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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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on good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grand parents stay here? why aren't i here? return to palestine on, i'll just 0 the, [000:00:00;00] the on the cloud. 0 life from the coming up on the front right around the president's it for him receive this died. search teams have the wreckage of his crushed helicopter. but those signs of life from that, so the president in is it for a minister saying, i mean i have to live in that were on their way to the city of companies in
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northern iran where the i crossed with us as the nation moons around supreme leader promises there will be men control of the country as well as just see to our beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states affairs. the 8 is 6 gmc, that is 9 30 am in iran, where people are waking out to the news that the president, abraham ramsey has died. red crescent search crews have arrived at the site where the helicopter, carrying the president in his for a minister, crushed 73 teams are in the area that's placed by tower village. 9 people were on board all believed to be that as the wreckage was found in the east, as by john province of iran. the red crescent says cruise on the ground have
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advanced in specialized equipment. they reached the side, offer an expense, expensive such operation, and may realize 30 percent of our owned forces. so this is a sights of the crash present. racy began. is johnny in the board. a ton of hold up for him. yeah. especially on from that he headed towards the city of tempe piece in the northwest. the helicopter went down in a mountainous region that would see fig fall good rain. having put such efforts in this remote area, they raised these death springs to an end. the career spent the heart of the reigning clerical establishment or so soda looked back at his life. now your brain raising was going to collect because family emission that you're on 2nd largest city and home to the whole is she almost been trying in the wrong was 5 years old. when his father, we known cleric died, his family's close relations with the clerical establishment, helped him climb to kevin or leather. at the age of 15, he began his studies in the city of cool, the center of the most prominent islamic seminary in the country. the amount of the
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credits he started on there was the wrong schools helping them either or they come on a 2 part of the revolution. in 1979, i look how many became your arms. president embrace who was appointed prosecutor of the city of coverage at the age of 20. 1983. he married deductible. how much i'm on hold on a partial credit represent the 2 of you, ron supreme leader in my shot, 2 years later, at the age of 25, chris who was appointed deputy prosecutor in the capital pet wrong. he was one of the 4 judges who sat on secret tribune is established in 1988 pauses of prisoners were sentenced to death and then execute at doing an immediate confidence in 2021. he was asked about his role, what all i've done during my tens, always i've move towards defending human rights to confront those who disrupt the rights of people, and committed isolate crimes carried out and t security actions. i think the and,
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well, how many races mean support or was elected as the new? so people leave it in 1989 at the point of racy as to hom. prosecutor gracie's rise through the judicial system, was unprecedentedly, wrapping it in the following years. he became a attorney general in 2016. the supplement either named his former as to the receipt custodian of your was welty is really just foundation the son of course, the recipe which managed the strain of h. yeah. you mom was in the shop and has watched the economy holdings in various sectors. nationwide, i recently run for president in 2017 campaign. it decides corruption. he knows to raise to his fellow clinic for some honey, but the defeat did not tarnish his image. data in 2019 supreme leader appointed him head of the judiciary and loving him to strengthen his nations further across critical institutions. in iran, in 2021,
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recei again ran for president pre or to the election. the guardian consul disqualify several prominent reforms. candidates who raised these challenger's coupons. the election uncontested about the turnout was the lowest since the 1979 revolution. as president, he promised to reconcile the people and the government to elect costs than to people one to the governments to compensate for damage restore, trust and bridge. the gap between the nation and the government, the relationship between those 2, that's all can always so many problems. but in 2022, as long as the public face, the most widespread social on risk, since it is published means nationwide. protests and overseas to last is 4 months spots by suspicious that impulse custody of 22 year old by say, i mean she had been arrested for allegedly while you wait in your arms meant that's what a huge house golf lot. when were easy, took office, you want us to call them? it was pretty put by decades of worst. i mean post sections. the 2023 races
