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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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31 is being hoping to hit smiles and really for the family and the medical stuff for the new arrival in a very um system. well, the is rouse cottage and gaza at least 60 full pallets. settings have been killed in a series of attacks on refugee camps in the north, and in the southern city of rough on the hello, i'm r m i z. this is alger 0 life from dell. also coming up on the program. right? police and kind of leave cried down on protest as calling for new elections. while the number of the war cabinet also threatens to resign a post floor plans for garza the
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meal. and these break up a protest of palestine is demonstrates as take to the streets around the world to demand a ceasefire in gaza. and in all the headlines, nearly 10000 people are evacuated from you guys are key region in the face of a russian. also the estate, 225, a rule that's caused unprecedented kenning, naming and destruction in gaza as well as ground in the aerial attacks of killed at least 64 people across the strip. many of those killed on saturday were northern, gaza. israel is deepening its bush into an area had previously declared to have been cleared of a mass as ready forces have launched a series of attacks that targeting palestinian homes at least 28 people were killed
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in a strike on a residential truck. if you come all at one hospital, many more injured and then west of giovanni, a is riley. artillery struck a group of people who been chewing for war to a. 2 of them were killed. women and children were among the dead. correspondents are assumed begins alcohol reaching out from darrell butler in central gaza. a. wow, so this is often more so can easily turn into a value a residential close to the come all it one hospital now work. as is really bums rained down in buildings, sheltering palestinians drawing to escape the con 8. rescue is scrambled to help. but they have little to acquits. upon. an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we put the children out of the rubble. the different families were under the rubble, most of them i inside the homes,
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and they have displaced people. and here's the house of the eldest families where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the homes, in fellow west of devalue women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life. and it seems a very good displace to the felicia area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and suddenly this place was sold by 3 is really showing the children women and the young people to a motto. we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint the end. it are white in waves, in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication. the medical stuff out of the woods. there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant
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medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to allow the hospital situation remains. dia, in rough account traveling to central garza was struck by a true killing some instantly the and one thing of is the one says that a talk that 1000 palestinians have been forced to flee a rough license being ordered to evacuate when the is really military intensified its attacks last week by the areas many ends up a lot of water, food shelter, worsening the humanitarian crisis. power cup as do oh, just era. there with that i had a story. people in the a come all at one hospital in norfolk doing whatever they can, digging through the rumbles searching for bodies off to that is riley attack on a residential blog. last outcomes flute is at that location. in census, this update, a residential house has been targeted and this was mother's waiting for us here at
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the end of a sentence about it. can we have to come on the whole? the lloyd dozens had been killed in thousands got injured. as you can see, civility altering to reach the cover civilians who have been killed at lift on the run down the staying in northern gauze that has been in now that is really a tag that this time on the group of people at the entrance of the sheltering that your body a refugee camp, at least 12 pallets, things were killed and is really shelling 25. all those were injured. many of the tax here and your body or been on places where civilians have been gathering in search of safety and some shelter is righty all me. recently said, we enter jamalia to fight to mass battalions, regrouping that and then in central gauze or east 5 pilots,
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and these were killed in on his rainy, irate only to say, watch refugee camp bodies were taken to alex hospital. in darrow bala, i families moons. i loved ones among the dead members of the police service, which is a civilian force that separate from any armed group, at least $35386.00 palisades have been killed. so fine in the war. a prominent member of israel's will cabinet fanny gaz has threatened to quit if prime minister benjamin netanyahu 1000 car via post will plan for garza by the next month. on top of that, as pressure from protest, as it were quoting on the government to do more to secure the release of captives, destiny, always government has shut down. i was just arizona operations in israel. so correspondent with how much i'm dream is reporting on developments from the jordanian capital online to one saturday until of these demonstrators. once again came out by the south. many demanding is really the prime minister. benjamin
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netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved ones home. first of all, at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse and probably government protesters, anger and ink in equal measure. all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive ron been, you mean the me, i swim visual, know, the 128 of the t is still being held in casa, is there any soldiers and shouldn't, but the fights has continued to fight to the determination to create the conditions for extracting the hostages and bring them back to is it all as quick as possible? the really army attempted to project strings, even releasing a video which says, shows combat operations in eastern europe. but for the countries,
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political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference for cabinet member benny guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks, but somebody brought him a guardianship bond when even same at the fateful cross roads where we are at now, the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities . formulate an updated national strategy so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder . the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate demoss regime and the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control. guns as comments coming just days after defense minister you walk kalonde called on nothing. yahoo to oppose is really military rule and garza and to make clear his postwar plans. while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticize the prime minister,
