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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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subset the mountainous terrain in heavy fall completed such operations, forcing teams on the ground to search on foot. when it runs for him, it is to say and the end was a former soldier whose career was devoted to protect, to use the country and its revolution. alex, but looks back in his life. i was saying, i mean uh deluxe yon was born in the city of them gone to northern iran in 1964. when he was just 6 years old that his father died, leaving the family to move to, to from his family. settled in one of its poor neighborhoods on the capital southern outskirts. the outbreak of war with the rounds wished to neighbour a rock in 1980 would be a pivotal moments. i'll meet up to lock you up. the 16 year old and listed to serve and volunteered until the cx 5 was reached in 1918, i would like to credit the experience, the leading him to work at the foreign ministry is a rock desk in 1990 after the war. i mean it up to last young,
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enrolled at the foreign ministry school of international relations and would like to receive his bosses and dr. will the grace from the university of terre honda. in 1997, he was appointed under secretary of a runs embassy to a rock. during this time he would develop a close relationship with customs till the money became come on. the overruns codes force around 1997. it was a nice recess and they said in the us drawing strike in 2020. the revolution regards, codes force as and the lease unit that handles around overseas operations. so they money would become a major force and i mean up to lock in the future. he would even like to refer to himself is still a ninety's soldier. during the us invasion of a rock in 2003, i made up the law here on was appointed us. the heat of a rock fee is at the foreign ministry and from 2007 to 2010, he would serve as a runs, invested a to buy frame. during this time i made up the law, sean said he would often consult somebody money for guidance. this relationship
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with so the money would lead been present much more to i'm a didn't a shot to a point. i mean of the loss. young is deputy foreign minister for error and effort, confused in 20 leaving the election of abraham. right. you see is president in 2021 . so i mean the life on quickly promoted to become the country's top diplomat. his appointment was approved for 270 votes to obtain in bonds parliament. and during his problem in true reviews, he was clear about his approach. so maintained himself as a staunch becca of a runs excess of resistance. during his 3 years of the country's foreign minister, they wouldn't monumental shift center runs strained relations with saudi arabia. the 2 countries cut ties in 2016, but the leadership in the country decided to review relations last year and a deal broken by china. the outbreak of israel is more on gossip also, so i mean up to lock you on, take a pivotal and active role. he want is right. well that so fond could intervene and
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express support for both hum us and has bola, members of the so called excess of resistance and an april when an is rarely drawn, strike destroyed, runs come to us in serious capital, damascus. i mean, i'll block you on cold via tech, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he demanded a serious response from the international community community. he was expected to play a role in so many years to come willingly is probably minutes under, under moody is extended his condolences to iran saying, but he is deeply silent and shocked by the tragic demise of president. right. you see, he says the president's contribution to strengthening india. iran relations will always be remembered. and as the india stands with iran in this time, of sorry, well joining us now from some bullets across one into them clearly it's, it, them, tell us more about the reaction, the from anchor. so much
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the same goes for as well as the morning since the news broke out. that's perfectly fine, but you see on his enterprise was killed during this unfortunate accident. a presence was a pay far gone and others have extended their condolences and we're expecting some friends then his condolences as well to see a has been following a the, a the how it got through it, accidents very close. they, as, since the news broke off in here, because uh to get in here, ron, are the neighbors are with a very huge borders. uh, with a historical, uh, consultation bus having not sold for many centuries that mistake. and despite their conflict of interest in the region of politics, 2 countries have been enjoying very strong this moment size and very strong
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cultural ties as also there's a very decent amount of turkish origin as every johnny a or is and people living ginger around. that's why many politicians are following the developments very closely because any change in the around with also in pets uh to, to, to see a share when it comes to this uh, regional outcomes. uh, since the 2 neighbors houses phone relations in many ways f a f as a 1st for a 2 loans loans more to the accident area as of uh, 8 pm on sunday evening into the dispatch. i'll come to drones, which have thermo and nitrogen and another, and a helicopter with a night vision to the area to assist you read, you know, so it isn't worth while they were searching and the, it's trying to spot the area of the ex,
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the insights that sit in toyota, the inevitable inside came with the texas reaction. let's get the reaction from palin now dominant cain is standing by what's being said, the dominic reaction from across the u as being very slow to come in and so fall from. but what we have had is a statement on twitter from the president of the european council that's showing me, shall i read it because it's coming very recently saying that the you expressive sincere condolences for the death of president, right? you see on foreign minister of the young as well as other members of that delegation and crew. and i had a come to accident. all thoughts go to the families. remember that today is a public holiday across many european countries. so those ministries will probably have more of a skeleton stuff on today than they would normally have. and it is logical to infer that over the course of the next few hours over the course of the day, that will be response coming from the farm industries. and the governments of the
