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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the the . ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the kind of the starting of, hey, this is algebra live from the coming up. i had a couple carrying uranium president abraham recei. i'm the foreign minister crashes . bad weather is also slowing down. rescue residents are present, right? he's, he's had a cup to went missing off the hand over a says them alongside the as
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a buyer's on the president. there is still no confirmation on the status of the passengers. the government officials have asked arabians to praise the president. for those that have the rest of the days and years, including the killing of at least $31.00 palestinians. and then as really a task on all new set off in central cost the let us know, 1700 g m t. and so those of you just joining us, we've been covering breaking news out of iran helicopter, carrying the uranium president abraham, right. you see on the foreign minister has crushed and bad weather conditions present, right? you see was reportedly on his way to the city of to breeze in northern iran, near the border with as a by john iran says rest, your team's all searching for the crash sides. ambulances have also been sent to the area. the army chief of stuff has ordered the use of oil results is full. the
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rescue operation present try you see it was in that region to annual great that on near the border as, as advise on along with that country. is that president? well, this is what runs interior in minnesota and then he told state television after the opening of the court, the fighting them and the kids can see them in the presence of the president on the return journey, the president and others accompanying him by coming back in several helicopters, one of the helicopters was forced to make a rough landing due to bad weather conditions and fog in the area. now, various rescue teams are moving in different directions in the area. but in view of the fog and the bad weather conditions, it will take time to get to the location of the helicopter. things are under control and rescue. teams are doing that work. we hope it will be done as soon as possible. and as a federal portion, people have been gathering around around to pray for the president. these are some of the scenes in mission around the 2nd to most popular city in the east and also the bath place of president. crazy. well this is as far as we know,
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the last known picture of the helicopter, which was reportedly the one that ron's president was travelling in the country's interior minister said it was traveling. and a convoy with 2 of the helicopters, both of which landed safely. well, let's go, child correspondent russell said, a huge one is we now from the arabian capital, tyrone russell took us through what you're hearing from official channels and, and where the search and rescue operation stands right now. as well as of now the brand new red cross, i'm saying that they have deployed more than for the teams to the area now from different directions they're approaching to the side of the accident. but as of now they have not been able to reach to the crash to had a cop there. they have not been able to locate the exact location of the they had to go up there as well. and also there are no confirmed reports about the safety of the president, the for the minister who was also on the same flat on the same,
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had to go up to with him. and also the look of governor off off of the, of the, the, the east as that page on programs and also in the same, had to go up there that was the in mom or if the city off temporaries as well. so we're talking about quite high, few guys in the, in the country. so then they said that the, the weather conditions are extreme. and now they're indeed in the last 2 weeks to have seen several flogs across that whole north and part of your run, the heavy don't falls in that areas. it is mountainous down. so they forest. now it's for gate, it's a rainy, tend to toward these are seeing that this bad weather is going to continue until tomorrow night. so that means that this is going to be quite a challenging task for the rescue teams that are trying to reach to the, the, the, the, the, they, they had to go up there that was carrying president abraham receipts and also they had to some of the reports that due to this bad weather conditions, some of the rest of the teams have been lost,
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but you were in the officials are saying that this is not the case now. so on the other hand, moment burglary, the head of the armed forces, or if you run, who is the head of the regular army, and also the, the, the revolution, the god, seemed that they, he has for the army to mobilize all the means and the resources that the army have and the method debit that the minister. busy off uh, 4th house saying that they have, they have, you have deployed the medical seems the ambulances and all the means of the ministry that has through the region. now the ministers, the west presidents, the pregnant that the, and please also also have it heading to where the, the, the, the city of tempe is to attempt to distract investigate forces during the investigator force. and also to coordinate this uh, that is a force there. and one of the keys here is quite towards some yes, here and some of the reports over there. at that this moment they're not confirmed about that. are some, some go to some reports. i bought the house of the president for that as that they
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have, they have not confirmed yet, which should be quite cautious. but on the other hand, we, we know that in the morning present the embrace each map the beach is positive based on the counterparts it home. if they have integrated at them alongside the opposite page on your on board there, they were trying to diffuse the tensions between the 2 company because been that started from the water in the world and cut about. and we have seen that potential . what was the route between these 2 countries? they have contacted several minutes the exercises alongside the other page on the run, the board, they're showing the muscle street jaw there and a stage of the hush rewards between the 2 countries. last year on the bay, jones embassy into it on came under and attack them. so that was some of the disagreements and accusations prevented each other as to be true or phone. i know for trinity to the to use the tension today, the, the, the, the, the, the president or for a few around me. but i embrace the and the presence of us that'd be on met their
