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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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plumber to do the deforestation. coaching on climate change. indian sides are fighting to protect. one of the most important things to control the species is coming during the habitat 101 east. we've used the bottle to save into use with. oh no, just the the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters, and they'll find a you navigate to here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. 31 palestinians are killed in a single attack on the site off and central garza israel is escalating its bombardments from north to south. thousands or protests are gathering in brussels to demand year of and is complicity and israel's war on god. so we're live from the demonstration. the congolese army says it's averted and attempted to carried out
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by arms. men and foreign fighters and french forces begin clearing the road to the main airport in new caledonia. the pacific island territory is seeing its 6 nights off on the stores in more in a moments. but we begin with breaking news from iran and according to state television, there's been an incident involving a helicopter and presidents ibrahim, but i use these convoys. we'll bring in our corresponded russell, sorry though he's joining us on the line from that ring and capital said rond russell. what more are you learning about this as well as of now, the reports are not confirmed. however, we know that one of the headquarters had a hard landing and the rescue teams are trying to reach to the site or the incident at the moment. if not, could be aware that that care with that had to go up to was carrying the president of the around. he blamed bracy or she is keen. so today presently around the button
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. gracie attended at negotiation ceremonial at them alongside d as a b johnny border and she and the presence of us. that'd be john, you know, how might be if they have met there. so they integrated them and after a long time since relations between the 2 countries, on 12 after the cut out by warning, the last 2 years, it was the 1st 11 meeting between the 2 presidents and they have some dollars, very much war messages off the off the corporation of the a good neighborhood relations and so one but then after that, so prison 3 c and his team, they took the took on the 2 headquarters and trying to go through the city off temporary ease, which is one of the largest cities in iran taken in the north taking place in the north of iran. however, there are the reports as of now are seeing that due to the day that the weather conditions, the tough weather conditions. so one of the had
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a cup stairs had to have a hard landing. and now that the reports that also seen that the, the weather conditions around the sides of it, thanks have dental or still tough. the rescue teams are trying to reach there. but it's, it's quite funky and now particularly gimme around that it is, we are getting into evening and then maybe the night so that the rascal for somebody and how to are being hampered by d as this does weather conditions. but as i said at the moment, we did not know whether that had to go up. there was specifically covered in the presence of your on the paper, you see, or she's t him that has a time to to digging that gratian with him. however, it seems that it is good to january, to quite a silver just keeps here and just also to bear in mind. so in the wrong particular when it comes to education sector, so it has been on the dc onto the sanctions since that case, almost for the kids of the sanctions. but when it's come to helicopters or the past
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passenger planes, the part of these planes of headquarters are not being changed that's frequently due to the sanctions on the evaluation sector in the country. so from time to time, we see such crashes and that's why the running, you running a lines or one of the least trustable airlines in the world. because the coupons that these use are quite old one. and due to the sanctions, they cannot remove or update them as is, is necessary. okay, russell, thank you so much for uh for that and we'll be crossing back to as and when there are more updates. thanks for the time being. so just a reminder, this is what we're hearing from your reading and say television. that's according to them, there has been an incident involving a helicopter in president, but he but i use his convoy, which are reportedly had a hard landing. so we'll keep an eye out on that story and bring you uh, any of the developments we'll move on to our other top story and tell you about that as really our meat which is intensifying its air and ground detox from the
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north to the south of the gaza strip and palestinians are morning at least 31 people who are killed in an overnight stripe on the house and the on the side on its refuge account. women and children were among the dead and injured. they were taken to an officer hospital which is struggling to come and a 40 motor on a bus. now because of the nurse, i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also dev. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand my house was full of my relatives. the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground. ultra 0, tiny, my move has been to the sites of that attack and, and they'll say to us, we are the side of this one residential home from overnight to talk. and as you can
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see from the picture, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building, just to say a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable . this particular residency house 5 display, its families evacuated old, away from the northern parts of the gaza strip all the way throughout the city. and as is really military expand, it is military maneuver and operation and rough uh this particular family evacuated and was pushed into further enforce this place. been all the way to honda. and if it has not been on the site right, refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters, and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building as
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well. well now go to him just so that he was joining us from dayton by law in central garza so uh and as we can see, the attacks uh on the gaza strip. uh continued to be relentless with casualties. uh, what's the latest so that you're hearing the latest of what we have on the ground is the, is really well. air force is targeted, a group of palestinians in elmwood age and this is in the center of causal strip and also to positive news have been injured by an explosive air strikes that has been left in hun, you and this, and benny. so how you know about yeah, is in a battlefield between the palestinian fighters and the is ready forces. we also have news on and from the ground that that is where the forces are now both those things, the area of an out, the hospital from the north to the south air strikes,
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continue our tele resending continue. and it's not, it's, it's very obvious that it has been a systematic act by that is where the forces not only to target policy news, but to also destroy and wipe off every pre education of health sector in the gaza strip and across the gaza strip. all right, and thank you so much and, and for the reporting for, for us from didn't back in the center. i think our sister well, jordan has demanded an international investigation into what it says or the many war crimes committed during israel's and military campaign in gaza. for a minister made the comment during a news conference with the head of owner was phillips as a release of the work of a winner on other un agencies has been deliberately hampered as you have heard me over the last few weeks on. so raising cl um on the houses are united nation has
