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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 3:00am-3:30am AST

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the forward all the 0 is view, seems telling us nothing grows forever. the search operations continue into the nights off to rescue will cause race to find rain in that presence abraham. it race the following. a helicopter crash in a remote to reach the carry johnston. this is alex lot from also coming out. oh yeah, well did you get your big gym? i got. 2 nice and the praise pull that pressed. now missing for 14, around supreme leader files, they'll be no disruptions and how the country is running from saudi arabia to, to
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a kia arrivals and allies are for assistance. and the search for the missing and gaza is rarely forces intensify their attacks across the street. as the us national security advisor host talks with is really officials the around that preston super haven't really see, has been missing for 14 hours. south of his helicopter crashed and the remote mountainous terrain. there are reports. rescue workers have detected a signal from the shop that was carrying the preston says weathers foreign minister saying a man, a block. yeah. and we're not able to show you these live pictures of drones searching the region. these are nights visions, right. and that's provided by to to, to help with the search and rescue mission,
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as we say to have it cause a came down in difficult conditions, which is timeframe. the rescue operation as well. the engine closer to the crash sites. some searching into the nights on foots despite the rain and bulk and temperatures of around 9 degrees celsius. $65.00 red crescent themes on the ground and 30 percent of their rounds armed forces, helping mobilized well wishes entire on and across the country. gathering in the streets to pray for the peasants. well being. some are intended to solve this check for updates on the funds. let's take a look at where the crash happened. it runs present rice. he began his journey and the board a ton of the firing net, as a vice shown from that he headed towards the city of tough woods in north west or on the cross crashed and the mountain. this region that using on face of the weather conditions are making the search operation challenging. so some of which
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reports now. so this may be the last known video of your bronze president abraham race. he attended, and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier on sunday, near the border with as there be john. along with that countries leader, you can see all this dam can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft gerin, grace, and foreign minister who's seen, i mean up the lucky on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the northwest of ron. to helicopters from the convoy, reportedly landed safely. but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather rescue
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teams are searching the area. but heavy fog is entering the rescue efforts doesn't know what to only develop mosley. some hopeful news that we have is about some were able to speak to 2 passengers on that headed club. so with the president and the stablish, a connection with them on the shows that the level of difficulty was multiples of launch. because 2 of the people on board kind of go up to were able to speak to us on multiple occasions, the supreme leader, ayatollah ali harmony, has expressed his concerns about the missing helicopter. but a short one, the stabilize the country, the more fish i'm lucky in genesis these to our beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evening, our officials continued to work with diligence. everything god willing will go as normal, the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. the
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status of those on board is still unknown or these are calling on uranium to pray for the president x assignment which out is there. but it's here now from our correspondence integral and at rest we'll set on this is the report that is coming from the ran into tour. it is and it has been repeated in the last couple of hours. the said that the spiritual patient at the crash site has now being reduced to a 2 kilometers are various. but they're also saying that the teams rescue teams have not been able to reach to the crashed headed cop to. yeah. so that's why we do not know the exact situation, the exact house creation of the president and the former, and the for the minister of the country. i mean, after law young. but on the other hand, we know that there are more than 60 to 60 teams that have been deployed to the area . and now the terrain is ex,
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extremely challenging. just talking about the mountain is that so the forest area and the weather conditions are, are adding to this difficult to use because it is snow be now it is, it is, it is rainy and it's extremely being the store that you're writing or pull the keys are saying that despite the frantic a force, all of this fact is the drain, the challenge intervene and the extreme weather conditions are happening. they are uh they are, they are a force. and the say that within a week and a short while, they're hoping to reach to the crash that had to go up there and to have an executive elevation and information to sort of the information about how the distribution of the running president and therefore administer is how does arrows, if a mox is in london and has more on the reaction from europe, the you tucked the roster as well? the tuck is coming out quite soon off to they started, besides and risk up it saying that they were offering search and rescue helicopters
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with night vision. the you specifically the european commission, which is the executive bronze, the european union, saying they were on the receiving end of a request from iran full that copernicus, satellite imaging systems. there's essentially allow for aerial mapping of the specific areas. they say they've activated their emergency systems on the coupon, because that's coming from the commission of funds to be a focused on emergency management deanus the not a tech. and that seems to be the only public statement really in need from the european union on this issue. here in london, we've reached out to the prime minister's office at dining street, the foreign office of our ministry here in the u. k. no response in terms of the details about what they may or may not be doing to help the radians at this time. how did you attached to it has been following developments from washington dc. we do know that the us president and other officials are paying close attention. a