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government attempted to revive the economy and put an end to the international isolation government normalized diplomatic relations with regional rivals. saudi arabia and scribe from ties with russia and china subordinate full membership and the strong a corporation organization. a big group of countries, despite those are for the economy, remains in crisis and hosting solutions with the west keeper williams isolated from the international financial system. reese, who was also a member of you onto a t h c. as a group experts, it selects the supreme leader as many believe that he's going to cover it as opposed to cold and military establishment made him a prominent candidate to succeed already come on. we can speak to russell live, now study by for us into her on a russell say the focus not very much on bringing the remains of president crazy and the foreign minister back to to her on the head of funerals. i guess it's now
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the rescue teams are saying that the bodies are being taken to the vehicles to be taken to the city off deputies where for web presence had a cup that was heading to work before being crash, talking about is going to take time because it, the rain is quite challenging that the weather conditions are still challenging, and now they are going to be taken to the city of tempe to use. and then i'll have to tell these, perhaps to the capital to, to air wrong. bad weather is the weather. the, the debris a ceremony is going to take place in town or not is not, can be on. yeah. so in 2020, when the, the, the had off the, the, the, the codes forces or if you're wrong, customer for the money was assessing a to the impact of that. then his body has been taken to iran. and he has been also taken to several other cities across the country and then back to the city of caribella in iraq. and then finally, she has been buried in,
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in the city of care mind was he where he was born. so now we're expecting the state funeral to take place in, in, in pet ron. and the bodies are going to go from for the people who wants to pay the respect and also for the business of the state digging into res. however, the, probably the most likely to be buried in the city off mid shift to reasons for that. first, it's his fault. is it gonna carry? he's his carrier has to start taking that city. she was born in that city and seconds. that's to the horse. the shrine of the h a mom was out of the office. yeah. so this is quite a considerably important religious center for the wrong. and so the expectations are that most likely he's going to be buried in the city of mesh out. however, as of now, we know that the 9 people who were on board been that had to go up to the president
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of the come see brian bracy for the minister of the countries who seeing ended up to allow them to go into all the sizes that'd be john province, the mom of the do my mosque of categories and head of the presidential security unit, another pilot, a technician, the quote pilot, and another security guard 9 people bought that and their bodies are being viewed from the sides of the crash to the vehicles to be taken to the city off deputies before heading toward the capital rest. so as we're talking uh, we can see like pictures from very close to the sides of the helicopter. across still very foggy. the picture is breaking up a little bit, but it's still very foggy and, and i think it's a lot less every night when that helicopter was flying. and then it seems fit into the side of the mountain and they will be very close scrutiny of that crash light to try and figure out what happened. and indeed indeed,
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so as of now they've got into the technicalities. so we have seen that you're renting officials but primarily focusing on the weather conditions. they were seeing that the terrible weather conditions are as high as are the primary reason for the collapse for that is that they had to go up there being crashed. so and also there are some reports about regarding the technical issues with the helicopter. we know that it was quite an old had to come to that. and the gardening, the fact that the writing of using the industries has been under the section seems becky, despite the western world, particularly by the usa, the coupons that the area vehicles had to crop. there's the that the civilian passenger planes are quite old, outdated, and due to the sections the run in order to use our free shoals or not able to, to, to, to, to replace the old outdated pods with the more there an updated version. so that is also one of the, the, one of the,
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one of the primary reason that we have not seen so far any you run into officials and barking or embrace in any uh, any, any cost courtesy, doors that have not mentioned even a single time that whether the doors this type of taj for that has been an extraordinary interpreter or not. they from that the but the 1st minute on. they have focused on this harsh weather conditions, the extreme weather conditions. one of the thing i saw so as an update. so now, according to the constitution in the, in this, the, in the case of the sudden death of the president. so the 1st wise president takes the office and now the written authority is, are saying that says yesterday, the how does the state supreme leader of the company has already given the authority to the 1st? why surprised and met must be so now he is officially and practically the head of
