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tv   Studio B Unscripted Shahidul Alam Andrew Feinstein Pt 2  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 8:30am-9:01am AST

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it helped create great consensus or much greater consensus, any wrong as to how to deal with the west. and that is, of course, with great caution. does his last stay in my home and creates a vacuum in the arabian leadership because he was regarded as the next is being tipped anyway, as a next supreme leader. now, he was back for a candidate for that. that is a speculation that usually came from western media. in fact, he was not the type of person who had any interest in this sort of thing. and that is not how uh the leader is chosen. uh he was the person who would staunchly support. uh, any process in the future, if there is, uh when, whenever there will be a need for
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a new leader. but uh, there is a constitutional mechanism for that. we'd have to remember that after the revolution, when mom for me and he passed away, he was a towering figure out the revolution was basically his people came to the streets across the country a to support him. and when he passed away within hours, a new leader was chosen and we've had no problem since then. whenever the time comes, that constitutional process will take place. the leader is very healthy. i think she, we all have seen that time after time. and we don't, i don't expect any problem in the, in the near future. but there are no concerns about the new leader and future as there wasn't 30 years ago. and i haven't really with that, thanks very much. and if you ever spoke to them, i haven't brandy speak just that from terror on. thank you to be doing no al 0.
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it's katrina you joins us live from that. and katrina, tell us about the reaction from china. well people here in social media in china have been responding with messages of breast cheese. lot of speculation, the people actually wasting the results of and kind of investigation, trying to support ministry yet to release the statements. since where you see death was confirmed, we did hear from them earlier on monday morning, expressing the deep concern and offering any support that might be needed. so we are expecting some official statement of condolence perhaps the next few hours. certainly around is very important, strategic partner full, the aging, and where you see has been pivotal in that role and that he seems coming to power has moved to her. enclose the 2 page in the last visited china in february 2023. china is wrong. stop trading partner and there is an increasing presence of chinese
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companies and chinese investments in a role. and then the influence that aging has whichever on, has been acknowledged even by the us, has also trying to use its friendship with. right. you see with a ron to try to attempt to some of the reigning actions that the us can see. it is provoked because if not, she didn't bring himself, has rebuffed those requests. it seems that he does have a close relationship. even friendship with right. you see really has cold china, an old friend, and certainly there is a level of trust between china and ross in march last year trying to help to broker a peace deal between ron and saudi arabia. so again, raised the scene as an important cigarette and pull board strategic play up to the aging. china will be watching this extremely closely and also jose that whoever does replace where you see will provide a continuation in policy at least aging. that katrina,
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you're reporting that from vague as so what about the, how the culture involved in the crash present? right. you see it is on trust with traveling in the us manufactured. busy helicopter, at the cross is a to play model design for carrying aerial, firefighting gear and call going from mounting weapons. and this particular culture being reconfigured to carry passengers. it can carry 15 people, including a pilot, and the model was 1st introduced back in 1971. sanctions have made it difficult for ron to obtain pulse. so when you add croft at, let's take a closer look at all is called bailey, isn't aviation on unless he's a pilot for my f a 60 teen representative jones. not from butler in new jersey account. thanks for joining us at. so you're looking at the picture of the crash site. you can see that's way the of a child clear face, very mountainous terrain. the still follow get the site now and i think conditions were a lot west when that helicopter was flying through that mountainous region. what's
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your assessment of what might have happened? you know, it's one of a couple of things. obviously i think the weather was key here in the fall. there was light rain. there was even reports, the snow showers and then the amount one is terrain. uh, you know, it appears from the helicopter being in 2 parts. so the tail rotor actually most likely was sliced off. and that would be a result of the main road or blade impacting the tail based on the aerodynamic forces that were cause when the pilot was maneuvering to land and how would come through or possibly because of a technical issue. another issue was possibly tail rotor failure. if we see that spiral motion, where the, the helicopter is kind of rotating spanish agrees kind of like clockwise or counter clockwise or that could indicate that the tel road or fail them. it pretty much
