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tv   The Lost Souls of Syria Ep 1  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cuts on red chris, the the intake fault and the heavy ray and the rescue. workers are racing against time to find the precedent. abraham receipt of his headed cup to crash the remote mountain. this region rainy and state media says drones deep, so i didn't search for the missing helicopter detected a heat source that needs to be the science of the crash, the voluntary johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from the whole set coming up. oh,
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my god, the nation prays for that press to now missing for 15 hours around supreme leader files, they'll be no disruptions. how the country is running. just these 2 are beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs and in gaza. it's rarely forces intensify their attacks across the street. as us national security advisor host tools with his right of the officials, the it's 100 gmc, that's full 50 am in iraq, and we're getting some updates down the crash with a helicopter. that was carrying president abraham rice writing and state media. it was reporting that drones deployed in the area have detected a heat source,
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was believed to be the sides of the crash draining. and these agencies reporting that to remain in the fields source that have determined the location of what they believe could be the crushed headed cop to search and rescue teams. or heading to the location as well. $65.00 red crescent teams around the ground and 30 percent of the grounds on forces have been mobilized as rain and fox and temperatures are offering around 9 degrees celsius. presently c and foreign minister saying, i'm the i'm the here on what both on board. and i've been missing now for more than 15 hours. a has a look at the side, so the crash and it runs present raise to begin his journey in the board of the town of hold that i mean as a by sean from that he headed towards the city of temper is in north west to run across,
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crashed in the mountainous region that losing on faithful weather conditions and making a search operation challenging. let's go live now to tyrone and speak to the rest of them, said russell. what's the latest you, harry? as well now there are the confirmed reports that did they did circus thrown conger unmanned aerial vehicle identified a source of heat suspected to be the the had a corporate as wreckage carrying president the but i embrace see, and the countries for administer. you're saying, i mean, they made off to lie young, and these coordinates have been promptly shared with the uranium or tour it to you . so now that you're running a risk, teams are en route to to that location. so it is 3 kilometers from the village, which is called the, which is called the teddy in, in a mountainous forest. and approximately it is around 100 kilometers away from
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the city off temporaries. so this report is actually confirming the previous reports regarding the, the location off the, the, the, the crash side. and also now that you're running a revolutionary guards, that also confirming that this uh, that the site that has been identified by this throne is likely the location of the how the coffee or crash. so this is the latest that is coming now from the iranian, what ortiz official authorities this year. however, as of now, there has been changes in, in the story, in the official statements. previously, a couple of hours ago, they were saying that now the radius of the horses and destruction operations has been reduced to 2 kilometers. and they're about to reach to the, the records of the that the, or the records or if they had a couple years. but that, that has changed and now this is the latest report that their own has identified
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a source of sheets. believe to be that the, that the said that the crash side, and we know that there was a running president there, but i embrace you on that head up there. the for the minister, for seeing, i mean up to lie young, the, the, the look of the, and the off east as a big jump. it was, or iran. and also there were 6 other people, including the president receives the head of heads of security team of the present, racy, and all of the 9 people in to the left team that had to go up there that crashed close to the, the village of w roughly 100 kilometers away from the deputies, but as of now, none of the rest of the teams or the risk members had been able to reach to that the, to the had a cop there to tell us exactly about that. whether the president, the, for the, for the minister and the other people in the headquarters are alive or not, given what you say that and then what protocols are in place. in the event the
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president is incapacitated in any way. well, according to the randy and the constitution, so in case of the southern that the, of the head of the government, the president. because according to the iranian a political high or to keep the head of the stage is to stop him liberally from on a and the president is regarded as the head of the government. so in case of the sudden death of the had the government, the 1st weiss president takes the job, takes the position off the presidency. and in this case, it is more met must be the 1st wife president off of iran, and he's expected to take the job if that is a report by the approval of this up him leader. and then within 50 days, this president has to take the country into the election to the country will elect the new president. that is the, the, the constitutional procedure. and it is quite clear, however,
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but during this time that are not the expectations of a charlton county period, but in any way they expect stations are saying that there will be a power back to them here because president abraham res, he was quite a key figure in the country, so she was very much close to the supreme. it either close to the point to cover the financial minutes it establishment of the country. and he has enjoyed the day of backings through the years and years. and he was expected to be a re elected as president in the elections that was, but the suppose that is scheduled to take place next year. and also even some people were giving him the front runner a candidate to succeed dakota and saw him leave there. so he was a quite powerful figure in the country. and now if you're behind, bracy is important that if he's not in the creation, then that are the expectations. that particular, the amount of the conservative blog in the country that are going to having
