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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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tracking no stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing best. we know what's happening in our region. we know how to get to places that others can know as far as as to what i'm going on. the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the cottage in guys, dozens of palestinians have been killed in a series of israeli attacks on refugee camps in the north, as well as the southern city of ruffled in central garza homes. and another refugee camp came under attack of these 22 people have been killed there, the monroe about the sooner the soldiers 0 live from doha. also coming up, why police and tennessee of crack down and protest is calling for new elections. a
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member of the wall cabinets instructions to resign over postwar plans for garza, the new york police break of approaches for palestine has demonstrated his take to the streets around the world to demand the same spot. on the shore of unity from venice ran is opposition as it campaigns one, see if the government in july is election. the issue is going to tax and northern garzo have become more intense. israel pushes further into an area previously declared to have been cleared of homeless, and that will be in a series of attacks. they are targeting palestinian homes, at least 28 people have been killed in a striking, a residential block near campbell and one hospital in the north was many more injured west. who is your volume is really, our teller is drunk, a group of people, cuing for water age people have been killed with women and children among the dead,
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corresponding tonic cowboys and begins our coverage from down obama in central gas . and oh, wow. so this is often myself can easily turn into a value a residential split close to the come all it one hospital. now what it has is really, bumps rained down in buildings, sheltering palestinians, drawing to escape the con it rescue is scrambled to help, but they have little to acquits upon a plan with an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we pay the children out of the rubble. the different families were under the rubble, most of them i inside the homes and they have displaced people. here's the house of the eldest families where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the homes. in fellow west of devalue women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. palestinians risk their lives
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every day trying to get the basic necessities of life. and it seems a very good display to the felicia area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and suddenly this place was sold by 3 is really show children women and young people. and lots of, we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint the end, it are white in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury. and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication. the medical stuff out of the woods, there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to allow the hospital situation remains. dia, in rough account traveling to central garza was struck by
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a true killing some instantly the and one thing of is the one says that's a tough. the 1000 palestinians have been forced to flee a rough life since being ordered to evacuate when the is really military, intensified its attacks last week by the areas many eat up a lot of water, food shelter, worsening the humanitarian crisis. tara cup as do oh, just era there with that i had a story in northern guys or there's been another is really a tag, this one on a group of residents of the entrance of a shelter. and there's a body of refuge account, at least 12 palestinians have been killed and there's really shouting there. i'm 25, all those have been injured. many of your types injured volume have been places for civilians have been gathering in search for safety. is really on the recently side, it has re entered jamalia to find how much battalions that are regrouping there. and it's been an overnight attack in central gaza on a home in, on the set on the refugee camp. at least 17 people have been killed in that slate
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to strike 5 others have been killed in an attack on the same comp. i live in the day, women and children among those and killed and injured they've been taken to all likes a hospital in den obama. a prominent member of israel's wall cabinet, and many guns has threatened to quit. the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu doesn't outline a post more plan for guns or by earning next month. there's also a pressure from protesters or calling on the government to do more to secure the release of captives. nothing. yeah. whose government shut down obviously is operations in israel. so i will correspondent about how much i'm jim is reporting on developing this from the jo damian capital i'm on on saturday until of eve, demonstrators once again came out by the south. many demanding is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved ones homes. first of all,
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at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse and probably government protesters, anger and angst in equal measure. all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive ron bin. you mean the man i swim visual, know the 128 of the teeth still being held in casa? is there the soldiers and shouldn't, but the fights has continued to fight with the determination to create the conditions for extracting the hostages and bring them back to israel as quick as possible. he is really army attempted to project strength, even releasing a video which says shows combat operations in eastern europe. but for the country's political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference war, cabinet member, many guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks,
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but somebody that brought him a guardianship bond when even same at the fateful cross roads where we are at now, the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities formulate an updated national strategy so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder. the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate the mos regime and the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control. guns as comments coming just days after defense minister you walk a lot called on nothing yahoo to oppose is really military rule in gaza. and to make clear his postwar plans while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum. and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticize the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who was feeling the most amount of pressure from the far right wing plank of his coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been clear and finance minister bets a little smart for it to for months. have threatened to collapse is government. if
