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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 19, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the cost of the story, what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through here to 0. we believe everyone has a story. we're hearing. the rescue crews in iran are running against time to sign president abraham, right? you see a helicopter, which crushed in bad weather. the company bulk of this is i'll just say where i live from doha. also coming up pricey and his father in minnesota on the way to the city of to briggs in northern iran, near the border with as the by john be sure that there won't be no disruption to the states affairs around supreme leader of the time and a says the country is praying for the president safety and he assures irradiance
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not to worry about any disruption to the states affairs. that is right. it strikes continue and goes, or at least $31.00 palestinians are killed and an attack on, on this arrest in central gaza. the, we're beginning with rolling breaking news coverage from iran has been 6 hours since a helicopter carrying uranium president abraham raw. you see and says foreign minister, crushed in bad weather search and rescue teams is still trying to locate the aircraft and is passengers. government ministers, the vice president and the commander of ron's reputation with god. and now in a crisis meeting, as the search continued linda movement, we'll be hearing from our correspondents and guest following the story and all the reaction from around the world. the 1st x was on. if it's reports on the ongoing search operate, search operation in northern iraq,
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this may be the last known video ok runs president abraham race. he attended and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier on sunday, near the border with other b. john, along with that the country's leaders in seattle, this dam can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft karen, gracie and foreign minister, who's seen i made up the law. he on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the north west through ron moore. to helicopters from the convoy, reportedly landed safely. but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather. rescue teams are searching the area, but heavy fog is entering,
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the rescue efforts does not alter only develop mosley some hopeful news that we have is about to we were able to speak to 2 passengers on but headed club. so with the president and the stablish a connection with some of the shows that the level of difficulty was multiple, the launch because 2 of the people on board kind of cop to were able to speak to us on multiple occasions. the status of those on board is still on known authorities are calling on uranium to pray for the president x. as i move out to 0 around supreme leader lead time and a is given a statement. he says he's praying for the president safety. i was telling you radians not to worry about any disruptions to the states affairs, to maximize the csm on some of the genesis these to our beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evening,
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our officials continued to work with diligence. everything god willing will go as normal. the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. a little monitoring all the moving developments for us in the right need capital at around russell said he's standing by the rest. so i appreciate very much that this is a fast moving story. we're getting information of course, from official sources as well as state media, the and iran that was some news earlier. the hubs, the crash site was being, was close to being reached before that appeared to being retracted. what more are you hearing about the ongoing, such a rescue operation that well, according to the official statements. so the rescue teams have not been able to reach to the how the cops are still at this moment, but they're saying that they have risk to side off the the, the, the, the had a cop there where it's crashed. however, they haven't been able to have
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a week to they had a company. so that's why, at this moment is not clear. how do we, we do not have it clear information about the how state is off the president and also the, for the administer. if you're seeing, i mean it's up to the young but the, the, the, the, the, one of the executives of the president's team. um, i've seen mats really say that the, the rest of the teams are now in a radius of 2 kilometers around the, had a carpenter. and they said that from time to time, they're receiving a signal from one phone in the, in the, in the, from the that supports the where they had to go up there crash cover that has not been at communications since our so, according to the authorities here the incident happened at 1 30 pm local time in iran, and now it is $2320.00 pm in iran. it means that it has been 10 hours
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since there's the crash happened. says they've had a cup there, just filed a fell down time since then that has not been the communication visit a briefly before that that the crash there has been one somewhere on the on the had to go up there has made a call to some of the authorities in the city of temporaries, and this also off that of the crash that has been 2 phone calls made from the had a cop there's. but since then, no combination for ice wind or toward a to use the rescue teams and those works and they had a carpenter. russell, that's pretty interesting. yeah. so the suggestion being that some will they cool as pings may have been received from mobile phones in and around the crash sites. how does he say grab the search and rescue teams appear to be getting closer. i wonder, given the situation, given the circumstances because of course, nighttime, which is hampering the rescue efforts given to all of that. what is the mood amongst the people there and around this evening, he was
