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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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and elsewhere, why is our government taking us to work on the basis of lies we the public has to get out there and do something about it. the stream announces era. the search operations continue into the nights off to risk you cause race to find the rain in the presence abraham bracy for the we had a cup to crash in the remote reach the carry, tungsten. this is all just here a lot from the also coming out of the nation, the price for the president's now missing for 12 hours around. supremely the files, they'll be no disruptions. how the country is run,
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just to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs from saudi arabia took care of arrivals and allies, assistance in the search for the missing shop. the . it's 2300 gmc, that's o 2 30 am in iran, but president abraham at racy, has been missing for more than 12 hours of this had a call to crashed in a remote mountainous terrain. there are reports, rescue workers have detected a signal from the shop that was carrying the president as well as a foreign minister saying, a man, i'm the here on the rinsing closer to the crash sides. some searching into the nights on foot. despite the rain and fog hunting temperatures of around 10 degrees celsius, $65.00 red crescent teams are on the ground floor. 50 percent of the rounds armed
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forces have been mobilized. the well wishes into around and across the country are gathering in the streets to pray for the patience well being. some are in tears . so i'll just check the updates on their phones. let's. let's take a look now where the crash happened around is that present or i see began his journey in the border town of hold up a foreign now as a by john from that he headed towards the city of temper is in north west or on the cross crashed and a mountainous region. there was a on fate of a weather conditions on making the search operation challenging to 0 correspondence, a live in tyrone and the washington dc. following the developments on the ground reactions from around the world. the 1st it starts out with age begins coverage on the search operations in northern iraq. and this may be the last known
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video of your bronze president abraham race. she attended, and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier on sunday, near the border with as there be john, along with that countries leader you see on this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out, i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft gerin, grace, and foreign minister who's seen, i mean up the law he on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the northwest of ron. to helicopters from the convoy reportedly landed safely, but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather rescue teams are searching the area but heavy fog is in, during the rescue efforts doesn't alter only develop mosley. some hopeful news that
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we have is about to we're able to speak to 2 passengers on that headed club. so with the president and the stablish a connection with several of the shows that the level of difficulty was multiples of launch. because 2 of the people on board kind of go up to were able to speak to us on multiple occasions. the supreme leader, ayatollah ali coming a has expressed his concerns about the missing helicopter. but a short one, the stabilize the country to maximize him on some of the genesis these to our beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evening, our officials continued to work with diligence. everything god willing will go as normal, the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. the status of those on board is still on known story. these are calling on uranium to pray for the president x assignment,
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which out is there. let's go live now to turn around and speak to the rest. who said, what are you hearing from official channels at this stage or so as well so. so this is the report that's coming from the ran into a tour. it is and it has been repeated in the last couple of hours. the said that the spiritual patient at the crash site has not been reduced to h. 2 kilometers are radius, but they are also saying that the teams rescue teams have not been able to reach to the crashed headed cop to yes. so that's why we do not know the exact situation, the exact house duration of the president and the former, and the for the minister of the country. i mean, after law young. but on the other hand, we know that there are more than 60 to 60 teams that have been deployed to the area . and now the terrain is extreme. it is challenging just talking about the mountain,
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is that so the forest area and the weather conditions are, are adding to this difficult to use because it is snowy. now it is, it is, it is rainy and it's extremely being the so did it right. and no tory keys are saying that despite the front of the force, all of this fact is the drain, the challenge intervene and the extreme weather conditions are happening. they are, they are, they are a thoughts. and the say that within a week and a short while, they're hoping to reach to the crash that had to go up there. and the to have an executive elevation and information to sort of the information about how the distribution of the running president and therefore administer is and also is not only the companies present on the, for the minister, but also there are 9 that there were 7 other people in the same helicopter, including their local governor, off the east, probably the east as a big jump really. so if you're on the head of the presidential security team and some of 5 other people as well. so we told them there were 9 people in that had to
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go up there when it crashed in the close to the corporate mines, which is called some go on taking place in jo, 5 and west the gun roughly around 100 kilometers away from this city. or squall, if deputies, so the, the companies that the companies supreme lee, there are other how many i say that the coordinator coated on the nation saying that there's not going to be any disruption in the state of affairs. and many people in iran are regarding this statement as an attempt to cool down distribution and also to prepare the nation for the bad news. right, so for now, thank you. let's turn to us know how to jo castro is for him. developments from washington dc. hardy, what's the reaction things in the us administration to carry it has been muted and, and it has been restrained, but we do know that the us president and other officials are paying close attention
