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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 20, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the the . ringback the the runs president abraham racy, has been killed in a helicopter crash. the foreign minister and 7 others were also killed. the fellow, i'm several venue good to have you with us. this is elsa 0. live from the also coming up. racy was on his way to the northern city of temporaries flying through heavy fog, which tempered search operations for hours. as the nation moran's iran supreme leader promises, there will be no disruption to state business. and russian forces escalate their
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attacks on you crazy or keep city advancing into the northeastern region. the it's a t n t that's 11 30 am in iran where people are mourning the death of the president abraham racy and sundays helicopter crash the wreckage of the aircraft carrying racing and 8 others, including the foreign minister has been found. it went down in a mountainous area in northern iran. rescuers are retrieving the bodies. heavy slog in a mountainous terrain may be hours, long search operation extremely difficult. prayers have been held across the country. iran supreme leader ali harmon, a has a short people that state affairs will continue as normal genesis these 2 are beloved compatriots. whether you sit here or listening from home, be sure that there will be no disruption to the states of stairs. let's look at
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a map. the wreckage was found in the east as a by john province of iran. president racy began his journey in the board of the town of the foreign, near as a vice on from there he headed towards the city of to breeze and north west in iran . the helicopter then went down in a mountainous region near whose e. so abraham races, death springs to an end, a career expense at the hearts of uranian, clerical establishment for so sort our looks back at his life. your brain where you see what's going to collect because family emission that you're on the 2nd largest city and home to the heart is she almost been trying in the wrong was 5 years old. when his father, we known cleric died. his family is close relations with the clerical establishment, helps him, climbed the carrier leather. at the age of 15, he began his studies in the city of cool, the center of the most prominent islamic seminary in the country. among the credits he started on there was the wrong schools helping them either or they come on a part of the revolution. in 1979,
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i took them and they became your arms president. embrace who was appointed prosecutor of the city of coverage at the age of 20. 1983, he married deductible. how many of them on hold on a partial credit represent the 2 of you, ron supreme leader in my shot, 2 years later, at the age of 25, chris who was appointed deputy prosecutor in the capital pet wrong. he was one of the 4 judges who sat on secret tribune is established in 1988 pauses of prisoners were sentenced to death and then execute at a didn't media confidence in 2021. he was asked about his role, what role i've done during my times, always i've moved towards defending human rights to confront those who disrupt the rights of people. and committed isolate. crimes has all carried out and t security actions. i think the, well, how many races mean support or was elected as the new? so people leave it in 1989. and he a point to receive as to hom,
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prosecutor gracie's rise through the judicial system, was unprecedentedly, wrapping it in the following years. he became attorney general in 2016, the supplement either named his former as to the receipt custodian of your wines. welty is really just the foundation, the son of course, the recipe which managed the strain of h. yeah. you mom was in the shop and has the worst economy holdings in various sectors. nationwide race who run for president in 2017 campaign and to fight corruption. he lost the race to his fellow collaborative for some honey. but the defeat did not tarnishes image data in 2019. so people either a point of him head of the judicial room, but not allowing him to strengthen his relations further across critical institutions. environmental in 2021. recei again ran for president premier to the election. the guardian cost will disqualify several prominent reforms. candidates who raised these challenger's coupons,
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the election uncontested. but the toner was the lowest since the 1979 revolution. as president, he promised to reconcile the people and the government to act costs then to people one to the governments, to compensate for damage restore, trust and bridge. the gap between the nation and the government, the relationship between those 2, it's all can always so many problems. but in 2022, as long as the public face, the most widespread social own risk, since it is published means nationwide, protest an overseas to lots of 4 months spots by suspicious that impulse custody of 22 year old mess. i mean, she had been arrested for allegedly violating your wives man. that's what a huge job has cut off loss when really took off. if you want us to call them, it was pretty put by decades of worst. i mean post sections the 2023 races government attempted to revive the economy and put an end to the international isolation. government normalized diplomatic relations with region arrivals,
