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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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israel's war on gossip becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line that runs president's ever henry easy is that such teams reached the wreckage of the crushed helicopter. but no sign of life from the example. the cloud visits out is there a light from the also coming up? the president in his, for a minister who's saying, i mean, the ability on the, on the way to the city of companies in northern, they're rounded the porter with as a bunch on when the across the, with a big joe my job
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as a nation moving 0 and supreme neither promises that will be no disruptions to how the country just sees to our beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. the it is a 500 of gmc, that is a 30 in the morning in around where people are waking up to the news of president abraham racy has died. red crescent search cruise arrived at the site where the helicopter, carrying the president to this for a minister, crushed $73.00 teams are on site in the area that's in total village. 9 people are on both the helicopter, all believe to have been killed. the wreckage of the helicopter has been found in the east as by john province of iran. as the red crescent says, cruise arrive with advanced and specialized equipment that software shoes search
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and rescue f at the mobilized 30 percent of the writing forces. this is the side of the crash. the president raised the, had begun his journey in the boat, a ton of product of out of, and i for the in the as by john from that he had his it towards the city of companies in north west, through the helicopter, went down in the mountainous region, it would take fault, and right hon put such efforts in the remote area while they were henry's death brings to the ends of live, spent the haunt of the reading, clerical establishment. russell said, looks back at his life. your brain raising what's going to a clerical family in mission that you're on the 2nd largest city and home to the whole? is she almost been trying in the wrong, was 5 years old when his father, we known cleric died. his family's close relations with the clerical establishment, helped him climb to kevin or leather. at the age of 15, he began his studies in the city of cool. the center of the most prominent islamic seminary in the country. among the clerics he started on,
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there was the wrong school supplement either or the common a 2 part of the revolution. in 1979, i have to look on a, became your honest president. embrace who was appointed prosecutor of the city of coverage. at the age of 20. 1983. he married deductible. how much i'm gonna hold on a partial credit and represented 2 of you on supreme leader in my shot. 2 years later, at the age of $25.00, chris was appointed deputy prosecutor in the capital pet wrong. he was one of the 4 judges who set on secret tribune is established in 1988 pauses of prisoners were sentenced to death and then it could at i just did an immediate confidence in 2021 . he was asked about his role, what role i've done during my times, always i've moved towards defending human rights to confront those who disrupt the rights of people, and committed isolate crimes carried out into security actions. i think the how
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many races mean support or was elected as the new so people leave it in 1989 and he a point of racy as to hom. prosecutor gracie's rise through the judicial system was on president, typically wrapping it in the following years. he became attorney general in 2016, the supplement, either named hughes former as to the receipt custodian of your wines wealthiest religious foundation, the son of course, the recipe which managed this ryan or h e a e mom was in the shop and as well as the economy holdings in various sectors nationwide, risk to run for president in 2017 campaign into 5 corruption. he lost the race to his fellow clinic for some honey, but the defeat did not tarnish his image. data in 2019 supplement, either a point of him had the additional room, but not loving him to strengthen his relations further across critical institutions . in iran, in 2021, recei again ran for president pre or to the election. the guardian consul
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disqualify several prominent reforms. candidates who raised these challenger's coupons, the election uncontested about the turnout was the lowest since the 1979 revolution . as president. the problem is to reconcile the people and the government to let the costs sent to people, one to the governments to compensate for damage restore, trust, and bridge. the gap between the nation and the government, the relationship between those 2, it's all can always so many problems. but in 2022, as long as the public face the most widespread social on risk, since it is published means nationwide protest an overseas to last as 4 months spots by suspicious that impulse custody of 22 year old. may i say, i mean she had been arrested for allegedly, while you wait in your arms bent, that's what a huge job has to go floor. when we see took office, you want us to call them. it was pretty put by decades of worst. i mean post sections the 2023 races government attempted to revive the economy and put an end
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to the international isolation. government normalized diplomatic relations with regional arrival, saudi arabia and scott from ties with russia and china, subordinate for membership and the stronger corporation organization. a big group of countries, despite those are for you minus economy remains in crisis and host a relations with west. keep your readings isolated from the international financial system. racy was a member of you ons, 88 c, s a book experts. it selects the supreme leader, many believe that he's gone and poverty, the political and military establishment made him a prominent candidate to succeed already come on a well, we can speak to russell a live now standing by for us entire on that. what's the latest you are hearing now? russell? well, now it's quite confirmed by almost all of the or to repeat that were expected to release the statements. and now the state and death old,
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the passengers in that had to go up there is where were killed in the crash. so those are the behind receive the president of the country for saying, i mean up to lie young. the, for the minister was iran. many right, i'm at the, the governor of the east as it'd be john prevents met at the hush. i'm the mom of the drama mosque in tabloids where the president's headed comforter was heading toward them. sort of that. so you'd make the most heavy, the head of the presidential security unit, a pilots and technician, and also another security guards. and the cool pilot in total, 9 people in that had to go up there all are now confirmed that. so that is quite a present dance. it's time quite an extra ordinary time for iran, for the 1st time in its history. they had of,