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a full control over the institutions and need to find them. and that would be in turn of science and these agreements. yeah. monday that the conservatives over who is going to be the next president and who's going to be potentially being uh, the successor of dakota and stop him leader. and as of now, there is not a certain name that will match. she's able to embrace these grab it has and the support that he had across the institutions across to establish meant in the country. and as we say, it's still very much of the day use rescue as having reached the crash site. yes, we don't know exactly what's happened, but what's the mood amongst the population in general over the events so far? it is quite a shock. so the country is going to very should have been in times and the cries us in the region. and also the fragile time domestically in iran as well. so the war
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in guys is continuing and have seen that you, ryan, and his route. they have attacked each other directly from there. so it may be for the 1st time since the islamic revolution in 1979. so you're run on april 13th and has retaliated and has sense. dozens of ms. ios and hundreds of thrones directly targeting israel. this was the 1st time in the period of the islamic republic that the wrong target that israel attacked israel directly from its toil any of the tab. you should have seen that israel attacked some of the nuclear facilities in the wrong taking place in the city off is uh huh. so the tension is quite there. and also your on has several proxies across the region in your rock, in syria and lebanon. after this proxies or so you around was put in a pressure on his route. so then there are that where the, there are the serious expectations regarding the possibility of that region award that the ronald is going to be an important part of that in turn of a,
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the company has seen that the nationwide protests over the death of my sam into 22 year old women who dies on the products custody as to park nationwide pro task. it was extremely difficult for this thomas. i'm here to suppress them to come down distribution. it took almost a year to columbia, to calm it down. so, particularly in such a delicate time, this was quite unexpected that the company is number 2 and number 3 is the president of the country. and the for the minister of the country being involved in a had a carpenter crash. so the mood is for now quite elizabeth, i will say is there in shock steel, and we can understand that the suit distribution is extreme. it is serious through the language the to on of the language that's being used by the writing in a tour to tease, and particularly by the, by your ass supreme leader. if i'm on a, who today has said that he called on the nation and he said sure them that the,
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that the, the state of failures are not going to be disrupted in case of any bad news. and then, and many people here in the country opposite reading these statements for them to supplement either as attempts to prepare the nation for the bad news. and potentially even if the death of the president is announced. however, we are expecting within hours to have a clear picture of that. according to the running of evolution, we've got it in a good the dogs that does rascal the teams are about to reach to the rascal, however, that the terrain is very much challenging. this mountainous best way for us. it's extremely windy, it's rainy, it's snowy. and all of these factors combined are happening. the rest of the air force. presto, set off. thanks very much for that update. let's find out more about remaining depressing abraham rice that he was born in 1916,
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the northeast and holy city of mashhad went on to study theology on the stomach. jurisprudence, pricey has served as turnarounds, prosecute to general deputy chief of the judicial authority on national prosecutor general is close to a supreme leader. i have told you how many and took powers pressed into 2021. as bringing it to him, i saw the now he's a physical analyst on a junk professor at the university of tyrone he joined us from table and thanks for joining us now. it's still early days, of course, but what do you make of the event so far? and what it could mean for ron all the truth is that in the past 12 hours, it has been marked with concern. anxiety instruct any ron se. everybody's closely watching the recent developments, particularly after the recent reports. uh that was published based on the
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coverage by the turkish throne, which gives a clue pertaining to the very about of the very, very boss of the crash. so basically everybody is concerned, people are more, it's about the house of the prize since regardless of their political affiliation, their political tendencies. and now there is this tension in the air, domestically speaking uh, people are waiting for the news. and it seems that then the next 2 or 3 hours, there is going to be a final announcements on this, on the situation. we have to bates to a life and to see what takes place for the owner. only. no, i think the top statement that we have been heard from the rainy mfc, so it goes to the supreme leaders who says that people choose not to laurie and the situation and the state of affairs bang to ronnie, continue to run in a cd small way on that basis also be heard a lot of risk,
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similar statements by other you may not see shows showing sort of, uh, sorted, dire t unity amongst them added to that is the gatherings of people in defense, public squares and markets who are praying for the house of their presidents and we have to still wait to see what takes place. it takes me to a how is this being viewed across the region and beyond the mind? oh, well certainly the 1st part is timing. it takes place after you, ross talk response. the is track sickness falls that is meant to against the is really attack on its cost slit. and also if takes place uh at the time then iran regional link list is increasing by this. so we have to pay close attention to the
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fact that the foreign policy behavior of the ron is formulated on a very complicated let's say dynamics. then, in bitch foreign minister or president is, are just a single actor. so i'm strongly convinced that whatever takes place at the end of the day, we're going to observe sort of a continuation of form for foreign policy behavior. we knew wrong. there is not going to be a such and such a thing. guess a paradigm shift now and with that said, i think regional countries are also closely watching. be heard a lot of messages from the original leaders who are, who have expressed their concern regarding the developments. but it's still uh we have to and ask the question. i can answer that, we have to still wait for a couple of more hours to see to know about the reality on the ground and then do what it does come with, especially delicate time in the region. when you look at the, the war on gaza,
