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tv   101 East Reviving Indias Red Pandas  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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or a boss, the governess and the situation in the country. but yeah, the, the risk that they've, you have been hearing some somehow contradicts the reports that have been some, let's say remarks by local military officials saying that they have received signals from the helicopter as well. as the mobile i phone of a true member, the however, there are no clear, let's a news or updates on the health condition of the presentation. but the, this somehow has crate to that kind of, let's say halt, that there might be some chances that they might be alive and they have survive. but is so far that as we speak, it is most likely that they might have been able to locate or at bob to locate the helicopter. and there is no official conformation on that. but it is most likely, but there is no updates on the see, you know, the health condition. but i think what you're honestly the said was that he hopes
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that the president will come by. but he also try to figure out the worst case scenario that in case if the worst thing happens, you know, he has no war and people need not to worry about the situation. and there will not be a disruption in the country, which is the, i think the most important part of his remark. now that the writing leadership has been criticized in the past with perhaps not being as transparent as it could have been when the crises as of happened. i'm thinking of the, the accidental shooting down of ukraine in the lines a few years ago as a result of the misfiring of an ad defense system. um, regarding the i'm looking at this time, how does it compare, do you think of as well, i think that was an exception, but let's not forget that the reading officials back then, they announced that there was
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a mistake and they claimed the responsibility for that. and so they didn't try to cover it up after their, you know, evaluations and they try to assess the situation. but in this case, you know, there have been more than 65 risky operation teams in the area that have been those mountain climbers joining these teams so. so if in the, let's face civilian, let's say people out there trying to locate the helicopter. so even if they want to this, um, it will be impossible to cover up or let's say not to give the correct information . but so far, you know, according to the conditions it has been very difficult to somehow locate the helicopter and of those on board. but the efforts are on the re and that had been further updates, and i think this is not part of the calculation or the mindset of the room and you know, public at the moment. now there's trusts on the risky operation teams that are waiting
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to receive more updates on the i thing for those are familiar with the uh that part of the region and the area. you know, when you're talking about the bins fog and the forest on the, you know, state the slopes on valleys there. you know, it's quite somehow, as even in official re, since they said that there was a change in the condition of the weather as they tried to flow back from the shed border with us that by john. and that's why this incident happened. right. so i think people are praying this indicates that they trust the risk of operation teams and they follow the news through official media. praying for the best paying for the west on a bus assigned the senior research for the center for middle east strategic studies . joining us some to ron. thank you very much. i so all right, let's bring in something that dies the director of the live on since the chief of
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strategic affairs, he joins is from a baby to a for i will welcome to you. is your 5? yes, watching this very, very closely, of course, will be has the law and, and 11 on given the close of military strategic political support between iran and the great. it is definitely the key this event is taking place at the very critical moment that each and is going through data is a lot happening and that is too much at stake. hospitalized. and in the degree to part of the pollution that he got on the can be considered as a how long or as much as mr dc is considered to be a good hall diner as to so this event comes at a very critical moment. the whole region in the state. also there is an open award
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for instance between your on and the username. at 1st it was awarded by proxy. and now it's a daughter to some it is that i and has a targeted to their it on you in concert and see it on the 30. it is by targeting the military base and signed is wrong and have this is on percent unprecedented. so this is a bach uh, some of the background. in other issue that is more important, that is pressuring the door or international relation in the middle east. at the question of that, you do folks, then you do, adults are frozen that each at that. and i'm there yesterday, director of the international atomic agency was saying that you made me statement saying that you're on is on the verge of reaching the potential of the rental being
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admitted to the new good arms. and this is s one putting a lot of pressure on your arm and key stakeholders and that each and j like egypt bikes, i would, yeah. they'd be all right. and the, on the, on the other hand, as why did one has to take him to an, to, into consideration that risk of the, uh, turning in to an old out for uh, because of what's happening inside the gusts of the brain. yeah. anybody? somebody if i could come to come across here, sorry to interrupt because i'm very curious to know about what sort of calculations the likes of how so industrial will be doing at the moment. of course, we're still trying to work out the consequences, the implications of this crash. we have no idea right now of how serious this is, nor indeed any confirmation of what my of happen to abram, right? you see, but never the less given this scenario. what sorts of calculations,
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as i said, do you think has belie, will needs to, to, given, given what's happening in the region? this is every game changer. i mean, it will depend on the outcome of that incident. when we, when we know more about how it tap how it happens and the adulthood courses offsite this answer. however, however, this is important and will be taken into consideration and as well not the kind of creation because of the background that is taking place. this is a, this is not in isolated the incident, it may be read an accident. however, it has to be good and it's complex. and that complex today is off of the fatty high tension. so that the incident that