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a controversial leader to some but for many of course, hoping for the best a bit, particularly here in the a ron, somebody's every hours past in the hopes are, are fading for his safety so it's a mountainous area that's of a forest and now it's rain, you forget and or towards these are saying that even though it's turning into snow and this harsh weather conditions are going to continue on till tomorrow night. so the hopes are fading here. but i am re, see, was a crucial figure in, in the conference. so he has been appointed as the judge of the city of kenneth when he was just 20 years old. when he was $25.00, he was the deputy as chief executive officer to beg section or, or off to run and has been very much close to the supreme leader to she is young. age is aunty of his presidency. she was very much close to the minute to establish him in particular establishment. the security is published means intelligence
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office next year. and he's also the son of this that the very same as well, non powerful. i'm at, i'm and who the who is the, the friday, their priority mom or if the city of mesh at the most important religious center in the run. and he's also very much close to the suffering leader of the country. so the last extension is that he's going to be re elected in the presidential elections next year. and even many, many were considering him the port tasha of next stop him. neither off the country . and on the other hand, you're talking about the fort administered. i mean up to law young, who was the deputy for the minister previously, and i'm now of induced new governments. he was a former minister and he was one of the few key figures who was shaped in west shaped ron's foreign policy. and the loss of that case. so we're talking about the number 2 and the number 3 of the country being, being in the, had to go up there and i've had a car crash, and that's definitely going to create the right. but cool, i'm here, they're there, they're come to the particularly brand grace, who was controversial speaker, of course, we have seen that often his presidency nationwide protests erupt. it in 2022 after
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the death of massa, i mean over the or the job loss bus at the end of the day when you look at that 2 of the prisons off the last this off, the top measurement to use is here. she was a key figure and now we know that if he's not being the corrosion, that is definitely the going to be particularly internal fights among the conservatives. right? who's going to be the next president and who's going to be prepared for the to actually be the next step in the country, russell russell, on that particular, on that particular notes, given concerns about a power vacuum given possible fee is about political in fighting does not potentially then explain why the supreme leader felt that he needed to come out with the oil important statement saying that people should not be anxious about political instability in the country. no disruption. he said look, and it runs state affairs. an important message now was indeed many here
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had reading this statements as a kind of separation to prepare the nation for the worst. because there are green news that are reports that are coming to us about the safety and the half of the present. and they are not that much optimistic to be honest, but as they're not confirmed yet, we're not good for them. you're not going into the details. however, the statements coming from the head of the state, the supreme leader, or if you're wrong, if i'm on a, is being seen as, as, as an attempt to prepare the nation for the worst that he's emphasizing the continued to of the state is saying that the state and the state affairs are not going to be interrupted. they do not depend on a certain individual do not depend that they do not depend on the present himself. and he says that the constitution is clear in case of a sudden death, or if the head of the government, the company needs to go to an election within 50 days. but meanwhile, that goes that, that, that process. so the 1st wise president of iran takes the jobs,
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who's now mohammed and will be from there. who is this don province then in 15 days to come to mr. go to an election and to elect and the president, tim, on sale, that's going to be the present of the country on thursday until the presidential elections next year. however, we can see that distribution is very much dedicated to the tune of the language that's being used by the random officials or thought of these. and particularly by the head of the state, the supplement either or they come on a, they're trying to diffuse detention because it's coming in a fairly difficult and that is a good time for the year on regionally. and domestically just considering the fact that recently there has been attacks from iran to where it is right. and i'm from israel to go to iran and people are talking to analyst october. can i, potential vision of war and media, ronald c is going to be an important part of that. and also in the company, it's very much that it gets to the site. it is quite fed, giles cheer them. it is coming at the such a delicate tube in a time for the airport. you run and that's why the regulatory,
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these are quoting for the coolness that also quoted from nations to pay for the safety and the half of the prize. yeah, done a good time and see do you not any for ron, but it was so region and a lot for us in iran the rest will so the thank you. okay, let's bring in ali. i bought a new user research with the center for strategic strategic studies. this too, and it goes also live from to ron a via skype. thank you for your time. i'm not sure whether you could hear what my colleague, wrestle stood. it was saying just a short while ago, but concerns about political instability, possible power vacuum never the last, the arabian leadership all very clear that they want to reassure the people of the country. that is precisely not well, what will happen is that there are protocols there are safety nets in place. should the worst happen your thoughts? and i don't expect any political ask way. can iran?