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the government and running the state affairs. so that is quite important because of the continued deal of the state affairs. last night, when it was almost all of us, that the chances of any one surviving such an accident was quite slim. the price at the head of the state of the supplement either of the comfortable company came out and assured the nation that the state of affairs are not going to be interrupted. and many people have read that statement as an attempt to prepare the nation for the bad news. and now the thought of these are saying that the supreme leader has already delegated that already has already assigned the 1st wise president. mama must be to take care of the state of affairs to lead the state of affairs as the head of the government. so officially and practically now, mohammed must be if is in charge of the office of the president and according to the constitution in 50 days,
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she has to take the company to an election. and the nation is going to select a new president off the 50 days, right? the protocol, the constitution has been mobilized, russell say to thank you very much for that. but the ripples of this spread far and wide, not least to lebanon, where we find and know how to, uh, correspondents and barry to joins us on the phone. so then, uh, any reaction that now of the, well, you run of course, the country enjoying a lot of influence and sway in loveland on there's still no statement from the lebanese government or iran. so ally has beloved know around 11 on enjoy ties on the official level and on the official level. relationships have been described as brotherly, strong. but no doubt it is also because hezbollah and its allies political power in this country. but right,
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you see this is unlikely to change this relationship. yes, pete is an important figure in the establishment, but he is not the main decision maker and leader. and it is also the supreme leader who dictates and sets foreign policy and all that helicopter, another man who died the foreign minister, a very familiar face and 11 on he is instrumental in implementing that foreign policy. he has visited this country numerous times of recent years, especially since, as well as for on casa, and it was a way for a ram to project its influence to show its role in the conflict. he would hold meetings because, well, officials whole meetings with how mass officials, the right, of course, leading the so called aspects of resistance, all who have open fronts against israel to help him out in the casa. no, no doubt you can replace a man, you can replace the ministers. but he was also close to the security establishment . and he had
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a close personal relationship with officials 11 on has one officials as well as officials and neighboring syria. and just a few weeks ago, the brand new and revolutionary cards, leadership in syria and lebanon. they were target, isn't the parent this way, the strike into my step, and they to kill. so those out, these are all losses of but you know, the supreme leader is assuring his people that nothing will change. state affairs will not be into fits and strategic decisions. the policy is not expected to change is then what about the timing of this piece? of course that you are politically. the region is in a $7.00 to $10.00 more regional attention, as well as pensions. age in the state, once confrontation, now with the is really our, me a some have describe this as a war of attrition, a low intensity conflict, but it is southerly. escalate, say,
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you know, has put law owes lots of its strength, its power even especially it has spell. it does not hide that fact. it does not show you away from that fact. so it is very important for, you know, stability to continue in iraq, especially since like i said, we're seeing this intensification of the conflict that there's no deals along the border, some sort of new arrangement. then we could see a wider, wider conflict and his thoughts with that. so, i mean, we have the, the tensions just last once the 1st direct confrontation between iran and israel has but las vegas that's or indicating its willingness to engage more massively. if there is a wider conflict between the random as well, so not just what happens in this is a country that has projected its influence across the region. so everyone will be watching closely to, to see whether or not there's going to be
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a smooth transition in iran. but most on the list will tell you that the strategic decision which still lies in the hands of the supreme leader will not change. and what we could see is a more prominent role of the brand new and revolutionary guards. and the upcoming states. interesting is that thing. so that's in a hold of it. in favorites. let's head to a mountain now to the jordanian capital and run con across splint. joins us and then run. so i shock waves about this, around the region when we hear anything official from his ro. so it's very unlikely that we're going to say anything official uh from as well. probably like lots of comments from political out unless from perhaps the move for rights element of the government, but certainly nothing official. and the reason for that is there's no love lost between israel and iran, and they've been at logan heads since 1917 on the assignment revolution in the
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country. but what israel will be doing is watching the transition very, very catholics. remember, this wasn't just the running present, this postway and this, the foreign minister as well. they are to keep people who have been driving it. it runs reactions and it runs policy towards israel. so it's role. now he's going to be taking a look at my made mistakes. they'll know a lot about him. obviously clearly he was the vice president. they'll be looking to see what company the supreme leader does, who he perhaps back some bushes in the presidential elections, which will take place in about 50 days. that time, according to the iranian constitutions. so this now is ro is about seeing what shakes them. and what are they going to have to deal with? but more importantly than that, they'll be looking to see if there's any opportunities a, whether there's a weakness here that they can exploit. remember, as well is very good at a, you know,
