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tv   Dying Earth The Last Shark  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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at the very highest levels, we have seen the vice president, we understand he's on his way to to breeze, to try to coordinate search and rescue efforts that what are you looking for in the next few hours and days and not just in terms of, of information that will obviously, hopefully gets from the government as soon as, as something is found. but what are you looking for beyond that? what kind of nuances should we be be? i guess keeping an eye out for it in the coming days? i think your 1st, the only really big thing to look at is what is the physical state of the process? i think the more options and just in coming up a lot in great, and i mean i've been on this, there's also to sort option which is that you end up with the head of government tools incapacitated. and what does that mean? how is that incapacitation? determine what options as a trigger under the constitution? because again, keep in mind the constitution says that the 1st 5 percent must have been not just
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in case of death, but in case of think about stations that last longer than 60 days longer than 2 months. so let's say you end up in the hospital for 6 months, what's gonna happen to the so many different factors look and i get, and i really want to emphasize that the number one political outcome of the scenario in which the present ends up being here that bring capacity along with being able to serve is already addictions, which are that must be helped within 50 days and things that we need to look at. what the system open i would allow. the black trip was decided to sit upon the previous selection factory show up and cast us pacific time. often what we do is the most likely to say what, what we seem to be seeing here, which is less people very interesting time and day. and for ron mohammed, ali shavani, the, the editor of i'm much dot media and i'm just on around speaking to us the from long him. thank you so much for joining us on tuesday. i'm a 100 and sharing your thoughts as well. it is now gone. just the bottom of the outline, and let's take this moment to recap, our top story. had to come to caring the rain in president abraham rice. c and the
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foreign minister has gone missing and bad weather conditions in the north of the country present. right? you see was reportedly on his way to the city of to breeze in northern, around near the border with as a vice on around says, rest of your teams, all searching for the crash side and ambulances had been sent to the area present, right? you say it was in the region, we understand and will grace them and also to hold talks with as a buyer's on the president. well, the chief of staff of ron's armed forces mohammed for gary has just issued an order for the mobilization of resources saying the statements of all the facilities, equipment and capacities of the army, the army, coal, i'm the police come on should be used to provide relief and search for the helicopter of the president and his companions. well, let's go to out of there, a senior political analyst smelling the shot and he joins us today from paris. mountain, obviously an incredibly, incredibly sensitive time for the, the entire region. what do you make of what's happened so far today as well?
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it certainly uh you know, uh, one of those, one of those things that happens it lives. right? and i think in the wrong in the system is to get us to be able to absorb it, no matter what inside comes out to the next 2 hours, days and weeks. clearly there is a great incident and clearly having to press them and the form is so together and saving them a cop. they're not exactly the best of signs, but be that as it may be wrong, since it's starting to produce 197945 years to prove to be more than capable of taking all sorts of shops. especially when it comes to the political leaders over the past uh for decades has changed. uh so 5 leaders are so as presidents and i do simple to fix to
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set the policy with the conservative system. so we've gone from highly come in the, to the st. john uniform rep, sunshiny to how to the from how it took me by the measure. and then i got to heidi and now wherever i see, and this is a very the, these are very different preference, although they all function and they won't be the logically in june with the stomach to the public. but they vary from a mental seasons life. so johnny, to a liberal like to me, to quite the conservative like i need something to eat or uh do the job is to do the racing. so we have different precedence and the system was able to produce the stress test for the elections or so it would indeed be no way that this is conducive to the stomach or public's interest. and i think in this case we will see what happens. so the next few days, but clearly those kings is would be absorbed whatever that is office. so it sounds
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small on like a number of, of, of the guess through have been on with us since the incident took place. that if indeed it is revealed that president, right, you see is incapacitated in some way. that's very level would change in terms of decision making, foreign policy. certainly a well, you know, i, there is a constitution the wrong and as you guess, i'm sure, said previously there are certain deadlines and certain ways to book elections. i could do for 60 days to cost an option as well, and so forth. so there is a system in place and there's a very system closed system perhaps going to talk about how to choose trying to dates and who is and what is not legitimate to be a kind, isn't social. but yes, once again, it's important on the line that this is not, you know, a typical sort of, i don't know to study to the system, a short or a dictatorship of showing to have one mind goes. and then tactic,