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no, i don't expect to any, any power vacuum, even if we're going to hear the tragic news in the hours to come. but you know, as long as there is no official conformation about what exactly has happened or what is the fates of president for ac? uh and his foreign minister uh, its own the speculations. so we, we need to wait for a, for an official statement on, on what exactly has happened and what is the states of the prison braces health. but as you're on supreme leader made it clear. uh, there's not going to be any disruption. iran is not the sort of dictatorship where if one person go with the whole system is going to a to collapse or for plunge into a crisis, there will be
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a smooth transition of power even if there is going to be tragic news coming. but so we have to wait and see. uh, i don't think, but oh, i'm also show that there will be huge domestic, regional and international the, with the cautious while we are talking to you, let's bring in these pictures of the city of mashhad to which is of course, where abraham racy is from people have been gathering that to take part in prez. this is of course, a very emotional moment for many people in the country who was an extremely, is extremely prominent figure. irrespective of what so we may eventually find out about the nature of this crash. i wonder what this does, what a moment live, this does in terms of galvanizing the radian people, irrespective of what people may have, thoughts about abraham,
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right. he sees political practices and beliefs. it helps national unity in such a delicate difficult time. i see people from different political groupings, praying for abraham is right. you see uh, racist health including his political opponents. so it's, it's a very big story. a big news for iran and prison, right. you see a plays a crucial role in, in the, in the, in the ruling establishment now. and he's one of the few presidents and it runs history. that's a, uh, that has proved to be predictable. uh, unlike some of his previous sizes, he appears to be very, very loyal uh to do ruling system. he's predictable. and unlike print,
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a full met the president through honey who belonged to the liberal school of thoughts. he, he more or less a go, has gone for a realistic reaction, realist, school thoughts, which is completely different than follows, a completely different foreign policy. but in the wrong strategy is remain on changed tactics. policies are subject to change. wonder if you can put a president right. you sees trip to as a by sean, in context for us because that's where he was. prior to this, to this crash, she was meeting with president. i'm a live of us, a body shop, a following about of tension between the 2 countries. this visit was meant to be part of a reproach. them all between the 2 neighbors is exactly as prison race. it has been following
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a policy of lowering tensions with naples in line with his foreign policy of the, of a neighbor let relations that, that's what he has. his administration has been following in recent months and his visit to, uh, to the board to region. and he's meeting with president ali if is an indication that both iran and azerbaijan are the escalating attentions. and that is a very good indication that iran and outside of by john are moving in the right direction or on how they are. but there are any many thanks for joining us on how to 0. yeah, well okay, let's take a closer look at it. runs aviation safety record there being at least $22.00 faithful crashes since 2000. and according to ron's aviation safety networks, those have killed more than $1200.00 people, or any and government officials and generals are among those who have died of fame
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carrying the sports minister, crash last year, coming one of his advises back in 2006 and military jet crash killed a commander of the revolutionary guard. well, much of the blame has been pointed to us functions, which has made it difficult to import you at croft or even span, puts us force around to ground more than half of its civilian aircraft. we're talking about him, a pseudo is obviously with correspondents, alhashan holly. i wonder if we can delve into the issue of sanctions and how it affects the aviation industry at large. because there's something that you have noticed. it's very specific to this helicopter that really shines a spotlights possibly on the impacts of sanctions and how it affects people, not any civilians, but officials all the way up to the top potentially. absolutely. now with this, this helicopter, that's more than 45 years old. the was the property of the previous regime in your, on the monarchy,
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and then it wasn't targeted by the islamic republic. so that's more of the 4th 5 years old. and then it was with the armed forces. and later on given to the presidency about the the, the main problem is that stuff, thoughts? that's newest belfast. so that's all available. and as you're saying just now with the graphics we sold more than 22 fatal accidents. 1200 people get on there. these are just in the past 24 years. so eventually one accident every yeah. i mean, must cause i shoes. you amounts of anger, frustration, not only that's a or is the standards owned by the within the country, but also clearly directed to those behind the sanctions as well. now of course, absolutely. now, for example, i've been several times too long. i lived in or off several years. i'm actually writing a plane or taking a plane, you know, as something is of consent because you don't know what,
