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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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there still facing strong resistance from the powerful farm lobby in congress to the same vill expand the fight from their villages to the countries court rooms and electing their own politicians to save their lives. the cottage in garza dozens upon the stadiums have been killed in a series of his very attacks and refugee camps in the north. as well as the southern city of ruffled in central garza homes and another refugee camp have come under attack. at least 22 people have been killed there. the no, i'm about to center. this is all just 0 live from go home. also coming up white police instead of the crack down. and protesters calling for new elections, of
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a member of the wall cabinets threatens to resigns over postwar plans for gas from london to buy lin sizes of people on the streets demanding an end to israel's war on guns and, and all the headlines, nearly 70 people have died off to flash floods, devastated parts of central f canister. the rhonda attacks on northern does that have become more intense as israel push this further into an area. it said it had been cleared of how much fighters that'd be a series of attacks targeting palestinian homes at least $28.00 people have been killed in a striking a residential block. the a couple odd one hospital in the north. many more have been injured. weiss who is a bali is really artillery has struck a group of people queuing for water. age. people have been killed, women and children are among the dead, are top, corresponded to a couple wounds,
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begins a coffee, some dental bala in central gases. wow. this is often more so can easily turn into a bag in a residential play close to the come on it one hospital. now what it has is really, bumps rained down in buildings shouldering palestinians drawing to escape the con it rescue is scramble to help, but they have little to work with upon him. an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we put the children out of the rubble, the different families were under the rubble, and most of them are inside the homes. and they have displaced people. here's the house of the eldest families where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the home. in philadelphia, west of devalue women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life
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. and it seems a very good display to the village area. west of jamalia. com, which is considered a safe area and southern this place was sold by 3 is really show children women and young people. and lots of we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint it or roy in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury. and unfortunately some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication. the medical stuff out of the woods, there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to all over the hospital. the situation remains dia, in rough or co traveling to central garza was struck by a true killing. something solely done. one thing of is the one says that 800000
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palestinians have been forced to flee. a rough license being ordered to evacuate when they use really military intensive finally to tax last week. but the areas money ends up a lot of routes as to show to who were sending the humanitarian crisis topic up. as soon, i'll just say era garrett that i had a story and northern guy. so there's been another, is really attacked this one. here's a group of residents at the same entrance of a shelter. and there's a bali, a refugee come at least 12 palestinians have been killed and is rarely selling theft. 25, others have been injured. many of the attacks injured bother you have been places for civilians have been trying to find safety. is where the army recently said it has re entered jamalia to fight homeless battalions that are regrouping. is there an central guys or there's been an overnight attack on a home and almost say that the refugee camp at least is 17 people have been killed and not late to strike 5 others have been killed in an attack on the same camp earlier in the day women and children among those killed and injured they being
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taken to all likes a hospital in dental bhalla. a group of international doctors who were trumped in the southern gaza had been evacuated. the doctors were part of a medical mission and that the european hospital in the eunice, 17 americans with the team, were able to leave through that kind of mobile sullivan crossing with a help with the u. s. embassy. 3 doctors chose not to leave. despite being told by us diplomats, they may not have another opportunity to get them out and they're also free, but each doctor's among the group evacuated from alpha. one of them don't know how much. here is a surgeon with flash scientific, and he's joined us earlier from occupied east jerusalem. my colleague nick clock began by asking him about the evacuation the leaving because that was a very difficult process. i understand that we were in effect, stopped for a period of time. however, because of the welfare. so my call is our leadership update to evacuate those individuals. and primarily because of concerns for the, from their families,
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but also from themselves to personally, i actually didn't mind being the uh for longer and some parts of me which is that i never left the tool. the situation in regards to is very difficult. the health care system is on its knees. they need medical professionals that they need surgeon's name, doctor's name, this is um and we were providing a critical service and i worry about them. i worry about us not being the worry about the people because i don't worry about my colleagues that have been suffering . so a 7 months having to deal with an assault on the, on that people, people being killed named in just on a daily basis with no risk by no time to read and to, to relax, no time to recuperate. it's ongoing, it's an onslaught we wave, actuated with it, you know,
