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tv   Witness Desert Smugglers  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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has banned charcoal production and thoughts counting the cost on al jazeera, the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the allies in the, the quick look at the main stories of following. now, at least 64 people have been killed and is riley attacks across gaza. most of the casualties reports it in the north. why is there any forces attacked a residential block, a shelter for the displaced and women and children had been chewing for some more. so people now have you come all at one hospital in the north for doing what they can digging through the rubble searching for the bodies of these, right. the attack on the residential block was alcohol, which is their incentives. this update our residential house has been targeted and destroyed whether it's ready for us here at the end of a sentence or 2. but it can be a to come on hold, hold,
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we will go to have been destroyed. thousands had been killed in thousands got injured because the civil is here. i'm trying to reach the under the cover civilians who have been killed as the lift on the the meanwhile in central guns or in these 5 palestinians were killed in on his ready air. i don't mean to say right refugee camp bodies were taken to the alex hospital and darryl paula. but families moved that loved ones along with dad and members of the police force police service, which is a civilian for separate from any on group. 135000 palestinians have now been killed in this war. meanwhile, police and tell of these have used what a cannon against protest is gathered to them on the government do more to secure the return of captives. it has been held at the beginning of the 2000. that is right. even demonstrating. and we
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found today to put pressure on the government this as a prominent minister and these writing will cabinet penny guns is running to quit. unless the government puts for an action plan for the post will ordering gaza. it's giving benjamin netanyahu until june, the 8th, to clarify a strategy the leadership must actually identify the risks and seize the opportunities and develop a nation wide strategy, a modern nationwide strategy in order for us to fight side by side and shoulder to shoulder. the more cabinet must, by the 8th of june, develop an action plan. and other developments tens of thousands of gathered in nature well says he has to express solidarity if with palestinians demanding an end to the war. in new york, police arrested several protest as it were,
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holding torches of march in brooklyn. around 200 marching were marching in that riley been a series of demonstrations in moving 60 american college and university campuses. and all the headlines, nearly 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's northeast and harkey region. russian forces are advancing towards ukraine, 2nd largest. se with the defense ministry saying troops captured another village on the south today. but you call you in officials, that same situation is under control of presidency. landscape is one that could be the 1st wave and a major offensive. george's presence has vetoed the circle for an agents bill like to daily protests. and to please see the bill now goes back to parliament where i would need a simple majority to override the v to the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies having the votes to make that happen though it requires and jose and media receiving 20 percent or more of the funding from overseas to declare themselves. agents of foreign influence. enough got us down. the floods have killed at least 50 people in the central province of hor,
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agency say that people are in desperate need of help. and south africa's won't present jacobs numerous promise to create jobs and tackle climb the launched his newly formed m k policy. and so what to is john enjoying is former policy has governing african national congress and the general election at the end of the month in 2018 zoom, a step down on the pressure from the policy of a corruption navigation issue to stand trial next year on charges of accepting bribes linked to a multi $1000000.00 deal done. this was before his time and office those are the headlines. i'll have another quick update for you in about 25 minutes time off the witness which is the program now. the, the
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the is agent of service. i mean that's what the, the the, the, the the
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yeah, yeah. the the the she is a god of, i'm sorry, i mean bisman my might have sending us then i can see why this is the 7 a to you kind of tell me say i shouldn't be this way. if you haven't. yeah. man. if
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you have asked me to care for a little a few minutes here, just below and you can send this over to the cafeteria for you. me any investments you can look at everything. measure the 2 milli seconds. do you want the trash can be? it isn't about what this why that of this computer stuff instead of the some of the rest of the, of the video of, of the stuff and i was trying to send them to the gym or any the
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document at the bottom. the 2nd semester showed me between not able to 97. my to stop by now that i give a little bit of a blue because i had never said the folks at nissan from 50 check and has their method there. so i even know, checked with different on how to sort of donation pay it,
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but i'm kind of interested in kind of a mess the the to say a disabled and a bit of is it the cost of the and security and the tests and everything with us, what does what
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about the the the the the go to the get the
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maximum i'm showing the, the, the looms and energy and the energy costs the over so i want to get the full
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set of 70 percent. that should be an issue. so definitely what if you do have just a few pieces of furniture and household s as in sierra, s k e ha, ha, ha,
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ha ha. the, the it will be telling you what it means about it. and i don't want to just, you know, see would that get that into the government? well, uh, i suppose it didn't come to the idea of the why do you kind of, could he give you cause he hasn't been continuing almost as a gun. also, problems have done
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a good idea of what the the issue of the, the technicians are these, these are the issues that i didn't know the the, the the, the,
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the money. but the discoveries over the, the,
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the the
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least for those of you that often come into the play, look at the should be the come space of them. is that a as a b r to push to get a total 100 a month is the center. they only do not need lash lane, loveless as much so. so you know, lucy hills, what us look good going to handle the committees for him as well said,