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saudi arabia, and start from ties with russia and china subordinate for membership and the stronger corporation organization. a big group of countries, despite those are for your minds, economy remains and crisis and host a relations with west. keep your readings isolated from the international financial system. racy was a member of you onto a t h. c. as a group experts, it selects the supreme leader. many believe that he's going to cover the political and military establishment, made him a prominent candidate to succeed already come on a let's go back to, to, around now and speak to russell russell, one of the search teams doing right now. while the rescue teams, they have got the they, they have retrieve that their bodies often 9 people that were in the crash that had to go up there that you're running president, the behind bracy, the, for the minister, you see, and i made up to lie young the governor of east,
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as it'd be john province and the that you mom off the july most go off the city of diabetes where presidents had to go up. there was heading to where before being crashed and also the body off the head of the presidential security unit. pilots. and for the technician and the co pilot, and also another security guard to 9 people. their bodies had been retrieved and now are had impaired or being transferred to the city of tab, please. now they're on their way to tap res. so today, once they have arrived to, to temporaries, there will be a forensic investigation on the buttons and a proper investigation will take place and the report is going to be written from them tomorrow. we are expecting the 1st official state funeral to take place in the very same city in the city of tempe is which is one of the largest cities in,
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in iran. and that is located in the north and part of the country. so after tomorrow, after the 1st fit state funeral, then the bodies are expected to be taken to the company's capital to run. and here probably for one or 2 days. so the bodies are going to remain there. now i'm going to be open to the visits of the people who wants to respect to who wants to pay the respect and also for the state dignitaries as well. however, eventually we are ex, packed in the burial ceremony to take place in the city or from a shots due to 2 reasons. first embrace, he was born and raised in the city or from a shad. she's put to good carry a started in that city and seconds miss shed is the most important religious center. busy if you want because of towards the trying of a mom a according to the 12 or she i believe so that's why it is also side of permits for
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manual she has across the world now. so we're expecting him to be buried in mesh had these off their, of their, of the state ronstadt roughly the estimations. now that probably is going to take place the burial ceremony. going to take place on friday next friday. okay, we're so, so that means body's being taken to, to breeze just to sum it all up, then autopsy, then take them to their ron and they will lie in state for 2 days and then be buried. you're expecting that on friday. what is their authority saying on causes of the crash, or is there a, is there a search for a black box? i don't even know if there was a black box on the, on the helicopter, because it was an old helicopter. are they providing any kind of information on this, or at least saying that they're looking for that information as well? for now, the say that the, the investigation is on the way and they are looking to roll to the cause of the off the crash. so from the 1st minutes on sundays,
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at 1 30 pm local time, when that had eclipse crashed. and then just to the hours after that the rescue appraising have stopped to cease down on the new products here. the officials, the repeatedly have said that the prime of reason that they're focusing on is the extreme weather conditions. so then also there are probably the could be some of the technical issue is we had a corporate as well even talking about the old had to come to an american made one that was bought in 1979. so and considering the fact that the reading of use an industry has been under the sanctions by the western world, particularly the last states, since decades. all of the aerial vehicles that have you cop, there's a coup man. steven, distributed in the passenger airplanes spot quite old, outdated, and due to the sections that you run report,
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these are not able to replace the pods or to remove them with the more updated sophisticated technology. and so the reading and officials so far have not embraced on any of the costs, better security. they did not choose annual fixed order of forces. and they have said that the primary reason that they're focusing is the extreme weather conditions. so in the, in, in, in, in the region, but seem to come in uh, in the coming days they are going to come up with a proper investigation base and also release a report based on that investigation. but we're still, i understand what you're saying about the extreme weather conditions. we saw the fall. we see it's a mountainous region. so that does clearly appear to have been a factor likely was it raises the question of why fly the president through extreme weather conditions though. so if you hear anything about that or if questions are raised on that in iran, at a later point, please do keep us surprised at that. thank you very much for so sort are there on as, as the law has issued the statements after the death of the ring and president,
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the lebanese group said abraham racy was a strong supporter and guardian of resistance movements and their fighters in all the positions of responsibility that he held the lebanese based group added that the foreign minister was also killed in the crash. that he was also a lover of resistance movements and dedicated to supporting and assisting them as good as they know harder or correspondent and bear with. so saying that you told me last hour, there hasn't been a reaction from an official reaction from the lebanese state, but there is a reaction from his blog, which already says a lot of the world. true. but in the last few minutes, lebanon declared, okay, 3 days of national morning, following the death of the around in president ibrahim, right, you see behind me the government, the palace, flags. the lebanese flags are now have been lowered that state buildings across the country, a random club, and on enjoy, you know, good ties on the state level,