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by all confidence that both american and the british. i'm grateful to the british embassy for the, for the actions and the warm welcome. they gave us. however, my heart is still very much in gauze and my mind is still is still very much in gaza. i pay from interest to my colleagues who are still there who are still working tirelessly. and i, you know, i am trying actively to go back as soon as possible, even as adult to a used to seeing difficult things. this must be beyond anything you ever imagined that you would see. for the last 7 months, we had seen many things on uh, on our phones. i mean, i, i'm sure, or your audience can, uh, can you know, not understand this sentiment really sleepless nights waking or waking up, looking at your phone 1st thing in the morning, seeing more children, more women, more innocent men elderly being injured. and you see the victims,
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i mean at the beginning to be at the side of a of a kill child was almost unacceptable. what was the end? it became the no. and haven't been that i haven't witnessed with my own eyes, the kidding of children. and the notion of a people it's uh, was very shocking. i mean, i had a moment where i saw it, a person was killed, literally arrived in to the emergency department in pieces. he was not recognizable as a human being. a prominent member of israel's wall calendar, many guns was threatening to quit as prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't outlined a postwar planning for gas or by on the next months. there's also a pressure from protesters or calling on the government to do more to secure the release of captives. and that's it. yeah. whose government shut down and obviously this operations in israel. so corresponding with how much i'm dream is reporting on developments from the jordanian capital i'm on on saturday until of eve,
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demonstrators once again came out by the south. many demanding is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to bring their loved ones homes. first of all, at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse anti government protesters, anger and ink in equal measure, all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive ron been, you mean the me, i swim visual, know the 128 of the t's still being held in gaza. is there any soldiers in shouldn't, but fights has continued to fight to the determination to create the conditions for extracting the hostages and bring them back to israel as quick as possible. the
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really army attempted to project strength, even releasing a video which says, shows combat operations in eastern europe. i but for the country's political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference war, cabinet member, many guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks, but somebody that brought him a guardianship bond with him, same at the fateful crossroads where we are at now, the leadership must see the big picture to identify risk and identify opportunities . formulate an updated national strategy so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder . the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8 to bring home our hostages to eliminate the mos regime and the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control. against is comments coming just days after defense minister you walk a lot called on nothing yahoo to oppose is really military rule and gaza and to make clear his post war plans. while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum
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and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticize the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who was feeling the most amount of pressure from the far right wing plank of this coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been give year and finance minister bets a little smart rich, who for months have threatened to collapse his government if nothing. yeah. who doesn't commit to going full force in philadelphia? how much i'm doing my 0. i'm not, let me just remind you that the reason the why mom is important for the capital jordan is because benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, is band, obviously, right? and it's an a tens of thousands of demonstrations of galvan and major world cities and solidarity with palestinians. and gaza, demanding an end to the war. in new york, several people were injured when the police moved into a rest. some of the protesters out of march and brooklyn, around $200.00 people were marching in that demonstration. and in washington, hundreds of protest as voice criticism of both the us and is really governance as a month to knock on diversity of calls and support
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a palestinian rights and an immediate end to israel's war on gaza that have a large valleys in london as well here's harry fosset on the 14th major march through the streets of london since october as it didn't take place to be saved from the tc lines or the rights of retained refugees from historic palestine. this one very closely associated with the recent anniversary decided the success of those 3 of the lock box or color city in school . which attached to the surrounding peoples displacements ration of the state of israel. people here really competing against what they see as an ongoing knock, but especially inside garza, i am here to put a number of reasons. first and most of this is to express solidarity with us in young people against the genocide. in general. beyond that,
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i am here to protest against the misuse of the of the whole course, particularly by nothing young states. and the design is in general, i think there's a considerable amount of on, justified fear being with talk among jews. and i find that tragic because jewish people genuinely do have a long history of terrible persecution. i'm in this country because my grandparents had to sleep, hope roams about, you know, talk, killing illumination of whole communities in russia, ukraine, cousins in germany at the end of the 19th century. that's why i'm here. so it's very easy to awaken deep c c trauma. in jewish people, i'm not afraid, apologies for design is state for israel really play own, but they with the some quite different leads to the idea that we've been told me in on that these are hate small churches. and that's none. denise, due to the know goes over seduce because there are lots of people waiting.