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spokesperson for joe biden said that he had been briefed on this matter earlier in the day. and the us state department said that officials there were closely following developments. of course the us has not had regular diplomatic relations with the run since 1979. so there is no direct communication between the 2 countries. any sort of information sharing would have to occur through intermediaries, and this is a particularly sensitive period in that relationship given there are so many topics that are pending that are creating tension. we just have a reporting of last week. us officials meeting through an intermediate with you, ron and officials and online to discuss containing the war between israel and her moss and gaza. and then we have iran putting much of the blame of it's of it's a economic suffering on the us sanctions. and of course, overarching all is the ronnie and nuclear agreement with neither party,
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really showing willingness to come back to the negotiating table and all those sensitive balls in the air. we throw in this wrench width of the missing helicopter, carrying the uranium president on board. and it's no wonder that us officials are really withholding any sort of speculation or comment until there's some more information about present rise these fate. so let's take a closer look at the helicopter involved in the crash. present, re see on his own thrust with thoughts be traveling in the us manufactured belt for 12 headed cup to the 2. played across has a capacity for 15 people, including the pilot, wherever it's unclear exactly how many crew and security personnel on board at the time press bringing that pull they even now he's an aviation expert on a former headed coats, a pilot. he joins us from london. welcome to the program now. so to what extent do you think the weather usually has
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a part to play when it comes to these kinds of crashes? i think it was inevitable. this is the result of bad weather. if you look at the conditions the television has been showing is of the cloud and missed for low temperature. this is the source of the situation where the products of i haven't talked to that, which i believe to be a goose, to bell 2124. 12212, what is a probably sign on in 2 conditions. so apply themselves. he could no longer navigate by the full, he decided the best option would be to make it precautionary. findings find this very difficult terrain. somebody resides sort of blinding in and so you wouldn't have had a lot of visual references to that account because of the, the fault and the low clout. and what's all the particular challenges that and when
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it comes to flying helicopters compared to normal passenger across, for example, as well. of course, as i have the cult deposits, i'll tell you that i haven't got chosen as no was a, as a fix when you're okay. fixing airplanes of fuel game to find above the level. um then that's it. as long as you said, it had a coaches that it has the luxury they is, nobody limits it to around 10 to 12000 feet. it's about 3 or 4 and a half ounce of meats or something like that. other, this is all to do is assign the races going around need a sufficient s to be able to, to fly on the passenger side of the need to have oxygen instead of below about 10000 feet. so the real issue you've got is navigation. you can use a global positioning system, or kinds of systems of shows i haven't talked to in a minute since it do it with one of them. that's what manufactured for the oil
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these days. but that doesn't necessarily give you terrain avoidance as possible. so this has to have some form of a rate off of michigan when but it seems from the pictures does it is a standard to onto how the culture we're shifting to actually pass any of those um, whether rate also a terrain rate offsets it to and this is perfectly normal because if you look at the picture of something, i haven't gotten anything as a body shop. it was a perfectly good days. it just happened to fly up into bad weather on it. so it's, it's a brings on the ation set to, in iran has been under pressure when it comes to sanctions. i mean, does the age of the aircraft play a part, a spare part, so hard to come by for example. well, looking at the pictures of the truck to it's very clear, it's very well maintained, the same thing to condition across it as a civilian,
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how the console and sort of the full sections with different different were a military how they talked to several different sanctions. and paul saw the 212 are available across the world. it's one of the most widely used one of the safest had occultist out there. um yeah. so i don't see that necessarily sanctioned sort of have place any boss because you're not going into a lot of your head of state or your head of government. i'm to find i haven't talked to which translated thing and a good a make sense, right. jordan, as well maintained server doesn't we can worry about the wisdom, it has all. the hallmarks all be a bond with an accident. it could well be. this is all private school control slides in such a range. in other words, they flow into the side of a hill and if the pilots era was involved and of course we have no idea,
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we don't know if that's the case. what kind of areas could we'd be talking about? oh oh, you never know when you're flying, you haven't got your knocks us conditions. what's going to happen next? you have to be very vigilant, but i'm fine. i've, i've done to mountain find courses and you concerned about of draw some don't draw so concerned about the weather. suddenly closing in on you, particularly with the terrain below it is it's difficult to learn to be involved teacher, but i have the culture of our fixing airplane, of course, is that it can stall, can go backwards, can go sideways, vertically, the house under to land. so it doesn't need to run away. so if you do find yourself flying into with a new practices, this isn't both and sorry, pilots quoted with in other words, by flying conditions. if you're trying to by applying conditions,