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been regularly unblocked and see disregarded in gaza. look at the number of stuff which had been killed, more than 200 stuff, had been killed among them. 189 stuff on the from on the wall. the number of premises which have been damaged or 40 destroys more than 160. and we had hundreds of people who were seeking the protection of the united nation . where in the south the and i've been killed when they have been damaged. we all know how much i'm joining us from the doors and, and capital online. so we aren't, those are really, they're saying that there isn't as really campaign to hamper aid. what else were sort of take away messages from that past press conference for months? so that a new had, was there any also go on to say that under what is facing a quote, political assassination attempt after what happened on october 7th. and that was
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also according to an what i saw for the i'm going to suffer the rather start of the jordanian for administer. he spoke as well at that press conference. both of these men talked about the essential need of unruh, especially at a time like this, how it is facing more attacks by the is re lease and how the international community have to continue to back hon. you also had lots of really saying that there were so many people in, in, in gaza that needed help right now. and that half of gauze as population is currently displaced in the streets of they are forced to fleece and you had also a subsidy. the dirty foreign minister said that there needs to be an investigation into the crime that israel has committed in gaza. now we should also mentioned the reading that we are currently look to at what's going on an israel with regards to us national security advisor jake sullivan. he met with is really pregnancy or benjamin netanyahu. he is in israel today. he is talking to other members of the
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israeli government about the united states as dance when it comes to israel's campaign in the rough. i how also trying to talk to these really is more about potential normalization with other error countries studies. okay, thank you so much and how much enjoy reporting for us from my mine and just reminded them how much is having to report from the drawer thing and capital. because benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has banned l g 0 in israel. so that's why we're having to report from outside of the country. as we've mentioned, that humanitarian situation on the grounds and gaza has been getting worse since israel shut all land crossings into the strip. and some supplies have been delivered by boat to a newly built american peer. but the 10 trucks that have so far rolled off the top here are only a fraction of what's needed. the crowds were seen rushing towards trucks transporting
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a to the side off refugee camp. the northern parts of gauze all already experiencing simon and agencies have worn. the crisis is moving south. the white house has acknowledged the 8th coming through is not enough. meanwhile, is really settlers have again attacked trucks carrying a to gaza. and this time it happened at a check point near hebron in the occupied westbank. and recent days, settlers had been looting ransacking and destroying supplies meant for palestinians in need. that is really forces have shot and killed a palestinian man in the occupied westbank. they accused him of attempting to stab is really, officers at a check point is really forces of kills nearly 500 palestinians and the occupied westbank since the war on drugs on the gun chicago, the weekend of palestinian solidarity protests is continuing across europe. crowds have gathered in brussels and in other cities across the continental demands again
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. and what they say is your opinion complicity and israel's ongoing genocide. stuff often joining us from one such protest in brussels. so tell us what protest or is or demand thanks them. of the, the europe on march or through the heart of the european union across to brussels. so people from france, from germany, from the netherlands, even from iceland to have travelled to make their demands for a year in brussels. so they say that the european union has not done now by far not done enough to protect the people in the us, or they say europe is complicit. also by still doing trade. european union is the 2nd trading partner for as well. and also a lot of military equipment weapons are still being sent from european countries too as well. so they're asking for complete boy talk. they also say that the
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european union to adopt sanctions also. 2 to watch the occupied territories, that's also something that the prime minister of belgium, alexander, the coal has suggested. and he wants to persuade other european nations to agree with this. but the situation in the e u. m in europe has been very divided from the beginning from the start of the war and found him together with islands and spain as very pushing auto european countries to have sanctions on this route. but the other countries like germany and the mountains have been very relaxed. and so there's a lot of the vision people are here in mount march and face me to, to san, to the, going to the european permission building later on today. okay. step blue cross back to the later thank you for that recording from brussels up to the united states now. and that's where president joe biden is delivering a graduation speech at morehouse college in atlanta, one of the nation's historically black colleges. and he's likely to be greeted by protest or as calling for a cease fire in gauze. there has been
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a wave of unrest and university campuses across the country with students protesting bite and support for israel. we have our correspondent, alan fisher joining us from morehouse college. so alan, tell us how the president was agreed isn't what's going on behind you to the well, this is the flute. this is probably just over a kilometer away from your house where the truck is going to make that commencement address in the crowd here. how many students, how many people who are residents? i believe the job id shouldn't be meeting the us position or the warning guys. nor should he be a warranty. on, on the one of the concerns is that the house college has a history of sushi. just this is most famous. alumnus is dr. martin luther king new port talked about how there should be a quality throughout the world and how it is important. the politicians said all
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was what was right across the board. and we know that are going to be protests here . the president of the college, i said if people continue to show it during the president, if it moves beyond that, you will stop the settlement. they will just close all done. they are and then to will waiting to see just for those 2 tests. but even the white house itself is aware that there will be protests. they sent the head of a public engagement to atlanta this week to talk. and he says that if there are protests that not the people's right to do the presence very clear. i mean, we live in a, um, amazing country where you have 3 estates of government and you have a for the state that personifies the importance of the rights, free speech. you and you do it well, the rights of free speech extend stuff to even those who, who wish to protest. and he respects that he makes the point of lead in when there
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are protests was in the very same space. so with respect to a bank, as long as they're a piece of protests that don't disrupt the, the amazing moment that is for each of us, graduates there today, i think overall considered as a success. i'm alan. look, you touched upon this, and you're as when you were speaking just a minute, it's a go. but i wonder if you can expand on the significance of morehouse. college people are waiting to see what dubai does see this spot is. how do you address it? is this going to be the usual connections between fires of a college which produces young black leaders that are a lot of the house graduates who are part of the, by the ministry to it's a man's home. i don't by the way it is that the more black leaders they are, the more that inspires the black community. but he's also struggling for blackboard . see, i'm leaching a week and this is an election year. so is this going to be an election speech, or is it going to be a commencement speech?
