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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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realism and the effect that loses coverage can have on democracies, everywhere. here at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the come on. so then, yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news, lived from doha, coming up in the program today the president of iran, abraham racing, has died in a helicopter crash. the foreign minister and 7 others were also killed. bracy was on his way to the northern city of to breeze. he was flying through a heavy fog which hampered search operations for hours. oh my god. 2 2 the nation mourns the run supreme leader promises that there will be
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no disruption to state business and from a route to baghdad, countries across the middle east have been reacting to re sees desk and offering condolences. the its 7 gmc, that is 10 30 am in iran where people are mourning the death of the president abraham racy, and a helicopter crash the wreckage of the aircraft carrying racing at 8 others, including foreign minister has been found. now it went down to the mountain. this area in northern iran. rescuers are retrieving the bodies, heavy fog and the mountainous terrain may be hours. long search operation extremely difficult. prayers have been held across the country. around supreme leader of the hominy has a short people,
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but state affairs will continue as normal. the genesis cease to our beloved compatriots, whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the state's affairs. what's the invoice then? the wreckage of the helicopter was found in the east azerbaijan, province of iran, president race. he began his journey in the board of the town of for the off, already near as a by john from there he headed towards the city of breeze and northwest to run. the helicopter went down in a mountainous region near whose e we've got correspondence covering the story across the region and around the world will be coming to them one by one shortly. let's start with the russell sort are who's india ringing capital there on it. we're so 1st of all, tell us what we know the latest on the search teams and where they are with respect to the crash site. well, the rescue teams are now retrieving the, the,
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the, the remains of the bodies of those who died in the, in the, in the a crash. so there one by one being taken to the vehicles. and then there will be taken to the city of deputies where the president helicopter before being crashed was having tolbert. and so now all of these 9 people that were on board their identified. so the president of the around that you brought him right. you see that for the minister, who seeing, i mean i'll apply young the, the government off east as a big jump, provence melick. uh, how much each town also met the idea and how should the mom of this to my most golf cavities? and sort of the said, matthew, most savvy, the head of the presidential security unit, that pilot the technician, and that of the security guard. and also the cool pilot, therefore identified or confirm death that they are being taken to the vehicles and
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then 2 categories. however, the terrain is quite challenging. it's a mountainous area and it is definitely forest. so in the last couple of days there were heavy don't fall, so it's monday and also reading the as well. so it is quite challenging for them. it's going to take a while to to, to manage, to take the whole of bodies to the vehicle. so then we are expecting off the attempt to use that they are going to be taken to the capital of the company to, to run and share they that, that, that, that they would be, the bodies are going to go open to the public. those who wants to pay their respects to the deceased and also for the visits of the state digging into res. so then after them, after that there is an expectation that re sees body is going to be taken to the city or from the shad where he was born and raised where he's put the carrier has stopped. and also michelle is quite
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a symbolic city for iran. is the most important religious center in iran because he tossed the shrine off the a mom off. she has to be members. and in that sense it is can see that it's quite significantly in the concert. and also just to remember that president the but i'm v c was the head of the association, or that was in charge of managing data sharing, which also matters billions of dollars just before being the president. but as of now, 1st they're going to be taken to the deputies dental care, ron, and then most likely to set you up in the shirts, and we are expecting the states funeral said i'm going to take place in the capital, but they're very upset or money probably is going to take place in the city off mesh at. okay, we're so tell us a little bit more about the late president about his career. what he meant to the
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country, who it is, the iran has just lost. she was quite a significance profiles in the concert so we can say that the whole system was working in history were in the last 4 decades in a very early age. as she was pointed at the top physicians, she was very much close to the supreme leader of the country audio, someone at the absence part where the country she was connected among the protocol that immediately and to find that show a competition in the company has been enjoying this backend from supreme leader from the institutions from the different power centers in that concert. and now of course it's as he's that he's confirmed. it is creating a power that cool them in the conference. but when we look at his carrier,
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we can see that on one hand to was very much the board to the cages to the state of iran. but on the other hand, to his carrier, all of the relations that he has top list with the credit card establishment plus the around that point because made it to the establishment of your ron and also the backend of the supreme leader. how team really to climate that it did that the carrier of leather, quite unexpectedly, quite on presenting, please your brain where you see what's going to collect because time really in mission that you're on 2nd largest city and home to the whole is she almost been trying in the wrong was 5 years old. when his father, we known cleric died. his family is close relations with the clerical establishment helped him climb to kevin or leather. at the age of 15, he began his studies in the city of cool, the centre of the most prominent islamic seminary in the country. the amount of the credits he started on there was the wrong school supplement either or the company of the revolution. in 1979,