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pushing its own agenda forward despite the fact that they do blame the iranians for support of how mass uh, the who fees in yemen and has below. and of course, oh, this comes at a uniquely low point in the relations between is rattling around to say the least. that's absolutely right on in mid april. that was a direct strike from iran in territory into is really territory. it was very well telegraphed. it was orchestrated all of the of drains that we use and the missiles use will actually destroyed by, as well as rocket defense system. and that came as a result of the consulate. iranian consulate that was attacked in damascus by the israelis, that kind of change the game almost immediately attack in the, on the concept. because it's the 1st talk, these right. the iranians turned around and said, we all going to react at a time of all choosing, rather than using,
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say about the proxies i just mentioned earlier that he's name and i'm us, and gaza or hezbollah in 11. this was a direct attack, but remember, this goes back decades since the 1979 revolution. it's not a resolution in iran, and the is ready to have long blamed iranians for going off to a nuclear program designed to attack is rope lee is right. these have killed several erosion nuclear scientists. the iranians have actually reacted that with the tax on embassies and things like that. but it used to take place outside of both countries and that was the deal. but after that attack on the consulate, it'll change. so that's another reason that it would just be the political establishment will be monitoring the transition very carefully. it will be the military and the intelligence as well. whether it's going to be a re shaping of any kind of decision making remains to be sent in. your writings
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already been very clear that nothing will change, that it is business, as usual, as the case, i could, government continues to be put in place. they run thanks to the time i come back in a month. thank you to to back died in iraq. my mother moved up the wall high to study by for us the it must me to any official reaction from the authorities that when they definitely a rocky also shows have been a among the 1st to officials in the world to react to, to they consider the tragedy as it has been it going here, according to your lucky i'll fix you. it was the speaker of the parliament of the rocks complement saying that to iraq is, is pending with you on leadership it and with the people over here on in this it, it to tragedy. and iraq is shedding iranian brothers and sisters in the stomach and
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republican. we were on the soto and sadness and this painful and tragedy also, the prime minister will be about how much he yeah, so that he's saying that iraq expresses support for the rainy and people and leaders in this tragic incident. also the national security advisor to pass him out of he paying condolences to the iranian, at people saying and stating that the at the, the deceit at the uranium president abraham bracy. and for the minnesota, jose. and i mean, i've been here in our major personalities and they have had major who was in disability and disability in the region. now as iraqi. unfortunately, saying that the tragedy that as a happened to that uranium present and the foot of minnesota along with their companions. this is it going it in a lot because they believe that these are major figures in the
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a rainy and establishment. the stablish meant that has been old, was a major supporter of iraq, of iraq's case of iraq government, iraq's institutions, as you know, that many institutions here in iraq, including committed 3 institutions, still look up at the supreme leader. i as a little, i defy many at the uranium president and the lenient and institution. so the tragedy, as they say iranian iraq, you push it to say, has been a q and a rock, given the fact that a lot has been a major to ally with the iranian establishment. margaret, thanks very much. i'm going to avoid the fact that when it runs, constitution says that in the event of death, absence or illness for more than 2 months of the president, 1st vice president with the approval of the supreme need shall assume the presidential policy. that is, of course, and how much must the who we is now, the president of council, that includes the speaker,
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public chief justice and the 1st one's the president will then be required to hold a new election within a maximum of 50 days. let's talk about this protocol that's being put into place and followed up with the 5 is id, who is an associate professor at the faculty of world studies of university of tara . and so it's a, it's all happening. we have a new president already. are you comfortable that this transition will go smoothly in the event of this tragic use? and i don't think you will see any uh, problems. uh mr. mohammed, the most veteran was hand picked by the late pages. and so that you see to be his vice president, i think it will continue as then basis policies are that it's domestic or international and they have 50 days on that as a $130.00. 1 of the nice constitution to hold a new election will see a new president in presidential office and i think less than that 2 months or so.