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what do you fly as all these young people and give them an idea of what should be ahead of them after the graduation? okay, and we'll let you go for now. thank you so much for the time being. we're going back to our breaking news out of iran and we're bringing in our correspond interest will start are joining us on the phone. so russell, we've been reporting that media state television in iran has been reporting. there has been an incident involving a helicopter and presidents, but the name of the east has come, boy, and i believe you'll have an update for us as well as of now. so what me know is that there were there have been 3, how do you call upstairs? chevy in prison, to buy and receive the photo minister. i mean, up to like a young man also the king that to day have time to send in a grecian ceremony. off at them along side of the b johnny border. so presently the embrace jesus team including the 4 minutes it ended up to my young, the math credits until 5 it'll be gen id of and off the,
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the migration of the damn. they have moved to the city of tempe use at the north of the around one of the largest city went around. and then one of the headquarters among the city had a landing. this is what the state tv as of now is because reporting but would not know whether it is more serious than them. however, that it's not at the point, it's not clear yet whether because the culture was positively carrying pregnancy, but i think they see the for the minister and you apply on. but you know, that's one of them has just crashed or had a heart landed. now the rescue teams are trying to have an access to reach to that the site off the accident. as of now, there are no reports of death or injury or casualties. however, we can understand that the situation is quite serious because the rescue teams as of now still have not been able to reach to the, the site off the actually them. so that, that, that, that, the,
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the incident that took place in the east of the page on probing spending it could be closer to the city off categories. and now it is getting that evening and probably the night. so do that, the weather conditions aren't quite serious on handling that, that, that the rescue for their so today re key and crates and the off of the, the john, i'm of yes, they have a time to go in integration said i'm in the office with them they have sent out to your voice message or the corporation between the 2 labors which had a tasha solutions in the last 3 years. so they grabbed that opportunity of integration. also somehow to restore the ties and then off of the land one headquarters just took off kelly in the g i use of to be around the top for the pieces, including the president and the for the minister of the country. one of the technical, there's jobs had a hard landing or crashed as of now there's nothing concern,
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but they just said no, that it is quite serious because now the rescue teams are one way. and they're saying that the distribution is quite serious. the weather is funky, it's not easy to have good access to the sides of the the, the, the incident. so want to know what that means is that some run in addition, no sector have been found that the sections very heavy section by the west of the world, particularly the yeah. see, and that's why the coupons that are being used, the helicopter coming in. but i used in the wrong on quite all due to the sanctions . so to a 14 year old, i'm not able to update the cost. that's what i'll do to to remove them. that's why such actions installed quite speak with anyone and running if you should in some of the sector is one of the most trustable, one trustable in the world. so when there is any report of crushing or how blending
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and so on. so it should be taken quite serious because it could been spot that kids pool coupons that can useful please. and becky, your how the cop there. so that, as i said, as of now it's not confirmed, we're the headquarters that has crashed or had a hard landing was the one that was carrying presently behind receive and, and for the minister for the countries. but you know that they were to gather in the same how did comp to as of now this is what the have i need to come in. i was yeah, going to have more details. okay, russell, once you get more details, you'll let us know. thank you. so much for the time being for that update from iran . a while the army in the democratic republic of congo says it stopped and attempted to involving local on foreign fighters. a group of armed men attacked the home of the deputy prime minister in the capital contrasts up. the sailors fought
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with guards in the neighborhood near the presidential palace and 2 police officers . and one of the attackers were killed in a shoot out so that we have allowed white county or correspond to joining us from going up in the d r c. so what more has the army said a lot about the serv reported screw? i did. i me do this, communicate out or for the brief communication from the main, the spokes pass on on demand to the visual and revealing the identity ball for the gun to man. those were about top to purchase additional products, and also the residence of the deputy prime is to one of deploy minutes, a pass on to become the for the weeks the, the day, the next presidential for the party. i mean to, of the data. see, so this the board, the amended equal port according to the deal to see, i mean by you do for years and i don't so kimberly's based in did that?
