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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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that there is no channel that covers world news like we do, we revisit places the state houses are really invest in that and that's a privilege. as a journalist the . ready ready ready the hello again, i missed all the attain. this isn't use our life from the coming up. in the next 60 minutes. rescue crews in iran are watching again. it's time to find president abraham. right. you see the helicopter, which crashed and bad weather. pricey and his foreign minister were on their way to the city of to breeze in northern iran, near the border with as a body shop around. supremely, the company says the country is praying for the president, the safety, and he's
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a shoulder and is not to worry about any disruption this to the states effect meanwhile is really strikes continue in gaza. at least 31 palestinians are killed in an attack on me. sarah from central guns, the whole it is now $1800.00 cmt. and for those of you who are just joining us, we've been doing special coverage here of breaking news out of iran, a helicopter occurring rainy and president abraham raw, you see on the foreign minister has crashed in bad weather conditions. president wry, you see, it was reported late on his way to the city of temporaries in northern iran. you see at the end of the board with as a by john ron says rest of your team's also searching for the crash sites. we understand ambulances have also been sent to the area beyond. the chief of staff has ordered, has ordered the use of over the horses for the rest of your operation. we
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understand present, right? you see was in the region to enroll graze down near the border with azerbaijan, along side of that country's lead us. this is want around interior minister on the he told states television or after the opening of the quote, the fighting them and the kids colossally damn. in the presence of the president, on the return journey, the president and others accompanying him by coming back in several helicopters, one of the helicopters was forced to make a rough landing due to bad weather conditions and fog in the area. now various rescue teams are moving in different directions in the area, but in view of the fog and the bad weather conditions, it will take time to get to the location of the helicopter. things are under control and rescue teams of doing that work. we hope it will be done as soon as possible. around the supreme the, the company has made a statement. he says he's praying for the president safety. he's also telling a rang is not to worry about any disruptions to stage offense. man of the moon
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tissue. i'm lucky in genesis these 2 are beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evening, our officials continued to work with diligence. everything, god willing will go as normal. the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. and this we believe is the last known picture of the helicopter that ron's president was traveling. and the country's interior minister said that it was travelling in a convoy with 2 of the helicopters, both of which landed safely. people have been gathering around around to pray for the president. these are some of the scenes from lashondra around seconds, most populous city in the east, and also the bass case of president tracy. what are correspond, russell side of joins me now from the writing and capital russell. we've been getting information all throughout the last few hours. what is the latest right now
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and sanction rescue but we're getting more details about the technicalities of this incidents. so mostly in demand. so what are you, one of the executives off the presidents team has just said that the last time they've got the connection from the air, it's from the headache up there was around one t p m local time. kind of g m t. uh so, and he said that even the off the crash to but that where 2 people that were on that had to go up there that is have communicated with some of the authorities. however, as the communication was sporadic, they could not understand what was happening with the, with the had to go up there and what the distribution was on the ground. but you said that it was around 1 50 pm. look at the time 10 g m t. when they had to go up, there crashed and off the crash, the 2 people found they had to go up there communicated with some of the
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alternatives there. on the other hand, the iranian red cross on the same that there have more than 40 teams deployed in the, in the region. and they are now getting the pros, a, give the, getting closer and close after they had a corpse there. and particularly one of the teams is that the right class and the saying that is very much close to that. have you coped her roughly around 2 kilometers? so if that is a keys problem or above very soon, you are going to have the confirmed reports about the house of the presidency. but i embrace c panels for the, for the minister, for c, m, u, off to lie young. but as of this moment, we are receiving some of the on confirmed reports. very good in news about the president's house. however, as they are not confirmed, we're not going to go into the details. but there are some very extreme we news about his, his house at the moment. on the other hand, i'm at barclay,
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this type of the armed forces of era on scene that's just for the army to mobilize all the means. the necessary equipment is the military personnel to be deployed to the region to a town that is a rescue, a force. now we understand that the restaurant investigator for sparks under way. however, there are, there is an extreme weather condition in the area. so in the last 2 weeks, i've seen several slides leveraging over to the region. i know at the moment it is still rainy very for the, so we're talking about mazda, about the west, the weather, and also it's a mountainous area. so it's not only the extreme weather conditions, but also the touch screen is very, very challenging that so all of this there's this, this is factors combined, or how i'm putting the rescue a force and now it's night. so that adds to this difficulty off the rescue a force. so today on sunday in the morning, president abraham bracy fund,
