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tv   101 East Reviving Indias Red Pandas  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 7:30am-8:01am AST

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the same right now, and that's how you come to that's completely destroyed. but maybe the own or the only thing that is intact is the days of this article done. it looks like it's just writing into the side of a mountain. it seems so it went into the house and explore that. and of course it radians going, so i mean all the night just to do waiting to know what happened to that for us. it into that for me, this and of course this would have a very big impact on the people, regardless of the differences on the divisions, because this is also divided society. this is a divided country regard. we, we saw the elections and how people, uh, dealt with with, with the, the, the system. mean there is a gap between the people on the, on the system and the way, i don't know if the other end. this is a moment of soto, this isn't meant of mounting people's tend to get together. and so right, so then we have this 50 day period. the protocol with this kind of event,
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it is being laid down to ensure that there is a smooth transition. but at that point they will be in the election and that's an election pretty soon in one couple of months. so say at, and various divisions that you talk about. all they're all present says that comes on as a time approaches. do you think those divisions might be divisions, might be amplified by the depends. it depends how the establishment is going to deal with this selection. this selection that the forthcoming election and 50 days in general, the establishment has yes to prepare for the actions. and at the end there will be candidates. sometimes they'll be read a few spots of just like the one between right. you seem satisfied how central hunting? 2017 or 25 central honey. i know the conservative candidates in 2013. 0, it could be an election that's known that prior to the election, like the one that's raised around in 2021. so it depends on the establishment and
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how it's a seeing the next election. and that's the issue is that who is going to be maybe on the can do this, this is going to be the vp themselves, is all that going to be all the candidates? and it's really very, very complicated for now because it's time is that the time the following mentor elections was how a couple of months ago. i know a bi election was held few days ago and the turn out was very low. and the volume entry elections, the turnout was that on 40 percent. and this last one, the bi election to hit on 8 percent, all the people that on went through the election. so the big question marks and disregard. well, of course, the moment is a moment off of sort of our mounting now we move on, i think after this moment so, so on morning everyone will start thinking of what's going to happen in 50 days. all right, i, thanks very much the for that back with you a little bit later. so i can now confirm that around state tv has
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confirmed that the, the running president present, right? you see has been killed in that helicopter crash along with the for administer the saying, i mean, i only have and other officials and body guards who are on board at the helicopter . when it came down, we seen pictures of the helicopter crash side. it's very evident that it would have been impossible for anybody to have survived that crash with this great sway the chart that you can see that it seems as if they had a coat to must have fled into the side of the mountain and explain it in an impact just the tail that you can see a survives let's cross now tuesday in a honda who's all across one and in very joins it's on the phone. so it's a matter of course. um, the repercussions of this stretch far and wide. there is this relationship between iran and lebanon. a tell us about that, and what's the reaction has been the as well yes. arrive and let them know and have
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the official and unofficial ties on the state level. there is a good relationship that's been described by officials as brother d, through your grounds. local ally has the law and this album, if they hold a political power in this country, as of yet, there hasn't been a statement released by the government, but we're expecting one soon. and it is likely to emphasize on the strong and brotherly ties with the rep, again, who has beloved no hold on political power. yvonne undoubtedly yields influence and let in on. it has a want of a lot of swing, but this relationship is not expected to be affected by the guess of the random presidents. i see no doubt his loss. he's close to the political as it did the establishment, any one,
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but he's not the head of the decision making process. and people here know that, for example, has the relationship is also with the powerful iranian revolutionary guard. now the foreign minister, the right hand for minister had to was on that helicopter that crashed and she too has died. and he is a very familiar face and loving on a man who has repeatedly visited the country in recent years. but in recent months, making very frequent visits, particularly since as well as some a fault on gauze up. he comes to loving on him, needs officials from hezbollah, as one of the officials, palm beach, california movement, how much they talk about the coordination principle on how much. of course, these are groups. part of the iranian lead, i feel called the excess of, of resistance when he comes. he projects in john's influence it's roles in, in, in the war on, on, on gaza. so no doubt,