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roots high due to v i v. i p dedications to diffuse detection and right off of the migration of them. so it's the headquarters were had in, took off that they were heading toward the type of these 2 of them that is safe for the but the, the, the, the, the had to go up there that was carrying president, the, for the minister at the local governor just crashed in the corporate mines, which you called, which is called so i'm going takes place in between jo 5 and where is it gone roughly around 100 kilometers away from the city of tempe is west where president was heading to where and then do you run your rep, crescent said that briefly shortly before the crash, that has been a phone conversation from between from someone in the, in the crash tied a quarter and a top of the warranty and officials in the city of territories. but due to the b connection, describe the connection that could not have a proper conversation, trying to understand what was happening with the, with the had a cop there. however, at this moment,
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we do not know whether it was due to the technical issues or the harsh weather conditions. but the random officials are saying that mostly they're focusing on the push weather conditions and not really around it's nights. so they're talking about extreme, for mazda around the region falls, the terrain is very much challenging. and now what is dark? and they saying that this weather conditions are going to bad weather conditions are going to continue until tomorrow night. from all of these factors combined. the test see that there is really a tough task ahead for them. but as of the moment that you're running about crisis is one of the team is about to reach to the how to cope there soon. but it has been almost one and a half hours that they have said that so far they haven't been able to reach to the side. so we do not know whether the president, the, for the minister found the local governor are still alive or not. however, just talking about tough figures in the countries, the number 2 and the number 3, the present of the countries tend to for the minutes of these 2 figures are
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assuming for the, for the top judgment, iran for the public, a system in iran, president people embrace it was expected to be re elected next year during the, the, the presidential elections. and he was extremely close to the close to the public, an establishment clause to the supreme leader that the, the revolution, the gods on the other hand, ended up july young himself. he has been one of the see, see if it goes shaped into your writing and for them the seats in to, to, to build on times. and particularly now that you are having very much delicate times in the region. and iran considering the fact that you're running his route, they have been attacking. do you try that in the last couple of months, directly from the on social media around. there has been some social on dressed. in such a case, an immediate that off the head of the government, the president for the, the immediate that of the foreign minister is going to quite create a vacuum, a power recruiter in the country. so the process is quite clear,
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according to the constitution. if an immediate that happens, so that the 1st wise president, in this case is mohammed, most me, it will take, the jobs will be in the office. and in 50 days, the company needs to go to the election and to re elect the that the president that is according to the constitution. but people are saying that they've been hanging bracey was searching a special adamant of desktop judgement who was expected to be re elected next year . and he even, according to some, was a potential next a supreme leader. so in his absence then definitely the scenario is that people are seeing that we'll see some internal disagreements and fight some of the conservative blogs in the country because that is not such as short and figure that could match. she's got the task and also she's a symbolic meaning in the, in the, in, in the establishment. so he was a powerful guy's pretty much close to the top of the stage, the top institutions in the country that administered establishment for picking
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establishment religious establishment. so he's also the son of sony law, off a very powerful the friday for him on off the city of mission, which is the most important religious center in iran. and she's son that his father in law as well. so very much close to close to the supreme leader behind, bracing himself also was very much close to the river. deleted with the revolution . uh, i have to lock them in. yeah. as well. and so, or there were highest spec, patients in hopes about him spend about any of of july young before the minister. now, as the hours are passed and hopes are fading in the country and the religious authorities, the official authorities are quoted on nation to gather in the religious centers and to pay for their house. so it is this, this, this, it lands, particularly the cold on nations generally, generally do not happens that often if it's happening, that means that it is quite serious. indeed, russell cetera,
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laying out the situation as it stands for us right now from tyrone the reigning capital. thank you, we're so well, joining me now in the studio is out of here as corresponding audi hash and he's also extensively a covet around for us. i think i want to put this order in context for all of us, you know, who might be joining us to at this stage with is president abraham rice. he sits within around the power structure. of course he is the number to the head of the state has been do that to last time in a if we want to compare to all of the systems, he might be the 5 minutes till about any wrong given the fact there is a supreme leader the president represents the executive power. now president tracy spot of the decision making circle. this decision making circle, convenes in the highest the supreme national security council, along with the supreme the does representative the security uh,