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read the, the with the for the minister for sitting. i mean, after law, young and some of the other we ip run, you know, officials and diplomats where we're alongside the right now is that page on the board. they're not great at them. then also, on the other hand, the that, you know, that also be john's a deputy john, the president, the how much the most to have attended the integration ceremony. they were trying to diffuse the tensions between the, to, between these 2 countries. so starting from awarding no, going to cut about in 2020 on the relations between these 2 countries have been quite times quite stored. and have seen that over these last 2 years, 2 years. that product of several minute, 33 meals across these board. they're showing the mazda of street each other. the harsh scenes of the world is between the 2 sides, choose ation serious accusations from one to another. them now today they have embarked on these are for trinity trying to diffuse attention to heavy water
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messages from both sides of talking about the corporation and envision in a future together. and also defending the competition between the 2 countries. a shortly after the migration to the headquarters who are carrying the running from us and the politicians took off and they were having to with the city of tempe, is one of the largest city in iran, in the north and part of the country. and 2 of that headquarters left the surface safely. however, they had a cup that was carrying president. abraham receipts the fort administered for saying, ended up to lie young. and the look of governor of the east of that page on programs that had to go up. there has crashed in a location which is called the sun going, which is a cooper mines. it takes place between jo 5 and west the guns roughly around 100 kilometers a way to, to the city, off off the tablet ease and the so that shortly before the crash. well, so there has been a communication attempt from 11 person on the that on there had to go up there to
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one of the alternatives in the city office deputies. as i said, that due to the that's for the connections, they could not understand what was happening with the, with the had to go up the so as of the moment, see, i'm not clear whether it was because of the technical problems, issues with that to cope there or whether it was due to the extreme weather condition and that it had to go up there crash, but still fox, that is quite important. the new officials have not embraced any any of the tour is accept the weather conditions and the technical issues. so they are not talking about any kind of separate pads or let's just say assess the nation or something like that. say, particularly focusing on the weather conditions. so this in kay's or that, that that's being reported immediate depth of the president. the process,
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according to the writing constitution is that the 1st wise president of the country will take the job to take the office in future by the approval of the supreme leader. and in 50 days, the company needs to go to an election and to, to, to, to, to deluxe that new president. so that is, that is the 1st year that is going to be in case if, if, if the president is, is reporting that that's going to be the presses versus year that we have it for us . that you're, that you're going to see. however, we are talking about that's about to import the future. this year it became received was very close to the post the establishment, the minute the desktop is in the country. but more importantly, she was very close to the supreme leader of the country, the ultimate power center of the country, not just of to the been elected as president, but to she's young age is on his board. he's been very much close to him. and also he's the son of a son in law off off of the who died the friday the previous month. busy of the
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city of miss shed, which is the largest and most important religious center in iran. so she was very much close to the, for the desktop responsibility to stop listening to the security establishment. and she was expect that to be re elected during the presidential elections next year. on the other hand, that made up to lie young that she was previously most of the deputy for what a minister of the countries then has the one of the figure that has shaped the run in foreign policy in the last decade. so particularly this trip at an times in the region, voiding guys out there, sandra, me, science and a text between iran and israel. and also that a good time in iran domestically because this is just happening right off the nationwide protests over the death of mess. i mean, in any way, if at that is report that this is going to create a power of acute them in the countries despite to the constitution leading the way
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down, how they're going to reelect the practice. it took to elect a new president that of the expectations that there is no name short the name as of now. that is going to match the good of the tests and import the connections that the support that the president abraham bracy had from somebody be there for them to part the establishment community establishment, both from the regular ministry and most of the army and the, the, the revolutionary guards, so the expectations that there will be internal fights and also disagreements, particularly among the conservative front in the company, which is now holding the power across civil institutions in, in, in, in the country. so in chaise, if at that is a report on a, by the way, if you have receiving some of the serious reports about his health issue, intent that chase mohammed will be who is the 1st wise present of the country will resume webpage the office for, for for, for, for her, for now, a hi,
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russell set up there with the very latest for us on this from the rainy and capitol tower on will obviously bring you more as we get it from out. thank you very much for soul. well, the executive dep usually of the uranium president is we understand on site in east as a buyer's on providence, in iran, from where the search and rescue operation is being staged. he has said that cruise, what able to contact the helicopter on multiple occasions following the crash. we cannot independently verify or confirm this information at this stage, the doesn't know what to only develop mosley. some hurtful news that we have is about some were able to speak to 2 passengers on that headed club. so with the president and the stablish, a connection with some of the shows that the level of difficulty was multiples of launch. because 2 of the people on board kind of cop to were able to speak to us on multiple occasions. well that speak to alejandra, really his reception with the center for strategic studies. he joins us now from the uranium capital to around to via skype. now let me just ask you what the
