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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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on the residential homes, essential gas or refugee camp are among the latest targets of us. maybe another change at least 22 people have been killed the months or this is obviously of a life from go home. also coming up. why police instead of a break up tries of protest is call me for new elections. remember of the war cabinets reference to resign over post floor plans for gas the correct on the status on it. obviously march in brooklyn, new york, whose break up crowds and make
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a dozen arrests. palestinians face of different kinds of assault in gaza as drawing mountains of garbage threatening disease in what israel has designated as saves the kind of tax on northern guy. so have become more intent and says israel pushes further into an area. it's military previously said had been cleared of hamas fighters. there's been a series of attacks targeting palestinian homes, at least 28 people have been killed in a strike on a residential block. come on one hospital in the north. many more people have been injured. westover jamalia is really artillery, who struck a group of people queuing for water age people have been killed, women and children are among the dead. correspondents had a couple of resume, begins of coverage from dental bhalla in central garza. wow. so this is often more so can easily turn into a value
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a residential split close to the come on it one has to now work to it. as is really bums rained down in buildings, sheltering palestinians drawing to escape the con 8. rescue is scrambled to help, but they have little to eclipse without a problem. having an entire residential block was boomed by israel. we put children out of the rubble. the different families were under the rubble. most of them are inside the homes, and they have displaced people in the bed. here's the house of the eldest family where there were at least 10 people, all the residents in the home. in philadelphia, west of devalue women and children were killed while waiting in line for water. palestinians risk their lives every day trying to get the basic necessities of life . and it seems a very good displace to the felicia area, west of jabante account, which is considered a safe area. and suddenly,
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this place was sold by 3 is really selling children, women and young people. and lots of we do not know where to go. and no one feels i'll paint the end, it are white in waves in the few hospitals that are still operating. there was a sewage of patients with critical injury. and unfortunately, some of them died upon arrival due to insufficient resources and medication, all the medical stuff, out of the woods. there was a severe shortage of medical equipment and resources resulting in significant medical districts to alleviate the pressure, we're transferring some cases to allow the hospital situation remains. dia, in rough uh, a co traveling to central garza was struck by a true killing some and solely to. and one thing of is the you on says that's a tough that 1000 palestinians have been forced to flee a rough life since being ordered to evacuate. when the is really military
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intensified its attacks last week by the areas many ends up a lot of water food filter was sending the human a terrier crisis. topic up as do. oh, just there are. there is that i had a story in northern guys. another is really attack is had a group of people at the entrance of a shelter and there's a body, a refugee camp. at least 12 palestinians have been killed. 25, other people have been injured. many of the taxes are volumes of targeted places for civilians have been trying to find safety. is really all i mean, recently said is re entered giovanni a to 5 homeless battalions that it believes are regrouping there. and in central guy is that there's been an overnight attack on a home in, on the senate refugee camp, at least 17 people have been killed in that strike 5 others were killed and attacked on the same comp alley, or in the day women and children among those killed and injured they being taken to a lot. so hospital in death. obama, a group of international doctors who were trapped in southern gaza,
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had been evacuated. the doctors were part of a medical mission to the european hospital, near con eunice, 17 americans with the team, were able to leave to the count them up with sullivan crossing with the help of the u. s. embassy, 3 doctors chose not to be despite to being told by us diplomats, it may not have another opportunity to get them out on the we're also 3 british doctors among the group evacuated from rough. i'm one of them. dr. muhammed talk here is a surgeon with the fashion of scientific. he joins us out here from occupied east jerusalem. and my colleague nick clock began by asking him about the evacuation are leaving because that was a very difficult process. i understand that we were in effect stock for a period of time. however, because of the welfare. so my colleagues, our leadership acted to evacuate those individuals. um, primarily because of concerns for the, for from the families but also from themselves to personally i actually didn't