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for example, i mean, you're around as team to show, no matter what happens there will be continuity. and now i'm not sure if you can actually hear the stuff in case we have a bit of technical problems. this comes with a especially delicate time in the region, doesn't take certainly a test and the fact that there is going to be a continuation is not related to the current incidents in new runs, wants to be seen. the region is with the house of the sort of noxious behavior that is really, is, are following in the past. mazda is and a late beer to, to about the nature of their behavior about the crew nature of their behavior. do
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killing ordinary citizens on a daily basis. i knew ron, in this regard showed that it is fantastic to a group of people who are facing toughest. uh, let's say uh cool behavior. and the rest of the best moments at this time, which is supported by you, ron, but at the same time has got this autonomy, i didn't it t is it. she being the lot of success in this regard is really are more and more isolated. and under this situation, i think this incidents, whatever the result is, whatever at the end of the day we will see is not going to, let's say dark, who tossed the attention of the global public pertaining to the cruel behavior of these really. and it's a kind of screeching. now, let me just ask you, forgive me, give me friend to and from that. but politically speaking, how does the us react to this situation?
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of the state department spokes person said that the united states is following the us president is also based on the matter. i'm sure they are closely following the story, but it's still there is this in depth of bear and is not only in the united states, but also among other political players in the region on the fact that this continue . this continue to you regarding your honest foreign policy is not dependent on bonds, single person, whether he is president or foreign minister. so there is a potential quality of further escalation because of the fact that this situation in the region is highly already escalated. but i'm not sure that it's going to end up in a, let's say, uh, full slice bore or, or any other sort of high escalation. okay,
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but leave it there. so he saw the thank you very much indeed for being with us here on. i'll just say here people then turn around and across the country have been gathering in the streets to pray for the presidents. well being summer and tears as others check for updates on their phones. so is that what fits reports and what we know sofa. so this may be the last known video or peter ross, president abraham embrace. he attended, and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier on sunday, near the border with other b. john, along with that countries leader in seattle, this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out. i think it will take less time than originally estimated, which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft karen,
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gracie and foreign minister who's seen, i mean up the law he on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the north west. the ron moore, to helicopters from the convoy, reportedly landed safely. but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather rescue teams are searching the area. but heavy fog is entering the rescue efforts does not alter only develop mosley some hopeful news that we have is that some were able to speak to 2 passengers on that headed club. so with the president and the stablish a connection with some of the shows, the level of difficulty was multiples of launch. because 2 of the people on board talked to the cop to were able to speak to us on multiple occasions. the supreme leader, ayatollah ali, how many has expressed his concerns about the missing helicopter, but assured a blunt the stabilize the country to match the moon. some of the genesis
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cease to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the state's affairs. from this evening, our officials continued to work with diligence. everything, god willing will go as normal. the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. the status of those on board is still on known story. these are calling on uranium to pray for the president x assignment, which out is there, got a to a kia, iraq and to aid of all express their readiness to send support in the search for the president. iran is also receiving office of help from other nations regional arrivals. child uribe has expressed deep concern and this offer the role and any assistance that needs you are paying commission has said it's activating a satellite mapping service to aid to search for the present prices across putting
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a request for a run. the foreign ministry of around close on, on russia. i said it's ready to extend all necessary help around requires and to aid in any investigation of the reasons behind the crash, but a spokesperson for the us presence said that joe biden has been briefed on the situation. but i just areas with a marks is in london, has more on the reaction from europe. the taxi roster as well. the truck is coming out quite soon after they started the search and rescue. if it saying that they were offering search and rescue helicopters with night vision b. e, you specifically the european commission, which is the executive bronze, the european union saying they were on the receiving end of a request from iran, the full that copernicus, satellite imaging systems. there's essentially allow for aerial mapping of the specific areas. they say they've activated their emergency systems on the coupon
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that goes, that's coming from the commission. it seems to be a focused on emergency management deanus the not a tech. and that seems to be the only public statement really in need from the european union on this issue here in london, we've reached out to the prime minister's office at dining street, the foreign office before a ministry here in the u. k. no response in terms of details about what they may or may not be doing to help the radians at this time. so the head don't that i'll just say i will have for reaction to the news that the rain and the price. that's how that comes to has crushed stone, officially missing the of hello. we've got some quotes whether now coming into that is the side of the us, the storms. now in the process of pulling away and say, this lot of cloud is cold front, just eating out of the pine handle into
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a lamp. ah, so we have go some with a weather for a time here. storms just coming in as we go on through the mixed out. so i'm making the way into the output highlights just pushing across the midwest. nothing further east with some warm sunshine ahead of that chicago could touch the sales just before the rain set. symbolism had fine and dry. new york 21 celsius a 25, the full washington dc. most items coming in across the plains as we go on through tuesday. nothing further north was at 8th, was the woman off in chicago pretty here? i'm at 29. south east, west, the weather wintry west, which is the getting back into denver, rolling off the rockies, and cooling off and what you know, up around the pacific northwest into western parts of canada. meanwhile at wes whether we have clearing the east coast of the us will slide its way down across the carrot band, particularly for the greater antennae. so pretty what day the for cuba on monday and that was a weather comes more extensive as it makes its way across the spaniel. the 3