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palestinian flags on the system feeling for the march is ascending in whitehall. the heart of the british government, the, in the office of the prime minister, the minister defense is across the road. and this is where people have rallied their marketing. they're not say yes, they're calling for an immediate faced lie. they're also totally on the government sales to as the 0 london and thousands of also taken to the streets of the irish capital dublin and saw the doctor said with palestinians in gaza as well as commemorating the knock, the islands, foreign minister and michael marston recently confirmed that island will recognize palestinian statehood before the end of may and sizes of demonstrations have gathered in paris to demand an immediate cease fire. in garza, the protesters are also calling for by costs of companies that support israel and are linked to its war on concept demonstrations. have been gathering of the german
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capital bartlett and to demand an end to the complex gemini government as being one of his real staunchest supporters since the war began them in october. still a hand on the 0 cottage standing in space, a 2nd silent invasion in garza as green mountains of garbage threatening disease. and what israel has designated safe sums and grinding poverty and unemployment. some of the key folder concerns for workers in india is once driving jude industry . the the, the hello, the weather is now starting to look pretty quite as hot. so i'm just going to close much all the mid lasix a launch the clear sky. so the more we have been a lot of showers just around the black sea, the caspian sea, pushing across the world. i've kind of started 26 celsius stuff. a couple stuff is
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that generate? well either it's quite a breeze though, so some lift it does consent to watch out for as we go through the next couple of dies mondays, something of a repeat performance. you might just see the show just around the southern end of the red sea, but the weather will be filed and all of up towards the black sea. then as you can say, well i'm sunshine across a good call. so that is the side off the mediterranean, it winds up and gauze, or touching $33.00 celsius here. by monday, notice by monday i saw them pots of but the key i could see a shower ro to at that stage is that he continues to just ran public future. i was to close the far north, west of african northern areas of algeria. say some shell, some shot was a full see i really i'm pushing across liberia, southern positive, gone all the way into southern areas of nigeria and into the gulf of guinea and beyond. we'll see the shower stretching midway further east with triple silent, just stuff. show space of one place to say, but bring
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a heavy ride for northern past. if medic s. com of the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there. say, here's your person. go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the implications for academic freedom. universities embrace diversity. when it's for palestinian right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when it does the, you know, the
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you what, you know, just a reminder of adults stories this hour, at least $64.00 people have been killed and is running attacks across jobs are most of the casualties have been reported in the north is where the forces of attack to a residential block and of shouts of displaced women and children keeping for water for him. strikes is readings have been protesting and tele viewed calling on the government to do more to secure the release of captives being filed, war cabinet minister. many guns says he'll leave the gun was benjamin netanyahu doesn't outlined a post floor plans for guns. tens of thousands of demonstrators have gathered in world cities and solidarity on a streaming engine. johnson in new york police officers seems to punch several protesters before leading them away. several people have been arrested. tons of waste is piling up across the gaza strip, contamination water, polluting the air and spreading disease. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are
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sheltering and make shift housing, and almo wasi forcing and to live alongside growing piles of rubbish. and as michael apple reports is making a di humanitarian situation even worse, milwaukee has become a sea of tens, hundreds of thousands of palestinians of sheltering. yeah. but something else is beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste. today, old municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish just continued to grow. like many other palestinians, false dino shawnee has been display several times. she says, living conditions in the so called safe zone, or a breeding ground for disease. now, good to know your, the is really is told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering
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from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insects, supplies, and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly enough. you have the united nations development program calls the sanitation crisis, a silence threat to people in gaza. thousands of tons of unconnected rubbish is contaminating water sources. spreading diseases, polluting the air and providing a breeding ground from mosquitoes and other pests like racks and snakes. i've been in um, in con, sleep because of the insects and the snakes that get into us. and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumped to worst thing and already unbearable situation. you come to live in such conditions, the level of the madison not. well, how much obliges are cells whatever you can to make and living. spent along side mountains of waste, minutes,
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administrators. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets. seeing no other choice, we left immediately. this is no lossing matter, nor is this a game. we will not able to find any decent place to live. we have to settle here near waste dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi, a safe humanitarian zone. is it bum, bob's rough palestinians here? say it's not the safe? no, 2 main mike level, which is there any summer he's engaged as making this struggle for 3 months or even more difficult in overcrowded camps. a lack of a to means palestinians are queuing for clean water. the make shift comes off and also like sanitation and toilets. you want to set the waterborne diseases, are spreading across the strip because of contaminated water and rising temperatures. such a saw, a son of the rest is good, but you have to travel long distances to fill one or 2 containers of water. there
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isn't even salt water, there are no, well, there are no service and humanitarians services are non existent. our homes were destroyed and our children were killed. we live in tents. the heat is killing us. frankly, we live in humiliation entertaining, and there was no one. the countess done the size of killed, at least to 68 people in the central province of car agencies. so people desperately need help but follows heavy flooding. that's killed more than 300 people last week and north enough got us done. catch all of was already on reports . flash floods have left many people here homeless. thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with nowhere to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire. so they'll look at this. we got that the have the floods
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continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in these. no bullshit will read. we have nothing to give out. children witnesses say the flood waters of rushed and fast leaving money with no time to escape. 8 agencies worn the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house when the floods came in. people have lost everything for their property, cattle and sheep. everything is gone. that's gonna stand is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line many villagers are unaccounted for. some believes to have been buried alive when the water swept in this section i would say the white house has been completely destroyed of last family members in a frame. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts
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of the country. and they don't know how to make ends meet the reason of my wheat fields, which i'm gone. the main challenge for us is removing the flux settlements. the entire land is covered with stones. and what with the us food agency says many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood, and many areas are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of aid katia a little bit. so again, i'll just hear george's president has vetoed the so called a for an agent is spelled is led to daily protests and to police say, the bill is not going to go back to parliament for it's going to require a simple majority to override the president's veto the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough votes to make that happen. legislation means n g o's and media who get 20 percent or more of their funding from overseas must declare themselves as agents of funding influence. a large group symptom is here.