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i have to look how many became your honest president embrace. he was a pointed prosecutor of the city of coverage. at the age of 20. 1983. he met her deductible and i'm on hold on a partial credit and represent the 2 of you on supreme leader in my shot. 2 years later, at the age of 25, chris who was appointed deputy prosecutor in the capital pet wrong. he was one of the 4 judges who sat on secret tribune is established in 1988 pauses of prisoners were sentenced to death and then execute at a didn't media confidence in 2021. he was asked about his role, what role i've done during my times, always i've moved towards defending human rights to confront those who disrupt the rights of people, and committed isolate crimes carried out and te, security actions. i think the, well, how many races mean support or was elected as the new? so people leave it in 1989 at the point of racy as to hom. prosecutor gracie's rise
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through the judicial system, was unprecedentedly, wrapping it in the following years. he became a attorney general in 2016. the supplement either named his former as to the receipt custodian of your was welty is really just foundation the son of course, the recipe which managed the strain of h. yeah. you mom was in the shop and has watched the economy holdings in various sectors. nationwide race who ran for president in 2017 campaign and to fight corruption. he lost the race to his fellow, collaborate for some honey. but the defeat did not tarnish his image data in 2019 supplement, either a point of him head of the judicial room by allowing him to strengthen his relations further across critical institutions. in the aurora avenue, in 2021, recei again ran for president premier to the election. the guardian consul disqualify several prominent reformers. candidates who raised these challenges. coupons,
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the election uncontested by the turn out was the lowest since the 1979 revolution. as president, he promised to reconcile the people and the government to let the call center people one to the governments to compensate for damage restore, trust and bridge. the gap between the nation and the government, the relationship between those 2, it's all can always so many problems. but in 2022, as long as the public face, the most widespread social own risk, since it is published means nationwide, protest an overseas to lots of 4 months suppressed by suspicious that impulse custody of 22 year old. and i say, i mean, she had been arrested for allegedly, while you made your arms bent, that's what a huge job has cut off loss when were you so you took office, you want us to call them. it was pretty put by decades of worst. i mean post sections the 2023 races government attempted to revive the economy and put an end to the international isolation. these government normalize diplomatic relations
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with region arrivals, saudi arabia, and start from ties with russia and china, subordinate for membership and the stronger corporation organization. a big group of countries, despite those are for your minds. economy remains in crisis and hosting solutions with the west keeper williams isolated from the international financial system. recently was a member of you on a t h. c. as a group experts, it selects the supreme leader. many believe that he's going to cover the political and military establishment made him a prominent candidate to succeed already come on. so the presence of you rodney bryan bracy is that then what next for the country, the supreme leader of the country, the head of state are the how many it has already pointed. the 1st twice president met must be of as the head of the government. and now he is officially and
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practically in the charge of leading the state affairs and the cabinets as well. so he will take the company to the presidential elections that according to the constitution, in the case of the southern death of the president, the company needs to go to the election within 50 days time the company is going to elect the new president. however, there are steve some of the questions that are not all that remained on an answer. so the presidential election officially was scheduled to take place in 2025. so if with the 50 days the contract goes to an election and elect a new. so at the end you president, if there's going to be another election next year or not, that is still not clear. but mohammed must be, it was hand picked by the by embrace himself, he's coming from an economy background. and that is something that the compet desperately needs to. and many people here are saying that probably met more beer, could be even as default around
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a candidate for being the next president off the country. however, still no one in the political establishment in the run has the going to be task and the support that the behind bracy was receiving across the establishment over. so started our reporting from there on thank you very much, russell. know there are reactions in the region the in the are of guitar shake. i mean, been home. i've been highly focused on. he has reacted to races, death. he has often sincere condolences to the government and people of iran on the death of president, racy foreign minister jose. and i'm your, of the law hand and the accompanying officials. it goes on to say we are asking dot almighty for mercy and forgiveness for them. and for their families, these events, of course being watched very closely elsewhere in the region. let's go to is zayna holder, are correspondent in a root saying that you have an official reaction there. of the, well, no reaction yet from the lebanese government,
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but the run has unofficial ties with living on as well. its allies has below its, along with his allies, control political power in love and on that group has just issued a statement to phrasing. ibrahim, right, you see calling him big brother saying that he supported the quote resistance by the palestinians, and that he was always a standing next to those resistance groups to foreign minister. and that statement, of course, the foreign minister dying and that crash thing he to supports in the services. so for, you know, for hezbollah, they don't believe there will be a change in this relationship because at the end of the day as well as relationship is with the supreme leader, it is with dates around him,