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jamaica. right. the way down into the north, the south america, the a meeting of minds with israel committing genocide before our eyes. and none of our mainstream politicians across the board seem to have a problem with a campaigner, andrew fine, stay and photographer shock you do on, on active is on the crisis and guns each one of us. these are with this, and this is upon us, as with this is to be able to validate for the seeing around the studio will be on script part to own or disease the
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the welcome back remind of the main stories now the crash side, so the helicopter that was carrying the rainy and pressed it may have been identified. the turkish drone has detected the heat source of an area with a truck. the wind listing could indicate the impacts. there are reports, rescue workers have detected a signal from the helicopter that was carrying the ringing president as well as the foreign minister saying a man entering close to the cross signs summer, searching into nice on foot. despite the rain and fall temperatures around 10 degrees celsius, as a country waits for news of preston, prices wellbeing, geraniums, and tyrone, and across the country is gathered for press. the supreme lead of files, they'll be no disruptions to how the country is run. when it goes to the us,
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know how to jo castro is funding developments from washington. dc hardy wants to reaction being from the us and ministration to these events and the reaction has been cautious and it has been restrained. earlier in the day we heard from the white house folks person that president joe biden has been briefed on the matter. there hasn't been any updates since then. it's been several hours. but the president has been flying around campaigning today. and he is aware of the situation, we're also told by the us state department that state officials are closely watching closely following the developments. it's really no surprise that the us would have this sort of restrained a reaction given that there sto. so little information coming in and given the fact that the relationship between iran and the us is so tense. and of course the fact that there is no normalized diplomatic relation between the 2 countries. they do
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not talk face to face directly, but rather through intermediaries and those topics that are currently brewing. they include, of course, trying to de escalate the conflict in between israel in gaza. there were some intermediate discussions in oman between the us and iranian officials just a week ago. then of course there's also the sanctions that a ron lanes were crippling. it's economy. and of course, the overarching a nuclear treaty and which now neither country has that which in which neither country seems to be interested in coming back to the table to negotiate. so given all of that context and the potential volatility in this situation, us officials, including the president, are currently waiting to see when information comes out about the disappearance of present. right? yes, you touched on the relationship that, i mean overall, how has the us viewed abraham, right. so you and a physical sense that while i certainly see him as i move to the right and of
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course i see him as a potential show end to become the next supreme leader. so the us views him with wary eyes as it does many top iranian officials. it's also notable that if, and this is of course, a big s given that we still have no idea of what the fate of present, right, you see is but the 1st vice president of the ron were he to take over. he himself has been on the sanctions list and the us, so whoever, whether ac remains in power or whoever may follow is still very much what the us considers to be a problem for the thanks so much indeed for that update. well, let's take a closer look. now, the headed culture involved in the crash present, right. you see on these, on, through ours with thoughts be traveling in the us manufacturing bell, how they come to the to late a croft has a capacity for 15 people,
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including the pilot. however, it's on a clear exactly how many crew and security personnel they're on board at the time. well told cuts this as an aviation. i know that c joins us live now from san francisco. welcome to the program. let me ask you 1st and how important would the weather conditions be when it comes to this kind of accident? well, the weather conditions in this particular action or the area where it's presumed what occurred is very important because we're talking about mountainous terrain and in low light conditions as well. so when you combine those 2, it's absolutely important that the crew is understand the capability of crap and more importantly, the location of where all the territory is so that the don't run into a mountain top or a mountain side. how difficult is it then for uh, pilots to, to, to, to navigate through this kind of, of weather whether it's fog, for example,
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as well as, it's not that difficult, should the navigational capabilities of the aircraft be at a 100 percent. for example, there are several global systems for navigation, gps being one go on ask, which is a russian system being another that can independently get the location of an aircraft accurate enough to mess large optics, like a mountain sides and even large structures. so there is no word as to whether or not there were any system villers, on that aircraft, that there was familiar with the navigational systems of the aircraft. it could make flights through that territory, very hazardous. indeed. a lot of the particular challenges then do you think when it comes to flying helicopters compared to i suppose, normal passenger across all the particular things? well, the biggest concern, or rather the biggest challenge faced by flying helicopters, is that unlike most, the larger aircraft, especially transport aircraft like you to airliners,
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they are limited as to the altitude, they can fly. so those are happens to be weather at a particular altitude that would be no problem for an airliner to fly above the helicopter may have no choice but the fly through that, whether we can see pictures now of the sort of holding a area where we believe that some of the, the rescue efforts may be based, we see sunlight coming, coming up there. i mean if, if pod at tara was involved in the course, we don't know that at this stage what kind of areas could be involved. do you think of a well pilot error, it could be anything from an inability of the crew to coordinate with one another to misleading instruments, to simply being a pilots in a position in a situation for which they have neither the experience with the training. but i think the more important issue here is that it's been several hours since the bad and there has been no, we're no satellite phones, no emergency locate or transmitter and nothing that would indicate that any sort of radio signal is being transmitted,