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largely because it runs like 11 on hezbollah, along with its allies, hold a political power in this country, but it's really is the relationship between iran as has beloved, but few will, will tell you that the, you know, nothing will change in the sense that yes, the around in president is powerful. he was, he had a good position in the establishment, but he was not the main decision maker in the country, especially when it comes to a foreign policy and strategic decisions status in the hands of the supreme leader that is in the hands of the brand new and revolutionary guards, and that's where as well as the relationship is with it's strong relationships with the supreme leader. the foreign minister also dying in that crash. he is a man who has repeatedly and frequently visited less than not, not just 11 on syria as well. and he's been meeting groups as part of the so called a rodney and met access of resistance showing there's their support,
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their continued support. and no diety can be replaced by another man, but he has personal relationships. he also had ties with the security establishment and their desk just weeks after the running and revolutionary guards command 11 on, in, syria killed. and then the parents is very strike on the run in conflict into mosque . so no to out. these are all lost as a for iraq, but in the bigger picture of the strategic decisions for and policies and likely to change in the near future. zayna, iran, you said iran through its allies is, has power 11 on the back can be set of many countries in the region. right. iran, it has a massive regional footprint across the middle east. can you, can you explain that to our viewers? yes, in recent years, this is one of the iranian successes, it has the you know, influence across the region, whether it's iraq, whether it's syria and whether, whether it's here in loveland on and it protects its influence. it protects its
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power through its allies since the war on gospel began in october. it runs allies across the reach of half opened upfront, whether against israel or at times against the american troops in iraq and syria. so really, this gives a run a stronger bargaining position. it gives a seats at the negotiating table. and you know, has the lot, the end of the day, also a lot of its strength and because of the support that receives from iraq and, and what we saw really in recent months, is this unity upfront strategy being tested for it for the 1st time. and hezbollah now engaged in serious confrontations with this really army, if there is any escalation that does rely on support from the iranians. a few days ago, video from the sites of industry, the strikes show the pieces of the around me and made say you to miss saw, which is a more advanced weapons reaching, reaching hezbollah. and these are, these are parts of the, you know,
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the regional pensions is relative. yvonne engaging and direct confrontation for the 1st time in april and has a lot to do with israel trying to diminish events influence whether in neighboring syria or here in 11 on. so these groups, of course, will be looking at the, you know, developments in iran and know, you know, most likely that they will look at the possibility of any internal turmoil because that could affect the support they receive from iran, saying a hold or in bare room thank you very much. i your yourself as well as the joins us now live from moscow. you look, russia is going to be looking at this closely because there are what i think can be described as close diplomatic relations between iran and russia. tell us more on that of the absolutely, we're getting official reactions right now we've had strong web presence. was even a patient saying that it for a human race, it wasn't outstanding politician and
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a true friend of russia who made an invaluable contribution to uh, to the development of good relations between the 2 neighboring countries, iran and russia for administer law rules, the russian embassy to ron, who have expressed that conditions as well as flowers are being brought to the rain embassy. most current right now, the rain and flying on the embassy building is at home. stop right now to lucian 7 to 6 across which was sent to run last night to assist in the search and rescue operation. returning to mosca, right, not quoting to the russian imagines has ministry late last night about dream piece of housing, emergency. nice thing with the ring and a box of it to russia. it was attended by new defense minister bella. we says assume a defense minister showing good chief of journal style, give ross symbols and had of a mattress as ministry career and calls. and that means hang that decision was made
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to sense to run special equipment and up to 6 to west curious, a number of terrain vehicles as well as a b one of $500.00 copes. so russia showed it's supposed not only was but in deeds and in actions. i also last night for administrators parks pass and there is a higher express rushes residence, no, totally to assist in the central creation for present, re submit expressed rushes residents to investigate because as of the incident, by the way right now we, we have voices about a strange train of co incidence that we've seen a may when russia's allies all supposed to have been assassinated or have died, including the assassination attempt on prime minister of slot carol. but states or last week. now there is this tragic incident with the top officials around and the liberal democrats policy lead need slootsky express condolences over the desk, so the ringing president noticing that the investigation was needed to figure out it will have to close that weather conditions or criminal intent. and wilson now,