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would be out of control, but there was no doubt because there was no communication by that pilot or possibly another flight. remember that there was a serious control ability issue or the pilot was mainly focused on keeping the airplane flights. i'm sure the helicopter flying or landing the helicopter in a safe spot. so you're the pilots. first task is to keep the plane flying and then communications would be 2nd. and that's why we basically didn't see any communication is because a pilot was probably just so focused on landing that helicopter or keeping it in the sky one of the 2. right. so if things was to suddenly go roy and that kind of situation, a pilot might try and put the helicopter on the ground, the safe, easy time. and that's right. and at the time, i knew that there was a wooden desk coming that it was just out of control when a lost cause. he would have just simply press to something down on that control
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stick and said maybe he made a going down and give me an approximate location for rescuers. uh, in 1st looking at this crash, it's very similar. if you remember the here in the us and be a superstar coby brian a couple of years ago, similar conditions mount on this train. it's there, they're very similar. so i think whether i did play a part in this and whether there were some kind of technical anomaly or even pilot error, we don't know how one of those powers when duty for if we're how much sleep they got. but the investigators will be looking through every thing and they'll be going through the wreckage. like putting a jigsaw puzzle back together. right. we'll come to that in a 2nd, but it is worth remembering that there were 3 helicopters in this convoy and 2 of them made it to the destination and landed safely. but the one with the presence of a round on board crashed as we can see a year and again, it could come down to,
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to pilot scale. and obviously we know if you're caring the pricing of any country and in the world that you probably have the best of the best part, the bottom line is the best of the best to make mistakes. and the bottom line is also that a mother nature pretty much does what she wants to do. so no matter how good you are, even if you're over confident and you're faced with when uh, when are snow, rain, and mountainous terrain. basically the perfect storm of everything that really doesn't matter how good you are, there is a chance that something could happen, and the helicopters in general, and i tell everybody they're not on safe, they're very risky. it's, it's much riskier going out a whole top and then it is an airplane. and anybody who doesn't believe me, you can actually call an insurance company and see what the insurance rates are on
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a helicopter versus airplane. and that will make my point. but there's, there's no more factors that, that could play out here. and hopefully they'll be a, you know, a, a transparent investigative party that looks through every thing and, and hopefully they'll maybe even get the manufacturer involved um, uh, in the investigation. but i think results will come fairly quickly. all right, uh, can i just jump in that just to just finally? because when you look at that pitch at all, that seems to be present as the, as you mentioned, is the tail part of the plane, the tail rotor, and the rest of it it's, it's all black. and in chart it looks like there was some kind of catastrophic explosion. kennedy investigate is find everything they need to and that kind of situation if, if everything has been but, and i guess they could because there are still substantial parts of the helicopter impact. it looks like that cal boom and probably even the town road or the base
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link to go as far as even looking at an instrument on that control panel. basically it's kind of the middle of the impact. so it gets pretty much frozen in time where they could see what a particular speed was at any given moment. and on top of that, based on uh how, how willing to upkeep your was and technology. it might even have a black box or a data record around there. but again, this other report showed this aircraft is decades old. so a time will tell what we actually have on board, the better the craft. and actually also what was actually working. kyle bailey. good to have your expertise appreciate that. thank you. thank you. all right, that's the recap. what we know so far and around the president abraham racy for a minister jose and i met a 1000000000 and a provincial governor and im on and the party gods of old died in a helicopter,
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correct? yeah. crawford down in this mount forest and then in northern there on the border with as a pleasure and radiant officials, to set the mountainous terrain and heavy fault impeded such operations, forcing teams on the ground to search on foot square. liked it's around now and speak to russell center and russell, a guest. the focus is on retrieving the remains of the president and the for a minister and get even back to the capital. and then did almost around that carpet or now where i go. so let's confirm that all of these mind people, one boards in the helicopter that crashed on that. and now they're retrieving that bodies and says that bodies are going to be taken to the city off temporaries. and that directed the rescue teams and also the uranium rad crossings, saying that it has been quite a challenging task to identify the bodies because some of the bodies were