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and the, i think the country will continue. i, i don't know if you remember you don't experience and that's as a nation of the presidents in the 1980s, early 19 eighties. and the same thing happens so that there is this experience a death to the country eventually the kind and to lead to the nice of the home. and it was the runs president for 8 years and he became president after the submission of the president. that was sent to the post them to enjoy. and so i think a things are going norman, as i was coming to the city as a you couldn't see any, any difficulties. uh many people voted for president. they, you see the size, i think the event, the people who didn't vote for him don't like to see countries present in the kids in dispatch. indeed, to take us through the motions of this maybe to view it because it is an extraordinary moments, isn't, is a country that is lost as president, just just give us a sense of that and how people are feeling far and wide been
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a wrong. i cannot have unfortunately, this is a something that happens in other countries. you can, you haven't been john f kennedy, the us president that was assessed and they said that they said that other people that had the same experience, it's a truck. so that's one of the things that you will remember many is that the place that you were that you remember that space. so it says shop to a nation to have a president can in lineup duty, you know, one practice that person and that you see how it was that he was private and he visited the he has been president for about 2 years. he visited all the run in the provinces, actually 2 times at some provinces to visit that 9 times. and that he was
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a hands on president. he wanted to see the people need in person. we have had presidents in it on that to have sat in their office most needed in the top of the law, the prism they see what's different. and i think that's one reason that's a people are going to remember him, the because of the type of precedent that to he was uh and you know that you know, again, a government officials are going to look at the helicopter and wreckage. it could be weather related to the weather was quite bad. it could be a sabotage. we have to wait and see. yeah. so the guy should do this, but they've got to investigations that investigation on the way already to what degree, what you're just talking about the, the side of mr is around the country. and of course, that is the overwhelming feeling right now. but to what degree will that be universally felt across the country and around because they're all of those. you have the dispute, it's with the authorized users,
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as we've seen from many protests over the years. yes. see here on the has experienced process. this is not a good thing that's not to your next to your on thing isn't a nice you have the following internationally, you know, in the last, the 8 months or so we have been witnessing of genocide in palestine. he was a software sort of the palestinian cause when he was very young and he continued that line of thinking up to yes service. and because of his thoughts were the processing and cause, i think a lot of people who shared his opinion, i was going to miss him. he did a lot to make sure that these are the aggressions of not says that you know, it is, is address in a popular minded as so, but he was interested in increasing his relations with you on his neighbor's yard reported in the back the, the just
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a few minutes ago i pointed out to the fact that to the, the neighboring countries at all focused on a honda son, a other ones, neighbors have that issue. the statements, persian gulf countries. all of them have issue with the statements that they've got to what has happened. so overall, this is a sub day 49. it's a sad day for the people who shared some values that the ac and the but i think the country of a survive the kinds of people go on as it has done in the past. so far it is that a great to have you with us. thanks very much indeed for talking to us at this time . thank you. okay, so what do we know so far? it runs president over him, raise see, for a minister saying, i mean i've done in a parental governor and a mom and that party got a whole dice in a helicopter crash. the car off went down in dismal forest in northern iran. that's near the border with as a body shop. right,
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and officials said the mountainous terrain in heavy fall completed such operations, forcing teams on the ground to search on foot. well, it runs for him, it is to say, and the end was a former soldier whose career was devoted to protects his country and its revolution. alex, but looks back in his life for saying, i mean the law he on was born in the city of dun gone to northern around in 1964 when he was just 6 years old. and his father died leaving the family to move to from his family, settled in one of its poorest neighborhoods on the capital southern outskirts. the outbreak of war with the rounds wished a neighbor rock in 1980 would be a pivotal moments. i'll meet up to lock you up. the 16 year old and listed to serve and volunteered until a sci fi was reached in 1988. you would like to create it be experienced. the
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leading him to work at the foreign ministry is a rock disk. in 1990 after the war, i made up the last young enrolled at the foreign ministry school of international relations and would like to receive his bosses and doctor will the grace from the


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