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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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blink, as that polls to opposing polls can the friendship survive the political divide in the world's largest democracy? india is fractured witness languages, they are the rescue workers find the wreckage of the crush helicopter of around the president abraham lasix. and it's for a minister. but don't find any sign of life. the other on the ground visits out. is there a line for me to ha, also coming up, right. i see and is for administer. we're on the way to the city of companies in northern there on the border with us, or by john oh,
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destination price for the president, around, supremely the balance that will be new disruptions to help the countries of the genesis, to our beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs the so it is 400 of gmc, that is 7 30 am in iran, where as the sun rises heights fade for the nation's president, abraham bracy, red crescent search and rescue teams have arrived at the cross 9th of the helicopter, the car and the president, and it's for a minister. they say there was no sign of life. 73 rescue teams are present in the search area of the accident. that's now towel village. so yes, the wreckage of the helicopter has been found in the east as
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a bio and province of or on where the helicopter was carrying the presidents before i'm going to send. that's where it went down. the red crescent says the crew has arrived with the fondest and specialized equipment that is after issue search and rescue f at that, mobilize 30 percent of a run in forces. so the side of the crisis here, the runs president. right. you see began his journey, the boat, a ton of her, the out of fun. yeah. it's about you on from that he headed towards the city of companies in north west or on. the aircraft crashed in the amounts of this region. it would see sick fall going rain hadn't put search and rescue efforts in the remote mountainous area. so let's bring them out to 0. is that the hash him who is live here and so he's kind of iran extensively and that picture of that one picture of the crash site. it doesn't look as if anybody could survive that. we haven't got an official confirmation yet, but that's what we're waiting for. but or you can see is the tireless intact and not yep. actually the picture shows the lock titles and lots and we're reading now
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some of the iranian and i'll just see commanders talking about this mentioning that there is no one left alive. but it's not yet hopefully show me some of the arrange a news agencies. for example, the send me officials may have news agency posts of the picture of the president saying that the president has as, as a mock here. now, a lot for now we're waiting for the official announcement, the television, the states of the states read you. you're not writing a news agency to announce that officially and as an when it from when i should say that announcement comes, what are the implications probably immediately after the the, the, the announcement. but for the 1st of all, that will be cut on, on the television, on the ring, and then they'll be announcements and defense. she was going to announce this. then of course the v p was vice president provide most of that with that. they need the
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president immediately and his government to start preparing for the next election. that should be organized within the coming 50 days. right. the supreme leader has been a page to say that there will be a smooth transition. should the west of how you actually yesterday he said that he said people should not be concerned because the system on things and whatever it is going to happen is not going to impact the lives. so i'm in fact, as we've been discussing in the past, this has happened before we move on and it seems that the system is strong. it's, it doesn't really depend on an individual, even if it's the, the president all the for them. because now we know the president was on this plane to, for the minister. i mean, all the life on was on this thing off. of course, besides the governor of the eastern as that of a john and the mom of the breeze from by the idea of how sion so clearly uh,
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several uh, personalities. but the main to person are these are the president under 5 minutes. and of course, investigations will soon be getting on as to how this happened. exactly. as we look at these pictures, you can see just how forget it is. this is, these were, you know, an hour or so ago, at the rescue seen on the side of a hill overlooking the cross side. you see, i forget is there and i think conditions are much west during the night now. indeed, and that's why the, how to use the uh, the turkish jones because of the, the technology it has, right, as opposed to the, the heat. so the heat sources actually it's, it's just for the 1st seat source. it wasn't then the 2nd heat source and of course, within the company hours we started with those thoughts knowing and understanding how things accumulated and how they were able to reach the space in some very mounting. this area, as you can see, very funky, even in july there was snow, and the whole country was mobilized. i mean, this is the, the president,