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of the foundation of the islamic republic in 9th, 1979. this is the 1st time that the head of the government, the 2nd in command is passing that way in a crash crash while he is he was in office. so then that's why now we can see that the rescue teams are trying to get the remnants of their bodies, including the present, then to fort administer to the vehicles brought the terrain is extreme and a challenge. it is, it is month, tennessee area. it is down to the forest, so it's marty. now it's rainy. the folk, the visibility is limited. so they, it will probably take quite the long time to take their bodies to the way it goes, and then to take them from the area to the company's capitals. to run,
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to prepare them for the stage funeral for the burial ceremony. however, it's going to take quite a time. and then we are expecting that for the next 2 days, their bodies are going to be opened to the state dignitaries and also to the people that wants to come and to pay their respect to the dad. we'll do the high profile off you're wrong. and then after that you would expect in a barium ceremony to take place in the law. russell then what happens? what are the price of calls that are in place now, but it's confirmed press. gracie is dead as well. the, the runny and constitution is actually, it's actually quite clear about the procedures if in case of the southern that's off the head of the government, the state, the head of the government,
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the president. so the 1st wise president, in this case, who is mohammed will fees, is going to take the office is going to be the intent and president by the approval of the head of state, the supreme leader of the, from on it and med most bees. the intent in president is going to take the country to the election, which is the gates ready to be held in the 50 days after the confirmation of the death of the president. so from the $150.00 days later, that if the country is going to hold an election and it back to the new president. so that is the constitutional procedure that is expected to take place. meanwhile, people are not expecting a couch each period for the country. however, that it's, it's quite still significant for the country because the behind re sees that is
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going to create a power of a cool, particularly on to thrones. first, she was, she was very much close to this supplement, either very well connected in the portico. financial mid 3 establishment in the country, and he was expected to be re elected next year during the presidential elections. and also she was put on the spot of the candidates, potentially to be the successor of the current, uh, the prior to code and stop being liter. and now people believe that such an important figure such a key figure not being in that equation. it's also going to cause the toner 5 among the conservatives, because the conservatives, as of now, they do not have a certain name that has to grab the task for people to embrace see that has the support, the kind of the support that the behind where you see was receiving the backend that he has enjoyed during the post the carrier from the port,
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the glass top measurement. so that's why now that expecting mostly the internal structure of the field struggles among the conservatives, we're currently having to complete control over the safety situations. and over the departments, and they are going to have these disagreements and the internal fights over who is going to be the next president who's going to be there front front of the candidates who's going to be the one that's going to be present them. and also who's going to be the 4th national successor off the supreme leader. russell, thanks for that update wrestle side of the live for inter on fact within a little bit. russell. let's go design a hold of now correspondence in pay rates, the insane there cost these extraordinary events being closely observed around the world, at not least in lebanon. tell us about the reaction that as a new, if you would as well, we're still waiting for a statement to be released by the lebanese government as well as has beloved iran
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and southern on enjoy a good relationship on the same level as far as the official level on the state level ties have been described as brother lee. this is mainly or to, to the fact that it has the law as well as its allies has. well, of course being an ally of the whole political power in this country. so we are expecting that shortly, but at the same time his desk, gracie says many here will say that this is unlikely to change this relationship. no doubt. this is a loss of for the establishment in iraq. but bracy was the main decision in the country. and the relationship really between hezbollah revolutionary, so no one is expecting changes, but notes out there watching in events and event closely,
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also on that helicopter. also, another man who died that you running for administer a very familiar face of lebanon, is make numerous visits to this country. in fact, local media says that he was expected to business. by the end of this week. the members of this so called the excess of resistance every time he would come to 11 off, he was beat the officials from hezbollah. it was meet the officials of from us. they would discuss coordination. and in many ways a round projecting its influence. not only 11 on but in the whole conflict, so no doubt. yes, but these are close personal relationships and just a few weeks ago, last month. and then the parent is really a tough on the consulate. if you run of the reading revolutionary guards, leadership in syria and lebanon, they were targets it. so no talk this,
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this hurts. but this will not change the policies if you like, or governance, or when change the policies or governance at what about the the timing of this said, given the extreme political tensions that they're all in the region at this time. yes, heights and regional tensions as well as high contention. so along the border, 11 on hezbollah, engaged in conversation. now with this reading so far, it has been large and it contains the military target area with as of late, this has been escalating and has a lot of a lot of it strikes to yvonne and it always says that came from funding from you run just a few days ago, at the site to one of the is really strikes. there was a video that shows the, a pieces of an iranian made the say you had to miss styles. so has but lot
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receiving more advanced weapons from iraq. so the ability to be run is very important for has, and the possibility of that confrontation along the border intensive by and has full of course be an allies of you guys and the leader of has. but i'm making clear just a few weeks ago that in the event of a wider confrontation between is relative event. because we have to remember just last months we had the 1st ever direct confrontation between these long time anyways, has belong, would be ready to intervene. so a lot of things and depending on, you know, that, that disability at the continue with a date of the situation in that thing. so that's a, that's a picture. and then a hold of reporting. let's turn to the united states now where highly direct castro is funding developments from washington dc. and heidi a fresh us relationship to say the least between the us and around what, any reaction so far as well. next, the news,