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temperature is like that the mood is like at the moment and in the capital, we've obviously has a lot of anxiety around the whereabouts and safety of the president. how would people best speaking about what's going on of iran is in a state of shock. so far the news has been terrible. the very fact that the president res say, and his foreign minister traveling by helicopter um and now uh missing and a no news about status. uh that health is already attached and terrible news. but there is conflicting reports on what exactly has happened. um, but due to fall rain and darkness, uh, still there is no official award on what exactly has happened or what happened or, or what is the states states of prices, no races,
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health and his foreign minister, but son. uh yes. go ahead. i was just going to ask you because we've, we've had these calls for people to come out and, and pray for the president and the others on that plan. and they have come out huge numbers and, and the number of different cities across the wrong. i'm wondering if you can perhaps contextualize for our view is what presidents, right, you see means for ron, not just necessarily as a president, but also as a man, what does he represent to the writing and people is a present already see a is a very loyal a politician to the ruling system, he's trusted iran, supremely. the trusts him very much. he has for the 1st time in decades. the government in power has no uh,
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serious differences with all the branches of pilot and iran. and that has allowed iran to make a very strong decisions on the international the stage prisoner raises the most is the 2nd most powerful, c, g, a in a ron. and even if any bad news is going to be announcing the in the hours ahead or, or tomorrow i'm, i don't expect any, any crisis. iran is a, has a strong political system and there will be a smooth transition. if god forbid anything bad has happened. but for now and around the state media are appealing to the people to pray for the president abraham bracy. that's both good news and bad news is good news and keeps people still hopeful that some good news with madge and we have
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the records that's when they are there to report saying a good pray for for that pass and indeed and also expect sorry. so i'm about to interrupt, you said that we actually all just hearing literally in the last 2 or 3 minutes that the helicopter has been found. we're hearing this i understand from the state television in wrong will be bringing more on that as we get to now the general secretary of the red crescent society. yeah. cuz amani is saying that 5 teams have which the coordinates believed to be the helicopter crash site, and best thing that they hope to receive good news in a few minutes would obviously bring you all that we get as we get it here. now let's go back to our guest alley by dreaming alley. obviously we have been hearing
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that people have been very anxious. you are just telling us about that earlier we are now hearing from the red crescent who have been very much a part of the search and rescue operations that they have found the crash side. we don't yet know about the health and safety of the passengers on board that vessel. obviously, a lot of people have been watching this very, very closely. can i ask you what people are looking for this evening? obviously that there is, as you were saying, a plan for succession. we've had some from the supreme leader that there will be no disruption. but presumably people are also very worried about about the health of a present. right. you see himself of course yes. um, the reports are very concerning. many people, you know, i have, i have seen uh, and talked to some people who were crying and praying for the prison that brought him braces, health and all those who were uh, indifference um,
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but generally speaking, uh, iran is in the state of shock. of course, there are some questions about why we don't know by now what exactly has happened because it's not on the rescue teams trying to reach the spot. but it is a way of talking about a presidential conroy the 3 heavy comp to is there, satellite phones available. there are reconnaissance and surveillance equipments in place. so still uh there was some big questions about why um, why the president has been flying on how they coped her in such a foggy weather with the orange alert level already being announced. but so all are hoping that abraham bracy will be safe and sound and,
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and this is going to be announced in the, in the, in the coming goes, i will be staying on that for your site and the here on now to 0. the we have alley, i under any a result you with the center for strategic studies speaking to us that from tyrone . thank you so much for your time, sir. well, joining me now and i'll go hoss junior is on his ears correspondence already hush him. he's covered around extensively for us and thrown me cory, a senior fellow at the american university. very well gentlemen, we've been waiting for hours for some years. it seems that some is finally on the horizon. we don't know exactly that the status of, of the health and safety of the president, but it seems that and such and rescue has finally been successful. so let me ask you to reflect on, on this maintenance and how this is will played out. we've talked a little bit about how this has been covered by a range of media. it's been very, very cautious so far. and that's presumably old and very much at the time where the level of transparency within the limits of both i sort of the beginning
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started as of the beginning, there was a degree of messaging, a gradual announcement of what's happening be best to forward the hard landing then the crash, we saw all these things. it was clearly getting dropped among the radiant media and the lack of conspiracy theories for the moment. then that's really significant for now. i think this has been the matter since the last 2 or 3 years because that was a milestone. and that was the, the, the, the head thing going down and go the ukranian plane in 2020 after the beginning of class. and so they money, so that was the moment when people buy this made with the lack of transparency. and that's at that time the government was in danger then. and the, the president was i've actually threatening to resign because of the lack of transparency. we started after that seeing