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collapse is no. there is a really strong lead that is going to give you wrong, but there's also strong system in the wrong that's developing and developing over the past 4 decades in a way where there are checks and balances. i talked about it in terms of the past 6 presidents and so it's just the past due to for deals lead the stuff are suitable for the move it to the right. so we have some ideas as when the on was a know moods for compromise and we have such a need when it was for a compromise. we had a phone johnny, whether it was you know, a to use somebody how many 119 nineties were conducive to opening up to, to that are. so don't want to actually, so the liter. so this is a system of the past for them to be going to say board a pool, but clearly it's a conservative system and obviously the balances that allow for whatever shots that
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that there will be for jurors for those trucks. well, let me ask you, then when we we understand the us presenter by that has been briefed. the us says they're watching very closely. i'm sure they are given the history between washington and terror on what are they going to be looking for here. it was still talking about a, a bigger decision making up or off just it's unlikely to change. but given how things have changed with individual presidents, obviously, washington wasn't thrilled when you maybe we can rise. you came to a pallet. so what are they looking for now? as you see, i guess, i think when it comes to foreign policy, it's a bit, it's a bit more nuanced and domestic policy. and i think that the decision making lies also above the present in a number of counsels and a number of organizations, not to be also the spiritual leadership where i think somebody. so i think the policy has changed mostly to be to not to be factual. the policy has
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changed since don't keep the policy because that's what we remember back in 2013 president obama was able to reach and, and, and a nuclear gene would then cause some honey. and i think so many days, but it's really, there was an agreement, and this was something that says one look forward to receipts implementation and see some sort of normalization, at least on the financial before it come on, a coordinator on political issues in the disease. but thinking tom, i'm walked away from the nuclear, i think it's basically destroying the use all for personal or a secret negotiations or so on. so for the order to i just you, so when we, when we talk less than by didn't came, racing was elected. this was a moment that was very strategic, providing to show how different is from tom. but people question need to cancel
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question. i'm procrastinating. i'm do really is what i know move for another nuclear deal that would be torn apart when the next president comes through. contracts could be present dog, don't believe it or not. so here we are today without the nuclear deal with any and american malicious being there. why don't they have watched moments you could say, and the americans, when they talk about, you know, pieces that lives with the new, the original configurations went by. so the is having issues with egypt, i'm sort of talking mostly about building an online, i guess through all these 3. so it's nothing you have to be otherwise. it's actually just, it should be reported. so the issues are not the best. and i think present price of the present moment just as might invest in somebody's well, it's certainly a critical time for the region and everyone's watching this very,
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very tri state. indeed, on the shar, there are senior political unless, thanks so much for joining us today from paris. well, let's now go to our correspondent russell side of overlay says he is on the ground there for us in the arabian capital. tyrone russell, i believe that we have had now from the, as a by johnny president who have very recently met with president. right. you see what, what are we even hearing from him, of the welding that it was the last one as head of the state that matched the uranium, the president abraham bracy was uh, alias, so at the present, off uh, off of us. that'd be john. because in the morning on sundays, they were attending an a, an integration ceremony or 4 or 4 of them alongside the runyan as of age on the border. and just she has a release, a statement saying that he's deeply troubled by the news off the crushing off the had to go up there that was carrying the reading and president. and he says that all the prayers are,
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are over with him. and for here we are paying for his safety. so under that one of that just as a background information. so they run and i was there a page that has been at ports in the last 2 years, particularly starting from the floor in the building to cut about on board. and then the 2 countries have conducted several minutes to these videos across the board. there is to show the most of us to each other. distribution was quite tense between the 2. the relations got very much detail related. but last year as a johnny, uh embassy into iran came under an attack. so from time to time, it was here that the exchange of the harsh ward ward is between, between the 2 countries. and on sunday of this truly there. grab an o for trinity, seasonal. put trinity off or putting off this, this them to have to come together to diffuse detention in the morning. we have heard lots of word messages coming from both the leaders about the corporation