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a revolutionary guards coming the brand new revolutionary cards could become even more powerful and strategic decisions of foreign policy. they are set and decided by the supreme leader not by the president. not even the foreign minister in the sense that he has this foreign minister who was very up for face and nothing on visiting this country. numerous times, especially since the war on projecting it runs into the website, he runs rule in the regions and he too was close to the security establishment, but many will say, even if you replace him with his deputy connie, who was, who was involved in fact or a channels with, with the americans at the end of the day, the strategic decisions are taken by the supreme leader. and that is, has full less relationship with iraq, which is through the supreme leader and the revolutionary the that's interesting and i think that's worth highlight as far as yours, as you just have with the yes, right? see was presidents. but in the run,
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presidents is actually really the number 2 in the country. and the number one being the supreme leader and all the major foreign policy decisions, military positioning, etc, runs through the supreme leader. so what you're telling us is you're expecting rod at 11 non is expecting continuity really of the will. yes. continue with the at the end of the day, it's very important for has that there is the ability in iraq at the moment tension following that direct confrontation between israel and iran. yes, there's been the escalation but has full ass repeatedly $0.10. that if there was why there were between the run in israel, it would be ready to step in. pensacola itself isn't fault engaged in an ongoing confrontation with this really support is key for has a lot in terms of funding. and it doesn't shy away from that fact the other day there was, there were, is really strikes pieces from me. besides,
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were filmed at the sizes that strike and it shows that it was a part of the iraqi and say you to miss out which means has. but last since the last 4 and 2006 so 4 has lost. iran is crucial for his power and it's wrong, but like i mentioned, it's important as they know for the reporting from they really thank you very much for the reporting and the perspective there are correspondence, emerald con, joins us live now from the jordanian capital. i'm on your reporting and we're on on the is really response to this and you're doing so from jordan, because again, or reminder to of yours that israel has shut down else 0 in the country. so has there been a reaction to this in israel? i will certainly note from the highest levels of government as i was in likely that
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we'll be seeing anything from said the prime minister's office or the foreign ministry. but we are hearing that there is a reuters report suggesting that an is really official headset as well. is not involved in the death of the iranian presence. now if that is the response that's likely to be the shape of the response coming out of israel. it's not really about the response to this particular event. however, for these riley's these riley's and now going to be looking at monitoring very closely the translation. remember, this wasn't just the iranian present, is also the farm. is that those other 2 key figures who gather together information all over the world, decide what to put in front of the supreme leader. they help shape and policy older is the supreme leader who actually finally decides what that policy should be. so for the is raise, they'll be looking for a couple of very key things. is that any kind of power vacuum going on that they
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can exploit that they can take advantage of? and is that a fight for power? that may, will make the elections are going to take place in 50 days, according to the running constitution. more complicated that they can take advantage of with this information campaigns. this will be something that will be reflected within the, these ready political establishment. but i think much more key for these, right? these is how these really intelligence system is going to react these, where the military system is going to react to remember the israelis and the iranians haven't had any kind of relations since 1979 and the islamic revolution in iran. and indeed, there's no love lost between them. these right is blame the proxies of iran, how mass hezbollah and the, who these, in yemen for attacks on, that's how i would treat your audience equally, say it's a that these right? these have been messing in domestic f,
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as they've been kidding around in nuclear scientist. and then of course, we see tensions escalate to the point where he's right. he's attacked a consulate in damascus, which led to an iranian response from iranian territory into is right. he's heard to that something that we've never seen before, and that happened just a few weeks ago. i'm on the way israel looks at iran. they see iran as being at the center of lots of groups around the region, whether it's the shiite militias in iraq, whether it's has the line level known to who these any m and etc. you named some of them. they see iran is being at the center of this web that is hostile to israel. is there? would they expect any changes on that front? i'm guessing no. as well. you only have to take a look at the statements already coming out from the iranians with the israelis will be monitoring that will be continuity, nothing will change. i don't think b is right. these are expecting any kind of radical change in is ready policy. but
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what they will be looking for is the types of personalities coming through all they even little hard line insight. these really so the president abraham reeves, right, you see as being all will, that'd be some sort of room for negotiation. how will the, uh, the american allies react to all of this? will this present an opportunity for a diplomatic change with the states as between america and is all there's lots of things that is ro will be monitoring. and that's really where i think the concentration is really f, as will be, it will simply be to try and get as much information as possible to see what the shape of it running politics looks like off the transition. okay, that's going to be really interesting. you will be monitoring it if you hear of any major developments you will keep a surprise. they run con, reporting from amman. jordan, thank you. that's good to know who built one head who's live in baghdad. who is there, a rock, of course, a neighbor or to a run? is there an official reaction there?