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a bit of transparency new in the immediate with respect to what's happening. so they, they're talking immediately the incidence. so regardless out of the language of, or how the texting it, a piece that i couldn't get immediately in order to fill the vacuum and not allow anyone else to fully get vacuum with any kind of of promise for now, at least with what you were saying that it's possible according to the ringing television, the vic, that heavy cup that was found or the whatever it is, definitely had a couple of this phone. probably this is part of the story that started with the hard landing and now with finding the handicapped indeed. and we all literally just during the last few minutes that they have not only reached the crash site, but the rest of the teams have been in contact with people on board or who are at the site. so that is sounding much more positive than we've had since the many hours around me. earlier you were talking about the gestures that we've,
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we've been hearing about lots of, of help being offered, not only from, from countries in the region, but also beyond just a european commission, for instance, offering help with satellite imagery. and, and you were saying that even though it seems like an obvious thing to do at this stage, they do really mean something. they do mean something and they are particularly meaningful and middle eastern culture for various reasons. and it is something that i think the world that deals with arrows and they are on ends and talks has to be more aware of and more sensitive to him. and you know, the president was coming back from this a damn and organization, a kind of conciliatory gesture with the neighbor that they were at odds with them. they're getting back to a good neighborly relations for their mutual benefits. so i think that was, uh, that was a significant moment. and the other thing that struck me was really all that much of the commentary analysis is saying that the iranian society and state has been
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passing through a few years of relative a lack of internal survey division. and uh and uh, an opposition. after many years of huge uprisings by young people and others for various reasons. so this is a moment, i think, where possible gestures could be for trigger a positive diplomatic moves that would benefit everybody at a, it looks like you've got some news. yeah, the iranian red crescent is denying that they found the, the, the, the, they had to go. i think we've been getting a number of different young and verified reports from a number of different sources. yes. i know. yeah, i can see it. i am also now being told that that has been contact at least made with 2 people who are on that helicopter. we're obviously doing our best to independently verify all of this. and we'll be sharing this with our audience as a soon as, as we have done. so, obviously what we're trying to,
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to be very circumspect about what we're forcing here. and we'll come back to you 2 gentlemen and just a moment. thank you so much for that for your time. i do want to bring and use of passcode because he's a search and rescue technician who joins us now from ankara intake here. you said, thank you so much for your time with us right now. and i'll just 0. now to kay is one of the countries that has offered support and health and the search and rescue operation, and obviously to get it has as a huge amount of experience in this regard. we're talking about it. well, 1st it's dog. it's raining, terrible, terrible, fog, an incredibly mountainous terrain. as someone who's very well vast and such and rescue yourself, how would you be tackling something like this? the 1st of all, thanks for your invitation. and the 1st of all, the thing is being a search and rescue technician is um, not only for and outside of your um, preventative and also for yourself. because uh in searching especially we have lots
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of great risk on so long as i see. and being a search and rescue technician the okay, especially in searcy is really important because the, the garments cannot be, you know, always, uh you need to, you need to know what you, what you will do in this situation. so the only way to do that is being a search and rescue technician as a hold on sir. i'm 21 years old and i'm a search and rescue technician, or for years. and i learned loves most of the things while i'm from the beginning. i started that job um uh, because of my friends, he wanted me to be a search and rescue. and um, i took some educations, i took some trails and trainings and i became an accredited agents promo 5 minutes through search and rescue work. yusef. so i, i appreciate that it takes
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a huge amount of training and, and a great deal of courage to, to do what you do. yeah, thank you for, for your work. and in this regard with respect to this very specific incident and, and the last, well now potentially now just found helicopter, which was carrying the reading and president abraham rice. c. obviously huge amount of challenges in, in the terrain around that area. and i'm wondering if you can maybe talk us through what that means in practical times for someone who is who's doing such a rescue on the ground like yourself to um do the radio search and rescue also, it is very good also. very good. so uh, i think they will be able to, uh, do the job uh, as, as good as they can. so uh, i believe that the uranium is wrong. things are really, really uh, educate about their job. so uh, also in, um your and your business park is very good in the run. so uh that that is uh,
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that is really good to be, uh know that they, they are safe and, uh they, they, uh we also, they leave their job and they, uh, they won't be really helpful to each other. i guess i use this basket that joining us from ankara, a search and rescue technician. thank you for your time with us here on to 0. now let's go tomorrow on the shower and i'll just share a senior political analyst. he's joining us now from paris. one, obviously we're getting lots and lots of reports about potentially having found this helicopter. but the important thing is that we had earlier from the very top of the writing and leadership to say that really nothing was going to change in. can you give us a little bit of a background in context to what that means for the reading and people slightly separately and in a situation like that, as normal for the heads of state. and in this sense,