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establishment the ministry establishment. and of course the, the presidency and the for the ministry. mainly the government is focused on the internal and also of course on implementing the establishments for the policy when it comes to reaching out to national politics. so the president here takes care of the implementation of the establishment. one sees this thing because as we've been reporting, it's obviously if the very, very sensitive times for the border region. and obviously many different foreign capitals are also watching. what happens here very, very closely result i was talking about potential internal divisions. what a succession to need to happen. what do you make of that? how, how much unity is that within the range and leadership right now within the range and leadership, that is unity. now, within the uranium, let me say winks all difficulties. there are of course, several shapes. but when it comes, for example, to the race for the presidency,
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we saw in 2021. how this election was done. and it was clear that president tracy was going to be the next president, given the fact on the other side, the wedding really heavy weight candidates and heavy weight candidates such as i did, i was running, for example, the former speaker was disqualified from the constitutional coming in so if and if, because to the moments we don't have a faith, we don't know what happened to president tracy. so just in case that is a vacuum in the presidency for any, any reason that is going to be election and we have 50 days for the election. of course the, the, the, the, the principal this. so what soon to be the conservative wing is going to present their own candidates. now, this is going to be really difficult because even with when it came to right,
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you see right. you see ron in the 2017 election against president ro, honey, and last and the there was another also kindly it is from the conservative con, which was a colleague. but i'm a dad probably boss, was the calling to speak up. so i, what i'm saying, that was a kind of an enrichment of candid, so there's an anointed kind of yeah, that would eventually get counted. so even if the kind of lost and election was being prepared for the next one, elizabeth is for the next one. now, i personally, i can give a name. i don't know who, who could really run in 50 days or 60 days for the next extra, extra for the names that we know. but i don't see them for now wretched to be the next president, such as maybe talk to that by saw the have a form of 40 minutes. so from a bucket probably buffers on all the old time. it can do this for president. c must send result i use also have an all time for a presidential candidate brought to the moment. there is no heavy weight candidates
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. and i think this is what, what else who will actually use uh, maybe discussing our argument. well, taking a bit of a step back because i don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves here. obviously search and rescue is still ongoing. we know there is huge, huge challenges. the presumably that is going to be some kind of a demand for accountability. we've had a shift in the rhetoric today. initially it was a hard landing, then it was an accident. then we had helicopter crash and all of these from official sources. so clearly something very, very serious indeed has happened. is someone going to be held to account? it was, there should be a, there's a mistake, someone to someone committed the mistake. now regardless, if it's the, the pilot who, who's in the plane, under helicopter, all the whole, i mean the preparations that is the protocol. there are probably, this is the front of the process. there are measures there's also maybe security
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measures to be taken in such a situation. so these are all things you know, the. busy boxes to be fixed on. i don't know if there was picked or not. and of course someone should be held accountable for this. not in these circumstances in your own circumstances. is there going to be a call for accountability? this is the question who is going to call for such a fault for accountability? and there's another issue. there are several layers for whatever happened. this could be an accident due to the weather. yeah. this could be a malfunction because this helicopter bed 412, which is an american made, have you called the that's in head it's, it's from the monarchy time that's literally decades ago 45 years ago. and it was the property of the ministry of the armed forces and then it was transferred to the presidency. so there might be some,
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maybe the maintenance stuff took place, but you know, with the wrong, with the lack of, of spare parts. yes, there's a big issue. yeah. so this could be a malfunction. and the helicopter just died. oh, this could be something that we don't know what the security there could be a security as i mentioned now. no one is really a document, any of the dimensions for the moment because no one, no noticed that the appointment was because they needed to find it. yeah. and the 1st of all, well, we'll leave it the for now. i already have some. thank you so much for sharing your insights with us when she will be coming back to utilize room as well. let's turn now to international reaction to this news that everyone's president is still missing off to his helicopter crashed. high forces is life for us from london. how are you? let me ask you if you were hearing anything a toll from from downing street. yes. no, nothing yet from dining street or from the far and come with the development office, the main foreign ministry in the u. k. we have aust,
