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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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the, the challenge is with the rescue cruise in iran, running it against time to find president abraham ra. you sees helicopter, which crushed in bad weather. the funny fuck others is i'll just hear a lie, some doha also coming up. right. you see and his for him and a so on the way to the city of tempe. maurice in northern iran, the boy, the way i was a body shop around supreme leader lead time and a says the country is praying for the president,
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the safety. and the issue is remaining is not to worry about any disruptions. the states are fast and just ready as strikes continue in goals or at least 31 palestinians are killed in an attack on, on this arrest and central causes. the thanks for joining us. we begin with breaking news from a run, a helicopter, carrying arabian president abraham. right. you see, and the foreign minister has crashed in by web search and rescue teams on ambulances. on the way in the moment we'll be hearing from a correspondence and guess following the story and all the reactions from around the world for 1st x was i'm events, reports on the search and operation that is currently underway in northern iran. this may be the last known video of your bronze president, abraham res. it's just all this he attended. and you know gratian ceremony for
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twos, dance earlier on sunday, near the border with as there be john, along with that countries leader seattle. this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and tourist. given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft gerin, grace, and foreign minister, who's seen i made up the law he on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the northwest of ron. to helicopters from the convoy reportedly landed safely, but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather rescue teams are searching the area, but heavy fog is hindering to rescue efforts doesn't know what to only develop mosley . some hopeful news that we have is about some were able to speak to 2 passengers on but headed club. so with the president and the stablish
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a connection with several of the shows that the level of difficulty was multiples of launch. because 2 of the people on board that kind of go up to were able to speak to us on multiple occasions. the status of those on board is still on known authorities are calling on uranium to pray for the president x assignment which out to 0. while we are covering this fast paced, developing story, with correspondents, i'm guess all around the world from the region all the way to united states. but 1st, let's go to wrestle setup, who joins us live in the rainy and capital, tyrone and the rest of it. of course you have been following multiple sources, official channels, as well as state media. the, the last bits of information that we heard seemed to be somewhat confusing news on state media, but the crash site had been reached only for the red crescent to say no, that wasn't like hayes any more clarification from you. in the there of the
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conflicting reports here in, in iran, and they are understandable because we're talking about the kind of the governments being involved in a helicopter crash. so one of the executives off presidents team will see mentally he said that they, that the rescue teams have released to the side of the crash. they are within to get on with this radius off the incident where, where they had to go up. there crashed and also they are seeing that soon there will be reaching to the headed cop there is however, that'd be some of the reports that saying that actually the rescue teams, one of the rescue teams have reached to the had a cop there. so once it's confirmed that they are released to the, had to go up there down to question number one is, is the present or right is the for the minister or right is that look on the governor or right. so, and that, that is,
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that is the reason that there meticulously now the officials on, meticulously careful not to do much of the details. there. however, as the technicalities of the event, so more seen mass. really, he's saying that the event that the incident happened around one, the 30th locked p, m local time in iran, the 10 g m t, the shortly before the crash, that has been a communication or a phone call. however, due to the wheat connections, they could not understand what was wrong with the had a copier. and also you said that after the, with the did the crash, there will be 2 other calls have be made from the had to go up the form to different people. but since the communication was quite spread, that the connection was quite sporadic, they could not understand what was happening there. so the last time that they got the gps signals from the had to go up,
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there was around 1 30 pm look of times year. and since then, that has not been any communication from helicopters to anyone or from anyone on the had to go up there to, to, to, to one of the alternatives here. so do you run your best crescent now saying that they have deployed more than 60 teams, but the, one of the teams is very much close to the site at the setup there soon, i expected them to reach to the had the cop there, right? but on the other hand, we should note that the test rain is, is quite challenging. and that's a mountainous area. that's a, that's the forest area is foggy. it's rainy. and on the other hand, so that it's, it's doc, now it's night, dries, iran and all of these factors combined are really happening the rest of the rest. so we can actually see on our screens here the kind of conditions that the search and rescue teams obtaining would sick fall. conversely, compounded now by the fact that it is a night time there as well as you say, we believe that those search and rescue teams honing in all the crap on the crash