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you don't losing him. yes. at the end of the day. and they will find a replacement, but this relationship has now been lost. and we have to remember just a few weeks ago, he ran the revolutionary guard leadership of syria and check in on a being targeted in that apparently was reading strike on the line in co conflict in the syrian capital. he'll get another blow between this link. if you like, between you on its allies across the region, is in a tell us about the timing of the say, obviously coming at a time of great to do political tensions in the region as well. yes. no doubt. hezbollah, for example, its power is due to the support of the land because it does not shy away from the states, has repeatedly said that received funding and support from the run. in fact, a few days ago,
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a video emerged on social media from the site to the parents has really strikes. so showing segments of the around. and so you had to miss higher, which shows that more advanced, less have reached test for law. but you know, through, through yvonne and hezbollah now is engaged in confrontations with the attribute army. it is no longer a low intensity, it has climbed up the ladder and there is a lot of fear that there is a possibility of this escalating. so you have the hedge funds and of course a few weeks ago as well. and yvonne engaging in the 1st direct confrontation. it was no longer, it was no longer a shot of the war. so dangerous times and you have has the law at the time calling the attack on day is on. you can cancel at a turning point, the new phase and indignation and also indicating its readiness to come to the support of the one. if it's, val launches a wider war,
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so we have tensions on the regional level. you have tensions and 11 on it is very important to know that there's the ability in a run for its allies across the region at a time when they are really this is the 1st time they're testing the equation of the unity upfront. if you like, all the different groups that are being led by, you want to are launching operations against israel and the time, so united states in the region projecting, you know, a vanya and it runs role in the, on the regional level. this is anna, thanks for that. does in hold of the baby roots. let's just show you pictures from around states tv uh, just a couple of minutes ago and they confirmed the death of the president. right. you see in the foreign minister, i mean, i'm totally on in a helicopter crash. and we have sums here in the, in the studio and the seminal moment for radians, the, the 9 which we see the black building on the, on the screen of the iranian television. of course, now,
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things are clear. there's an announcement and the procedures with thoughts as a vp, much better is going to become the president and preparations for the next election . i'm going to start, of course, besides that is something in part of the funerals that are going to be funerals, probably in intent on whenever the, the, the courses a i live in the, the capsule. and normally normally fingers were happen very quickly, right? yeah. of course, of course we have, we are anticipating the supreme leader just to give a speech to address the nation because highlights the main points here. and of course, you have to talk through the before to model and the, the offer shows the president for minnesota and all the other that's, that's and of course, the next steps there should be a key,
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a picture to the people. what's going to happen? how things are going to happen then? of course he pad the people. yes. so that by saying that they should don't be concerned because not whatever happens is not going to impact their lives. and lady lives in the maintenance have a lot of to think about to chevy with the difficulties financial difficulties situation on the sanctions intended problems. so yeah, of course this is going to be a really hot punch. and in terms of that price, color is set in stone, but what should happen the, the vice president, how many months, what do we know about him? what presence look, but he comes from a religious comedy is also close to the supreme the dies. uh, he is mainly known to be an executive. he has a he wants to a p h these one in international law, another one and you called me and um he, there's a track record off,
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of course he's under us sanctions also. so he's going to assume his as new rules and probably be immediately and become the new president. but the question, yeah, is he going to run for the elections? and i was going to say, so he's the interim president, but he then could just carry on off to what's in there. it depends on the whether the, the constitutional coming to the vets allows him to choose to run for that actually because in the wrong for so for the candidates will apply for be an extra a being candidates. then there will be that and whether the committee is going to accept or not, that's another issue. some of them would be actually in, in, in, in one occasion, vp was denied too too long for election. so it depends on what's uh, what's so for seen and what's the plan for, for the next the president. so this is