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so we'll definitely need it. is it coming from the highest official institutions in the country for them to probably administer over a rock from the speaking of the parliament and from the prime minister of the uh, in the t r g, a government, thats the government of the semi autonomous. it could just be just a know, the iraq, all of them, except pressing not only the deepest sympathy with the rainy and people and with the waiting an establishment, but also with the re think that it was as they considered it. the major pivotal route was paid up by abraham bracy and has a name of the land before mister in the region and namely at, in iraq. this is apparently a major loss, not only to the establishment, a new one, but also to at the allies in the region, especially in iraq here, the popular and mobilization forces. that's the part of ministry. a group under the
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minutes institution in iraq. that is a major ally with the iranian illusory gods. you can see that they are now expressing the deepest sympathy expressing that's that the seed president played a major role in bringing under his supervision at when things broke close here in new york, especially in august 2021 a, a reading. it also shows any reading but it for you individually under supervision of, of race. you played a pivotal and crucial rule and bringing things back at the console. one last minute or uh, in the last minutes you people here also remember that the, the president, the members who was expected to, to make a visit at the end of this month to rock, to boast, trade and to establish trade and interest. industrial cities between the 2 countries, the head,
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thank you very much for your reporting out of the rocky capital this morning. so just to remind you now we know that 9 people are on board the helicopter, in addition to president abraham, racy and foreign minister jose. and i'm here at the law here, and there was malik rockmart to be governor of east of somebody's on province and, and a mom, the head of the presidential security unit was also on board as was a security guard, a pilots and a co pilots. iran foreign minister, mr. i'm here until i had was a former soldier whose career was devoted to protecting his country and this revolution alex beard looked back at his life a plus sign. i mean, i'll de la he on was born in the city of dun gun and northern, around in 1964. when he was just 6 years old and his father died leaving the family to move to from his family. settled in one of its poorest neighborhoods on the capital southern outskirts. the outbreak of war with the rounds wished a neighbor rock in 1980 would be
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a pivotal moments. i'll meet up to lock you in the 16 year old and listed to serve and volunteered until a ceasefire was reached in 1918. i would like to create the experience, the leading him to work at the foreign ministry is a rock disk. in 1990 after the war, i mean it up to last year and enrolled at the foreign ministry school of international relations and would like to receive his bosses and doctor will the grace from the university of terre hon. in 1997, he was appointed under secretary of a runs embassy to a rock. during this time you would develop a close relationship with customs, so the money became come on. the overruns could force around 1997 and was advised to assess an exit in the us drawing strike in 2020. the revolution regards could supports as an a lease unit that handles around overseas operations. so my money would become a major force and i'll meet up the lock in future. he would even like to refer to
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themselves as somebody's soldier during the us invasion of iraq in 2003. i made up the law and it was appointed as the heat of a rock fees at the foreign ministry and from 2007 to 2010. he would serve as a runs, invested a to buy frame. during this time i made up the loss and said he would often consult somebody money for guidance. this relationship with so the money would lead been present? my would. i'm a demo shot to a point. i mean of the loss, young as jp foreign minister, the error of an effort, confused in 20, leaving the election of abraham. right. you see is president in 2021. so i mean of the life on quickly promotion to, to become the country's top diplomat. his appointment was approved, 270 votes to attain and her bonds parliament. and during his palomina true reviews, he was clear about his approach. so maintained himself as a staunch becca overruns. excess of resistance during his 3 years is the country's foreign minister. they wouldn't monumental shift center runs strained relations
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with saudi arabia. the 2 countries cut ties in 2016, but the leadership in the country decided to review relations last year and a deal broken by china. the outbreak of israel is more on gossip also. so i mean it up the last you on take a pivotal and active role he want is right. well that's her fun. could intervene and expressed support for both thomas and his bold members of the cycled excess of resistance. and in april, when is riley drawn, strike destroyed ron's come to us in serious capital, damascus. i mean, i'll block you on cold. be a tech, a violation of all international obligations and conventions. he demanded a serious response from the international community, a community he was expected to play a role in so many years to come to the spring announces, here is diplomatic of exchange space. james, they're sending a big picture questions to ask. but 1st, you, as our diplomatic editor, met mister abdulla, hand of the, the late ringing, foreign minister,
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any observations of your interviews with him. i met him various um the briefings that he had with during this interview to him when he was the deputy for a minister in charge of from affairs in the region. he had had a long career as a diplomatic. it worked as an impass of the one point, very, very different from his previous to. so i'm a job into the relief was a much more emotional personality was hot on his sleeve, always smiling, laughing, but then when he was unhappy, you will be contented. he was much, much more gall days and what was the polite and professional and would you speak to diplomats about him even western diplomats who, who were opposed to her on those that was still dealing with a rob, felt that he was at least a conduit to get the message across to, to the big picture of the, of the writing into ministration. it's a difficult jump being the foreign minister of rob, because you've got more than one boss,
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you've got all the and basset is reporting to you in the foreign ministry you of been responsible to the cabinet and the president bots. you mustn't forget and you have good relations with the revolution regards. they have an input on foreign policy, particularly in the region. and then of course, the big boss setting the strategic direction is the supreme leader. so it's a difficult balancing act. and i think most observers think he was planning a pretty managing to bonham style with some skills because if you're a ring and foreign minister you're playing for really high diplomatic takes it can, it has to be said, listen, can you explain to our viewers who are sort of newer to this story, the roles that iran plays, the, the links it has to so many groups across the region. many wrong is in many ways in terms of what we do here covering news in the region. one them. but the most interesting countries, because it has the thing goes in so many pop pause. you've been speaking to some of