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yes for oh, we have even seen, it's more not from the us on both of the expressing the concern or for a little of the, the, the us on the, one of the american citizen. i'm on with the this, i'll say it's which was i listed with these america on the passport. and also some of them are holding come out, jump to support these people the minute because we do the communities from day off for it does nothing. decor attempt has nothing so far with the national army. there is no any leading coalition which ought to be made between these people a weed, the, the local, i me here or a member of the security forces from can you shuffle the bids in new york? they have been very active against 40 to some way of talking some over to the top of the show leaders of the data. see why the visiting, you know, for example, and also some of them i've been talking to musician, but no one was a way of delta. these people with funding some good this kind of talk on the minute
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. but it seems like a presidential palace, as we have seen today, the me says they would come with more details in the coming. i was even do these teachers showing us ways always equal sign and the page and the population asking questions on how would be succeeded to manage, to enter in this a hike, protected policies and doing so, attacking one of the plumbing. it's a free show of the government's well for an extra security. well, we awaits you. more details from the on the coming i was and to see how things that we go into town of getting shot though. okay, assigned to allow for that updates the offer. it isn't the ukrainian city of par keeps a russian showing, has killed at least 10 people. 25 others were injured in 2 separate attacks on the northeastern region on sunday. russian forces long, stunned offensive,
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and having advancing on ukraine 2nd largest city. in the last week, thousands of civilians have been evacuated from the car, key region. and ukraine has launched a series of long range drones strikes aimed at damaging rushes oil industry. so ukrainian government sees drones as a vital weapons to disrupt the russian economy and military operations, except the target of producing $1000000.00 unmanned aircraft this year, townhome and as more from keeps that everyone knows it's in the long range of training on monday, across, slamming into buildings in yellow bu. good, tough. it's the country stuff is reported striking to russia. $1300.00 columbus is from the buddha. low moraine strains have now become a vital part of ukraine's will machine, in particular, enabling it to attack russia's will infrastructure, trying to effect its energy sales and fuel for its on
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a set of keys. crowd fund or organization collects donations and turns them into weapons for the army, explains why they using low range drugs. we how know a lot of the styles that's does the trouble. and every time when we ask about some of the styles from german partners, so fragile, really show united states, so they need to waste the long time to discuss about everything. so that's why we can produce a long range ad roles. he's one of them, a bell bed, you id with a reach of a 1000 kilometers. it can fly up to 7 hours. like of this, it's kind of cause a meant to crush into its target and not come back. like i said, such weapons, very tough to stop, says petro got a ukrainian manufacturer. what will work with those issues that is difficult for the enemy to defend against such strikes for several reasons. quite important reason is the large territory that the enemy has to protect the defense is capable
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of covering such a large territory from a massive drone attack. and i think it will be tough for russia to save its economy from ukrainian drum strikes. sure. to write instructions for use on the front lines, the rules are constantly evolving. this is the newest moto from guns company breaks . it's never been filled by media before it can identify targets itself and then attack them. we've whichever of the 8 different types of munition that it's built to carry. it's hard to overestimate how important drones on now, in this rule for recognizance for strikes around the front lines and for a tax on each countries infrastructure and energy supplies. they've really become integrity to, despite the frames, to build a 1000000 drugs just this year. they've become so important victory, perhaps just survival depends on john home and i'll just say to you, craig,
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and earlier on sunday, local authorities say that 6 ukrainian drones have had an oil refinery and an air field in southern russia. whole thing operations. video footage shows the moments of the impact earlier on saturday, sunday, excuse me, russian forced to say they shut down 9 missiles over crimea time for a check of the weather on the news hour here is ever since. however, we will see yet more right in the full cost of cost, southern parts of china already into the next branch. so big down posing status, large area or cloud follow the system outs into the motors of north west pacific. another where we are cloud just affecting that eastern side of that japan. so some heavy rain is east in areas of horseshoe, running up towards the hook. ida and then is that what's the weather all the way down across southern most pods and that is set to continue not its way little further race was just lagging its way out into the from waters but plenty of shell
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was still coming back in behind north is that it is dry, it is sunny, dry sunshine coming back in across the good parts of the korean peninsula. and it should be settled in sunny co sponsored. japan is moving to the pots of next week and then also settled across indo china. that same system around the southern piles of china will sink further south with say, some heavy shouts, coast. lots of indo china. vietnam cambodia allows tie that all sing more big. and sundry shows light. it's a cool, some localized flooding and some heavy showers the to the pony i tried yesterday, i was to, into some entre southwest phone service getting underway as showing as had in the adam and see pre monsoon range being flooding interest for lanka. and also i saw from india, but the heat wave to the northwest slide on the old is there a news hour will be joined by the you when you monetary and affairs, an emergency relief coordinator. martin griffith will be here to talk to us about the situation in gaza. and so dawn also coming off mourners say good bye swift. hi, activist who died in detention held on charges of insulting the monarchy and in
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support of rough for an equal in rounds. as for cisco, for in with a chance of winning the years, 2nd major championship were back in the hod, he came into the use of the aisle seat, suffered casualties. we have not suffered fatalities. thank good most we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say, no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era now let me tell you about safari decal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very
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close here. like coming here, sits on within large tears faced with a look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also visit somebody valley equal, restored to mean gun the the, [000:00:00;00] the, the again, you're watching the news hour here. as a reminder of the top stories this hour, there has been an incidents involving a helicopter in iranian presidents of the human that use these come voice that's according to state television. that reportedly happened officer he inaugurated at