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the targeted one of the key leader of that asian is something that is to be taken into consideration as you get on is the major stakeholder in the reason is not in minor one. and the, the incidence that concerns one of its top leaders and as well as when we replace minnesota, you see when mr. e. c come back to the presidency. and despite it says, what did they find the line of action of your on in the next coming to the kids and, okay. and this definitely is part of the older stakeholder kind of creation from them. all right? so we should, in no way underestimate the consequences of this crash, whatever the details. imagine the coming house, somebody into that direction. the 11th institute sheets, strategic affairs, thanks for joining us. so okay,
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let's to into international reaction to the news that around the president is missing. off to his helicopter crash, terry force that his lie for us in london. then harry, clearly no love lost between the u. k. a and iran over the is any official statements from, from where you know, nothing official. we did speak to those down the street and the far and come watson development office, the hard ministry in the u. k. and from the we got no official reaction. obviously it is still very early days and critically. no confirmation yet as to the face face of the iranian president, i think it's safe to say that they will be very active inquiries and investigations and at least very clear monitoring of a situation coming from a british intelligence and of medic officials as it will be i think across western capitals that has the more broadly been some reaction,
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specifically actually coming from europe to europe in commission says it was contacted by the radians and aust, for health when it comes to the location of the helicopter. and the european commission says its components a satellite system is rapid response mapping. uh, development of, of that, of that outfit has been activated and will be providing any help. it can in terms of, of helping to locate the crash sites and assist in the rest us is all right, how are you for us at life from london? thank you. hi. all right, more news to come in this hour, including the latest on the conflict and gaza, us up to the break, the
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a hello. we have plenty of showers bring up across much of your sort of like storms rumbling away. we go to an area of live pressure just around germany framing the shower was a little further north was at east was added a live house pushing down because a good positive from saint cloud to live. the showers well continues a trundle away and as we go on through monday, then go some very well let us come across the western side of the met. it's radiant, good scattering the showers, web tools. these things trying to get a little more unsettled, but still pretty warm across a good pop of us can to maybe also 43 sales. this is cooler in stockholm at around 17 degrees. also hold onto that hate as long as you drive to one or 2 sion i was just starting to show they had good scattering the showers across the hall. so if you're some of them big and sundry could cool some flash flooding, or can we see some, a lot of these students from time to time, then temperatures and athens at 32 degrees celsius, this southerly wind blowing in here, and that same southerly lifting time producing triply to around 43 degrees,
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i somewhat weather this, making his way across the far north of algeria northern past opportunity. i think swing grounds that lose that southerly tripoli at around 29 sales. just meanwhile, seasonal shells doing nicely all the way along the southern coast of west africa. the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on wordpress. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest. the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the watching out just to remind you about top stories this hour. i had a cup to carry uranium president abraham raw, you see, and the fall in minnesota is going missing in bad weather conditions in the north of the country. around chief of stops as available resources are being mobilized to find the helicopter prison rice. he was on his way to the city of temper is in northern, around the border with as a vice president are, you seems the region to know great at the time the whole troops with the as a by jani president where there's no confirmation on whether the president is alive or the government's asking people across the country to hold press for his safety.
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supreme leader, how do you come in a is to tell him to radiance, not to worry about any disruptions to the states offense. the piece or the army is intensifying as an on ground attacks from the north to the south of the gaza strip palestinians all morning. at least 31 people who were killed in an overnight to strike on a house in the refugee camp. women and children were among the dead and injured. they were taken to l x a hospital which is struggling to cook a and the not a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her.
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she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives. the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground. and israel's intensifying us and grounded tanks across the gaza strip coming dozens of palestinians in the last 24 hours. the worst strike was on, i'm no sweat refugee camp. hoover night, wherever, at least 31 people were killed and a mood has moved from the scene of that attack. we are the side of this bond residential home from overnight to talk. and as you can see from the pictures, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building just to stay at a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable . this particular residency house, 5 display as families evacuated all the way from the northern part of the gaza strip all the way through of the city. i know this really military expand. it is military maneuver and operations and rough uh, this particular family evacuated and was pushed into further enforce this place.