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it seems nothing. yeah. who is feeling the most amount of pressure from the far right wing plank of this coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been give year and finance minister bets a little small for it to for months. have threatened to collapse is government. if nothing yahoo doesn't commit to going full force into it off i how much i'm doing my 0. i'm not just to remind you that i'm how much i'm dream is reporting from the jo, dining capital for us, because benjamin that's in the all his cabinets. his bind alex's era in israel. so we are reporting from outside the country. now also today, tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in major well cities to express the solid, darcy with the palestinians and what's happening in gaza. they want to enter this for in new york police. there arrested several protest as for holding torches at a march in brooklyn. around 200 people were marching invest. riley had been a series of demonstrations and more than 60 american college and university campuses. so that's bringing katie's mess. she is
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a freelance journalist and joins us live lives guide from new york. can you tell us what happened to that today and why these arrests one night a hi. so i, it started out as a people rally, people were gathering the band as not only is the fire in gaza, but a free power sign. and they gathered in bainbridge, which is a predominantly house simeon and you know, many american neighborhoods in brooklyn. and they began to rally for around 2 hours . during that time, the police presence was already heavy, while the rally, stationary and peaceful, and a resident of a nearby apartment building. could we speak or inside of the apartment, open the window so that protesters to use that one of the tactics that and what cd has been using in recent months has been to crack down on sound amplified devices. things like speakers and mega phones and making ras for that. and protesters were
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not allowed to use the speakers. so a resident put it in his window, and police ended up scaling the apartment building 2 officers. they remained up there for around an hour and a half this private building. as far as i know, they didn't get any permission to go up there. and after that project just begin to march in the street. and shortly after protesters bought into the street, n y, p. d came in from a side street and started robbing people at random. they were tackled to the ground as they were on the ground and be placed under arrest, often by multiple officers. officers were beating them, punching them in their upper body around their head. and there were multiple ways to progress throughout the march. and the march itself remained very peaceful, lot of community support for the march. but so police repression was extremely high . one protester was even taken away with
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a bloody phase. so it was an extremely brutal response by and why do you need to, what was a very useful proton and tell me, does it care what happened to those who have been arrested? has anyone been in touch with them? has contact been allowed a no contract has been allowed. they are being taken to police headquarters, which is in manhattan. and there is a group of protesters that are going there to provide jail support for the people that have been arrested. and to also reach out to the organizers if a family member or friend was arrested and they will try and contact them as soon as they were released. but they're not allowed to have any contact until they are really tell me more about the location. bainbridge, brooklyn, that seems to be a very vibrant, eclectic part of brooklyn, where you have many different communities. people have been gathering peacefully to mock knocked by this down in solidarity with the palestinians. what,
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and how are people feeling at the way the n y, p d have sort of launched into the community in this way. and to essentially put an end to this protest without good reason. because as you say, the protest was peaceful and the sort of aggression and violence they have shown towards these peaceful protest is right. so i mean, i would say that the community response has been outraged. i think a lot of people, especially in bay ridge, given that it has a high immigrant population, particularly palestinians. it's known as little palestine and people are just not happy. they were upset and frustrated with the fact that the police came in and repressed the march in such a brutal manner. also in bay ridge face and having pro task for palestine marches rally use for over a decade now. and we really have not seen this level of
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a brutal response by and wide maybe until today they have been reflecting, protest smoothly, especially since january. but this was out a new level and something that has not been seen before. well, thank you very much for reporting that to us and explaining what's been happening that maybe we can catch up again later k t. smith. thank you so much. and washington, hundreds of people that voice, criticism of both the us and his writing governments as a to mom cannot find a mastery of calls and supports of palestinian rights and, and immediate end to the war. and gaza also launch riley's on folding in london. harry force it was that for us on people this is the major march through the streets of london also, but as it did take place to be saved from the tuesday. the
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rights of retain refugees from historic palestine. this one very closely associated with the recent anniversary decided the success of those 3 of the lock box or color sitting in school, which attached to the surrounding people as displacements associated with the race in the state of israel. people here really competing against what they see as an ongoing not, but especially inside jobs. i am here to put a number of reasons. first and most of us is to express solidarity with us in young people against the genocide. the general. beyond that, i am here to protest against the misuse of the of the whole course, particularly by nothing young states. and the design is in general, i think there's a considerable amount of on, justified see, are being with talk among jews. and i find that tragic because jewish people
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genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to sleep hope rooms. that's, you know, talk, killing illumination of whole communities in russia, ukraine, cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep stacy trauma and jewish people. i'm not afraid. apologies for design is state for israel really play own, but they with the song quite deliberately to the idea that we've been told here that these are hate small churches and that none denise has been know goes over to jews because there are lots of people waiting palestinian flags on this, this is simply on for the march is ascending in whitehall, the heart of the british government, the home in the office with the 5 minutes to the ministry defense is across the road. and this is where people have raleigh, their marketing. they're not say yes,