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i need somebody to tell his people whose followers, uh, those who are loyal to the system and noticing that uh things will continue regardless of what happened today. i think uh, keeping the home and keep them on. i think it's, uh, it's a normal reaction by any type of state. does this happen anywhere else in the world? i think the leader of the country would probably be wants to calm down those who are either afraid for eager, for change to that much. but i think in this case the reading system has to be quite resilient, and the incidents are accidents or assassinations or southern changes. this even been resilient after a t o war. last the 40 years of compensation sent jesus on support with the united states. it's been the same after the assassination of one
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of which so for mostly those like consumption and money and it's been also so after $6.00 different president season and i see it different and not because they are widely different, but within the system within the conservative. sure, so that'd be quite different. so the system has moved already from ali. how many, but i see the construct sunshiney in the 1990s to how to me on to the drive to the how do you and here, tracy, many different presidents in some ways themself. the local service, it's meanings and the system remains resilient. so the most important thing that's supposed to be to us for the 5 years is that, that there is a self preservation that comes 1st and foremost when they started the group public leadership tackles. she is in an accident, su, surprises me alone from the sounds of that. obviously this is being watched very
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closely and foreign capital is around the wiles as well. but it sounds like that would not be any kind of change in policy. if indeed abraham, right, you see it is part of a much broader structure when it comes to decision making it as well as the foreign minister. yes, i've heard the effective, really ready excellence formulation made earlier about how decisions are made. not taking you on that made in the sense that there are processes are different, deletes and different commissions and different levels of power within that. she won't be at the top to buy this virtual lead the where are the company, but they're certainly, you know, shock absorbers within the system and then it's left on right within the conservative this type of group, public. and then our, of course, personal, i mean, most of these are high citizens are different kinds of software. so hold on, hold to say that there is
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a certain balance within the system and that's what allowed it to maintain a certain stability for 4 to 5 years, regardless of popular uprising and form sanctions in western pressures and even regional wars. and so, so for what the west would be looking at is how the mon is changing in terms of its policy. well, the bad news for the west is that you weren't hasn't really changed policy for the past 45 years, spice of water custody walk. and this are on the spice. the sanctions, the single door containment of that group. the investigations on 2 ninety's and the ones that are in the 2001 remain more or less that fast in both the preserve ration of the machine. and it's so outspoken nationalism. and in that sense, i've been the for minnesota, who's been on the, have you come through? it has been quite progressive. quick question. it's quite influential when it comes
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to expanding to renew form a new thing to us in terms of the walk, the 111 on, even aside and so on, so forth. and this of course would be interesting to see how that might be, that change and moving forward. mine says my other, this is my perspective. these one changes, policy ones, the ones interest, national, consistent cheap. and just as i say, come back usually takes time. not some southern incidence smell. i'm sorry, i was a 0 senior, so that will correspondence sharing that from powers. thank you very much. my one. i'm bringing you the very latest. as we were discussing earlier, the rain in red crescent has now denied earlier stage media reports that they had actually reached the crash site of president abraham re sees helicopter. just to repeat that, the red crescent is saying that they have not found the helicopter. know the crash
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site. now let's take a step back and recap what we do know so far. hook up to caring uranium president abraham, right. you see on the foreign minister has crashed in bad weather. we know that rest 2 teams are still searching ambulances on their way. we have heard from the president's office, we say that they have made contact with 2 people believed to have been on that helicopter. so bringing more as we get it for now. as was on to that reports on the fence does as we know them so far. so this may be the last known video of your bronze president abraham race. she attended, and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier on sunday, near the border with other b. john, along with that countries liter you'll see on this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and tours,
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given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft karen, gracie and foreign minister, who's seen i made up the law. he on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the north west of ron. to helicopters from the convoy reportedly landed safely. but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather. the rescue teams are scouring the area, but they're facing obstacles. hold along the various rescue teams are moving in in different directions of the area but to view of the fog and the bad weather conditions. it will take some time to get to the location of the had a cop to things under control and risk. the teams of doing that work. the status of those on board is still on known. no communication has been established yet. but a 3rd. these are calling on uranium to pray for the president. x as i move out to
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00 turning now to some of the international reaction to the news that are on the president is still missing off to his helicopter crashed. and that speak to harry force that he's involved in for us. how are you, any official statements in or the stage of relations between around and the u. k. hasn't always been particularly rosie, and i know very tons. there are different collections, but so yes, they are not good given developments over recent years, including the, the, the prism and so the british citizen laws mean like, are you reckless? and more recently, of course, the iranian drone missed all attack on a, on israel, which, which was followed by u. k. involvements and us lead sanctions against iran. so far though, uh, no official coming from the foreign. come on some development office. we did get in