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significantly burns. and now they have identified 6 of them. but still 3 people are not identified. who is, who, and they are the, the, the, the, the, the technician, and the security guy. and the cool pilot. the other 6 are confirmed, including the present of the country, the fort, administer, the go into the east as that'd be john province. the mom of the jamal most golf deputies and also the, the, the head of this sick and the presidential security unit. they're all confirmed. it's going to be quite tough to that. let's see if this bothers, the terrain is a very more challenging. it is a mountainous area. it is down. so the forest. and now the grounds, the field is very much muddy due to the heavy don't fall. and of course still it's extremely windy. it's for the, the visibility is very much limited then. and so that's why it probably is going to
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take hours to receive these bodies from the top of that mountain, from the mountainous area to the vehicles. and then they will take these bodies to the city or february's, where presidents had to go up there before being crashed, was heading toward and then go to expecting them to, to, to take the bodies off this, the bad people to the capital to dare wrong. and so inc, that run that will be the preparations taken place for the official state funeral ceremony. and we are expecting that at least for 2 days the buddies are going to be into run, open to the visits off the people who wants to pay their respects. and also the state dignitaries as well. on up to 2 days, we would expect in the for the, the, the barry of ceremony to take place. and of course, right to off the that that would be that cost additional procedure to a lack,
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the new pressed the russell, thanks for that spot with you. a bit later, russell, sort of a in terror on let's cross to just and built a tech across one of the c name. clearly standing by for us. the and president had one of tacky yesterday very quick to express his concern. fully news of the crash are we hearing any further comment? now while the social service foreign ministry law smart is for the safe months thing that they are waiting and concerns . and they were hoping the, the that's the event in preston and he's in charge would be safe. but of course, as for stations, because as you know, the most important thing was the rest of the songs of the wreckage, as a helical through wreckage of the area. as michael is, has also explained the
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a we are, is mountains. and it's the continuation of the caucuses to cobra p. n. a turkish drones with the thermal cameras, a congest phones were requested by that. you read in silverman, yesterday on sunday, around 8 pm. and from on, sorry, i saw that the a re. 9 b is search much better. iran has phones as well as this. oh, can you draw on to this has been enrolled into turkish. military's inventor, in 2021, has been operational on the ground in the war, in ukraine, in the war and got over in libya. and they have the thermal cameras and they are very sophisticated rooms. and finally, with those phones, the place of the wreckage was identified. and as we know, because the weather was very full, the and the area is mountainous and full of forest. we have been hearing that is some rescue teams that were on the way to the wreckage to find the wreckage of the
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helicopter. both of those, so it's drones also the, the circle drawn also helps the search and rescue teams to be deployed at to the wreckage. it took it took you also announced yesterday that they have also this fast a helicopter with a night vision to the area. and yet, you know, has been through so many natural disasters are like earthquakes and every year is fighting against the forest fires. that's why i can say that here is a compatible is actually sophisticated in these mentors in iran who doesn't ask for any help from any other country as it's, it's been under sanctions for many years in the west of those phones. and those roles were able to help to find the wreckage. but i can say that this accident of embracing his enterprise is as well. sorry. yeah. as well,
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since the news broke out yesterday afternoon, sunday afternoon, all channels are discussing about this because any political change, any, any change in a reading and a political system would also have effect on the regional developments. that's why it is being watched very closely by on cut off, and not only because the 8 on entry, kia are close neighbors with very hard phrase vol, loop and various phone cultural devices, photos. so because of the original develop back to binge things, and i'm just wondering about today's prof. drones, i guess they were launched from talk. yeah. and presumably piloted remotely within tacky as well because they were, they were floating to the crash sites and they help identify the spot where the helicopter went down. is that how it all turned out of the assessment? it's a, it's exactly how it's 10 delta t in the south eastern parts of 2 pm eastern parcels to see if there are special
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basis for drawing operations. and those ones are in your book. pers inbox small and involves vaughn is a border city. it has the largest border with iran is adjacent to iran for rome. yes. as city and the drone of conditions on that was the floor to yvonne, to called on. and it was as you have mentioned upgrade to the in the area. and this is the 1st time i took this room a couldn't do drone entered, you ran a refrain. uh and the outside of age on also has those phones as 2 tier 2, as average on during the war and part of all. but that was the closest place of the area where the accident happened is northwestern. iraq, very close to the circus border seat and things to that. to sidney. clearly the in simple, thank you very much. i it will, it runs for a minister jose and a 1000000000 was also involved the helicopter form of soldier. he was devoted to