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the president of the country. so the whole country was mobilized. i r g c, the, the security of for offices. the red crescent, of course, was president and was giving an hourly or maybe every now and then updates. and of course, now it's at the moment of truth has, has come and everyone is waiting. now the official announcement, because it's clear uh, the face of the face of the the, the passengers is sure if the international effort is clear, we can see pictures at the top right of the screen of the, the drain view of the crash sites. and that was supplied by tucker you, i think there was a drain that came in from that. as you say, suppose that the heat source, it really has been a, a mass mobilization to try and find the helicopter. of course, i mean, a country like you're on a president to be missing for 17 hours is, is something vices. it's nice,
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especially the radians this as an establishment goal is one to be regarded by its people on, by the world as being in control and having a precedence missing for $70.00 isn't, doesn't really solve that. that's not active. and so, and that's why they've been doing everything. of course, 1st of all, they need to dress kenneth in case he's still alive and in case he's dead, they need to, uh, you know, do whatever should be done for me. such a situation. what about the regional implications of this? it, it comes with a very tense time. politically doesn't of course, the whole region and actually one has been in the, in the confrontation just the months ago with, with this will literally. yeah, but this is not going to change anything with respect to it on the policy in the region or in the war. a president of course, takes off implementing the policies while he doesn't take the decisions actually in
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your on decisions are made, are enriched or manufactured on the several sources and several, several of them say at into when says with respect to the decision making process. if it's a process and the presence is one of those people, the part of ministry is also that by the end the policies are made and the supreme national security council does a supreme data who's the head of state who puts the main lines president and events that, that what could change between the president and another is just like how things change between how central honey the former president and right. you see the rhetoric the way this is the way they convey the messages or between somebody and their job and maybe how central honey differences. yeah, aren't really with respect to the policy as much as there are differences with respect to who is conveying these policies and who is implementing these policies.
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all right, i will leave that for the moment. thanks for that. so these are the very latest. i like pictures, we kind of holdings a near where the had a culture went out and you can see a rescue teams and various people that just uh, as lots of calls were arriving is quite a big on to rogers. people left behind, blanches there. and all sorts as they tried to access the sites and see the true extent of the damage. let's now go to tyrone russel side is standing by a rustle. what are you hearing as well now the somebody states needs agency, met, needs, agency is reporting that all the passengers are that it saves that they're marked so and that is the 1st time at these level. there is a confirmation coming. and when we look at the wreckage is often highly cop to the chances. so if anyone's survive in such an accident is quite
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a sleep. so because we see that the whole cabin off there that had a corrupt or is completely burned. and also the local authorities are seeing that some of the bodies are burnt. and they have not been able to identify who is who at the side. and also just a little i go to the, to one of the executives of the presence team must seeing mentally has, has to, has as text it has posted on his x account. the social media accountant saying that, surely a lot of you belong to him. you all will return, so it is a versus from grand and according to these law makes tradition when someone passes a way, this is being quote that for on core on it is also a consultants. so this is the most seen months to leave the executive deputies off present the brought him recei. uh now quinn,
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vain. he's contact lenses say in imply in that full of passengers in that headed carpenter. 9 passengers including the president abraham v. c. for the minister of the company, for seeing, i mean after law young and the local governor of east azerbaijan, province and 6 others. so in total, 9 of them all are that they have passed away court in a vs from court and managed condiments. so now we have 2 confirmations from the site semis. states means agency mess and also the president's executive deputy most in mandatory saying that the passenger's on the crashed helicopter about all that. so just to confirm what russel is saying, the president, right, you see the reigning president's and for a minister has saying, i mean of abdullah and, and uh,
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the governor river on the east as by john province. and other officials and buddy go to are on the helicopter all dead. we've seen the pictures from the scene of the helicopter, and you can just see from that that's how it would be impossible for any one to survive that. so that i can confirm that president crazy of are on has been killed in that helicopter crash in the north of iran. right. so what happens now, what are the protocols that are in place? well, according to the ran in the constitution, the 1st wise president is going to take the job. assume that the office who is now met, met most of these and by the approval of the supreme lee there, he's going to be the president pen present. and within 50 days, the company has to go to an election has to hold an election to elected the new president. so in this case, as that are now, the confirmation is coming from 2 important official sources. present phrases is