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touch with then they have nothing official to say. yes, i think it is a sight to say that they are looking into this very carefully as will any number of western governments around the world. there has been some more comment though, from the european commission, which said that iran had been in touch with it to request assistance from the copernicus satellite system. saying that the rapid mapping response team was assisting in attempts to, to locate the cross side and give assistance to the radians in the search and rescue operations high for so bear with the latest for us from the versus capital london. thank you. how right? well, speaking of western capital's, let's speak to rosalind jordan. she has the reaction for us from washington. d. c. was under the state department, just saying they've been watching this very closely. and i understand the president has also been briefed. what else are you hearing as well beyond the fact that all
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the button harris administration is aware of these reports about the helicopter crash? the apparent helicopter crash in north western over on the officials at the state department say they don't have any comment for now. and that's perhaps not a surprise because the us and the role and have not had diplomatic relations since around in of persons took hostages at the us embassy in 1979. the us has had a run on a long standing list of embargoes and sanctions. and has uh, basically given up any effort to try to restart the 2015 nuclear deal and put you around nuclear weapons program was supposed to be a very limited and eventually put out of business. but the biden harris administration gave that up because it did not believe that iran was negotiating, overturn to the deal in good faith if there were any communications between the us
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and a ron, those communications go through 3rd parties. but again, for now us officials say they don't have any comment on what is happening in northwestern or ron rosalyn. jordan though with a view for us from washington dc. thank you rose. well, let's not bringing sammy, not a he is the director of the event institute for strategic affairs and he joins us now from a route. so i mean, i'm curious about how this incident is playing out and 11 on obviously there's a lot of a range in influence and various different parts of government and society that a, it's a read shop phone or that sort that even use the people, especially that this event comes at a very critical moment, each end is going through and the on is going to because of what's happening in cost. so it's a pretty cool that that way and nothing to between get on and there isn't a, the economy cost for war by proxy at the 1st stage,
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then to a trends. and it evolved into an open dynamics tool like one months ago. that is a, it started with just uh union, considered to a site to celia and get it on the 10th you too by targeting the visa in the. so this incident is actually going to comes as bad at critical moment that each end is going to. this is on one side. that's pretty cool as one that comes at the moment where they negotiation and concerning, then you are facing it. then i'm to, yesterday a or 2 days ago that was the chief of the director of the international, the agency made in a lot of inc. statements saying that the deal with wrong is to sceptically apple weeks away from reaching the potential of building a new computer,
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the media to the new code ons and the, this is our economy. plus, i mean the, let's keep in perspective when it comes to the fact that this comes off to the, to the lead get on the was going to, is through, we have seen protests to, to use the come down to, uh, that's where a white split in over, you know, so there is too much at stake. and the big question today is this is a simple accident and what it is, it's not to index it. and no one has that it would be very cautious. one indeed and will be, will be bringing all the information that we have to our audience as we get it. i want to try to avoid speculation at this stage because obviously we're, we're trying to verify what we're hearing from the ground. and so i mean, i do want to ask you, you mentioned that the very critical juncture for the region we've had from the
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supreme the, the only common a free saying that they will be no impact on state policy. will this do think so on reflection? have an impact on, on tensions in the south with israel for level it depends. so of the outcome of this incident one, we wouldn't know more about twice to happen. so i, i know this is of the time for speculation, but just i was think out that the backdrop or what's in, in the background. so this, this incident to what i'm trying to say that the region is going to and not people that there is an open or that is taking place that is there a lot of tension and the fitness and then like, go, this would definitely have an impact on the difference from that up to date, open the front in community. what's happening in cells from the semi nada,
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the direct side of that event institute for strategic assess, speaking to us from bayard. thank you so much for sharing your insights with us here. and i'll just share some the this is, randy ami is me law intensifying. it's an ground, a tax from the north to the south of the gaza strip palestinians. i'm wanting at least 31 people who were killed in an overnight strength on a house and the honest steroids, refuge account women and children. what again among the dead and injured they would take into the lock. so hospital which is struggling to cope model not a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was
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totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives, the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground. a correspondent honey left. what has more for us from the scene of that attack? we're at the side of this one residential home from overnight to talk. and as you can see from the picture, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building just has a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable . this particular residency house 5 display, its families evacuated old, away from the northern parts of the gall, this trip all the way throughout the city. and as these really military expand, it is military maneuver and operation and rough on this particular family evacuated and was pushed into further enforce this place. been all the way to honda and if it
