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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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just deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember, it's a cup you revise wells and increases systems. customer ridgecrest the daybreak and the search continues for runs at preston, abraham right see off the his head. it comes to crushed in the remote mountain. this reach the carriage, austin, this is i'll just hear a lot from to how also coming out there. a new and state media says drones deployed to search for the missing had to come to have detected several heat sources. needs to be the sides of the crash. just see to our beloved compatriots,
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whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. oh my god. 2 2 nation praise for that president's now missing for 16 hours. it runs supreme the, the files though be no disruptions and how the countries run the well getting some updates now on the crash of the helicopter. that's was carrying it. preston's abraham, re see the rain unit president lorraine in state media is reporting that drones deployed in the area to take to the heat source. i believe to be the sign to the trash or any news agencies reporting that it rang and feels sources of the time and the location of what they believe could be. the crushed hasn't caught to
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a search and rescue team is all heading to the location. or $65.00 red crescent teams are on the ground and 30 percent of their rounds. armed forces have been mobilized as rain and fog and temperatures are offering around 9 degrees celsius. present or a c in the foreign minister saying i'm that i'm to young with both on board. i've been missing now for more than 16 hours. well, here's the look at this side of what they believe is the crash around present, right? i see began his journey and the board a ton of for the i firing net as a by john from the he headed towards the city of temper is in northwest or run across, crashed in the mountain. this region that using on favorable weather conditions on making a search authoration challenging this cross live now to turn it on and speak to rest. so said i, so what's the latest your hearing as well, did they,
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did they run the risk? crash them saying the 2 sources of the sheets were identified and that the, that are believed or suspected to be that the side of the crash, the, the, the, the kid had to go up there that was carrying present to you. but i am ready. see, one of the locations was coming from the turkish throne. that's not also involved in the risk of force. and the, the, they said that they have shared these locations promptly with the iranian officials . the coordinates i'll be shared with you randian or toiletries and the united rescue teams far on which to this location start to give some details about the location. it's 3 kilometers from the village off to bead is which is taking place in a mountainous forest area. and roughly 100 kilometers from the, from the city of tempe is one of the largest city in iran that is taking place in
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the north and part of the, the country. and will say to the city where it brought him raised, the president was heading toward before the, the, the, the had a couple of just crashed. and the around references evolution to god is also confirming. and seeing that this identify the locations are likely to be the, the size where the headquarters crashed. so there are some of the reports on, on media or so seeing that the address good teams reach to the area that location, dest, 2 sources. and no clue of the present. however, these are not confirmed by the uranium officials, by the running or toward a t's. they're still saying that the rescue teams are and go to this location. but they also saying that they have not at least 2 deep areas off to the dispatcher, the locations of this to sources off the sheet. however, the saying that they expect the rescue teams to reach their within minutes. so this
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has been, the story almost seemed the last 10 hours, the other end of the shows kept saying that the rescue teams quite about to reach decides the 1st day that now they are in the search of the operations are in a radius of 22 kilometers, but hours have passed now more than 16 hours since the crash happened. local time, one to 3 pm. and so far they have not been able to reach to the side to the had a cop there to the wreckage of that that, that, that, that the debt had to go up there and to see whether the president for, for you rodney. but i am ready see the for the minister, the receipt and ended up to lie young. the local governor of the east, probably so far as that'd be john. and also 6 other people in that had to go up the intro to mind people, whether they are still alive or not forever. they are receiving some of the reports, the green reports that are not really optimistic regarding their house situation.