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nothing yahoo doesn't commit to going full force into it. off i have mentioned to them a 0. i'm not just let me just remind you, the mohammed junctions reporting from the j d. m capitol because benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has bind, i'll just see the in israel. so we're reporting from outside the country, tons of sizes. the demonstrators have gathered in major world cities in solidarity with palestinians in gaza, demanding, and, and so the war in new york police arrested several protesters and were holding torches in march in brooklyn. around 200 people were marching in that valley. katy smith is a freelance journalist and she told us what she saw at the demonstration as it started out as a peaceful rally. people were gathering since the band is not only a fire in gaza, but a free power sign. and they gathered in bainbridge, which is the predominantly housed and in india, many american neighborhood in brooklyn. and they began to rally for around 2 hours . during that time, the police presence was already heavy while the rally,
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stationary and peaceful, and a resident of the nearby apartment building speaker inside this apartment the window. so that protest is the use of one of the tactics that and what i've been using in recent months has been to track down on sound amplified devices, things like speakers and megaphones. and to maybe rest for that. and protests just were not allowed to use the speaker. so a resident put it in his window and police ended up scaling the apartment building 2 officers. they remained up there for around an hour and a half. this private building. as far as i know, they didn't get any permission to go up there. and after that process just began to march in the street. and shortly after, bought into the street n y p. d came in from a side street and started driving black brand. they were taxes to the ground,
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as they were on the ground, and be a place under rest often by multiple officers. officers were beating them, punching them in their upper body around their head. and there were multiple ways to progress throughout the march, and the march itself remained very peaceful, lot of community support for the march. but the police repression was extremely high. one protester was even taken away with a bloody face in washington, hundreds of protests as voice criticism of both of us and is really governments as a mox and knock on a verse of a building calls and support upon a standing and rights and an immediate end to israel's war on gaza that'll be large valleys in london as well. here's how he falls. of the major march through the streets of london. save october as it didn't take place to be saved from the tc. the rights of retain refugees from historic palestine. this one very closely
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associated with the recent anniversary decided the success of those 3 of the lock box or color city in school. the catastrophe surrounding the post displacements associated with ration, despite of israel, people here really counting against what they see as an ongoing knock. but especially inside garza, i am here to put a number of reasons. first and most of this is to express solidarity with us in young people against the genocide. in general. beyond that, i am here to protest against the misuse of the of the whole course, particularly by nothing young states. and the design is in general, i think there's a considerable amount of on, justified fear. so among jews, and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents
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had to sleep hope roams about, you know, talk, killing illumination of whole communities in russia. ukraine cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep seated trauma in jewish people, i'm not afraid. apologies for design is state for israel really play own, but they with the salt quite deliberately. so the idea that we've been told me in on that these are hate, small churches and that's none of the nice things have been know goes over to jews because there are lots of people waiting palestinians lives on the system feeling for the march is ascending in whitehall, the heart of the british government, the, in the office of the prime minister, the minister defense is across the road. and this is where people have rallied their marketing. they're not say yes, they're calling for an immediate cease fire. they're also totally on the government
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sales to address the 0 london pauses of also taken to the streets of the irish capital dublin. and the solidarity with palestinians in garza and collaboration of not not car island spotted a most or michael boss. and recently confirmed that island road recognized palestinian statehood before the end of may. positive demonstrators have gathered, empowers to demand an immediate cease fire and gaza. the protesters are also calling for boycotts of companies that support israel and are linked to its war on godson and demonstrators. of also gathered in the german capital by lynn to demand an end to the conflict. germany's government has been one of israel staunchest supporters since the war began. in october. a prominent of any and journalist who was imprisoned by a father to use for more than a year has dedicated her press freedom award in part to palestinian journalists in gaza. the last couple hama day has been awarded the whole say,
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close the press. freedom award in spain. she's dedicated it to obviously it has guys a bureau chief while got the last several family members were coming the war. how many it was detained for her reporting on the dash in police custody of 22 year old? martha omni response from nationwide anti government processed and the wrong still ahead on all the 0. and i cannot, you know, look myself in the mirror and walk away town with my life, knowing what is going on that we're going to talk to a doctor who's just been evacuated from guys about who's determined to go back grinding poverty unemployment. some of the major photo concerns for jude workers. india is once writing industry the on counting the costs of india's income inequality gap is whitening. so how can
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poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding help to boost global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production problems? counting the cost on it, which is 0. these off choose solutions that gives us no for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on the. don't think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, like at least in my life, those stages we want we want to operate because the women in my country and that's suite one. we are not denies all of who we are human beings, and this has to be treated equally. we are false. that's our assessors. whatever has been done before can be done
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as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the the door to go to 0 reminder of a top stories. these are the 64 people have been killed and there's many attacks across garza, most of the casualties have been reported in the north. where is really forces attached to a residential block or shelter for the displaced on women and children. queuing for was, is really, is her be protesting, and tennessee calling on the government's do more to secure the release of, and, meanwhile, war cabinet minister many guns and says, who leads the government?