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about the good neighbor, little nations, and also the joint project for the future. that right off of that, you know, gratian president abraham bracy has, has taken on a headquarter, and hardly had to go up there, took off from that area and had him to where did so do off temporary ease, which is one of the largest city in the country takes place in the northern parts of the country. it's however, 100 kilometers away from temporaries. that's how the court there crashed and the location that you run any risk assessment is saying is that how the cops are crashed in a corporate mind mind called some going, which takes place in june between jo fast and whereas the gun roughly around 100 kilometers and they're close to, it's close to the city of tempe ease. and they said that that the last time that they had the gps, a signal for them to had to go up. there was somewhere close to the cooper mines called us and going fennel. so they're saying that briefly before the, the had
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a cup to or crashed. that has been that communications between somebody to had to go up there that on a door to a high level of targeted in the city or temporaries. however, the connection was sporadic. the connection was very much weak, they could not understand what was happening with the how to go up there. as of now, we do not know whether that crash happened because of the technical problems or whether it has happened due to that harsh weather conditions. however, you random before these are saying that it is a month tennessee or with the density of poured as this forget, it's a rainy. and now they say that this harsh weather conditions are going to continue until tomorrow night. so what does that mean? it means that this harsh weather conditions are going to hampered the rescue at force and the around, you know, red cross, i'm seeing that they have deployed more that for the teams in the area. but due to the harsh weather conditions due to the web, the bad weather, they're not able to conduct the heavier rescue operation. so hold on,
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the teams that are involved in this rescue of force are just conducting the refreshes on the ground. but of course, but because of the weather, the bad weather, they can not involve the aerial vehicles for these rescue operations. and also that has been some of the reports to some of due to this bad weather. some of the express good teams have been lost, but now that i'm officials are saying that there is not such a such a case. then also that, that you run your rep, crescent, seeing that one of the teams among this 40 is very much close to the, had a corpse to have it. but they have not been able yet to detect to new cave that at the support that the had to cope there crashed. so based on that, you do not know any say any sort of information about the safety. i bought the house or if the running and president you, but i embrace see the head of the government becomes with the 2nd in command. and also the top diplomat of your on the, for administer. i mean of to lie young. this to uh,
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to few guys are extremely important for the country here, but i present the brand raise. it was fairly much close to this up and neither. she was expected to be re elected in the presidential elections next year. and also on the other hand, the receiving end of july yeah, the current for, for the minister of the company was also the deputy for administer. it will still run during the previous government. then they both were strong voices that representatives are members of the writing. this top judgment here. so now you're talking about an accidents that the 2 top thinkers of the country, the 2nd and the 3rd numbers of the country are involved. how did that? as i said, we do not know, but we do not have any sort of information confirmed information about their house . now, on the other hand, we see that the reading look forward to you is particularly just really just for the figures. the official authorities are quoting on nation at time to the praying ceremonies across the country. at the moment,
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their mass mass gatherings are happening in the city of cool, which is the center of the, of the seminary in iran. and also in the city or from the shirts. which post to the tune of the set that the ace in um, in the, to well, she, i believing. so these are important religious centers in the country. and also preservation was from this to do as much that's just couple of years before being the present of the country. she was the custodian of that association off the that the tool box in my results. so what does that tell us? that the alternatives are quoting on nation to, to, to, to come out to go to the really just sensors and to pray for the safety of president and the teams that were with him. it tells us that distribution is quite serious because there's this moments happens very rarely in, in, in, in this conference. so, as i said at the moment, so we do not know whether the president, the fort administer, found the local governor or the,