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respective major countries in europe. tell us about the relationship between iran in europe in general, and what this these does might actually me as well . that question is going to be rather the nice thing across these, the upper echelons of the governments in paris, in berlin, in london. because those 3 countries, those 3 cities, that's where the elements that took pos been the negotiations with iran over its nuclear program. well, those, those people in those positions will want to know who is going to replace the foreign minister, the president, the to man into from who played such a role in those negotiations. and the all sorts of that's willing for them the way they react. but clearly we should, in, for, from the absence of statement from those 3 countries. so far they are considering the response to the situation. because so many questions stem from whatever on. so
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it comes from to, from the fact is that the european countries condemned the launching of miss files from a, from to israel. very recently. the fact is that while they want to see diplomacy, there's a, there's only so far that prepared to go. they look upon the fact that mr. right, you see presenter, right? you see to a coffee is talking about resistance, diplomacy. i a being resistance to the west but prepared to negotiate. they won the will, that's continue with his success, that whoever that is, so very many questions that will be being off right now in the european capital cities. the also to that slide perhaps, to the office, to those questions lies into from rondo and those capital cities. perhaps dominic, thanks very much about to dominate, came the on your opin reaction. speaking just from bell in uh, looking at the latest pictures coming through to us here in the studio, i wouldn't believe to be of a rescue as bringing back
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a remains from the crash sides of those who died in the crash that took place yesterday. and rescue was just the last couple of hours of finding the side of the crash and now retrieving. it seems that the remains the head of funerals at fro, including of course, the president of iran, and around for a minister. that's bringing luciana. is that correct? he's professor of gulf politics, a coffee university and he really brings it when you see those pictures, are there any believe to be the remains but it looks like they probably are at a shocking moment for country to lose as president. yeah, something very that have a i'm the moment to, to talk this uh, this problem. i think i lost the price. it wasn't very important. i mean, everybody's mentioning the price, you know, black in minus to achieve a lot of things in front policy and within the that they have not very good
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relations. and then at least this 20 years actually minus 2 to re approach within the anybody. yeah, interesting way, i mean i see was able to normalize relations with all the area and immunization a few within which there was also differential between the down on the jesus states . so she wouldn't miss in that sense. he, we thought even though he felt the criticisms from the very beginning because he was in terms of income and politics. he a typical things seem for him for the see without it, but he is 3 them to for him policy, the price. and so now what is going to happen with him know, i mean, is through the, he's not the one the fine in the mainland. so therefore you and your for the policy, that is how many. but of course, able to present a half it's on and science on the imprint, on the 14 policy full honey. it's not the same but not finding a job on the same done have i me or for honey our or, or i see. so of course the next president, we drove
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a new feature relations between need on, on this, around the neighborhood a and mainly we need to know what is going to be that they have to come. i think approach from the next president to watch europe to work for us. and to us the government say, i guess i was exactly. and given all of those things, everything is going on right now and you throw in the death of the writing, president of the, into the mix. these kind of thinking that things could get a bit arrived from here. but it seems as if suddenly, as far as the supreme leader in iran is concerned, that things will proceed smoothly. the transition has already happened is now a new president present. and ma'am, it's not the best thing ever run and they'll be elections in 50 days time. exactly . i mean, by suppressing these electives, it's not that part of a formula is because they weren't appointed by the bye bye. see. so he kind of take his and make big decisions. he, when he has to continue would be um like a lame duck pressing us down, feel that the likes us to place the problem is we don't know who can be. i mean, nobody was expecting to have and i mean,
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i don't know between that because i want to inflections to, to compete with anybody in the next election or with data on your spreadsheet, or if they were to be elected, just 1951 until now. so on the process that you 2 times so nobody was expecting that anybody would compete against, right? see in next year election for the, for the 5. so now again, on the political spectrum in spite of fits, will start to decided to discuss about who can be eligible for for, for next presidency within the course of what they've come. there is nobody that we are trucks lobel financial by see was so far the most popular one and the other figures that you were mentioning yesterday and the previous uh, i was where people that'd be wherever these qualified, that's fine. go on, you know, and i did johnny and even not finding his up himself. there are other people that can be in the, in the boys, but nobody really attractive for the, for at least for the close or what i mean intend them with keeping the,