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but as of now, it is not confirmed yet whether the teams reach to the site. indeed, and as you say, we still don't know the fates of, of the present and not those but to what protocols are in place. in the event that the president is incapacitated in any way as well, according to the reading constitution in case of the death of the president of the country. so the 1st wife president, which is kurt who is currently met. some of these is going to take the job and by the flu, or last the supreme leader of the head of the state of the hominy. and then the president, the turn in president is going to take the country in the election within 50 days. the company needs to hold an election like the new president. so that is the constitutional procedure in such case of the emergency indicators of the southern death of the president. however, the constitutionally no one is ex,
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packed in any celtic period for one, but the people here are saying that this in any way is going to cause a power of a coon. and the reason for that, because presently behind bracy was a powerful figure in the country. how enjoying the backend off the supreme leader, the pull the code military and the financial establishment in the country since years. and she was expected to be re elected in the presidential elections that are scheduled and put them in the next year. and also many people were leaving him to be the successor of the potential successor of the current stop him leader. now, iran is facing an equation in case if he's reported that that could be quite challenging for you wrong because finding a name that is matching the, grab the test or if you're but i am ready, see the support that he had across the institutions as tom judgment the in iran is
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quite difficult, so they believe that that they had a way there would be internal size, maybe fear struggles among the conservatives in the company for currently having a complete control over the state. institutions say that for at this screwed adapter of business, and particularly in the parliament, russell set out thanks very much indeed for that update as well. so you put in a tire on across the country have been gathering in the streets to pray for the presidents. well being, some are in tears, so salvage check for updates on the funds ourselves on with that report. so what we know so far this may be the last known video. hope you're wrong. president abraham ray. she attended and you know gratian ceremony for to dance earlier. on sunday, near the border with as there be john, along with that countries leader in seattle,
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this damn can provide very safe transit for goods for passengers and taurus, given how seriously the work is being carried out, i think it will take less time than originally estimated which was almost 3 years. just hours later, an accident involving the presidential helicopter was reported to aircraft gerin, grace, and foreign minister who's seen, i mean up the law he on vanished while heading to the city of debris is in the northwest of ron. to helicopters from the convoy reportedly landed safely, but the 3rd carrying gracie crashed in bad weather rescue teams are searching the area but heavy fog is in during the rescue efforts doesn't alter only develop mosley. some hopeful news that we have is about to we were able to speak to 2 passengers on but headed club. so with the president and the stablish a connection with several of the shows that the level of difficulty was multiples of launch. because 2 of the people on board kind of cops were able to speak to us on multiple occasions. the supreme leader, ayatollah ali come,
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and they has expressed his concerns about the missing helicopter. but a short one, destabilize the country, and the moon tissue. i'm lucky in genesis the, to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. from this evenings, our officials continue to work with diligence everything god willing will go as normal. the state security, the security of our borders and all other necessary tasks of our country. the status of those on board is still on known storage. these are calling on the radius to pray for the president. access i'm of which out is there will come to a kia iraq on to a table express their readiness to send support in the search for the president. iran is also receiving offers of help from other nations regional arrivals. tanya,
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re that has express deep concern is offered her on any assistance it needs. european commission has said is activating a satellite mapping service to aid the search for present prices across following a request from iraq and the foreign ministry of iran is close all night. russia says that search and rescue proves have been sent to help with the assets. also a spokesperson for us president has said that joe biden has been briefed on the situation west ton to the us. now with heidi joe castro is important developments from washington dc harvey. what's the reaction being from the us administration or right perhaps the headline is there hasn't been much of a reaction only the fact that we've been told by the white house books person that president biden is monitoring the situation, has been briefed on it. same as us state officials. now, the lack of any sort of speculation coming from the us on this is no surprise given
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that the us has not had normalized diplomatic relations with the wrong since 1979. so any sort of information would come from an intermediary and there's really no nothing to gain in the us as estimation from reacting to this too early, given all of the volatility in the current relationship between us. any ron, there are so many things pending including talks to try to de escalate the situation between israel and gaza. as well as any sort of hope of renegotiating the raw nuclear deal to which president racy has been very, very keen on not re entering those talks. and how has the us then viewed abraham right, seen a political sense to write even before he became president in new ron, the us had him on his sanctions list for when he was the governor official saying that because he was involved in the the death panels and that he was quote,
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part of the government that export a terrorism and a pressed the wrong and people. and so when he became president in 2021, that really made a consolidated, the ultra conservative government of the ron. it was not something that us had hoped to see. and the ensuing crackdown on protesters and now recently the direct confrontation between iran and israel, all of which the us sees very problematically. and so this is a person that the us certainly has had problems dealing with in the past, but not rushing to judgment, not rushing to comment depending on what his fate maybe in washington dc for us. the heidi thank you, but i just there hasn't been a mux in london and has more of the reaction from europe, of the touchy roster as well. the truck is coming out quite soon after they