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. a spokesperson for joe biden said that he had been briefed on this matter earlier in the day, and the us state department said that officials there were closely following developments. of course the u. s. has not had regular diplomatic relations with the ron since 1979. so there is no direct communication between the 2 countries. any sort of information sharing would have to occur through intermediaries. and this is a particularly sensitive period in that relationship given there are so many topics that are pending that are creating tension. we just have a reporting of last week. us officials meeting through an intermediate with iranian officials in oman to discuss containing the war between israel and who mos in gaza . and then we have iran putting much of the blame of it's of it's economic suffering on the us sanctions. and of course, overarching all is the ronnie and nuclear agreement with neither party,
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really showing willingness to come back to the negotiating table and all those sensitive balls in the air. we throw in this wrench with the missing helicopter, carrying the uranium president on board. and it's no wonder that us officials are really withholding any sort of speculation or comment until there's some more information about present riley's fate. how do you, thanks very much indeed for that update. are. let's take a closer look now to ron's aviation safety record. them to at least 20 to faithful crashes since the 2000 and the, according to the runs ition safety network. those have killed more than 1200 people threatening and government officials and generals are among those who died. a pain occurring the sports minister, trash last year, killing one of his advisors and in 2006 the minute she jets crash till the come on to of the revolutionary god. or much of the blame has been pointed out to us
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sanctions, which is made it difficult to import new aircraft or even spare parts. that's forced air on to ground. more than half of its civilian a craft that's analyze actual helicopter involved in the crash present re say on his own thrust with thoughts be traveling in the us manufactured belt. how they come to the to play. the croft has a capacity for 15 people, including the pilot leveretts unclear exactly how many crew and security personnel on board at the time a call. bailey isn't aviation. i know this deposit tend to form a f, a safety t representative. it's always a slide not from back to in new jersey. welcome to the program. so we don't know the full details as yes of course, but it's worth extend. the weather conditions have played a part in this. do you think? you know, i think the weather right now is the key here. uh, you know, this has a very familiar resemblance to the crash that was very high profile here in the us
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several years ago with the in the a suit restore. copy. brian, that's what comes to my mind when i, when i, when i see what this is turning into a short typically 5 and low visibility of rain. possibly since now there's a so that combined with a helicopter flying and very rough map, when this ray is really a recipe for disaster. and then on top of that, we're dealing with a helicopter that's decades old with decades old technology technology. pretty much like the perfect storm of everything coming together. and again, this is just speculation. at this point. you mentioned the technology, the immunization sector in iran has been on the severe pressure when it comes to sanctions and even trying to find spare parts for red cross. does this play a part in terms of the age of the call?
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yes, it does. even the technology, i mean moshing now where there is not any kind of distress signal or call from the aircraft. uh, you know, the question is the, the emergency locate or transfer that should be on there? how dropped or uh is it functioning, wasn't even working before the crash. these are all the questions of the investigators we're going to have to answer. but the fact wouldn't such old equipment. you remember traveling decades ago and what it was like. and you know, that's where we are today. it's not like the developed countries like the us in great britain where we have the latest and greatest appointment for an hour president. uh there, there are simply, uh, you know, pretty much way behind the able technology wise and even with spare parts. uh, they might have found it difficult to even getting all parts to keep that airprint of doors on the costs. we don't know the exact circumstances yet,
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but when it comes to these kinds of incidents, how often is pilot error to blame and what kind of areas kind of what typically uh with the tire, what error. so if, if it is in fact theme that the aircraft or got itself into conditions that cause it to crass such as 5 or rain or a little bit as ability. most of the time that falls on the pilot, the pilot is the pound increment of the aircraft, is responsible for the safety of all the passengers. and pretty much getting yourself into whether that, that you should not be in themes. that pretty much the plywood is at fault if, if the weather is deemed because of this accident. uh, but a lot of these pilots that are, that are flying a former president surrounding don't you stop reading and present quote, any uh how much of a pilot. ready flying a world president around typically has from interest experience, usually
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a veteran of war with tremendous military experience. pretty much knows how to fly these helicopters at low level in all conditions, including nighttime. very, very much appreciate your insights. thank you. thank you. let's do a recap of what we know so far the helicopter was carrying at present abraham re seat foreign minister saying i'm or i've done a here on and the governor of around east as a by john products and the mom from that temporary and then body god's grace, he was returning from a trip to iran's board with, as a, by john off to inaugurating a dime with somebody. jones presidents. they had a cold, or pansy crash still made an emergency landing and it is month forest and runs east as a bunch on provence. now it's both a bit as a by john. it raining. officials have said the mountainous for us to terrain and heavy fold in painted search and rescue operations. they range in red,
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crescent society, so $65.00 search teams on the ground in the area despite the challenging weather conditions, a t, a iraq on to a table express the reading this defense support in the search for the president. iran is also receiving offers of help from other nations regional arrival out here baby a has expressed deep concern, and this is all further on any assistance it needs. european commission has said it's activating a satellite mapping service to aid the search for present biopsies across following a request to the wrong. the foreign ministry off it runs close. all i russia. i said it's ready to extend all necessary help or the wrong because i'm to aid in any investigation of the reasons behind the crash on a spokesperson for the us, for instance, has said that joe biden has been briefed on the situation. most of