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either automatically or voluntarily by any survivors, the vision set to in iran has been on the quite some pressure when it comes to sanctions. for example, does the age of the aircraft play a pod tag when it comes to spare pods? say the age of the aircraft, even a helicopter, or even one that's run by military service or government entity is not as important as whether or not the aircraft has been kept up to the specifications by the manufacturer. and is being flown within the capabilities of aircraft. one of the challenges around a space for perhaps over 40 years is because there have been various levels of sanctions against the country. it's difficult to get the equipment to achieve some kinds of aircraft systems up to date and up to standard. when investigators eventually reach the site, what would they be looking for? technically, in terms of trying to find out what happened, do you think as well,
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of course, the primary responsibility of any risk or is, is look for any and potential survivors. and beyond that, one of the things that are looking for is the cause of this. if this is a cause that they can determine quickly was something that was just specific to that aircraft and just specifics that flight that will be one thing. but if there was something that, as it turns out, my put a whole suite of aircraft at risk, or might be a threat to any air operations in that region that would lead to a completely different response. okay, we leave it that talk, catch this. thank you very much indeed for joining us head on. i'll just see era. well that's going to tie ron and speak to wrestle, said oregon, and who has an update for us? what's the very latest that you're hearing a while now the uranium rescued, the ready and red crescent, is saying that 2 sources of deceit have been identified. and now the teams are en route to that locations. and within minutes,
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they said that the teams are expected to reach to the locations that are believed to be that, that, that side of the crash, and also the turkish, that on the contrary on that, on mand aerial vehicle, has also identified the source of the heat that suspects it to be that that that, that, that the, the, the wreckage of the had a cop tears that was crashed and that was carrying the president off the wrong. he but i am re see and then then, and they have said they have shared the coordinates with the running tortillas promptly. and the uranium rescue teams are 10 volts to death location as well. so just to give some details about the location, it is 3 kilometers from the village we just called to the and its a mountainous forest. and it is roughly around 100 kilometers from the city of tempe, eas, where the presidents had a cup that was had in tolbert,
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and also the new revolution. the guards are saying that they are confirming that these 2 sources, the heaps bottom likely that the, the side of the crash. so these are the latest reports that are coming from the uranium officials. but as of now, the teams have not been able to reach the, the wreckage is off the, the off day that the crash had to go up there. but they are saying that within minutes they hope that they will reach to the crash side. now in your writing this, the morning time the sun is or is rising and so upset and, and it's, it's probably going to have to the risk of force because during the night in the darkness it was quite difficult for them to really operate. so they're the temporary and is quite challenging, it's a mountain is destined to that. so the forest area, so it is being the, it's for the extreme, it is rainy and also snowing. so this to rain,
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just the conditions of the to rain and the extreme weather conditions combined with the darkness was red, were really hand putting the rescue a force and now it's the morning time. so you're expecting the rescue teams to operate more easily. let's say however the rainbow towards these are seeing that these extreme weather conditions are going to continue to today or on monday as well. but as of now, they have not been able to reach to the sites and also one note that now more than 75 teams have been deployed to the area, but all of them are the ground, the team. so due to these extreme weather conditions due to the bad weather, none of the air you, you written uranium aerial vehicle is in bold. and there is a rescue of patients, all the teams that are involved. we have talking about houses of people, not only the rescue teams, one tour of the uranium revolution,
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the gods in the east, as a big jump. probably so if you're wrong, are also involved in that. you have to look at how about how that is or for medical workers as well. so combined for almost more than 10000 people are involved in these rescue operations. however, they said that the extreme weather conditions and the terrain are really big challenges and their time for the rest of the air force. indeed, we're looking at pictures of the what we believe is a stand by area for us, for at least parts of those rescue teams. let me reiterate for us, if you will. what protocols are in place in the event that the president is incapacitated in any way for a while, according to the original constitution, in case of the southern death or of the off the head of the government. because in the around the president is the head of the government, the head of the state is the separately, the come on a. so in case of southern death, off the president. so the, the 1st wise president,
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taste the job takes the office, assume the office. so and, and, and within different 50 days, he or she is supposed to take the country to the election to elected the new president. so in this case, it is her method must be of the 1st wise president is expected. if present racy is expected, is, is report the death that he's going to take the a to take the, the, the office and by the approval of the, the, the supreme leader. however, she despised that the did the difference in the constitution because he is off there that, that, that the, that the procedure. so in any way that are the expectations that this is going to cause a power vacuum in the why even maybe fears the base discussions and in turn know fights and struggles among the conservatives in your run. who are currently having a complete control over the institutions or the army and you over the parliament.