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site itself, but waiting for an absolute confirmation that that is the case. meanwhile, you're writing your leadership is as you can. com, let's come back to you in a 2nd. the rest. so because i want to play this for a view is iran supreme leader? how do you come in a is giving a statement. he says he's praying for the present safety and his telling or radians not to worry about any disruptions to the states or fast the moon tissue. i'm lucky and just the, to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evening, our officials continued to work with diligence. everything, god willing will go as normal. the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. as part let's go back to the rest of the setup is monitoring developments in toronto and
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rest. so what do you read into this? cool for com. uh by the supreme leader. i think this statements are extremely board assigned for the airport for the country, and many here in iran, as of are reading this kind of statements as it appeared in the nation, probably for the bad news. so we are also on the same time receiving some of the reports, the green reports for the country. so i bought the house off off the president, and the fathers who were in the same had a cup does. but as of now, as they are not confirmed, yet we are not reported. we are not going into details. however, the news that they are receiving are quite for to some, for iran or cream. so they're, they're really, really not given a possibility, a high possibility off for the iranian, for, for, for the rental target. these to be that much optimistic. of course, as of now, there are no confirmed reports about cheese. how has the authority is here?
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are seeing that steve, the teams have not least through the, had a carpenter itself, spend it. and it is. that is the task of a difficult task out of the rescue teams there. so just to give an exact location. so they had to go up, there crashed in a corporate mind, which is called sun. go on then between jo 5 and that's the gun. then it is roughly around 100 kilometers away from the city. off, off, off deputy is one of the largest cities in the region, the in the country and the largest in the north and part of the, the conference. so now in to come in hours, you're going to have more and more details, however, that are unconfirmed reports about the president's house and the for the ministers out there. local governor, all of them were on the same. same uh, had to go up there that's crashed in this destro. i'm going to run for mind. so in case of a sudden death of the president in the countries, according to the cost of tuition, the 1st wise president states the job by the approval of the supreme leader. and
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within 50 days, the company needs to go to the election front end to get back. the new president is the process. however, people here are saying that that's going to create a positive outcome that is particularly going to create disagreements among the conservatives in the conference, right? so as you say, the rest of all that is a clear pos as to what would happen should the worst turnouts when we get more developments. but clearly this is still very much an active search and rescue operation. as you, i've said repeatedly, teams all hopefully hoping in on the cross side, the brussel southern tire on. thank you. let's go to model and to show it a single political have as the joins us live from power. i said, well, what do you read into this? need this right public statement from around supreme leader? how many people shouldn't be worried or anxious? no disruption will happen to the affairs of the state of iran. why is
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this such an important insensitive message to share with the nation right now as well? oh, i actually don't find it strange at all. i found it very normal. although yes, it is important. because as the, the fact to head of state harmony is obligated to make sure that com is uh, is maintained. and that the system for to use for functions as usual, despite that mystery of that iran is living, got these 2 hours so, so i find that i find that quite normal. i find that port, you know, quote unquote, assuring on his part because you're wrong. in fact, has been quite the resilient system over the past 45 years under the subject to the public. and the capacity to stand crises, whether they are individual one or nation or whether the autumn war and economy has
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really been quite the record. and i think it was just obvious for some neat just to do so. otherwise, i mean, you can imagine what the opposite would have been. so i don't want important message to remind the nation of the resilience of the state. what ever happens when, when describing the rainy and lead to is there often described, particularly in the western media as hard line, conservative or possibly even a reformer? how would you describe right, these leadership? i should that's an important question. i nice, that's it. there's a clear understanding that he's one of the conservatives. in fact, he has very little competition on like his birth assessors. as i mentioned ninety's, it was an easy breeze for him to become president. there wasn't much of any other former allowed to run against him. and he has been part of partial of the jesus. the 1980s is fairly like it is. in fact he's the stablish friends in the country