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mind being the uh for longer and some positive me wishes that i never left the tool . the situation in regards to is very difficult. the health care system is on its knees. they need medical professionals that they need surgeon's name, doctor's name, this is um and we were providing a critical service and i worry about them. i worry about us not being the worry about the people because i don't worry about my colleagues that have been suffering for 7 months having to deal with an assault on the, on the people. people being killed named been just on a daily basis with no risk by no time threatened to, to relax, no time to recuperate. it's on going, it's an onslaught we way evacuated with that, you know, by all concepts of both american and the british. i'm grateful to the british embassy for the uh, for the actions and the warm welcome they gave us. however,
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my heart is still very much in gauze, and my mind a citizen is still very much in guys. a. i pay for much to my colleagues are still there who are still working tirelessly. and i, you know, i am trying actively to go back as soon as possible, even as a don't to used to seeing difficult things. this must be beyond anything you ever imagined that you would see for the last 7 months we had seen many things on uh, on our phones. i mean, i, i'm sure that your audience can, uh, can you know, not understand this sense and that really sleepless nights work here. you know, waking up, looking at your phone, 1st thing in the morning, seeing more children, more women, more innocent men, elderly being injured. and you see the victims and you know, the beginning to be of the size of a, of a kill child was almost unacceptable towards the end that became the no
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and haven't been that. i've been witness with my own eyes, the kidding of children. and then i elation of, of people. um, it's uh, was very shocking. i mean, i had a moment where i saw as a person who was killed literally arrived in to the emergency department in pieces . he was not recognizable as a human being a prominent member of israel's wall cabinet. many guns has spoken to quits, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu doesn't outlined a postwar planning for gone. so by, on the next months there's also pressure from protesters are calling on the government to do more to secure the release of captives that in. yeah, whose governments shut down. and obviously there's authoration in israel. so corresponding with how much i'm doing is reporting from the jordanian capital i'm on on saturday until of eve, demonstrators once again came out by the 1000. many demanding is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu resigned others urging him to do whatever is needed to
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bring their loved ones homes. first of all, at one point authorities using a water cannon to disperse anti government protesters, anger and angst in equal measure. all in the wake of news that these really forces operating and gaza had recovered the body of another captive ron bin. you mean the man i swim visual, know the 128 of the t's still being held in casa because they're the soldiers incident. but fights has continued to fight to the determination to create the conditions for extracting the hostages and bring them back to israel as quick as possible. the really army attempted to project strength, even releasing a video which says, shows combat operations in eastern europe. but for the countries,
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political leadership on display was division and discord at a news conference war, cabinet member, many guns threatening to resign from the government. if a new 6 point plan for the war and gaza isn't adopted within weeks. but somebody that brought him a guardianship bond with even same at the fateful cross roads where we are at now. the leadership must see the big picture to identify risks and identify opportunities to formulate an updated now so strategy, so that we can fight shoulder to shoulder. the war cabinet must form a 6 point plan by june 8. to bring home are hostages, to eliminate the mos regime and the market. the gaza strip to ensure is rarely security control. guns as comments coming just days after defense minister you walk a lot called on nothing. yahoo to oppose is really military rule and gaza. and to make clear his post war plans, while the demonstrations continue to gather momentum and while more members of his work cabinet publicly criticize the prime minister, it seems nothing. yeah. who is feeling the most amount of pressure from the far
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right wing plank of his coalition. people like national security minister, it's more been clear and finance minister bets a little smart for a true for months. have threatened to collapse. is government if nothing. yeah. who doesn't commit to going full force into it off i how much i'm doing with 0. i'm not a just a reminder. the reason mohammed is reporting from the capital jordan is because benjamin netanyahu, whose candidate has bind audra 0 is israel. police in new york have beaten under arrested protest as crime is demonstrated in support of palestinians. the march has been one of several being held across the us. i think i'll just see it as i visual castro has more about 200 demonstrators gathered in brooklyn carrying palestinian flags at 1st rallying peacefully. but as they moved into the streets chanting loudly and some carrying torches, lease moved in n y p. these came in from a side street and started robbing people at random. they were tackled to the ground