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a time of intense morning and iran, of course, but that election will come soon enough in there on the divisions in the country on the is that something that the authors will be concerned about as we get closer to that election day? and in 50 days, i'll say, well, given what happened and the mobilization that we saw on actually the uh, the people being concerned all the time. i think maybe the establishment would what would want to see people running. uh sorry, um, uh q ink for the next 4 to 4 to vote. which was that wasn't it, which wasn't the case. and the last parliamentary election was only 40 percent participated in the bi election and had always strongly 8 percent participated. so, i mean, actually, even the presidential elections was one of the lowest uh turnouts with 48 percent. so if the establishment is looking forward to get, i mean to, to, to gather people around the, the, the system that would be a difference. it's
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a way of election and it would be open to more candidates and maybe stronger competition. i'm, if things are just the same like now. maybe we would know who is going to win before that actually has some place for that set back with a little bit later. thank you very much. let's just show you the lights. this situation. you can see there on the screen, the main page. yeah, you can, that's right. close to the crash side to the where the search and rescue teams eventually home then on. and you can see lots of calls and various people arriving, that at some point they will be retrieving the remains of the arabian presidents and the at for administer. and the other people who are on board that helicopter and taking them back to to her on for a funeral, there is the sight of the helicopter crash itself. you can see great sway the chart
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of is down the side of the mountain and the any bit that's intact to facts is the title of a helicopter. at the top of the picture that you can see how it's ray and impossible to imagine how anybody could have survive that in title 9 people were on board and they were the president of iran, abraham racy saying, i mean, deleon, he was a foreign minister there was medic correct massey, who is the governor of east as a by john province. mohammed ali has him. he is the amount. he was the amount of a most contemporaries and said i'll say it maybe i'm sorry. he was the head of the presidential security unit, of course, on board to was a pilot, the co pilot. there's also a security guard and a technician, all of them killed in that helicopter crash in the north of iran. let's go to the capital now. russell said, still the monitoring events,
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russell. what more do you have as well as us now, all the passengers on board, including to the president of the countries, the fort administer. they are that they have been they are killed in the crash. so this is now confirmed by the state agencies by the state tv, and also by the executive deputy of the presidency themselves, him more seeing man sleep. so now the rest of your teams are they were just saying that some of the bodies are burned and it's difficult to identify who is who, but as of now, 7 of them include into for the minister and the president, 7 identified. so 2 others are still there. they are that they're waiting for the, for the confirmation. they're trying to on that identified them. so the bodies, the means off the bodies are going to be taken into the vehicles. and it's quote
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takes quite a long time because it's a very challenging to rain and the weather conditions as of now are still quite challenging. the talking about the rain, it's monday. it is mountainous area that has that city for us. so it's going to be quite difficult also to gather data bodies to the vehicles and then to the company is capital to ron, to take the official state the funeral and also prepare them for the burial a ceremony. so it was the accident happened on sunday, around 1 30 pm and woke up time in iran and 3 hours after that, the rescue a force have started and it's lost. it's roughly around 17 hours. and finally, they managed to reach to the incident area to the side of the crash and identifying the bodies. and now they are confirming the official facilities are
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confirming that all the passengers have side then the crash. so now deputy body, of course is asking what the next for the contract. so the, the, the states funerals, the official burial ceremonies. however, what the next, so, according to the constitution, then you run in 50 days the company needs to hold an election. and meanwhile, the 1st wife, present off the country mohammed, steve is expected to be the intent im president by the approval off of either come on it does so that the supreme leader off the country and in 50 days the company's going to an election and the like the new president, russell, thanks to that's russell said to the in tyrone and then i can tell you that there is an emergency cabinet meeting, take place and will be with her. it is in iran right now of to which we expect that the funeral arrangements will be