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damn in a border region near the city of companies. of these 31 people were killed in an is really striking a house in the side off for a few times. women and children are among the dead and injured. and they were taken to an upstart hospital, which is struggling to code, crowns of palestinians have been seen rushing towards trucks transporting a to the no said aust, refugee town. the supplies arrived on saturday through a us built here in central garza, but the white house has acknowledged that age coming through is not enough. we have with us, martin griffiths has been un humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator . joining us here in the studio, mr. griffith, welcome to alta 0. good. thank you very much. and so i took a look at your latest numbers out of old shaw, and according to the latest update you provided you say that 1100000 people are facing catastrophic levels of food and security in gaza. there 1700000 id peas,
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17000 children, or unaccompanied or separated. i mean, if you're in charge of coordinating humanitarian efforts, i think you went around the world. have you ever seen anything like this? i didn't think so. and the telling symptom of that for me is that when very, very experience to monitor and aid, but because you've been an old times of places around the world for decades when they go to gaza, to help, to serve, to work. it is traumatizing for them. so god help what it must be for the people the gaza. it is really, really difficult and it's getting worse daily. yeah, in december you had said that up apocalyptic conditions in the south of the strip are blocking aid and ending any meaningful humanitarian operations. it's now 5 months later and the is really as of last the military offensive and stuff. uh huh . and they've also, uh, taken control of that border crossing, cutting off one of the most vital entry routes for aiden to garza. so what has this meant for?
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they already die or humanitarian situation. the prediction is that many of us made the worries that we had about a rough operation seemed to be coming true. and that's a huge tragedy. 800000 people displaced in the last 1012 days. it's a shocking, shocking reflection. people who be just faced more than 3 or 4 times already. many of them, no place to go, a no food to eat. we all stuck in the south in terms of the operation because we don't have fuel and the trucks as you say, and not getting through because the costing points have been blocked. and so at the moment we have very little to offer the people of goals and what the message goes from, all humanitarian agencies is open those crossings. it's that simple. are you speaking to the as early as on opening up these land roots? and if so, what are they telling you? i mean we see verse from the pictures a moment ago. some humanitarian aid has now been arriving by the us sponsors here
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off the coast of garza. but your office has said that this would not be a substitute for getting a through lance crossings know and, and tragically, the 15 trucks i think, which uh, took 8 away from the beach from the mountain time operation. yesterday, any 4 of those trucks managed to get through more or less on top of the warehouse. so its the problems that in gaza. that really of an always we had said out of the problem, the security of distribution. we have also said keep land crossings open, we. we welcome to maritime pat. it's good to have trucks come in. we welcome is right, is opening threats up in the north, but it ain't enough. we meet with it is ready daily through co got the the committee set up for this purpose. we have many, many detailed discussions about security, about the movement of our trucks and convoys about the projects for fuel,
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but the fact of the mattress and everybody will tell you this is not conjecture is we are not in a position to provide proper aid to the people because right now it's not ever been quite as difficult as it is today. are the, is there any is then breaking international law, considering we've seen you on security council resolutions being passed a calling a for the delivery of aid. we've seen, of course, the i c j rulings on provisional measure is also demanding more aid aloud and, and these are all binding by international law. i'm very careful about assigning blame because i'm not a judge. my job is to get a to people who need it. there are other people who are judges. you listen to my colleague, the high commission of human rights. you listen to the international committee of the red cross and they will give you very clear views. you listen to my colleague ted ross, the head of the world health organization, about the attacks on health institutions. okay,
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let me rephrase and do you think that israel is allowing of all the aid in that it con? no. okay, it can do much better, and it's not as if that hasn't been pointed out by us, of course, but by other governments, the, your us is. but it's actually a much more can be done. much more can be done and ideally, and obviously, and hopefully this operation needs to stop or the americans putting enough pressure on their is released to open up some more land routes and, and also why do you think the americans went down the route of a sort of an underwriting and opening up this peer off the coast and cause i think the peer is, there's another option which is good. the more options the better to get aged. and that's true. i never ever knew with anywhere in the world. but i guess they are succeeding in their advocacy with you as relates to gets costing. so because the crossings are closed, i'm not the listing agent. and now there is evacuation orders in the notes which
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makes the access to the north difficult. so that's why i'm saying it's a daily deterioration in the circumstances in context. so we operate and, and that's before we even talk about the trauma that your correspondence live every day and that you report so completely the trauma of people that never mind whether they get food or not. that is shortly the key human problem here. and the absence of hope. what about the targeting? someone describes the targeting a few in facilities, particularly when are well and these are according to their latest figures. a 193 of their facilities have been damaged. i beg your pardon, a 171. of their facilities under been a $193.00. you and workers as you know, who have been killed in this war and gaza. why isn't that? you weren't able to put an end to what looks like what's described by many as disregard of un facilities and you on workers and also by israel. i'm been in this
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business for about 50 years and i've never seen quite the impunity that we see not just in cause but across the world today. for those who decide violence is the best way of resolving differences, whether it's in goals or, or so donald elsewhere. impunity is there because people get away with breaking the law international law. and i agree with felipe, is there any of under it when he says we need to get inquiries into those killings those attacks? there's a tax on your on premises. we shouldn't let that go on monitor. lacking in effective advocacy infinity stops. when we raise our voices, have the voice has been raised loud enough? well i, you know, we, we speak daily bike, as i mentioned earlier, the high commission of human rights, this extra general. nobody can say they haven't raised their voices, whether the hud and certainly whether they're acted on. that's another question.