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the head hair on alex's here is really forces intensify their attacks across the gaza strip. us national security advisor alex talks, which is really officials on french forces, begin clearing the roach and then you kind of daniel, the pacific on and temperature, seeing if another day of august, the hello, we've got some quotes whether now coming into that eastern side of the us the storms now in the process of pulling away the see. this lot of cloud is cold front, just eating out of the pine handle into a lamp. ah, so we have got some width of weather for a time here. storms just coming in as we go on through the next hour. so i'm making my way into the up at high valley,
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just pushing across the midwest. nothing further east with some warm sunshine ahead of fat. chicago could touch the sales just before the rain set. symbolism had fine and dry. new york 21 celsius a 25, the full washington dc. most items coming in across the plains as we go on through tuesday. nothing further northwards at east was the woman off in chicago, pretty humid 29, south east west the weather, when she was at the latest, the getting back into denver, rolling off the rockies and pulling off and what you know up around the pacific northwest into west and past of canada, meanwhile, that was what we have clearing the east coast of the us will slide its way down across the carrot, being particularly for the greater antennae. so what, what day the for cuba on monday and that was a weather comes more extensive as it makes its way across the spaniel through jamaica. right. the way down to the north of south america, the,
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the, in the the watching. i'll just say armando about top stores. now this out there are reports, rescue workers have detected a signal from the helicopter,
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and it was kind of near raining, for instance, as well as pharmacist saying that man, i'm talking on the engine close to the crash science summit. searching into nights on foot, responded raymond phone temperatures around 10 degrees. so the on the day that the us national security advisor is in israel for talks on the wall and gaza, israel continues to carry out intensified aaron's ground to tax across the street. but it's tenants a morning at least 31 people who are killed and an overnight strike on our house. and on this route, refugee camp, women and children are among the dead and injured taken to the hospital and very our lot which is shopping to cut the model at all. a that's not something that i constantly hear stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but
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this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives. the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground. i probably might move has more now from the scene of the attack in on this right. we are the side of this bond residential home from overnight to talk. and as you can see from the picture, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building just to stay at a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable . this particular residency house, 5 display as families evacuated all the way from the northern part of the gaza strip all the way throughout the city. i know this really military expand. it is
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military maneuver and operations and rough uh, this particular family evacuated. i was pushed into further in for is this place been all the way to honda and if it has not been on the site right, refugee camp in the central area seeking shoulders and a protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. us national security advisor jake sullivan, has been holding meetings in israel about the countries war. and does that, including the prime minister benjamin netanyahu focus has been on as well as operations regarding wrapped up according to a statement from the to know whose office a team of other senior is rarely and us officials. they also discussed ongoing efforts to attend captives held in goes up with the humanitarian situation in does
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a desperate trickle of supplies have been delivered by boat to a unique built american hip, but sofa, any 10 trucks. and then some thought rode off the pair. i totally fraction of what's needed. the crowds were seen rushing toward trucks transporting a tim, this rach refugee camp, moving parts of garza already experiencing permits and agencies of ones across this is moving. so the white house has that knowledge coming through is nothing else. on the you and agency for palestinian refugees says it's work has been deliberately hanford point as well. well, chiefly, but also really made the comment student press conference with the george and foreign minister. you have heard me over the last few weeks on. so raising cl
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um on the house or united nation has been regularly un bluffton c. disregard that in guys, a look at the, the number of staff for which have been killed. more than 200 stuff had been killed amongst them. 189 staff for on the from on was the number of premises which have been damaged or 40. destroys more than 160. and we had hundreds of people who were seeking that protection. how strongly do united nation, where in this a south the and i've been killed when they have been damaged to. and meanwhile, is rarely settlers have again a tax trucks carrying 8 goza. this time it happened to the check pointing to hebron in the occupied westbank. recent, a settlers had been looting, rent, stocking, and destroying supplies, meant for palestinians in need. area i was a 0,
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spoke to martin griffith the un amount of time, and affairs and emergency relief coordinator. he says he's ready. government has failed to open guns crossings, despite repeated please. from the us. the prediction is that many of us made what the worries that we had about a rough operation seemed to be coming true. and that's a huge tragedy. 800000 people displaced in the last 1012 days. it's a shocking, shocking reflection. people who be just faced more than 3 or 4 times already, many of them, no place to go, no food to eat. we all stuck in the south in terms of the operation because we don't have fuel and the trucks as you say, and not getting through because the costing points have been blocked. and so at the moment we have very little to offer the people of goals and what the message goes from. all humanitarian agencies is open those crossings. it's that simple.