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the reason for that because the behavior that you see was quite a key figure in the conference. she had close relations with the team leader of the company. she has enjoyed the backend off the supreme leader of the political military establishment financial establishment. you did. you should do traditionally establishment in the country. and many people, what are expecting him to be re elected in the elections that are at the possession elections that are scheduled for the next year. and also even many people in the country were being seen as the potential successor of dakota and stop him lead. there so he was quite established in your wrong and on the other hand, so the foreign minister i'm able to apply young was a deputy for administered in previous governments. and now he's the, he's the 40 minutes throughout the country. in the last decade he has been one of the key fugazi new run, shaping around foreign policy. so these are the procedures,
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the constitutional procedures that, that we are, we are expecting. so the 1st wise president is going to take the office and within 50 days is gonna take the country to the election and the company is going to elect the new president of the interface over here at the present, i guess before the n d. thanks very much indeed for that cause i say we still don't know for sure the fate of the, the rain in the preston. but let's bring in the out. there is on the hash and now live here in the or was covered around extensively that you have some breaking news for you. it was the guard, uh, actually the, the teams that reached that declared called in its did not see any sign of the helicopter cutting the president according to the turkish door. so now there is another spot where also the, the turkish drone identified and probably the search is going to be
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focused on that 2nd area. how is this being viewed then across the region and beyond going forward? so, i mean, this is the 1st time that this region is facing such a situation. and as we saw, i mean iran is a, is a country with a kind of a mix relations with his surroundings. very close relations with some country countries, an arrival relations with others. but as we saw, everyone was trying to show support and provide maybe help as we saw from the turks, also the saudis, the great sees the cost of these uh, the rockies. the wall i showed you dotted to with the, with the iranian establishment. even the, the shape of the as a treated in pharmacy, praying for the safety of the uranium present. so it gave a kind of a feeling golf solid, dotted among the countries of the region to other countries of the region with,
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with a lot and results. solidarity, i mean, how will the general public in the, in around the, the viewing this what for now i think the main focus is on the rescue. f also i, she's identify where the president is. this is, i think the main focus of the reading and public right now. now regardless of the differences within the uranium establishment, actually even the differences between the stablish went and the people given the past, the experiences and what we saw demonstrations in the past years. but right now this is something new for the radians. i've never saw something similar with the president default of minnesota, one of the july moms and a governor, governor altogether disappearing, and the helicopter isn't being fine font of the moment. so this is a different moment for their brain is and i think we can see that from how they are
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dealing with that on social media, how they're dealing with that. and this seats, of course, we don't want to jump to conclusions, but this is to the a shocking situation for the nation. isn't it? yeah, actually it's, it's a shocking situation with eyes and no one really knows how this episode is going to act. now, the supreme leader came directly to the, to the, to the focus and started talking mainly with before the director of this message to the people, to ask them to stay calm and that nothing is going to to be impacted by whatever scenario. this whole situation is going to end to and that there is a system in the country and that, that on life is going to continue as a moment. this is actually something that is expected because actually run is a, is a very strong system. it doesn't really rely on if the on yeah. and then individual
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. and that's why no one is really expecting that's the whole system is going to collapse because the president is we don't know actually what's his fate for now. even when the founder of the is dominic republic, a mom maybe died the end of the 2nd day, there was an election and who's the success of the current? uh supreme leader ali, how many was, was elected also, and maybe the eighty's, the 1981. when president, how much electricity was killed in the, in an explosion, along with the prime minister at that time there was a prime minister according to the constitution. so the main mainly to do with the heads of state where with kids in a few weeks there was an election and i know the president was elected and it was actually i the law. i mean a was, this will prove that right now. so one is, is used to such situations, but in, in this precise, specific situation, whereas the president is, have you come to christ or, you know,
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and no one knows what, what's happened? yeah, the, the, the, i think the need sion is in the shock of those who are pro or anti as long as you're public are also in the shock and everyone is watching to know what's going to be the next step. and also the given the fact that the moment no one is able to identify the wreckage of this helicopter, this adds to the complications of the story when it comes to crashes. and actually some in the ation industry in iran has suffered pressure. this hasn't, it's in terms of functions for example, but may need over the past 45 years this, this industrial has been in the very, in very dire situation. and i can give you for my own personal experience and as long as i live it's uh if, if, if i'm uh to, to choose between taking the train for 10 hours. maybe i'm using the airplane. that's what it's going to fly for an hour and a half i'd. i'd prefer to use the train because it's not really safe to use the