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been all the way to honda. and if it has not been on the site right, refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters, and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. it was, he mentioned the humanitarian situation of the ground and gauze has been getting worse as, as i was shot overland crossings into the strip. some supplies of being delivered by boat to a newly built american peer, with the 10 trunks that have so far roll off the pair only a fraction of what's needed. the crowd sourcing rushing towards the trucks transporting a to the necessary refugee camp for the positive cause of who are the experiencing
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fund that late agencies have once the crisis is moving. so the white house does acknowledge the coming through isn't enough and you have an agency for policy and refugee says it's work is being deliberately hum, put to buy his route. and rock chiefly level really made the comments during a press conference with the georgia in foreign minister. you have heard me what was the last 2 weeks on. so raising cl um on the house or united nation has been regularly unblocked and see disregard that the in guys a look at the, the number of stuff which have been killed, more than 200 stuff have been killed amongst them, 189 staff for on the from on one, the number of premises which have been damaged or 40, destroys more than 160. and we had hundreds of people who were
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seeking that protection. how strongly do united nation, where in this a south and i've been killed when they have been damaged to meanwhile, is rarely settlers of again attacked trucks carrying agents. a guys of this time, it happened to the check point they had brought in, and they'll provide westbank. recent. a settlers have been the looting ransacking and destroying supplies meant for palestinians in need. where the my colleague during navigate a spoke to the un humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinates in mos in griffith. he says, the israeli government has refused to open line crossing since despite repeated please by the un when very, very experience to monitor and aid. but because of being an old times of places around the world for decades, when they go to gaza, to help, to serve, to work. it is traumatizing for them. so god help what it must be for the people, the gaza. it is really, really difficult and it's getting worse daily. yeah, in december you had said that up
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a fuck elliptic conditions in the south of the strip are blocking aid and ending any meaningful humanitarian operations. it's now 5 months later and is really, is have launched the military offensive and stuff. uh huh. and they also, uh, taken control of that border crossing, cutting off, but one of the most vital entry routes for $8.00 and $2.00 guys. so what has this meant for they already die or humanitarian situation. the prediction is that many of us made the worries that we had about a rough operation seemed to be coming true. and that's a huge tragedy. 800000 people displaced in the last 1012 days. it's a shocking, shocking reflection. people who be just face more than 3 or 4 times already. many of them, no place to go. a no food to eat, we are stuck in the south in terms of the operation because we don't have fuel and the trucks as you say, and not getting through because the costing points have been blocked. and so at the
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moment we have very little to offer the people of goals and what the message goes from, all humanitarian agencies is open those crossings. it's that simple. are you speaking to the is really is on opening up these land routes. and if so, what are they telling you? i mean, we see we're trying to picture the moments ago. some humanitarian aid has now been arriving by that us sponsors here off the coast of gaza. but your office has said that this should not be a substitute for getting a through lance crossings. no and, and tragically, the 15 trucks i think, which took 8 away from the beach from the mountain time operation yesterday. any 4 of those trucks managed to get through more or less on touch from the warehouse. so it's the problems in gaza that really an always we have said out of the problem, the security of distribution. we have also said keep land crossings open. we, we welcome to maritime pat. it's good to have trucks come in. we welcome is right, is opening threats up in the north,
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but it ain't enough. we meet with it is ready daily through co got the the committee set up for this purpose. we have many, many detailed discussions about security, about the movement of our trucks and convoys about the projects for fuel, but the fact of the mattress and everybody will tell you this is not conjecture is we are not in a position to provide proper aid to the people because right now it's not ever been quite as difficult as it is today, of demonstrations of gathering tape town to stand in solidarity. repulsed indians and besieged gauze and strip. they cooled for an ends, israel's foreign garza and south africa followed a case against it's rarely in january accusing the country of committing genocide against palestinians and gaza. south africa's fine minister, now lady bundle spoke out that protest. she said,
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israel must not be allowed to continue. it's offensive. and russell it's important that one of us continue to support to the people. we must be vocal about i guess the dropbox. this is the last for the day. that's fine, but the as below and project in the sense that are being met on a daily basis. we as atlanta to continue to allows us genocide which should be what are we kind of palestinian solar, is that what he protests is continuing across. your crime says guys in brussels and another to cities across the country into montague and then so what they say is