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almost confirmed that has been, she's killed, saying that the indicted, the crash, and so according to the constitution, the procedure is quite clear. however, the expectations here are that this is going to cause a power vacuum in the country because presently behind blazing was a significant figure standing around in a politics. she was enjoying the backend from the supreme leader. she was very much close to the supreme leader. jazz his blessing, he was connected to among the political financial and made it to the expectations in the country. and so they say that there are no, there are no other names that cooled match. she is going to be tests and the support that you had. so that i'd like to make decisions that, particularly among the conservatives, there's going to be a raise, an internal size over who's going to be the next president. and potentially who's going to be this successor of dakota something later. right,
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so just just tell us the mood in the country. i mean this, the actual confirmation of this is there any just filtering out of course, but i think people will of fear, the worst of what's being the sense that you've got from how people are reacting the general population at large as well. from the 1st moments of the news being reported on have seen several statements from the state officials and court in the nation, one nation to pay for the health and safety of the press. the president, the fort administer, and all the passengers that were in that helicopter. and we have seen towels and thousands of people gathering in the religious centers, particularly in the city of pool, which is the center of the, of semi and every teachings in, in, in chrome and also in the city or from a ship, which is the most important religious center of the country and also president,
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if i embrace see, was from the city off mesh had. and he, because before becoming the president of the country, he was the head of one of the associations off the, the, the, the, the tune of the a mom off she has. and that, that is the addition that association matters billions of dollars. so we see that not only in districts, it is, but that goes to whole nation, some people out on the streets. i'm in the mosque in the big mesquites there being play and for him. but that is a sense of shock as well. everybody's asking now what next? so what is going to happen? so that's why the supreme leader of the country, the head of state. but if someone is last night came out and said that, he assured the nation that the state the fee is not going to be interrupted in case of the death of the president. he says that the state that for that is in the
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country did not depend on a certain individual. the procedures are all clear and it's going to work and function in your brain raising was born to a clerical family emission that you're on the 2nd largest city and home through the whole is she almost been trying in the wrong was 5 years old when his father, every known collateral die. his family is close relations with the clerical establishment helped him climb to kevin or leather. at the age of 15, he began his studies in the city of cool, the center of the most prominent islamic seminary in the country. among the clerics he started on, there was the wrong school supplement either or the combination of the revolution. in 1979, i have to look how many became your arms president embrace. he was a pointed prosecutor of the city of coverage at the age of 20. 1983. he married deductible. how much i'm on hold on a partial credit represent the 2 of you, ron supreme leader in my shot, 2 years later, at the age of 25,
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chris who was appointed deputy prosecutor in the capital pet wrong. he was one of the 4 judges who sat on the secret tribune is established in 1988 pauses of prisoners were sentenced to death and then execute at i did an immediate confidence in 2021. he was asked about his role, what all i've done during my tens, always i've moved towards defending human rights to confront those who disrupt the rights of people and committed i so like crime shows all carried out and t security actions. i think the and, well, how many races mean support or was elected as the new? so people leave it in 1989. and he a point to receive as to hom, prosecutor gracie's rise through the judicial system, was unprecedentedly, wrapping it in the following years. he became attorney general in 2016, the supplement either named his former as to the receipt custodian of your wines. welty is really just foundation the son of course, the recipe which managed the strain of
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h. yeah. you members in the shop and as well as the economy holdings in various sectors nationwide raise to run for president in 2017 campaign and to fight corruption. he lost the race to his fellow clinic for some honey, but the defeat did not tarnish his image data in 2019. so people either a point of him had the additional room loving him to strengthen his relations further across critical institutions. environmental in 2021, recei again ran for president premier to the election. the guardian cost will disqualify several prominent reforms. candidates who raised these challenger's coupons, the election uncontested. but the toner was the lowest since the 1979 revolution. as president, he promised to reconcile the people and the government to let the costs sent to people one to the governments to compensate for damage restore, trust and bridge. the gap between the nation and the government,