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rating planes. that's because of the lack of spread. fox uh, maintenance and sleep is very old. the sleep ages through the days of the shot and actually the same, i think up the that was with the president. this was from the shots started with some, some more than 45 years old. and it's been used live by the shots. the regime then taken and had it to buy the is obviously public, the armed forces use it for several years and then gate. it was given to the president to the presidency to use. and actually given the fact that one is already going through the financial difficulties, given the did the sanctions aside from not being able to get district plots because of the, the sanctions there are difficulties that may be prevent the states from buying new helicopters for the presidency and the office officials and just to reiterate that
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here for the 2 different heat source, fresh sites identified so far. yes. the 1st one i as we, i we, we just said the teams arrived to have all the fun. no, no clue of the the, the wreckage or whatever it is should should be fine. now i think that they are trying to have towards the 2nd source of heat. and maybe it could be the place where the helicopter is. okay. i think we're going to leave it there all day. ashan . thanks very much indeed for joining us here in the studio for now. thank you. the on the day that the us national security advisor is in israel for talks on the war on garza israel continues to carry out,
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intensified and ground to tax across the strip. 3 palestinians have been killed and 8 others injured, and the latest is really bumming and gaza, or essential apartments in that town. also on neighborhood west of rafter in the south of the strait was targeted as advisors were taken to the crate hospice and wrap up in the photos. the us national security advisor holding a series of talks in israel on the wall in gaza and intensified air and ground attacks coming across the street. within central goes, i protest in the morning at least 31 people who was killed in an overnight strike on the house in the loose rock. nephew g cam, who and chosen were among the dead and injured taken to the access hospital in the office. all which is struggling to cut a model, not a that's not something that i constantly hear. stories from survivors who were pulled from under the rubble. but this is the 1st time in my life. i came so close
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to death. my sister was lying next to me under the debris. she was crying. i was totally helpless. my grandmother, she's a very old lady. she's also deaf. she was asking me what was happening around her. she didn't understand. my house was full of my relatives, the entire neighborhood was leveled to the ground. hunting my mood has moaned from the scene of the attack. and on this right, we are the side of this one residential home from overnight to talk. and as you can see from the picture, not only the targeted residential form has been destroyed completely, but the surrounding buildings just to say a great deal of devastation and damage to the point they are becoming uninhabitable . this particular residency house, 5 display as families evacuated old, away from the northern part of the gaza strip all the way throughout the city. and as is really military expand, it is military maneuver and operation and rough uh this particular family evacuated
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and was pushed into further enforce this place. been all the way to honda. and if it has not been on the site right, refugee camp in the central area seeking shelters, and protection from the unpredictable is really full in bonds, only to get killed here. 26 people out of the 30 people in this particular residency were killed as a result of the relentless error strikes on this particular residential building. as with the amount of tear and situation in gaza, desperate the checklist supplies have been delivered by boat to a newly built american pair. but so far, any 10 chunks of rolled off the a tiny fraction of what's actually needed. the crowds were seen rushing toward trucks transporting a to the news rep, refugee camp and northern parts of garza,
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already experiencing funding and agencies of one of the process of moving. so the white house hasn't known which the 8th coming through is nothing. now, in the un agency, if a palestinian refugees says it's what has been deliberately hampered by his ro, what chief, pretty pay, it wasn't any. i made the comments during the press conference for the door. daniel foreign minister, you have heard me over the last few weeks on, so raising cl um on house or united nation has been regularly unblocked and see disregarded in gaza. look at the, the number of staff for which have been killed. more than 200 staff had been killed among them, 189 staff for on the from on one. the number of premises which have been damaged or 40 destroys more than 160. and we had
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hundreds of people who were seeking the protection of the united nation, where in the south, the and i've been killed when they have been damaged. meanwhile, is riley settlers have again attacks trucks carrying a to gaza. this time it happened to the check point in the hebron occupied westbank in recent. a settlers having newton run sacking and destroying supplies meant for palestinians in need. but am i caught you at the gate spoke to the you and humanitarian. if there's an emergency relief coordinates, a martin griffith, he says he's ready. government has refused to open land crossings despite repeated . please bother you. when very, very experienced humanitarian aid, but because of being an old times of places around the world for decades, when they go to gaza, to help, to serve, to work, it is traumatizing for them. so god help what it must be for the people,