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you can turn around and try it out. it's often difficult to get a box in the box and because you're limited by the ability to have the culture to find goals and about $12000.00 phase, what you would normally do is have a weather report anyway in time, you know, rigs to avoid that outside the route to have a safety altitude of at least a 1000 feet of any news obstacle was those that says the line and or high tension cables, the ones that have ever happens to be, it's perfectly sight fine. and what sort of instruments? one of the instrument, major, logical conditions i m c a, but they do have to learn what they're doing and you do have to take extra precautions for me that we very much appreciate your insights. thanks very much. my pleasure. i was told to come here on now, just air french forces begin to clear in the road to the main airport, to new color down here. the pacific on and territories seeing yet,
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and not that they have on right. the pod came in to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not something to say tyler cheese. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say, no double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era over 27000 her wing photographs as mutually can do that to us. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis at nuremberg. and these crimes continued in the fast of a 2 part series out to 0 photos,
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powerful cases of all crimes against civilians allegedly killed by the syrian government. with photographic evidence from the seas of files, the lost souls of syria on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headlines. setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. international film make cars and world class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire financial sierra. the . the book about her mind about top stores. now this, there are reports risk. you can stop detecting the signal from the had a comp to that was carrying the uranium presidents as well as foreign minister
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saying i'm at the loss again. now entering closer to the crash site summit searching into the night on foot. despite the rain and fox and temperatures of around 10 degrees south of the country, waits for news of present vices, wellbeing, a radiance entire on and across. the country has gathered surprise the supreme lead allows, though we know disruptions to how the countries rock the on the day that the us national security adviser isn't israel for talks on the war . on garza, israel continues to carry out to intensified air and ground a tax across the strip. 3 palestinians have been killed in the 8 others entered in a latest is rarely bombing in concepts. a residential apartment in a town also town neighborhood. west of raf buttons south the district was targeted,
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the survivors were taken to the trade hosp with lin rafa. it follows the us national security advisor holding a series of talks in israel on the war on gaza. been intensified air and ground to tax coming across the street or essential guy. so meanwhile, palestinians a morning at least 31 people killed in an overnight strike and a house in out this route, refugee camp women and children were among the dead and injured. they were taken to the o x, the hospital in the open now which is struggling to come. honey mac load now has more from the scene of the attack in on this route. we are the side of this one residential home from overnight to talk. and as you can see from the picture, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding building just has a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable
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. this particular residency house 5 display, its families evacuated old, away from the northern part of the goddess trip all the way throughout the city. and as is really military expand, it is military maneuver and operation and rough on this particular family evacuated and was pushed into further in force. this place been all the way to han you and if it has not been, unless i write refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters, and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. us national security advisor jake sullivan, has been holding meetings in israel about the countries were on garza, including with 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. the focus has been on as well as
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operations regarding wrap up, according to a statement from that to know whose office the the o india is a 6 week long general election is entering its final stages. the 5th phase of everything being held on sunday. i'm on the regions go into the pose, isn't that which is a border with china and focused on it's a month to protest quoting for statehood. the indian government has not gone to business to l, just the it was during this, so we're covering the election from outside the country. there's some good food reports of the human lea and region of blood duck located some 3000 meters above sea level. has been a buzz with the election rhetoric candidates from the governing b. j. p. opposition. congress and an independent party had been trying to drum up support for the own from the region. it's the 1st election since the doc was
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separated from indian administered kashmir in 2019 the controversial move by prime minister no ranger mode is government angered. many haji honey for john is tapping into this discontent. and the muslim majority district of kind of getting to your let's enjoy it. i'm the girlfriend of good boy. you're taking this election as a referendum. these elections will send a strong message to the governments that we strongly oppose what was done in 2019 when the people dock were not taking into consideration. and the region was converted into a union territory without any democracy or legislature. in the buddhist dominated district of lay the issue of statehood resonates with voters. the region initially celebrated the union territory status, but now is wary of losing its autonomy. the governing b. j. p says it will address the issues about him manifesto maybe before when they didn't the car guy, you know, a manifesto, we have a full point agend of the donkey demarion's. we will resume dialogue off to the