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the political wheels going. we'll have the investigation into the crash itself because they need to get to the bottom of what happened if you look at the crash site is not a great. does it seem to be a great deal? left is there's just the, the tail right to the top of the pit. jeremy will say it. and the 2nd and also the, the chart. there we go. the child clear face that it seems the helicopter must inflate into or create into killing or on board. yeah, of course there would be a discussion about accountability, what's happened and why it happened. because, you know, there were 3 helicopters on it when he, that's at least one was the one the suffering the accident. that the timing. i mean, because he didn't the weather because he had that the situation of the machine that there was use wasn't betty on that it was also discussed here in a non sita. so minutes is minutes will be discussed and to, to know what happened, why it's happened with the board, the or not. and also why the to fee was may a fee was up to date. i never for the policy, the president of the,
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for me said where the same the send me to go up there and there's somebody that's didn't, nobody can, can understand why. because 2 of the 3 helicopters landed safely at the destination . uh, the sienna is excellent. thank you very much indeed. thank you. well, let's take a closer look at that helicopter involved in the crash. a prison raised in his own treasury, travelling in the us manufactured bell had a talk to the craft as a to play model design for caring, aerial, 5 fighting gear and cargo. and for mounting weapons, this particular helicopter had been reconfigured to carry passengers. and they can carry 15 people, including a pilot. and this model was for us, introduced back in 1971 sanctions have made it difficult for around to obtain part sold un croft. my colleague carry johnson's way to kyle bailey, who's in aviation analyst, pilots, and form a f, a, a safety team representative. and he said the weather could have been effective, but the age of the helicopter may also have played
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a role as i think the weather right now is the key here. uh, you know, this has a, uh, a very familiar uh, resemblance to the crash that was very high profile here in the us triple years ago with the n be a superstar call the brian, that's what comes to my mind when i, when i, when i see what this is turning into, so typically 5 to load visibility, rein, possibly snaps. now there say that combined with a helicopter flying and blurry, rough map, when this rain is really a recipe for disaster. and then on top of that, we're dealing with a helicopter that's decades old with decades old technology technology. pretty much like the perfect storm of everything coming together. and again, this is just speculation. at this point. you mentioned the technology, them and ation set to in their role and has been on the severe pressure when it comes to sanctions and even trying to find spare parts for red cross. does this
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play a part in terms of the age of the call? yes, it does. even the technology, i mean what we're shooting now were there is not any kind of distress signal or call from the aircraft. you know, the question is the, the emergency locator transfer that should be on the top there is a functioning, wasn't even working before the crash. these are all questions or the investigators we're going to have to answer. they're, they're simply uh, you know, pretty much way behind the 8 ball technology wise and even with spare parts. uh, they might find it difficult even getting uh, parts to keep the airframe. no one well facing western sanctions. iran has also purchased multiple military across from its ally, russia. in november of 2023, a deal was finalized from all fight of judson helicopters from moscow. let's speak to pebble feldman, who's the defense? i'm less than russian for him. policy specialist joins lie from must go to welcome pebble at so russia and iran had there in particular relationship housing news
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being received. there must go problem uh, load the chrome unannounced, the president boynton is the following. the events are also russia swiftly dispatched to have the transport of us and 76 planes of the emergency ministry with the emergency operators and equipment including one how a culture give help in the rescue operation. so, russia's very much about russia has very close relationship, right? now with a raw, specially after the warden's grain began and the united states, you must remain enemy by both sides and russia would want to force to free to you these relationships even make it deeper. tell us how fond that relationship goes becomes more about that relationship with a label page presented to kind of united front against the west. right now you just
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go to the ports it's. there are no answers. their see rush just still continues to have a good deal relations we're busy right now. there's personal chemistry between president which in the parameters are in the den yahoo! but right now both sides are rather close. maybe we're trying to get quotes or in some areas, even more so push together by western sanctions on both sides. and what was it thinking be now in moscow about this transition? we already have because of the price go that's in place. we already have a new president for him, and a president mohammed macbeth is now at the helm. what will be the sense there about the transition that especially as we head towards elections that have to take place in 50 days time. we have to be snap elections and this creates the uncertainties in the wrong because many believe that the great press been great.