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has not been, unless i write refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters, and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed a as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. well, as we mentioned, that humanitarian situation on the ground and gauze as aren't even getting was since israel shot or land crossings into the strip. some supplies have been delivered by boat to a newly built american pair, bought the 10 trucks that have so far rolled off the pit. oh, and the fraction of what's needed. the team rushing towards the truck transporting a to the on the sarah refuge account. and northern parts of gauze are already
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experiencing stanon, and agencies have warned, a crisis is moving. so the white house has acknowledge that the aid coming through is simply not enough. on the u, an agency for posting refugees says that it's work is being deliberately hampton, by israel. and what chief felipe last really made those comments during a press conference with the jordanian foreign minister. you have heard me over the last few weeks on so raising cl um on the house or united nation has been regularly unblocked and see disregarded in guys a look at the the number of staff for which have been killed. more than 200 stuff had been killed amongst them, 189 staff for on the from on one. the number of premises which have been damaged or 40 destroys more than 160. and we had
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hundreds of people who were seeking that protection off on the united nation where in the south the and i've been killed when they have been damaged to meanwhile, is rarely such as has again attached to trucks carrying age to gaza. this time it happened at a check pointing to hebron and the occupied westbank in recent days, such as had been rooting ransacking and destroying supplies meant for palestinians in need of earlier my calling to an update i spoke to the un humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordination motion griffith, he says he's really, government has refused to open line crossings despite repeated it please by the un as when very, very experience to monitor and aid. but because you've been an old times of places around the world for decades when they go to gaza, to help, to serve, to work. it is traumatizing for them. so god help what it must be for the people, the gaza. it is really, really difficult and it's getting worse daily. yeah,
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in december you had said that up a fork lift to conditions in the south of the strip are blocking aid and ending any meaningful humanitarian operations. it's now 5 months later and is really, is have launched the military offensive and stuff. uh huh. and they also, uh, taken control of that border crossing, cutting off, but one of the most vital entry routes for $8.00 and $2.00 guys. so what has this meant for they already die or humanitarian situation. the prediction is that many of us made the worries that we had about a rough operation seemed to be coming true. and that's a huge tragedy. 800000 people displaced in the last 1012 days. it's a shocking, shocking reflection. people who be just face more than 3 or 4 times already. many of them, no place to go. a no food to eat, we are stuck in the south in terms of the operation because we don't have fuel and the trucks as you say, and not getting through because the costing points have been blocked. and so at the
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moment we have very little to offer the people of goals and what the message goes from, all humanitarian agencies is open those crossings. it's that simple. are you speaking to the as early as on opening up these land roots? and if so, what are they telling you? i mean, we see we're trying to picture the moments ago. some humanitarian aid has now been arriving by that us sponsors here off the coast of garza. but your office has said that this should not be a substitute for getting a through lance crossings know and, and tragically, the 15 trucks i think, which took 8 away from the beach from the mountain time operation. yesterday. any 4 of those trucks managed to get through more or less on touch from the warehouse. so it's the problems in gaza that really an always we have said out of the problem, the security of distribution. we have also said keep land crossings open. we, we welcome to maritime pat. it's good to have trucks come in. we welcome is right,
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is opening threats up in the north, but it ain't enough. we meet with it is ready daily through co got the the committee set up for this purpose. we have many, many detailed discussions about security, about the movement of our trucks and convoys about the product to use the fuel. but the fact of the mattress and everybody will tell you this is not conjecture, is we are not in a position to provide proper aid to the people because right now it's not ever been quite as difficult as it is today. this whole demonstrates as have gathered in cape town to stand in solidarity with palestinians and the besieged cause this trip. they hold for an end to israel's will on casa so that's good, filed a case against is red in january, accusing the country of committing genocide against palestinians and gaza. so long
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as foreign minister and the lady pendle spoke at not purchase. she said israel and must not be allowed to continue. it's offensive on raphael. i think it's a, it's a bed one of us continuing to support to the people we must be vocal folds. i guess the dropbox. this is the last back skill not protected for the day. that's fine. but the as below and projects in the sense that are being met on a daily basis that we as atlanta to continue to allows us genocide which should be meanwhile, a weekend of palestinian solidarity purchased is continuing across europe. crowds have gathered in brussels and other cities across the continent,
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demanding what an end to what they say is european union, simplicity and israel ongoing genocide. the oh sorry t, as in the ukrainian city of khaki, you say that russian shutting has killed at least 10 people. $25.00 of those are also injured in 2 separate attacks on the northeastern region. on sunday, russian forces launched an offensive and i've been advancing on ukraine's 2nd largest city. in last week, thousands of civilians have been evacuated from khaki region as well. you can has almost a series of long range drones strikes and damaging rushes oil industry. the great in government seized runs as a vital weapon to disrupt the russian economy. and with that, feel for ations is that the targets are producing 1000000 on the on demand aircraft . i'm sorry this year, john home that has moved from keys long range,
