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tv   Up Front  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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it's like matching who's pursuing a mazda is degree goldsmith's at the university of london. it's not just an art school, it has other disciplines is arts and humanities is politics, all of these other departments. so i was really, really thrilled when i go in. goldsmith is not just the craze of award winning all . it is like damian huston oscar winning directors like steve mcqueen but in recent months it's hard to make difficult decisions announcing thousands of job cuts and calls, cancellations. don't from us. as one of the most prestigious universities in the u . k. and among his graduates and globally recognized office acts as musicians and writes of like many british educational, an awesome situations. it's face financial pressures and recent years. and some stuff here say that worried about the future. even the ones who are not in the effective departments feel very upset because often people come to goldsmith not just to study in that particular department, optimal design because scouts,
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mrs. interdisciplinary. so i think that they've been really disappointed with what's happening. student fees support higher education in britain, but often so it is public funding to a government decision in 2021 to identify several academic areas with spending cuts has placed thousands of on some humanities courses at risk. we're now seeing i really noticeable acceleration in the decline and in some cases, dismantling of us and crowds of courses at university and higher education level campaign is like jack gamble say that's a long term problem for a nation that's known as an autistic powerhouse sites based by on the type martin behind me on to sign the examples of the you case, cultural sector and crates of industries, the country be over a 1000000000 pounds a yes to the utah economies. the government has identified the cries of industries as one of the 5 priority areas, the gross, and yeah, the same times the government is costing its funding for the arts and price,
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of course is that's the, the time and pipeline into these globally successful industries. i don't know it's, it's like massey, this makes a question, her future career choices. i just feel out of control basically. and i, i feel like it's, it's, it's really solid, needs help to make decisions and give up some things that you may have wanted to do . working 3 jobs already just to support herat. anxiety is now discordant notes in her creative sound scape, the months i'll just say around london. okay, that's it for me. money inside lots more information on a website out. is there a dot com? the news continues here now to 0 off the upfront the there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening
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and they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy. and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call in police, be confrontational, or actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. in the us senate is points to vote on the anti semitism awareness that a bill that some say with complaint criticism of israel with anti semitism. so what would it mean for the movement against israel's war on garza and to jewish communities grappling with fear for their safety? that conversation is coming up. but 1st, as israel continues this war on guys that it's leadership is far from presenting a united front,
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that support continues to grow within prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose cabinet, as the government also faces discontent and protest from his rally citizens. so what lies ahead for the countries leadership and what impact will it have on the palestinian israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu government has been called the most right wing government since the countries inception. and in the midst of israel's war on gaza, which is now when its 7th month, the pool on the far right agenda has left a pronounced mark in the manner in which the war is being conducted. but these rarely public discontent with this government is growing. as are the divisions within netanyahu's cabinet itself. so what lies ahead here to speak with us about it is journalist and the editor of is really new site, local call, or the noises on upfront or lee, thank you so much for joining us. is real, seems to be preparing for a full scale invasion of the southern city of rough,
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but meanwhile tensions continued to mount between members of the government. with many, from the far right, urging the prime minister to ignore international pressure to call. busy a further assault on the city of norfolk, there been numerous times in the disagreements have come out into the public. they've been airing their disagreements in the public sphere. how deep right now are the cracks in these really government? oh, thanks so much for having me. it's a very problematic composition of, of governments, and the disagreements are quite deep, but not deep enough to really threat. mr. now, is government, at least not at this point. it is very obvious back to guns, and he's camp are a very much not satisfied with the way that, that then, you know, has been handling the war. and they are very, very much aware of the growing public pressure to end the war. nope,
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because these really public is so much worried with the whole horrifying massacre disease where it has been con, conducting in gaza. but rather because there is a growing understanding among days, really public's activities actually know what it is to bring back those among the hostages that are still still alive and, and those who are not without ending the war. that's on the other hand, it to me y'all is very much a hostage, so to speak, in the hands of the ex, treatments in these governments. people like it's a mile bank via but to lead small toilet. so it stops. and in the so that's a very couldn't guarantee a threatened to bring it up to the government. if latonya backs down from a full sledge attack on the roof off. that seems to be approaching