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she was grown as be success, read sabrina leader, who was already the $85.00 and for both of the most of the seeds. but of course, right now, the whole succession thing is that what's up in there? and uh that being said is going to be professional. most right. great. some kind of passion inside the drum, and that's not good for rush up because rush or a bunch of so use, but it's a bullet around and from here. very close. so i know that will be kept by everybody, including those in moscow, on the investigation that will take place until actually won't happen to bring this helicopter down, everything points to it being an accident. the weather conditions were terrible, but they need to make sure that i as well. yes, of course there's going to be investigation, but the rush is not involved. this is not a russian officer. zoe ross is bruce,
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and we'd be buying rendered, or using russian cultures with more another treating the transport rose made during the winter by more even now, because this is the owner, most likely have all the things so that people felt going to have with the view from oscar, i appreciate that. thank you very much. let's bring in out as there is different like them to judge based a james interesting listening to people there isn't it because it just kind of describes the complexity of the politics in the region. yeah. you have a role, i'm against israel, but you have russia with israel bit around in russia together. yeah, absolutely. and that's always being, i think, a complicated relationship. and i think certainly rushes relations with israel, north and the thing like they were before the war on goss. i'm, they being brought to you critical about what has happened in gaza using it. so i think partly as a way to criticize the us for it's for it, for us on swerving support for the united states. but it does show,
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i think the complexity, it shows that what happens in the wrong, the loss of these 2 senior leaders as well among 9 people killed in this 100 cup to crush is going to have repercussions beyond the middle east. the, the missiles, the drones of that iran has been providing to russia a, one of the things that is allowed russia perhaps dislike. begin to change the course of the war in ukraine over the last year or so. and what about at the united states? the reaction that we haven't heard anything from the white house as yet, but we will do in the coming as a how. how will they be observing what's going on? i think the united states will be playing this one very slowly and very carefully. i think they know that change of any sort and we have a change of some leaders of significant leaders of the number 2. and number 3, you could argue in certain, in the way that the, that,
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that to iran is seen in the world in terms of the international uh, facing leaders. uh, but we also know in the us knows the system in the wrong very, very well. they have lots of analyst at the state department and see i examining this. they know the supreme leda is the, is the real direction of strategic direction in, in, in, in, inside iran. and that will stay. so we don't think we're going to see many of the runs policy has changed, but it is, it is a time of some uncertainty. they'll be concerned because we have the war on goals are still ongoing. we have iran and israel, interactive or situation in the last month with the following missiles as each of the so it will be a time. i think that they are concerned what could happen, a sensitive time, a delicate time, careful what they say. but i think they will say no, they didn't particularly like the administration of pressing gracie. there was the possibility of something different. but of course, something different could be something that is less favorable for us rather than
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most a variety us. and that is reed shots. it's important, remember, this is the time of intense morning and iran were looking at pictures at a shrine in abraham res hometown, where people are assembled in these images will be replicated across the country is the president's remains. are brought back to the capital, a head of funerals. so what about the, the tensions with the west, and especially as we move up to the elections that are going to take place within the next 50 days and how important it is that oppression as far as we're honest, concerned, goes smoothly. well, what we have learned recently is that they have been back channel negotiations getting on. we know that the e u countries and the u. k. they have continued to talk to iran all of the time. since the era the nuclear deal has not been fully active because remember, president trump pulled out of that deal in 2018. the us doesn't have active
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diplomacy or public diplomacy with iran. but we know that that being a bank channel effort going on in a mom that's a place that a lot of back top travel diplomacy has been done in the past between the us and a wrong. so i think, i think we need to watch very, very closely whether those efforts continue those efforts sent it, i think on reducing the tensions that i talked about in the last month between israel and the wrong. but remember, also the role nuclear deal is i say that collapse 2018 cause a trump pulled out. and i think that water is the west, the last it wrong. now in reaching you uranium to the level of 60 percent, that's all most weapons. great. it means within days, iran, if it wanted to, could have a nuclear weapon ready to go. of course is not just the around the president who's been killed is around for a minister at ward about his replacement. i was reading that that potentially could go through. i leave, i get to connie is the deputy of the, for