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and he also mentioned this like this line out of really strange events where you'll, you're shopping all of the reporting from moscow. thank you very much. julia and homos has issued a statement morning, the uranium president and foreign minister saying, quote, these leaders supported the legitimate struggle of our people against the zionist entity provided, valued support to the palestinian resistance and made tireless efforts in solidarity and support. it also made significant political and diplomatic efforts to stop design is to aggression against our palestinian people as bringing our correspondents, our company assumed park your in darrow bella and central gaza. start by just telling us how what this means for him us. because of course, a mouse had close support from me, right. so what it means for them that the ringing president is just us a well, generally serial. how much has quite special relationship with yvonne specifically
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that to roman has been the key and main. the lloyd supports as well, for not only homeless spot for the bus majority of palestinian on troops as ron has been providing along 10 financial, political, and military support for how much and its main military. we can go cassandra gates, that has close ties with the run you in revolutionary gone. now we didn't the statement, tomas has been expressing the ability of the iranian nations to bypass the repercussions that resulted from that to take the depth of around you. that president, along with the around you in for administer the ability of the run, your lead is to conduct the situation right now off to the death of the new president for homeless. it was a great loss for the i it before the get it just of the iranian, at presidents as they have been receiving out something support from that past and who has been providing according to how much an outstanding on into multiple political and even military supports for the palestinian groups generally and for
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how much in particular cereals. okay, let's set that aside. you're obviously covering the day to day events of israel's war on gaza. you're in the central part of the strip right now. what is happening? well, what's happening is a ground you will expand, you know, the flight team to cover the entire territory, i think is very only has been to pricing since the early hours of this morning. and the eastern areas of derek. but i have where they have confrontations with the palestinian troops on with him off or protests. in fact, in that area, we continue to hear loan from boatman tongue heavy point exchange the at the same time they are continuing the manager of operations. and posing the north of this trip, and even in the past, off the video to wiley, the north is starting the we're talking about 16 spa and over a paper who's of guns and 60 and the value of risky did come. where the military right now is surrounding the main 2 hospitals allowed to um,
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to mount at one hospital in the valley. as, as be happy hearing from metix. they are just only far away 500 meters from come on at one hospital as by tools that are still ongoing to now without any kind of laptop and fighting as the minute your operation has contributed to the story and at least 300 residential house till now, in the valley, as the confrontations are getting in a very highly intense residence using different kinds of minute treat tactics. but we know from us on between the east, very so just by, in the far south. because this trip in calling you in is, is really military, had expanded their results in the city, the reaching to the north of the city, close to the coast of mine, of the territory as they are trying to make a kind of of precise and unpredictable military rates by the maneuvering troops. one rough uh continues to be a back to. so now that when the palestinian troops on the is by the army as the is body forces right now, um applies the moved through gates to fight in
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a rough spot where right now we're talking about knowing divisions of working across the antonio territory. so okay, tara, god bless, whom importing from darrow, by the, in the gaza strip. thank you very much. talk the your brains are key city and its surrounding villages had been hit by a series of aerial strikes as russian forces pushed into the region houses. there was drawn home and was in the village of chuck costs gallows over just off the russian. miss cytotec costs good lives over. was it quite village just no football, keith where people came to fish up until 11. am this sunday, the me so ripped through the country club home the like sure. we run into valentina one during the road outside people. what's happening in the hollow for the footsteps, giving a fragment, he's my head here
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a little bit. my blog congealed. it smells at that, then i called my husband, but she didn't because, you know, he's lying on the lake shore with his dog, where he stays there. her husband is one of the dead who disabilities just 20 minutes from how to key. if you crane 2nd city ross has been bombarding it for months. hitting industrial targets and residential buildings. so military unless believe it's an effort to push the population out. well, thirty's, the noise was so just staying in the country club. so that was left. this is not even a so called soviet pressed base. the russians like to say, and what's the importance of your plan? what a place this is absolute nonsense. people had told us that with 2 strikes that they beat to showed us what they did to her house. you can see the range of the last day of the destruction in the houses in this village. the windows of