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say that freedoms in the country are being threatened under the rule of president hindsight. they've organized a raleigh and the capital she lives we have it follows the rest of 10 people, including lawyers, activists, journalist, i'm members of civil society groups. this month's rights group say, authorities in the north african country use the judiciary on the police to punish those that opposed to these is moving government. so i thought because the former president jacob zoom has promised to create jobs and tackle crime is launching is nearly fond m k party. and so why so is challenging his former party, the governing african national congress and a general election at the end of the month. zoom is due to stand trial next year on charges of accepting bribes linked to a multi $1000000.00 arms deal done before his time and office. if we're meeting here to tell the nation the country, but how we want to run this country, we need to know how to m. k is going to run this country. what are your invest in
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cape or limpopo, wherever you are, they're going to be governed and ruled by the same and unique law? no, we don't want these into them keep party the m k was formed the correct things in the country. that is what his opposition candidates promise to political freedom during a volley ahead of july's presidential election. and amanda gonzales says he's going to ensure that all political parties enjoy their rights if he becomes president out of town to run piet t as the details of struggling to make her way to a river of excited supporters. venezuela's opposition. indeed, there might be. i could email my child is showing her star power despite having been banned from running against president because of my daughter into dice presidential elections. he's campaigning across the country in support of 74 years old presidential candidate. it moved to one side list which she describes as a good and honest mean. today we ask each of us all venezuelans who
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are here today and throughout the country to vote united on july 28th. for at the moon, the as president of the republic we will win the saturday was the 1st time supporters got to see them together on the contain trail gonzales, a little known but well respected former diplomat was chosen by the opposition in april after venezuela. supreme court upheld a ban against my child despite the landslide victory in the opposition primaries gonzales promised that if elected, he will insure political rights in the country and urge the military to uphold the constitution ought to you this. i will get a meeting and will be able to do so as to the leaving the government. i guarantee a peaceful transition in which old polt cal forces will be able to exercise their rights within the framework of the constitution to the national. that enforces you
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play a fundamental part and security of all of us being guarantors or institutions. under constitution. recent surveys show that more than 50 percent of voters back gonzales and 2 thirds one to see changing the country reeling from years of economic and political crisis. opposition figures accused of my daughter's government of constance abuses the legal arrest, an intimidation against deal position and making it difficult for people to register to vote on thursday, the government, the close that it could have withheld in the city of victoria to prevent the opposition figures from staying there before saturdays event president, my daughter is also taking to the streets to campaign for his re election. polls said he faces an appeal battle in a vote that could and the socialist party's 25 years in power. but many are wondering if the redeem will indeed allow fair elections in hand over the offices
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of state to someone else. allison to get the address either. instead of westman golf is a hub for the production of jude. it's a plant fiber that can be spun into strong course scribes but factories at losing money because demand has dropped, they've cut jobs. unemployment has become an election issue. local voters are going to cost their balance in the 5th phase of the general reactions. on monday, the indian governments don't grunted visas to obviously this journalist. so we're coming the election from outside the country was call, so i'm just coming reports the he ref, mazda has been out of work for 2 months. he used to make $6.00 a day at a jew to me in a who the district of less than go to state is a major producer of the 5, the useful materials for boston sacks and various homes with
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2 thirds of the states mold, 300000 book is employed as a laborer and the new production via the 1st name is that i am facing a lot of difficulty because i'm not earning anything. they have stopped the night shift at the mill. they say there are no orders, so the machinery will be use less. we are worried. the unemployment crisis in a once flushing industry is a major issue in india, general elections. the sect is dependent on the central government which buys up most of that. you find the produce for green sacks and packaging but since new denny reduced, the volume of green purchases orders have to i'm the say separate global events have contributed to the last. because the last 5 years we've seen some major events happening globally. let's say when you speak about type your name from, it started with that. go with both of these, the big trucks to the industry. i'm like because some time to come out from it.
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then posts that the show you agree and what we'd like to lot of the devices and etc increasing the governments of.


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