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ukrainian on mine day across, slamming into buildings in yellow. bu. good, tough. it's the country service reported, striking to russia. 1300 kilometers from the buddha. low moraine strains have now become a vital part of ukraine's will machine, in particular, enabling it to attack rushes with infrastructure, trying to effect its energy sales and fuel for its on a set of keys, crowd funding organization collects donations and tons them into weapons for the army explains why they using low range drugs. we how know a lot of the styles that's does the trouble. and every time when we ask about some styles from german partners, so fragile, really show united states. so they need to waste a long time to discuss about everything. so that's why we can produce a long rage as roles. he's one of the above bed. you a v was a reach of
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a 1000 colombia to it can fly up to 7 hours like of this. it's kind of cause a meant to crush into its target and not come back. like i said, such weapons, very tough to stop. says petro got a ukrainian manufacturer. what will work couple of issues to it is difficult for the enemy to defend against such strikes for several reasons. quite important, reason is the large territory that the enemy has to protect. the defense is capable of covering such a large territory from a massive drone attack, and i think it will be tough for russia to save its economy from ukrainian drum strikes. sure to write instructions for use on the front lines. the rules are constantly evolving. this is the newest model from gardens company breaks. it's never been filled by media before it can identify targets itself and then attack them. we've whichever of the 8 different types of munitions that it's built to carry. it's hard to overestimate how important drones on now, in this rule,
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for reconnaissance, for strikes around the front lines and for a tax on each countries infrastructure and energy supplies. they've really become integrity to this 5 trainings to build a 1000000 drugs just this year. they've become so important the victory will perhaps just survival depends on john home. and i'll just say to you, craig, and earlier on sunday, local authorities say 6 ukrainian drones hits an oil refinery in southern russia, halting operations. that video footage shows the movement of impact earlier on sunday. special forces say they shut down 9 new styles of a crimea, the army and democratic republic of congo. it says it stopped and attempted to involving local and foreign fighters. a group of on demand attached to the home of the deputy prime minister in the capital contessa these islands fort with gods in
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a neighborhood near the presidential palace, 2 police officers and one of the attackers were killed in a shootout. the on demand report of the lead by exiles politician kristin no longer a ty activist who died and pre trial detention on tuesday has been day to rest in bangkok. now keep on sort of sound calm. died of suspected cardiac arrest while awaiting trial on charges of insulting thailand's monarchy. the 28 year olds had been on hunger strike during had detention since january. nearly 300 active as doing to wide spread reform is purchased from 2020 until 2021. faced charges of defending the monarchy, old and 70 people have been killed on the now the 150 people are missing in central afghanistan. heavy rain caused severe flooding and go on fi on provinces in the center of the country. agencies say that people desperately need somebody to tear and assistance. last week, more than 300 people were killed by floods in northern afghanistan as well,
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that's just about all for main installs you take. but a quick recap. before i go about top story. they ran in red crescent, have denied earlier stage media reports that they hadn't reached the crash sides of president abraham rice. he's helicopter that helicopter, carrying the uranium president on the foreign minister has gone missing in bad weather conditions in the notes of the country around the chief of stuff. it says its own available results as being mobilized to find the helicopter or the stone. no confirmation on whether the president is alive. the government is asking people across the country to full pres, for his safety. supremely, the company has been telling arrangements not to worry about any disruptions to the states offense. present, right. you see was on his way to the city of sabrina enrolled in iran, near the border with as a buyer's john. she was in the region to integrate them and to hold folks with it as advice on the present the product set for me and installed z a tay without
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ongoing special coverage. here on out of here, nissan who will be here in a moment with much more stay with on the red. one of the worlds with his creatures, numbers, a plumber to do to deforestation. culture and climate change indian signed a fighting to protect. one of the most important things to control the species is to maintain that habitat 101 east reveals the bottle to save and use read. on notice, you will see a duty and a growth viewing for the p. use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems,
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costs on red chris a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes. and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with a campaigner, andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on, on active, is on the crisis against each one of us. these are with this, and this is upon us. as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around us studio will be on script part 2. 0 no disease. on counting the cost, india's income inequality gap is whitening. so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to boost global stability? plus why zambia has band charcoal production problems? counting the cost on how to 0. the
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challenges with the rescue crews in iran running it against time to find present. abraham ra you sees helicopter, which crushed in bad weather. the funny bulk of these is out. just a lie, some doha also coming up. right. you see and his for him in a so on the way to the city of tempe, maurice in northern iran, in the border with i was a, by john around supreme lead lead time. and a says the country is praying for the president. the safety of the issue is
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remaining is not to worry about any disruptions. the states are fast and just ready as strikes continue can goes at least 30.


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