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the relationship between those 2, that's all can always so many problems, you know. but in 2022, as long as the public face the most widespread social on risk, since it is published means nationwide, protest and overseas. the last 4 months spots by suspicious that impulse custody of 22 year old by say, i mean she had been arrested for allegedly violating your wives man. that's what a huge job has cut off loss. when were you see took office, you want us to call them? it was pretty put by decades of worst. i mean post sections. the 2023 races government attempted to revive the economy and put an end to the international isolation. government mobilize diplomatic relations with region arrivals, saudi arabia and stuff from ties with russia and china, subordinate for membership and the stronger corporation organization. a big group of countries. despite those are for you long as economy remains in crisis and hosting solutions with the west. keep your readings isolated from the international
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financial system. racy was a member of you ons. h h. c, s a group experts which select the supreme leader. many believe that he's going to cover the post, the co, and ministry as top judgment made him a prominent candidate to succeed already come on. let's get a sense of what's happening into around this is around state tv that we're looking at. we're actually, we're still waiting for official announcement, it'll come from the on or a new state tv. and we imagine in the coming moments, russell said or is into around as well as the rest will just remind us of where we're at right now. what confirmations you have received and what we're waiting for, as well as the semis state news agency tests name, there is a news agency and the man news is a truly different assembly stay of state news. agencies are confirming that all the passages in that have had to go up there far, that they say that they have been monitors. and also, on the other hand,
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the deputy executive of the president most in a month story has just posted on his ex account. and it's saying that shortly to our law, we belong to him who will return. this is versus what i'm clear on when, according to the islamic addition, wes, someone passes away. people besides that versus from around it is a comb door and says, so now we are almost sure that all the passengers being that had to go up there. they have passed the way they they died. and these are being confirmed by the state news agencies and also by the deputy executive off the president simself bites most in mentally saying that they have died. they've passed away, they have been monitor. so this is the latest that we have. and when we look at the wreckage of the wreckage off the headed cop there, see that the pool of cabin is entirely burned by the fire. and the chances of
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anyone surviving that had a carpenter is, is quite silly. and it will be almost miraculous that if any one quote survived that accidental bad thing. now, the reading officials are working on an official statement to announce that i'm probably within minutes or maybe with the next couple of hours. you're going to hear that official statements coming from the iranian officials coming from the uranium for a tour to use. but as of now, the 2 state agencies and the deputy executive off the president himself most in missouri, there confirming that all the passengers deemed had to go up there. they have passed away. and russell, ordinarily funerals would take place very quickly. right. and indeed, so the head of the government, according to the uranium part, to go hire a key. the head of the state is this up team leader or the company. and the
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president in the countries is the 2nd in command. and he is the head of the government. so in case of the head of the government passing, our way definitely that are going to be the state federals official funerals here. but at this moment, what we know is that the rescue teams, they have reached through the wreckage, they are now trying to identify the bodies. and they're saying that some of the bodies are complete, the burned down. it is really difficult to identify who is who then these bodies are going to be taken to the vehicles and then to the capital of the country today around about how long it will, which will take it's not clear at this moment, then they will be taken to. busy to, to, to, to, to what they will do, the capital and the preparations for them. a state funeral is going to take place. the preparations are going to be on their pay can. however, when the very upset, our money is going to happen is not clear at this moment,
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usually is additionally, any run when such important figures are, are killed or dies in any crashes, accidents, and so on. so usually they or, but they, they, they wait for one or 2 days that the people had that, that, that is important for the patients that the diplomats, that the hands of the state institutions. and then later people going there. and also showing that respect to the, the seems to body. so that is that the edition here. they're expecting that at least to take 2 days, 1st to be taken for them to months in this area that's challenging to rain, the bodies to be taken to a to around and dining to iran. the preparation for preparations for the state funeral to take place. but before the barry of ceremony, that will be the opportunity for the important figures in the country and also the