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the gaza. it is really, really difficult and it's getting worse daily. yeah, in december you had said that up a fuck elliptic conditions in the south of the strip are blocking 8 and ending any meaningful humanitarian operations. it's now 5 months later and is really, is have launched the military offensive and stuff. uh huh. and they also, uh, taken control of that border crossing, cutting off one of the most vital entry routes for $8.00 and $2.00 guys. so what has this meant for? they already die or humanitarian situation. the prediction is that many of us made the worries that we had about a rough operation seemed to be coming true. and that's a huge tragedy. 800000 people displaced in the last 1012 days. it's a shocking, shocking reflection. people who be just faced more than 3 or 4 times already. many of them, no place to go, a no food to eat. we are stuck in the south in terms of the operation because we don't have fuel and the trucks as you say,
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and not getting through because the costing points have been blocked. and so at the moment we have very little to offer the people of goals and what the message goes from, all humanitarian agencies is open those crossings. it's that simple. are you speaking to the is really is on opening up these land routes. and if so, what are they telling you? i mean, we see we're trying to picture the moments ago. some humanitarian aid has now been arriving by that us sponsors here off the coast of garza. but your office has said that this should not be a substitute for getting a through lance crossing snow and, and tragically, the 15 trucks i think, which took 8 away from the beach from the mountain time operation. yesterday. any 4 of those trucks managed to get through more or less on touch from the warehouse. so it's the problems in gaza that really an always we have said out of the problem, the security of distribution. we have also said keep land crossings open. we,
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we welcome to maritime pat. it's good to have trucks come in. we welcome is right, is opening threats up in the north, but it ain't enough. we meet with the is ready daily through co got the the committee set up for this purpose. we have many, many detailed discussions about security, about the movement of our trucks and convoys about the projects for fuel, but the fact of the mattress and everybody will tell you this is not conjecture is we are not in a position to provide proper aid to the people, because right now it's not ever been quite as difficult as it is today. us present, joe biden says the boy on garza has broken his on his family's cause. he was speaking of the graduation ceremony for students that have done so as more house cottage, despite protests outside, it's whole graduates and stuff that's his administration was working around the
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clock on the issue that there was only one long term solution to the conflict. i'm working to make sure we finally get a 2 state solution. the only solution to appraisal interface is one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world. there's nothing easy about it. i know what i heard and frustrates many of you, including my family. most of all, i know it breaks your heart. breaks might as well of demonstrates as have gathered in cape town to stand and sort of down to the palestinians and the besieged gauze. a strip the cold for an end, as well as war and gauze that most of africa fall the case against as well. in general, the keys in the country of committing genocide against palestinians in gaza.
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you can find more information on our website. i'll just say what the comedies continues here on out to the office to get these statements the to interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yeah. think the correct but so in the international community, upfront, only without just being a journalist is that privilege i get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those have been drowned out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge risk both we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the
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devastating human cost of their decisions working above just the right enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us than divides us. as universities across the u. s. mobilize for palestine, an unprecedented track down intensifies. they're putting a target on my back there say, here's your person. go get her fault lines investigates the mechanisms of suppression and the indications for academic freedom. universities who embrace diversity when it's for posting in right, you're suspended, you're investigated, you're shut down the palestine exception. when does he, you know, you will see caught a duty and a growth using fruits. p use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches it's deserving recipients. visit the cost
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on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest the daybreak and the search continues for runs at preston. abraham right? see off the his head. it comes to crushed in the remote mountain. this reach the carriage, austin, this is i'll just hear a lot from to how also coming out there. a new and state media says drones deployed to search for the missing had to come to have detected several heat sources. needs to be the sides of the crash. just see to our beloved compatriots,
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whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs of.


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