that's not the case. the power of the habits. i think it's been to that great cost and different what a change in tenor in the world want to thank you for your candor. daniel. thank you
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. daniel levy, president of the us middle east project and former advisor to be is really government. really appreciate you joining us. thank you state. so what's the bottom line? doesn't it seem like president biden is running for election against is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, rather than against donald trump. at least that's how it's often framed in the media. biden's and netanyahu's fates are on a collision course with netanyahu currently commanding the scene extending the conflict and attacking rasa which bite has been telling him not to do for the past 3 months. but binding has been. busy words and no action. occasional expressions of concern about the death of innocent people in gaza with 0 distance between israel in the us. there had been some bumps on the road, but as long as saying notice the spires keeps netanyahu in office. us will fret and complain but continue supporting israel's course in gaza and the west bank. the crash we've all been witnessing. we'll continue. and that sadly is the bottom line . the
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the latest news as it breaks this years march. it's a message, not just for the cards government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones with details coverage, millions of pharma. now how rare thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world. surprises rose sharply. yeah. inside. when neighboring nigeria restricted as a free story. i'm a former president, united states. how the content to move without charged withdrawal for 3 years, close to home for it, so essential, not leaving pricing and around the wealth. pine is tackling climate change. children living through the groundbreaking
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sounds from award winning. so make his witness on out his era. the you will see the caught a duty and a growth using fruits. p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the costs are requested. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest,
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a full step of the homes and now hiding from the heat and the group of displaced people sit in the shade. this is the 3rd time they've had to flee that village close to the town of coker and they hadn't even arrived. no village before this by telling us it's especially hard for the children, most school spring clothes since the q 3 years ago. and constantly moving is the clear on set 24 hours a day as a constant bodies in the sky. that's what the fine to say is why 12, it's a sponsor place. it's up the looking for targets fronts, hillary, but also capable of jumping down on other basic services like health care scares to the clinic. a small truck arrives inside my pen a in labor and moaning in pain, the sound everyone has been hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the
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medical stuff for the new arrival in a very on system. well, the is arouse, cottage and gaza at least 60 full pallets. sittings have been killed in a series of attacks on refugee camps in the north, and in the southern city of ross on the hello. i maria. this is alger 0 life from dell ha. also coming up on the program, right, police and kind of leave cried down on protest as calling for new elections while the number of the war cabinet also threatens to resign a post.


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