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people to, to, to, to, to pay, they respect to the deceased. and in this case, the, how the of the government. so it is quite a tough day for your one, so that iranian president had of the government, the top diplomats of the country, the companies for the minister who's saying, i mean up to lie young. the local governor off is as a big jump, probus of your run the, the, the head of the security guards of the president, the bank receipt and 5 other people in total, 9 people within that 10 o'clock there it crashed and all of them, according to the state news agencies and the president's deputy executive, mostly and mostly there for that. now it is an extreme situation in iran that is something that has never been seen before. the heads of the government being killed in an accident in a crash. so this is the 1st time that the country is having
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a president incumbent president who is currently at the office being killed in an accident. that's going to be the 1st for iran. and of course, everybody is now asking watson next, because the pain, but a c was really a strong secret in the country, very close to the put the glass top. this meant the religious establishment, the economy committed to establish meant to year. he was almost surely expected on this page to be re elected as the price of the country. again, the in the, the, the, the presidential election that is scheduled next year. and many were given him the potential frontrunner successor of the children's supreme leader. now he's no more so and also there are not strong names set off what types of candid this for that. but we're going to see in the next 50 days that the company needs to hold an election. who is going to be elected as the company's new, pressed russell?
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thank you, russel said to report him the entire on back with the little bit later. extraordinary circumstances. indeed, in iran, let's have a look at what the constitution says at, in the event of death, absence or illness for more than 2 months of the president, the 1st vice president. and that is how much luck with, with the approval of the supreme leave that show assume presidential powers then accounts. so that includes the speaker, paul limits, chief justice, the 1st vice president will then be required to hold a new election within a maximum of 50 days. let's bring it in now that there is a hush him live here. and so uh for more on that to before we go into the protocol and he just, you'd be monitoring what's happening, what's, are you hearing any more? while we're seeing more of the news agencies in your on morning, the president also form a 40 minutes from a john, sorry. i wrote on his super um you know, mounting the president, the,
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for the minister and the rest of the, the team who are killed in the, the helicopter crash side. so it's not obvious that this is, this is the situation. what we are only waiting is the official announcements about you. we are seeing send me announcements on the semi news in agencies, samuel official use agencies, the ones that are announcing the president's death or the foreign ministers death us. and of course, maybe the government did, in order to announce, officially, would need to recover the bodies, bring them back to maybe to the sense of the author, the capital of the eastern, as that'd be john to, to please web uh for the vice president or the president know how much more with and some of the members of the cabinets are waiting. and of course, but maybe then it would be possible to announce the news officially to people and
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saw the procedures and the measures that come off of the desktop at the residence. right. and of course, we cannot even state the shot. this must be to the people around to, to lose the president, and indeed as close to the authorities themselves. whether this is this is unprecedented in this way. of course we said before the president was killed in iran from without even a shot in 1981 and then exclusion law. 3 story along with the prime minister. but this time it president is losing his life in a plane and a headache up to any crush. and there was, might be many reasons for this crush. we don't know, of course this is going to be maybe open for investigation whether this is a model function. well, this is a weather condition or it may be a security reason. so we don't know anything to the moment to watch the noise. what
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you are saying, right? so that's how you come to that's completely destroyed the maybe the only, the only thing that is intact is the days of this. and it doesn't look like it's just writing into the side of a mountain. it seems so it went into the cloud and explore that. and of course it radians, i'm going so i mean all the night just to do waiting to know what happened to their friends it into that for me. and of course, this would have a very big impact on the people, regardless of the differences under divisions, because this is also divided society. this is a divided country regard. we, we saw the elections and how people, uh, dealt with with, with the, the, the system. i mean, there is a gap between the people on the, on the system and the way i don't know the other end. this is a moment of soto, this isn't meant of mounting people's time to get together. and so right, so then we have this 50 day period,
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the protocol of this kind of event. it is being laid down to ensure that there is a smooth transition. but at that point they will be in the election and that's an election pretty soon in one.


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