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your opinion complicity. and israel's ongoing genocide, the revenues will start seas and ukrainian c to u. haul a keys, a russian showing has killed at least 10 people. 25 others were injured in 2 separate attacks on the north eastern region. on sunday, russian forces launched and defensive and have been advancing a new kind 2nd largest city. in the last week, thousands of civilians have been evacuated from khaki region. as you kind has lost a series of long range drones strikes and the damaging rushes oil industry. you credit and government sees drones as a fight, a weapon to disrupt the russian economy. and military operations is the target of producing $1000000.00 unmanned aircraft this year. shown home and has this report from keith long range ukrainian on monday across, slamming into buildings in yellow. bu. good,
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tough. it's the country service reported striking to russia. $1300.00 columbus is from the buddha. low moraine strains have now become a vice of pol, view cranes will machine in particular, enabling it to attack rushes will infrastructure, trying to effect its energy, sales and fuel for its on a set of keys. cro fund or organization collects donations and tons them into weapons for the army, explains why they using low range drugs. we how know a lot of the files that does the trouble and every time when we ask about some styles from german partners. so fragile breathing show united states, so they need to waste a long time to discuss about everything. so that's why we can produce a long rage rolls. he's one of the above bed. you i, the was a reach of a 1000. columbus says it can fly up to 7 hours like of this, it's kind of cause
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a meant to crush into its target and not come back. like i said, such weapons, very tough to stop says pets regarding ukrainian manufacturing. what will work with those issues that is difficult for the enemy to defend against such strikes for several reasons. quite important. reason is the large territory that the enemy has to protect. the defense is capable of covering such a large territory from a massive drone attack. and i think it will be tough for russia to save its economy from ukrainian drum strikes. sure, to write instructions for use on the front lines. the rules are constantly evolving . this is the newest moto from guns company breaks. it's never been filled by media before it can identify targets itself and then attack them. we've whichever of the 8 different types of munition that it's built to carry. it's hard to overestimate how important drones on now, in this rule for recognizance for strikes around the front lines. i'm for
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a tax on each countries infrastructure and energy supplies. they've really become integrity to this fight trainings to build a 1000000 drugs just this year. they've become so important, the victory will perhaps just survival depends on john home. and i'll just say to you, cried the on sunday local authorities since 6 ukrainian dram says, hey, it's an oil refinery in southern russia, hosting operations the this for the, for the shows the movements of impact early on sunday russian forces. so they shut down 9 missiles, the crime in the army and democratic republic of congo says it stopped and attempted to involving local in foreign fighters. a group of on demand attacks. the home of the deputy prime minister in the capitalist kinshasa, the assignments for tweed gods and a neighborhood near the presidential palace, 2 police officers, and one of the attackers were killed in a shootout. the on demand reportedly led by x on politician castillo milan. got so
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that's all i have is to died in pre trial detention on tuesday has been laid to rest in bangkok, maple, and signed the son comb, died of suspected cardiac a rest while awaiting trial on charges of insulting thailand's monica. the 28 year old had been on hunger strike during her detention since january 8300 active. this link to widespread reform is protests from 2020 until 2021. face charges of defining the monarchy. well, the 70 people have been killed and another 150 people of michigan central afghanistan. heavy rain cost severe flooding in google and fi provinces and the central, the country agencies save people desperately nice amount of time in the systems last week. more than 300 people were killed by floods in old enough kind of stuff. patients and celebrating flagged j would festivities held in the capital ports of prince the celebration of march, the creation of the haitian flag in 18. o 3 gun violence just being tired of the
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country upon since the assassination of former president juvenile maurice. in 2021 . you and says the crime wave and haiti is that a record time? ok, that's it for me and a focus more news shortly. thank you for watching. just in japan, do most of the leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grant sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental abductions on i will just sierra a sort of 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from. i'm into the outer a big language world wide shaped. come out a word for translation and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may sachi fast
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nominations i made on the award official website w w w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m sick time again, this is terry at the seems that unity within india is vibrant tapestry. as election for the sweeps, the nations to childhood friends find their relationship unraveling as they pulled to opposing polls. can the friendship survive the political divide and the world's largest democracy? india is fractured witness languages. they are hearing the fact chart, populations a decline, 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality like that and exploded reporting from the ex whatever
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happens next to the university have already made history out. as soon as teams across the world bring you closer to the house of the story. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they're going through here. it just here to we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing. the rescue crews in iran are running against time to sign president abraham rice. he's helicopter, which crushed in bad weather. the the bulk of this is i'll just say where i live from doha. also coming up pricey and his fall in minnesota on the way to the city of debris is in northern iran, near the border with as the by john be sure that there will be no disruption to the


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