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benjamin netanyahu dozens outlined a post war planning for casa. tens of thousands of demonstrators have gathered in major world cities and solidarity palestinians of garza and new york offices rushed in and punched separate protests. several people for being arrested. a group of international doctors who would trump to the southern gaza have been evacuated. the doctors were part of a medical mission of the european hospital, their communities. 17 americans with the team were able to leave through the economy mobile sullivan crossing with the help of the u. s embassy. 3 doctors chose not to leave, despite being told by us diplomats. but they may not have another opportunity to get them out. but i've also been 3, but his doctor's among the group evacuated from alaska. one of them talk to him will have to here is a surgeon with flash of scientific and he joined us out here from occupied. the service of my colleagues in the clock began by asking him about the evacuation. leaving us there was a very difficult process. i understand that we were in effect,
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stopped for a period of time. however, because of the welfare, so my call is our leadership acted to evacuate those individuals primarily because of concerns for this, from their families, but also from themselves to personally, i actually didn't mind being the uh for longer and some parts of me which is that i never left the tool. the situation in regards to is very difficult. the health care system is on its knees. they need medical professionals that they need. so it has a doctor's name that says um, and we were providing a critical service. um and i worry about them, i worry about us not being the worry about the people because i don't worry about my colleagues who been suffering for 7 months having to deal with an assault on the, on the people, people being killed named in just on a daily basis,
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with no risk by no time threatened to, to relax, no time to recuperate, it's on going, it's an onslaught we way evacuated with that, you know, by all concepts of both american and the british. i'm grateful to the british embassy for the, for the actions and the warm welcome they gave us. however, my heart is still very much in gauze, and my mind is still is still very much in gaza. i pay for my interest to my colleagues are still there who are still working tirelessly. and i, you know, i am trying actively to go back as soon as possible, even as adult to a used to seeing difficult things. this must be beyond anything you ever imagined that you would see. for the last 7 months we had seen many things on uh, on our phones. i mean, i, i'm sure, or your audience can, uh, can you know, not understand the sentiment, reading of sleepless nights, waking or waking up,
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looking at, you'll fall in 1st thing in the morning seeing more children, more women, more innocent men elderly being injured. and you see the victims, i mean at the beginning to be of the size of a, of a kill child was almost unacceptable. what was the end? it became the no. and haven't been the haven't witness with my own eyes, the kidding of children. and the not asian of a people it's uh, was very shocking. i mean, i had a moment where i saw in a person who was killed literally arrived in to the emergency department in pieces . he was not recognizable as a human being. now the world news, venezuela's opposition candidates, has promised political freedom junior valley ahead of july's presidential election . as the gonzalez says, he's going to ensure that all political parties enjoy their rights. if he becomes
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president alejandro abrupt yet, he has the details struggling to make her way to a river of excited supporters. venezuela's opposition the there might be a could you know, my title is showing her star power despite having been banned from running against president. because my daughter into dice presidential elections, he's campaigning across the country in support of 74 years old presidential candidate. it moved to one side list, which she describes as a good and honest main. today we ask each of you and all venezuelans who are here today and throughout the country to vote united on july 28th for at the moon, the as president of the republic we will be in may. i mean, a lot of the saturday was the 1st time supporters got to see them together on the contain trail gonzales, a little known, but well respected former diplomat was chosen by the opposition in april after
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venezuela. supreme court upheld a ban against my child despite the landslide victory in the opposition primaries gonzales promised that if elected, he will insure political rights in the country and urge the military to uphold the constitution ought to you this. i will get a meeting and will be able to do so. as to the leaving the government. i guarantee a peaceful transition in which all polled call forces will be able to exercise their rights within the framework of the constitution to the national. i am forces you play a fundamental part and security of all of us being guarantors or institutions under constitution. recent surveys show that more than 50 percent of voters back gonzales and 2 thirds one to see changing the country reeling from years of economic and political crisis. opposition figures accused of my daughter's government of
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constance abuses the legal arrest, an intimidation against deal position and making it difficult for people to register to vote on thursday, the government, the close that it could have withheld in the city of victoria to prevent the opposition figures from staying there before saturdays, the event president, my daughter is also taking to the streets to campaign for his re election. polls said he faces an appeal battle in a vote that could and the socialist party's 25 years in power. but many are wondering if the redeem will indeed allow fair elections in hand over the offices of state to someone else. allison to get the address either. so if it goes to former president jacob zoom, it has promised to create jobs and tackle crime is loans in his new newly formed and k party in. so it is challenging his former policy, the governing african national congress, and the general election of the end of the month in 2018. we must step down and