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the places you want in this program. speaking to a colleagues in a rock speaking to a colleagues in syria, they've involved in yemen that are involved of course, because links with a mouse in guns. so it wrong, very, very important regional plan. interesting relations with its neighbors as well. you know, other countries like pockets the homes, they, there was a conflict brief comfortability of us yet between iran and pulse cust on tents relations with i've got a song where of course you have so many african refugees. you've spread inside iran and you can even go further afield. the war and ukraine i know been discussing that as well. it runs very good relations with russia mean that iran has been getting some support from russia in terms of minute treat technology, but more going the other way in terms of missiles and drones that iran has. many,
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most observers believes supplied to russia and many believe that those have been one of the factors that may be starting to turn things in the last year or so to russia's advantage in that war, new crime. so since iran has its fingers in so many regional pies and even as you said, further afield, you, when you see the headline uranium president dies, you would expect a, well, this could be an earthquake it's, it's no one actually expects it to be a nurse quite can you explain that? well, i think the all sorts of factors we need to watch closely. you all going to have elections, elections, or a mass mobilization of people. what the government in around wants to happen. that may be some complications to get people on the streets. you might get some protests . so the are also some unknowns here. but in terms of what i think the supreme plato would like it would be, continues to see. it would be another similar figure to re see becoming the president and the supreme leader is the one that sets the overall policy and the overall policy. i think with all of these files,
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the supreme leader doesn't want it to change. having said all of that, different people in jobs have different relationships with others. some of these people have relations in the past with other regional, if it goes with some international figures, there are radians who have relations in the days before the rom, nuclear deal collapse in 2018 with american figures. so there may be a chance to rekindle some trust from the past, and those are the rule direction that won't change. maybe a little bit of new owns with different people involved in these children. it's really interesting. so no major changes, but it does create little spaces here and there where you could see variations where you can see subtleties and the needle moving perhaps a little bit. so i suppose we'll have to wait and see exactly in what way james bay's thank you. so much for joining us. let's take a closer look at the helicopter involved in the crash president, racy, and his entourage. we're traveling in a us manufactured bill. helicopter of his craft is
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a to blade model designed normally for carrying aerial, firefighting gear, and cargo and mounting weapons. but this particular one had been reconfigured to carry passengers. it can carry 15 people, including the pilot. this model was 1st introduced in 1971. so more than 50 years ago, sanctions and made it difficult for ron to obtain parts of a new aircraft, kind of bailey as an aviation analyst and pilots. and he says that changing weather conditions can post challenges even for experienced pilots as typically the pilots were flying president, some countries around her tremendous experience. a lot of them are, are veterans of wars and, and they know how to operate those helicopters and how to fly in all conditions, including low level at nighttime and bad weather. but it is a risk and flying in a helicopter is also a risk. it's a very complicated machine and you don't, the issue is when you're taking off and the weather is clear and then you are not.
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when this rugged uh forest liked rain. uh, there could be farmed developing areas that you don't expect far to develop. and it wouldn't be on weather forecasts. it wouldn't be unmatched. it wouldn't be on radar far. could pretty much pop up anywhere very, very quickly and very much sneak up upon the pilot. and the interesting thing here is, uh, the lack of communication is barely disturbing and you know, as a pile, but you're trained to fly the aircraft 1st and worry about communications. secondly, so in this case, because there was a lack of any kind of 911 or a distress call to the ational rescue authorities leads me to believe it apparently had a very difficult time controlling. i know it better than aircraft and keeping it in the sky. he was focused on that and about when the communications might have taken
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a back seat as far as the the priority went. but apparently, why don't you simply, he could have hit a button on the control stick with his style and he could have made a distract distress call on the fact that that did not happen means that he had a serious situation. i was ash to take a quick look at what we know happens next in a rainy and politics. the country is constitution says in the event of death, absence or illness for more than 2 months of the president. the 1st vice president, with the approval of the supreme leader shall assume the presidential powers a council that includes the speaker fundament chief justice. and the 1st vice president will then be required to hold a new election within a maximum of 50 days. joining us to discuss this is luciano, is that gonna? he is professor of golf politics at guitar university. so, we've got to talk about the next 50 days, a little bit and beyond. the president is dead. the 1st vice president is going to take over as interim president and then question mark, there has to be an election. we don't know who the candidates are, of course, because it's day one. of course there is no kind of yet and nobody was expecting
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this to happen. and usually, i mean, since 1981 i'm putting out for the press, here's the or with several times. so there was not even a discussion about who would run against the advice see, and next he had to do the 5 when he was a be a really good. so, and now we have to start from scratch to, to, to, to, to see who is going to be the candidate. and we know that from the close, how about they've come, that would be couple of people that would, might be interested in running, but nobody has really support from that. probably because it's probably spend restore the what's happened 2021 with very big figures like i need the money and or even the money is out there for a honey that the were rejected by they've got been cause it. so there is no a single single note them kind of upset, but a likely candidate and from that reform is come. and of course, that is nobody that might be interested because what's happening in 2021 of the most likely that they reform is have no capacity to affect the boat. so this is
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going to leave a vacuum right. i mean, did the ring and system is, is fairly rigid. there are a guard rails in place, not everything is going to change in the country. we will establish that. but there is to some extent, a vacuum of food to replace, obviously re seats what career path, what kind of president, etc. exactly. i mean, it is, it's not the 1st time that this happened. i mean, 19, they did the beginning of this one, whatever, some 2 times they had to replace the depression and was following, featured on 2nd for, for being killed in the, in the middle fees or the beginning of the settlement of as a. but there were other figures that they were, i mean, likely to become impressed and how many they became very quickly depressed. and his is now that neither but no. a concern that the member i see was one of the come to this to succeed in a, a. we don't have anybody that can really, it's a heavy weight in politics more were considered what's happening for the 212021.