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you. you raised an important point here. benjamin. that's in. yeah. whose position as prime minister is directly link it's beholden to, hostage to do use your language and his political alliances with the far right. people like small church and been viewed. but that's what, that's what, that's the, i was always been good at managing those alliances. and doing what's necessary to stay in offices that continue, which i think that's uh, nathan, you know, i got to caught up with the self image of himself as this, you know, in, in hebrew is very often referred to as the magician, the political magician that can always, you know, make his way as through the most difficult of surfing political circumstances. i don't think that this is the case. any more. uh, i, there hasn't been a single, reliable opinion. public opinion poll that shows any
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degree affected of public satisfaction with his conduct as prime minister over the way he the, let's go like that to jordan capital a non where we can hit him and society a jordan's foreign minister who is holding a joint news conference with audra, we're expecting to hear from the or a chief sleep, lots of really who's going to be talking. my goal is to very soon just have a listen to what i think a unprecedented number of the employees from the you and who are march or during the is riley aggression on gaza. despite all the pressures, the ottawa is continuing to perform its role and does audit canned to provide a to the so 2 millions and 300000 palestinians
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suffering from this russia's war and all the killing and the destruction. i had the excess of treatment, education and fluids, and once again, georgian stood deborah with the you and i was continuing to stand abreast next to underwater. and as roy can i do, we cannot do without and cannot to be on what kind of feed, if this, with any other entity. because no other and does, he has the ability or the knowledge has the capabilities that on by, on why and providing it to the policy that people are facing a view of to in disaster, unprecedented disaster and the name of the georgia and kingdom. i think you, i think all the steps of, on what, on the, how it grows foot formed by and your existence onto overcome all the challenges, the honor, what uh, before the 7th of october,
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underwater faced the challenges before the 7th of october. and because it's rule is on rights for rule, and the world knows that you cannot do without down with an auto but continues to support many friends and brother. and the last one was the accusations directed to, to about 16000 employees of and what in the 1st instance of these accusations were issued and disseminated z u. n. a responded to responsibly and started their internal investigations. and i think the independent report that was headed by the previous for a minister or for us, proves that the odd what is taught to be committed to all the principals and code of ethics and the rules and regulations of you. this is just as easy. she has proved it as it is now and void, and the efforts failed,
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but soon are facing the grids, financial burdens and challenges. 16 countries stopped providing it to ottawa after these acquisitions were bars. now 14 countries or declare that providing is to the ottawa but in light of the use these as surface in gaza as the size of suffering and pause by these ready aggressions, oddly, by the sinews, inc as a z r was sent the great support in order to perform as provide food, education, medicine, and education and food the, to our family, in addition to the grid, to respond to bits, responsibilities in other areas. areas do we talk to in the context of the, the, or the partnership and the strong partnership between georgia and oswald. and we agreed on a road map to exert all efforts to achieve several
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goals, to phase all of the abusive efforts to harm the andre. and also to provide support to i work from the international committee in order to perform if it's wrong, stemming from the decision of the general, the assembly as the under what is working with in a delegation from the you in united nations. and so all countries are that it gets into the, on what to perform. this was. and also we agreed on several steps. the annual conference which was on the margins of the united nations meetings and september as there is other steps to guarantees a continuation of the the are ways to provide supports to other and the other fact that i want to and to get to the situation and gaza is disastrous and even if
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was a bring in a ford to gaza. it will not suffice because the humanitarian disaster is accessed for reaching every day with a continuation of aggression as the s condition and rather have in the northern does that. and also all of these refugee camps and the like of the wash facilities and also the destruction of schools. a, a full generation of practicing is attending schools and everybody says that the situation goes is better than a matter of fact. this is a lie. the situation is getting worse and worse by did. and also there is no steps to guarantee the amenities of the united dishes agencies to who depend on, on what to get some food to some people to deserves to get some food. our message that says you measure the dresser is accessible reading as
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a 1st step to stop this aggression against gaza. i had to open up the dressings, points a lot of you and agencies to work freely and without any aggression against them. and also to start exerting international efforts to guarantee the humanitarian efforts as a reconstruction in order to provide them with at least a minimum, the service of living and also no other entities got before. i'm the one of underway outside of guys the ad in the west bank as the occupied you to sit in, in georgia and, and live in an in syria, our support to you and your colleagues at the how do i add, or as you know, it's a probably how to do supporting underwear by his majesty, thinking before the service i worked over and this is said this position of jordan because on what is performing