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the east us. that'd be jump programs are still alive or not. but on the other hand, in case of that, of the immediate that 12, the head of the government, the president in the country. so what will be the process according to the, are you running constitution? if the president buys, then the code to the 1st wise president, in this case, who is mohammed must be well paid the jobs with paid the office that in 50 days the company needs to go to an election and relax the new president. so what does that mean for the year for the wrong? does that mean a chat with the periods that according to the people that they have told the say the process is quite clear, according to the constitution. however, at the end of the however, at the same time i was talking about how important are these 2 figures particularly present, the basic people are expecting to be re elected next year. and even there were some expectations that put cash and he could be the next up and leave it off the country
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. so in this case, if any that is reported, we are expecting an internal disagreements and even fights between sticking to the conservatives in iran. so that your, that, that the new parliament was supposed to integrate next week. and now people are starting to talk about who will be the, the leader of the new, the new leader of the conservative phones in the country. however, at the moment, even though they're speaking, they're spoken about some of the names. there's no one that could match the, grab the test and the support off it. but i embrace each that he had from the supreme leader from the readings tomsman from the revolution regards and still wants on the other hand it off to himself. he was one of the fee figures, all the shaping that you're running for them for the see through the last decades, including the, the, the very much cries is happening in syria in iraq and also the nuclear fives as well. so this incident is happening in effect of treatment and the time being the
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region why the war is going going in gaza and why there was tremendous tension between his round and around the of an exchange of the missiles, the throne that tax to but the job after but the from the phone so young and this also happening the better that it's time in iran when the countries just last year we're seeing the nationwide protests as a one. but the said as of now there's still not a power recruiter in the country. however, they say that if any of that is reported, probably they are going to see some internal fights among the conservatives and will certainly be giving me any information as we get said, russell sided that laying out the situation as it stands right now for us from to around the uranium capital. thank you. we're so well, let's go back to us to do a panel. i'm 0 is correspondent, ali hashim. he's extensively coveted, around to, for us on logic. so barry, a professor of contemporary, middle east and politics of castle university. gentleman,
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i want to stop at this hour with search and rescue. it's obviously doc now in iran . and as we've been hearing the fog at the rain, it seems to be getting less module. i know you've spent some time in this area you've physically been to, to where we're talking about can you describe what the landscape is like for us and, and, and the, the potential challenges that semester teams. i think, i think, considering the images, individuals we have just watched in the last few hours and, and the doc this now any kind of fits could be very complicated regardless, any kinds of declared you would be used because it's high. there's a lot of, you know, i would say places where causes cannot get that and you need, you need a serious, i would say, will advance equipment to go that. and even i'm not sure that this can be used in such circumstances. considering the incident itself, of course. so there are lots of complications on the ground. i think with this we will complicate any kind of physical efforts even with all of this number of the
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teams and all of this it was a fiduciary regard. i think it would be a tough process to just kill those or on the hook hook up to the place is, is, is, is not friendly even to drive it. i mean i, it's considering the, the, the, the, the jupiter, the geography itself. so, but i'm now with the, with the, with the, for, with, with all of this becomes more complicated, which begs the question why the had a cup to took off in the 1st place, given the level of fog that we were saying. i li, i also want to press the on site, but i also want to ask you about rock, who have now offered help with the search and rescue operations. and given the terrain that we're looking at, how much help can anyone actually offer what it's going to be very complicated. we're just discussing hills, even we are expecting maybe circuit to, to offer the house, but it depends on the radians or how are they going to deal with this situation, especially that the president is in the middle of the case. so yeah,
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the institutions would want to show control over this issue and to be able to reach to the president before anyone else. because this is something about the subject of the country costa, about the pride of the country regardless of the, of the accident. no, of course the whole country is mobilized. so the technology wise, even the high, it goes over that in that region there many how it goes that they can pot in the, in the search the red crescent, as we said, the i r g c, they read when you should in regards to security, the army everyone also, as i understood from somebody ringing website that i'm trying to solve, the story that drones are being used in the search find a honeycup does. it's very difficult on, as you are reading now, maybe some of the rescue workers could maybe lose communication with the cell. is that right? yeah, of course. and that area, but the most probably there is no connection over there. and we don't know the