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started the search and rescue. if it saying that they were offering search and rescue helicopters with night vision b. e, you specifically the european commission, which is the executive bronze, the european union saying they were on the receiving end of a request from iran, the full that copernicus, satellite imaging systems. there's essentially allow for aerial mapping of specific areas. they say they've activated their emergency systems on the coupon that goes, that's coming from the commission. it seems to be a focused on emergency management deanus the not a tech. and that seems to be the only public statement really in need from the european union on this issue here in london, we've reached out to the prime minister's office at dining street, the foreign office before a ministry here in the u. k. no response in terms of details about what they may or may not be doing to help the radians at this time. the let's get the view now from beijing i'll just here is katrina. you joins us not because you know
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what, so we action being from china. we've just had a statement from china as foreign ministry saying that deeply concerned about the situation concerning the, the helicopter todd landing the watching is very closely that they wish el rey, you see, and all those on board every success and that they will provide any help as needed, you can really tell from the tone of this message that china is concerned, but also wanting to watch and see what happens over the next few hours on this. okay, we'll leave it there. thanks very much indeed for that. let's take a closer look. now it runs aviation safety reco. they've been at least 22 faithful crashes since the 2000 and according to around a patient safety network sense of killed one. the 1200 people are raining and the
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government officials and generals are among those who died. a plane occurring the sportsman is to crash last year, shooting one of his advisors in 2006 admitted to jet trash hill to come on. the other revolution regard, but much of the blame has been pointed at us sanctions, which has made it difficult to import us across. so even square pots, us forced around to ground more than half of its civilian aircraft. where they are . i spoke to a call bally an aviation analyst pilot tons format f. a safety team representative . he said that the weather could have been a key contributed to the crash, but the age of the helicopter may also have played a role. i think the weather right now is the key here. you know, this has a very familiar resemblance to the crash that was very high profile here in the us, triple years ago with the n be a superstar call the brian,
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that's what comes to my mind when i, when i, when i see what this is turning into so typically 5 to load visibility, rein, possibly snaps. now there say that combined with a helicopter flying and blurry, rough map, when this rain is really a recipe for disaster. and then on top of that, we're dealing with a helicopter that's decades old with decades. all technology technology to pretty much like the perfect storm of everything coming together. and again, this is just speculation. at this point. you mentioned the technology, the immunization sector in iran has been on the severe pressure when it comes to sanctions and even trying to find spare parts for red cross. does this play a part in terms of the age of the call? yes, it does. even the technology, i mean what we're shooting now were there is not any kind of distress signal or call from the aircraft. you know, the question is the, the emergency locator transform that should be on there hello topped or is it
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functioning? wasn't even working before the crash. these are all questions are the investigators are going to have to answer they're, they're simply uh, you know, pretty much way behind the 8 ball technology wise and even with spare parts. uh, they might find it difficult to even getting parts to keep the aircraft to know as well. they're going to go back to, to her on now and speak to her. so said you have a, an update for us kind of small indeed. so the head of the rent in red crescent, before seen quitting band has just said that they have found the wreckage off the headed carpenter that was to carry in presence of iran. the fort administer the local governor, and 9 other people. however, he didn't give any further details about as of now we know that the rescue teams have a ride, have leased to the wreckage is of the how the cop to this is why to the the, the,
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the had of the, the running red crescent. people see included, land has just said, however, he didn't give any information regarding whether the people on the helicopter were alive, death, or injure. then you said that later they are going to provide further information. that will be the official statements come in. so now you're wasting debt to official statements to come and to have a clear picture or feeling of what happened, whether it's presidents before the minister and the people on board are alive or they died. but as of now, they're not confirmed reports about that. so they did adjust the roughly, around an hour ago, the ranting of red crossman said that 2 sources of the sheet were look at where, where the identified, they were suspected to be the side of the crash. one of them was coming from
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detroit is the one i conger, and they said that the tech support you said that the court and this had been shared with the uranium or to ortiz. so we knew that the right after that the rescue teams were involved to that, the locations who you're hoping to find the wreckage of the highly cop stairs. and also the, the, the, the around the revolution. the gods also have confirmed that they believe that locations are unlikely that the, the, the crash site and now the head of the uranium recognized and said that they have found the wreckage of the have you call us so we leave it there for now. thank you . so when it's find out more about or i need to present it for him, right. so he was born in 1916 and ne, an early city of mashhad. i went on to study the older cheat on his stomach, jesus prudence. pricey has served us turnarounds, prosecute to general deputy chief of the judicial 40, and national prosecutor general is close with the supreme at the, the,
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how the are they have a need and to power as present in 2021. that's all, hey, the saw the is a physical analyst and a junk professor at the university of tyrone and he says it wrong isn't shock. we'd have to basically say a life thing to see what takes place for the owner only. no, i think the talk statement that'd be, have been heard from the raining of officials, goes to the supreme leaders who said that people should not have laurie and the situation and the state of affairs bank to. busy ronnie, continue to run in a cd small way on that basis. also be heard a lot of risk, similar statements by all the remaining and officials showing sort of uh, sorted dire t unity amongst them added to that is the gatherings of people in defense, public squares and losses, who are praying for the house of their presidents. so it takes place uh at the time