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what happened. and there are always, you know, these accidents such here in about, on the line of action for all of that is mainly because of the lack of maintenance, lack of fed pots on the previous present for several honey. just off the, he signed the 2015 nuclear dam, immediately went to europe to try to find agreements. who is that europe in companies, in order to provide the one with the airplanes also with blake was the problem, is that both our boss and i'm buying what weren't able to provide the wrong with, with planes except for i need to all you and company and i was able to provide the wrong with a few planes i later on after the new sanctions rented use of to the united states exit that the, the new did. things went back to the same situation with us. the wrong can get new planes wrong, can't maintain its own plains. and they've been trying to go around this by, you know, trying to manufacture their own, you know, homemade or let's say you running a made a step last, but they're not,
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they proved not to be really efficient. even also when they tried to buy planes from russia and, and, and china despite the fact there are clothes and they have a kind of stuff to direct relations that the sanctions play. the role in preventing these, uh, these uh, you know, agreements and we just a few, a few months ago about this, the white things that were supposed to be given to you on until the moment this didn't happen. i'm obviously, as you know, there's a huge amount of speculation, a lot of unknowable is at the moment. we know that the search and rescue teams apparently honing in on the crass side. obviously that will be a crucial moment in knowing exactly what has happened to the president to the foreign minister. also, the cause is for this craft. clearly the message from the writing leadership is that they are protocols. protocols in place should the worst happen to the president, but that doesn't appear to be safety protocols in place given to senior officials
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on the same helicopter. why it wasn't the only 2 senior officials and the same. i had to go up to do it to and this helicopter, and there were other ministers in a couple of, i had a couple of those that actually landed safely. but the fact is that, yeah, i mean, this is, this is a big issue. and this is not the 1st 5 that iranian officials are killed and or a $140.00. we don't know what, what's happening to present, raise your foreign minister with the others. but i mean, this is not the 1st challenge for a wrong with respect to talk your situation on the official level. once one of the senior commanders of the aisle gc was killed, also we had lost the, the sports minister was in a plane and then one of his assistance was killed. and on several occasions, the journalist skills and, and, and a patient accident something accidents. and it's happening all the time and there
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are limitations. i think there are limited limitations. now the very fact that this had the cup, the was sliding in an area with a lot of fog. and with these weather circumstances, i think that if someone should be comfortable for obviously a huge number of questions to be awesome. we have of course more details but, but i wonder about the way in which the narrative around this crash has been handled. because there seems to be rather than an urgency to just from bob's the writing population with messaging, which has sometimes been the case in previous major accidents, a little bit more cautiousness, a little bit more. okay, i do think in the way in which this story is on folding on arabian state television . well, i think there was a garage was revealed relations this story at the beginning. and there was this done a hard landing. we all don't want the hard landing of the,
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of the plane within the presidential conflict among the presidential combine, a helicopter death landed how the hard landing that was thought to, you know, knowing that the president was on one of the things or might have been them off of things, then later on we saw to, you know, hearing about crush. now that the issue is that regardless of some of the gradual messaging that's going on significantly there was some testbed and see because from the 1st committed we started hearing about the accident itself. so they started talking to the people from the beginning, started informing the public that there was something happening, something big happening and garage really getting the story from one side, from one level to another. however, on some occasions there was some maybe, uh, let me see fake news. uh, for example, when we had about locating the cross off of the thing, gosh, okay. then the,