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as they were on the ground, and be placed under rest often by multiple officers. officers repeating them, punching them in their upper body around their head. observer say the beatings continued for an extended time, and many protesters were arrested. the remain unclear why police intervene in this manner. there were also protests in washington. several 100 people prayed the rain in the nation's capital to support palestinians and to mark the knock box. their historic mass displacements due to israel's founding. on this dreary day in the us capital of washington, people are braving the rate to come out and memory the anniversary of the knock by their policy and americans and their supporters coming to the nation's capital, their chanting re palestine, and they're choosing us president joe biden of main complicit in genocide in his
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support of israel's war. one guys us, we have been protesting. we have been hitting the streets and we have been educating the people on the palestinian play. we see the belong, the blink checks that keep going. keep going to the is really lucere. earlier in the week, the us house of representatives rebukes biden for pausing a shipment and bomb to israel. demonstrators say the us to stop giving military a to is real altogether. heidi joe castro, elders 0 washington sizes of people have also taken to the streets of the irish capital dublin and sell a data retained with the palestinians and gaza as well as commemorating the knock by all of his foreign minister. michael martin recently confirmed that island will recognize palestinian states before the end of may. a large crowds in paris of march to demand an immediate cease fire and gossip. protesters are also calling for by caught some companies that support israel and are linked to its war on gotten on
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that are being demonstrations in the german capital by lending to demand an end to the conflict. gelani's government as being one of israel's staunchest supporters. since the war began in october, a prominent and rainy and john and as it was imprisoned by authorities for more than a year has dedicated hope press freedom award in part to palestinian journalists in gaza. and last name mohammad who has been awarded the whole se, kluso press freedom award in spain. she's dedicated it to all just as guys a bureau chief while doctor last several family members or covering the war or holiday was detained for her reporting on 22 year old martha almond. he's deaf in police custody, which spots nationwide anti government protests in iran. still ahead on i'll just see it on the 17 people that died off to flash floods, devastate parts of central. let's get this done. kind of a searches of moving costs in the philippines are some, don't just think the cold it could be to blame
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the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injured is from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here the story on talk to how does era being a journalist is a privilege i get to the heart of the story, amplified the voices of those who have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks
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facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working at the 0 enables me to make other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the the to go to 0. reminder of our top. so is this, are dozens of people have been killed and is really attacks across casa, most of the casualties have been reported in, nor is there any forces of a tech, a residential board,
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and the shelter for the displace women and children curing for water for kids strikes, is there any, is it being protesting in tennessee calling on the government to do more to secure the release of captives, meanwhile, won't happen to administer any guns says he'll leave the gun. benjamin netanyahu doesn't open and a post war plan for god's tens of thousands of demonstrators have gathered in world cities, installed the directions of how the cities in johnson, in new york police officers seems to punched several protesters for leading them away. many people of interest not tons of waste or piling up across the gaza strip was being contaminated as being polluted and diseases spreading. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering and make shift housing in o, my wasi. and they're being forced to live alongside growing piles of rubbish. as michael apple reports, it's making a dire humanitarian situation. even worse,
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all milwaukee has become a sea of tents. hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering here. but something else is beginning to dominate the landscape to the foldable. the gaza strip generated more than a $1700.00 tons of solid waste. today, old municipal services have collapsed and the piles of unconnected rubbish. just continue to grow. or like many other palestinians faults, the no show any has been displaced several times. she says living conditions in the so called safe zone, or a breeding ground for disease. now, good to know your b is really is told us to come here with promises of tense, water, and food. upon arrival, we found no water, no toilets, and no sanitation facilities were surrounded by garbage. our children are suffering from rashes itchiness an acne. it's made worse by insect supplies and even frocks. our health is worsening, rapidly had no sir. you have the united nations development program calls the