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i'd like to ask your take on sort of the any cease fire potential for us these far? because we've heard top officials from the you and repeatedly call for a ceasefire yet we see the us walking sees far resolutions that the un security council. and we also see the us continuing to supply israel with weapons. do you think that there's any other route to stop the fighting, in your opinion? so i think you're going to keep, keep pass it. i mean, i'm here in, in, in doha guitars paid an amazing role with their role in the mediation to get that sweet spot to get the hostages out. to stop the, the terrible tell on the people have gone so you don't stop, you keep pass it. and i knew this from many, many other conflicts. just because you don't get the right on. so the 1st time doesn't mean to say you keep that you don't stop and yes, absolutely. the c spot is the still current option that needs to be held you were mentioning. so donna moments ago,
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if we can just shift our focus to certain to sit down. so obviously your job is to deal with the older humanitarian emergencies right around the world. do you think that saddam has been overshadowed with the, with events out of gaza and the world's attention really focused on joseph? yes, i do. i really do the bandwidth which is available for international attention to nicholas you. you know it from your own business is very is very focused and it's right focused on gaza. it's a hara as we have just been discussing with 2 done 5000000 people at risk of famine in got in and so done. the planting season is about to end. access is routinely denied the fighting for elf, i sure is a huge worry. um there are claims that of ethnic cleansing and, and so on. and we are not getting the kind of cooperation that we need from the policies to deliver. we're not getting the funding that we need that we would have to have if we were able to deliver. i'm deeply ashamed by the way in which the
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absence of focus on so don tells the story about humanity today. and what are you calling for when it comes to some don in particular, the festival seats 5 in l. sasha, to stop an attack which will target also civilians. collateral damage if you like. secondly, absolute clarity about the in the obligations the parties have direct access. i hope jetta gets moving again as we have heard. the 2 parties signed the jetta declaration back in the early jet. the process i was that i would like them to reread those documents and stick to those promises. because at the moment we're not seeing it. mr. griffith obviously works and the one in many jobs over the years, but this is your last month in this particular posting, looking backwards, you have done anything differently. well, that's
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a good question. i wasn't expecting that what i would have hoped that more attention could be paid, especially now the world received the world of impunity. the world of war, more attention could be paid for accountability to uh, to promises made. i would have liked to have seen, including by me more attention paid to those norms that we were able to succeed in creating over those decades of now being tossed aside. i would like to see us able to create a forces which could instantly be deployed to keep the peace instead of long delays in making that happen. i'd like to see it well, we will award for our children, which is spelled, i'm the one we brought to the right. martin griffith. uh, the un humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator. thank you so much for your time. thanks for speaking. so i'll just thank you very much for going back to our correspondence. we're so sorry our who's running us on the phone from iran
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would be uh, breaking news stories that we've been reporting on a rest. will you? uh you, do you have an update for us? what are you hearing on the grounds as well? for now it's quite clear that the present therefore, the minister and the look of governor were or in the same kind of go up there that crashed. so it is somewhere in between joel fun and where's the gun is also be john provence, which is roughly around 7 to 2 to 100 kilometers away from the city off temporary is one of the largest city in the around that is taking place at the north of iran, so you're brand new president abraham racy writing for the minister. you're seeing, i mean off to lie young, found the local governor off the east as it'd be john province were they were in the same, had to go up there. and they were heading toward the city of categories,
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and then in between jobs, fine. and that's it. guy had to go up there, crashed so now to to, to use are trying to exactly, to determine, to figure out where is the incidence support how to cope. there is missing rescue teams have not been able. ready to steal, detach the particular that, that, that the dispatch big support off that, that the incident where they had to cost their carouse. however, it's confirmed that it by embrace the, the presence of the country but ended up july. yeah. the did the for the minister of the country and the local governor of the probing. so it's as a page on we're in the same cash or so that just happens often. you know, gratian off at them, that was attended by the president of iran. the bank receipts the for the minister and they were in that greeting that them alongside the us. there be jobs with that with as r b jones border. so it behind but you see the present iran and the present deposited
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page on the home audio. the math at the integration ceremony after almost 2 years of passion is relations. so the have send out what messages of goods corporation between the 2 neighbors and also from not one which kind of feature they are imagining. it's was quite a spectacular time and right after that, you know, gratian abraham gray, you see she's team. they started with take off. i had a cop to her that going to the city of cavities, them to come to the or come to the capitals to around. but they had a cough that there were 3. how do you cope this? carrying the teams, however, the helicopter, and that was carrying present if you run the, the, for the minister and the look of governor, it crashed in between jo funds and that's a gun. so now the rescue teams are trying to detect the support, but they have not been able to reach to the side. they say the weather conditions are quite challenging. the weather conditions are hammering. they rescue a force,