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a very not the role and you're going to tell being drawn to really fulfill the needs of the children to build a better future and help others to bring fluids on the table for their kids. and also to give the minimum to that the palestinian refugees there. right, so not forget to have the world stuck here that i've been many thanks you and i look forward to continue working with you and cooperating with you and to overcome all these challenges and this disastrous period in order to be of a of, on what to be very productive on the united nations work, which sense from international any human jewelry and needs in order to minimize detection and build a better future for the future generations who, who aspire to live in freedom and justice and independent and independent source. and, and this is available in all this world and, you know,
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once again, thank you. and the mike is yours. i shall go ahead and shoot guns as the land of the mighty was a subsidy. is regarding the that because chevy is, well, we really what kinda, what i should go ahead and run that company and has you, mia? let it go into an empty uh, headed uh, code a day me and i may look at it and look over see what distributed as you in or hold on when you have a map and thank you for supporting with the policy and a few days today. that we spoke about the humanitarian condition. we also, uh, the, and the concerns raised by the united nations with respect to guys, particularly the report on scientific by administer for the savvy facebook
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by the former friends. why the foreign minister? i know when it comes to the emergency needs of gas. so we acknowledge that despite the fact that the one community has been urging that he attends on, as well as to refrain from getting the rough on regretfully who grew up on game, on the attack. and the palestinians are forced to leave despite the fact that they have been with an update on the cd is of this placement test over the past months. but what's in is with warner, you know, you can they go. the answer is, lee is, is this house we own so? so there is no, there is no safety. so the 1000 to be the target being upfront. no question is, where do they go? we keep hearing about kind of my what say we keep hearing about the, uh,
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there has been a lot all these places that the, that you tease told to be crammed and over crowded. so people, most of the time, it has no other choice than to go back on to complete the damage destroyed facilities that including the one of the un since may 6. also there was a very need to assistance trickling down into the gather street bus. and the fee up today is that again we have made wide, engaging the rest of the, in the risk of getting the truck to prevent the roaming. so i mean in the guys us treat back that the, the so again, so my quick need be re vasta today. uh, the 2 main crossing of this house has been, uh, rough. uh and i'm center. i'm located in combat zone. so almost nothing in terms of the aide is a crossing this a boulder right now. now is you will have heard me over the last
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2 weeks on, so raising cl um on how's the united nation has been regularly unblocked and see disregard that in guys. a look at the, the number of stuff which had been killed, more than 200 stuff had been killed among them. 189 staff folks on the from on the wall. the number of premises which have been damaged or 40, destroyed more than 160. and we had hundreds of people who were seeking that protection on the united nation. where in the south and i've been killed when they have been damaged. we have seen over the last a few months so, so that the, when the places where vacated the, where use the i z either by the is where the forces, but also by so how much on,
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by, on the function that the used un premises for military operation and we have also seen over the last few months, a number of staff of which have been rounded up, the rest of the mistreated torture on falls to confession. and that means that not only is this stuff, but the premises and also the operation on when i talk about operation, i talk about come voice moving is because the straight back have been despite the confection targeted over the last few months. and this is a reason why i have called and they repeated it is time to investigate and to make a comfortable source responsible behind it. because if we don't disease, the thoughts of disregard of the united nation might become a new norm. any way else in the world, and this is
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a reason why we should not let it go when it comes to guys a to now minutes. so you were referring to the default of uh, the former minnesota nfl upfront, so cups and corona was tasked by it just separately, genuine. in fact, the review on the risk management make a new some of the agency. you might recall that this was commission at the time the allegation that 12 on the west staff might pop up to see that that was the open massacre of october 7. that's because of that. we needed to look at the what? 8, what could the agency have prevented this or not? but when it comes to the allegation of the stuff, we all know that there is an independent investigation looking at the, the individual behavior of each of the stuff. this is undertaken by the office of intent of oversee the services of the agency. the 2nd one has
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been the same as a review. the conclusion of the review has really that's in fact on what has very robust make a new smyrna in place. that whenever that i missed, call a guessing of misconduct, the, as they are also investigation taking place on the appropriate decision. there may emerge of being taken that however, because of the particular footprint of the agency in the region. because of the particularity of the region of complex political environment, there is always a way to do better. and this is a reason why we, as an agency, have embraced the recommendation of this report. the on off for the committed to implement the recommendation because we've been eva that by doing this we've been