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then iran regionally list is increasing by this. so we have to pay close attention to the fact that the foreign policy behavior of the yvonne is formulated on a very complicated let's say dynamics, then invest foreign minister, our president is our just single actor. so i'm slowly convinced that whatever takes place at the end of the day, we're going to observe sort of a continuation of form for foreign policy behavior. we knew wrong. there is not going to be a such and such a thing. guess a paradigm shift by spring and now i'll just here is how they have some live having de la who was covered iran extensively. so it appears that the crash site has been discovered now the red cross and just to the erie and television dot, they've discovered the cry site and actually does a still image that uh,
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circulating right now on iranian websites on 10 of your own channels. uh that's showing um kind of the wreckage on the on the on a mountain scouts, according to the head of the red crescent they need, i don't to, couldn't meet this to reach dr. place and then follow the way we have the news of what happened. we still don't know the face of the president as it stands, but this is still extremely shocking for the nation, the largest. in fact, yes, this is maybe the 1st time they go through such a situation where the president is, is in the highly comforted crashes. the onset, empty, and everyone looking for the president, even funding countries coming to help and that mr. extending their, the jones, the russian sending, they're also equipments. iraq is offering helps with these offering help. and of
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course, the radians mobilize the institutions, all the institutions from red crescent to the revolutionary god, to the uh, army, and different uh, all the offices and the country for us. um, it was a day i think that to you, ron would forgetful for the coming decades. and of course crashes and accidents have happened before with high profile casualties. golf course, i mean all over the past 24 years at least the 20 maybe or 22, a similar incidents and some of them with this the, the, the, the, the death of a very high profile. i. r g c commanders. last year there was the sports minister, was what offers the assistance and the plane that crashed. the smallest footprint is to survive, but his assistant was killed. also, that was a group of journalists,
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ottoman, but it may be 15 years ago. that's a who's saying also crushed, goes to who is this done to the south, south west. so if you're on and there were several journalists who are killed, i remember that incident. so this is, this is come on and move on. and that's of course, because of the, the situation of the, of the plates and the wrong very old fleet. from the days of the, of the monarchy. even this helicopters from the days of the monarchy maybe 50 years old. and the north sped plots, plus a lot of fun, natural difficulties given the facts. sanctions are impacting the everything in the country. so they tried, i think, on several occasions to manufacture their own a home made spare parts, but it doesn't seem, this is working and we're looking at a picture now. what we believe is a possible crash size. of course,
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this is very difficult terrain. that region isn't. yeah, that's why they see that there is no road towards that place. probably the they're going to use the helicopter to reach them. at least we can see any and the roads that it's on the maybe uh on the mountain, not the not the top. and that makes it even more difficult to to reach there. okay . i have some for now i will leave it there. thank you. so press printing and how many or is a columns, are they now he's a political unless tony joins us from turnaround. thanks for joining us here. we're now just here. i mean, what do you make of the events so far and what this could mean for around getting forward? it also sounds like this sad even to as high as a husband actually. and yesterday and off to now there have been no access to d. i showed that they have a cop to under occasion anything. nothing can be called for surface. and i once has
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exactly happened on what the situation is. and as you just mentioned, some photos have come out which is not very promising, actually, to be honest. and the but the situation that we are witnessing here in the wrong is that people are closely following the news and they're praying. and the reason for the half of the prison on foreign minister on, on the education that were on the, on board. um, so i hope that it would find that we had some good news. however, to be realistic. it's not that problem this incorporated on. indeed what is the mood of the nation at the moment? it's kind of can you give us an idea of gauge that for us to watch is shocking news . you know, last time in locations of the see if you also have a long while others, if it's people get there to get there,
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to pray for them. that it was in the main squares into han, and in on the strong ends in other cities, wayne mosques in different areas. this place as prevent gathered from yesterday evening and they were up to midnight though. that's fine. news everywhere. if i'm aware of training for them on the way and turning, i'll be ready. i'm ready to just reach you on everything that they quote you pray for them to ask, but for that has taught them. and so that is a mood that we can see here. in the one that people are worried about the situation and the one say to the present by a safe and politically, then how is this being viewed across the region and beyond? it's important about the terms and these are going to be any problems or, and anything that could affect the politics, the new one in the serious terms. i mean, so the zip constitution has cost you guys. so if it's such
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a situation and in l. e yourself that will certainly have experience actually, incidents happening to the president. and then we have the procedure to follow that . and in terms of foreign policy, it's not something that we could be just based on the present order for him is to and this structure here in for this, you know, making policy making in terms of foreign policy is a complicated one that the government and the executive branch of power is just one part of that. so in the, in find policy, we're not going to have any changes or any consideration about that in terms of someone's apologies. the rule says that and the, the 1st vice president is going to take power and responsibility off the government . and a group of him. i mean the mice for the 1st or vice president and the heads of 2 other branches on the, on the da sherry together,
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these 3 people actually hold have actually me and the elections within 50 days. we understand we're just getting use now that they are the red crescent. i have reached the sides of the crash. this does come with an especially delicate time in the region doesn't of course the success changed 30 times in the region. so the developments that we have had for several months now is a very important one. and many things has changed in terms of the relations between the neighbors or the actors in the region. we have had the operation to october 7th operation in and cause after that recently in a pretty they have the, uh, uh, the incidents and the attack by these right in the regime in that miscast and then their response from you on that.


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