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status of the satellite phones and all of these issues within your, on whether the, even they work or not. so it's, it's very complicated, but the iranians would want the lenient establishment would want to come to a conclusion to this chapter. today, they would want to let the radians know what's happened completely, whatever the, the news is before they go to sleep. a and well this while watching and very, very closely indeed here on tuesday or if anything, we have some iranian government ali hush and, and was very thank you for staying with us on our special coverage of this incident . the now turning to of the top new story here, knowledge is 0, and these really ami is intensifying. it's in ground attacks from the north to the south of the gaza strip palestinians on today morning at least 31 people who were
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killed in a single overnight strike on a house. on the, on the chair with refugee count, women and children were again among the dead and injured they would take into the lock. so hospital, which as we know is struck into costs. how does there is honey enough? what has moved from the scene of the attack for us? we are the side of this bond residential home from overnight to talk. and as you can see from the picture, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building just to stay in a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable . this particular residency house, 5 display as families evacuated old, away from the northern part of the gaza strip all the way through of the city. i know this really military expanded is military maneuver and operations and rough uh, this particular family evacuated and was pushed into further enforce this place. been all the way to honda and if it has not been on the site right,
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refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. so as i mentioned that your monetary and situation on the ground and garza has only been getting less since israel shot land crossings into the strip. some supplies have been delivered by boats to a newly built american pair of the pen trucks that are certified rolo stop here. okay, the only a fraction of what's needed. the crowds, the thing rushing towards those trucks transporting a to be on the sarah dress, which accounts in northern parts of gauze are already experiencing. fountain and agencies have one to the crisis is moving further. south. meanwhile,
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is really settlers have again attacked trucks carrying a to gaza. this time it happened at a check point me in hebron any occupied westbank recent days except as have been losing ransacking and destroying supplies and men, palestinians in need of the united nations agency for palestinian refugees says it's what is being deliberately handed by israel. and what chief political has a really made the comments during a press conference with the joe daniel foreign minister. you have heard me over the last few weeks on. so raising cl um on how's the united nation has been regularly unblocked and see disregard that the in guys a look at the, the number of stuff which had been killed, more than 200 stuff had been killed among them, 189 staff on the from on one, the number of premises which have been damaged or 40 destroys more than
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160. and we had hundreds of people who were seeking that protection off on the united nation. where in the south the and i've been killed when they have been damaged as well. we're about to take a very short break. but let's take a moment to recap our top story. this allen, a helicopter carrying the uranium president abraham ray c, and the foreign minister has gone missing and bad weather conditions in the north of the country. president tracy was unfortunately on his way to the city of to breeze animals in iran, near the border with as a by john now around says rescue teams are still searching for the crash site ambulances. they've also been sent to the area present, right? you stay within the region to integrate them and to whole tops with as a by johnny president. well, this is the last known a picture of the helicopter that president wry you see, was traveling in through stay with us for more continuing a special coverage of the ongoing search and rescue operations. well,
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that's it for me in the stalls here today for this news. allan don't go away though . i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with lots more here on, on just in the climate probably only is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on or if you're interested in the nature does not function. we don't exist exploding solutions to say why, as we know it, we work with and within the cycles of the we not using our past resources, we using them again and again. if we newer from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen joining. nothing grows forever for the next generation in the united states, they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of
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each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the the knowledge is with the,
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[000:00:00;00] the kind of the starting of, hey, this is algebra live from the coming up. how the cop to carrying uranium president abraham, right. you see i'm the foreign minister crashes. bad weather is also slowing down, rest to rest. present, right. so you've had a cup to went missing off the hand over a says them alongside the as


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