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a noun. so we'll bring you that as soon as we have for the news, of course, on both the helicopter, as well as the uranium president was around for a minister saying, i mean i'm totally on who was among the dead. looks bad, looks back at his life a plus sign. i mean the lucky on was born in the city of them gone to northern iran in 1964. when he was just 6 years old and his father died leaving the family to move to from his family. settled in one of its poor neighborhoods on the capital southern outskirts. the outbreak of war with the rounds wished to neighbour a rock in 1980 would be a pivotal moments. i'll meet up to lock you up. the 16 year old and listed to serve and volunteered until the cx 5 was reached in 1918 i would like to create the experience for leading him to work at the foreign ministry is our rock desk in 1990 after the war. i mean it up to last young, enrolled at the foreign ministry school of international relations and would like
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to receive his masters and dr. will the grace from the university of terre honda. in 1997, he was appointed under secretary of a runs embassy to a rock. during this time he would develop a close relationship with customs till the money became come on. the overruns codes force around 1997. it was a nice recess and they said in the us drawing strike in 2020. the revolution regards, codes force as and the lease unit that handles around overseas operations. so they money would become a major force and i'll meet up the lock in future. he would even like to refer to himself as somebody's soldier during the us invasion of a rock in 2003, i made up the law here on was appointed us. the heat of a rock fee is at the foreign ministry and from 2007 to 2010, he would serve as a runs, invested a to buy frame. during this time i made up the law, sean said he would often consult somebody money for guidance. this relationship with so the money would lead been present my from what i'm a did a shot to
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a point. i mean of deluxe young is deputy foreign minister for error and effort, confused in 20 leaving the election of abraham. right. you see is president in 2021 . so i mean the life can quickly promote said to become the country's top diplomat . his appointment was approved, 270 votes detained in bonds parliament. and during his poem in true reviews, he was clear about his approach. so maintained himself as a staunch becca of a runs excess of resistance. during his 3 years of the country's foreign minister, they wouldn't monumental shift center runs strained relations with saudi arabia. the 2 countries cut ties in 2016, but the leadership in the country decided to review relations last year and a deal broken by china. the outbreak of israel is more on gossip also, so i mean up to lock you on, take a pivotal and active role. he want is right. well that so fond could intervene and express support for both hum us and has bola,
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members of the so called excess of resistance and an april when an is rarely drawn, strike destroyed, runs come to us in serious capital, damascus. i mean to lock you on cold, be a tech, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he demanded a serious response from the international community community. he was expected to play a role in so many years to come. okay, let's bring it out. is there a different method to edit to change base your joints? it's on set here now, and just i'd like to start with that. if i made the foreign minister who has died, you've met him a couple of times. tell us about him and your experience of him and what the implications are of this for around for a policy. well, he was a very different say, got to his pre, to assess and how much of it is the reef? who am i? i've also met several times and many times, in fact, job covering the around new kid thoughts, who was much more emotional isn't much more emotional. personality was harsh on his sleeve, often laughing joe king battles. so when he didn't like something that was very
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visibly angry in public, this mom was not the same. he was a more of a technocrat, more polite professional, but very god, it's the same time. i'm western diplomats, i've spoken to say they was, he was someone, even though they didn't necessarily like what he said, they were able to talk to him and they felt that there was a way of getting a message of the role of being for administer the wrong is a difficult one because you've got to balance lots of different interests. it's a very comp complex system in iran, yes. your heading the for a ministry and all of those. diplomats, but you've also got to think about the important power of the revolution regard in terms of, of, of that role in foreign policy. and remember, the key thing will tell you what for the president of the one of the cabinets that the supreme leader is the real boss, who, who sets the strategic direction of the country. right? so it's, it's a, that's a center of power right at the top. i think that's the important thing to say is we
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go forward. it in terms of runs international outlook. it's not going to change significantly because the supreme leader sets that and i think i'm foreign ministers around the world are aware of that. but i think they'll be thinking that's what does happen now means they'll put out the statements of shock. i think about it. i don't even though many of them. certainly weston for ministers, didn't particularly like this team. didn't like president. right. you see, i don't think that will be strong condemnation at this stage, but i think behind the scenes that will be of a feeling that this is just a moment to change and potentially a moment of opportunity to, to make relations better. but i think they're all the way to wait like weeks ago, which is another hard line figure being elected as right, positive. and what about the key plaid, the united states, because they were discussions on getting between around the united states. and there are so many issues at the moment between these countries. there's the