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lane. the roof has been damaged here as well, but it's not just that is the people they've been lost or been injured. be to sister and the husband just flown back to see the family of the leaving for all and just to start the will. they were outside when the 2nd strike here, when they are, which should be able to have gosh us and her breast. her balance did not have to close the end. but does the at my brother in law's good, like of us almost and set out. and his stomach, one of them was land kiera and the blood test board and out like a fun thing and culture. yes. a balance as of now taking both away and beats as mom lou. both start sweeping out while she waits for news for the impact to what's happened here. hasn't yet so in can john holman out to 0 to to casket. loss
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of a few cried high ones you president light ching to has been sworn into office. thousands of people gathered in taipei for the ceremony. ly is expected to continue his pre disastrous policies of independence for the island. beijing has labeled him a dangerous separatist for refusing to accept the chinese sovereignty. i went to cooling china to seize the political military, intimidation of taiwan, share with taiwan the global responsibility of maintaining peace and stability in the taiwan straits, as well as the grace of region and to ensure that the world is free from the federal government has this update from type a of the incoming life presidency is largely seen as a continuation of the previous administration. but liking the will be facing a number of challenges, particularly because the legislature is divided. now that was seen in the process last week in the legislature, you on or taiwan parliament. so what does this mean?
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well, basically it'll be much more difficult to push through bills, whether it's got to do with domestic issues, foreign policy, or even defense. and that is going to be a big issue for this government, particularly because the defense has been a focus over the past 8 years. in fact sign when's governments has doubled defense spending in the face of china, increasing aggression lighting. there will be facing more of the same from china and we've seen china step step up its way zone tactics, which are meant to intimidates high ones military and put psychological pressure. and as far as foreign policy goes, this government is expected to stay on track with closer ties with its biggest ally, the united states, in fact, and to me blinking the us secretary of state census, congratulations to live for the integration. and there is a high level us delegation at the event, a former government officials. but along with a balancing act with china,
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this administration will have to deal with a number of domestic issues which for many here. and so i want are just as important as national security, that includes rising cost of living high inflation, stagnating wages, as well. over 3, a french president amended and my call has called a meeting of his defense and security council to discuss the interest in the pacific territory of new caledonia. indigenous conic islands have refused to abandon their roadblocks. however, french forces have made some progress. clearing the highway that is linking the capitals of the main airport. a 1000 police officers and delete forces have been deployed to restore order in the french pacific territory. protests began a week ago in response to proposed changes to the electoral law. the critics, they will dilute the voice of the indigenous kinda community sedans. army is setting up more training camps as it baffles the rapids support forces paramilitary groups. the conflict has displaced the millions of people and caused widespread
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destruction houses. there is hippa, morgan reports from a training camp and them dorman, where women have been signing up. this playing field has been made into a military training ground based in the middle of a neighborhood in home through man. it's where so since summer comes every day to train as a part of a group of women. they've responded to a call by the sudanese army general after the fun for all those who can to fight alongside the army. and it's war against the parent military rapids support forces or r s f, a blind, i'm a soul events. i joined this come to learn to defend myself. my family, i'm my relatives there up. it's a full force this to cause our home and have to move, we would displace to santa state dental cuz out of state and then so he will really suffered, learned ministry skills. mean i can defend myself and try to take back what's being taken from us. yeah. magazine. she's one of the doesn't in this part of the man to
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join the camp and slicing started in april last year, the army and the rest that. 6 have been battling for the control of the down with more than 15000 civilians killed as a result. and more than 9000000 internally displaced according to the u. n. an estimated to 1000000 across the border into neighboring countries. while sedans, army only to pose men to the bathroom fields, the conflict has seen, arise in the number of female recruits. more than 10000 have joined the training camps according to authorities. caps for women and girls like this one can be found in many areas under the control of a sudden these army that's largely the result of what they've been subjected to. since the start of the conflict with sexual violence against women being carried out by both sides rights groups also accuse the recess of sexual slavery and abduction girls. at least 140 women have been raped according to the.


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