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the red crescent immediately issued a statement saying, no, this didn't happen. or the good thing is that there are some institutions that all diary custody denying or clarifying at to keep people informed because that is an incident into 2020 that's created a lot of concern for people. and that farm endangered actually the ring and government because the president offered his education at that time. the day when the, the cleaning plane was don't just off the, the, the, the, the raise your rate on the front of the mountains. no. yeah. and it was my mistake in the down. so at that time there was a lot of, of, uh, uh, there was no fi spam and c in the way they would convey the story. and this created a lot of dismay on the streets and even within the government. so since then they started dealing with news any different drake. right? right. so i may of course explain the can the sensitivity around how this
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particular instance uh is reported to reveals to the public, highly many sites on a house from that. okay, well that's a bringing out is there a senior political analyst smile in bushera. he joins us from power a mile on. i'm sure you are listening into all of that. a huge number of nobles, lots of questions around where exactly. uh, the crash sites is watts uh, all of this beams for the presidents and the foreign minister. but i want to focus on the present, right? you see the mind because what this incident shows us is the amount of immediate support that was shown from neighboring countries in the region of rock turkey. many others we'll say further afield, russia, this is of mine who has travelled all around the world to russia, china, latin america. and obviously who's reach perhaps as much further than many think. well, let's go to the gray. so you're ready to is that there's
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a result today about what has happened to him. what's gonna come out of it. and then there's the race you ready to of the past 3 years. what was expected to be a tough, the conservative hardliner. now what's going on, what the cost of making a job for them to heidi is for this i side of the more for the forest stretch, the liberal precedence. but clearly the rental has somehow reviewed itself in couple of ways. the past 3 years old boy to call an economy that was in dire straits. so higher inflation, lower over low power to the high poverty rates, basically terrible economy. he somehow managed it with, i'm sorry, dissolving the underlying challenges. but on the other hand,
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he somehow managed to improve the reading of relations with both regional and global powers, including some jury via fax, done press. what else you just sort today talk in as not by john. but he also includes an issue with china and russia the to be on the obstacle of course, or bands the, the attention with the west and the task that sanctions by the west winds, the one that has not been resolved. and then that is the domestic scene, this, the, the, the society, the popularity of the machine that has not really been improving much because on the one of the economy and the other hand, that oppression that continued on the racy or i'm on, i'm in just looking at the resilience of the states itself, i mean, you've had the supreme leader making it very clear the irrespective of what we know about the class so far, the state is ready to respond and will remain stable no matter what's an important
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message to share with the country right now, both sides of it absolutely hasn't had to state your supreme leader has the ability to do exactly that. he needs to come souls that ignore either nor, as possible. he to, uh, you know, would blank chaos society after this isn't. so that's normal, but underlying that there is also suddenly a very easy to logical statement of a political statement on the part of harmony, which basically underlines the continuity and the stupidity of the game, which is the most important thing for him and, and for the establishment of july, for the past 45 years. it's justin to succeed despite 81 when he walks his fights dishes with the united states. and she's the one containment $98.00. these ones that are and that you're to thousands and separately top sections on the wrong
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nuclear deal and all that, the program i mean, so disability because she has been the number one priority. and now after today's riddle, it will continue to be so, and there is already a very conservative trend within the establishment that is in control, that we're seeing definitely the parliamentary elections and see that in gracie's own election. so this up, you know, law and order thing go, we see trials and then you see directed seconds. so you can go to some artists and, and social media activists and so forth. all of that. thank you. we'll continue. regardless what happens the next few a few days, it's a bit sad on the one hand to see such repression continue, but it is impressive to see the remnant state being so it was in the end and does seem so simple regardless of all the challenges that come day way
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more as we hopefully in the the coming hours get to on.


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