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how do i that have been doing? is to say the the when to read matter, wish at each game of a few somebody named interest them a while we get him of civil told us we are sending that and the window will just simply do is the 2nd the and if we go be spinning goes from move, they go with the cobra, show it oh, it should be finished. especially on the fact that i just really interested in seeing how i'm seeing it and also for
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the shipping a lot of the way you can fit in the price of 700 on this the, the street. and this is an update be what a as a government local enjoys outside of the mother and southern of the of the laptops . it was a all. no,
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but i think the inside of really i'm missing now will the do you me to come to the restaurant or some actually html site. it's a sauce enough to select the human with it or make the phone good. something that i'm going to show the going to tell me what is the shape of additional cuts off how much to is each other and this is just get on the
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shoulders show lengths of the unofficial visual denny dish. tell me, look in the bottom of the minnesota, i'm gonna shut it up to how they shut it on. let's see why we don't get can i ask who i'm sending out the some of the can see off and that's what us on spanish says one cannot be the ship shortly. just as the
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ocean check, we can at least are from the gym. go with the pot though. no, no, no, no big look. see that the kitchen. so we bought a metal with me the uh the, the,
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the month. that's what the holdup someone has said around the issues that i got on the side of the of the people here . just as of right yeah, that's a good idea to them. i think nobody finished, i'll leave you stop and restart the shower here. she's the one she uses, the
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help please move them hand them as in missing the last we have an executive from new items to can i am putting the animal set on this and have a good 2nd sick rather, you know, he pretty much the unit number how the illness the emissions side of things. not sure i've heard of the culture over the dish over the bush. understand me. i just want to,
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i just want to know my daughter who make money as wanted, and then that i was just wondering, i was going to know him and i'm thinking the, i don't know what it is. this is what i got in the zone for the soonest episode of the
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the, the initial sort of software to do next semester. and the customer as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back. there say, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity. when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does eat,
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the latest news as it breaks this year's march is the message, not just for the cards government, but also for the incoming ones that they're not going away until they know what happened to their loved ones. with detailed coverage, millions of pharma now how rich thing that we'd cross by day, whether they may not get that good right because the risk management of wait am phone from around the world for prizes rose sharply. yeah. inside when neighboring nigeria restricted s a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes, and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with that campaigner andrew fine. stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis in gaza. each one of us, these are with this. and the openness is upon us as witnesses to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on scripting. part 2. 0 no,
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just the hello, i'm sorry, i'm minimizing the quick look at the main stories are following now and at least 64 people have been killed in his riley attacks across garza. most of the casualties reported in the north. what is ready, forces attacked a residential blog, a shelter for the displaced and women and children had been chewing for volta. meanwhile, in central gauze, or at least 5 palestinians were killed and on his riley. ara, i don't mean to say what refuge account bodies were taken to the like. the hospital in darrow paula with families was a morning. their loved ones, along with dad, members of the police service, which is a civilian for separate from any onto one of the study. 5000 palestinians have now been killed in the war. actual figure is likely to be much higher. meanwhile,
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police instead of ease of use volta counting against protest, as we've gathered to dom mom, the government do more secure the return of captives being held in gaza. the thousands of his writings have been demonstrating and we saw today to put pressure on the government. this is a prominent minister and these reiney war cabinet binding guns is a threatening to quits unless the government puts for an action plan for what happens off to war and gaza is giving benjamin espanol until june. the 8th to outline is strategy. the leadership must actually identify the risks and seize the opportunities and develop a nation wide strategy. a modern nationwide strategy, an order for us to fight side by side and shoulder to shoulder. the more cabinet must, by the 8th of june, develop an action plan and all the headlines,
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very 10000 people have been forced to leave the homes and ukraine's nor facing the heart give region. russian forces are advancing towards the 2nd city. defense ministry says troops captured yes, another village on site today. ukraine officials say the situation is under control, the presidency. lensky is one that this could be the 1st step in a major offensive. and then in afghanistan, floods of kills that me 68 people are the central province of hor, 8 agencies. a people are in desperate need of help. heavy seasonal rains that will flash funds across the country, destroying buildings, agricultural land, and leaving thousands of people homeless on all of those stories in 25 minutes time . i'll see you then. in full strokes and battle fry fights, his charge out from the hidden positions. for the moment, however, their enemies imagined and their rifles on real venue recruits to the people's defense fools. put through the paces in the baking heats. these are skills which
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will keep them alive and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance. since the new conscription laws came into force, thousands of young men and women come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fights against the military genta, enjoying that rex based forces, conscription makes resistant force stronger. now what accepts that road? so you, so now joining the people's defense forms instead of being constricted by the military, these volunteers, tang and sweat, then the hardship to that belief in a democratic future. i believe for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. the
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dispute quoted but definitely in the for something that's absolutely public that is hopeless news that no man is a baby just off the edge of up in the the the, the
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problems show this when the just the door and the some of the, the, the well the the,
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the, the little who industries and your 1st, i'm sorry to the one on the back on the estimate on the to do it sort of the 5 a and the for this article for that you will definitely be able to solve be able to dodge which should have been on the what about assessing by the others who go to