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was a breakdown in, in watts electronic. funny because she story ended on. yeah, that's the last presidential election. the one they saw gracie elected that he faced no competition at the end of the day, there was nobody from the reform is neither from the go sort of become completed. many of the, many of the big candidates were sideline. their candidacy was rejected by the uranium system, so to speak. so now we, we have to wait a couple of weeks until they, they, they said the dates for the elections and we, we stopped to see at the, but the, the one to become a candidates most probably from the go. so if it comes, we can, we can think about it people that they have been brought in before. like i got a box the head of the find them and, but since he's the head of the front of me is one of the, the presence in charge of setting the dates for the next us. he's going to be likely that he will have on the spot seems to be to try to become expressive. you mentioned something very important. the succession, not just who the next president is, but who the next supreme leader will be. now this is a, this is a sort of, uh, this is
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a major question by the supreme leader is in his eighty's. he's an old man and he is in, he is reported to be in good health. so it's not an immediate concerned as far as we know, however, it is racy, was reported to be one of the as one of his possible successors. i would note i had a guest earlier who said no, that's not the case. he would, he wouldn't have been interested in the job. there are many outlets that many analysts, i should say that so racy is a possible successor uh, to accommodate you though. well, of course we, we, we never know one people this happened and unfortunately we will not see that a many people are naming him. i also was always gonna say that he was very young, but a 60, we have been discussing about the succession of how many just 20 years ago. and most of the candidates that they were mentioned since then. they already died. so now there's no fee or that kind of really and because the that the parts it looks like that sort of off of how many, because most of them the over the past,
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it will even younger people then then him. so now we have to go to a 2nd layer of a religious segers that they were not part of the ever able to send out a group the the cheap days. let me get a hold of them. but people like right seen are on fifties. that can be, i mean, no one of them is us squarely above us. i mean, they, on the people that the over the past, like wrestling johnny or myself economy or i others eh, but they need to, they need to search for something either one or 3 according to the questions you know, can be a common sort of leadership. all right, and china is that good? i thank you very much for joining us and for your analysis today. let's recap what we know so far. it runs presidents are bringing racy, foreign minister hosting. i mean, i have to lock in a provincial governor and the mom and their body guards have all died in a helicopter crash the across went down and they did more forest and northern iran near the border. we announced the by john,
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a radiant officials have said the mountainous terrain and heavy fog impeded search operations. and how much has issued a statement morning, uranium presidents and foreign minister saying these leaders supported the legitimate struggle of our people against the zionist entity provided, valued support to the policy and resistance, and made it tireless efforts and solidarity and support. they also made significant political and diplomatic efforts to stop design is to aggression against our palestinian people a let's bring in our correspondence tar cowboys, whom on this topic. you're in there, obama and central gaza. you're obviously reporting on israel's war on does it. there's a lot to be said about that. before we get to that though, i want to ask you more on the reaction where you are in the gaza strip, including what we just read from home us. yes, in fact, a serious loss has expressed its own and is in see it condolences with the run your
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nation for the loss of the run you and present it alongside with the iranian for administer officer, the helicopter being crushed a after returning from a visit from one of the board at towns with the neighbouring as redone as the relationship between mazda and israel, to which moss and iran sounds to be, uh, the uh, strongest of, uh, uh, specifically that you run has been the main support to, oh, for how much in terms of the intelligence financial and also all kinds of diplomatic support being covered for how much, why that you're running, and by that run your nation's and they be statement of how much has been distressing on the good out standing roles that the around you, the president has been playing of the course of the past a couple of years in terms of providing support politically and militarily, to the a, to the how much movement to you inside the strip as the statement as well has been emphasizing the ability of the run your nation till probably past the repercussions resulted from the death of the running of the presidents and how they can coup with the situation. and then
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a very effective mind as the relationship between post pods. it continues to grow day by day as how much movements have been also praising all the rules that being played by the run. you know, officially on the course of the past decade in supporting palestinians and in particular palestinian groups as well sir. yeah, tarik, thanks for that. we've been getting reactions, whether official or otherwise, from around the region in iraq and 11 on. now you're telling us what the reaction is in the gaza strip. i want to move on, of course to the what's happening in the strip right now. more than 35000 palestinians have been killed israel's offensive on rasa in the southern part of the strip continues and expands. you're in the central part in darrow bella, bring us up to speed. well, what's happening through in the past 24 hours is key escalation by the it's very military, not only in the north end of this out to the cause district,
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but at the same time in the central areas as we kept hearing different loud explosions as a find thing is about seeing again between the palestinian fighters. the is very military, but this time in the eastern areas of darren bye. this is what palestinians have been told to seek refuge. now that is what the military is talking to a very limited military, encouraging eastern areas of dairy butler has palace. thing is trying to confront to that a military, encouraging of the city alongside that's in the north of this trip. i'm bowman continued as we have been hearing different statements, but i was thinking, um, troops showing that there has been even take it in gauging in bottles with these by the army as they managed to destroy. and i'm part of the tags and build those is that are right now with the racing in the central areas of devalue a refugee camp as well. we have been hearing from medics that both out and come on as one hospitals, all surrounded with onto the re turns and also east valley troops that are going to take full military control over to