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and now that it's become president, it wasn't, it was simple to get to the next it. but then it wasn't that easy after the election because if you remember 1921 to 2021, it was right. that's the cold it to the economy was in a very bad shape because congress, the sanctions of pet, some administration. and it was on the rise of the nation was otherwise done as a living on a sinking as well so far. so this was part of the 1st couple of years and years, as i said, the systems for those, any of the race you've got to support. you do that for each dimension on process the amount. i'm sorry, say that actually software quite surprising to someone because the tractors eventually pulled, the issues was solid, you know, maybe a good diminishes with tax time even after an incident, the sore and continued to expand after reading it into the regents where the rock
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she's, you know they've been on palestine in then elsewhere for for many of the out of this was this course destabilizing. what for one, this was that clearly becoming original power, despite the sanctions, despite the west and i'll send it to you since on support. we also continue to build the program and what have you. so i was a conservative, i don't. how do i not have some tough times with us to succeed in maintaining the systems resilience and expands the countries the doors despite the economic cartridge, the parties of discontent and uh you raise an interesting point about some of the issues that may be viewed very much is, is controversial legacy in the country as well. i mean that he is overseeing the richmond of uranium, is you sites and really weapons grade levels. he's a armed rusher and his war and ukraine as well as launched the mass of drone and miss all attack recently on israel and reaction to close the ongoing war in gauze.
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it to say that this incidents with a helicopter is happening happening at a delicate time. seems like an understatement by one. yes, that's true. but it still stood within the consistency of the machine. i mean, improving furnishings with russia, china, etc. so do a bit expensive, original answer was a busy venue program. i would even say i would go further than you and say that the wrong today is a nuclear state. it's not nuclear power. if you need something to study, develop the bombs, but it is in a very good position. and that's not just because of gracie and it was was, it is what the issue is also because of the stupidity of the forest yourself, the america administration, not the of the under trump end up process to procrastination biden's, to go back to the the, the allowed to if you want to develop its program, but also respond that these are because if you remember is attacked,
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won't do any of concepts and syria, so on and on. despite the show many charges, domestic and international, he's definitely succeeded. does he want to really start to see this up as a presentation off of our kind of, in the world of going out for a team where he's facing the light. so by doing nothing, you know, and he's looking at the light so twitching and she, he's clearly has a lot to be pod about as hard line conservatively thing as the public. and then at least it does. it is a, it's a civil region. it's appropriate back to get to watching arctic situation. now the ops are suffering division. something pretends is, are this putting guys up? but despite this problems, the one continues to march on and it has to be so as you start sitting finally or the over the so many years, it's had g o g, huge structures and problems and so on. so for this that's including especially the
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core, and then after that one on saturday, the guy doesn't watch and yet it created what, what it's found. the quote resist is economy developed local economy that sort almost up a ton of us, the distribution and so forth. so on and on there is, he still remains largely you can see on popular among the conference population. so it has huge challenges and still has definitely a lot to account for in terms of the united states and the west. and so the bottom that somehow they succeeded to just getting too much one. ready resilience and stupidity for the machine. oh. all right. oh i know many thanks to that message. is there a senior political analyst speaking to us from paris? well, joining me here. let's shoot at our houses here as correspondent. i mean hashim and robbie creek, who's a senior fellow at american university buried. so welcome both of you to the studio
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again. obviously the story is developing very, very quickly, isn't it? how the, let's, let's start with you. i'm curious to know about the flow of information because some of it seems to be contradictory. some of it seems to be pretty clear short while ago we labs that rescue such a rescue teams will have and again, on the quest site, the right to present to a heavily involved in that's have come out saying, no, we haven't actually reached it. even though state media saying that they have a consoling the message that this highly sensitive time is clearly very important for the writing leadership. but as of the beginning, they started with using the landing and then i'd like to get back just a few minutes off of the the incident everyone you, i'm the radian there, radians enjoying the roll, the dice diagram, channels our websites and use agencies. we're dealing immediately with this incident. now there was attempts to try divert attention. for