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sanitation crisis. a silent strength to people in gauze, thousands of tons of and collected rubbish, is contaminating water sources spreading diseases, polluting the a and providing a breeding ground from mosquitoes and other pests like rats and snakes. i've seen in um, in con, sleep because of the insects and snakes that get into us. and we've also had to rush my sister to hospital because she's suffering from a respiratory illness. garbage continues to be dumped to worst thing and already unbearable situation. you can't live in such conditions, the level of the madison, not mohammad, which is our cells, whatever you can to make and living, spent a long side mountains of waste in the industry. we came here after receiving evacuation leaflets, seeing no other choice, we left immediately. this is no laughing matter, nor is it the game. we were not able to find any decent place to live. we have to
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settle here near waste dumpsite time. israel has designated all my wasi, a safe humanitarian zone. is it bum, bob's rough palestinians here? say it's neither safe. no 2 main mike level out, is there any summer heating? garza is making it even more difficult. find clean water in overcrowded calms. there wasn't enough humanitarian, a pond experience or having to q for water. they can use the make safe time self and don't have sanitation or toilets. and the u. n is saying that water borne diseases spreading across the street, but because of contaminated water and why some temperatures, a saw a son of the of us is good, but we have to travel long distances to fill. one or 2 containers has water. there isn't even salt water, there are no, well, there are no service and she monetary and services are non existent. our homes were destroyed and our children were killed. we live in tents. the heat is killing us.
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frankly. we live in humiliation entertained by and there is no one the enough dentist on floods have killed, at least to 68 people in the central province of car agents who say people desperately need help and follows heavy flooding. the killed, more than 300 people last week and no of, of kind of done catch up with other young reports. flash floods have left many people here homeless. thousands of shops and homes are now submerged in afghanistan score province, leaving families with know where to go. life was tough before the floods. now conditions are dire. see the look at it is the guys happy have the floods continued throughout the evening. they caused a loss of damage in peace. no, russo a breed. we have nothing to give out. children at the witnesses say the flood
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waters of rushed in fast, leaving many with no time to escape agencies worn, the death toll is expected to find at least we were in the house. when the plots came in, people have lost everything. their property, cattle, and sheep. everything is gone. that's kinda, stan is still struggling to deal with floods that hit last week and the northern province of back line. many villagers are unaccounted for, some police to have been buried alive when the water swept in the section of a say, the white house has been completely just droid, a mazda 6 family members, and a friend. much of the soil is now useless to farmers in the north and central parts of the country, and they don't know how to make ends meet the reason of my wheat fields, which are now gone. the main challenge for us is removing the floods settlements.
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the entire land is covered with stones and what the us food agency says. many survivors have been left with no home land or source of livelihood. and many areas are cut off from main roads. further hampering the delivery of aid, katia lopez all again. i'll just here. in the last 5 months, dozens of small children in the philippines have died from whooping cough. vaccines helped to stop the disease from spreading by units of says the philippines is among the countries with the highest number of and vaccinated children. as bonnet below explains, from manila, the coven. 19 pandemic could be behind as zion. 30 bama is barely 2 and a half months old, and he's already spent weeks in hospital. his parents say he was coughing incessantly. visa, not that difficult, and that was the short coughing sound. it was a leasing kind of cops. a zine was diagnosed with protests, is
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a respiratory tract infection more commonly known as swapping cough because of its distinctive sound, its f one being your stuff. and then it followed by a sudden long in spite of authority, effort, the philippines, to see a spike in cases. this hospital alone recorded 15 cases in the 1st 3 months of the year compared to just 3 for all of 2023. nationally, the number is nearly 50 times higher. dozens of infants have died. open cup can be fatal, especially among babies. but the doctor say it can be treated effectively, particularly if detected early, and more importantly, it can be prevented back sufficient. which is why as part of the government's emergency response, health care workers, or immunizing children in communities where it cases have been confirmed. this baby tested positive once it's too much for a one month old baby,