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they're calling for an immediate cease fire. they're also cooling on the government sales to address the 0 number. so i had for you on the program policies phase, a 2nd silent invasion of casa as green mountains of gone. bish threatened disease and what israel is designated as based on the political wildcard one stage or the routing amc south africa's jacobs the forms a new rival policy, the in depth analysis of the days headlines if that was a rough or offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to give each one of 1000 people has to be displaced. these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mess and blow to free speech and freedom of the press, informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages october 2nd,
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didn't return, and i want to stop inside story. on al jazeera 2 of us didn't even customs with their families. smuggling undocumented workers for us to make extensive occupies westberg, to witness their incredible stories from over 9 years. desert smugglers with this document on the jersey to the colleges when the table the
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welcome back home window of the name story. now, at least 64 people have been killed and is really attacks across garza, most of the casualties are unfortunate in the northwest is really forces attractive, residential blogs, shelves, us as a displaced in women and children who have been chewing for me. and one is right, these have been protesting and tel aviv quoting on the government to do more to secure the release of captives. meanwhile, war cabinet minister, if any gun says he'll leave the government, benjamin smell his doesn't clarify a post plan for the concepts. tens of thousands of demonstrators of cabinet and major cities in sonya dash, how to send in new york offices rushed and punched. if you protest says that
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several people are arrested tons of waste is piling off across the gaza strip. it's contaminating water, polluting the air and spreading disease. hundreds of thousands of despite as policy is a sheltering and make shift housing and on the wasi, forced to live alongside growing piles of rubbish. and as michael apple reports to making a di humanitarian situation unbearable. oh, milwaukee has become a sea of tents. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. yeah. but something else is beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste. today. old municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish just continued to grow. like many other palestinians, false dino shawnee has been display several times. she says living conditions in
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the so called safe zone or a breeding ground for disease. now, good to know your, the is really is told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insects, supplies, and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly. have the united nations development program calls the sanitation crisis. a silence threat to people in gaza. thousands of tons of and collected rubbish is contaminating water sources. spreading diseases, polluting the air and providing a breeding ground for mosquitoes. and other pests like rats and snakes have seen in um, in con, sleep because of the insects and the snakes that get into us. and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumped to worst thing and already
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unbearable situation. you can't live in such conditions. the level of the medicine, not mohammad, which is our cells, whatever you can to make and living, spent a long side mountains of waste minutes. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets, seeing no other choice, we left immediately. this is no lossing matter, nor is it a game. we were not able to find any decent place to live. we had to settle here near waste dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi a safe humanitarian zone. is it bum, bob's rough palestinians here, say it's neither safe. no 2 main mike level will do 0. the at least 5 people, including children, have been killed in russian strikes on high keys. russian troops have been trying
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to push fluid around new crane, 2nd city for more than a week. the defense ministry says troops captured another village near its border on saturday. any 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes in the region. equation officials say the situation is under control, but present and the landscape is one. this could be the 1st wave and a major offensive move in 2 years into the war. ukraine's on may is struggling with recruitment and lying around in an effort to increase troop numbers. the government change the rules of mobilization and also at the age of conscription from 27 to 25 years old. alger there is john home and has been reporting on the story from keith line sites is in gray hair. it's a lot to the middle east telling me in ukraine trying to keep russian forces. if you ever judge of soldiers is over full to compare that to the us. 28 and the you case, the 21 of the meat throw is 40 full back from the front. he says,
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in some ways, having over the troops has positive look to what to everyone's motivated, but sometimes the young guys will go rushing forward from the position and you have to grab and stop. so they don't make a mistake. others told us the same thing, experience and maturity in the fullest is a crucial young can be reckless, but it can only be upside. we went to a recruitment center as a brigade to ask them what types of soldiers they prefer, ma'am, for team here, we need everyone older people because they're more experienced and their specialty . but if we're talking about some combat positions where there should be in durance, physical condition and cold blooded this, those should be filled by young people, young people, or find it easier to compete our basic training course. and it's easier for them to make tough decisions. so why is the crime, you know me relatively old? in part because the countries conscription i even off the recent reduction remains
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high at 25 rushes, it's a team. it's been a real reluctance from the government of the country to hollow out. it's already smooth supply of young demand just to look at the country's population pyramid and you see why the generation from 20 to 30 is a small list since the u. n. started keeping records. it's a huge problem to the army, aggravated by the reluctance of some younger men to join up. dropoff coaching is an issue. we will hold them in and leaving their families to go and fight demetrius only off the front line. now because his leg was blown off, since he is grateful for the child to see his 12 year old son, the still wants to go back. and his wife navea will be reluctant. please sees the name of the medicine which this is our homeland. if not us, then who's on the way to perhaps with the new mobilization rules, the opposite to the question of who will increasingly be younger?