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also reinforcing the trust and the partnership that we have us without partners to bolster the host country at the and on. so that's a don't us now minutes that you would you by also mentioning of the upcoming conference we've been discussing this morning. i think it's very important. we will have an event that is a mountain of the g is issue, but we have to prepare us from now on, on a keyboard flagging one. all right, yeah. what i do, but the eva the when we talk about when the want being dispensable and replaceable, it's also in the field of education. and we have to kind of ask a challenge ahead of us. we have today and for media and going send voice, deeply traumatized, leaving in the river of uh, destroyed gas off for which the reason urgency to bring back
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into an informal education setting and then to a former education testing. and the more we would wait, the more we take the risk to sort of seats for a treat in the future and possibly the extra reason. and if there is an area where only one can really make a difference, in addition of all the other human development activities, this is definitely education. and i hope that wouldn't be a ceasefire. but no one knows. because at the same time, we talk about the must be of a mystery operation taking place in this house. but once the situation wouldn't be reached, a top priority wouldn't be too focused on the heating, the deep trauma of the people in gaza, of the children. and to commit that they can also get
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a better future and there is no one else better place than on walk to a place for the transition period until the day there is a proper solution to fulfill such a task. thank you. see the saw in 1st level, suppose the present or the need for the 2nd i need to so the so i think of it on and feel beneficial out of pub, ida, video, adobe liter. excellent. see, my question is to the high commissioner, it was made that choking see play to gaz. how do you look at that bridge? especially that king abdullah of jordan is the only what a leader who is himself getting on board the plane and dropping the leaf 8 onto
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guys. another question. is this attack on on, or why is a form of political assassination? let alone the physical killing of many of hit staff and can this lead to inviting the is a prime minister as a war criminal? basically your you're talking about the political destination of uh on the walk. you hug me also few times about visa. they have been called to discount the one, the one on, on, not on the guys up, but we are also under pressure in new jersey. then you might have seen what was the last 2 weeks of this outrages demonstration, which became a violent which is kind of us on the attack on children singing bound to you when. and we have also pressure in the west, right?
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so basically we have the pressure about the, the future of the agency presence in the okay, fine, i just didn't territory. and i have always been clear that the ways you know with that with a extraordinary arithmetic tragedy, the region is going full right now. they might and the whole whole but be under for trinity a bride. so unfortunately, t rising and i really hope that the, if we are generally committed to say the containment parties, fields and ask for the kids hasn't let any where. and now we have to be genuine with a papa. but if you could solutions, the temporary nature of the agency which has been filed to long temporary can properly be reinstated the because today we handle the, our communities. they,
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we should be the swamp, the gets it, they would have a proper administration, main wine, all the, all the calls for this month thing. whether we have physically or politically being a target that the, the, all in one thing, which is the street by the, by the student from the river g state you. but let's be care if you, for the what would disappear. and we believe in this kind of salt cut to the state to a refrigerator we meant it is not related to the provision of services. the agency is providing to the kind of standard features because it has to be to the question . i mean, i need the answer to or i'll make an expert, it is somebody to follow up to what the kids and, and is allowed to julia kind of what he does. oh. so he just kind of allow me to
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the comments that he in the drop off the page was an act of necessity. his writing has been divine, old uniforms of delivery, and hopefully fade in to guys in addition to that old, the mainland, both those were closed. that's why it was an act of necessity, not for things and we had no alternative. hayes, saelens hayes, royal hand is getting up, the law is dressed. that must be the amount of freely dropped by a. it does not cover 110th of the real needs of guidance. we called of gold for they may get to lift off on the selections on the width of the live aid. a we are in dire need to deliver maximum amount of a had the same time is right. we cannot weaponized foods this to say
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to kind of suit you with an axis, a life of a war crime, finding nothing to eat a much better food is 2 days or the comment to save to live 10 than i was starving by the minute olds. the crossing boy, those the crossings must be very open. immediately older sex ends and conditions be lifted protection and the employee relief a must be delivered without with any condition. also, the you and the staff must be allowed to act, then operate freely and without any of rest and ex incense and use living in the honor of screws, the lack of food, the lack of what defend, few will refugees, the all these together have led to.


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