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protecting his country in its revolution, of its bad looks packet. his life was saying, i mean the law he on was born in the city of dumb gunn, and northern iran. in 1964. when he was just 6 years old and his father died, leaving the family to move to, to from his family. settled in one of its poor neighborhoods on the capital southern outskirts. the outbreak of war with the rounds wished a neighbor rock in 1980 would be a pivotal moments. i'll meet up to lock you in the 16 year old and listed to serve and volunteered until us the spine was reached in 1918. i would like to create the experience for leading him to work at the foreign ministry is a rock disk. in 1990 after the war, i mean it up to last year and enrolled at the foreign ministry school of international relations and would like to receive his masters and dr. will to grace from the university of terre honda. in 1997, he was appointed under secretary of
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a runs embassy to a rock. during this time you would develop a close relationship with customs, so the money became come on the overruns codes for around 1997. it was a nice recess and exit in the us drawing strike in 2020. the revolution regards could supports as an a lease unit that handles around overseas operations. so they money would become a major force and i'll meet up the lock in future. he would even like to refer to themselves as somebody's soldier during the us invasion of iraq in 2003. i made up . the last one was appointed us. the heat of a rock fee is at the foreign ministry and from 2007 to 2010. he would serve as a runs, invested a to buy frame. during this time i made up the loss and said he would often consult somebody money for guidance. this relationship with so the money would lead been present monkwood. i'm a democrat to which i mean the loss young is deputy foreign minister. the error of an effort,
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confused in 20 leaving the election of abraham. right. you see is president in 2021 . so i mean of the like, can quickly promoted to become the country's top diplomat. his appointment was approved, 270 votes detained in bonds parliament. and during his poem entry reviews, he was clear about his approach. so maintained himself as a staunch becca of a runs excess of resistance. during his 3 years of the countries foreign minister, they wouldn't monumental shift center runs strained relations with saudi arabia. the 2 countries cuts highs in 2016, but the leadership in the country decided to review relations last year and a deal broken by china. the outbreak of israel is more on gossip also, so i mean it up the last you on take a pivotal and active role. he want is right. well that's her fun. could intervene and expressed support for both hum us and has bola, members of the cycled excess of resistance and an april winning is rarely drawn,
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strike destroyed, runs come to us in serious capital, damascus. i mean to lock you on cold, be a tech, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he demanded a serious response from the international community, a community he was expected to play a role in so many years to come sled status on that was let y'all know, zack, a, he's a professor of a go from 6 a coffee university. welcome at extraordinary situation. this is given everything else, but that is going on in the region from gaza to the tensions between israel under on. and now we have this will are, it's likely it's not a very timely event. a of course. and there were a lot of criticism about the price you since the beginning of his then you buy p minus to achieve a lot of interesting things for the whole reason. the 1st of all of the was already mentioned and then normalization will tell you or yeah, i mean it's in a few that wasn't very tens. um this,
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the normal decision happened. same was done yesterday with the problem up or how my quotes and another trend that was also contributing to reduce attention between israel and some to the states. so that he wouldn't be remember someone that's without too many a specific um, initial at this inform policy he minus to achieve something. and that'd be worse when, if he's out for it on, on also for, for that isn't them sofa and thankful for abusive adventure. so of course, this is not the right time for this to happen. of course, in the middle of the day, the crisis, the, i mean they were in english. and course they didn't. the lead on has to be one of the main actors in this conflict since the beginning says to the 1st they dose of, of they was talking. and what about his absence now, and is this a difficult time for a wrong? and they would be, of course, logistically they need the court for, for elections. we have 50 days to the call and the vice president is not actually