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tragically, the 15 trucks i think, which took 8 away from the beach from the mountain time operation. yesterday, any 4 of those trucks managed to get through more or less on top from the warehouse . so it's the problems in gaza that really an always we have said out of the problem, the security of distribution. we have also said keep land crossings open. we, we welcome to maritime pat. it's good to have trucks come in. we welcome is right, is opening threats up in the north, but it ain't enough. we meet with it is ready daily through co got the the committee set up for this purpose. we have many, many detailed discussions about security, about the movement of our trucks and convoys about the projects for fuel, but the fact of the mattress and everybody will tell you this is not conjecture is we are not in a position to provide proper aid to the people,
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because right now it's not ever been quite as difficult as it is today. us present, joe biden says the board garza has broken his and his family's hots. he was freaking out the graduation ceremony for students sack lunches morehouse college, despite protests outside. he sold graduate son stuff that is a ministration was working around the clock on the issue. but there was only one long term solution to the conflict. i'm working to make sure we finally get a to stay solution. the only solution is one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world. there's nothing easy about it. i know, and i, and frustrates many of you, including my family. most of all, i know it breaks your heart, breaks might as well demonstrates us of gathered in cape town to stand in solidarity with palestinians in the besieged gauze and strip the cold for an end as
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well. as one goes, south africa filed the case against israel in january. the keys in the country were committing genocide against palestinians in gaza. so half because foreign minister on that $800.00 spoke at the protest, she said as well and must not be allowed to continue. it's offensive enough. i think it's important that all of us continue to support to the people. we must be vocal about old kids. so this is the last for the spend, but the as below and frontier in the sense that are being met on a daily basis that we continue to allows us to
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genocide which should be are they all me in democratic republic of congo? says it stopped and attempted to involving local in foreign finances. the group of on demand at the home of the deputy prime minister in the capital constraints that they started and so forth with the gods and the neighborhood near the presidential palace, 2 police officers. and one of the attackers, what killed she tapped young men were reportedly led by exiles politician, the christian blonde autonomy activist who died in a free trial. detention on tuesday has been laid to rest in bangkok. that's the phone that's on his son. home died of suspected cardiac arrest on a waiting trial on charges of insulting at thailand's monkey 28 year old had been on hunger strikes doing detention since january ortiz, and the ukrainian,
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the city of hawk keeps a russian to selling his killed at least 11 people. 25 others were injured in 2 separate attacks or northeastern region on sunday. russian forces north from the offensive and having advancing ukraine's 2nd largest city over 70 people have been killed and another 150 on missing and the central afghanistan. heavy rain cause severe flooding in full and have you have proven stays in the center of the country . agency save people desperately need your monetary assistance. last week, some of the 300 people were killed by floods in northern afghanistan. a french forces have made some progress clearing barricades on the highway. they can the capital of new colored junior to its main airport and the 6 people have been killed in hundreds injured and nearly a week of protest spot. my letter forms echo apple reports the often mass of a week of unrest and the french pacific territory of new caledonia on the ground in
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the capital, new media, hundreds of lead security forces and police officers deployed by the government in paris to restore order. they launched a major operation to re take control of a highway linking the city and the international airport. protests began on monday when m. p is in paris, voted to allow the french citizens who lived on the island for 10 years to vote in the local election. as you don't do that, we the electronic brawley's open. we uh, who'd be getting law non citizens onto the court road suite to between the number of people here and getting the candidates and that said critics will erode the voice of parties who've been fighting again.


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