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the antibiotics and injections. scientists say low vaccination rates could be why the country is experiencing an outbreak. the un children's agency estimates. 1000000 filipino children missed routine vaccinations in 2021. during the height of the corona virus, pandemic health care workers had to shift the pension to your hospitals. the are cool with 19 isolation facilities. that's one that'd be base uh, their parents had to stay at home. and then you have issues on the hesitancy. supplies have been running low, but the government says $3000000.00 doses of the vaccine for whooping cough are due to be delivered in the next 3 months. and another 5000000 by the end of the year, zions parents hope the vaccines arrive before the outbreak gets worse, or sign gets infected again. find even though i'll just 0 manila. yes ma'am. is when the communist party is named a new state president as part of a leadership res shuffle police minister total um will replace improve on tongue
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once the national assembly approves the move to state presidents out of head of parliament have resigned in the last 2 years after facing allegations of on specified wrong to doing, it's george's president has vetoed the so called photo and agent spill does lead to daily protest. since a b c bill is not going to go back to parliament for this will require a simple majority to override the president's veto. the ruling georgia dream policy and its allies have enough votes to make that happen. the legislation is angie owes and media who get 20 percent or more of their funding from overseas must declare themselves as agents of funding incidence. not in charge with the attempted assassination of slower prime minister robert feats or has been ordered to remain behind bars off to record hearing the 71 year old mans accused of finding 5 shots of the prime minister on wednesday, which was in a stable but serious condition in hospital for the day, after
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a brief conversation with the medical staff and with the director of the roosevelt hospital, we can tell you that this morning's medical board has assessed that the prime minister's health is stable. nevertheless, the medical condition is still serious and it must be said that yesterday, surgery which lasted 2 hours contributed to a positive prognosis for the prime minister's health. so as advocates former president jacob zulu has promised to create jobs on taco crime is he launched his newly formed m k policy. and so i talk, he's challenging his former proxy, the governing african national congress, and the general election of the end of the month resume is due to stand trial next year on charges of accepting bribes linked to a multi $1000000.00 arms deal done before his time. and office the world heavyweight boxing has a new champion, ukraine's arctic sound that we say is go to narrow split decision victory over britain's tyson, the fury and re add the 37 year old as the 1st bulk. so to hold all 4 major heavy
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weight bouts of the same time when makes it was the 1st undisputed champion. since lennox lewis has rain and have been too fast from 12 to zeros, next on robots and stay with us, the the hello, the weather is now starting to look pretty quiet. it's hot. so i'm showing a close much of the mid lasix a launch the clear sky. so the more we have been a lot of showers just around the black sea, the caspian sea, pushing across the world. i've kind of started 26 celsius. the for couple stuff is that generate? well either it's quite a breeze though, so some lift it does consent to watch out for as we go through the next couple of dies mondays, something of a repeat performance. you might just see the old show just around the southern end of the red sea, but the weather will be filed and all of up towards the black sea. then as you can
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say, well, i'm sunshine across a good call. so that is the side off the mediterranean, it winds up and gauze, or touching $33.00 celsius here. by monday, notice by monday i saw them pots of, but the, i could see a shower o 2 at last stage is that heat continues to just rand public future. i was to close the far north, west of african northern areas of algeria. say some show some showers the full see i really i'm pushing across liberia, southern positive, gone all the way into southern areas of nigeria and into the gulf of guinea. i'm beyond, we'll see the shower stretching midway further east with triple silent, just stuff. sure. it stays up to one place to say, but bring a heavy ride for northern pulse of medic ask the latest news. not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here
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with detailed coverage for the warranty. people have access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hoss of the story. palestinian officials hold on to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax the malaysia stands in the house of agent and as emerged as one of the most vocal on the console. as this rel intensifies, it strikes the world is watching, especially what's referred to as the global. so the roles of global pounds around the scrutiny, the actions or lack of the united states and other nations of sponsored debate. all the fostering piece of fueling to how does the laser view the international response.


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