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the confirming president res, these dest came in to washington, locally, just after midnight. so it is now 1 am here, and there has not been an official response from any us. official. 2 news overuse these death, but earlier in the search effort for his helicopter, a white house spokeswoman said that president biden had been briefed on the subject and that the us state department said it was carefully monitoring those developments. so as we wait for reaction from us officials to trickle in overnight, of course we have to reflect on the context of this event happening in that there is so much charge in the relationship between the us and he ron course. these are 2 countries that have not had a diplomatic relationship now since 1979. and in this moment in time, since we're, you see took power in 2021 as president,
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the relationship of soured even further. the us had a long seen him as a problem, medical leader. it had sanctioned him back in 2016 for his rules and ordering the deaths of thousands of iranian prisoners. and then when he did take office as president in 2021, the us really view that as the consolidation of the right wins power in t. ron. and that was only made plain in the us, the officials in the us. his eyes were raised the crack down on popular protests and showed no interest in negotiating a return to the wrong nuclear deal. of course that is just recent history because even more recently than that is the regional conflict over israel. and just last week, there was reporting of us officials and iranian officials meeting in oman through intermediaries to talk about de escalating that conflicts. all of those balls in the air at this moment is where you see it has been killed in this helicopter crash
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. sure. so certainly the us as watching carefully biting it's time to make an official statement reacting to raise each task. heidi, thank you for that. how did you it kind of straighten washington d. c on the u. s. reaction. let's take this on with all the different months, get as a change based joins is now here on set. so james, interesting what heidi was saying they're about to us in writing and officials meeting in the mountains. but behind the scenes that, i presume is going to continue on has always been a bright from the early days of the around nuclear deal. a venue where both sides can meet very, very discreetly to discuss things in a mom has also been a country. this process messages between the us and the radians. it's a huge loss for any country to lose its president and its foreign minister at the same time. but the thing to remember about the uranium system is that the supreme leader has the overall direction of strategic policy of foreign policy in the
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country. so i don't think there's going to be a southern change. i don't think a ron is going to something the, the bottom, the knit support for hamas or his ball or nothing like that. he's going to change at this stage. but obviously this is a moment of people. and that means that could be slight changes a at the moment like this. so i think in intelligence agencies in foreign ministries around the region around the world and west and capitals and e. u. capitals. and of course, in some ways, most importantly in washington dc, they'll be monitoring things very, very closely. i'm sure we kind of get rather to statements coming out saying that they are shocked by this desk. but what does that would be any more on that? will that be, for example, we know that i'm us officials and your opinion officials are very critical of present bracy in private human rights organizations say he has an awful human rights record, not just it is times president, but i'm going back many years in,
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in various wells is that he's performed. will that be criticism of human rights records, or are they going to be, i think a little muted, which i think is more likely because we just want to watch how things play out. they know what a sensitive time as you just heard from heidi's, things that we have in the region like out. and now we've got an election coming up within 50 days, 7 way that this is part of that protocol of the transition in the event of the present time, which has now been confirmed to have happened. and given the dimensions that they're all within the country. you have part of the population, at least 2 are at loggerheads with the administration. we saw all those protests in recent months. yes. do you think there's a chance that that might step off as we get towards an election and is that something that the international committee is going to be concerned or i think they'll be, i think they'll be concerned, given the current, sensitive and delicate nature of the reach and of what could happen, but i think they will so potentially will see opportunities. yes. so i think this
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is a difficult moment for uh, for the government and the administration of a rob, how they going to handle this election. we sold the recent elections in march really, really low turn out. now they could allow more moderate kinds of the state part in the election to try increase the to announce the increase the legitimacy. but then of course, one of those more moderate candidates might get elected, which is may be what the supreme leader doesn't want. so difficult balancing moment when you have mobilization of people in the election can turn to protest to and it's not just i think the division between the move moderates in iranian society and the more conservative, i think, even among the more hotline elements, there is some shocking for possession of a who's going to get the top job and we're not just talking the top job of president. we're talking down the line of an elderly supreme leader who at some point his job will come up for grabs. so they're, they're, they're,
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it's several dimensions. to this so much going or what with garza with the right intentions with israel, with ukraine, with that human being involved in the whole situation. and now if you're in the middle of the rating, presidency is being killed to be forgiven for thinking that this could be a afraid, difficult moment. but the supreme need to at pains to express that this will be a smooth transition and nothing's going to change. that's what i'm sure will be the message that comes out of clearly the message now is one of deep national morning. and matthews, what the, the, the um supreme leader and the government in iran will, will be stressing. but yes, they, they know all of the different things that are going on in the region imitates westerman ringing because news seems that goes out and then proceed. so foster in recent days, but it was only about a month ago, but we had what seemed to be a war between israel and the wrong. we had a strike. the 1st on the writing and confident in damascus. on the 1st of april.