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under pressure from the party over corruption obligations each year to stand trial next year on charges of accepting bribes linked to a multi $1000000.00 arms deal done before his tony in office. a indian state of westbound golf is a hub for the production of june. now it's a plant 5, but it can be spun into strong course slides, but factories are losing money because demand is dropped. if cut, jones and the eyes of unemployment has become a new election campaign issue, local voters are going to cost their balance in the 5th phase of the general elections on monday. the indian government has no grounds at visas to obviously it has junk less. so what come from the election from outside the country and we consume? chevy supports the, the he, ref, mazda has been out of work for 2 months. he used to make $6.00 a day added to, to me in a who the district of less than gold. the state is
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a major produce of the 5, the useful materials for baskets stacks and various homes with 2 parts of the states. more than 300000 bookers employed as a neighborhood. and the news production via the 1st name is that i am facing a lot of difficulty because i'm not earning anything. they have stopped the night shift at the mill. they say there are no orders for the machinery will be use less . we are worried the unemployment crisis in a once flushing industry is a major issue in india general elections. the sect is dependent on the central government which buys up most of did you find the produce for green sacks and packaging. but since new denny reduced, the volume of green purchases orders have to say, separate global events have contributed to the last. because the last 5 years we've
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seen some major events happening globally. lexi venue speak about title 9 frame. it's stuck in the back. covered both of these, the big trucks for the industry, i'm you know, because some time to come out from it. then post that the show you clear on what we'd like to. lot of the bases and etc, and pleasing for the government fulfillment of youth has been left foot for the last few years and anticipated and stating to load them onto the back of the for the product which we felt like development. the fact from mr. movie who seeking to set them accuses to, to move congress, which is govern. singles since 2011. neglecting the industry to open the, the, the, the jew to industry is in a miserable can edition. there was no one to speak to the rights of the work as we increased the price for the crop and made it mandatory for grains and sugar to be packed in $2.00 bags. so it helps bomb is the mac put in the home state of jude,
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the governing trim. will congress only lies in february, the local government signed an agreement with the owners and trade unions to increase the wages of origin workers across the state. but it's not enough. unemployment has been a major issue in all phases of the elections the voters like so he's in need of a job and a stable income. i'm a consume chevy on to see the i think just mentioned again to the ending governments don't, grunted visas to obviously it has journals. so we're coming the election from outside the country. not the world heavyweight boxing has a new champion, ukraine's arctic sound. the sink has scored a narrow split decision victory over britain's tyson fury, and we had the 37 year old as the 1st bulk. so to hold all 4 major heavy weight bouts. at the same time. if you're we had to take a standing count and the 9th ryan's and he was just, i've struggled in the previous 3 runs with 06, edging him out on the judge's score cards. when makes it was the 1st undisputed
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champion since the ring of lennox lewis ended in $2000.00 news is going to continue here on audra 0 off to come from the cost on robotics and stay with us on the the hello. we should say some quotes whether now for the se, in corner of the us, well latest rounds of the severe storms in the process of pulling out of the way. that's the heavier of light pressure. that is still the fish i was just talking in behind that some went by the 2 up towards the northern plains, just sliding towards the midwest. as we go through the next couple of days, most area of life pressure runs up towards hudson by another one rolls in across the plains, and that will eventually fade his way across the great lakes. but he got the sun by
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still a few showers down towards georgia, pushing across into south carolina. shy was to some a wintry night to arrive with the mountain states. cool enough, little bit of weather that to into the pacific northwest part time. and then it brightens up and it warms up here. what's the weather? meanwhile, will slide its way across northern parts of the us. so you go with that with the weather monday fading across the lakes, the south. it's 10 me try and sunny warm sunshine to dallas at around $32.00 degrees celsius. the one sunshine stretched out across the good parts of mexico, whole sunshine, the cheapest, save for some into the mid thirty's. once again, showers their into southern positive mexico down to was nicaragua in costa rica. you will show 2 across the great the renters, before most of the oddest is fine. i'm sunny. the heroes from i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is
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only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the of the color? i made her instead of getting them, this is counting the cost on al jazeera. you'll, we can look at the world business and economics this week. india is booming, but millions of its people are benefiting from the economic growth. the income inequality gap is off topic dominates international election. the u. s. as the
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world's biggest don't of foreign aid, but to american people know where the tax money is go. it's also funding helped to boost globally.


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