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a valley upon the whole south of the territory including russell attacks did not stop in the past couple of hours with at least 3 palestinians. half the report killed off to a residential building was completely destroyed as the desk to keep raging. and keep stephen mounting to reach within 7 to palestinians being killed within the past 24 hours. as the antonius trip has been under the east very fire since the hours of this manage. there are a couple of whom importing from the gaza strip. thank you very much. talk of the ukraine's heart keeps city and its surrounding villages have been hit by a series of aerial strikes as russian forces portion to the northeastern region officer has gone home and was in the village of chuck costello's over just after a rushing beside the tech to cascade most of was a quiet village, just no footpath. keith,
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where people came to fish until 11. am this sunday the me so ripped through the country club and the like sure, we run into valentina wondering the road outside people. what's happening in the hole for a fragment, he's my head here a little bit my blog congealed. it smells at that. then i called my husband, but she didn't pick up. you know, he was lying on the lake shore was his dog will, his stay there. her husband is one of the dead who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key if you crane 2nd city, russia has been bombarding it for months, hitting industrial targets and for residential buildings. so military, unless, believe it's an effort to push the population out, authorities to know if there was so just staying in the country club. so maybe it's less, this is not even a so called soviet press base, but the russians like to say, and what's the importance of your plan? what
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a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes that they beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village. the windows of lane. the roof has been damaged here as well, but it's not just that it's the people they've been lost or been injured. a beach, a sister and a husband, a disciplined back to see the family of the leaving for all. and this is start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike here, and we'll just let me, which she said, gosh, just in her breast. that's what caribella did not have to close them. and but dodge them at my brother in law's good, like that's almost and set out. and his stomach was one of them, but land kia and the blood tests pouring out like a fun thing just
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a moment for you. i'm glimpses of now taking both away and beats is mom lou, both start sweeping up while she waits for the nurse. for the impact to what's happened here, hasn't yet some kids on the home and out to 0 to castillo's all the few cried taiwan, who president lighting has been sworn into office. thousands of people gathered in taipei for the ceremony. ly is expected to continue his predecessors, policies of independence for the island. badging has labeled a dangerous separatist for refusing to accept chinese sovereignty. i went to cooling china to seize the political military, intimidation of taiwan, share with taiwan the global responsibility of maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan straits, as well as the grace of region and to ensure that the world is free from the federal government and has this update, some type a of the incoming life presidency is largely seen as
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a continuation of the previous administration. but liking the will be facing a number of challenges, particularly because the legislature is divided. now that was seen in the process last week in the legislature to you on or tie wants parliament. so what does this mean? well, basically you'll be much more difficult to push through bills, whether it's got to do with domestic issues, foreign policy, or even defense. and that is going to be a big issue for this government, particularly because the defense has been a focus over the past 8 years. in fact sign when's government has doubled, defend spending in the face of china, increasing aggression lighting. there will be facing more of the same from china and we've seen china step step up its way zone tactics, which are meant to intimidates ty, once military, and put psychological pressure. and as far as foreign policy goes,
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this government is expected to stay on track with closer ties with its biggest ally, the united states, in fact, and to me blinking the us secretary of state census, congratulations to live for the integration. and there is a high level us delegation at the event of former government officials. but along with a balancing act with china, this administration will have to deal with a number of domestic issues which for many here. and so i want are just as important as national security, that includes rising cost of living high inflation, stagnating wages, angelo birth rate, french president amendment. nicole has called a meeting of his defense and security council to discuss the unrest in new caledonia. indigenous cannick island does have refused to abandon the roadblocks, or french forces have made some progress clearing the highway linking the capitals of the main airport. at least 6 people have been killed and hundreds injured in nearly a week of unrest sparks by a leftover forms. new caledonia is a pacific island territory between australia and fiji,
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which was colonized by the french in the mid 19th century. michael apple reports the often mass of a week of unrest in the french pacific territory of new caledonia on the ground in the capital, new media, hundreds of lead security forces and police officers deployed by the government in paris to restore order. they launched a major operation to re take control of a highway linking the city and the international airport. protests began on monday when m. p is in paris, voted to allow the french citizens who lived on the island for 10 years to vote in the local election. as you don't do that, we see electronic roll is open. we are beginning law, none a citizens until the airport road suite to between the number of people here and getting the candidates. and that said,
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critics will erode the voice of parties who've been fighting against french rule for decades. all those, several independence referendums, held over the years, have failed to show significant support for a break with paris. the indigenous cannot community believes the governments latest proposal will dilute the voice of the island as they have looked at our court law. and they were supposed to be suspended. oh, we drove so it goes out of taking it to the street. so since monday night, when it went through and that's what it was, somebody balance. and it seems, i would go down without a pen, and his brush with the police force is under grow. the territory has a population of about 280040 percent of whom are indigenous conduct. they say the proposed electoral reform undermines then we see that different states you forcing the only that multiplication of variables. we see that as