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but distribution is quite serious. as of now the rest. so um, i wonder whether there's been any reaction from any other officials. i mean, i see here the reuters news agency is reporting that iran interior minister is saying russell, are you still with me? all right, i do apologize for the loss. our connection with russell. can you hear me? yeah, i can hear you. okay. i was just wondering, i was asking whether there's been any reaction from any officials in iran, any other officials? i mean, the reuters news agencies reporting that the interior minister is just saying that rescue teams are still on the way due to difficult weather conditions. that is, it says it's a phase of shock. steve. these are the initial reactions that are coming from the or toward a t 's here. however,
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as no one has been able to have an access to the site of the accidents yet, uh there is, there is no tool that you use or the solutions you're on that really no. what happened on the information that they have? is the helicopter that was carrying the president before the minister and the local governor just crashed. so one of the team there in here is, is, is, is, is that sort of iranian education sector is quite an all day to one due to the sections that had been imposed on iran by the western countries loud the by the usa almost across for decade so the ready and how to cope, there's the passenger planes and the coupons that are being used for the aviation sector are quite old ones. and due to the sections they cannot remove them, they can not replace them with the new cost or the equipments. so that's why it's such crashes quite often happen in, in, in this country. and whenever that are the reports off the crashes of any of you
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and you and your vehicles. so it should be taken serious but, but this is quite dramatic because we're talking about the helicopter douglas carrying the head of the government president the but i embrace see the top diplomat for iran, the, for the minister, the end of july. yeah. and, and also the local government off the is, are there be jump programs were in this had to come to when it crash so that the, the location that is crashed is it's quite a for us, the one is quite a mountain. this one send the rescue teams are still on the way they have not been able even to specifically detect what was that the where crash web, the crash happens that support. and they say that the, the, the weather is quite challenging is it's quite old. yeah. now it does have nice it's, it's at evening and gradually to get dark. and so when it seems that really challenging
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task is had for the rescue teams for the country as well. however, as of now, what we know is that 2 of the headquarters they have landed in the city of tempe. it is but the one that was carrying the head of the government present to you, but i am. but you see the top diplomat of iran and we don't have to lie. yeah. and the for the minister and the look of governor of the zip to east as it'd be jump programs that had to go up there, pass crash, white. all of them were in it. it seems quite serious as i said, because it's probably will even take hours and hours for the rescue teams really to arrive to the side of the incident. but at the moment we still do not have any picture. any confirmed report directly, whether the president himself, the, for the minister or the look of governor of this as a big jump probe as are injured or anything that is even more serious. because the
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rest of the teams have not been able to have an access to the side. and also we do not know whether there has been any communication between the teams, including the present and the for the minutes that that were in the had the quarter . and the rescue teams, but as of now, we know the roughly the vocation and having a general idea that it has happened in between jo fun and the battery's the gun, which is taking part in the east as a big jump, probus, probus. and it is roughly around 70 to 100 kilometers away from the city of categories, which presidents had to go up. there was, it was, was meant to was meant to latch okay, russell across back to you as and when you have more information for us for the time being. thank you for that reporting from to her on. but we also have with us here in the studio, our correspondence, i assume who's the, of course on. you've covered iran extensively as well. just the 1st of all, tell us what you're hearing about the situation. well, the latest to
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a see now what those limitations with respect to the rest of your teams the into, into your minister was saying that the rest of the things haven't arrived yet at the scene of the accident and he's calling it an accident. the beginning, it was a hog landing, now we know it's an accident. we don't know the details, the areas that month and use the it's very foggy so that we understood. and communication is called completely with the, with the president's team. so for now, there are a lot of speculations and at the same time i can see really and use agencies calling for prayers for the presidents outs. and so what would that mean that, i mean, we don't want to get into the realm of speculation here, but how have the iranian, how has local iranian media been covering the story? i know you're keeping an eye out. yeah. that it was, they were very fast,