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then we have the response by iran, all of those missiles and drones attacking israel on the 13th and 14th of april. and then israel's response on the 19th of april, that's only in the last month. it shows the tension in the region of the sites. nik i'm ron has partners and countries like lebanon, iraq, syria, in yemen to available potential leave us in, in the. ready as we go forward, there are tensions elsewhere in the region of the refugees that come from afghanistan to the wrong. we have passions between it. wrong and puck, a storm earlier on in the air, and we can go even further afield. the war and ukraine, iran unimportant supply for russia with regard to drones and missiles. so in terms of all of the things at stake, a great deal. but i think the thing to stress is that this is unlikely the general strategy to change at this stage, because that strategies is determined in part by the for
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a ministry yet and the president to us. but also by the revelation regards and most importantly, full under the direction of one man, this is riley drive. that's where the focus, the center of power is. james, thank you. thank you very much. been talking about the price of cold. what happens next around the constitution says that in the event of death, absence or illness more than 2 months of the president, the 1st vice president with the approval of the supreme lee that shall assume the presidential palace. that is, of course, but how much money the account sold. it includes the speaker of parliament, chief justice, and the 1st vice president will then be required to hold a new election as we've just been discussing within a maximum of 50 days. let's take this on with my mom and miranda is a political activist, joins us live now from her on at the head. first of all, just give us the reaction from tyrone if you would. and now this news has been confirmed that the president is dead. most
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people believed that he had passed away in the crash, but no one really wanted to believe it. so when the news came this morning, there wasn't much shock, but of course there has been a lot of the outgoing a brief people. many people were on the streets in mosques, and i'll swear last night till very late. praying for him. uh but it's not going to change anything in the assignment for public. i'll be ron, and we have a constitution. the old in the 1980s when western back terrace murdered our president and prime minister box ben. uh and those terrace, by the way, are currently based in the west. uh,
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we had elections and the new presidents immediately came to power. they also murdered our judiciary chief, and he too, was replace and therefore the constitution will solve any problem that exist, including the demise of president, re see could you give us a window mohammed of what happens next? i mean, i think now they will be retrieving the remains of the president and the for administer and the others who were on board and they would be brought back to tyrone and then funerals will take place at some point. yes i, i think that he will be brought back shortly to the capital and there will be a funeral. and i think at the funeral we will see how popular he wives.
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just yesterday i was on a news channel and the people before me were describing how unpopular he is and how tate it is. and now be able to use as they always do in these western news channels . and these western so called human rights organizations. but uh, but i think that we will see whether he was popular or not. he was a man of the people he focused on deprived neighborhoods. he, he was constantly fine, a fun trip. i was on a number of trips with the president. i am fact was always along with some other people were worried that when you're a, by the sheer amount of time you he spends traveling from province to province or to other countries, he eats the travel to every province at least once a year. and he would go to the private did private areas
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to, to help better the situation or people there. he was a very humble person. i must ad and one of one of the most extremely humble people i met despite the power of his office. but he will be replaced, there will be an election within 2 months. there will be another president in office and he will continue to work the foreign policy of this time it for public cause. iran will continue as it had before. there will be no significant change. it is because there is consensus on key issues, especially now that the genocide has been taking place in gaza even though so before any ron will perhaps more optimistic about the west. they've lost that optimism. so optimism. so the west has really helped create great
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consensus or much greater consensus any wrong as to how to deal with the west. and that is, of course, with great caution. does his last stay in my hand and creates a vacuum in the arabian leadership because he was regarded as the next is being tipped anyway? as a next supreme leader, who does he, who is that for a candidate for that? that is a speculation that usually came from western media. in fact, he was not the type of person who had any interest in this sort of thing. and that is not how uh the leader is chosen. uh he was a person who would just honestly support uh any process in the future if there is when, whenever.


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