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a kind of requirement is ation of our people or the estimated cost of the damage runs into hundreds of millions of dollars. the trial of destruction includes towards public buildings, businesses and cause and looted shops, supplies of food and medicine are hard to come by. a state of emergency and overnight care if you have been in place since friday and slide saw suspended, dozens of barricades put up along the 60 kilometers a stretch of road to the airport had been removed. but also i already say its not open yet because the breeze still needs to be cleared, which is like you to take several days. mike, level of the 0 sedans army is setting up more training camps as it baffles the rapids support forces, power, military group. the conflict has displaced millions of people and cause widespread destruction officers arisen, have a morgan reports in
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a training camp and undermine where women have been signing up. this playing field has been made into a military training ground. beef in the middle of a neighborhood came home through man, it's where so since summer comes every day to train as a part of a group of women. they've responded to a call by this a denise army general. i have to put the phone for all those who can to fight alongside the army, and it's war against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f a. linda, i'm a solo, vince. i joined this come to learn to defend myself. my family, i'm my relative there up. it's a full force this to cause our home and have to move. we would just place to santa state then so could out of state and then so he will really suffered, learn and ministry skills. mean i can defend myself and try to take back what's being taken from us. yeah. magazine. she's one of the doesn't in this part of the man to join the campus and slicing started in april last year, the army and the rest that. 6 have been battling for the control of the down with
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more than 15000 civilians killed as a result. and more than 9000000 internally displaced according to the u. n. an estimated to 1000000 across the border into neighboring countries while to dance army only to pose men to the bathroom fields. the conflict has seen, arise in the number of female recruits. more than 10000 have joined the training camps according to authorities, a scabs for women and girls like best one can be found in many areas under the control of the signees army. that's largely the result of what they've been subjected to since the start of the conflict with sexual violence against women being carried out by both sides rights groups also accuse they are a staff of sexual slavery and abducting girls. at least 140 women have been raped according to the, to the new center for combating violence against women with most to being carried out by the ro staff. some women see the fear of they are they loved ones being
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subjected to such violence. prompted them to join the camp and learn how to handle the weapons. and we've heard that there were numerous violations by the recess, including assault looting, killing, and recruiting children. so that's why i joined the camp. i want to be able to defend even to a small extent, to protect my sisters or children from being recruited. the caps are supervised by government forces, who are being criticized for recruiting civilians to fight out of fear. that would why didn't the conflict comp and managers the only those who want to join are trained. those lex austin, hosting their family, displaced or learning to content themselves in a conflict where both wearing sites are determined to when and where civilians have suffered the most. people morgan ultra 0, i'm through man. so before we take a break this hour, let's recap what we know so far from our breaking news. it runs president abraham racy, has died in a helicopter crash, also on a helicopter,
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where he runs foreign minister has sent me of deluxe in a provincial governor. and a mom and their body guards, the aircraft went down and the does more forest in northern iran, near the border with us by john late on sunday range and officials have said the mountainous terrain and heavy fog in the area made the situation difficult. forcing teams their search and rescue teams on the ground to search on foot and were just getting in the very latest pictures from the crash sites in northern iran. you see there in the midst in the fog that's been talked about. we know that the vice president, the 1st vice president, will now be responsible for running the country for the next 50 days. so he's going to be entering president ben, a special council made up of senior iranians. biggers will need to call an election for a new president. so expect that presidential election in iran is sometime in the next 50 days. that's it for me. several venue for this news hour. we take very short
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break. we're back in 2 minutes with more on this a palestinian who were expelled from their lands in the neck of 1948. still don't have the rights of return today is that the land was extorted and settlements were built. 20 houses 0 worlds, goes back with young, good old palestinians to re discover their ancestral homes. why doesn't my grandparents stay here? why aren't i here? returned to palestine on al jazeera. hearing this time, sharp populations have declined 70 percent, and we're still not doing anything about it. understanding the reality plays that floated reporting from the ex whatever happens next
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to the university have already made history out to do is teams across the world. bring you closer to the house at the story. unique perspective. why is it the doctors don't get to have a saying any of the medical workforce has been so i'm devalued by the british government for such some time on hub voices. tick tock had been a place for organizing politically, for getting people to vote for getting people to protest, connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. why is our government taking us to work on the basis of live? we the public have to get out there and do something about it. the stream on al jazeera, the,
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the . ringback the the runs president abraham racy, has been killed in a helicopter crash. the foreign minister and 7 others were also killed the fellow and several then. yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is allison 0 life from the also coming up rice, he was on his way to the northern city of temporaries flying through heavy fog, which tempered search operations for hours. as the nation moran's iran supreme


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