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we saw them quickly were, i mean, we knew this, this news from the media media, especially from the iranian social media diagram, channels. they were very fast to report on the story. and 1st of all, that there was a plane within the presidential coal void that had the next accident. then it was said that the president shows have you comfortable how the, how the landing and then what and us understood that uh on the plane, the front of minnesota and all the also officials and of course the president. and then now we know that red, red crescent and all the other security and military a practices in the country are trying to find the president's helicopter. for now, what we can say in this helicopter is missing, right? and there is no clue about the precedence, health and safety for now, correct me if i'm wrong here. but from what i understand is that there were 3 helicopters as part of the con voice. yeah, that's right. the people have you called does the president i, there are some,
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even some pictures for the present. and it had to come to in the morning when he was heading to was the border where he met the, as a, as, or the president a. and how many f and then he integrated the dime, and there are pictures for the present and they had the comforter with the 1st 5 minutes. so i said, i mean i have the la and a kinetic, i think he's one of the moms in, in iran, and later on, on the way back. and there were several ministers with the president. so it seems that the to the other 2 helicopters, what able to live uh to their destination. whereas the presidents have, you come to have this insistence and everyone is caught and play and you're on mobilize to know what's happened, such a fall to maybe establish contact with anyone within the team. and number 2, i haven't reached this place, but the problem is that the area is monk changes the, the, the weather is funky and people from the, from the area over there who are treating all right. things are saying it's, it's very different. yeah. and this is,
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in fact what the iranian interior minister is saying, he's saying that rescue teams are still on the way due to difficult weather conditions. and he's also saying that we are awaiting further details. i suppose, like everyone else in or on. of course, of course, cuz i mean, he's the president, he's have of states who else, what do we know was on the bottom of the assessment? i mean, i know he on also the governor off, but besides that to be on i think, i mean, i'm not sure if we need to close it or not. yeah. and one of the email on some of the it might print uh, you know, the somebody moms who was with them on the plane. so russell earlier on was raising a point and he was talking about the sanctions, of course, that had been in place on iran for, for many, many, many years. and from what you know, on the and you've been to the last, i mean, what impacts of you have these sanctions? i particularly on the ation sector. what if we, if we just review for the fast, let me say 15. 20 is that the number of,
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of the ox accidents that took place in your on the many whether the civil obtains on helicopters or ministry helicopters. and i think over the past year has been met. there are many officials who are victims of a of crushed uh, army military ministry officers. some someone likes i out to utilize the i think in the maybe 1520 years ago and 2007. 1 of also yvonne stuff in general is, was killed in a, in an accident last year at 8 ones. um, sports minister also was evicted. i didn't die, but he was, he was on the plane crash also. so yeah, in the run, these crashes on on are no threat. and that's because of the functions on the lack of, of spare parts. and these are very old plates. when you say very old, i mean, not can we? how old would you say?
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what song plays on on many plains it go back to the, to the errol, off the shop. that's 45 years, 50 years old. right now on if you and your plans and actually one of the main a agreements the, the former president hassan go honey. try to to push forward after the you can be in 2015 was to buy new planes from boy and god from ad boss and also, uh, one of the european companies. maybe they tell italian company. and then later on these uh these uh, agreements didn't really much of your lives except for the italian company. and the other ones blowing on their boss. they failed because after the renew sanctions, i know also because of the shortcomings of the year. and we're just looking at the latest pictures from when the arabian president was on his visit to the border area with the as are based on these are the just talk us through what he was going there
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to do about that trip. and just all the details that we know at this hour, it's almost $1400.00, you know, the relations between, as it was running in a run it up. it's problematic. now, despite the fact both of them are of, you know, on the borders of each other. but they're all kind of different views, international uses, the alliances of defense. yvonne's alliances are different from the as that'd be johnny's who are close to the west and good relations with his right. but in general, they always try to show a good pictures of themselves together. and it seems that the presence presence of funds that originally invited present tracy to come to the for the area and of course, uh, drones and also how to integrate one of the projects down later on after the end of this whole day. and you have to come back, you have to return and, and actually the, it took place. and what do we know about this particular area where this accident
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has taken place? well, this is a eastern, as our region, which is a problem continued on any wrong, does less than as a, as it moves on functions. and this is the eastern as that to be jump from a prophets. and before i mean before the, the, these areas where divided also going to be on as a country was part of the greater version employer. so, i mean, this area is, is well known as, as, as i'm asian. so given the fact that the president of trent, that is that trying to push forward maybe the relations between the 2 countries and also with the, as of the population on the community. and you have on a very big and, and how they have a very big voice in the country. okay. out of house and thank you so much. the, that's $1400.00 gmc, for those of you just joining us. recovering breaking news out of iran. i'm the helicopter carrying a rating and presidents, but i aimed at


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