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the thought he gave me instead of avenue so you can go this direction then how do i the cold and stuff with this? i know that is possible to well, we move guy to in any of the system. i am shifting and so, you know, let's just of one button most of the, the the,
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it but i go to go to the uh oh, the police to go on the 17th. it will sit in the southern end. you have some sort of a,
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but it gets the message of the short list for the set. those hello sounds good of the steps and then i'll be focus chevy low and has said that as well as your message. so will the best fit for this show me. thank you. i'm seeing the familiar with watch over stay playing the i get your thoughts are certainly have had a month like i'm not now let's go to school model of tanner luthey but short of it today. it's all about this just to say
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the sort of hit should you should turn in the not the one that came up on me and the one of the
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the the, the, the
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themes pennsylvania i need to get a hold of the on that uh, estimate literally with them it's gonna be on may show them what it can you just if they don't give me a simple question can. so we're looking at the okay, give me a little hopefully that will that take a little bit them to let me share, have a ceiling to see if we can share remix
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the field for him. and then yeah, some months to add and that's the issue. i wanted to get a must got also also i've got and that was due to the clement. now did you have those zillow, though they should a issue the a month, if i had you guys were good and i want the guys could easily tell them little hacked. any of the about us of the need and of lead to the new had you don't had and one of the this is the number
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you know, i maybe the service, i don't know the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the, the, the, the, the, the dish router a month ago with an incident that because it was medical, when i had the streaming service, the the, the the
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the the, the, the, the who, the the,
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the, the the the, the, the record.
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hello, the the
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how do you understand what you're looking for an assessment is to solve the job. so the laws of the wow, that's all good the the,
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the message the i don't know the semester who was the rest of the heck the heck the some and some of them will have a gentleman chickens. they usually do the sugar, but i'm not sure which chevrolet we're trying to get a mean. i'm decision of a single images to the most of them, because there, you mean i thought about how i'm assuming cancel and getting the side of the so you want to say out of, in front of the, you know, the video content video shot, the animal can pull it out there as well and the there are man, so i'm going much the days will limit limit of the day coming. what up in the
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uh. a a the see that it's been a good so i'm good. the last question is the, the has shown is and i hate, i'm not sure why the beginning this is by the way of getting the door to do, i'd ask you as the method, then how do i mean?
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so in other words, oklahoma, mazda of oklahoma, pims arguments, well a little fat. and then how do i tell me where the shuffle hedge i left the shop system applauded. see 6th street fun here to our fishing call. freddy knew it in the. c c c c c c c c c c
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the, the fit the interest more depend on the home should with the do, the zip is shortly and it would come to the, to the, to the ministry. the susan susan, susan susan . hi. yes. in this, i'm on the most of us to the here. so you know,
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to age the sort of subject just the and the good stuff on this shot. is it over the guys so you guys just had an awful lot today. yeah, i did do a 2 month to view if it'll be june, beth of flash. that'll be,
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it has nothing to do with this. what i need the thing is no. so the, the less the key but that administrative via the image and i'm up at the bottom. uh, literally just do a bad question because he let me try to catch him up on a 2nd. let me just a number of the fellow. couldn't bet it because he literally had them 6 and no level other than that really. but that's what i've done. it shall just hover me to just this lady. what we'll do is just move up, sent in, so that you are both on sending this it's in the basement. that's what we do here. it'll be, it's gonna have the days of love a thing that,
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that student, i couldn't even know if it goes to the the sync exhibiting in this, in the, in belgium, in the i was just me as a mechanic. oh,
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of the a hello. we should say some quotes whether now for the southeastern corner of the
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us latest rounds of the severe storms in the process of pulling out of the way. that's the heavier of light pressure. that is still a few showers just talking behind that some way whether to up to was a northern plains just sliding towards the midwest. as we go through the next couple of days, most every flight pressure runs up towards hudson by another one rolls in across the plains, and that will eventually fade its way across the great lakes that you guys sun by. still a few showers down towards georgia, pushing across into west south carolina. few shy was to some a wintry and nature right with the mountain states. cool enough. little bit of weather that to into the pacific northwest for time, and then it brightens up and it forms up here. what's the weather? meanwhile, we'll slide this way across northern parts of the us. so you go with that with the weather monday fading across the lakes, the south extend me dry and sunny, warm sunshine to dallas at around $32.00 degrees celsius. the warm sunshine stretched out across the good pots of mexico whole sunshine the she can save for some into the mid thirty's, once again,
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showers their into southern positive mexico down to was nicaragua in costa rica. let's show 2 across the greater entities. but most of the odd as is fine and sunny . the unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a say in any of the medical workforce has been so i'm devalued by the british government for such a long time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the, the knowledge is here. with
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the is rouse cottage and colleagues that at least 60 full palestinians have been killed in a series of attacks on refugee camps in the north. and in the southern se, se a process. the see this is how much is there a light from dell also coming up on the program? right. police in kind of a quiet down on protest is calling from you. elections are the member of the war


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