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example, one of the news agencies that's a semi official use agency said that the presidents, it wasn't on, on uh, on boards. have you called the helicopter? i'm, do you use a call to go to debbie's me get through there was someone to, to deny this as a take back the discussion to the right track. i'm try as much as possible to keep the flow of news transparent. now as we saw maybe 30 minutes ago a holiday, when someone quoted the, the television button, product a person, the i didn't see that on the ringing television to be frank. i didn't see the ring us television saying that they arrived at the place where the record of the wreckage of the of the have you come through res? maybe there is a telegram channel. the code to the division, right? i like, but the red crescent was quick to deny and say no, that's not true. right? right. even with one of the presidents assistance, all some of them in this presidential team saying that they were in contact with 2
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of the people on the on board. so the red cussing will say, well, we're trying to investigate. so it's clear that is an attempt to keep this, the flow of news dress better direct and as much as possible 3 or 4 people resent 0 or any point time to replace that information at the moment. so what is the focusing on accuracy is huge. the important, particularly the for the people of iran who are watching this probably by close, they run me if i can turn to you. because looking at many of the country used to quickly volunteer to help says an awful lot. we had that rock turkey saudi arabia, obviously as a by john, because that squared rice, he had to just be meeting with president obama. leah full of as a body shop. all the muted responses also from the region as well. what does it say about runs reach, particularly in the region and also for the refute? well, iran has really proved them the last 3040 years that it is
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a country of some substance and during ability. and people may not like it. then they may not like some of its policies, they may challenge it, but most people respected and the people in the region, the big, big country is erac. so you may be a turkey, um, i expect egypt sometime soon that would make a gesture to help because they know that it's in their interest to be on good relations. good terms with the smaller countries. either they don't have much that they can offer or they really don't see the role. politically right now, they just sit and sit and watch. they might have a role later or something that comes up. but i think the real story here is the appreciation originally and globally for the manner in which iran has really mastered the process of statehood nationalism in
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a better way than many of the other countries in the region. it has internal processes of a limited pluralism, contestation among different groups, but they ultimately make decisions and they stick by them. and it's a very fascinating system. and i think people, you know, it's not a people don't have a love, hate relationship with the wrong. they have a fear um n z relationship, they really are you hit and they also are worried about it. busy and the around is no longer just a single country. it leads a regional network of close allies. so people relate to it now, and i think we're seeing the concerns around the region. this is a fascinating moment. it's also an opportunity for country is to make a gesture to the wrong bride, to talk about open junior things. it was very,
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very interesting to see the european commission, obviously, and alliance that hasn't always has the, the friendliest, most cordial relationship with iran, also offering help and supports a highly rummy's stay with us. just need to provide a bit more context for this because let's take a look at a runs uh, aviation safety record which is being some watch check is uh being at least 22 fatal crashes since 2000. and they go into the ron's aviation safety networks. those have killed more than 1200 people threatening government. officials and generals are among those things. died a plane carrying the sportsman's to crash last year, coming one of his advises, back in 2006 and ministry. jack crash killed a commander of the revolutionary god. much of the blame as being pointing to the us functions, which is made it difficult to import new aircraft, or even spat pause. i'm supposed to run to ground more than half of it. civilian aircraft, a fluoride swell that turning back to uh,
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the heading rami over here in the studio with me. um, are they talking about the sanctions? obviously you have, i mean, ron has not got the best record when it comes to its airline safety, particularly passenger planes. but this was a helicopter being used by one of the most senior officials in the country. 2 of the bi senior officials in the country. what's going on? this is a honeycup to battle. i think 214. that's more than 45 years old. it was owned by the, the previous monarch by shop one that was a follow v. and after the, the pollution, the pollution inhabited. and then it became part of the armed forces headquarters. and later on this, have you come to us back to the presidency? so yeah, it's very old. there is no um, spare pots. the radians were working on trying as much as possible to create their