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longstanding nuclear file. well, where are we off to that nuclear deal? remember that was in 2015 and trump pulled out in 2018 byte and try to draw the belatedly at the start of his presidency to re establish that total collapse. it raw now it reaching uranium to 60 percent and that's almost weapons grade. you've got the current tensions in the region, the war on gall, so you have almost a full scale war between israel and iran last month with each country attack itself after that's attacked by israel on the writing consulate in damascus. then you've got the war in ukraine, remember, right or wrong has a role that providing this solves and drones. for russia, there are other tensions in the region that being tensions this year between focused on the run. so of the whole picture was a complicated one. and i think people in foreign ministers and presidents is around the world around the region,
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particularly in the west and the you. and the us going to be very cutting, very, very tacitly monitoring things and not doing not saying into things to rush at this stage a what about region late. because as you say, the tensions are very high gea politically in the region. any implications that? well, the tensions are very high in the region, but we, among the important develops we have seen during the presidency of rising, has been a reproach moment between iran and saudi arabia. these 2 important regional powers that i think is significant. let's watch lots of what comments come out of the saudi roll court in the coming hours. i think that will be interesting to what about how much more visit the vice president is now why he's not president, of course, is assume that role. what do we know about him and, and, and what difference is like is making the short time he'll be that, well, he's certainly a, a to believe in the revolution and as hell's pretty important jobs and state
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complements in, in, in iran, other important positions in the past known to be pretty close to the revolutionary god, but he is the can take. uh, that's what it seems at this stage. and it's likely that another figure would emerge. so to be the, the president of the presidential candidate elections. i think it'll be interesting, given the very low turnout that we had in the recent elections in around, in march of whether they allow more moderate figures to run strong, get a higher turnout. but then of course, the danger is that that means the motor fingers might have a chance of success. so i think it'll be interesting how they play this. i don't think of the vice president now president is going to change, as i said, the strategic direction of the foreign policy. i'll be wrong. i think they'll stick very much on the course as it is now. we do, of course, have to watch, you know, in, in, in, in a atmosphere that is so sensitive that they may be some allegations of sabotaged
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will foul play. there's absolutely no proof of that at this stage. but watch that because that could be very wiring of correct. what's the situation? so we'll start immediately, but of course they will if there's any suggestion that that, that something untoward that happened with that helicopter, then that could completely change things. but for now, i think the most likely cause is a mechanical problem, helicopter or the most likely of all the foul weather conditions that we saw that took place at the of the with the, with their at the time. james, thanks for that change based on the different magic edits to speak to a little bit later. and let's just bring you pictures of that crash sites. you're looking right now at the right close to the crash. the. let's have a look at the crash. like with a helicopter, when you can see how impossible it would have been for anybody to survive that swayed was, there we go. a child a with just a tail at the top of that picture that you can see. and in that crush,
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the president of iran has been killed. people coming up in a couple of minutes. the in japan divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on which is the era one of the biggest selections of 2024. india is general election, will administer now render moody's be taking increase its route across the country . how will economic uncertainty and you've sent employment sway voters in key states and will the media be able to cover the vote freebie unfairly ongoing coverage. but in the, as an actions on, out as the era
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8:00 am
on gossip be coming in forever and walk across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics. the bottom line that runs president for him are easy is that such teams reach the wreckage of the crushed helicopter, but no sign of life from the example the i'm the clock, this is out. is there a line from the also coming up, the president in his, for a minister who's saying, i mean, i've done the on the, on the way to the city of companies in northern. they're rounded the porter with as a bush on when the across the with a.


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