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ukrainian, john home. and i would just say to keep george's presidents has vetoed the so called for an agents bill that live today the protest. and to please see the bill now goes back to parliament where it will require a simple majority to override the v to the ruling. georgia dream policy and as allies have enough votes to make that happen, the bill requires and jose and media receiving 20 percent or more of that funding from overseas to declare themselves. agents of foreign influence the minus a charged with the attempted assassination of so that prime minister robot feed. so there's been order to remain bind bonds off to a court hearing 71 year old is accused of firing 5 shots of the prime minister on wednesday feed. so isn't a stable but serious condition in hospital on now to south africa, the former president jacob zoom has promised to create jobs and tackle crime as he launches his newly formed m k policy. and so what to is challenging is former policy, the governing african national congress, and
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a general election at the end of the month in 2018 zoom. a step down on the pressure from the policy of a corruption allegations is due to stand trial next year on charges of accepting bribes linked to a multi $1000000.00 alms deal done before his time and office. the numbers started, vegas were meeting here to tell the nation, the country, but how we want to run this country, we need to know how to m. k is going to run this country. what are your invest in k for limpopo, wherever you are, they're going to be governed and ruled by the same and unique law? no, we don't want these into the m k party. the m k was formed the correct things in the country. and that is why the opposition candidates of ours promise political freedom during the riley had of july's presidential election. the window gonzales says that he will make sure all political policies enjoy the lights. if he becomes president, is all it is is introduced to them, right? if i'm real cutting, i'm trying to copy the old position needed who is banned from contending for office by the supreme court. in april,
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the weather is coming up next and then inside story delves into south africa's latest appeal to the u. n's top court to order a halt to israel's assault on rafa. i'll see you often on the the hello. we will have small rain in the full cost, the southern pulse of china as we go through the next couple of items to be savvy or cloud here, which stretches this way up to what was that is the side of japan fall of this line of cloud down to was the south and this is a next system with this guy to roll its way in ahead of had a warm and sunny eastern china and to the north. is that little more cloud to just up to us by saying things cooling off the top 229. so i was just moving up some live you shout was coming through for sunday, but it's not settled weather around,
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eastern pumps of china. is that what the weather or southern parts of china, that same system running its way up towards something positive township rose in across one. she was a go through monday. same time is just dragging that writing across southern areas of china say that will be for the flooding to come here as the rain set. see? yes, a guy a lot to share. i was to, into indo china some big down pulls the possibility here, some west weather to just around the midnight peninsula, scattering a showers across much of south east asia, but a little dry down to was something positive indonesia drive across northern parts of india. and it's hot since result of that into the mid forties. some of the temperature, the into the whole focused on generate drive of the few shops to the final. but the weather is weather down to select. the what happens in new york has implications all around the world,
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is the home of the united nations. it's the center of international finance, international culture to make these stories resonate requires talking to everyday people to normal people, not just power brokers, and that's for algebra is different from me or the city. and now said he was doing away with the coast here. that was supposed to get everybody off of this international perspective with the human touch zooming way in, and then pulling back out again in the u. s. top course he has arguments about, as well as the military campaigns in dropbox is real estate that has the right to defend itself against him. off south africa says the offensive, it's aimed wife in y'all's palestinians. but could any order by the world post office? well this is inside story, the .


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