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own very only spare parts and use them in such situations. but as we can see, i mean with, with 22 fateful crashes. 1200 people killed. i don't think this is, this is easy and i'm actually, there's a, another question that many might ask why the radians are and maybe going to watch the russians or the chinese to get right after f. like, well, i was going to be my next question. actually, because i understand that's a, that's around essentially or has being in the process of purchasing. so hoyde jets, russia also right. you see has been traveling the world meeting. lots of countries from the so called non aligned movement. definitely keen to forge partnerships with countries that aren't on the americas. he just well, around is a relatively pragmatic country. i think relatively they will make deals with
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people if they benefit. and if the other person benefits, they're not super strict about, we'll never talk to these people never talk to these people. they negotiated with the p 5 plus one on the americans and they've off from taking the initiative and made offers. so that's not, that's not a surprise. one of the problems i think they run into is that if they buy something from europe or rush or china even, it may have parts that come from the us originally. and that's even that sometimes come and make it impossible for them to uh, get spare parts. so this is a, you know, the global economic system is so inter related now that it's hard to say, this is purely a chinese or european or whatever product or i showed up the president of the one in 2015 after the new care of the husband were hunting, the 1st objective wants to buy a fleet. you went to a to choose it to your off in order to agree with with companies the main, the,
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i think their boss and it, and italian company also that i talked with blink. well, given the fact, the deal did not materialize, and it was the american administration exited the dealer in less than 3 years. there was no possibility to get the place right now. how did, how soon run the coming? thank you. thank you. all right, we're rather than jordan has the reaction from washington dc that us officials say that they are aware of the reports of this apparent helicopter crash in northern a run. but they do not have any comment on the situation. they do not say whether there's been any communication between washington and tell hong which if it did happen, we'd be going through 3rd parties because the us and a ron, do not have diplomatic relations, have not had those relations since the 1979 hostage taking at the u. s. embassy in
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town hall and certainly the us would be very much interested to find out what is happening in this case. uh, given that the us has put the blame on or wrong for many uh, problems, particularly in the middle least the instability with has full law in southern lebanon. the support of her mos in gauze, as well as the support for the who these in yemen. but again, us officials don't have any official comment on the situation in northern around her life and our roseann jordan in washington dc. many thanks for that. ok, let's uh introduce a bus, assign a who's a senior research fellow at the center of the middle east strategic studies. he joins us from to ron arrival and welcome to the program. want to start by asking you about the messages that have been coming from the leadership, the in a ron, a message of hope. hope for the best prepare for the worst. i understand also the
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people have been encouraged to attend mosques to join in camino pres. what does this say about the countries cohesiveness of the time of crisis? well, what we've been hearing from different political figures in the country from the mont threats, reformist, as well as conservatives all have been calling for prayers for the return of the president, foreign minister and other officials. uh also what the rent and late there have so far said is quite clearly illustrates the situation. he tried to somehow bring to hope that the nation needs to afraid that they might come back or there is hope. however, it might, it might not be that much high. uh, but in the um, he tried to make sure that the situation is in the ink controlled uh, by trying to urge the nation not to worry about the governess and the situation in
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the country. uh, but yeah, the, the recessive, we have been hearing some somehow contradicting reports um that have been some lets say remarks by low cold military officials saying that they have received signals from the helicopter as well as the mobile i phone of a true member. the, however, there are no clear, let's say, news or updates on the health condition of the president. but the, this somehow has crates of it kind of, let's say whole that there might be some chances that they might be alive and they have survive. but the so far the as we speak, it is most likely that they might have been able to locate or about to locate the helicopter. and there is no official conformation on that. but it is most likely, but there is no updates on the see, you know, the health.


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