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both of those departments for comments so far, nothing official coming back. i think it's pretty safe to assume that like governments around the world, especially western governments, uh the intelligence agencies and the diplomats will be working frantically to try to discover everything they can about this incident. and potentially look into the, the next steps as both of our colleagues have just been talking about in terms of, of what does happen if it is confirmed that mr. i c, as indeed being killed in this accident. what that means for the writing government, they writing and policy and relations with countries such as breton harry, fawcett, the with the latest for us from london will be staying across reaction for you here and i'll just there. thank you for now. harry. let's go to washington dc across the atlantic and speak to our correspond that russell and jordan rose. we know that president biden has been briefed on the state department says they're watching this very,
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very closely. but very little else by way of detail to actually my sources at the state department have said that they are aware of the reports of the helicopter going down somewhere between to breeze entail hyundai, ronnie and capital. but beyond that, the state department doesn't have any comment on the situation. it's important to remember that since 1979, the united states and iran have not enjoyed diplomatic relations. if there are any engagements between the 2 governments, it's through 3rd parties. and certainly the us with not being offering any assistance to help in the search for the helicopter, carrying the iranian president as would be the case of an allied helicopter going down. so for the time being there is no comment. certainly there hasn't been a lot of speculation either, which is quite notable,
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and people are much more focused on the president. so conk commencement speech at more health college earlier on sunday in atlanta, roseland, georgia, and the with the latest in terms of reaction from washington dc. we'll be bringing more on that as we get it from the us. thank you rose. now just in the last few minutes we've been getting some confirmed lines out of iran. now around, supremely, the common a has said that he prays for president tracy safety of to this helicopter crash. but he's also reassuring a rainy and so the countries management will not be affected by the incident. i believe we have a direct quote. people should not be should not worry or be anxious. no disruption will occur in around the stages. says well, that's bringing mullen, bizarre. i'll just say we're senior political analyst who joins us today from paris mountain. what do you make of what we're hearing there from the supreme lead and presumably that's not coming is any surprise. what do you know? as i've been mentioning the, the, the, the, the,
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indeed the ship is concerned most i'm for the most was stability. i continued to us . so no matter what happens uh, get someone to step up. and there is a group uh, need to ship there to uh, tape on and take over to continue. i think, uh, how many years remains. of course the, you know, the last towards the end up starting to the apartment. um, so clearly uh you know, are you see was elected uh within the context of the conservative system will be want and clearly if he makes it to the doctor that would be to continue with the office uh, almost 10 years away. but if he, if he doesnt, for whatever reason, i think the system will, uh, will turn him to its most important for walker, which is. so this is evans, it's what it preserve and sense equipment dated subsequent protect yourself against
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any potential change. if it's protecting itself from any potential change does that then negates the idea that this might be a, a moment for reflection at a moment for some kind of a, a shift in policy. oh no, no, not at all. not at all. um, because it shifts and then you're reading a policy don't happen over incidence. even when such a big is it as such as a the assessment national fire should be menu or the district or maybe the the, the found modern destructive components i saw so far. we didn't see major shifts. yeah. major ships happen in processes with the system adapts to and you would want to a new opening for a new culture. so we seem to work with citrix on the move on from are you familiar with? i've sent you any of the 1990s for the late fee to $19.00 ninety's. we're seeing
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definitely haven't been a char from hockey. and also we see from, oh, how long uh, from uh, the 4th. so we'd be moving to kind of liberal to conservatives, to live at all, but in a way where the system believes that this is the best way forward, these have not made in, in the haste, not taste is decision that they're made because the sort of a the genes interest is that say core also important that the countries, the public's interest as well. now let me ask here, given the dos of information that we still have at this stage, i know is obviously being watched very, very closely and in foreign capital. as we've had very little by way of reaction, we just, we just spoke to our correspondence in london and in washington, dc. the everyone's being very cautious about what they're saying at this stage. but
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what will of the country is be looking for right now. specifically the west. this will look it themselves. the west. the most important has been thrones policy in the region. i'm here on expansion. perfect soon source in the region. not terribly towards the rock, syria, and 11 on and somewhat in other parts of the gulf, even the horn of us know. and what is interesting about this very particular administration is it's for administer. it's 5 minutes that belongs to a trend within 30. she that is quite a bit. so she asked a quick question about expenditure ones for your ones, especially in the, of, at least about setting it up to america under the clear, the about promoting what they call the excess of resistance. and let's say just for this us, right?