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formation of the government and it will strive to achieve a constructive resolution that keeps the logic interests of life dock side. for months, local leaders and civil society mentors has been holding protests. they went to a doctor inclusion under a special section of the indian constitution that protects areas with tribal and indigenous populations. it's an effect in 4 states in the northeast of india. experts believe what's been happening in the region will have an impact that isn't protesting to that, especially the state that was for 6, you do and state that will definitely, you know, have an impact on elections as a spectacle. indeed, the ruling party that bro, me is to succeed doing fill it out, not just once but twice. so that's why people angry and you know, blood doc is strategically important since the board is china and focused on the
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indian military maintains a strong presence in the region. in 2020 a stand off between indian and chinese troops killed at least $24.00 soldiers. the dock has long been divided onregional and religious lines. but now this election seems to have united voters on their demands. it is, i'm getting food. all jesse are both in a 70 people have entails and another 150. i'm missing an essential f dentist on heavy rain caused severe flooding in google and sorry i frequencies in the center of the country agencies say people desperately need to mount a terran assistance last week, more than 300 people were killed by floods in northern afghanistan, french forces have made some progress, clearing barricades and a highway, and then came the capital of you kind of turn you to its main airport. at least 6 people have been killed in a hundreds injured in any of we could protest spot by electro,
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the forms you kind of do here. and it was a pacific on and have a tree between australia and fiji and was called a noise by the french in the mid 19th century. michael apple, the pulse the often mass of a week of unrest in the french pacific territory of new caledonia on the ground in the capital, new media, hundreds of a lead security forces and police officers deployed by the government in paris to restore order. they launched a major operation to re take control of a highway linking the city and the international airport. protests began on monday when m. p is in paris, voted to allow french citizens who lived on the island for 10 years to vote in the local election. if you don't do that, we the electronic brawley's open we, i will be getting more non citizens to the airport road suite. choose between the
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number of people here again in the country. and that said, critics will erode the voice of parties who have been fighting against french rule for decades. although several independence referendums held over the years, had failed to show significant support for a break with powers. the indigenous cannot community believes the government, the latest proposal will dilute the voice of the island as they have looked at our court law and to refer to be suspended, controlled. so they use have taken it to the states since monday night when it went through and that's on a somebody balanced. and since i've gotten out of hand, and he has blast with the police forces under grow, the territory has a population of about 280040 percent of whom, or indigenous conduct. they say the proposed electoral reform undermines them to me see the different stages you flossing. the point is that what you think is,
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you know, we see that as a kind of recording is ition of our people or the estimated cost of the damage runs into hundreds of millions of dollars. the trial of destruction includes towards public buildings, businesses and cause and looted shops, supplies of food and medicine are hard to come by. a state of emergency and overnight care if you have been in place since friday and slide saw suspended, dozens of barricades put up along the 60 kilometers a stretch of road to the airport had been removed. but also already say it's not open yet because the breeze still needs to be cleared, which is like you to take several days. mike, level of the 0. the weather is next to the inside story would examine the political tensions in israel, softer or cabinet, and the many guns threatened to resign. if the prime minister fails to come up with
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a plan for post mugosa and stay with the center for excellence the color we will see yet more writing the full cost across southern parts of china already into the next branch. so big down posing status, large area or cloud follow the system outs into the motors of north west pacific. another where we are cloud just affecting that eastern side of japan. so some heavy rain is east in areas of homes. you running up towards the hook. ida, and there's that, what's the weather all the way down across southern most pause and that is set to continue not just way little further race was just lagging its way out into the from waters, but plenty of shell was still coming back and behind knows that it is dry, it is sunny,
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dry sunshine coming back in across the good parts of the korean peninsula and it should be settled in sunny co sponsored. japan is moving to the pots of next week and then also settled across and outside of that same system around the southern piles of china will sink further south with say, some heavy shouts, coast. lots of indo china. vietnam cambodia allows tie that all sing more big and sundry shows light. it's a cool some localized flooding and some heavy showers the to into bony. i tried yesterday, i was to, into some entre southwest phone service getting underway as showing as had in the adam and say, pray, monsoon range, bringing flooding into spar lanka. and also i saw from india, but the heat wave to the northwest of the as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back. they're saying, here's your person, go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the
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implications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception on a. does he, you know, and ultimate them to the is really prime minister war cabinet member benny against, threatens to quit the unity government. if benjamin netanyahu fails to present a post floor plan for garza by june the 8th, what could this mean for the war? and from that you know whose political feature this is inside story, the .


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