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someone that has a heavy weight. uh, he was disappointed then not elected so meaning that he kind of sick too many of the seizures while he's in his office because it's just a replacement until they like they have a new one. and of course, it's a very come pick a distribution for the concerned about this that the, the don't want us to have it, but it goes relations within the, within the between them. and i mean, we always said that the, even though now closer about this country are more most of the political system need. and this doesn't mean that there is no, no competition between different functions. and within that goes what they've come . so now we have to see who can be the best thing that attracts this report from the political edits, from the credit card statement. i'm from denito and who can also attract people uh to board for, for him. what do you sense about the mood on the street because they're all of those in the, in the broader population who vehemently disagree with the rain and authorizes? yeah, exactly. i mean, doing this
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a few months in which i mean many after the exchange of fire between israel, i mean underwear many boys as i do and not happy with the fact that the done was engaging in thought. go from visual with a friend. that's that they'd probably see been in the press up and why we need to engage in a war. eh, we started that this was not beneficial for it on, on these voices were mullis silenced. i'm because some newspapers or be they far some of the people the be strongly said they they, they both did that kind of thing. so as what it was doing now in the war, even though it was supported, generally speaking by the population, by other people saying in the me that it's region, not all the things where we're satisfied with this. a thought that the, this with being embarrassed you don't need to when you confront patient that's with that truck, a lot of fun shows that they will not be beneficial economically for them. so it again, this the event in the mid of this whole situation. at least it's not going to contribute
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to improve the economics additional feet or, or the columbus is one of the people in these on a would be very, very difficult to to pass through this a couple of months on seen. we have a new president what's in terms of disability or of course they keep repeating that this is not going to affect the structure. this is true. it's not the 1st time that the president at the top of us in the middle of the 10, your happening date, these have to be an update this, eh, and nothing happens. i mean, or was that structure of worked very well in terms of continuing with at the election from the north of my life. but politically speaking, right. see in this kind of solution or somebody in for them present himself on a black hand. this is the one that was uh for the when there might be any updates or feet on a reset or i will leave it there, at least on that. thanks very much indeed for your analysis to see more of you is the day goes on and the summit is that correct?
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thank you or so let's just recap what we know so far around the president, evelyn bracy for a minister who's saying i met a 1000000000 a provincial governor in a mom and that party gods of old died in a helicopter crash. the car off went down in the dismal forest in northern or on the border with as a body shop it raining. officials of said, the mountainous terrain and heavy fold impeded such operations, forcing teams on the ground to search on foot. and that was a, this is the best it is we've heard by a drain that was supplied by turkey, which sort out the heat spot which led the rescue as to the sides of the crash. and the pictures we're looking at now is very close to that side. you can see a dozens of people in dozens of causing vehicles rescue vehicles from stand by, as a team's trying to retrieve the remains of those on board the remains of the
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writing present to bring them back for funerals to tire on in the coming back. the, on counting the cost of india's income inequality gap, his wife makes so how can poor people get the share of the wealth? how much does the us spend in foreign aid and does about funding how to boost global stability. plus why zambia has band charcoal production problems, counting the cost on that which is 0. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all those referred not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american. and about the ordinary people who get caught up to us for us to make a round page and also via turn when on the power of political lot. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to, to start the studio,
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be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra if you're watching this pre recorded report that al jazeera has been banned in the territory, all is, well, we'll just change to be any stray me. when my country is closing down inspection towards the networks only because what additions thinking here. this decision puts other networks where it came in the occupied was time for inside israel proffer also, independent journalist would be targeted. we, i thought just we shouldn't be aware of that as a badge of honor to be bad. governments that stands indicted for general size international court of justice palestinians who are expelled from their land in the neck of 1948 still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with young,
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good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on l. g 0 the the on the cloud, 0 life from the coming up on the front right around the president's it for him receive this died. search teams have the wreckage of his crest helicopter, but those signs of life from that. so i'm the president, and is it for a minister saying, i mean i have to live in that were on their way to the city of companies in northern iran where the i crossed went on your.


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