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so i'm sorry, this is a man who has the experience with intelligence and other type of activity within regime, whereby he understands very when yvonne's expands the house in the region and the need to preserve the expanding to. so his relationship with the appropriate reading groups, as you're, especially with his phone line, is huge. and i think you're going to be looking more at the 4 minutes. so what is incomplete um, harmony if you wait with the president with present price. so i think that's sort of a thing that we've seen the cost since is our youth. and to jaime left, the scene in favor. all right. you see, uh and uh and uh, other than that. yeah. i think the new regime uh, with this new presidency,
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uh for miss that has really proven to be quite activities, an aggressive. there's a big study when you close and it was the next 4 minutes to be in harmony with his president. wednesday also be russians asking for luncheon intentionally, expanding the ones interesting version of that, of course, surveys to be seen. and that's what the west will be looking at. first and foremost on this are out, is there a senior political analyst that sharing their thoughts with us today from powers? thank you very much. my one. well, let's recap what i was saying just moments ago around so supremely that says that he is praying for president tracy's safety. he says, quote, no disruption. what a cut and run spacious as well. let's take this moment to look at the procedures that are already in place in the constitution for the succession of rice, e, 69 year old mohammed, a mock, but as fully county sales as a fast vice president of iran. he is present traces in president rice, he's administration now. he would take over no,
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but was an officer in the revolutionary guards medical call. he was also in charge of an organization that implemented orders issued by the supreme via the implement a. now the organization was mainly tasked with confiscation. property is off to the revolution, giving them to charities, and i'm off. but we understand also around several charitable foundations, he would take over, we understand, and then they would have to be elections constitutionally called within 50 days. well, let's now go to ron mccory, he's a senior fellow at the american university of a root. he joins me now here and i'll go hoss judy from you. you look specifically at regional politics. and we will just hearing that from the one about how on the right you see, and under this foreign minister, iran was able to expand its influence in the region. what kind of a legacy is in the right? why? because we don't know what's happened so far, but what kind of an impact has the tenure had so far?
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well, iran has been expanding its influence around the region for about the last, the $3000.00 a year or so. to be sure to clear this is important for the wrong ends. they have this very powerful sense of their place in history as a historic power. there. one of the 3 great regional powers of the modern middle is turkey, egypt and iran. they're kind of mothers, civilizations, and all of them had actions, empires, so they, they feel very strongly about their role in the region. they've developed one of the most powerful and innovative group of countries. the access of resistance is they call it. and this has really changed a lot of the geo politics of the region that we've seen the excess of resistance in various forms in action during the gas or war. and the, the fact that you have people like has well on her mass and uninstalled a lot of them. and these are very uh,
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technically proficient resistance groups. and they're very close to iran. they're not necessarily ordered by iran, we think, but they're very close strategic allies on here on help them achieve their power. and this has changed a lot of the calculations of people around the region in terms of we know how do we deal with their on the western world. broadly under the united states has, has tried cos simply essentially around and revolution to sanction them, to pressure them to bankrupt them to really make them suffer. but they've, they've gotten through it all and in various ways and they're still there and they're still playing the original role of the the unanswered question that many people keep asking. does iran want to dominate the region, or does iran simply want not to be bossed around by foreign powers without legitimate reasons to boss that around? so st, they're still angry about the oversight of them. so back in 1953 by the british on


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