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a ministry on how he's the man and he's been doing the around nuclear. it, and it goes i, i wasn't conducted by all the west and right is right. so i think i think that would be a known quantity. i don't think they will be happy with that. i think a but new relationships. you know, if, if it just being the foreign minister had been lost in this. um, it would have been a big deal of the big story and we've been talking about it. but the fact it's these 2, if it goes together, strode on the am, and it really is over the general direction of foreign policy is overall and is not going to change the tone and the way it's conducted and the personal relationships people know people on both sides remember that until 2018 until the, the nuclear deal was suspended by the us by trump. that was very breaking the communications between the us and the radians side and people know each other. and so i think it will matter who takes on these jobs and, and whether there's any trust from the cost that can be reached handled. right. but
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as you have said, we must always remember and add this in mind that the, the center of power remains at the top with the supreme lead, the supreme leader. i mean, if you will, the foreign minister there on you. yes, you have all your, i'm baset is bringing you information from the ground from all the countries around the world. you are responsible to the president and the cabinet bots. you're keeping your eye on what the revolution regard say, because that view on foreign affairs and particularly regional affairs, is terribly important. and you know that your ultimate boss is the supreme leader because he sets the ultimate direction of the country's foreign policy. the president's role. yes, he has a role visiting people internationally. he gives a speech every year at the un general assembly, but he doesn't set the able direction of foreign policy. and finally, james's briefly, if you would that what actually happened is going to be important that will be investigations going ahead almost immediately. i think it's important because i
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think there's a danger in this region, and you're already seeing it on the social media of all sorts of conspiracies. they rise, you know how tens things are between a rom and israel. and we know in the past is routers carried out, also slacks in iran, but at the moment i think it's a highly cult to probably a helicopter that was not as well maintained. it was with sanctions as, as it would be in other parts of the world. and it was extremely bad weather. those to me seemed to be the most important facts right now. but obviously you're never going to get to the bottom of this until you have a full investigation, and i'm sure that's one of the top priorities of the writing coming right now. right, james? see you later. thanks for that. just a reminder of what we've seen. so far a ron's present day for him are easy for a minister hosting. i mean, i've told him a parental governor and a mom and then 40 gallons of old died in health up the crush. the cross went down in dismal forest and the northern around the board was as much raining. officials have set the monsters, terrain and heavy fall completed. such operations,
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forcing teams on the ground to search on for more like the color is pretty quiet now across lots of the middle east, we have got a few showers go some of the most positive around the black sea, the caspian northern areas of iran saying some live the showers around the cool because you can see some wet and it's on some winter by the us any over the high ground a little bit on settle to still lever into i've come, it's donna channels have a few more showers here on monday. the south is that it is 10, we try and taught as per usual. so we're into the contest. 40 celsius here in the ha, i'd also q a on choose day further. know if you got more showers into northern pos are on pushing out. so for the north of iraq, so
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a few showers affecting the most cost of the middle east ducky, i could catch a shower, rotate, but for much of the estimate it is dry and it is settled because the especially for celsius little less. how should we say as we go on into choose the. meanwhile, we are looking at some very hot weather across the final south. africa, aaa could get 43 sales as a simply wind coming in here. little bit of whether it's in northern parts of algae or if it's on shala's that rod along the coast to strip of west africa into the gulf of any they extend the way i would towards the rift valley. we got a few showers creeping towards kenya. the palace team in the gaza strip as easily as long continues. there is a deliberate mission of pal simon humanity, in western media. and it used to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is ratings and actively humanize of
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palestinians. this is not the time, so just to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the the several then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, live from doha, coming up in the program today, the president of iran, abraham racing, has died in a helicopter crash. the foreign minister and 7 others were also killed. bracy was on his way to the northern city of to breeze. he was flying through a heavy fog which hampered search operations for hours of.


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